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tv   BBC News at One  BBC News  January 4, 2017 1:00pm-1:31pm GMT

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a parting shot — britain's outgoing eu ambassador attacks the government for ‘muddled thinking' in its approach to brexit. as sir ivan rogers quits ahead of break—up talks, arguments over whether those involved in the negotiations should believe in brexit. we should have somebody leading for the uk who clearly believes that the outcome can be beneficial to the uk. i think that makes us all believe what we already suspected, which is the government does not have a plan. we'll have more on this growing brexit spat. also this lunchtime: shares in next dive, as the retailer reports falling christmas sales and warns of ‘great uncertainty‘ post—brexit. an israeli soldier filmed shooting a wounded palestinian attacker is convicted of manslaughter. a bbc investigtion uncovers the private ambulance crews responding to emergencies afterjust an hour's training. and: one of our dinosaurs will be missing. dippy the diplodocus is dismantled, ahead of a two—year tour of the uk. a bit sad that he is going but maybe
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ican a bit sad that he is going but maybe i can see other dinosaurs. and what do you think of him? he goes raw! he goes raw! and coming up in the sport: hull city's search for a new manager has started, following the sacking of mike phelan afterjust three months in permanent charge. good afternoon, and welcome to the bbc news at one. the uk's outgoing ambassador to the european union, sir ivan rogers, has attacked the government for ‘muddled thinking' and ill—founded arguments in its approach to brexit. sir ivan, who resigned yesterday, said he didn't know what ministers' negotiating objectives were. in his resignation letter — seen by the bbc — he urged colleagues in brussels not to be afraid to speak the truth
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to those in power. our political correspondent, ian watson, reports. camera shy in public, outspoken in private. sir ivan rogers has exited his role as britain's eu ambassador. when the bbc revealed his private advice that a trade deal with the eu could take ten years, he was attacked by some leave campaigners for being pessimistic. diplomats are supposed to be, well, diplomatic. but in his resignation e—mail, he is anything but. he tells his staff, i hope you will continue to challenge ill founded arguments and muddled thinking, and that you will never be afraid to speak the truth to those in power. so until a recently faceless bureaucrat in brussels resigns, why should that matter here in britain? well, the clock is ticking on the uk's departure from the eu. the process has to get underway by the end of march. now, it was sir ivan rogers' job to find out and then report back
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the thinking of other eu member states before these crucial negotiations begin. it will take time to replace him. the government can't yet tell us a timescale and some former whitehall mandarins say his experience will be sorely missed. ivan rogers leaving at this time so shortly before the triggering of article 50, is a loss to the government because he is a man of great experience and expertise in european matters and deep knowledge. and we need that sort of experience to take forward the negotiations. you know her catchphrase by now, ‘brexit means brexit‘. but the most damaging accusation in ivan rogers' resignation letter is that perhaps she isn't so sure what it means after all. he says, ‘we do not yet know what the government will set as negotiating objectives for the uk's relationship with the eu after exit." i think that makes us all believe what we already suspected, which is the government does not have a plan. it does not have clear objectives for these negotiations. that's quite different from not
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revealing your hand, not revealing your tactics. it means you don't actually know what you want. david cameron tried to negotiate a new deal with the eu ahead of the referendum. many leave campaigners blamed sir ivan rogers, their man in brussels at the time, for not pushing the other eu states hard enough in those talks. so they say his early departure as our eu ambassador is no great loss. it makes sense that as we go into what is an incredibly important negotiation, we should have somebody leading for the uk who clearly believes that the outcome can be beneficial to the uk. i think it is fairly apparent that that was not sir ivan rogers's view. sir ivan rogers is likely to be replaced by another senior civil servant to negotiate our departure from the eu. but this diplomatic appointment has now become highly political. ian watson, bbc news. in a moment, we'll be speaking to our diplomatic correspondent, james landale. but first, to brussels, and our europe correspondent, damian grammaticas. what do we make of this row there? well, it is interesting. the
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resignation of an ambassador is an unusual event in any town, particularly this town. they don't often comment. we have heard today from the commission here, who have described sir ivan as a professional, knowledgeable person, they regret his loss. interestingly, they regret his loss. interestingly, they say he always loyally defended they say he always loyally defended the interests of his government and was not an easy interlocutor. in diplomatic speak, that is saint sir ivan was not someone who would roll over easily, defending the uk with negotiations with the eu. he handles david cameron's negotiations, so thatis david cameron's negotiations, so that is a clear signal what they think here. but you have to remember in his letter, he says british diplomats here do not yet know what the negotiating objectives will be, the negotiating objectives will be, the structure of the team, and meanwhile, in this building, in the
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commission, the eu side already have their negotiator and their team in place working out their strategy. is sir ivan said in his letter, the opportunities to flow from brexit will come from what sort of deal can be negotiated here. what does this tell us about the government's state of readiness for the forthcoming negotiations?m government's state of readiness for the forthcoming negotiations? it is not ready, it lacks the chief negotiator who will be representing britain as the ambassador, so it needs a replacement for sir ivan as quickly as possible. there are a lot of candidates but it will be part ha rd of candidates but it will be part hard to find somebody matches the scale of his experiences and his key relationships. the other point is the letter makes it very clear that in the view of sir ivan, that are not enough negotiators in whitehall, they are in short supply, his negotiating team is not ready. he reveals the tensions within government over the vision for what britain's future trade relationships
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may be, making it clear in his view, getting free trade is more than removing some authority, the eu. it requires future deals. what sir ivan is making clear is this is notjust him whingeing about feeling ignored, in his view, substantial preparations need to be made so britain can be ready in a couple of weeks when negotiations begin. the prime minister has said they will begin before the end of march. from westminster and from brussels, thank you both. the high street chain next is warning that uncertainty over brexit will mean an "even tougher" year ahead, after a dismal festive period. shares dipped 14% at the start of trading, as the firm announced a drop in sales of 0.4% in the two months up to christmas. here's our business correspondent, emma simpson. next, it is one of our biggest clothing chains, often seen as a bellwether of the high street. and it has had a difficult winter, sales
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have fallen. not a great start as retailers reveal how they fared over the all—importa nt christmas retailers reveal how they fared over the all—important christmas season. undoubtedly, it is a big disappointment that next has reported such weak figures as the first retailers report, it is one of the best on the high street. so you would think overall, results will not be that great. having said that, all retailers are not doing the same things, some are trading different strategies and there will be ups and downs. but it is difficult to avoid the conclusion that christmas was pretty disappointing. 2016 was tough for many fashion retailers. although consumer spending has been resilient since the brexit vote, people are spending less on what they were and more on what they do, like eating out. the sales run, but there have been discounts all year, competition is cut—throat and we have been changing our shopping habits by
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spending more online. next warns today things are going to get even tougher this year, a view shared by many in this industry. we have got all sorts of headwinds, we have got all sorts of headwinds, we have got a year of national living wage, costs will be a lot higher. but the real, real challenge is going to be dealing with a sterling exchange rate that is 15% also lower than before the referendum. next is warning its prices will go up by 5% this year as a result. profits will ta ke this year as a result. profits will take a hit. and inflation may mean consumers have less spare money to spend on clothes. in manchester, some shoppers say they are cutting back. we will be raining it in in the new year. definitely spend the normal amount this christmas, i didn't have to go crazy. probably pull back on certain things and see what it is like. as ever in retail, there are winners and losers. the signs are john lewis there are winners and losers. the
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signs arejohn lewis had a decent christmas with a rise in sales in the final weeks. before christmas story will unfold in the coming days. an israeli soldier has been found guilty of killing a palestinian man as he lay wounded on the ground. it happened in hebron last year, after the palestinian, abdul fatah al—sharif, had attacked an israeli soldier. he was shot and wounded, but then shot again at close range by sergeant elor azaria, who said he believed the wounded man might activate a suicide belt. prosecutors said his motive was revenge. let's cross to tel aviv and our correspondent, yolande knell. well, just behind me is the israeli defence ministry headquarters, that is where these legal proceedings took place, in a small courtroom, amid tight security. the key evidence in this trial was a shocking video filmed by a palestinian activist. caught on camera in hebron last march, a chilling moment. a young israeli sergeant cocks his gun and then this. gunshot.
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a single bullet to the head killed a wounded palestinian, abdul fatah al—sharif. sgt azaria, a medic, has helped treat a wounded soldier, one of those attacked by the palestinian and his friend. today, the sergeant was in court, smiling to see a supporter and his mother. soon afterwards, he was found guilty of manslaughter. the militaryjudges in the court here said that abdul fatah al—sharif was shot needlessly. they rejected the defence argument that he posed a threat. during the trial, the prosecution said sgt azaria acted out of revenge and broke the army's ethical code. but the 20 year old does have loyal backers, in a country where most young people do military service. they accused the army of abandoning one of its own. this soldier came to protect about little children, about families, about parents. this soldier is a hero.
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the military chief of staff and the minister of defence were against him. they elect the judges. they tell the judges what to decide. and he didn't have any hope. on the palestinian side, a different view. ahead of the verdict, id met the parents of abdul fatah al—sharif, who accused the idf of using excessive force. translation: i feel like any father would feel. i've seen my son executed on tv, murdered. it's so hard to see that, no—one can endure this. it's still hard for me every time i remember what happened. if he died instantly, it would have been much easier than to see your son executed like that. such a public trial of a soldier for killing a palestinian is very unusual in israel. the shooting happened during a wave of palestinian attacks, when there was a national debate about how to respond. and this case has proved
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highly divisive, even setting top politicians against the army's top brass. to underline those tensions, the israeli —— and israeli politician spoke strongly in support of sgt azaria soon after his arrest. he is now the defence minister and he has put out a statement urging people to show restraint about what he said was a difficult verdict. sentencing in this case is expected at a later date. thank you very much. when people call 999, there's an expectation that the ambulance crew which turns up are fully—trained paramedics. but the bbc‘s victoria derbyshire programme has discovered that some staff at a private ambulance company, based in essex, have had as little as an hour's training on how to respond to emergencies. james melley has this special report. sirens. when we dial 999 for a medical emergency, most people expect nhs ambulances and their highly trained crews to respond.
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but increasingly, nhs trusts are having to use private companies to meet demand. one of these companies is the private ambulance service, which is based in basildon in essex. it carries out work like taking patients to hospital appointments, transferring sick people between hospitals, and also provides cover for 999 calls for the east of england nhs ambulance trust. but whistle—blowers have told us staff are not properly trained, and the equipment they use is not up to scratch. the private ambulance service was in the news last year after the essex coroner criticised it over the death of 54—year—old gary paige. one of the company's crews responded to a call, saying he was suffering chest pain. they ran tests and said mr paige had got indigestion or had a hurt muscle, and didn't take him to hospital. he later died, having suffered a heart attack. we've spoken to several people that work or have worked for the private ambulance service. paul would only speak to us if we disguised his identity. he worked for pas as a medic,
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but lost his job last year. i never had any induction or training. pretty much just sent out and that was it. so you had no induction, no training? no. it was quite clear that i was working with people that, not through their own fault, were not trained. they were not competent in the job and they certainly were not confident in dealing with situations. didn't know how to take simple things like blood sugars, ecgs. didn't know how to do manual blood pressures. basic, basic stuff, really. we started to hear more disturbing stories about the lack of basic training for staff at the private ambulance service. dan duke worked at the company in patient transport until 2013, when he was sacked. thejob could require him to drive under blue lights when taking an emergency patient between different hospitals. what training where you actually given in order to drive under blue lights? an hour's training. that was it. one hour's training? one hour's training on blue lights, that's it.
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that's astonishing. it is astonishing. so what is an acceptable level of training to drive under blue lights? our whole course is four weeks long and the first two weeks are the foundation, if you like, to actually move on to doing blue light training. and then training takes two weeks. we approached the private ambulance service for an interview, they declined. and told us, the private ambulance service offers a high level of patient care to all patients transported on the service. and we do not accept the nature of the allegations that have been made. we outsource our blue light driver training to an approved training organisation used by the nhs. we started using our current provider in january 2016. all staff received induction training and full training where necessary. staffjoining us from other companies have two complete clinical skills assessments and driving assessments prior to employment being offered. the nhs east of england ambulance service, which uses the private
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ambulance service to provide cover for emergency calls, told us, the east of england ambulance service needs to use private companies to meet patient demand. these services are regulated by the coc and are internally vetted. the east midlands and the trust is increasing its front—line recruitment. but nationally, nhs trusts are struggling with the level of patient demand, so private ambulance providers, which are regulated, are increasingly likely to respond to emergency calls in the future. james melley, bbc news. our top story this lunchtime. britain's outgoing ambassador to the eu attacks the government for "muddled thinking" in its approach to brexit. and still to come. the smart phone app helping to train members of the public in first aid — in case of a terror attack. while she takes part in channel 4
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winter sports programme the jump. coming up in sport at half—past. paralympic champion kadeena cox has her uk sport funding suspended, while she takes part in channel 4 winter sports programme the jump. it's 50 years since donald campbell died on coniston water, as he attempted to break his own water speed record. he died instantly when his rocket powered speed boat, bluebird, catapulted into the air, hit the water and broke into pieces. today a number of commemorations were held to mark his death — and our correspondent, judith moritz, is at coniston water for us now. exactly 50 years to the moment since her father died exactly 50 years to the moment since herfather died here, exactly 50 years to the moment since her father died here, jean campbell road across coniston water in his memory in her hands, the teddy bear which donald campbell used as a mascot. and then, flowers to mark the spot where the record—breaker lost his life. campbell was one of a
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rare breed, a true patriot, flying the flag for britain wherever he went. the times world speed record holder was travelling at more than 300 miles an hour in it attempts to break his own water speed record in the legendary bluebird but the boat was catapulted into the air and campbell was killed instantly as it hit the water and disintegrated. this morning at his grave near to the lake gena campbell remembered her father. he was a true brit and it was beyond those days of risk assessment and health and safety. he went out and did what he did, he did at most times with huge success. and just this one time it went wrong. half a century on and donald campbell? name is celebrated by enthusiasts who also gathered in coniston water today to pay tribute to him. he's a very popular man, his
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is tremendous. he had a tough act to follow in his father sir malcolm and in his own mind he was setting himself against his father and his record. and to us he surpassed that. 50 yea rs record. and to us he surpassed that. 50 years ago today he was trying to do 300 miles an hour and the record todayis do 300 miles an hour and the record today is 317. it is a really tough record as tragically proved here. there is no innovation, no progress, without risk. gena campbell said it was years without risk. gena campbell said it was yea rs before without risk. gena campbell said it was years before she grasp the magnitude of her father? achievements and that he will be talked about forever evermore and remembered as a hero. the conditions here today are almost identical to what it was like half a century ago. crystal clear, absolutely beautiful on coniston water and of course although those memories remain vivid and enthusiasts come here to the spot where donald campbell died, it is not just about the spot where donald campbell died, it is notjust about the past. there are also looking forward to the
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future because they tell me that they have hopes of being able to see a restored bluebird back out on the water, there is work underway at the moment to make it happen and it is hoped that either this year or next year you may yet see bluebird coming back to coniston water where it was last here so fatefully 50 years ago. police in bangalore have arrested at least six people, after reports that gangs of men carried out a number of sexual assaults against women during the city's new year celebrations. several women claim they were assaulted by mobs, and cctv pictures have emerged of one woman being attacked. angus crawford reports. noisy, but good—natu red. it began as a celebration. crowds flocked to the centre of bangalore to see in the new year. but as midnight approached, the mood became darker. a series of women were groped and assaulted, witnesses said the police took little action. i think as bangalorians
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we should be ashamed, hang our heads in shame that the community and the society, the onlookers, did not take any action. the incidents have caused outrage. one politician blamed victims for wearing western clothes. it has also raised wider questions, in a country where only 1% of women feel able to report such crimes. under pressure, the police have now made arrests. we did not waste time, we did not wait to look for the complainant, we have registered the case. the investigation has started, the whole team is investigating. and we will make all efforts to catch the culprits. cctv has now emerged of another assault on the same night. look, at the top of the screen, a woman walking home. two men on mopeds stop, one attacks.
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she fights back and manages to escape. police are investigating. one night in bangalore has highlighted an unpleasant truth faced by many women across india. angus crawford, bbc news. police in turkey have arrested five people over the new year terror attack on a nightclub in istanbul. they were detained in the western coastal city of izmir. the turkish foreign minister says the chief suspect in the attack has now been identified, though he hasn't been named publicly. it's being reported that the convicted mass murderer, charles manson, has been taken to hospital. media reports say that manson, who is in his eighties, has been moved to a medical centre about an hour away from california's corcoran state prison where he is being held. prison officials have confirmed that he is still alive. with the current threat level in the uk at ‘severe' we're all being urged to think how we would cope in the event of a terrorist attack. military and civilian medics have launched a website and smartphone app called citizenaid, which teaches people how to treat
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casualties in the vital moments before paramedics arrive on the scene of an attack. smitha mundasad has more. a warning — what you see next is a reconstruction. an ordinary evening... gunfire. ..turns to terror. this isn't real, but security officials say the terror threat in the uk is high and despite their best efforts, this could happen. get down! many people could be hurt in the chaos. the problem is, it may take some time for help to arrive. police and security forces have to deal with terrorists first, making sure it's safe, before paramedics can come in. and in that time, lives could be lost. the first responders to that incident from a police perspective will inevitably be trying to deal with the people causing the threat. they won't have time to help people who may have been injured. and we know that that gap is vital
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for saving people's lives. so we're really, really interested in the work of citizenaid. yes, a shooting. there's a gunman in the street, three people have been shot. the experts behind citizenaid say the app and pocketbook give simple, step—by—step instructions to save others. but the public should only attempt first aid once they're safe themselves. and there's the tourniquet. the app says that you need to pack the wound. and then put pressure on the wound. and then keep the hand elevated. above her heart. we know from recent military experience that if we give simple skills to individual soldiers, then they can save lives when there are very serious injuries as a result of combat style injury. so blast and gunshot. and what we are really keen to do is to ensure that we transfer that learning from the military
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to the benefit of the wider public. if someone is bleeding severely, you can use anything you have to hand to try and stop the flow. don't be afraid to use a tourniquet made out of a scarf, for example. put one knot in. attempting first aid may not be for everyone, but military medics say it is better to have a plan, in case this worst—case scenario turns into reality. you're ok, are you? is that your mum? smitha mundasad, bbc news. train drivers with southern railway are cutting their six—day strike — planned for next week — to three days. but their union, aslef, says it will strike again for another three days later in the month. the drivers are striking over the increasing use of driver—only operated trains. now, to the dinosaur who's about to go on tour.
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dippy the diplodocus has been the centre piece at london's natural history museum since 1905, and has appeared in two hollywood blockbusters. but today he's being dismantled, ready to be cleaned up, and then sent round the uk on a two year long tour. he's being replaced by the skeleton of a blue whale. our correspondent, daniela relph, is at the museum now. daniela. i'm in the busy main entrance hall, which has been done to dippy for along and he is such a familiar sight to all who visit the natural museum. just on the issue of pronunciation, he is a diplocodus and today will be his very last day here inside the museum. it is busy here most days. but for those queueing today there was a good bit to be had. the first sight of dippy has been a lasting memory
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for so many children. it is the first thing that you see when you arrive. the natural history museum estimates around 90 million people have stood here and looked dippy. it is not known if the diplocodus is a he or she, but today is the last chance to see dippy at the museum. because it is the last day, people might not have seen it before and they will want to come over and that is why we have the crowds. what you think of dippy? he roars. it is amazing to think it lived a long time ago and was actually walking around. a bit sad he's going but maybe i can see other dinosaurs. dippy first came to the museum more than 100 years ago, made up of 292 bones, the dinosaur arrived in 36 cases. during the second world war the skeleton was taken to the basement to protect it. the diplocodus is a plaster cast replica of the real thing, it would have
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weighed 13 tonnes when alive. it has been cleaned up and cared for here in the main entrance hall since 1979 when it took up its current position. pulling it apart and moving the dinosaur will be detailed and delicate work. in the morning we will start to take dippy down, taking the glass barrier away and then we start to work from the tail back up to the body and then the neck and over the next month we will ta ke neck and over the next month we will take each bone down, each of the 292 bones, we will clean and inspect them and pack them up. once cleaned up them and pack them up. once cleaned up and we assembled, dippy goes on tourfor up and we assembled, dippy goes on tour for two years. it begins appropriately on the dorsetjurassic coast before moving to birmingham, glasgow, newcastle, cardiff and other locations. and this is what will replace dippy, the skeleton of a blue whale, hung from the ceiling to give the impression of it diving. being a living species that needs protecting. but today it is all
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about dippy. for those feeling a little bit sad at his departure, there are tentative plans to recast there are tentative plans to recast the diplocodus in bronze and place it in the museum grounds. but for now, it is goodbye. now taking dippy apart is going to be a month —— months of work as labelling all the bones and training them and then putting them back together again ready for the tour, that will go on over the next couple of years or so. in terms of his replacement, the as yet unnamed blue whale should be in position and hanging from the ceiling by the summer. time for a look at the weather. no bones about it, it is going to be pretty chilly over the next 2a hours. in fact we are in something ofa hours. in fact we are in something of a temperature battle ground with cold air to the east but


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