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tv   BBC News  BBC News  January 10, 2017 1:30pm-2:01pm GMT

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but sadly, critically endangered primates. in the wild, the population of these great apes continues to decline, largely because of poaching and the destruction of their forest habitat. findings like this showjust how much more we have to learn about chimpanzee culture. a look at the weather with louise. some chilly weather heading our way. a lot to get in this forecast, some of it quite severe. here and now, pretty dull out there. a lot of cloud, the best breaks have been to the east. a weather front is moving in and producing cloud and like patchy drizzle, nothing more. a quiet afternoon for many of us. relatively mild. temperatures will peak at highs of around 8—11d. as we go through the latter stages of the day and overnight, we start to see
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the severe weather. it arrives in the severe weather. it arrives in the far north—west, with severe gales developing across scotland, bringing heavy rain for a time, turning increasingly wintry, perhaps on higher ground through the night. further south, we keep a lot of cloud and outbreaks of drizzle, but not quite as cold. as we go into tomorrow, the wind is going to be the real cause for concern. so we have got this travel warning. be prepared if you are driving high sided vehicles, severe gales perhaps likely across scotland. 625 mph gusts of wind, frequent showers which will turn increasingly wintry at lower levels. —— 65 five miles per hour. potential across the peaks and pennines of 65—70 mph gusts. much of england and wales, relatively quiet. a few light showers across relatively quiet. a few light s howe i’s a cross west relatively quiet. a few light showers across west facing coasts. a windy start, but not bad, sunny spells coming through but it stays windy to the showers will turn increasingly wintry at lower levels.
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it will feel pretty cold into the far north, 3—4 degrees. 6—7 further south. blizzard conditions as we go through the night on thursday. some accumulation will start to gather gci’oss accumulation will start to gather across lower levels, scotland, maybe northern ireland for a time. relatively more miles down to the south—west. a front bringing some rain as we push into the south—west. this could be interesting, as it moves south west, we could see some heavy rain, particularly across channel facing coasts and the m4 corridor. the potentialfor some snow in the higher grounds and the hills of wales, the midlands and maybe the home counties, but it is mostly rain south of that. a windy and cold day, particularly when you factor in the strength of the wind in scotland, —3 or 4 degrees. the low pressure will move out of the way on friday. things a little more quiet on friday. it stays cold, so we could still have the risk of wintry showers. a reminder of our main
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story this lunchtime. the labour leaderjeremy corbyn says immigration levels in the uk are not too high. that's all from the bbc news at one, so it's goodbye from me, and on bbc one we nowjoin the bbc‘s news teams where you are. jose mourinho has promised to name a strong team for manchester united's efl cup semi—final first leg against hull city at old trafford tonight. that's despite this weekend's big premier league clash with liverpool. mourinho will come up against hull's new fellow he is known as a great coach. he went to greece. nobody knows what he... he comes to the big one. so, i hope he loses three matches and winds everyone. we replay against a big team, it is a tough game for us, sure. we will see what is up and it is good to see jose mourinho tomorrow. we will talk a bit, but we are opponents. he will try to johanna konta ‘s preparations
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continue to go from strength to strength. she had a straight win over the australian. her next opponent knocked out world number one angelique kerber. maria sharapova will make her professional comeback at the grand prix in stuttgart in april following her 15 month doping suspension. she was given a two year ban in march. her suspension was reduced in october following an appeal. she will return to tennis without a ranking and she needs a wild card to enter the tournament. four times paralympic cycling champion has criticised a decision to give athletes any seven weeks to prepare for the para— cycling championships. some athletes are yet to return to former lee mcculloch intent to training after the paralympics. —— to theirformer
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intensity of training. it is not really time to do it. for the organisations and teams to sort out the logistics, transport, hotels, flights, it is a bit crazy. i do not know whether there is an old terry emotive but it seems a bit strange it has come so late in the day —— ulterior motive. you can find more on that bbc sport website. i will have more for you in the next hour. thank you very much. just to update you on the latest figures from afghanistan you on the latest figures from afg ha nista n after you on the latest figures from afghanistan after the twin explosion in kabul. officials now say 50 people have been injured in the attack which has left at least 23 people dead. a suicide bomb attack near the offices of the afghan parliament in kabul. it has been claimed by afghan taliban fighting to overthrow the government. that is
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the latest from the apa news agency, saying 50 people have been injured, as well as those killed in the attack. more on that as we get it. more than 30 people are known to have died in recent days across europe as a cold snap continues to affect central and eastern parts of the continent. temperatures have dropped to minus 30 degrees celsius, and charities are concerned for refugees crossing the continent on foot or living in informal settlements. greg dawson reports. a view worthy of a ski resort postcard, but even injanuary, this is not a sight you expect on the greek island of crete. "you can't get through," shouts this driver, attempting to negotiate the frozen mountain roads. instead of customers, the pavement of this high street is filled with snow up to 2m high. in the greek capital, selfies in front of the parthenon may be a common sight, but rarely in these conditions. the cameras are also out in istanbul where the snow is expected to stick around until wednesday.
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i don't remember seeing the snow like this, ever. the public transportation is basically not working and most of the roads in istanbul are shut down. thousands of passengers have faced delays and cancellations at the city's ataturk airport, and ferries have been unable to run on the bosporus strait. but it is those making journeys on foot that face some of the toughest conditions. in the serbian capital, belgrade, there are more than 2,000 refugees dealing with temperatures as low as minus 20 celsius. a makeshift fire, an abandoned warehouse and a pair of slippers — the only defence for some against the freezing conditions. further north, some of the coldest temperatures have been felt in the czech republic where it has dropped as low as minus 30. at least six people in the country are known to have died from exposure and more snow is promised in the coming days. greg dawson, bbc news.
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concerns have been raised about the ca re of concerns have been raised about the care of transgender prisoners. a report from the ombudsman says staff and managers need to be more proactive and flexible in the way they've do with inmates who have changed their birth gender. here is oui’ changed their birth gender. here is our home affairs correspondent. the latest transgender prisoner to die in custody, a9, she was found hanged in his cell 11 days ago. —— in herself. jenny was male by birth but she was living as a woman, and has been taking hormone drugs to help with the transition. she was on remand at doncaster prison when she died. it is a prison for men. an investigation has now begun. a report by the prisons and probation ombudsman says there have been four deaths of transgender prisoners injust over a year, including jenny swift. the ombudsman says, since 2012,
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he has received 33 complaints about tra nsgender equality. most cases he examined related to transgender females held in prisons for men. concerns were highlighted after vicki thompson died at leeds prisons, in november, 2015. she was male by birth but had identified as a female since her mid—teens. she told friends she would kill herself if she was sent to a men's prison. the ombudsman, nigel newcomen, says too often when there are concerns about a transgender prisoners' location, they are segregated or placed in a different area within the existing jail, instead of being moved. in the past few months, the ministry ofjustice has revised its guidance to ensure that the great majority of transgender inmates are dealt according to the gender they identify with. danny shaw, bbc news. more now on the developing political
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crisis in northern ireland, martin mcguinness resigned yesterday. sinn fein and the dup being urged to enter talks to resolve the dispute which is set to collapse the institutions at stormont. james brokenshire has been making a statement in the house of commons. should the officers of first and deputy first minister not be filled within seven days from martin mcguinness‘s resignation, it falls to me as secretary of state to set a date for an assembly election. in his resignation letter, martin mcguinness said, in the available period, sinn fein will not nominate to the position of deputy first minister. i am very clear that in the event of the offices not been filled, i have an obligation to follow the legislation. as things stand, therefore, an early assembly election looks highly likely. james brokenshire speaking in the house of
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commons a short time ago. in a moment, a summary of the business news this hour. but first, the headlines on bbc news. jeremy corbyn says he wants a cap on the maximum people can earn. 15—year—old girl has been arrested and questioned in connection with the death of a seven—year—old in york. police are called in to cumberland infirmary after a number of bags of saline appear to have been tampered with. in the business news... supermarket chain morrisons has reported a 2.9% rise in sales over the christmas period — its best performance for seven years. the retailer said fresh food, alcoholic drinks, and its nutmeg clothing range had all performed well. sticking with shopping — a splurge on gifts in the week leading up to christmas day boosted sales in december, despite a weaker performance from online retailers. december sales surpassed black friday in november. last year, the average uk
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household saw a slight rise in their disposable income, or spending power. retired households saw the fastest rise compared with the previous year largely because of more income from private pensions. the messaging app snapchat will locate its headquarters outside the us in london. an odd move for a us technology company — lots of them usually set up headquarters in ireland or other european countries due to tax. joining me from the floor of the new york stock exchange is samira hussain. what is behind this move? plain and simple, they have to establish some sort of headquarters in europe and they have decided on the uk which is different to what some other tech companies have done in the us, they have gone to places like the netherlands or to island where they have more favourable tax policies. as we have seen, companies like
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google and at apple are being hit with hefty tax bills from the european union commission ‘s because of these very easy tax policies. what snapchat are saying, they are ready getting refugees from the uk, let us establish ourselves there and avoid any difficulties that means you in terms of getting a bigger tax bill later —— getting revenue. snapchat said they view the uk as a hub of innovation and creativity. is that you shared with other companies in the us? —— view. that you shared with other companies in the us? -- view. that is what snapchat are saying and using to defend the move. people will question why they are going here because they will be facing higher taxes. there is still a bit of ending known in terms of what is going to happen with the uk in terms of its relationship with the eu —— a
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bit ofan of its relationship with the eu —— a bit of an unknown. it is possible they were in discussions with others in terms of some sort of tax breaks 01’ in terms of some sort of tax breaks or different tax structures. that is still unknown. what we know for sure is snapchat is establishing themselves in the uk. do you think any other companies are likely to follow suit or is it snapchat by it self in london? it is hard to say but this move comes at an important time for snapchat. it is going to become a publicly traded company this year. it is the most anticipated tech ipo coming since 201a. we still do not know exactly when. when it comes to where they will do it in terms of the exchanges, we do not know about that either. i am sure there is a lot of debate among nasdaqs and stock exchanges of the world to try to bid for snapchat. thank you very much. let's take a look at some of today's other business stories.
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the post office is to close and franchise a further 37 of its flagship crown offices. the communication workers‘ union says this could lead to the loss of 300 jobs. crown post offices are the larger branches usually found on high streets. a two—day strike by some of ba's cabin staff may disrupt flights at heathrow airport today and tomorrow. the strike, by members of the unite trade union, is in pursuit of higher pay for some members. ba says most flights from heathrow will not be affected, nor will any flights from gatwick and london city airports. up to 38,000 staff from hm revenue and customs will be expected to move large distances as part of a reorganisation. that's according to a report from the national audit office, which said some people may need to relocate by up to 17a miles if they want to keep their jobs. that's all the business news. a quick look at markets before we go. the pound fell today hitting two month lows against the dollar and
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the euro. it fell yesterday after comments by the prime minister theresa may on brexit and britain's relationship with the eu. we will be back later in the afternoon. wolf whistles, honking horns from passing vehicles and concerns over safety — just some of the things women say they worry about when they go out for a run. according to research from england athletics, more than a third of women have been subjected to some form of harassment whilst running on their own, as holly hamilton reports. # you can call me runner # freedom is power # run, run, run, run, run. # it's quickly become one of the uk's most popular sports with the number of people in england participating increasing more than 70% in the past ten years. but if you're a woman, it's notjust cold weather that can be more than a little off—putting. with a show of hands, how many people feel they have been harassed while out running? that is pretty much all of you. it's people trying to make fun,
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have a joke and stuff, so it hasn't been harassment, but you could take it that way and could feel a bit intimidated by it. and it seems they're not alone. research from england athletics has revealed that more than a third of british women have been harassed in some way while running alone. more than 60% said they feel anxious and nearly half of those asked said that was due to personal safety concerns. i got shouted at by a couple of men as i was running around, and whistled at, that was quite intimidating, yeah. you get beeps of horns. i was running through a village i know and a group of lads started running at the side of me. it was a bit intimidating. but i kept running and thinking, you won't beat me, so crack on. you do get the odd car that pips its horn as we go past. boy racers in cars. nothing else better to do than pip their horn and wolf whistle.
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but british women are fit for it, with most insisting it wouldn't put them off altogether. running in a group is a lot better than if you're running on your own, and you feel that. when you're in a group, it's the support and everything that you go through with everybody around you, so it doesn't feel as intimidating as if you're running on your own. who's gonna mess with us?! these runners say it's about safety in numbers, so all that's left to worry about is keeping up. the hollywood musical la la land leads nominations for this year's baftas, with 11 nods, including best film. its stars, ryan gosling and emma stone, are also up for best actor and actress, just a day after winning at the golden globes. british actors andrew garfield, emily blunt and hugh grant are also nominated, as is british state welfare drama i, daniel blake. let us take a look at some of those films. # city of stars, are you shining just for me? # city of stars, there's so much that i can't see.
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# who knows, is this the start of something wonderful? if you've been deemed fit for work, your only option is jobseeker's allowance. i want to appeal. you have to apply online, sir. i was a carpenter. i've never been anywhere near a computer. you need to run the mouse up the screen. no, not that like that. i'm just gannin‘ round in circles. i'm going to have to ask you to leave. i'm trying to explain to you a situation, and you don't care. i've got about 12 quid in my purse. do you know what — you've created a scene. what was i supposed to do? jesus christ! who's first in this queue? iam. do you mind if this young lass signs on first? no, no, you carry on. this isn't your concern. i want you to get out as well. every 18 hours a door opens up.
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that's when we go in. it's time. yeah, that just happened. what happens now? they arrive. my ex—husband used to call me a nocturnal animal. i didn't know you had an ex—husband. i've been thinking about him a lot lately, and recently sent me this book he's written. it's violent, and he dedicated it to me. did you love him? i did something horrible to him. jason solomons is with me now. sergei lavrov again and clearly after the golden globes, it is the one to watch —— la la land again.
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will it have the heft to dance its way up the red carpet at the wall but full to win, i think so, yes, it will. it will convert itself to the baftas. ryan gosling and emma stone are terrific stop i love the singing and dancing and costumes and all of that, but it would not work unless there was real heart to this. the performances of the two act as if something... we talk about them being... the heart of the film, it has an indie movie coolness to it, the hopes and dreams of these two people, one wants to be an actress and another a jazz pianist, and the difficulty of making that work in real life. you have got the hollywood crowd pleaser there and
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you have got a film like i, daniel blake. ken loach. pitched against each other. you have got la la land against i, daniel blake, gritty social realist thing. i love i, daniel blake as well, the most important british movie at the moment, political year with trump and brexit, the overrated has been actress... and brexit, the overrated has been actress. . . we and brexit, the overrated has been actress... we will talk about her in actress... we will talk about her in a minute! it chimes with where britain is at now. there is the outstanding british film as well. i think it will win there, but whether it can beat something like la la land... the musical itself is the genre is designed to lift people out of the great depression and i, daniel blake says, we are in a great depression, it almost nessa ——
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necessitates double—macro. depression, it almost nessa —— necessitates double— macrom depression, it almost nessa —— necessitates double-macro. it is 50 yea rs necessitates double-macro. it is 50 years since cathy, come home. . he has been prolific as well. they do not chime as much with the public as i. not chime as much with the public as i, daniel blake, successful at the box office, goes right to the heart of britain. he dares to show on screen what even news programmes and documentaries have not shown. they go inside a foodbank, dramatising the cold fingers of hunger. the film hits home. it won in cannes. tremendously important. putting it backin tremendously important. putting it back in the spotlight will only increase it. it will be out on dvd. anything catch your eye? the overrated meryl streep who has been nominated for the 15th time with
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florence fosterjenkins. she is terrific. with hugh grant. he is enjoying a renaissance because of this film. he had crept away into retirement, press intrusion, all of that. now he is blossoming again with meryl streep, kind of like rafa nadal and roger federer, she has brought out the best in him. the put upon husband of florence foster jenkins, the world's worst opera singer. it takes real skill to sing that badly. brilliant film. you think the bafta members will go for it. it is heartbreaking as well. that is its skill, tightrope between the two. emily blunt? surprise nomination. the room, there was a gasp. she plays an alcoholic for stop based on the bestseller set in london. when they made the movie, they transposed it to america. it
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annoyed fans of the novel. we are claiming emily blunt now for the british or —— audience will start she is always good. i can she would be slightly surprised to have been nominated. naomie harris, best known the james bond viewers, playing a different role here. miss moneypenny, but completely different role in a film that i think is the one that could trip up la la land, moonlight. a young black man growing up moonlight. a young black man growing up in miami. she abandons him a drug dealer. it is a true and this performance from her, something we have never seen, adds to the movie and she becomes a great supporting role. she is the favourite to win supporting actress, i love moonlight. delicate little movie. not out in the uk yet. it will be out on january the 27th. not out in the uk yet. it will be out onjanuary the 27th. will it
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tripped up la la land? that is a very big ask. as ever, thank you very big ask. as ever, thank you very much. let us have a look at the weather. it is not pretty. rather dull. a little bit of brightness in sheltered eastern areas. it is dull and damp. the weather front moving in from the west, producing drizzle and there will be little change for the remainder of the afternoon. it is mild. temperatures climbing into double figures in some places. things will change and we could see some severe weather on its way. the winds will strengthen in the far north—west, gail is likely in scotland, severe gales. the rain will turn increasingly wintry. further south, cloudy, will turn increasingly wintry. furthersouth, cloudy, dull will turn increasingly wintry. further south, cloudy, dull and damp. not quite as cold. we start off tomorrow with a cause for
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concern to the strength of the winds. we are likely to see gales or severe gales. if you are driving high sided vehicles, there could be issues with costs close to 70 miles an hour. through the morning, showers turning increasingly wintry at lower levels. gail is likely over the pennines as well. scattering of showers further west. central and southern areas of england will start off windy but not severe gales here and it will be dry with brightness from time to time. relatively straightforward story across england and wales, but the showers are continuing, blizzard is likely by the end of the day and it will feel pretty cold. as we go through wednesday night, further snow showers, accumulations at lower levels in scotland, possibly parts of northern ireland too. south and west, milder night to come. we will
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drag in more cloud on thursday from the weather front, drag in more cloud on thursday from the weatherfront, moving into drag in more cloud on thursday from the weather front, moving into the far south—west. as it trundles across the ma corridor with the heaviest of the rain potentially to the south, it is subject to change, but there is the potential for snow across higher ground of wales, through perhaps the west midlands and the home counties. we are not too concerned at the moment but it is certainly worth bearing in mind. it will feel bitterly cold with the strength of the wind. temperatures are more likely feeling like —2—macro, minus three degrees. jeremy corbyn says he wants a cap on the maximum amount of money people can earn and he says immigration levels in the uk are not too high. and make a fantastic contribution to out and make a fantastic contribution to our economy. a 15—year—old girl is
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arrested after the death of a seven—year—old in york. more misery for thousands of commuters across southern england as the latest 3 day strike by southern rail drivers begins. us president barack obama gets ready to bid farewell to the nation in his last big speech before leaving office. by by jane hill. also byjane hill. also this
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