tv BBC News BBC News May 15, 2017 4:00am-4:31am BST
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hello, i'm tom donkin, with a warm welcome to bbc news, broadcasting to viewers in north america and around the globe. here are our top stories: a wake—up call for the world. friday's cyber attack prompts a warning from microsoft's president. monday morning could bring more chaos. north korea says it has successfully tested a new type of missile, and claims the us is now within range. emmanuel macron promises to rejuvenate france, on his first day as president. his nextjob will be to name his prime minister. thousands protest in moscow against a resettlement plan that will see their homes and entire neighbourhoods demolished. and a second world war veteran becomes the world's oldest skydiver, at the ripe age of 101. thanks forjoining us.
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governments and businesses around the world are anxiously waiting to see if they will be hit by a second wave of cyber attacks. the experts say the hackers have released a new version of the virus, which encrypts files and demands a ransom payment from users. microsoft has described the attack as a wake—up call to governments. our security correspondent gordon corera has the latest. a cyber attack that spread like wildfire around the world, and may not yet be over. it was launched on friday by hackers whose identity is still unknown. and what has been seen so far has already been extraordinary, say law enforcement. we've never seen anything like this, unprecedented in its scale. the latest numbers that we're seeing, over 200,000 victims,
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in over 150 countries, so clearly a global phenomenon. this is what victims have been confronted with, a warning they have been locked out of their computer, and they will have to pay a ransom to get back in. in britain, the nhs seems to have been the main victim. in russia, the interior ministry was hit. in france, a car plant had to stop production. and in germany, train arrivals and departure boards were hacked, leading to a return to chalk and blackboards. this map, created by a researcher who has tracked the virus, shows the spread of infection. what all those affected had in common was that their computers had not been upgraded to eliminate the danger. in america, the fbi and nsa are trying to find those responsible. here, britain's cyber security centre, part of gchq, says it has not seen a new wave of attacks strike the uk since friday. but, when people turn on their computers, the fear is we could see problems on a significant scale, because of malicious software which has already spread.
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this is what the first computer looked like. colossus, built at bletchley park to break german codes. since then, computers have become infinitely more powerful, but we have also become much more dependent on them. that means the struggle between those seeking to protect systems and those seeking to exploit or undermine them matters more than ever. the risks of insecure computer systems have been known about for decades. but it is only in the last few days, with the extraordinary global spread of this new virus, that people are realising what that actually means for all of us. gordon corera, bbc news. we are hearing that the number of attacks in australia and new zealand has been low, with most computer users able to return to work as normal. more later in the programme. north korea has announced that sunday's missile test involved
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a newly developed medium—to—long—range rocket, although the exact details of its capabilities are unclear. the device flew for 30 minutes before coming down in the sea between north korea and japan. that is within 100 km of the russian coastline. a short time ago i spoke to steve evans, our correspondent in the south korean capital, and asked him if thought north korea was getting a bit ahead of itself. it is getting a bit ahead of itself, in that it says that the us is now within striking range. well, even if this missile is as successful as it seems to be, that still doesn't make it an intercontinental ballistic missile. it makes it by far the most successful missile tested so far. it reached, by north korea's own account and japan's own account, 2,000 kilometres into the air, which would give it a range of something like 5,000 kilometres.
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that would clearly make all of japan within range, all of south korea, obviously, but also the us base in guam, for example, a huge military complex in the western pacific. so it's getting there, but it's not there yet. this seems to be... and north korea has released stills of the launch, with kim jong—un applauding, and the thing clearly happening. this seems to be a new missile which was on display a month ago in a big parade in pyongyang. 0utside experts said the thing looked different from what had been produced before, and were wondering what it was, and now it seems pretty clear. now, the tension surrounding north korea has been likened by some to the cuban missile crisis in slow motion. just explain that idea to us, steve. in 1962, there was the cuban missile crisis, 13 days of amazing tension, when the possibility
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of nuclear war was real. and that occurred because the united states, with aerial pictures, saw missile silos being built on cuba, probably for nuclear missiles, that the soviet union was putting nuclear missiles on cuba, 100 miles from the coast of florida. kennedy told khrushchev, you will not do do this. it was an out—and—out look the eyes of khrushchev, where kennedy said, if you keep going, there will be war. it was what would now be called a red line. kennedy's threat was credible. the ships came, and the ships turned back. what we've got with north korea is not something as abrupt
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and as clear as that. there is no moment when the us says to north korea, if you do that, there will be war. but presumably there could come that moment, it's just we don't know when it will come. or maybe mr trump will decide that the cost of war is so massive that you have to live with north korean nukes, like the united states and the west lived with soviet nukes. but we simply don't know if that red line, as the phrase now is, is a real one, orsimply being talked about. let's round up some of the other main stories: ivory coast's military says it has launched an operation to restore order in the city of bouake, which has been under the control of mutinous soldiers. the soldiers took to the streets over a pay dispute, blocking off the country's second—largest city on saturday. they say they are willing to fight if the army intervenes,
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and will not give up their weapons. senior us lawmakers have called on president trump to turn over any recordings of conversations with fired fbi directorjames comey. senate democratic leader charles schumer warned that destroying any tapes would break the law. republican senator lindsey graham said the white house needed to clear the air about whether tapes existed. a third person has now died after a passenger train derailed in northern greece, smashing into a house. a resident of the town of adendro said he managed tojump from a balcony just before the impact. it is unclear what caused the train to come off the rails as it was travelling between athens and the country's second—largest city, thessaloniki. emmanuel macron was sworn in on sunday as france's youngest president, promising in his first speech to restore his country's global standing. he said france needed to find answers to the great challenges, including migration, terrorism and climate change. 0ur europe correspondent damian grammaticas was there watching. not since france had an emperor,
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200 years ago, has it had a leader this young. just 39 years old, inaugurated president today. emmanuel macron — he has got here thanks to self—confidence and some political good fortune. the disillusion that has fuelled populism elsewhere has led france to back a newcomer, but from the liberal centre. he only formed his political movement last year. his predecessor, francois hollande, leaves office as france's most unpopular leader of modern times. but the task in front of mr macron is huge,
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if he is to bring about the renaissance he has pledged. translation: all labour laws will be liberalised. companies will be supported. initiative encouraged. innovation and creativity will be at the heart of my programme. the french feeling left behind by globalisation will be better protected. to achieve all that, mr macron needs a majority in parliament. his party has no mps, and elections are injust four weeks. emmanuel macron has promised that this moment will mark a decisive break from the past for france, a moment of national renewal. but all his predecessors have promised reform and failed to deliver. he will need more than youthful optimism and energy to succeed. what he hopes is that, by reinvigorating france, he can make it a force once again at the heart of the eu. translation: president macron
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will relaunch the eu, along with madame merkel. if the british were still members, they'd be part of this, but we'll do it without them this time. it will be on the basis that countries which want to co—operate further, will. so, for france and for europe, much now rests on some very young shoulders. well, president macron‘s first working day in office will see him visit the german chancellor in berlin. they both may enjoy talking election victories. angela merkel‘s christian democratic union party has this weekend unseated their rival social democrats in a key state election. it comes ahead of national elections in september. sarah corker has the details. ein, zwei, drei! it is not often a german regional election is considered quite so important.
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cheering and applause. but just look at what this victory means to angela merkel‘s christian democrats. this is a bellwether state, winning here a huge boost to angela merkel‘s hopes of retaining power in september's national elections. translation: voters have made a clear decision today. they want a different political policy, for schools and education, for infrastructure and transport, for internal security and in fighting crime. and what has been the politics of the last seven years was bad for the people. the state of north rhine—westphalia is home to one in five german voters, a sprawling industrial region which has been a stronghold for the centre—left social democratic party for decades. early optimism at the polling booth from the spd leader, martin schulz, soon made way for disappointment, and the faces of his supporters said it all. translation: this is a difficult day
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for the spd, and a difficult day for me personally. it's my home state, where we have suffered a bitter defeat. we've lost an important state election. earlier this year, mr schulz‘s arrival on the german political scene gave the spd a surge in support. since then, his party has lost three regional elections in a row. the focus now shifts to autumn‘s national election. sarah corker, bbc news. stay with us on bbc news. still to come: beijing unveils ambitious plans for a massive infrastructure project connecting asia to africa, europe, and beyond. the pope was shot, the pope will live. that was the essence of the appalling news from rome this afternoon, that, as an italian television commentator put it, terrorism had come to the vatican. the man they called the butcher
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of lyon, klaus barbie, went on trial today in the french town where he was the gestapo chief in the second world war. winnie mandela never looked like a woman just sentenced to six years injail. the judge told mrs mandela there was no indication she felt even the slightest remorse. the chinese government has called for an all—out effort to help the victims of a powerful earthquake, the worst to hit the country for 30 years. the computer deep blue has tonight triumphed over the world chess champion, gary kasparov. it is the first time a machine has defeated a reigning world champion in a classical chess match. america's first legal same—sex marriages have been taking place in massachusetts. god bless america! cheering and applause. this is bbc news. the latest headlines: experts have warned of a possible
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new wave of cyber attacks around the world when people return to work after the weekend. north korea says its successfully tested a new type of missile — it claims the us is now within range. lets return to our top story now. the threat of a new wave of cyber attacks. professor herb lin is and an expert in cyber policy and security at stanford university in san francisco. he told me one of the reasons why the ransom—ware attack caused so many problems is organisations not using the latest anti—virus software. the problem here is that microsoft had released a fix for this problem and there are a lot of people who didn't bother updating their systems to correct the problem. so, it's not as though the government had much to do with that. the government did have a role in this in that it brought attention to it but the problem has actually been fixed a long time ago and when the government exploit of taking advantage of this was revealed, the fix had already been in place or available
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for about a month. we've heard a possibility of another imminent attack? i suspect that is a good prediction. the problem with this malware, this worm, it spreads without human intervention so when you turn on the computer, it's just waiting. there will be some other infected computer just waiting to find it and if your computer isn't updated at that point, it will just find you and infect you. so, there is nothing really that we can do. if we made sure we had the right computer hygiene, we still might be hit by these attacks. well, no, in this particular case, if you were using an upgraded version of windows like windows seven or windows ten, it probably wouldn't have affected you. if you had patched your system with the appropriate microsoft fix for windows xp, it wouldn't affect you. what people should be doing is finding the fix for this problem online somewhere, installing it and then turning on their computers. now, you deal with cyber policy.
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will it be really down to the individual? i imagine it will be pretty impossible to create rules or legislations in this online world. the quest for rules in this online world continues. a lot of people work on that, including me. the individual certainly has a role to play in this and they should be following good hygiene rules. thousands of russians have taken to the streets of moscow to protest against government plans to tear down, old soviet—era apartment blocks. they're concerned about the location and the quality of the new homes. some see the programme as just a ploy to funnel state funds into construction companies. chloe arnold reports from the russian capital.
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many of the people at sunday's demonstration said they had never attended a protest before. but a ruling that their homes are to be bulldozed has made them angry and confused. chanting. the russian president, vladimir putin, has backed a bill by the city's mayor to replace the prefabricated buildings with modern homes. but it isn't yet clear whether people are to be rehoused in the same area they currently live, or what the size of the new flat they will receive will be. the blocks, never more than five stories high so they wouldn't need a left, were hastily put up in the 1950s and ‘60s to ease a housing crisis. most of them weren't designed to last for more than 25 years. they're now crumbling and in bad repair, and moscow's mayor, sergei sobyanin, says there will be taken down, in favour of modern high—rise homes. thousands of homeowners have gathered in the centre moscow
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demanding to know what happens when their houses are demolished. they know their buildings are to be torn down, theyjust don't know where they are going to move, or when. translation: a huge number of illegal decisions are being made by the government over this so—called "renovation law". they're to force it through and bring it to fruition, even though it's obvious that this whole affair is completely corrupt. none of it is aimed at improving the lives of citizens at all. the reconstruction project could cost $60 billion. supporters say the demolition of these aged buildings is long overdue, and many people are happy to be rehoused. but for some of the almost 1 million russians whose homes are to be destroyed, they want answers. chloe arnold, bbc news, moscow. for many years, china stood
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at the very centre of the global economy, with the trade route known as the ‘silk road' making the country rich and powerful. it all faded during the twentieth century, but now china's president xi is keen to bring it all back, with a massive infrastructure project known as ‘0ne belt, 0ne road.‘ world leaders are gathered in beijing to hear more about the plan. as was the bbc'sjohn sudworth. this is china's chance to big up its "belt and road" initiative. the organisers say that journalists from around 100 countries are here to cover the event. this is the media centre where they're all based. no—one could accuse president xi jinping of underselling his initiative.
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in his opening remarks, he called it a "project of the century". state media, of course, have dutifully gone into overdrive... ..chinese propaganda isn't what it used to be. the point of all of this giant, intercontinental infrastructure spending is, it is claimed, quite simple at heart: the promotion of trade for the benefit of all. china, though, quite clearly sees this as its moment in the global spotlight, and nothing is being left to chance. security, in this city, is tight. some roads have been closed for the event, and at a time where there are question marks over the united states' commitment to globalisation, some have said this is president xi's pitch for global leadership.
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china's neighbours will certainly welcome the enhanced trade and investment. but there is a nervousness, too, that china might use its "belt and road" initiative to underline its geopolitical ambitions in asia — and no amount of lofty speeches and catchy tunes will allay those fears. john sudworth, bbc news, beijing. now to an extraordinary new world record set here in the uk on sunday: a world war two veteran has become the world's oldest skydiver at the age of 101. verdun hayes took to the skies along with relatives from three generations of his family. richard galpin has the story: dressed in a yellowjumpsuit, verdun hayes, aged 101 and 38 days, is about me make history. he is determined to become the world's oldest skydiver. and he is doing it with with his
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son, grandson, and great—grandson. as the plane gradually climbs to the correct altitude — they need to be at 15,000 feet — verdun hayes prepares to make his second ever jump. and the former soldier, who fought and was wounded in the second world war, has nerves of steel. he's particularly fond of the brief free—fall, when they're descending at more than 120 miles an hour. then it's back down to earth. you've done it verdun! congratulations! hooray! and with all four generations of the family back down safely, it's time for everyone to celebrate the record that
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he's just set. beautiful! i — really, iwould do it again tomorrow. i would, truthfully. it's lovely. absolutely lovely. perfect. and how was the landing? better than last time. and all this for a man who, back in the second world war, as a veteran of the d—day landings, assumed he would never return alive. but even at the age of 101, he is still more than alive, doing things that many half his age would not dream of. richard galpin, bbc news. this years eurovision song contest winner salvador sobral has arrived home in portugal to hundreds of cheering fans. the 27—year—old singer has become an overnight celebrity. taking the eurovision trophy singing a love song — in his native tongue.
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the slightly overwhelmed winner had earlier admitted to not understanding this years complex voting system, but says he was very happy with the result, none the less. don't forget you can get in touch with me to discuss any of the stories we're covering via twitter — i'm @tomdonkinbbc. but from me and the team that's it for now — see you soon. businesses around the world are anxiously waiting to see if they will receive a new way of cyber attacks. well, there's some wet weather on the way.
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monday's certainly not looking as bright as the weekend was. at the very least, you'll have thick cloud and some heavy rain at times, as well, particularly out west. and this is the satellite picture. this is the cloud that's streaming into the uk right now. rain—bearing cloud, linked to this low pressure that's originated from quite far south, so this is where our air is coming from. so it'll be raining, but it'll be quite warm across the uk. monday, early hours of the morning, the rain gets into the south part of england, wales, certainly into south—western scotland, and pushing through northern ireland. but at this stage, you can see, 6am, it's dry in eastern parts of the uk. let's have a look at the rush—hour. and the rain could be quite heavy across western and central parts of scotland, particularly the south—west, here. heavy rain. rain also heavy throughout the lake district, the hills of wales, and down into south—western parts of england. but from lincolnshire, into east anglia, and the south—east, at this stage, still just about dry. maybe a few spits and spots getting into london.
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you can see lots of 12s and 13s — 11s, 12s 13s, so mild first thing. but the wind will be quite strong, particularly around these coastal areas. and then all that cloud's just going to engulf the uk. there will be some sunshine around. north—eastern parts of scotland, could be a sunnier spot, here. and maybe one or two other areas. but i think for the most of us, a cloudy, warmish sort of day, with the rain coming and going, throughout the course of the afternoon. how are we going compared to the rest of europe? nice weather across iberia, there. spain and portugal getting even warmer over the next few days. and paris also warming up, and by tuesday, in fact, in paris, about 26 celsius. it'll be warming up the uk as well — in the south—east, that is. tuesday, the low pressure close by. it is pushing those weather fronts in our direction. so there will be some rain. i mentioned the warmth — warming up in france, and that warm air drifting from the south, northwards, and if the cloud breaks across the south—east, temperatures could get to around 2a degrees. but for most of us, it'll be much fresher. 16 there for cardiff, and still decent enough in glasgow, at around 17 degrees celsius.
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then on wednesday, more rain heading to central and southern england and the south—east. exactly how much rainfall, how heavy it'll be, and when it will arrive, that's still a little bit open to question. but the further north and west you are, the drier the weather will be. towards the end of the week, there is a pool of cool air sitting across the uk. that basically means that, with the power of the sun, cool air over us, that's going to generate some showers, so there could even be some hail and thunder towards the end of the week. this is bbc news, the headlines: microsoft has described the global cyber attack which began on friday as a wake up call for the world. security experts say more computers could be infected as employees begin the working week. they've already started to see new versions of the virus. north korea says its successfully tested a new type of missile — it claims the us is now within range. the us has warned pyongyang that new missile tests are not the way to secure talks with washington. it's joined japan in calling for an emergency meeting
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of the un security council. emmanuel macron has promised to restore france's global standing after being sworn in as the country's youngest president. he promised to tackle great challenges, including migration, terrorism, and climate change. one of his first tasks will be to name a new prime minister. now on bbc news,it‘s time for hardtalk.
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