tv 100 Days BBC News February 28, 2017 7:00pm-7:46pm GMT
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hello and welcome to one hundred days. president trump prepares for a primetime address to congress and the nation. after his images of carnage, "an optimistic vision" for america has been promised. scrapping obamacare, building up the military and a new tax system are priorities for a president who gives himself an a for achievement, but only a c for communication. donald trump accuses his predecessor of being behind national security lea ks and some of the protests against republicans. i think president obama is behind it, because his people are cerainly behind it, and some of the leaks, possibly, come from that group. also tonight: terror on the beach. at the inquests into the murder of 30 british holiday—makers in tunisia, the coroner says local police were "at best shambolic... "at worst, cowa rdly". a pension dealforformer british home stores workers. the billionaire businessman sir philip green will contribute £363 million to help
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meet the shortfall. and sofa psychology — what do these pictures of presidential adviser kellyanne conway show us about power in the west wing? hello and welcome to one hundred days, i'm katty kay in washington, christian fraser is in london. a primetime speech to a joint session of congress is a perfect opportunity — a0 days into this presidency — for donald trump to explain what he wants to do with the office. his speech in a few hours‘ time will focus on three initiatives: the rebuilding of the us military, the repeal and replacement of the affordable care act or obamacare, as it's known, and reform of the tax code. ahead of his speech the president gave an interview to fox news. he was challenged on how he intends to pay for a $58 billion increase in the defence budget. where is the money coming from? if
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you put all the money, that's about 50 billion. the money will come from a revved up economy. if you look at the numbers we are doing, we will probably have a gdp of little more than 1% and if i can get probably have a gdp of little more than i% and if i can get that up to three, or maybe even more, we have a whole different ball game. the financial markets certainly like the things they are hearing from the white house. on monday, the dowjones industrial average hit a record high for the 12th consecutive time. if only the white house was not being undermined by the stories coming from within. the leaks have been a serious problem for this president. and in this fox interview he names the whistle—blower he thinks is responsible. i think president obama is behind it, because his people certainly are. and some of the leaks possibly,
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from that group, some of them, which are from that group, some of them, which a re really from that group, some of them, which are really very serious leaks, because they are bad in terms of national security. but i also understand that his politics and in terms of him being behind things, thatis terms of him being behind things, that is politics. it will probably continue. tonight's presidential address isn't a full—blown state of the union, but it will give us a good idea of what president trump wants to do in the months to come. what can the white house and congress work together on and which issues will divide them? i've been taking a look back at past speeches and the themes they've struck. it is the centrepiece of america's political calendar, enshrined in the constitution. since george washington delivered the first annual message to congress in 1790, what has come to be known as the state of the union has evolved from a simple statement on the health of the nation, into a political call to arms, a presidential rallying cry. from 1801 for a century after, the
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political they will simply delivered in brightening from the white house to the capital. it was woodrow wilson who in 1930 unit took to the fore, transforming it into a blueprint for the president's legislative agenda. his successors have used the opportunity to showcase leadership, frame a new direction orjust lift the spirit of the nation during difficult times. may i assert my firm belief the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. that the watershed moments. in 1823, president james monro itself. that the watershed moments. in 1823, presidentjames monro used the address to articulate a new foreign policy doctrine, war and european powers not to meddle in the western hemisphere. during his state of the union in western hemisphere. during his state of the union “119611, lyndon western hemisphere. during his state of the union in 1964, lyndonjohnson first proposed legislation that would come to be known as the war on poverty, paving the way for a range of welfare programmes. this administration today, here and now declares unconditional war on
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poverty in america. mr speaker, the president of the united states. one of the most memorable phrases ever uttered in the state of the union came in president george w bush's 2002 address, which warned iran, iraq and north korea threatened the peace of the world. it marks the birth of the controversial war on terror. states such as these and their terrorist allies, they constitute an axis of evil, arming to threaten the peace of the world. tonight's speech, a statement of purposeis tonight's speech, a statement of purpose is likely to echo mr trump's defiant and uncompromising inaugural address, a promise to put america first and to transfer power back to the people watching. with me now is matt schlapp, who was george w bush's political director, he is now chairman of the american conservative union, the oldest conservative lobbying organization in the country. matt, you are just saying you were
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there in that first term when president bush gave that speech to congress. what are you expecting from president trump tonight?” would hope to hear a little more detail about what he wants to do in these key areas of tax reform, getting the economy growing and repealing and replacing obamacare. but i also think it is a moment when the first address to congress is often just called an address to congress, not the state of the unit, because he hasn't even had a full year to be able to say how his policies are working. but this is a moment where he remind everybody that he is the entire nation's president and at the most important thing when you offer this tough job is that you be commander in chief. would you expect the tone to be more consulates, perhaps, than the president has been up until now, reaching out to those who did not vote for him or may not agree with him? yes, this will be smart and
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appropriate. one question on conservatives on what they are feeling. how do you feel —— makes sense as a conservative of the extra spending the president is proposing on defence, on infrastructure, on the wall with mexico, but not cutting entitlements and welfare programmes? as a conservative, does that add up? i would like to see him focus on entitlements. these are big programmes that are on autopilot and they are set to go bankrupt anchored upset our financial house if they are not taking care. he will have to look at that at some point in his presidency. as far as military spending is concerned, we are spending is concerned, we are spending the lowest percentage of oui’ spending the lowest percentage of ourgdp than we spending the lowest percentage of our gdp than we ever have in modern times. that needs to turn around. this is a dangerous world. the state of the union addresses have become quite... i remember a of the union addresses have become quite... i remembera republican sitting there with president obama
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when he was articulating his budget and was no clapping or a bipartisan camaraderie. what do you expect from the tonight? -- the democrats tonight. they are focused on the liberal base of their party. they just elected a new chair, so i expect some to be quite negative with what they hear from president trump no matter what he says. i would urge them, i'm a republican and they probably won't listen to me, buti and they probably won't listen to me, but i would urge them to be respectful, because you can overplay your hand in politics, both republicans and democrats, and some would say republicans overplayed their partisan and with president obama at times and democrat should be careful not to do the same. the last time we saw you, you were on the stage at the event last week in washington, this becoming together of the conservative grassroots. on the stage, you had the white house strategist steve bannon and his
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chief of staff. letters quickly have a look at you on stage with them. we have a team and grinding it through and when donald trump promised the american people, you'd better understand those promises are going to be implemented. that is awesome. steve, you are a really likeable quy: steve, you are a really likeable guv. you steve, you are a really likeable guy, you should do this more often! what are 30 days of action? he's not so nice to us, you know. those two characters, they are not two people you would automatically puts together, because steve bannon is the destructor, he is from the grass roots and the other is more establishment. going forward, passed this speech tonight, the success of the trump presidency depends on those two branches of the republican movement working together. that is
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one of the reasons why we decided to have them on stage together, because when you are putting together a coalition, politically, you've got to get to 50% of democracy and one of the ways to do that is to bring in all types of new voters which donald trump appears to, he working—class voters that the republican party has a fitful relationship with. they must be on board, but also, you've got your main light, mainstream republicans who sometimes get a little worried about what they see from the trump white house. it's important they stay on the team as well. if we can't meet this coalition together, it won't be successful. can i ask about health care, because your body got conservatives saying we are not going to agree to any form of replacement of obamacare that does not include repealing those tax hikes. how eager to keep conservatives on board with the republican plans and the white house's plans to replace it? the
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real thing is there's a movement to say why didn't we just fix obamacare andi say why didn't we just fix obamacare and i think that's where conservatives get particularly feisty. they want to see it thrown away, be repealed, but they do wants to replace it with a more free market of health care. here is the big difference. obama's measuring stick was how many people are covered with health insurance, the conservative measuring stick is those prices affordable and is it a high quality of health care? we don't want to sacrifice that just to make sure people are covered by health insurance. ok, thank you very much. one of the things trump campaigned donna was repealing and replacing obamacare. he said he was going to do it on day one, because it was such a mess. but now come you have a situation where democrats, having run away from the affordable care
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act for so long are now embracing it and opinion polls suggesting that perhaps in its dying days, it is more popular than ever. so republicans will have to tread carefully a nd republicans will have to tread carefully and that is what the white house is hearing from amongst others who are saying, hold on the second, we don't want to go back to our people and say sorry guys, you're going to lose coverage. some say the president is a little to the left on this, because he wants as many people cover by whatever replaces the fans are this, because he wants as many people cover by whatever replaces another, by obamacare. he isa replaces another, by obamacare. he is a question for you, back in 2030, the republican—controlled house of representatives blocked a budget, and obama budget and it caused a federal government shutdown. what power did the democrats have? they are now the minority in both houses. do they have any power at all to stop some of these spending commitments? it may be tempting for people watching american politics at the moment to write the democrats off. they have not got the contrasts, or the supreme court or the white house. but when it comes
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particularly to budget issues, they still have power. the president needs 60 votes to get any form of the drug —— federal budget spending through. he only has 52 republicans in the senate. he must then find another eight people, eight democrats potentially, in order to pass military spending hikes, in order to pass any type of tax issues. the wall, whatever he wants to spend money on. he must get the democrats. they will go along with him. this budget proposal isjust the opening salvo. they will go on for months i will probably end up with numbers quite a lot smaller than the ones we are looking at. the damage that clear? yes, you did. your prime on american budgets for free! five executives from the south korean manufacturing giant samsung have been charged with corruption. among them is lee jae—yong, the man who effectively controls the company. the indictments follow an investigation into payments made to a close friend of president park. she is facing impeachment, which would strip her of immunity to prosecution.
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singapore's prime minister has told the bbc he wouldn't rule out signing a version of the trans pacific partnership which didn't involve the united states. one of president trump's first acts in office was to pull america out of the agreement. but now, some of the signatories have indicated they might press ahead, even without the us. speaking on the bbc‘s hardtalk programme, singapore's prime minister lee hsien loong gave the suggestion his conditional backing. if there work on the senses and 11 countries say go ahead and sign the thing, just minus the us, singapore would sign. weather that happens, i am not sure because the japanese in particular made very painful concessions in exchange for an american concessions. so, i would not rule it out. but i think it is not rule it out. but i think it is not so easy. meanwhile, the trade deal which britain has to negotiate during brexit could become the biggest single act of protectionism in uk history according to the former
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chancellor george osborne. mr osborne, who supported the remain campaign, and was sacked after the referendum, has warned that future trade deals will not adequately replace the single european market. failure to reach an agreement with the eu he said will prove costly to the british economy. the billionaire businessman sir philip green has paid £363 million into the pension fund of british home stores, the uk retail chain. bhs went in to administration after sir philip sold the chain forjust a pound. he's been criticised for having made profits and dividends of more than half a billion pounds while leaving the pension fund with a huge deficit. our business editor simon jack is here with me. recap if you would for all international viewers why this went so badly wrong and why sir philip
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green has been shamed? i'm using that word, shamed into paying up. this excited imagination for many reasons. green is a buccaneering businessman, he is very rich and he has a very bruising relationship with politicians. he does not like to play the game. he sold this business for £1 to a twice bankrupt novice retailer. it went bust a year later which led to 12,000 job losses and leaving 20,000 pensioners in the lurch one going to get their entitlement. he said he was going to soar this pension out and everyone was very sceptical and today, you delivered. £363 million, five of his own money into fixing this as though he deserves a little bit of credit for that. he became a mascot, if you like, for corporate greed in the uk.
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yes because he was sitting offshore on his lot —— yacht... yes because he was sitting offshore on his lot -- yacht... yes, and meanwhile, people were saying they we re meanwhile, people were saying they were going to get their paltry pension reduced because he was putting money in. this is a volu nta ry putting money in. this is a voluntary contribution, in a way. he was being pursued by regulators, but he put his hand in his own pocket, so deserves some credit for that. some will be better off, but some of his senior old staff will be a lot better off, because the rescue fund that failed pension funds going to cap any pay—out at around 30 2000. that won't apply, so some of his senior lieutenants will do better out of this deal. many said he should lose his knighthood because it gave despicably, and he made a promise, and those closed to him said he does something when he says he will. so he has sorted it, in his own words, but there's many questions about the light it sheds
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on corporate britain. there were a ccou nta nts on corporate britain. there were accountants and lawyers and advisers, some of the bluest of blue chip firms who signed off on something that everyone apart from those involved seemed to realise what a terrible deal at the time. one headline said this is precisely the problem of our time, the unacceptable the problem of our time, the u na cce pta ble face of the problem of our time, the unacceptable face of capitalism. that is what motivated so many people in america to vote for bernie sanders. he took hundreds of millions of pounds of dividends out of his company. but this retailer had not kept up with the times and bad companies that are not well looked after fail all the time. pension funds do as well. this was a real test case to see if they could pursue a rich, former ownerfor some money to basically make the pensioners hole. this establishes an interesting precedent for the pensions regulator, they have their manner.
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they will see that as an important precedent. they managed to establish almost a moral obligation on a previous owner to be money in. i speak the same quite regularly, and there's no public speech from him today. privately, you says he wants today. privately, you says he wants to return to being a private businessman. in reality, you never was that. lots of money, like to show it off, friends with heads of state and movie stars. if he kept a low profile in those years, he probably would not have the front and centre over the past few years. he's hoping that will now go away. thank you. what is interesting there is exactly what you have been talking about. ever since the 2008 crash, there does seem to be a sense of impunity for some of the top businessmen and bankers in the world and you wonder if mr green is a
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symbol that things are changing. he still has his knighthood. with this settlement, i think he will keep it. and we will call him sir philip for some time to come. had eaten enough to pay out? know, the short-changed ones will do slightly better, though not the original amount they were promised by glenn. they've done better than the rescue fund are not the full lot they were promised. there's a photo that's been doing the rounds and causing a bit of a stir. it shows one of donald trump's key advisers, kellyanne conway, sitting on the oval office couch. the suggestion has been that what is somebody doing in such a casual position. this looks slightly more clu b position. this looks slightly more club lounge than the oval office respectability, particularly as she is surrounded by dignitaries from
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the african—american education community. the beforehand, she was taking a photo of them all, so she is engaged. it is just an u nfortu nate is engaged. it is just an unfortunate snapshot. maybe i've been here too long, but it looks a little too casual for the oval office. i'm less interested to the damage to the upholstery in the oval office than i am about what it says about her position in the oval office, because she looks very at ease there. she is very comfortable, isn't she? a lot of people have made this point on twitter, and i will show some voters, plenty of people but their feet on furniture in the oval office. here is one. look at that! this is the resolute desk he had his feet on. it is an antique! he was given to them by queen victoria back in the 1880s. i got the second! this caused a lot of
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fuss and it got a lot of objections from conservatives. but it is a bipartisan position. there are photos presidents carter, ford and bush doing exactly the same. i'm sure you would do it too. let us ta ke sure you would do it too. let us take a look at the state of the union address. it is usual for the opposition to give a response and tonight, the democrats are putting forward the former kentucky governor steve beshear. is never easy to respond, because you do know what will be in it. steve beshear and kentucky have a good story to tell when it comes to obamacare. under the affordable care right between 2013 and 2015, the number of uninsured people fell from 20% to 6%. that adds up to a total of 420,000 more people insured through the scheme, roughly half of whom we re the scheme, roughly half of whom were in work. during that time frame, the number of uninsured people working in restaurants fell
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from 58% to 23%. what the democrats plan to do to counter mr trump as he spells out his agenda including on health care? joining us now from capitol hill is congresswoman karen bass from california. for years, democrats run away from the affordable care racks. now it seems that they are all rushing to embrace itjust seems that they are all rushing to embrace it just as seems that they are all rushing to embrace itjust as it seems to be under threat. actually, i do not recall that. you may be referring to many years ago, but i certainly know that in my state, california, we have been leading the way around the affordable care act. any time you pass a masterpiece of legislation like that, it takes years to work out all the kinks. and u nfortu nately, out all the kinks. and unfortunately, because by republican collea g u es unfortunately, because by republican colleagues had a policy of repeal, they never want to fix the normal
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things that you would do after passing a piece of legislation like that. they will be interesting now trump as realised health care is a very complicated issue. yesterday, he said it as if he discovered it was difficult. i think everybody had been trying to explain that before. is there a curious sense in which democrats are relishing their position in the opposition? obviously, you would love to have the white house and congress, but all you enjoyed the process of being able to oppose things that mr trump is putting forward? no, i don't think anybody is relishing this. my constituents, and i had 1300 people attend town halls when i was back, and people are fearful around the country. there is nothing to relish. having said that, what i am excited about is the tremendous response, the protest, the level of
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involvement. any time you have engagement, that certainly spells good news for the future. thank you. you're watching one hundred days from bbc news. still to come for viewers on the bbc news channel and bbc world news: the tunisian police come in for criticism from a british official over their response to the deadly attack by armed militants on a beach hotel at sousse. and how will president's trump state—of—the—nation speech go down in america's rust belt? we'll be live in pennsylvania. that's still to come on 100 days, from bbc news. it does not take much to turn the
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rain to snow in the last few days. a little bit of snow mixed in with the rain as it clears from the far south—east and wintry showers across the north of scotland overnight. slippery surfaces and there are warnings in force. some showers, particularly towards the coast. watch out for the ice and temperatures are quite widely close to freezing. a crisp start and some welcome sunshine across the south. showers continuing to feeding of the irish seem to parts of northern england and the north of scotland continues with wintry showers. this is mid—afternoon. away from the far north, much of scotland having a fine afternoon and it will feel quite pleasant. similarly for northern ireland. showers in northern england. the midlands and
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east anglia holding onto brightness, but through the south, not that nice. damp and dry and chilly. the rain is persistent. as we head into the night, things get lively. gales may develop around southern and western coasts. bits of heavy rain will turn to snow across central areas up will turn to snow across central areas up into north wales and maybe the north of england and ireland as well. it will not be easy at this range, but through tomorrow night, strong winds, rain, and the possibility of hill snow and the possibility of hill snow and the possibility of hill snow and the possibility of disruption. things quieten down during thursday. still blustery. brightness in the south and brightness in the north. centrally, more cloud. the threat of rain out west. wintry showers across the far north—west scotland. temperatures on the low side. milder in southern areas up into double figures. the sunshine should feel quite nice. but it will last. the
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next area of low pressure comes in from the south west and that means another spot of wet weather, initially across southern areas. the much of northern ireland and scotla nd much of northern ireland and scotland should have the better day with some sunshine. chilly here, milder briefly for the south. welcome back to 100 days — i'm katty kay in washington, christian fraser's in london. a reminder of our top story today. president trump prepares to address congress and a prime time tv audience. "an optimistic vision" for america has been promised and we'll reveal just why this speech by france's president hollande didn't go quite as planned. tunisia's response to a terror attack that left 38 people dead two years ago was "at best shambolic
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and at worst cowardly". that's the finding of the british coroner at the inquests into the 30 britons who among those shot dead on a beach. thejudge ruled they were unlawfully killed as some of those who survived gave their accounts. we were trying to seek refuge and did not know where to go. no one was directing us anywhere, it was a free for all, chaotic. once directing us anywhere, it was a free forall, chaotic. once we directing us anywhere, it was a free for all, chaotic. once we have found somewhere to hide we thought we would be relatively safe until as you say, people would come to help. people who had the responsibilities, the national guard, the police. but they did not come. and unfortunately several minutes went by from the start of it to the point wherejohn was killed. our correspondent orla guerin has been to sousse, where the attack happened, to see how security's been improved. on alert in sousse.
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a new vigilance that was utterly lacking on the day of the attack. now, permanent checkpoints and patrols by the police and the armed forces. the message is clear, you are safe, it's a new tunisia. ministers are looking to brighter days, after tourism was gravely wounded in the carnage on the beach. we've improved a lot our security. and we think that tourism will be coming back in the next few months now. we have good indications for summer 2017, and we'd be very happy to see again the british coming back to tunisia. do you think it's100% safe, can you say that? yes, absolutely. 100%? 100%. metal detectors are now standard when you enter hotels, even if you own them, like mohamed.
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he co—owns the now—closed hotel where the british holiday—makers were killed onjune 26 2015. he admits security in tunisia should have been tightened that march, after an attack on tourists in the bardo museum. it should have been stricter and stronger after the bardo attack. to be honest with you, it should have been. but there is a before 26thjune 2015, and there is an after. this is not the same country any more. this was the picture when terror came to the beach. locals say the lone gunman was on the loose for 40 minutes. today at the inquest in london, condemnation of the glaring absence of the security forces. when tourists were being slaughtered here on the sands, police could and should have made an effective response
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according to the coroner. he said police could have arrived here in minutes with everything they needed to confront the gunman. instead, they deliberately delayed their arrival. the first officer on the scene stayed outside the main gate, and never fired a single shot. this man knows only too well that the police were nowhere to be seen. when the shooting started, he was on the beach selling rides on jet skis. his response was swift. here he is chasing the killer, armed only with two ashtrays, hoping in vain for help. translation: no one came, apart from the two guards who did nothing. then, when we ran along the beach over there, there were three national guard boats in the sea. they didn't come until afterwards, when he was killed.
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at the riu imperial hotel where the gunman claimed so many lives, they are getting ready to reopen in may, hoping tourists will return to the golden sands. sunbathers now have company on the beach, protection that came too late for 30 britons, robbed of life on this shore. orla guerin, bbc news, sousse. let's speak to bbc arabic‘s murad shishani. it is difficult for tunisia and they had criticism today but they're wedged between algeria and libya and many fighters will be coming back from syria very soon. do they have the resources to cope?” from syria very soon. do they have the resources to cope? i think they need international support. iwas there in ten days ago and i have seen people in the south where these
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resorts have been closed and are now shut people have lost theirjobs. i also went to the of tunis where these areas have been turned into poverty hotbeds and were half of the tunisians who led —— or left to join jihadist groups, they come from there. they talk about heroes of iraq and syria and that needs to be addressed. this is also part of the problem, the size of the problem is huge, the biggest number according to some statistics, of tunisians joining islamic state. 500 kilometres of border with libya that people rely on day—to—day, with smuggled goods, smuggled oil. but also people coming and going and
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coming back to tunisia from iraq or syria. the sousse attacker was one who went to libya and trained and came back. of course the attack had devastating impact on the tourism industry in tunisia but that will mean there are fewer people employed in that particular sector, higher unemployment. is that more tunisians into the arms of extremists?” unemployment. is that more tunisians into the arms of extremists? i think this is interesting but it is not that simple. they will be going this way as a reaction. but let's say, walking down on a beach to the south, a very beautiful scene, but u nfortu nately all south, a very beautiful scene, but unfortunately all business has been lost and people, even taxis are just asking people. but poverty is one of the main reasons driving people to such extreme ideologies in places
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like north africa. because many people i have spoken to, in their popular songs, i'm talking about poor areas and young people are singing songs praising migration into europe but these days praising islamic state ideology because an alternative has been presented to them and this is where the danger is coming from. it is a major issue but also we have strong propaganda ideology pouring into these youngsters in tunisia and other north african states. thank you for joining us. donald trump goes into tonight's speech with a record low approval rating for a new president. but one place he found surprising support during the election was the county of easton, pennsylvania. yes, they all told us pennsylvania was a banker for clinton. but that's not how it went. so, how are they feeling today? our reporter nada tawfik is there. you have spoken to some of the
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people there? yes here in northampton county this was a key cou nty northampton county this was a key county that swung for president trump and people here are still standing by their candidate. the voted for him for a number of reasons, economic issues, it was a democratic stronghold because of support from the labour unions but the industry here has largely disappeared and there has also been social conservative issues that had people backing president trump. kathleen is one of the voters i spoke to and she said despite the controversy for the last 40 days of the presidency, you are still very much in support of president trump. still very much in support and excited about what he can do for us. just because of all the promises he has made, they all make promises but the things we really believe in, the things he will bring back,
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manufacturing will support the military and armed forces. the way he wants to renew the trade deals and get back the deficit. all the things he has been talking about, i agree with. when he addresses the joint session of congress today, what you want to hear him address?” just want to hear him encourage the people. encouraged his supporters as well as encourage the non—supporters, the people who really do not know what they support, to give america the hope that he cares about the families, about their children, about the safety of their neighbourhoods and the economic growth. he cares about all the things americans care about and he is going to be positive and we do not care what happened in the past. that is the past. i wanted to talk about what he wants to do in the future. to be positive and encourage people, even those who do not believe. you told me a lot of people feel energised tear, that there has been a revolution. but
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what he does not deliver on some key promises to bring backjobs? the coal industry has largely been decimated in this area.” coal industry has largely been decimated in this area. i believe some of them cannot be restored but ido some of them cannot be restored but i do believe that people still have hope, that they want all that to be restored. you look around and it might not be the coal industry but it could be something different. they could start a whole new business that they could create and make great. well as you heard that people here are very much still in support of president trump and i have to say a lot of people have said he should be given the chance to bush ‘s agenda through and see what comes of it. they have been critical of the negative attention and protest that have broken up in other parts of the country. just a few hear from one county that voted for president trump. and president trump has been signing more executive orders today, one about the waters of the united states, finalised by the environmental
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protection agency back in 2015. to clarify which bodies of water covered by the clean water act. it is just rolling back more of those projections for environmental spaces the united states. we have seen several of those. more of that during the week. and now — an example of extreme calm from france's president hollande — after a suprising interruption during a speech. listen to this. gunfire. yes — that bang you heard really was a gunshot. it came when a police marksman slipped and accidentally discharged his rifle. the bullet went into a nearby marquee, giving two people minor leg wounds. president hollande, as you can see,
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simply said that he hoped the bang was nothing serious, and carried on. he later went to visit the two injured men — as you'd expect, an investigation is under way. that's all for today. katty will be on facebook live with anthony zurcher in a few minutes — hope you can join us then. we'll be back at the same time tomorrow. goodbye. hello. this is bbc news. the headlines. a coroner has ruled that the thirty british victims of the tunisian terror attack in 2015, were unlawfully killed. he also condemned the response of the country's police, describing it as ‘at best shambolic and at worst cowardly‘. the former owner of bhs, sir philip green, has agreed to pay £363 million, to help plug a huge hole in the company's pension scheme. the firm went bust last year. britain's most senior child
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protection police officer says paedophiles who pose no physical threat to children shouldn't be prosecuted. an update on the market numbers for you — here's how london and frankfurt ended the day. and in the united states this is how the dow and the nasdaq are getting on. the pensions regulator has agreed a cash settlement worth up to 363 million pounds with sir philip green — to help fund the pensions of staff of the former retail chain, bhs. the arrangement has the support of the trustees of the two bhs pension schemes. sir philip had faced heavy criticism over his sale of the business which later collapsed and the subsequent problems which emerged in the pension fund. with me is the former pensions minister steve webb, who is now director of policy at the pensions company, royal london. also i'm joined by frank field mp,
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chair of the commons' work and pensions committee. frank, the hole in the pension scheme was measured at around £571 million. sir philip green has come up million. sir philip green has come up with 363 million of which still leaves a massive hole. yes but that 570 figure was to buy out the pensions with a company like that belonging to steve. i was more than anxious to push that because if someone told developer needed £400 he would have settled for £200. while pensioners are better off, they will get their pension in full, they will get their pension in full, the pension will be increased at a lower rate of inflation and if sir philip had not behaved in this way
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