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tv   Inside Out  BBC News  April 2, 2017 12:30am-1:01am BST

12:30 am
the latest headlines from bbc news. i'm alpa patel. the red cross say that 200 people are now known to have died in a mudslide in southern colombia. many more are injured or missing. the country's president has declared a state of emergency and deployed troops to the area. the supreme court in venezuela has reversed its decision to strip the opposition led congress of its powers. it follows president nicolas maduro‘s intervention. the decision follows an outcry from within the country and internationally. the personal wealth of president trump's team has been revealed by the white house. the disclosures, which are a legal requirement, show his daughter ivanka has assets worth hundreds of millions of dollars. bob dylan has finally collected his nobel prize for literature during a private ceremony in stockholm. now it's time for inside out. hello. what happens when one of the south's busiest roads meets one of the world's most
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important landscapes? i cannot see a worse place for the tunnel to come out where it is. also coming up, how people with dementia are using music to help them cope with their condition. it makes you feel good to play, because they are not worried whether you play the wrong note or nothing, which happens quite a bit anyway. and butterfly expert and enthusiast matthew oates takes us on a tour of the cell. no less than 46 of the 59 species in the uk have been found here. that is mega. plans to re—route the tunnel at stonehenge have seen since serious opposition, not least from the woman who farms the tunnel will go. so far, she has refused
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to speak out publicly. until now. stonehenge is one of our top tourist attractions. that noise is the a303, the main route from cornwall to london. about 2a,000 vehicles a day on this road, going up to 30,000 a day in the summer, that's not good for road users, it is not good for local residents, and it is not good for the setting of this world heritage site. now a £11; billion scheme to re—route the road through a tunnel and make is a jewelled carriageway has been given the go—ahead. you would think that was the perfect solution, right? it is a total catastrophe. the plans recommended by highways england and the government
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are for an eight metre high fly over, just about 300 metres from where we are standing. it is a modern scar on an ancient landscape. it breaks my heart, it breaks my heart. so why are they so against the scheme? i've come to wiltshire museum in devizes. these artefacts are more than 4000 years old. this dagger is astounding. it is difficult to see, but the original had 140,000 tiny gold studs. they were found buried with a bronze age chieftain in a grave known as a barrow about half a mile south of stonehenge. he has become known as bush barrow man. the west end of the tunnel was planned to pass close to his grave. these images give us an idea of what is proposed, but what does it look like in real life? i have come to see.
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this is rachel. bush barrow is on herfarm. it is one of many barrows she looked after. she sees herself as a custodian, and has adapted the way she farms around them. we grassed down a proportion of the far end of the farm, because there was archaeology. bush barrow is among a0 others here. bush barrow is the key monument in the cemetery. underneath here is still bush barrow man. they removed all the parts and gold and exciting bits of pieces, so, yes, it is quite exciting to think that bush barrow man is still under our feet. where is the road going to go? stonehenge over there, and you can see the tunnel will come underneath, where you can see
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the matting, it will come out in the field we see opposite us, where the scars are on the field. how big a road are we talking about? massive. four carriageways. people are going to say that you just don't want this on yourland. ijust think it is so important that enough consideration is given as to sensitively putting this road in the environment. it has to be sensitive, not in front of bush barrow man. the high value of gold found in this barrow make it britain's richest bronze age burial. but there is another place close to the east end of the tunnel that experts are worried will also be damaged by the plan. until recently, this area of woodland two miles from stonehenge had largely been ignored by archaeologists. its true significance is only now being revealed. we discovered where the communities
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were living who built the first monument at stonehenge and the stonehenge knoll, and we know that they are living here around 8000 bc, and these communities come back again and again all the way through to 4000 bc. this site is now thought to be the longest continually inhabited place in the uk. david led a team of archaeologists on a date here in 2014. they found around 32,000 pieces of worked flint and more than 1000 pieces of animal bone. but the secret of this place is in the water. it is warmed by a natural spring, meaning it did not freeze during the ice age, and that brought people to settle here. so this is it. this is bleak mead, where we have been digging over the last ten years. the basin behind us has got shed loads of archaeology in it. so what percentage of this have you excavated and found?
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a tiny percentage. we have dug in total 20 metres square. everywhere we dig here, we're finding really important archaeology. it is almost certainly a much bigger complex. they will be a flyover about 300 metres from where we're standing to the east, and it will be eight metres high. if that was not bad enough, the road here is going to be banked up another seven metres. all of that logistical work will drain the spring and take down the water table, which is preserving all of these objects which are thousands of years old. the road has got to go somewhere, hasn't it? it has got to go somewhere, but why does it have to go here? this is one of the most precious landscapes in the world. so what is the man in charge of the road scheme have to say about david's and rachel's fears? my team have gone and visited
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bleak mead's site with the professor to hear what he is saying. across the road, we have got bush barrow. the owner of the land says having the tunnel will actually impact on the world heritage site. i have met mrs hayes. we are listening to what she is saying, and the other 9000 bits of correspondent we have had to our consultation. will you change your plans if it does not work out? we are still in consultation, analysing all those consultations, and taking a view on the best way forward. earlier this month, more than 20 eminent archaeologists and historians registered their objections to the scheme. they echoed those of rachel and professorjacks, but they are also concerned that the tunnel entrance near to bush barrow will destroy the views of the winter sunset, now thought to be fundamental to the stone's positioning. the final plan for the proposed tunnel is expected in the autumn. building work is scheduled to start in 2020.
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next, the power of music really can be quite remarkable. one group of people in dorset has been finding out. margaret stark plays the violin with the university dementia care insitute orchestra. we dropped in with them. we have got a concert next week, haven't we? are we going to play this in the concert? shall we play some music? we will go e or]. you decide. tap the string. nothing. on g. nothing, we tend to go... welcome to my orchestra. you should hear the berlin philharmonic do this! some of us have dementia,
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and some of us are carers. great! fantastic. that isjoe and david. their partners don't come any more, but they stilljoin us every week. one, two, three... it is all a bit emotional for me at the moment. i am sorry. i lost my husband a year ago tomorrow. but he loved it, he absolutely loved it, didn't he? yes. that's why i still come. my wife came up until the end of the year. she is too ill now to come, but she spent every session just wreathed in smiles and lifted
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by the whole thing. great to see her enjoying it. kind of like a family, really, now — don't want to give it up. it is astonishing how it brings us all together. there is me and my husband mike. can you guess which of us has dementia? that is one of the best things about the orchestra. when we are playing, all of that melts away. you see, dementia is difficult, but it doesn't mean you can't have fun or take on new challenges, even the violin. one lady this week, she was thoroughly enjoying it. her face, i made you turn around and look at her, and it was lovely. quite true. we are able to chat together and swap, you know —
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how is your husband, how is he doing? 0h, mine did that, you know? we reassure each other that we are not alone. what is happening, we are not imagining. it is part of the problem that we have. everybody is so nice, and also, a lot of them are in the same boat as what i am, you know, but luckily, i have only got it slight at the moment. and just keeping my fingers crossed that it does not get any worse. it can be very annoying, because you try and remember things, and, unfortunately, unless it stands out, i am afraid it goes to the back of your mind. and it can be quite annoying, i can assure you.
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yes. it makes you feel good to play. you know, they are not worried whether you play the wrong notes or anything, which happens quite a bit anyway! hillary also has the early stages of dementia. she doesn't let it get her down. i went to see the consultant and i said, i keep losing memory. i can't remember people's names, and it's not that bad, you know. i was borderline. and they said, well, i said, can i have a scan? and they said, you want a scan? and i said, yes i want to know what is going on, and they found that the brain was...
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shrinking, did he say? when i see the poor folks at the university, i think how sad for them, because they must have gone a long time. they can't speak, but they do smile about. they can't have a conversation. you just cannot realise how they think about is what they feel. it is just something that is there. several times through the week, he will start chanting, ooh, ah, cantona! so it is not a thing that just happens on the day. we will think about it other times during the week. this is the last time. fantastic. well done, everyone. fantastic. this is the last time. fantastic. well done, everyone. today is a big day. we are putting on a concert for a live audience. we perform regularly, to prove to others what people
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with dementia are capable of. learning, performing, and drawing crowds. we might not be the greatest musicians, but with the professionals alongside us, we do make a good sound. sometimes, it goes wrong, and it sounds better, if you see what i mean. and we think, ooh, can we keep that bit in?! so, it will go wrong. inevitably, it will go wrong. it has brought me out a little bit more. i'm not so withdrawn or anything like that. i'm going to go on as long as i can. i don't know what is going to happen, so ijust live life to the full, in that respect. you can't tell when he is strumming his ukelele, but richard is the player with the most advanced dementia. the days he isn't out, if we aren't doing anything,
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he just sits in a chair, head and chest, and nods, and it's just so awful. it can be tough. i get quite emotional at times. i could now, but i won't let myself! just not strong, mentally, and that isn't me, but it is the situation we are in. it's not one you expect. it's a very debilitating illness. wipes out everything, wipes out all memories. holidays, nice times you've had, all gone. he is a lovely man. so, yes. we're just to be together. it is a bit worrying for us when you see one who is a bit further on, and you say, help, i hope not. very difficult not to surmise that you will be like that later. i try not to think about it.
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applause now, finally, it'sjust over 250 years since the famous naturalist gilbert white recorded the first butterfly in hampshire, and that's a good enough excuse to ask expert matthew oates to tell us more about these colourful wonders of nature. butterflies captivated me as a child, and that fascination blossomed and became my life's work. they have been admired, collected and recorded in southern england for 250 years. each summer, i try to visit
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as many of the special places where our rarer butterflies occur. today, selbourne is a place of pilgrimage for naturalists. they are attracted here by the memory, the living memory, of the reverend gilbert white, the forefather of natural history. this is where it all started. the first record for a butterfly in hampshire was of a male brimstone seen on march 8th, 1766, by the reverend gilbert white, here in selbourne in hampshire. now, white regarded the brimstone as being the harbinger of spring and even today it is a butterfly that people diligently look out for on the first warm days of spring. there are other familiar butterflies. we may not know all their names, but we know them for what they are,
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the souls of summer hours. i'm talking about garden butterflies like the peacocks, small tortoiseshell and red admiral. there are many other less well—known butterflies, many of which are specialists of central southern england. they have dazzling names and belong to strange named families, like the skippers, which are fiery darts that whizz around at great speed. and the hare streams, which are rather elusive. on the downs, there are the exquisite chalk hill beautiful blue butterflies. and in the woods, the big, bold and brassy fritillaries.
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many of these butterflies are quite rare and restricted to certain places due to their specific needs, and some of those places have become our nature reserves. just outside the village of selbourne is this nature reserve at norhill, one of the richest and best loved butterfly localities in the british isles. no less than 46 of the 59 species of butterfly that are record regularly in the uk have been found here within the last 40 years. that is mega! butterflies love hot, sunny weather in spring and summer. 40 years ago, of course, it was the long, hot summer of 1976, and we briefly experienced a mediterranean climate and butterflies that year abounded. they are creatures of the sun. one particular sun—loving speciality is found at norhill
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during the spring. his grace the duke of burgundy. i spent many years studying this little butterfly. it is a thug and a bully boy, but it is one of my favourites. if you spend time searching the vegetation carefully, you may find the duke and duchess together. as soon as she is ready to fly, her grace the duchess of burgundy will gravitate into a male territory. there, she will be ardently and instantly mated. there is no courtship in this species whatsoever. crucially, each species of butterfly needs a certain plant species on which to lay its eggs, and her grace needs cowslips and primroses. here in the new forest, the duke of burgundy became extinct
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three or four decades ago. but for about 150 years, the new forest was the premier locality in britain for butterfly collecting, and the old collectors during the victorian and edwardian eras in particular, but way into the early 1950s and early 1960s, used to come here in droves, particularly injuly. they were especially interested in the silver washed fritillary. and the green coloured form. and they collected drawers full, cabinets full. and they reside still in museums today. servicing the collecting obsession was a major local industry in the forest for about 150 years. in terms of providing board and lodging, food and drink,
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transport and guides, and also dealers and breeders who sold unusual specimens, dead or alive, to often rather gullible collectors. in bygone days, many of the new forest woods looked like this. butterfly paradise. after the first world war, many of the new forest's oak woods were clear felled and replaced with fast—growing, non—native conifers in a glorious experiment of which our butterflies were unscheduled victims. the conifer woods are too shady, and otherwise unsuitable, for most butterflies. national policy has now changed, gloriously. the policy is to restore broadleaf
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woodland long—term and also to remove altogether some conifer plantations and restore the land to open heathlands. the open heaths of the new forest, purbeck, hampshire and the western weald are renowned for their specialist flora and fauna, which includes the exquisite minuscule silver studded blue, a sapphirejewel of a little butterfly. there is much we can do to help our so—called garden butterflies. these are highly mobile creatures that drift around both the countryside and the towns, constantly seeking new places in which to breed, in which to live, and it is really important to give them feeding stations along their way.
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there is no better way of doing that than by growing these in your garden, and the good news is that they come in all shapes and sizes nowadays. there are even tiny patio tubs buddleias, and they work. they attract butterflies, bees, and at night, moths. mobility is everything to butterflies, and wildlife friendly gardening really does help that. butterfly populations boom and bust and ever flow according to the diktats of the weather, and if we have learnt anything about butterflies over the last 250 years, it's that we love them, we care deeply about them. we value them for their beauty, for the special places they take us to, and as symbols of freedom. butterflies need us, and we need them.
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well, that's it for now, and indeed for the series. we are back on bbc one in the autumn. until then, bye—bye. hello, there. saturday brought some intense april showers, with hail and thunder and lightning reported widely. and weather watcher pictures like this that came in, this is through the evening
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in milton keynes, show the top of a thunder cloud. in contrast, a much drier day awaits us, with warm spells of sunshine. mind you, it's going to be a tad chilly to start sunday morning. a frost in the glens of scotland and northern ireland. ground frost also through north wales, the north midlands and northern england. so very much chillier than it has been in recent nights and there could be a bit of mist and fog around for the first few hours of the morning, but otherwise the morning looks set to bring the best of the sunshine for the vast majority, as you can see. temperatures just slow to recover after the chilly start. still that potential for some cloud around and some lingering showers from the day on saturday, but very isolated in comparison. mostly for the north—east of england. there could be mist and fog elsewhere. a misty northern ireland and scotland with the frosty start. still the odd shower for northern ireland, but essentially it's a dry picture for saturday. very much a stark contrast to saturday.
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the cloud will tend to build through the day, fair weather cloud that is. so it may well be bright rather than sunny come the afternoon. there is the risk of showers developing in eastern areas. just one or two, in eastern england in particular. given the light winds in the sunshine, 13—17 will be pleasant. sunshine around the coast by the afternoon. if the boat races take place it is set fair, 15—16 in the afternoon when the races are set to take place, and it won't be as rough in temperatures as last week with the light winds. some sunshine for the premier league matches taking place over in swansea and london. a little bit of cloud hanging around. again, through the night on sunday, the cloud should melt away under the area of high pressure, so again a chilly start on monday morning. but we have the advancing weather fronts in northern ireland and scotland. so there could be a bit of mist and fog around for your return to work on monday, but england and wales set fairand quite warm,
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despite the breeze picking up the west. the rain holds off. mainly for northern ireland and western parts of scotland. but then we have the rain staggering southwards and eastwards, eventually clearing from the south—east later into wednesday, with the high—pressure returning. it means for monday there's rain in the north and west. tuesday, more cloud across the country. that's when high—pressure returns. still quite a bit of cloud mid—week. welcome to bbc news,
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i'm tom donkin. our top stories: a desperate search and rescue effort in colombia — bad weather hampers efforts after a landslide kills more than 200. power politics in venezuela — president maduro claims the credit as the supreme court reverses its decision to strip the congress of its authority. as britain vows to protect gibraltar during brexit negotiations — spain insists it will have a direct say on the territory. and after he was lost for words, bob dylan finally collects his nobel prize for literature.


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