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tv   100 Days  BBC News  January 24, 2017 7:00pm-7:46pm GMT

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hello and welcome to 100 days. the winds of change continue to blow through washington — key shifts to environmental policy and the car industry are on the way. president donald trump continues to unpick barack obama's legacy. today, it's the environment — signing executive orders to speed construction of the keystone and dakota access oil pipelines. the president comes face—to—face with the big car companies — he tells them to build cars for americans in america. we're bringing manufacturing back to the united states bigly, we're reducing taxes substantially and we're reducing unnecessary regulations. i'll speak to a senior republican senator about today's developments. also, in london, a ruling from the supreme court that goes to the very heart of the british constitution. but will this ruling complicate the timetable for britain's withdrawalfrom the european union? the other big super power, china, asserting today its "irrefutable" sovereignty over parts of the south china sea. a clear warning to the white house. day two of week one,
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president trump is stepping up the pace here in washington. the oil and car sectors were both in his sights today. mr trump is urging a new strategy for two very prominent american industries. the new administration is making big changes to america's stand on both energy and the environment. this morning, the president signed two executive orders to move ahead on a pair of controversial oil pipelines, known as the keystone xl and dakota access. both had been stalled by the obama administration because of environmental concerns. senatorjohn barrasso from wyoming is part of the republican leadership and he sits on the energy and the environment committees. i spoke to him a brief time ago about these new executive orders and president trump's busy first couple of days.
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it looks like these signings this morning on the pipelines, thatjobs are going to win. i believe it is not one or the other, i think we can have clean air, clean water, clean land and still a healthy economy. the obama administration had so many expensive administrations, but i think donald trump will strike the right balance. he has done that with the right epa administrator to join his cabinet. would you ever support environmental regulations?” his cabinet. would you ever support environmental regulations? i think that the whole purpose of the epa is important but they have lost their way in terms of the environmental protection and they cause to have
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the biggest problem is that we have had in the last number of years, so it is time for us to really modernise and improve the epa so we can protect the land under water and the air, but at the same time make sure that we have as strong, healthy economy, which is what people want. jobs are such a critical part of building an economy in a country and in terms of general well—being of the people and the quality—of—life. people in this country, it is clearly focused on having a good paying jobs. i also want to ask you about the tpp and the withdrawal of america from that. other countries around the world said they are going to go ahead and do their own trade deals. we are looking at mexico, chile, china, germany all weighing in on this. is this really the moment for america to be pulling
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back from global alliances like this? donald trump campaigned on this? donald trump campaigned on this so it should not be a surprise that he took this action. i am not surprised by this at all. he is a world —class surprised by this at all. he is a world—class trader, he has a great reputation for being able to get great deals. i am a free trader. for my homestead of wyoming and it is important that we can export our products, our number one product is beef. when i head to the pacific rim and visit with the president of japan, he wants to import liquefied natural gas from the united states. you supported the temp two. is this quy you supported the temp two. is this guy a position in which conservative doctrine of free trade is going to be thrown out of the window by republicans like yourself in order to satisfy the new president? the president gets to make these decisions as we all want fairer trade, but i think he will be able to put forward trade agreements that
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are going to be favourable to the united states, that are going to be good with the american taxpayers and he will continue to work on trade. my he will continue to work on trade. my concern is in terms of china they will try to go into any void that exists. when i have been to that pa rt exists. when i have been to that part of the world, what i know about china is that people in the country is related to the tpp want to be friends of the united states, but they don't want to be enemies to china. would you have preferred it if america had not been withdrawn from the tpp? i think president obama did not make the case. you had all three presidential candidates, hillary clinton, bernie saunders and donald trump all came out against the tpp so it should be no surprise to anyone that this is where we are now. i continue to be a free trader, believe in free markets and i want
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to be able to use overseas markets for wyoming products. senatorjohn barrasso, thank you forjoining us. you start to get a feel of where the divisions might be between the administration and the republicans in congress. he is very much in favour of the deregulation of business but not so at ease with the way the administration is going on trade deals. if i can show you a picture. we keep talking about these executive orders. focus on the people behind. we will see a lot of these people over the next few yea rs. these people over the next few years. maybe you could point out one oi’ years. maybe you could point out one or two of them and wiping rm portent. get a new team trump! behind the president on the left, the man with the dark hair is rinsed pre—bursts. he is the conduit between the white house and the republican party. he will be a big liaison figure. kelly
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and conway was the campaign manager for donald trump, the first woman to runa for donald trump, the first woman to run a presidential campaign. the tall gentleman with a green tie, thatis tall gentleman with a green tie, that is jarrod kushner. he is the husband of ivanka trump and he is a special adviser to the president. there has been quite a lot of fuss about nepotism and whether it was ok for him to work in the white house. he is very close to the president and will be a key figure particularly on international affairs. the gentleman with a blue shirt and yellow tie, steve bannon, maybe the most controversial pose in that photograph, he ran breitbart news, right wing news site, very controversial and hard hitting. he is the person who was behind donald trump's inaugural address. a strong nationalist, vary in favour of brexit and close, wanting to develop
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ties, with marine le pen of the national front. he will be a figure in europe as well as here in the states. marine le pen was in trump tower is just the other week. we were saying in the headlines that he has been meeting the bosses of the car industry. he is very good at this good cop, bad cop relationship. he hits them with these tariffs, that they will have 35% tariffs, then he showers them with love and croissants. let's have a listen to this conversation. we're going to make process much more simple for the auto companies and everybody else who wants to do business in the united states. you'll find us to be from very inhospitable to extremely hospitable. i think we'll go down as one of the most friendly countried. of the most friendly countries. right now it's not. i have friends who want to build in the united states. they go many many years and then they can't get their environmental permit, over something that nobody ever heard of before.
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it's absolutely crazy. i am to a large extent an environmentalist, i believe in it, but it's out of control and we're going to make a very short process. and we're going to either give you your permits or we're not going to give you your permits, but you're going to know very quickly. and generally speaking, we're going to be giving you your permits, so we're going to be very friendly. not for a lot of environmentalists, they will not agree with him that he is the environmentalist. this is another new thing that people will have bigger tuesday in america, a different way of presidential intervention directly and american businesses. that wants it particularly well with republicans. it'll be interesting to see how those car executives feel about donald trump in a few years. what is this word bigly? the trump administration says it is not bigly home and they say it is
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big league, but i am hearing ugly, too. we will have to get used to that as well. if you have these powers of executive order you can do with g1, bigly days. just before we came on air, the white house press secretary, sean spicer, held a briefing for the media, his second in as many days. let's have a listen to what was on the agenda today. does the president believes that millions voted illegally in this election and what evidence do you have of widespread voter fraud in the selection, if that is the case? the president does believe that. he stated that before. he has stated his concerns over voter fraud people voting illegally in the campaign. he maintains that belief based on studies that people have presented to him. what evidence? senator ryan today said there was no evidence. other groups have said that they
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don't agree with the assessment by the president. as i said, believe the president. as i said, believe the president. as i said, believe the president has believe that for a while based on studies and information that he has. while based on studies and information that he has. our north america editor, jon sopel, was listening. he joins us live from washington. why do this? why get yourself into a position where you're doing a huge amount of business popular with the american public, then the thing that dominates the press conferences donald trump saying something that wasn't true? because 90% of donald trump saying something that wasn't true? because 9096 of the time donald trump is driving the central message aboutjobs, what he was elected to do, and there is a bit of donald trump, whether it is the size of the crowd at his inauguration or the number of people that voted for him in the popular vote, he gets distracted. he is obsessed by those numbers. in the campaign he used to talk about hollow and many more people went to his rallies than hillary clinton's. he is doing it still. he hasn't let go of the fact
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that he lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million. what was telling about that clip from sean spicer was what evidence have you got? where are these reports? what he went on to say afterwards was well there was a nonpartisan body who had a research paper in 2008. hang on, thought we were talking about 2016! he seems to be extrapolating from an early report about what potentially could have happened before to explain why he did not win the popular vote in november, but with absolutely no evidence of voter fraud in that election. no one has reported anything like that in terms of what unfolded in november across the 50 states. we should cover the other and use because otherwise this becomes the big distraction, we spent our time talking about this. what are the other headlines? the defence of the keystone xl pipeline,
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saying he was a champion of the environment but also that this would create thousands ofjobs, the us is there to enable these things. the other things we will be looking out for in days to come and the leading up for in days to come and the leading up to who could be the supreme court choice for him. i have read through the week a lot of these comment pieces from some of the big writers in the american press who are concerned about the relationship they have at the white house. it seems to me that they will have to start packing up on the fa cts , have to start packing up on the facts, calmly and deliberately deconstructing what this administration says. is that the way they need to go about it rather than reacting in a panicked way?” they need to go about it rather than reacting in a panicked way? i think it isa reacting in a panicked way? i think it is a really challenging environment. what we need to do is when something is paid and the factually incorrect, we are, in the media, our reputation, and the bbc in particular, and being objective and impartialand
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in particular, and being objective and impartial and telling the truth, so and impartial and telling the truth, so if we see something that is not truthful we should point about. we should not be obsessed byjust trying to trip up donald trump, looking peevish, looking entitled, like we don't like him or are angry 01’ cross like we don't like him or are angry or cross in any of our reporting. we have to be fair and balanced but just say, hang on, that can't be allowed to stand if it is not correct. it is our responsibility to do that and that is what our audience expects of us. some of the people in the white house could not believe that they weren't being treated with all the dignity that they deserved. well, i think they need to get over themselves because donald trump will do press communication in a very different way and about mean that some of my esteemed colleagues at the white house might have a slightly bruised ego, live with it. something you would never have, of course. any more news on the supreme court? all of these executive orders will change things temporarily in
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america. they can be reversed, the supreme court not so much. the supreme court not so much. the supreme court not so much. the supreme court appointment is going to be probably all things being equal, the most consequential decision that donald trump is going to make in his presidency because the person who gets appointed, and it is likely to be somebody quite conservative, someone who believes in toughening the laws on abortion. at the moment the supreme court is balanced, for liberals for conservatives. if it becomes five republicans, abortion law can change, which will be a big thing for social policy in this country. notjust for the term of donald trump, but for years going forward. thank you forjoining us, jon sopel. there are big changes coming up in this administration, christian. some of the other key developments in washington today now. president trump is planning to keep james comey as head of the fbi, according to media reports here in the us. mr comey was strongly criticised
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by democrats in the run up to november's election for re—turning to an investigation of hillary clinton's emails. the bureau is still investigating potential ties between russia and members of mr trump's team. a former american defence secretary says he's concerned the new leadership is giving an impression the us is retreating from its role as a global leader. robert gates, who was also a former director of the cia, told the bbc mr trump's policies could well be exploited by other countries. mr gates, who served in the george w bush and barack obama administrations, says china, iran or russia, will step into any vacuum that is left by the us. more now on mr trump's senior appointments. a senate committee has approved ben carson as the new housing secretary, allowing the nomination to go to the full senate. but there are delays on the confirmation ofjeff sessions, who donald trump wants as his attorney general. the top democrat on the senate judiciary committee has forced a one week delay.
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senator diane feinstein said the women's march at the weekend brought his position into focus. the role of the attorney general she said is to defend equal rights. one thing we want to do in this programme is connect the dots between the new political trends on both sides of the atlantic. that, of course, includes brexit. britain made its decision last year, but supporters of leaving the european union may well think their populist revolution is moving a lot slower than america's. who gets to pull the trigger on divorce? today, the supreme court decided the prime minister, theresa may, can't go it alone. she will need parliament's approval before handing in the formal notice to quit the european union, known as article 50 in the eu treaty. from the sidelines, i was there to watch. democracy, said abraham lincoln, is the government of the people, by the
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people, for the people. in his statue outside the sabine court today, they were debating that very issue. the ruling, when it came, made clear that the court was not trying to frustrate the vote to leave the european union. the judgment would only determine whether government could start the brexit process without parliamentary consent. today, via majority of 8-3, the supreme court rules that the government cannot trigger article 50 without an act of parliament authorising it do so. the government then defeated. but the 11 judges also had to decide whether westminster ca n ta ke also had to decide whether westminster can take this decision alone or whether the devolved government of wales, scotland and northern ireland should also have a say. on the devolution issue, the court unanimously rules that uk ministers are not legally compelled to consult the devolved legislatures
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before triggering article 50. the verdict was welcomed by the former attorney general dominic grieve, he told me that irrespective of how people had voted lastjune, this was a good day for parliamentary democracy. i always took the view that the idea that you could trigger article 50 without a vote of parliament was an extraordinary thing to do because so much primary legislation has enacted. i wasn't apprised of the decision of the high court and i wasn't surprised by the decision of the supreme court, that seems to rub us to stand up for our historic liberties. having promised to trigger article 50 by the end of march, the ideal solution for the prime minister would be to purchase the single line of legislation before the parliament for peers and mps to rubber stamp. short, simple, difficult for opposing mps to amend, except government lawyers have been advising the prime minister that if use can somebody till now, she could be exposing herself to future legal challenges somewhere down the line.
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the secretary of state... nonetheless, the government will ta ke nonetheless, the government will take that risk. confident that night mps will support the timetable they have set out. this will be a straightforward bill. it is not about whether or not the uk should leave the european union. that decision has already been made by the people of the united kingdom. decision has already been made by the people of the united kingdomm exchange for their support, the opposition will want guarantees of a meaningful —— meaningful vote at the end of the process. scottish nationalists don't rule out a second referendum on scottish independence. the decision is looming for scotland. are we prepared to allow her future to be dictated by a westminster government that is going down a path that i think the majority of people in scotland don't wa nt to majority of people in scotland don't want to go down, or are we going to ta ke want to go down, or are we going to take our future into your own hands? the westminster parliament is sovereign, says the court, and only parliament can change the law. ultimately, they have underscored
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the very foundation of britain's unwritten constitution and as abraham would say, these important principles, are inflexible. our chief political correspondent vicki young is in westminster. iam i am always conscious with my former asa i am always conscious with my former as a paris and rome correspondent that we are guilty of a bit of navel—gazing in london. let's think about the europeans. will they be worried that what has happened might affect the brexit timetable? well, i don't think it will, is the truth. i think there are many people, many voters in this country who voted for remain who are looking at this judgment today thinking this is the big moment, this would give parliament the chance to block except and i think they will be disappointed. i have been speaking to mps and peers and there just isn't the appetite for a fight. it isn't the appetite for a fight. it is quite difficult to explain to people who look think most labour mps are ardent remainers, why
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wouldn't the —— why wouldn't they ta ke wouldn't the —— why wouldn't they take this opportunity? but they don't want to be seen to be standing in the wake of the british people. equally, in the house of lords today, we have seniorfigure standing up to say it would be foolish, unwise and completely wrong foran foolish, unwise and completely wrong for an unelected house of lords to block a referendum, to block what the government wants and what the house of commons is going to vote for. so the government is adamant that they will stick to that self—imposed timetable of triggering article 50 by the end of march, so i think that is going to happen. people here have been asking me about this, the state of the union. we heard nicola sturgeon they're clearly not happy with this. we know that donald trump has supported brexit and brexit hazard supporters here, but people are and confused about what will happen to the united kingdom. are we looking at a
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shrunken united kingdom after this? nicola sturgeon predicted that this would bring a second independent referendum for scotland a step closer. scotland voted to stay in the united kingdom, just a year ago 01’ the united kingdom, just a year ago orso, the united kingdom, just a year ago or so, she can't call another referendum. it has to come from westminster. herargument referendum. it has to come from westminster. her argument is that the type of brexit that theresa may is aiming for, taking the uk out of the single market for example, that is not what scotland voted for. she would like scotland to become independent and be a part of the european union. the court today ruled that scotland will not get a say on all of this at this point. of course, nicola sturgeon doesn't want to have a referendum unless she is convinced she will win. at the moment the polls suggest that wouldn't happen. i think she will bide your time. certainly, she is issuing these warnings regularly. obviously it was a defeat for the
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government, but that clarified an awful lot of them, particularly on scotla nd awful lot of them, particularly on scotland and whether they had a veto. but also the issue of northern ireland. the assembly collapsed the recently. that problem also taken out of the picture. lots of people we re very out of the picture. lots of people were very concerned about this, but if the supreme court today had ruled that not just scotland if the supreme court today had ruled that notjust scotland but the welsh assembly and also in northern ireland, if they were given the say, how would they do that? northern ireland is having a general election. who would feedback the views of the people of northern ireland? views of the people of northern ireland ? they were views of the people of northern ireland? they were extremely concerned about all of that. the headline is that the government did not get its way today, they were defeated. if you go below that, it could've been a lot worse for the government today and i think they are sighing with relief that they probably can stick to the timetable. vicki young in westminster, there is certainly an awful lot going on on both sides of the atlantic, which is
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exactly why we are doing this programme. just a reminder that every evening after this show we hand the programme to you. one of us will spend 10 or 15 minutes on facebook live each night talking about the issues we have covered. if you want to get involved, then, of course, do send us your questions. you are watching 100 days on bbc news. coming up: we'll have a report from china looking at barriers that already exists between beijing and washington, and new ones that donald trump could face. the president meets with the big three ceos from the car industry, telling them it's time to start manufacturing in the united states. we'll be live at the new york stock exchange with reaction. some of us had a lovely day today,
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for others it stayed grey and for a few we have fog all day. that dog will become more widespread again tonight, crossing into the midlands. some icy surfaces, too. further west it will be more wild, they're a bit of light and breezy for northern ireland and scotland. the fog will cause disruption in some places, tomorrow morning in particular. some of the airports could be affected again. icy surfaces, too, where you have that fog. for the north and west the fog will be less of a hazard. some early sunshine and parts of south west england running into east wales. across northern ireland it should be above freezing in most places by eight o'clock. northern ireland and scotland, much milder here, above freezing. a bit of drizzly rain coming in on the breeze. still a lot of dry weather, albeit cloudy. further east, the four bulletin to look cloud. graham
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quite chilly in eastern england. some southwest and on into northern counties. distinctly chilly underneath the clouds in east anglia and the south—east. that is a sign of things to come. from wednesday into thursday we will tap into a reservoir of particularly cold air which has been sitting across the heart of europe for some time. the breeze will bring that cold air in oui’ breeze will bring that cold air in our direction. quite a shock to the system our direction. quite a shock to the syste m o n our direction. quite a shock to the system on thursday, i think. a brisk south—easterly wind, the bit of cloud and maybe the odd bit of snow. you will need a few layers, particularly in central andes to parts of the uk. some places will struggle to get above freezing, if you had on the wind that will feel even colder. not quite as cold on friday, turning a bit milderfrom the south—west, but that cold the holding on and on the east. most places dry, but patchy rain
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beginning to turn up as weather fronts dry to pushing of the atlantic. how quickly they make inroads is still open to some died, but certainly some weather fronts there or thereabouts. there will be some rain around this weekend. on a positive note will be less cold for some than recently. still a lot of dry weather, but watch out for areas of fog. welcome back to 100 days from bbc news. a reminder of our top story today. president donald trump has signed executive orders advancing the construction of two controversial oil pipelines — which president obama had previously blocked. in meetings with car industry leaders the president told them to increase american production and jobs. we'll be live at the new york stock exchange with more reaction. china says it has "indisputable sovereignty" over parts of the south china sea.
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the chinese foreign ministry said today beijing would "remain firm to defend its rights in the region," that's after the white house said on monday the us would "make sure it protect its own interests in the region." president trump has already upset on china over the status of taiwan. and during his campaign he threatened to impose some pretty punishing tariffs on chinese imports — which could lead us to a trade war. so how might china respond to the new us administration? here's our beijing correspondentjohn sudworth. china was once isolated behind its great wall but it was here too that its emergence onto the world stage began. in 1972 another competitive and controversial us republican president stood on this wall and used it as a metaphor. richard nixon's speech that day looked to future in which there are no walls between people, laying the foundations of course for one of the most important collateral
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trading relationships the world has ever seen. —— bilataral. the benefits of that relationship has been celebrated by every president since. until now. america threatens china with 45% import duties on a range of its products. so what are the chinese going to do? the chinese are notjust going to take it, they're going to respond more or less in—kind probably. what are the potential dangers in donald trump's strategy? this is very disturbing and the consequences for the international system and for the health of the global economy could be enormous. but at a briefing by senior chinese diplomats, i put it to them that mr trump is not so much attacking free trade, as unfair trade. should china not do more to put its money where its mouth is, removing the big subsidies to state—owned enterprises, removing some of the restrictions and denial of market access that still hinders so many
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foreign companies trying to do business here? i understand what you mean, but in general the direction is there, the effort is there, and i have very strong belief and confidence in improved environments for foreign companies. these days tourists can gaze into a period in china's history when its reluctant rulers were forced to trade by occupying foreign armies. few us companies that do business in china today would dispute that significant barriers to trade remain. the question though, is whether to cajole or to coerce and mr trump it seems may be about to embark on upon his own version of gunboat diplomacy. over that much traded commodity,
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tea, i asked about mr trump's threat to challenge china's territorial claims unless it makes concessions on trade. translation: he plays with fire, mr trump plays with fire. but china also has fire and it is going to burn him. it is trade of course that has made china a wealthy superpower and the stakes could not be higher. john sudworth, bbc news, beijing. to talk more about china we arejoined by professor ann lee, she is an independent economic advisor to the chinese government. and here in london, diane wei liang, she's an author, and she was one of the students involved in the 1989 tiannamen square protest. diane, you are looking back towards
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china and looking i'm sure at social media, what do people there make of donald trump and some of these threats? at the beginning when donald trump was campaigning to become president his rhetoric had been very much against china. some chinese including people in the government had believed it was just rhetoric, but donald trump is a businessman and someone china could do business with. but as the rhetoric becomes more and more severe, 110w rhetoric becomes more and more severe, now he is taking actions, taking calls from taiwan and nothing has let up and the chinese are very cautious and very vigilant and stop ifi cautious and very vigilant and stop if i look at the media response within china, the response is becoming tougher as well. china is bracing itself for a trade war and
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perhaps even military confrontation with america. and that is it, we heard from one of the people interviewed in that film but he is playing with fire, donald trump. if it comes to a trade war howwood china respond? —— how will china respond? i think they're coming up with a list of ways to respond in terms of boycotts, and slapping ta riffs terms of boycotts, and slapping tariffs on american goods as well. neither country is going to come out ahead if this happens. i will say that with china the stakes are not as severe as the years to be because exports used to be 50% of chinese gdp and today more like 20%. and of that 20% the us makes up just about 18% of exports. solar talk about 4%
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of the gdp that will be affected if all exports to the us ceased to exist. of course that will hurt the economy but it is not going to hit kill it. and i think the chinese prefer kill it. and i think the chinese p refer to kill it. and i think the chinese prefer to have stability with the us in the whole global economic system, and that was made clear by the chinese president. and this is election year in china and so it behoves them to try to get along with donald trump and try to strike some kind of trade deal. you will hearin some kind of trade deal. you will hear in america during the course of the election campaign and you know american voters, many of them think that the relationship between america and china has benefited china more than america. they say we did not get a good deal on north korea, on trade, and they're quite
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happy to see donald trump standing up happy to see donald trump standing up to beijing, they do not buy the argument that america could lose out. certainly there is rhetoric and risk reality. the rhetoric in the us has been largely one—sided, it has largely targeted china as the convenient whipping boy in every presidential election, that china is a currency manipulator, it is unfair in all these areas. whereas americans actually have benefited a great deal by working with china. china has provided a lot of very cheap goods to the us so that inflation has remained relatively low for decades now. and this has also delivered record profits to lots of us corporations which has taken the us stock market to record highs. and so a lot of these
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politicians that like to criticise what a bad deal they have had they fail to acknowledge that all the benefits have also accrued as a result. so again we have got to look at both sides and look at it holistically to understand the relationship. china is such a different country to when you were in tiananmen square as part of the protest a nd in tiananmen square as part of the protest and it is ironic that we have the country led by the communist party which says we can trade freely with the rest of the world. and the country is supposed to be the leader of the free market economy pulling up the drawbridge. china is taking the lead and because china is taking the lead and because china has seen the benefits in the past 110 years, in its own experience, how global trade can bring people out of poverty and improve living standards. especially with the asian infrastructure bank in china and china is putting $100 billion into lending, to trade with
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the world, and this year alone they had gained 25 new members including ireland and canada. china is taking up ireland and canada. china is taking up the role of the leader in global trade. in fact if you look at the china us relationship, from the chinese perspective, china did not have a growing relationship with the obama administration either. and his two big initiatives, it was very much a military constraining exercise against china and the pacific trade pact was designed to exclude china, contain its influence in trade in the pacific region. so china in some ways are looking at the donald trump administration and having had conversations with the trump team and they're looking at possibilities for example, trump is
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having a soft view on perhaps joining the asian infrastructure bank asa joining the asian infrastructure bank as a member. and so they see opportunities here. and they are also ready if trump is going to escalate conflict with china. thank you very much. more of course throughout the trump administration on this relationship. we saw a littler earlier, the car industry chiefs — the heads of general motors, ford and chrysler — sharing breakfast with president trump earlier today. and you might have heard him saying that he wants a big push on building these car plants on home soil. our business correspondent michelle fleury is on the floor of the new york stock exchange. how did these bosses who run multi—million pound ‘s organisations, how do they respond to being called in by the president and givena to being called in by the president and given a bit of an ear wigging on what they should be doing? given the
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tongue lashing some have received in recent weeks and months, i think they're inclined to get there and pay attention. you have heard the kind of repetition from donald trump that he wants them to stop producing ca rs overseas that he wants them to stop producing cars overseas destined for the american market, and to make them here. it was a message that he repeated quite forcefully again today saying he wants them to build pla nts today saying he wants them to build plants and create jobs here today saying he wants them to build plants and createjobs here in america and of course he focused on the us car industry in part because it is seen as a symbol for american manufacturing and of course that is at the heart of one of the key economic planks of donald trump, trying to bring backjobs and restore manufacturing. thank you for that. we will be watching the car industry closely. a key indicator perhaps of how effective donald trump is at bringing jobs home. before we go don't forget i'll be on facebook live straight after the programme, answering your questions. join me for that if you can. we are back same time tomorrow.
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thanks for watching 100 days. goodbye for now. hello. this is bbc news. the headlines. ministers are expected to introduce legislation to parliament on thursday, seeking approval to begin the process of leaving the eu. it comes after the supreme court ruled that ministers must consult parliament before triggering article 50. president trump has angered environmentalists and native americans, by signing executive orders intended to revive two controversial oil pipeline projects. a barrister defending the
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entertainer rolf harris over sex abuse charges has told the court his first trial got it wrong when they found him guilty of indecent assault. the 86 rob bell faces seven charges of indecent assault and one of sexual assault against seven victims between 1971 and 20011. he denies the charges. jan —— dan johnson reports. this was the first day of the rolf harris defence team putting the case on his behalf. the court heard rolf harris himself will not be giving evidence, he is appearing at the trial through video link from prison where he is being held because of his pre—existing convictions. he has not been forced to attend because of his age, his frailty and that is why his barrister told the jury he could not remember clearly events of 30 or 110
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yea rs remember clearly events of 30 or 110 years ago. thejury remember clearly events of 30 or 110 years ago. the jury was told that if the defendant can say no more than i cannot remember being there, the evidential importance is quite weak. his defence barrister instead has been questioning the convictions that rolf harris already has and one of those relates to a community centre in portsmouth where he was found guilty of assaulting an eight—year—old girl in 1959. today witnesses were called by the defence, people fled involvement with the community centre back in the late 1960s, people who knew it well and they all told the court they could never remember rolf harris actually appearing there. indeed someone from his management company who was involved in booking his appearances at the time also said in court she would never have booked rolf harris to appear at that kind of event at that time because of the level of fame he had achieved. that is part of the defence strategy to question the pre—existing convictions, part of the prosecution case is that that
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shows the propensity he has for this type of offending. but his defence barrister said in short, we say the jury barrister said in short, we say the jury got it wrong in the first trial and we do not say that lightly, we have enormous faith in the jury
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