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tv   World News Today  BBC News  January 6, 2017 9:00pm-9:31pm GMT

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this is bbc world news today broadcasting here and around the world. a shooting at fort lauderdale international airport in florida leaves five dead. eight others were wounded, the government is thought to have acted alone and police have ca ptu red to have acted alone and police have captured him. the subject is being interviewed by a team of fbi agents and homicide detectives. donald trump is briefs on alleged russian hacking by intelligence officials. he vows to set up a team to stop future hacks. michelle obama gives the final emotional speech as first lady, saying the role had been the greatest honour of her alive. thank you for everything you do for our kids and our country. being your first lady has been the greatest honour of my life, and i hope i have made you proud. ‘s —— applause china wants people to stay indoors because of high pollution levels. there are fears falling snow could be dangerously contaminated. if hello and welcome. if
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security officials in the us state of florida say five people have been have been killed in a shooting at fort lauderdale international airport. the local sheriff said eight people were also wounded. the gunman is understood to be in police custody and is believed to have acted alone. this scene is considered fluid and active. one of the more critical pieces of information is we have the shooter in custody. he is unharmed, nose or enforcement fired any shots. the subject is being interviewed by a team of fbi agents and sheriff's
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office homicide detectives. that was the local sheriff. let's get the latest from barbara plett usher in washington. some interesting details have come out, including details on how the shooter may have got hold of a gun. yes, the sheriff you just heard they didn't reveal how the shooter got the gun over where he came from, but the county commissioner has said that the shooter was a passenger on a flight that came from canada and that he had checked his gun, he claimed his bag, had gone into the bathroom and loaded it and then came out shooting. as i said, the showers didn't confirm that the county commissioner is the local executive so is probably being briefed by law enforcement. according to witnesses, the shooter just calmly enforcement. according to witnesses, the shooterjust calmly and quietly walked through the baggage claim area, firing and reloading his gun at least once, didn't say anything. people were screaming and running
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and trying to hide and panicking and then he was arrested, according to then he was arrested, according to the sheriff, without being shot himself and is in custody and as far as the investigation has discovered and it is very early days yet here, they say they believe he was the only shooter and they are trying to find out now whether he was acting alone or whether he was part of an organisation. we don't know any more about the motive, do we? no information about that at all. we don't know if it was a loner or somebody who was mentally disturbed or whether it was a terrorist act. none of those things, the investigation has revealed so far. but the fbi have come in to help out the local police. they are now sort of helping the police but if it looks like it is going to be decided that it isn't a terrorist attack, the fbi will take over. they haven't done so at this point, they'll still
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trying to find out what motivated this man and whether he was acting alone. about 90 minutes after he was arrested when things have calmed down, suddenly there was a panic again with reports of gunfire at another terminal, so you had police and people running again in panic but the sheriff said that there hadn't been any other shooter discovered, that there was only one, there were no other gun fired and nevertheless, you heard him say it is an active and fluid situation and they are trying to evacuate the airport and they are trying to evacuate the airportand a they are trying to evacuate the airport and a lot of people still sheltering places, some have landed and haven't been able to get off so there was a discussion about whether they should just take off again and land somewhere else, so right now, there is a big focus on clearing the airport passengers safely and going through and sweeping it clean and making sure there is no other threat. barbara plett usher, thank you very much. president elect donald trump has released a statement describing a briefing from senior intelligance
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officials as "constructive". mrtrump has mr trump has ends a cuddle it suggested the investigation into hacking is a political witchhunt against him. he says he will appoint a team to deal with cyber hacking within 90 days of taking office. and he says that while russia, china and other countries and outside groups and people are consistently trying to break through the cyber infrastructure, there was absolutely no effect on the outcome of the election and no tampering whatsoever with voting machines. let's cross live to washington where we can speak to katty kay. first of all, with this particular statement that donald trump has released, its not exactly an about—face, is it? released, its not exactly an about-face, is it? not really. he is tacitly acknowledging that the
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russians, amongst other countries, russia, china and other countries, are consistently trying to break through our cyber defences, so he is acknowledging that there has been outsider tampering and he also says very firmly that this didn't affect the outcome of the american election and he says that america needs to control aggressively itself against cyber attacks like this, so in a way it isa cyber attacks like this, so in a way it is a tacit acknowledgement that russia was involved in hacking, but not an outright condemnation of moscow, which is, of course, where other republicans, democrats, hillary clinton and indeed the us intelligence services themselves have been heading. there is also this report that we expected would come out next week, that has now emerged and there are details. tell us emerged and there are details. tell us about that and whether it is in line with this donald trump statement. i have just got that and
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we are reading it right now. this is the declassified version of the report donald trump was given access to today up in trump tower and, of course, the administration has already seen as well. this is the report that has been drawn up by the us intelligence services on the hacking of the american presidential election. they have given us access to their key findings and the most interest is —— interesting is they are saying the russian goal was to undermine public faith and denigrate secretary clinton and harm her electability. so they are saying the russians deliberately targeted secretary clinton and they are associating this with president putin and the russian government. so i think what we have seen from them is in line really with what we heard in news reports last night that the russians did this, that this went to the russian government and it was an active effort to hamper hillary clinton's chances of winning the us
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presidential election. you have been speaking to outgoing secretary of statejohn speaking to outgoing secretary of state john kerry and speaking to outgoing secretary of statejohn kerry and he said... he had a bit to say about this issue, tell us about that. earlier today, donald trump had said, again, dismissed the idea really that there was so much attention on the russian hacking of the election and i asked him about what he thought about donald trump's reaction to this whole affair. we have an extraordinary professional intelligence community. the men and women who work every day to give us information are patriots and hard workers and some of them sometimes, in many different ways, are doing things in places of great risk, in order that we can be informed and make decisions. i think a dni clapper could not have spoken more clearly, he said that healthy
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disparagement is a good thing and disparagement is a good thing and disparagement is a good thing and disparagement is not and he felt it fell on the side of disparagement, so fell on the side of disparagement, so he has spoken to this administration and i will leave it on that. where does this leave us all know? i think what john kerry was referring to there and what is critical here is what is going to be donald trump's relationship now with us intelligence services? because as director clapper had suggested, the intelligence services do feel they have been denigrated by donald trump. there is going to be a crisis that hits the trump administration on the foreign policy front, it is almost bound to happen at some point during his presidency and he will need those intelligence services to provide analysis and provide ideas on how to keep america safe and i think that is the concern that some people in the intelligence services have here, that to come into the administration having created so much bad blood between intelligence officers and the new president isn't
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in this country's interests, it doesn't provide the best working relationship and it doesn't mean that donald trump is going to be getting the best advice from those intelligence services, so this is defining issue. donald trump's transition in the weeks running up to his inauguration are being dominated by this hacking story and how he is handling it and the intelligence services and it puts the cia and other intelligence officials into very difficult position. kathie kay in washington with excellent analysis as always and we canjoin her on world news america later this evening, where she will have much more about her interview withjohn she will have much more about her interview with john kerry, she will have much more about her interview withjohn kerry, the outgoing secretary of state. now look at some of the day's other news. police in bangladesh say they have killed one of the masterminds of last year's terror attack on a cafe in the capital dhaka which left 20 hostages — mostly foreigners — dead. nurul islam marzan and another suspected islamist extremist died in a pre—dawn raid on a property in the city. the world's biggest art gallery, the louvre in paris, says the number of
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foreign visitors fell by 20% last year in the wake of islamist attacks in the city and elsewhere in france. the director of the louvre, jean—luc martinez, said the drop in visitor numbers had cost the museum more than $10.5 million. he described 2016 as difficult. other galleries in paris also saw a decline in foreign tourists. michelle obama has delivered her final speech as first lady of the united states with an impassioned call on young people to have hope and fight for their rights. speaking at a ceremony in the white house to honour american school counsellors, mrs obama told young people to empower themselves with a good education and lead by example. she concluded tea rfully by saying that being first lady had the been the greatest honour of her life. empower yourselves with a good education then get out there and use that education to build a country
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worthy of your boundless promise. lead by example with hope, never fear. and know that i will be with you, rooting for you and working to support you for the rest my life. and that is true, i know, for every person that is here today, and for educators and advocates all across this nation who get up every day and work their hearts out to lift up our young people. and i am so grateful to all of you for your passion and dedication and all the hard work on the behalf of our next generation and i can think of no better way to end my time as first lady than celebrating with all of you. so i want to close the day by simply saying thank you. thank you for everything you do for our kids and for our country. being your first lady has been the greatest honour of my life and i hope i've made you proud.
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applause an iceberg about fifty times the size of manhattan is close to breaking away from the antarctic ice shelf. if and when it happens, it would be one of the ten largest ever recorded. scientists have been monitoring the break—up for months. they say climate change is not to blame. stretching for around 100 miles in length, the 100—yard wide rift in the larsen ice shelf has grown rapidly in recent weeks. just 12 miles of frozen material is keeping this enormous iceberg from drifting away into the sea. collapsing ice shelves are common in antarctica. as these pictures show, these fragmentations can dramatically affect the landscape, creating icebergs of all shapes and sizes. a team of british researchers have been travelling to antarctica to monitor the growing rift in the larsen sea ice shelf for several years, but they have been surprised by the dramatic expansion in the rift that's taken place in just two weeks in december.
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what we've found is that the rift that's been in this ice shelf for a number of years has broken through another 18 kilometres and is now at risk of giving birth to an iceberg about a quarter of the size of wales. and the significance of that is it is a very large iceberg that will go out into the open ocean, but the remaining ice shelf we believe will be less stable than before the rift was there. when large icebergs break off the edge off an ice shelf like the larsen b in 2002, it can have a dramatic effect on the stability of the whole structure. at larsen b, most of the remaining shelf disintegrated in less than a month. experts at the british antarctic survey are worried that any new iceberg formation could have long—term consequences. when the ice shelf loses this ice, it may then start to collapse and if that were to occur, then the glaciers that feed the ice shelf could flow faster and contribute more to sea—level rising over the next few decades. when it shears away,
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the new iceberg will be one of the biggest recorded — around 50 times the size of manhattan island. but despite concerns about the impact of global warning, researchers they receive no evidence evidence that climate change is playing any significant role in the new iceberg's formation. well, much more coming up, including the man with the printed face. we will speak to a cyclist who has had his jaw rebuilt using 3—d technology. the japanese people are in mourning following the death of emperor hirohito. thousands converged on the imperial palace to pay their respects when it was announced he was dead. good grief. after half a century of delighting fans around the world, charlie brown and the re st of the world, charlie brown and the rest of the gang are calling it quits. the singer paul simon starts
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his tour of south africa tomorrow, in spite of protests and violence from some black activist groups. they say international artists should continue to boycott south africa until majority rule is established. teams were trying to scoop up lumps of oil, as france recognises it faces an ecological crisis. three weeks ago, the authorities confidently assured these are areas that oil from the broken tanker erika would head out to sea. it didn't. the world's tourist skyscraper opens later today, it is easily overtaken its nearest rivals. this is bbc world news today, the latest headlines: five people have been killed in a shooting at fort lauderdale international airport in florida. and us intelligence officials have released a report saying russian president vladimir putin directly try to influence the
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us presidential election to undermine hillary clinton and support donald trump. now, for much of the past month, a huge swathe of northern china has been shrouded in a thick layer of toxic smog. pollution has reached such high levels that beijing's met office this week issued a warning against venturing out into the snow because of fears it's dangerously contaminated. john sudworth reports. somewhere, underneath this murky gloom, is a city of 10 million people. and for the unfortunate residents, this is normal. for the past 30 days, the average air quality in this city has measured as hazardous on the official scale. you can smell, even taste the coal dust in the air, the grim, tangible reality of this country's model of economic growth. and people have no choice but to live, eat and sleep in this
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toxic smog, 2a hours a day. "it's like living under a cloud", this noodle seller tells me. "the smog is harming my children's health". "of course i want to leave", this man says, "but i can't afford to, and anyway, the whole country is polluted". it's not much of an exaggeration. 200 miles away, the pollution literally rolled into beijing earlier this week. and stayed. a toxic mix of coal dust from power stations and car exhaust. the smog now regularly blankets a huge swathe of northern china. and it is believed to cause more than a million premature deaths a year. public concern has forced the chinese government to begin investing heavily in renewable energy.
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those working in the sector believe china can clean up its air, just as wealthier and more developed countries once had to. so the experience in the uk, they have spent, i think, over a0 years in solving the air pollution issues. now comes to china. actually, we don't need that much time for the science research. we don't need that much time to develop relevant technologies. so i think a lot of things are ripe for us to make faster solutions. those solutions can't come fast enough for this city. fossil fuels may have lifted china's economy to ever greater heights, but they are poisoning its people. john sudworth, bbc news. now the sport. british cyclist chris
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froome says he turned down the chance to use a therapeutic use exemption in 2015 because of moral concerns. the three times tour de france winner has twice previously used medications under the rule, but when given the option during a race two years ago, he chose not to. they basically said, your condition is severe enough that you need medication and the medication you need would require a tue. and that didn't sit well with me at the time. ididn't didn't sit well with me at the time. i didn't feel as if having a tue in the last week of the tour de france was something i was prepared to... didn't sit well morally with me that that was something i was going to do. you think therefore it is right we are asking questions of things like bradley wiggins having three corticosteroids in the run—up to the races ? corticosteroids in the run—up to the races? i think it is healthy to ask
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those questions but yeah, i am not giving commentary on his situation, thatis giving commentary on his situation, that is something he is going to have to address himself. that was natalie perks asking the questions and it's important to add there is no suggestion that serve bradley wiggins has done anything wrong, he was prescribed the tue for his asthma. the opening match of the third round of the fa cup is under way, between two premier league sides, west ham and manchester city, but it is very one—sided. with 70 minutes gone, west ham are losing 4-0 at minutes gone, west ham are losing 4—0 at the london stadium. with the australian open just ten days away, the world's top two male tennis players are having the ideal warm up, through to the final of the qatar open. novak djokovic is through after beating fernando verdasco while world number one andy murray beat tomas berdych in straight sets. it is andy murray's 28th win in a row. the final takes place on saturday. and that is the sport. thank you very much. there is increasing talk
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about all the different ways 3d printing will change our lives — but what about when it comes to going under the knife? surgeons are labelling the technology a revolution for the field — as the ability to print bespoke implants gives patients quicker recovery times and a better end result. katie silver's been to meet someone whose face has been transformed by the technology. george boden was a keen cyclist. but, in 2011, he had an accident which tore his life, and face, apart. i was out for a training spin. what happened next, i slammed into a piece of machinery around the corner. not a good idea to hit something with your chin at 30 miles an hour, which is exactly what i did. it ripped the whole of myjaw off. doctors used bones from a shoulder and a titanium metal plate to rebuild his jaw. they then covered it with a skin flap. but two issues remain. he didn't have any bottom teeth and his new mouth was tiny. it is very difficult to speak when you have the opening of the mouth, the size of a walnut. at her centre in north london, veronique and her team input george's ct scan into into a 3—d printer. into a 3—d printer. this is basically an oven, filled with nitrogen and powdered nylon. it has a very hot temperature, but when the laser hits the nylon, it pushes it to the point where it melts. here, they are making an engineering part, layer by layer. here in the corner is a 3—d printing on george's jaw. and it is a pretty exciting time for
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surgery. george's doctor, ian hutchinson, says that 3—d printing has revolutionised facial surgery. we use it to plan the operation, and we use it to actually design exactly what we're going to take. it has done so much for us. apart from planning the operation, george's doctors also used the model to make him an implant, perfectly fitted for his newjaw. the technology has helped him maintain a sense of hope. it has done two things. first of all, if you know that you are going to get a solution, it means you can keep going, and second, red wine helps! and there's also that passion for cycling, which survives, in spite of everything he's been through. orthodox christians around the world are celebrating christmas as eastern
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churches believe jesus christ was born on the 7th of january. dozens of cities — from bethlehem to athens — have been engaging in festive traditions — each with their own unique way. many christian communities have also been marking the epiphany day, which commemorates the baptism ofjesus in thejordan river. let's have a look at some of these celebrations. music drumming cheering they sing thanks forjoining me. i will be giving you a flavour of the week and prospects in the british isles and
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just a couple of minutes but first of all, espana across the atlantic to ta ke of all, espana across the atlantic to take a look at what has been going on with the weather across the usa and canada. significant weather conditions to west and east. this poor easterly feature started life further south, drawing moisture out of the gulf of mexico but quickly ran into some cold air which has surged into the heart of canada and produced the single figure, that the body temperatures well south in the usa. over the weekend, we will see a further conversion of rain to slow quite widely across the north—eastern states of the usa and eventually into eastern canada. coming further west, high pressure is dominant, settling things nicely. some sunshine around, does that think the temperatures. going too far west, another major system bringing moisture out of the pacific and depositing it as rain or snow, depending on elevation, widely across the western states and western canada. you don't have to go that far to see severe winter weather, it is there to be had across eastern europe, travel and
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power disruption has been significant. temperatures are way below what we would expect and the forecast is to keep more of the same coming, especially across the south—eastern quarter. there you see the extent of the cold air surging its way out of siberia in scandinavia and moving a good deal further south. that is the theory, this is what it looks like in reality. these are scenes from bucharest, where you can see the extent of the snow, a couple of metres fell widely across the balkans and it is the strength of the wind which has exacerbated both are problems with the snow and also the general cold feel. the isobars are running around that high pressure, down across eastern europe, through the balkans and into the eastern mediterranean and up again back across turkey and towards the black sea and the caspian, but it's that direction of flow and the strength of that flow which has just added to that winter chill and we suspect that through the course of the weekend, we will see more disturbed weather through the mediterranean and up across turkey
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on towards the black sea and off towards ukraine. that is the sort of temperature profile that people are experiencing just at the moment. there is some winter sunshine in rome but you will need a lot of layers to go with your sunglasses andi layers to go with your sunglasses and i don't think we will see a significant improvement over the next couple of days. temperatures in moscow might get to around —10 as we move towards tuesday. so a couple of degrees either side of —10 across the surface. closer to home, couple of degrees either side are plus 10 degrees but that relatively mild air comes at a price. less chilly than of late but much more cloud. sarah keith lucas has all the details in just a few minutes. quickly go for the latest headlines from bbc nears —— now for the latest headlines on bbc news... police in florida say five people were killed
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during a shoot out at fort lauderdale airport. the gunman was wounded, he is in police custody and is said to have acted alone. it eight people were injured. pollution in china has reached such high levels that residents have been warned against going out in the snow because of fears it is dangerously contaminated.
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