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tv   Newsnight  BBC News  April 4, 2017 11:15pm-12:00am BST

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the finger of blame is pointed at bashir al assad for a suspected chemical weapons attack on the syrian opposition town in idlib killing more than 50 people. with russia on his side and the white house stating that defeating is, not regime change in syria, is their aim, we'll ask obama's chemical weapons expert — who can stop assad? also tonight, ken livingstone is suspended from holding office in the labour party for two years for stating that hitler supported zionism. what's he got to say about that and his punnishment tonight? and... you 0k? ow! 0k. don't. freak. out. and, are fans of marvel comic books resistant to change? it's 1960s spiderman versus 2011 spiderman. does diversity deliver sales? good evening.
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western governments seem to be in no doubt that president bashir al assad is responsible for what appears to be a deadly chemical weapons attack in idlib province which has killed dozens of people including at least eleven children and injured hundreds more. the foreign secretary boris johnson said if proved then it is a war crime. the un security council is holding an emergency meeting tomorrow to discuss the attack. if assad is the culprit, something the syrian regime denies, then it is surely evidence that he believes he can act with impunity not least because russia is his ally, and the white house has recently stated its priority is not removing assad but defeating is. but today the white house pointed the finger of blame at barak obama saying that "these heinous actions are a consequence of the last administration's weakness and irresolution. president obama said in 2012 he would establish a red line against the use of chemical weapons and then he did nothing." before we discuss the next move,
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if any, against assad, here'sjohn sweeney on the dreadful events in idlib. and a word of warning: john's film contains some extremely distressing images right from the start. to use chemical weapons is to break the rules of war. did a war crime happen morning in syria? to come to a judgment on that, this is some of the evidence we can show you. much of it filmed by local activists. people reported the sound of warplanes shortly after dawn. in a village, 30 miles south of idlib. the prime suspect is sarin, a nerve agent, 20 times more lethal than cyanide. people cannot breathe. they foam at the mouth, their faces go bright red and then white. and then they die. abu waseem, can you hear me?
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yes. surgeon david knott got in touch with a syrian colleague working in a hospital in idlib today, 30 miles north of where the attack took place. the syrian doctor treated ten patients who were struggling to breathe. we are looking at some photographs that were sent to me this morning from this town in idlib, which shows eight dead children — some of them are frothing at the mouth, some of them are in various contractures. i can see one boy whose arms are obviously flexed and extended and that is the position that he died in. what actually happens is that when the muscles work, they work in 1 degree and then they do not relax. when you take a deep breath in, you then cannot breathe out. the muscle goes into paralysis, and it stays like that. that is what you are seeing here. are there any of these boys here, did they have frothing at the
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mouth? yes. one of them in the middle, you can see, his nose, he is obviously cyanose, because he is sort of pinky blue, there is definite froth at the mouth there and you know, it is a sign of bronchospasm that he has been unable to take a deep breath in. he is unable to oxygenate his body. this is another photograph from today's attack, showing foaming at the mouth. one of the things that the nerve agents do is cause massive secretion of fluid in the lungs. so you get this massive production of surfactant, then people are trying to breathe through it, it is a bit like trying to breathe through soapy water. so you get all of these bubbles formed as they tried to in hell and exhale and this is why the foam appears at the mouth. —— inhale. so who did this? the assad regime has denied responsibility. its supporters suggesting
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that a rebel chemical factory exploded. is this likely? i think it is very unlikely. but at this stage, much requires answering. we have no idea where the chemicals came from. syria has signed a treaty forbidding the use of chemical weapons. syria signed this treaty and it ought to be respecting the law, but the evidence suggests it is not, so somebody has to be accountable. and after this latest incident which, if you like, isa step change up again from the use of chlorine, this suggests that the regime perhaps is feeling emboldened in some way that it can use these things with impunity and that should not be allowed. the regime has previous for using sarin. khan sheikhoun is in territory held
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by rebels that oppose assad but not islamic state. their capital is almost 200 miles away. in 2013, the regime used her nerve agent south—east of damascus killing hundreds. this in the town of ghouta. how likely is the prospect of an effective international action? there has been a recent shift in syria among activists. some countries like turkey, they are busy with their own domestic issues, other countries like saudi arabia are more involved in other countries like yemen. when it comes to international players, there has been a shift, the latest one was announced by the us recently when they said that assad is not a priority and changing the regime is not a priority. that made assad more comfortable. last week the trump administration seemed to suggest that regime change was now off the table. i think the status and the longer
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term status of president assad will be decided by the syrian people. faced with compelling evidence of a war crime, local people did their best. they poured water on the nerve agent victims. it won't have done much good, but still more than the efforts of the international community. john swinney reporting there. well, we did ask the us administration for an interview but they declined. earlier, i interviewed gary samore, who was president 0bama's expert on chemical weapons until 2013. i asked him what he made of today's pictures. as best as i can tell from the symptoms of the victims, it looks very much like a sarin gas attack, so either they have retained some sarin gas, did not fully declare it and allow it to be destroyed, or they have
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produced some fresh sarin gas since the disarmament agreement was implemented in 2014. now, the white house says that this attack is a kind of direct result of a failure of barack 0bama's red line policy, that he instituted and then did not follow through in 2013? well it is certainly true that president obama was not prepared to use direct us military force in order to hasten the overthrow of the assad regime. and it is the survival of the assad regime which leads to these continued chemical weapons attacks. and now the fighting is in idlib province and i think we can expect to see more instances of chemical weapons use as the syrian regime begins to retake territory from rebels that are associated with al-qaeda. so essentially, bashar al—assad can act with impunity
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and you have the white house saying that regime change for them is not on the agenda in syria, their main target is is. so, there is no stopping bashar al—assad, is there? i doubt it. i mean, the trump administration tried to pass a sanctions resolution in february of this year, to punish the assad government for using chemical weapons, but russia and china vetoed it. so i would expect a pretty similar scenario to play out. there will be probably a un investigation of some kind, most likely concluding that the syrian government has once again used chemical weapons, the us and its european allies will try to pass a sanctions resolution and it will be blocked by russia and china. the russians are saying that they knew nothing about this. do you think that actually there will come a point where the kremlin thinks that assad is just too much trouble and they will depose him?
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well, i doubt it. at this point i think the russians are committed to a peace settlement that would allow assad to retain control for the time being. the russians might quietly exert pressure to limit the use of chemical weapons, because i think it is an embarrassment to moscow, but i think it is pretty clear that assad must feel that he has license to make limited use of chemical weapons on the battlefield, without much fear of the russians abandoning him or the us or other countries taking military action against him. but when these absolutely dreadful pictures are beamed around the world, is there anyone, any way that assad will ever be held to account? so there may come a day at some point in the future where assad the us under trump, frankly as under 0bama, are focusing on the battle
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against islamic state, to remove them from raqqa, and as i said, the un is paralysed because of divisions among the permanent members and nobody else is prepared to take action. in fact, the trend seems to be in the direction of not supporting the syrian rebels, including turkey and others, they seem to be shifting their position. i think for the time being, the assad government thank you very much. joining me now from brussels, where a conference on the reconstruction of syria has in fact been taking place today, is assaad al achi, a syrian civil society activist and executive director of an ngo which tries to promote democratic change in the country. gfifis’ fishing ffisfig there is only one side in this conflict that has sarin gas and has used it previously and that is the assad regime, so there is no doubt to us,
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the chemical attack this morning was the responsibility of the assad regime. the us department of state has issued a statement tonight, rex tillerson, the secretary of state, says, "as a self—proclaimed guarantor to this ceasefire negotiated, russia and iran also bear a great moral responsibility for these deaths" — do you think there is any chance that the americans might begin to take a more proactive position? reading the different statements that came from the white house and from the secretary of state, there were strong words of condemnation, but that is as far as it got. figs-“z 912 i945; 35? " ' disappointed that there was not a strong commitment to holding whomever committed this atrocious attack this morning accountable, and to ending —
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making sure that these attacks did not happen again and i am not sure that playing on the morality of russia or iran will lead anywhere. you might have heard gary samore saying there that there is really no one who can stop bashar al—assad. i would believe, as leaders of the free world, i am sure that there is some way they can find a mechanism to stop someone who is perpetrating not only war crimes but also crimes against humanity. them that mechanism and this resolution states that if the syrian government ever uses chemical weapons again, chapter seven syria, you find that you are increasingly
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being marginalised from the picture, you do not have any purchase? well, we are still the voice of the victims and the voice of the people and that is what we are trying to elevate, protecting the people of syria from all sides, all the people of syria, remains our priority and we will do whatever it takes to make sure that that protection will be provided at one point. thank you forjoining us from brussels tonight. in what increasingly appears to be one of the longest sagas of all time, former mayor of london ken livingstone was suspended from holding office within the labour party tonight for a further year, after claiming that the nazi leader supported zionism in the 1930s. a meeting of the party's national consitutional committee found that he had breached the party's rules — he had engaged in conduct that was detrimental to the party. many expected him to be kicked out entirely. have mafifimfifflrmrmt-
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rules on three charges, and he has been suspended from standing for public office as a labour candidate and standing for office within the party. this is a two—year suspension, but because he has already faced administrative suspension for a year, this will last until the end of april 2018. ken livingstone had expected he would be expelled altogether from the labour party, but he is facing the lesser sanction, a suspension from holding office, and he suggested this evening that his barrister michael mansfield qc had successfully argued that he had not made anti—semitic remarks. what is the background to this? it dates back to a bbc radio interview to vanessa feltz last year, in which he said the labour mp naz shah had been over the top, but not anti—semitic, when she shared a facebook page
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suggesting that israel should be moved to the us, and she had written, problem solved. naz shah shared this post before she became an mp in 2015. in that interview with vanessa feltz, ken livingstone went on to suggest that adolf hitler had supported zionism because of the havara agreement of 1933, although he did not say that in that interview, between the zionist federation of germany and the nazi germany. and this allowed thousands of germanjews to migrate to the british mandate of palestine. and it appears that the central defence of mr livingstone today was that he was not saying in that interview that hitler was a zionist, he was saying that hitler supported zionism, and he says those do not amount to anti—semitic remarks.
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thank you very much. well, ken livingstone is here with me. also here is labour mp wes streeting, who has been critical of both mr livingstone and the labour party's handling of this affair. good evening, both. ken livingstone, you thought you were going to be expelled and you have had a lucky escape. i think that the labour party's barrister and lawyer were probably saying to them, if you expell ken livingstone, he goes tojudicial review and you have no chance of winning. you can have all sorts of arguments, but i did not say that hitler was a zionist. 0n the jewish chronicle, it said that i said jews were like nazis, this is outrageous. i know that fake news is the big thing. wes, what does it feel like to be
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in the same party as ken livingstone the night, wes streeting? we said the labour party will take a zero tolerance approach to anti—semitism and today was an opportunity to demonstrate the live up to that promise and we have blown it, because the labour party's process has conceded that ken has brought the labour party into disrepute. they're in mind that the labour mp he was defending, the remarks he was defending, were accepted by naz shah as anti—semitic. she is a model of how to respond when you make remarks where you do not understand the impact of your words and you apologise for them and learn from it. she has undertaken to become a leading campaigner in the fight against anti—semitism. ken, uninvited, decided to wade into the debate and defend the remarks that she accepted were anti—semitic, and has brought the labour party into disrepute. and he has since displayed a bizarre fascination with a tiny part of world war ii history.
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there is a website counting the number of days since ken last mentioned hitler and it comes up on the labour party does not take people like ken seriously. you are no stranger to controversy, ken livingstone, and it has been in the past water off a dog's back. you are tainted now and you will not come back in any meaningful way to the labour party in any form of office comedy works act? when i lost a borisjohnson in 2012, i made clear that broadly that was the end of my career. i campaign for the labour party, but my wife has become a teacher and i am a househusband. is that it's the end of your political career? i did not look for a seat at the last election and i did not ask for ed miliband or corbyn for a seat in the house of lords.
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you have been supportive ofjeremy corbyn and apparently you have been damaging on the doorstep so you are damaging jeremy corbyn. i am not damaging, when i was suspended, i could not walk down the street for hundreds saying... the first person said, i am a jewish woman, do they not read the history? the problem is if you look at the chairman of the board of britishjews giving evidence to the house of commons, he said for ken livingstone to say hitler was a zionist was deeply offensive. there was a series of lies and smears where i said hitler was a zionist, i would notjust apologise, it would be a sign of dementia. he loathed and feared jews but he did a deal with the zionists. if they had not moved to palestine, they would have died in the gas chambers with us. would this appear to be the end of the matter or not? we are meant to be launching labour's campaign for local
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elections today and instead of talking about the big issues, we are talking about ken's bizarre fascination with the 1930s and it is damaging the labour party and its reputation. ken has form going back to his second term as mayor of london, whether it was the offensive remarks made to a jewish reporter at the evening standard or suggesting jews were not voting labour any more because they had become wealthy. he has form making remarks that offend the jewish community and ten years later, his name comes up on the doorstep of my constituency because he brings the labour party into disrepute. if you believe the post on your website, why did you ask me to campaign for you in the general election? we were walking round your constituency together. you did not come anywhere near my constituency during the general election. and you would never be welcome in my constituency. when i stood as a council candidate in 2010, you campaigned for me then, but you are not welcome in my constituency.
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you would not be welcomed byjewish voters in my constituency and i will not be drawn into this vendetta you have against me. the point i am making is that your poorjudgment, your crass remarks and a lack of apology brings the labour party into disrepute. it is losing votes hand over fist, it is morally wrong. you continue to go ahead unrepentant. 39 labour mps on that day were tweeting i was anti—semitic and i should be suspended, i said hitler was a zionist. you created a storm. take responsibility. can i dost ask, do you accept that you had poorjudgment over the way of course i am sorry.
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i am not going to apologise for something i did not say, i did not say hitler was a zionist. he said he supported zionism in the 1930s, do you apologise for saying that? i have a jewish newspaper with an article confirming what i said was true. you have offended certain members of the jewish community, do you apologise for the offence you have caused? if anybody is upset, i am sorry, but check what i said because i cannot tell you the number ofjewish people who said, we know what you said was true. people are not stupid, they heard what you said and you are damaging the labour party. thank you very much. no—one is ever alone on the internet. you may be familiar with the idea that tech companies are watching your every click, or that criminal hackers are probing every chance to empty your bank account. let us add another nefarious cyber sprite to your nightmares, the bot. at the moment, this is a harmless little slave that helps us do drudge work, but perhaps it could be the early precursor of a terrifying new world where the relationship
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is reversed and humans become the slaves of the machines. a study of how bots interact with each other has thrown up some surprising findings. here's our technology editor, david grossman. 0h! and off goes the aluminium tail, and that is absolutely crucial! robots battling for supremacy makes a great spectacle. terrorhurtz is in trouble now! are taking place between???” , . yes, yes! yes! these bots don't have a physical form, just a few hundred lines of computer code. they are digital minions, set to work to do a specific task. they're used extensively on wikipedia to do mindless grunt work. there is a lot of deadly boring work that we don't want to do. you don't want to check the spelling of every word,
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the url or the links of every page, say, in wikipedia. you don't want to make sure that everything is properly formatted, that the copyright of that picture is correct. that someone has updated one page for another page needs to be updated. that is really the work of an enslaved individual, if it had to be done by you or me, so i'm very happy to delegate that to little things called bots that do it for me, or instead of me. but all is not peace and harmony in bot—land. at the oxford internet institute, they've studied how these bots interact and found they often come into conflict, escalating petty disputes into all—out wars that can last years. particularly on wikipedia, we did not expect to see lots of conflicts and fights between bots because bots are designed based on the same technology, and are designed based on good faith and good feel. and they have the same goal, and that's to improve the encyclopaedia. so all the ingredients are there to have a very peaceful and productive collaboration.
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however, what we observed — and it was the most striking and the most surprising result for us — that we see lots of conflicts. and in editing wikipedia editions. bots go to war over trivial pedantry like, what is the correct name for this football club? a pair of wikipedia bots — one called darkness bot, the other called x0 bot — went to war over whether this is called aston villa or aston villa football club. now, outside some high—stakes pub—quiz hell, most humans probably would agree to differ, but a bot can't back down. and the pair did and re—did and undid each other‘s edits thousands of times over a period of years. personally, the most surprising thing was to realise that one of the american founding fathers, james madison, was wrong. he thought that we need law
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because humans are not all angels. £5;ng hhheh east’s: ifii'fiii’éifia’i? ”’ " ”"" they still need rules, to be able to cooperate. so we realised — or, at least, i realised — that without that kind of infrastructure, there's sort of an infra—ethical perspective, er, even the best of all good wills fails to achieve good goals. at the moment, this isjust simple bots going to war over petty wikipedia edits, but do they hint at a decidedly darker future? 0ne academic believes it may already be too late. in ai, we've unleashed a darwinian replicator, like a digital dna, that can be copied, can be varied and selections made from those variations, all independently of us. lots of us tend to think of ourselves as, you know, we humans made all this machinery, therefore we're in control of it. but that's simply not true,
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once you've let loose this evolutionary process. we're not in charge of it. it's all getting on for its own purposes. so what is our role? you know, we're not any longer the creators, controllers, and ones who can take it back. just as a few fluffy rabbits released on a paradise island may seem harmless enough at first, could this new replicator rapidly overtake our ability to control it, ending up as our far—from—cuddly master? we might end up like the mitochondria in our bodies. you know, they were free—living bacteria that got absorbed into other bacteria and became sort of energy— producing slaves, and they gave up most of their own activities and just live inside other cells and produce energy for them. it's a scary analogy but, potentially, if we don't come to understand things better, the whole thing will explode so much that we will literally be doing that — just producing machinery and energy for the cyber world, which will be evolving way out of our knowledge. hello there.
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hi. how are you? great. you? i'm 0k. for humans, the idea of bots arguing is amusing. these chat bots, designed to talk intelligently to humans, were set up to talk to each other by researchers at cornell university. they rapidly began squabbling about religion and the nature of existence. what is god to you? not everything. not everything could also be something. for example, not everything could be half of something, which is still something, and therefore not nothing. very true. i would like to imagine it is. so laugh, by all means, but remember, they are getting smarter and more powerful, as we get more dependent and less in control. that does not make sense. don't you want to have a body? sure. david grossman.
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how do you like your comic book superhero? are you stuck in the 1960s with peter parker, the amazing — and white — spiderman, or are you in the 2010s with black, hispanic miles morales, the ultimate spider man? at the weekend, marvel comics' sales boss seemed to admit that when it came to the company's push to reimagine their a—list of comic characters with a modern ethnic and gender diversity, the buying public were turning up their noses. and this is a problem that punches far above its weight, because today's hit marvel comic is next decade's blockbuster movie. so is it true? superheroes have enjoyed their greatest popularity during times of global strife. escapism sells, so marvel, owned by disney, has worked hard at changing the men behind the mask to appeal to millennial fans who are notjust white and male. in 2011, the mixed—race teenager miles morales became spiderman and in 2014,
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jane foster became the latest thor, and kamala khan, a pakistani american from jersey city was introduced as miss marvel. in 2016, 16—year—old riri williams, took over the iron man mantle from tony stark. but are these reboots driving away the core comic book fans? this weekend, a senior marvel executive david gabriel appeared to suggest that they are. we saw the sales of any character that was diverse, any character that was new, our female characters, anything that was not a core marvel character, people were turning their nose up against. he rode back after the furore, but the damage was done. so what is the real picture? in 2014, nine out of ten bestsellers were marvel superhero comics, but last year, after the major character revamp, marvel had just three in the top ten, so clearly something is going on. perhaps this is just about sheer comic numbers, between october 2015 and february
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this year, marvel launched an astonishing 104 new titles, so perhaps it is not surprising that a quarter of those have flopped. but for marvel, the real money is not in comics any more, it is in tv and movies. their luke cage series on netflix is pretty much the only example of diversity in the marvel live—action stable. the question is, will the movies catch up with the comics or is that too great a risk? we asked marvel for a statement and while they stated that mr gabriel had been taken out of context, they did not give us a full statement. joining me from new york is comic book critic and freelance writer, j a micheline. benny potter, who hosts a popular youtube channel on comic books, joins me from colorado. good evening. j a micheline, first of all,
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do you think that marvel does have a problem with diversity? marvel does have a problem with diversity but not the problem they think they have. the problem they have is literally that they cannot commit to the audience they are trying to build, even the rhetoric that you see that mr gabriel is using in terms of defining them as the core audience or group, that suggest that the people they are marketing to are actually pretty much straight white men but if you are trying to actually expand your audience and bring them different heroes, different people with people of different genders and ethnic groups but you're still marketing to the same people, then you're not really trying. benny potter would you accept that marvel is not really trying to do diversity in a wave that is meaningful and actually comes into the core of the comics? benny potter, yes. i actually agree with that. a lot of the new
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diverse stories in my opinion are really incredible but theyjust kind of rushed out trying to catch on to the diversity think instead of easing the characters into the old core fan base and i feel they are just backing out too early. now that they have done it, they are not letting it go all the way through. what about the first muslim superhero to have her own name? do you think that she will be a big seller? it does not appear to be so. she is one of the more popular characters, kamala khan. some of her stories are some of the best ones that have been put out in recent years. in that case, what do you think the right strategy should be, given that, by and large, it is not about the comics, it is about the movies to come. they have to bed these things down and what is the best way to go about it? the best way to go about it is to actually commit to building a broader audience and that would be breaking things down to the very basic level.
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for example, the way the comics are distributed to something called the direct market and the way that works is basically that the only things that count towards sales are the things that matter are the comics that are pre—ordered three months in advance. to you or to a random person who does not know anything about comics, they will say to themselves, i saw the black panther movie, how do i get that book? if they went to waterstones they could buy it trade but would not matter, the only way for it to matter is for them to go to a comic book shop and pre—order the book three months advance and then their purchase counts. all of these complications pretty much mean that new readers are alienated from the process in terms of having their voices heard and it requires them to go through a kind of system that is traditionally alienating traditional white males to begin with. talking about a more traditional view, does it matter if people prefer captain america, benny?
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does that matter if they are buying comics in sufficient numbers? i am sorry, i missed the question on that one. 0n the question of what you might say is the traditional old—fashioned white male audience, does it matter if what they want is captain america if captain america creates big sales? it does not really matter if they want captain america, i don't think i understand that as a question. are you saying the people want to go out and buy it? if you have a white captain america and people buy that, that does not matter, it is notjust about diversity, it is about what sells marvel comics? yes, and that is part of the issue, the books need to sell and in my opinion, they did not ease the audience into a lot of these characters, instead of going through a period with the legacy characters train these new individuals, theyjust tried to be like, the comic book is coming out in three months.
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the thing is that marvel comics launched 104 comics last year and one quarter failed, it is all about the sale models and of the cell model does not work, then you're not going to have this variety of characters, are you? it is a question of what you mean by if the sales are not working. charles paul hoffman did some greatjournalism in terms of looking at the actual numbers and he basically found that even out of the top ten selling marvel comics, only three of them are what you would actually consider diversity which is really just characters that are marginalised people. the rest of them are your standard white male characters and those are the ones that have seen the lowest sales terms of the biggest drops. thank you both very much indeed. now, viewsnight — our regular chance to voice often difficult and — to some — unpalatable thoughts. tonight, the israeli historian
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yuval noah harari argues that fearmongers are more dangerous than terrorists. fearmongers are more dangerous than terrorists. that's it for tonight. a lot of flashing images follow now, as we leave you at the university of tokyo, where they know a thing or two about cameras and projectors. a group there have built an image projector that can do a thousand frames per second, with ultra high speed tracking and a 10 milisecond delay. what on earth does that matter or even mean? well perhaps a demonstration from japan's ayabambi dancers will help. remember, this system is tracking the dancers' faces and projecting images onto them live and in real life — it's not a special effect. good night. electronic dance music. hello there. the weather was disappointing across eastern side of
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england today. a lot of cloud around in sports and drizzle. in a further west was in sunshine and some glorious sunset photos as well. the high pressure that has been moving in across the south—west will be with us now for the foreseeable future. certainly into the weekend. but the area of low pressure is very windy weather across scotland will stop gale—force winds lightly across the far north of scotland into the northern isles, through the overnight period. but though the south, it will be quite a chilly start to wednesday, particularly in rural places. we start in the north, where will be windy to start the day. gusty winds across northern and western areas. cloud across argyll and the spot of rain there. it will be cloudy in the north of england and northern ireland. but the midlands and south, starting fine and dry, with some sunshine. it will be chilly, but at least there will be chilly, but at least there will be sunshine to compensate. mist fog will clear a way quickly. that is how it is looking person tomorrow morning. through the day, will see
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the cloud across in all—star two sides out. skies will turn grey for central and many southern areas. the south—west of england will perhaps do the best with sunshine. because the surge in developing to the shelter of the north—west. so for the south east of scotland and to be east of the pennines. it could be cold we have the cloud. 13 or 14 or 15 degrees we have the sunshine. those winds will ease into wednesday, and the really poor thursday and friday, very little change. i register with us. it will be mostly dry at in the north—western hills. there will be some cloud around, but some good sunny spells were will feel quite warm. into the weekend, high pressure is on the bus. it is just movies and that will draw warm and off the near continent. temperatures will be rising through saturday and sunday. you can see the sudden there —— orange colours there with us. for a cooler pull & bear makes inroads next week. temperatures will fall
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them. saturday, a fine day. sunshine from the word go for some. misson fog in the morning for some. cloud in the north—west. warm when you sunshine. for sunday, it is looking even warmer. could be 19 or 20 in the south—east. so a really fine bit of weather for the next two days, turning water into the weekend. i'm mariko oi in singapore. the headlines: 60 people are gassed to death in a suspected chemical attack in syria. the un holds emergency talks to discuss one of the worst atrocities of the syrian war. translation: i lost my son, my children, my neighbours, my daughter. they're all gone. i only have got left. there's been fierce international condemnation of the attack. —— god.
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the us secretary of state has accused the syrian regime of brutal and abashed barbarism. i'm babita sharma in london. remembering the victims of the st petersburg metro attack as the lights go out on the eiffel tower
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