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tv   World News Today  BBC News  January 8, 2017 9:00pm-9:31pm GMT

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this is bbc news. the headlines. four israeli soldiers are killed injerusalem — after a man drives a lorry into them. icy temperatures in europe lead to the deaths of more than 20 people across the continent. also coming up the former iranian president rafsa nja ni the former iranian president rafsa njani has died the former iranian president rafsanjani has died at the age of 82. we'll get a round—up of the latest sports news, including the scores from england's fa cup. it hasn't been all plain sailing for the premier league teams. four israeli shoulders, three of
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them women, have been killed in jerusalem after a man drove a truck into them. israel says it was a terror attack, carried out by a palestinian who was then shot dead at the scene. the israeli prime minister claims the attacker was a supporter of the so—called islamic state. the victims were three army cadets and one officer. they were standing ina cadets and one officer. they were standing in a popular beauty spot, which overlooks the old city of jerusalem,. a warning, this report contains to stressing images. a hazy view ofjerusalem. this is what israeli soldiers on a training course had come to see. security camera footage shows two groups. the one in the background has just got off a coach when this happens. look at the top left of the screen. the lorry drives at the soldiers at high speed and hits them. then it backs up quickly,
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apparently trying to crush more people before the driver is shot dead. he is said to have been a palestinian from a nearby area of eastjerusalem. witnesses who saw the bloody aftermath spoke of their shock. i just saw the truck going onto the sidewalk from the road and hitting the soldiers and it took me some time to understand it was a terror attack. those who died were all in their 20s. more than a dozen others were wounded. you can still see the skid marks in the dirt here. this is the very spot where those soldiers were killed. there has been an upsurge in palestinian attacks on israelis in the past year or so, but this is one of the deadliest, and the use of a lorry is also something unusual. visiting the scene, the prime minister said this was similar to recent attacks in europe and it could have been inspired by the so—called islamic state. translation: we know
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the identity of the attacker. according to the signs, he was a supporter of the islamic state. we know there has been a series of terror attacks. there definitely could be a connection between them, from france to berlin and now jerusalem. israel has blamed previous attacks on incitement by palestinian officials and social media. palestinian leaders say they have been driven by anger after more than 20 years of on—and—off peace talks have failed to deliver an independent palestinian state. yuval steinitz is israel's energy minister. he is also a member of the security
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cabinet. he gave us more details about the attacker. this is a young citizen from jerusalem, we know he was inspired by isis and the islamic ideal. also, of course, he was incited, like most palestinians from children, by the education system of the palestinian authority what evidence do you have that the attacker was inspired by the islamic state, given the group has not claimed responsible at a? i'm not going to provide any details, i assume we will publish them later on. it's not an assumption. we know with confidence that this man, in the last several months, was inspired by isis, identified himself with isis. this
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is crystal clear for us. u nfortu nately, is crystal clear for us. unfortunately, what we see today, not just here unfortunately, what we see today, notjust here in the middle east and israel, but in the entire world, in europe, there are people inspired by isis, al-qaeda, hamas, or islamic jihad, they are driving trucks into the crowd in berlin, in nice and u nfortu nately, the crowd in berlin, in nice and unfortunately, today injerusalem. the generality is very similar. it's not just against the generality is very similar. it's notjust against hebrew people and the jewish state. notjust against hebrew people and thejewish state. it is against the infidels who are not muslims, all over the world. of course, one of the main targets is to eliminate the jewish state. it's been a very bloody year for israel, with many, many people being killed. what security measures is the israeli government considering to protect people?
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we are taking many measures. u nfortu nately, we we are taking many measures. unfortunately, we are a very experienced with fighting terrorism. ican experienced with fighting terrorism. i can tell you that, although many times it is lone wolves, in most of the cases, we managed to intercept the cases, we managed to intercept the terrace in advance. u nfortu nately, we the terrace in advance. unfortunately, we don't have 100% of success. unfortunately, we don't have 100% of success. what we saw today is, of course, the sad reality that we have to live with. for us, it's notjust extremely sad, but also extremely frustrating. let's move on, it's always called in parts of europe this year. but temperatures at the moment are well below average. in some parts, colder than even the arctic. 0ne than 20 people have died as a result, a ntifreeze people have died as a result, antifreeze is expected to continue into next week. for the homeless and poor, this has
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been a pretty grim weekend. this abandoned house in belgrade provide some relief, as temperatures plunged to minus extensive aussies. many guys are sick here. —— —i6 degrees. aid organisations have been distributing blankets clothes and food to the migrants, mostly from afghanistan and pakistan. the next few days are critical. for the health and condition of these people, it is worsening. there is ple nty of people, it is worsening. there is plenty of smoke, as you can see, we are seeing more respiratory infections. freezing air from the arctic has seen snowfall, even in the greek islands. these images show the refugee camp in lesbos. translation: the pope called on the
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faithful to look after the poor. the snowstorms add an extra complications are areas still recovering from last year's earthquakes in italy. much of central and eastern europe has experienced widespread travel chaos. ina mania, experienced widespread travel chaos. in a mania, emergency services rescued hundreds of people stuck on the roads. icy winds gusting at iklikph. the roads. icy winds gusting at 144kph. in turkey, blizzards in istanbul forced hundreds of flight cancellations, and even temporarily closed the bosporus state to stripping. top of the code list goes to russia, temperatures plummeted to -30 to russia, temperatures plummeted to —30 celsius. but didn't grind the country to a halt, people adding a few extra layers. the deep
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freeze is expected to last into next week. less tha n week. less than two weeks to go into a donald trump's inauguration as president of the united states. there's big debate and russia's hand in the campaign, alleged as it is. a report has been released stating that the russian president personally ordered cyber attacks and media manipulation. in an interview to unit six media, president 0bama said he an estimated the impact cyber hacking could have an election. let's go to washington and speak to our correspondence. in the last days of his presidency, what else did president 0bama had to say? he said he hadn't underestimated vladimir putin. he said mr putin carried out these kind of campaigns many times before in europe, but mostly in former soviet satellite states. he said what surprised him
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with the impact these kind of cyber hacking and misinformation campaigns could have an open societies and more democratic societies. he urged petula nt more democratic societies. he urged petulant here in america, but also nato allies that are going to have elections next year, meaning france and germany. who said they should not become a partisan issue, although the report concluded that mr putin tried to help mr tumble win with this campaign. —— mr trump when with this campaign. —— mr trump when with this campaign. we have to be reminded we are on the same team and mr putin is not on it. 0n the subject of that report, we have also been hearing from donald trump's incoming chief of staff, he has also had interesting things to say? he said that his boss, mr trump, accepted it was russia that was behind the hacking of the democratic party organisation. mr trump had voiced scepticism about that. i am not sure at the statement today goes
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much further than what mr trump said after he retrieved the intelligence briefing on friday. at that point, he was already conceding russia had some kind of role. what was not said is that mr trump except the conclusions of the report, that one of the goals of mr putin was to help mrtrump win, on of the goals of mr putin was to help mr trump win, on that, the president elect has not commented. he said that the interference had the impact on the outcome of the election, he has been insistent on that. although the report does not address that issue at all. in the last couple of hours, we have heard that borisjohnson has arrived in new york, what more do you know? he's going to be meeting some important members of mr trump's inner circle. he's going to be meeting steve bannon, chief strategy for the white house for mr trump. and so jared kushner, mr trump's son—in—law and key adviser. they have mr trump's ear, and that will
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be important for mrjohnson. they wa nt to be important for mrjohnson. they want to know with a special relationship is going to go. this is an unknown quantity, they were not expecting mr trump to win the election. the president has been a bit -- the election. the president has been a bit —— the british government has been a bit annoyed that the british politician mr trump is closest to is nigel farage. mr trump has also said that farage would make a good ambassador, which the british government has said would not happen. theresa may will meet donald trump in the spring, donald trump has tweeted to say that he is looking forward to that visit, and that the uk is a long—term ally and special friend. let's take a look at some other stories now. iraqi special forces have reached the banks of the river tigris which divides the city of mosul, almost three months after launching their assault on islamic state forces in the city. the advance is the latest gain by iraqi counter—terrorism service troops who've recaptured two districts in recent days.
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staying in iraq, at least eleven people have been killed in baghdad, in a suspected suicide car bomb attack near the main vegetable market. more than 50 people were injured. the islamic state group said it carried out the attack. the former iranian president — akbar hashemi raf—sanjani has died at the age of 82. he was considered one of iran's most prominent politicians — since the iranian revolution in 1979. he died after suffering heart failure in hospital in tehran. we can speak to someone from the centre for iranian studies. he was a pivotal figure in centre for iranian studies. he was a pivotalfigure in iranian politics, but also a controversial
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one. how do you think he showed iranian politics? i think they former president address and johnny denies —— defies classification is. on the one hand he was one of the founding fathers of the islamic republic. 0n the other hand, he is one of the founding fathers of irani reformism. the sort we see today under president rouhani's leadership. do you think he achieved his ambition is? i think he did. when he put his weight and influence, his political orientation behind a candidate, for example, rouhani, use all their electoral success was in many ways a manifestation of his vision, which was one that was, in many ways, quintessentially that of a pragmatic, practical politician, who believed that more creative measures we re necessary believed that more creative measures were necessary in order to reserve
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and enhance the longevity of the islamic republic. with elections round the corner, do you think he will be missed? absolutely. i think iran is pushing to reform from within, from below, a gradual integrated, indigenous reform. i think he set a precedent for the type of vision we see, that rock hard a has covered for it, and really rip setting the popular will of the country. —— rouhani has carried forward. a country that wa nts to carried forward. a country that wants to integrate into the global economy and global political landscape. but at the same time once preserve its historical, revolutionary and cultural experience. thank you very much for being with us. the french defence minister says twenty—four—thousand cyberattacks
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against french defence targets were thwarted last year. theresa may has promised more controls on immigration, theresa may says that may include leading the single market. we mustn't think that this is somehow we're coming out of membership but want to keep some bits of membership. we want to know what kind of volition ship is best for a what kind of volition ship is best fora uk what kind of volition ship is best for a uk that is no longer part of the eu. these will be part of negotiations once i trigger article 50. a big bit of that is what our trading relationship is. there are other areas, such as thejustice and security france, about what a relationship continues to be in those areas as well. what we're saying is, what is the right deal
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for the saying is, what is the right deal forthe uk? saying is, what is the right deal for the uk? not a model that some of the elves users, but what's going to work for the uk? and i think what would be the best you for the uk would be the best you for the uk would also be the best eel for the eu. we're leaving the eu, not europe. this is bbc world news today. the latest headlines: four israeli army cadets are killed injerusalem after a truck is driven into them. prime minister netanyahu says the attacker was a supporter of the so—called islamic state. icy temperatures in europe have led to the deaths of more than twenty people across the continent. the french defence minister says 2a,000 against french defence targets were thwarted last year. jean—yves le drian warned that france's infrastructure was at risk and that attempts could be made to subvert the french elections later this year. mr le drian has been overseeing a radical overhaul of french cyber capabilities, which will see the head of the army taking control
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of a new operation, cybercom. iamjoined by i am joined by a security expert in paris. he told be more about the attacks. asa attacks. as a minister of defence, you are a the target of many different actors. no single group is mentioned in the report today, but we can envision an attack coming from activists who wa nt to attack coming from activists who want to impact, from cybercriminals who want to steal confidential information, or even attacks from other states that want to disrupt your military operation. and steal the most confident to all information you have and change the weapons systems that you have. —— confidential information. why have we seen the ramping up of these type of attacks in the last two yea rs ? the different sectors, like sectors of the economy, are going through a
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digital transformation. by that is, imean digital transformation. by that is, i mean most of their processes are now running on computers and different cut ten order, even if it is adapted to the military world. these type systems are close to what the hackers are used attacking. this sort of information is increasing the probability of attack. even if we could do things to improve our systems. how do you do that, how do you better protect your systems against sophisticated cyber attacks that we've seen, not just sophisticated cyber attacks that we've seen, notjust in france, but also the united states? you have to invest in new technology to protect these weapons systems, these operational systems. like closing your networks, adding sensors onto computers to detect attacks. what you have to also do is invest in skills and improve your processes . invest in skills and improve your
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processes. these hackers are quite fast. every time there is a new vulnerability, they are able to use it. on different sides, you need to be very quick and have proficient teams that will be able to adapt to these moving frets. how big a risk do think this is to the french elections? in france, we have looked very closely at what happened in the us, and at state level, the national cyber security agency is working with the political parties to try to avoid being in the same situation. so no it's time for the political parties to invest in cyber security, and also to change the way they work. because you know a political party, by default, is a very open organisation. you have to exchange a
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lot of information with a lot of people, very quickly. so it's and easy targets, regarding cyber—security. see had to change the way you work entirely in the political party. lets get some sport review, here's jessica. plymouth argyle have earned themselves a lucrative replay against liverpool. jurgen klopp made ten changes to his starting line—up at anfield, but they were unable to break down a stubborn plymouth defence as the team from the south coast in themselves a replay at their stadium, home park. it was a great day for the travelling fans. not frustrated. i knew before the game, we could have been exactly the
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same. it could have been the same problem. it's not even really possible. it is a very important experience for the boys. i'm happy about this. i matter not sure it would have been the same experience with a 1—0 victory. that is good, actually. with the players they had playing for them today, they have all had a lot of first team experience in them. yes, they had younger players, but they are at a club like liverpool for a reason. from our point of view, we had a good defensive display. it is important we did that, allowed liverpool the ball, but we had the ball, we created opportunities. while liverpool stumbled, chelsea we re while liverpool stumbled, chelsea were dominant against lower league opposition in the third round with a 4-1 opposition in the third round with a 4—1 win against peterborough united. antonio conte made changes to his side, but there were always in control. pedro got two goals, they
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also had captainjohn terry sent off on his return to the first team. when you change nine players, it is never that easy to play a good game. you want to be a team, today we showed to be a team and play for the players that come in this moment, playing less. show me a good form. yeah, i'm satisfied for the result, and the performance of my team. a couple of other results for you. it in a couple of other results for you. itina a couple of other results for you. it in a win for tottenham against aston villa. defender ben davies and son heung—min with the goals as morrissey porcher taylor's side booked their place in the fourth round. —— millie seale put it into. weep change the system, tried to
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change the game. it was good, we scored, and after the second goal, very pleased. always difficult. pleased for the players that haven't played too much. this is important for them to get a lot of minutes now, to try and build their confidence. we had to defend well and runi million miles, because they're a good side. we had a good chance in the game, agbonlahor has got a good chance, when you hope you can take. a touch disappointed with the goal, because they didn't have to do much. for all the defensive work, one ci’oss for all the defensive work, one cross into the box, adam forshaw way we didn't deal with it. the only time we didn't, it's in the back of the net. —— unfortunately we didn't deal with it. middlesbrough were the victors over chester. abiola negredo on the scoresheet as all the premiership
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sides in action on sunday avoided defeat. with the australian open only a week away, devon trough will continue his preparation by winning his first title in almost two years. he took the first set 62 before kei nishikori came back to take the second set. thank you bury. queen elizabeth the second has appeared in public for the first time in several weeks — attending a church service at sandringham in eastern england. the queen — who turned 90 last april — missed services on christmas day and new year's day because of a heavy cold. thank you for being with one of these today, from me and the team, bye— bye. after some dull weather, as up at
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the weekend. a brief mild spell, but some snow some of you. high pressure in the south, wind off the atlantic, ahmad might instore. this tommy area of low pressure to this out, it will bring changes later in the night. gale force winds across northern ireland, and fabrics of rain. a mild enough start, but already temperatures rubbing in scotland. rain temperatures rubbing in scotland. ra i n clears temperatures rubbing in scotland. rain clears and western areas, still there in eastern areas in heavy bursts. by first thing, even atm, most will see dry spells. winds across the irish sea coasts, heavy rain starting to develop. southern parts of england and wales should be
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drier, fairly great promise of you, brighter spells in east anglia, clearing away early fog patches too. rain pushing its way an through the afternoon. double—figure temperatures possible in the southeast corner, scattering of showers, then temperatures dropping, only 5 degrees at the end of the day. during monday evening, frequent showers, gusty winds, deals to the north of scotland for a time. temperatures lower than they will be through this coming night. colder start to tuesday, touch of frost in the south and east. tuesday morning, brighter in southern areas, clouding overin brighter in southern areas, clouding over in the west. went off the atla ntic over in the west. went off the atlantic again, lifting temperatures. still says a little cool across eastern areas. mild into wednesday morning, then another change. grey conditions clearing
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away, a blustery winds and temperatures dropping from these sort of highs early in the day. after that mild spell midweek, the colder air is back to finish the week. with it some raw and icy winds. frequent sir showers to the north and west, difficult to pinpoint where we will see this no showers at this range. and then it turns colder in the south. bye for now. this is bbc news. the headlines: the israeli prime minister says it
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appears the man who drove a truck into a appears the man who drove a truck intoa group appears the man who drove a truck into a group of israeli soldiers was a supporter of islamic state. four soldiers were killed. a cold weather snap across europe has killed more than 20 people. the freeze is expected to last well into next week. the former iranian president akbar hashemi rafsa njani week. the former iranian president akbar hashemi rafsanjani has died. he was 82 and one of the country's leading moderates. his death comes four months before iran's presidential elections. iraqi special forces have reached the banks of the river tigris.
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