tv BBC News BBC News May 16, 2017 4:00am-4:31am BST
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a very warm welcome to bbc news, broadcasting to our viewers in north america and around the globe. my name is mike embley. our top stories: the washington post claims president trump revealed highly—classified information to the russians and compromised an intelligence source. the white house deny any sources or methods were revealed. the us state department accuses syria of installing a crematorium in a military prison to hide mass killings. ian brady, one of britain's most notorious serial killers, has died. he murdered five children and teenagers in the 19605 with his partner, myra hindley. france's new president hits the ground running — he meets angela merkel on his first full day in office. he'll appoint a new cabinet on tuesday. and capturing camelot in photos: 100 years since his birth, a new exhibit highlights the life and legacy ofjohn f kennedy. hello.
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the washington post has published a report claiming president trump revealed highly classified intelligence to the russian foreign minister and ambassador at their white house meeting last week. quoting current and former officials, the paper alleges mr trump gave information about the so—called islamic state group, supplied to the us by a foreign ally, and considered so sensitive american officials did not even share it widely within the us government. the paper suggests intelligence sources and security relationships with other governments may have been compromised. the us secretary of state has issued a statement that the president discussed the nature of specific threats, but not sources, methods or military operations. one of the washington post reporters that broke the story, greg jaffee, spoke just now to the bbc‘s kasia madera. trump had a meeting with the russian foreign minister and the russian ambassador, was describing the threat posed by laptops on airplanes, with regards to the islamic state, and, you know, disclosed key sort of details
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from an intelligence partner. they were classified and he shouldn't have shared with the russians. and that the partner who shared that information with the united states would certainly be upset about. and you're saying that discussing such matters for somebody in government would actually be illegal? it is not illegal, in part because the president can choose to declassify anything, but it's inappropriate. it's inappropriate. now, we've seen hr mcmaster deny this. he said that he was in the room and it did not happen this way. what is your response to that? i'd say two things: one, he said the president did not disclose sources or methods, and that's what our story also says. but the nature of the information that the president provided to the russians would allow them the russians to reverse engineer essentially that information to sort of discover the sources and methods. in other words, he said so much that one could figure it out.
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and then the second thing i would say is, following the meeting, there were messages that went out from the white house, from the nsc both to the cia and the national security agency, alerting them that this information had been improperly or accidentally disclosed and to take sort of precautionary measures. so those two things suggest that clearly something of grave concern happened here. and as greg jaffee said to kasia, america's national security advisor — hr mcmaster — who was at the white house meeting — said the post's story was false. there is nothing that the president takes more seriously than national security. the story reported tonight is false. they reviewed a range of common threats to our countries, including threats to civil aviation. at no time — at no time — were intelligence sources or methods the president did not disclose
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any military operations that were not already publicly known. two other senior officials were present, including the secretary of state, remember the meeting in the same way and have said so. they're on the record and cancel out, outweigh those anonymous sources. i was in the room, it did not happen. thanks, everybody. thank you. hr mcmaster there. the bbc‘s rajini vaidhyanathan in washington has more. this caused alarm, because it might jeopardise relationships that the us has with key allies when it comes to intelligence sharing. we have heard from politicians from both sides of the political aisle this evening as well. bob corker,
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who chairs the foreign relations committee, some strong language from him this evening. he said the white house has to do something soon to bring itself under control and order. and he said the white house was going in a downward spiral right now. his opposite number, the democratic senator mark warner said if it was true, it would be a slap in the face of intelligence community, and risking sources is inexcusable. we know the donald trump is not a fan of leaks. he has had in the past that he has no tolerance for lea ks. people here in washington as saying that the timing of this alleged leak, the day after the firing of james comey, would make a story is the more remarkable.
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well let's hear from some of those politicians, themselves. it is disturbing. and let's find out what the details, whether it actually happened or not. wejust had an initial report, so it is very difficult to comment until we get all the facts coming here. i'm not that to jump to any conclusion until we get the facts. as much as they trust the washington post. an unimpeachable source. that's really shocking. and there's obviously going to be a lot more work for us this week. it is a reminder that the president, ithink somewhat recklessly, chose to welcome the russian ambassador and the foreign minister of russia into an oval office meeting with reporters that weren't cleared for that. the suggestion he might have shared highly classified information inappropriately russian minister is deeply troubling. particularly at a time we have so many other challenges facing us internationally and domestically. all i can say is that i've seen other stories in the washington post, which is a fine newspaper, about what comey allegedly did.
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and that did not pan out to be true. so i don't know. if it is accurate, it would be troubling. but i have no idea. the united states claims to have evidence that syria has built a crematorium at a military prison, north of damascus, where large numbers of people have been held during the bitter civil war. the state department is accusing the regime of president bashar al—assad of attempting to cover up mass killings. sarah corker reports. throughout syria's six—year civil war, president assad's regime has been accused of atrocities and war crimes by the international community. sednaya prison has been described as a "human slaughterhouse" — a place where up to 13,000 people have been executed, according to rights groups. now, further allegations of abuse have emerged. credible sources have believed that many of the bodies had been disposed of in mass graves. we now believe that the syrian regime has installed a crematorium in the sednaya prison complex, which could dispose of detainees' remains
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with little evidence. although the regime's many atrocities are well—documented, we believe that the building of a crematorium is an effort to cover up the extent of mass murders is taking place in sednaya prison. washington says these satellite images of the prison support its claims, and even said the atrocities had been carried out with what appeared to be unconditional support from russia and iran. the syrian regime has not responded to the allegations, but in the past are strongly denied any abuse at the jail. sarah corker, bbc news. —— has strongly. let's round—up some of the other main stories: the united nations security council has strongly condemned north korea's recent ballistic missile test. a unanimous statement backed by china, north korea's closest ally, promises tougher sanctions. north korea says the missile it tested successfully on sunday was a new type of
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mid—to—long—range rocket, capable of carrying a nuclear warhead. mutinous soldiers in ivory coast have rejected a deal with the government, soon after the defence minister announced an agreement to end a revolt over unpaid bonuses. around 8000 soldiers have been involved in clashes with loyalist troops. a venezuelan opposition organisation says more than 30 people have been arrested in new protests against president maduro. the human rights group, foro penal, published a list of names. protestors have been on the streets since april, angry at the worsening economic crisis and demanding fresh elections. an award—winning mexican journalist who reported extensively on the activities of drug cartels has been murdered. javier valdez was killed by gunmen who opened fire on his car as he travelled to work. fourjournalists have been killed in mexico in just the past two months. one of britain's most infamous serial killers, the moors murderer, ian brady, has died. he and his partner myra hindley, tortured and murdered five children
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in the 1960s. ian brady had been receiving palliative care at a high security psychiatric unit. daniel sandford reports. few murders before or since have caused such revulsion. the discovery of children's bodies on saddleworth moor left the public wondering who could commit such dreadful crimes and why. ian brady was a petty criminal who grew up in glasgow, where he is remembered for his cruelty to other children and animals. he later took a job in manchester and when his company hired a new typist called myra hindley, the couple became lovers. and brady led her a into a world of sadism. 0utwardly a normal couple, they became serial killers, abducting, sexually assaulting and murdering children. when brady and hindley were arrested, they said nothing. challenging detectives to prove their guilt. they remained silent even when police had found three children's body
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in shallow graves on saddleworth moor. years later, brady told the bbc his remorse for the crimes was painfully deep but he could never explain his motive. until her death, in 2002, his accomplice blamed him but if anything she became the greater hate figure. he, in many ways, escaped some of the disgust the public should feel for him because he was accompanied by a woman and i'm not sure that he got his full share, his fair share of public hatred. in the 1980s, the two killers made full confessions and went back to the moors seperately, to help the search for other victims. pauline reade‘s body was eventually recovered but keith bennett's grave was never found. i wanted one of them to come up with the truth so i could nail the two of them, nail them for the rest of their lives, like they nailed me down. i wanted them prosecuted for keith's death. winniejohnson died in 2012,
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regretting to the end that she had been unable to give her son a christian burial. brady spent the last years of his life in ashworth high security mental hospital. in 1999 he decided to die and stopped eating so doctors force—fed him using a tube. he wrote many letters to the bbc complaining about his treatment and in 2012 unsuccessfully petitioned to be returned to a normal prison. he continued to vent his anger at myra hindley for trying to minimise her role in the moors murderers. although ian brady's crimes now belong to another era, they will be recorded as among the most infamous ever seen in britain. still to come on bbc news: inching towards victory in mosul — we're on the front line with coalition forces, who say the final push could be the most dangerous. the pope was shot,
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the pope will live. that's the essence of the appalling news from rome this afternoon, that, as an italian television commentator put it, terrorism had come to the vatican. the man they call the butcher of lyon, klaus barbie, went on trial today in the french town where he was the gestapo chief in the second world war. winnie mandela never looked like a woman just sentenced to six years injail. the judge told mrs mandela there was no indication she felt even the slightest remorse. the chinese government has called for an all—out effort to help the victims of a powerful earthquake, the worst to hit the country for 30 years. the computer deep blue has tonight triumphed over the world chess champion, gary kasparov. it is the first time a machine has defeated a reigning world champion in a classical chess match. america's first legal same—sex marriages have been taking place in massachusetts. god bless america! cheering and applause. this is bbc news.
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the latest headlines: the washington post claims president trump revealed highly classified information to russia, and possibly compromised an intelligence source. the white house says no sources or methods were revealed. the state department accuses syria of installing a crematorium in a military prison to hide mass killings. iraqi forces have renewed their effort to retake parts of western mosul still under the control of the so—called islamic state group. they want victory before ramadan. after seven months of fighting, militants have been dislodged from most of mosul, and the bbc has had rare access to coalition troops. 0ur correspondent feras kilani, with cameraman khalid alayash and producerjoan soley, were the first tv team to film at patrol base foundry, near mosul airport. after eight months, this is not a new sight.
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the battle to take back mosul from the self—proclaimed islamic state has been raging for close to 1,000 days, when they first swept through northern iraq like a plague. what still remains will be some of the most difficult and dangerous fighting for the iraqi forces. heavy metal music. they are not alone, however. the us—led coalition has been a steady presence, conducting thousands of air strikes and providing intelligence. but they have been increasing their work on the ground with iraqi forces. here at patrol base foundry, us soldiers are working directly with the iraqi federal police to push is out of iraq's second—largest city. we're in mosul, actually.
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we're at the airport on the south end of mosul. we're about five or six kilometres from the frontline of the federal police. do you have any closer positions to the frontline? yeah, we have some other units that are a little bit closer, but they are still well behind the forward line of troops. there's people bleeding almost every day up there. there's back—and—forth fighting. keeping watch at all times, the small group of american troops here know a quiet day is not a reason to drop their guard. so yeah, the timing of old city is really dependent on a lot of things. it's especially dependent on the popular support for isis within that, and if there is any. we definitely encourage any civilians in the area to rise up against isis. constantly keeping in mind reduction of civilian casualties. so, to explain that, the faster they push and the more force they use to defeat isis, the more likelihood there is that there will be civilian casualties.
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however, the slower they go, they will reduce civilian casualties, but they leave the civilians under the subjugation of a barbaric organisation that is isis, for longer. the fighting inside mosul is rapidly reaching the beginning of the end. but what remains is a tight, urban area, riddled with thousands of civilians, even though thousands have already fled. what will remain of mosul after the battle is completed? who will protect the city and its war—weary population? for iraqi forces, especially the federal police, there is no end in sight. as organisations around the world clean up from last week's cyber arrack, attention has turned to the people behind the devastating malware. it uses a vulnerability originally identified and stored by the us national security agency,
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but several security firms are pointing the finger at a possible north korean connection. they point out there is no hard evidence. david campa nale reports. the wannacry ransomware cyber attack has struck around the world. its impact has been the most far—reaching of cyber crimes ever committed. as government organisations and businesses world wide clean up after being caught out, attention has now turned to the people responsible. the military regime in pyongyang is assessed to have over 1,000 computer experts working on cyber activities backed by thousands of support staff. california—based software expert symantec are looking into clues that may connect the attack with programs previously attributed to north korea, including code in an earlier version of the wannacry ransomware. last month, the us secretary
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of home and security, john kelly, told media that a cyber attack from north korea was more likely than a military assault. but there is no hard evidence yet that proves pyongyang originated this attack. across asia, the best assessment is that the impact of the ransomware bug is not as bad as feared. for 12 hours on saturday, petrol stations nationwide could only accept cash, after state—owned oil giant petrochina found internet payment functions had been disabled. they say the majority of their network is now back online. for patients in indonesia's biggest cancer hospital, injakarta, the crisis proved altogether more serious, after 200 people packed into waiting rooms after cyber attacks hit scores of computers. across asia, the cyber attack has come as a huge wake—up call to close loopholes and use the latest security patches to do so. david campanale, bbc news.
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the new president of france had a busy first day in office. first, president macron selected edouard philippe, of the center—right, as his prime minister. then it was off to berlin for talks with the german leader, angela merkel. jenny hill has more from the german capital. well, there was a warm welcome for monsieur macron at the chancellery. not just from angela merkel, but also, rather unusually for such events, from a crowd of people singing and dancing outside the talks. on paper, this looks like a warm and friendly relationship, but as mrs merkel herself put it, paraphrasing a german author, every beginning has magic to it. the two leaders have pledged to create a roadmap for europe. they want to further integrate not just the eu but the eurozone, and they both said, crucially, tonight, they are prepared to look at european treaty change in order to make that happen. so far, so good. but it is worth, of course, emphasising that there have been real difficulties in the french—german relationship.
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0nce, of course, it underpinned the europe project. it was a real axis of strength. but, as the two economies have very much diverged, that has become more tense in recent years. it is worth arguing, i suppose, that actually britain has become more of an ally within the eu for germany. now of course, britain has decided to leave, everything has changed, and these two leaders, who are both of course committed europhiles, are trying to get this european project back on track once more. so a lot of talk about cooperation and working together. but we know also that, behind the scenes in berlin, some of mr macron's ideas about economic reform, for example, are raising eyebrows. it's election year here in germany. angela merkel is not going to countenance any kind of suggestion or idea that german money should go into propping up or paying off
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the debt of other eu economies, including france, that are not doing so well. so there will be tensions between the two leaders. and i think that angela merkel, for all the smiles today, is looking at mr macron and his promise to bring the french economy back up to speed and thinking, let's wait and see whether he can really deliver on those promises. and you can keep up to date with who president macron chooses for his cabinet. the names will be announced later on tuesday. just go to presidentjohn f kennedy was born 100 years ago this month. many events are planned across the us. there is a new photo exhibit at the smithsonian, in washington, images capturing the dramatic rise and legacy of an icon. hi, i'm larry schiller. i'm here at the smithsonian american art museum, a film—maker, a former
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photojournalist, and once in awhile i write books. kennedy lived at a period of what we call the golden age of photojournalism. television had not really emerged as the communicator of the world or the educator of the world. kennedy didn't care how he looked. he didn't care whether you photographed a silhouette of him, or whether he was in a bright light. he knew that, in essence, his mere presence would present the right image to the american public. we have a political climate which, you know, is emerging right now in america. you know, some people say that our leader is learning on thejob, and he should have understood what the job was before. but, i have to tell you, kennedy was learning on the job too. his first 100 days was not easy. he had the bay of pigs.
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he had a lot on his plate to figure out. jacqueline kennedy was probably, i would say, jfk's greatest asset. you know, she was cultured, she had taste, she had humour, wit. jackie never really wanted to exploit the children. sojfk would always wait until she was out of the white house, and then he'd have the kids running around, up and down the halls, and of course he'd invite a photographer. and there are those famous photos ofjohn john crawling through the desk. but there's this wonderful picture ofjfk walking jothohn to bed at night, as he would often do. in the exhibit, you know, you have those iconic images that we've seen before, but they're also bookended with the images you have not seen before. those that set the stage to understand the tension whichjfk
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was under, the humour and wit, the social events. his life was not as glamorous as you would think. briefly, that made news again. the washington post has claimed highly classified information given by donald trump to the russian ambassador may have compromised intelligence on the so—called islamic state group. the us secretary of state has issued a statement saying they did not discuss sources, methods or military operations. more at any time on the bbc website. thank you for watching. hi there. here in the uk, winter and spring have been drier than normal. but could may be the month that bucks the dry trend? well, maybe.
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most of us will have had cloudy skies yesterday. we did have some fairly heavy rain around, as well. the wettest place, dumfries and galloway, threave getting nearly two inches of rainfall during the day. now, we've got more rain in the forecast, as well, over the next few days, and that's because of this big, complicated area of low pressure. this weather front across wales, south—west england, will be particularly slow—moving, bringing outbreaks of rain through much of the day. but for many of us, it will be a very mild start of the day, temperatures into double figures everywhere. now, as well is it being mild, it's also going to be pretty cloudy to start the day across western scotland. some mist and hill fog patches, patches of rain over the coast and hills, too. northern ireland, similar conditions, really. but those temperatures pretty impressive, especially where we see the cloud break, for example around the moray firth. now, across north—west england, wales, and the south—west of england, this weather front here is going to be slow—moving through the day, so outbreaks of rain, probably turning heavy for the afternoon.
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a few patches of rain for southern hills, as well, to start the day. otherwise, a fair bit of dry weather towards east anglia and south—east england. and it will probably stay dry towards these eastern areas pretty much all day, with that cloud thinning and breaking to allow some spells of sunshine in the relatively warm and humid air that has wafted its way in from france. 0therwise, we've got this band of rain, then, as i say, slow—moving across wales and south—west england. underneath that persistent rain, not the warmest of days. further east, in the sunshine, well, if we do get some decent, sunny spells, we could see temperatures pushing on towards 25 degrees in the warmest spots. not far off the warmest weather we've seen so far this year. now, on into the nighttime, the weather front pushes a little bit further eastwards, so we'll get that wet weather pushing in across parts of east anglia, moving towards the home counties. central, southern england also turning soggy. a cooler night further north and west for scotland and northern ireland. and then, through wednesday, our front continues to very gradually push its way eastwards. but it will be prone to waving around a little bit on wednesday. so, again, we could have some drier spells towards eastern parts
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of england, where it could feel a little bit on the humid side, again, temperatures pushing well up into the 20s. we've got the fresher air to the north and west. but, as the temperature contrasts increase, that will start to trigger off some heavy, thundery downpours as we go through wednesday night. they'll push eastwards, and we could well have some localised surface—water flooding developing through wednesday night, so worth staying in touch with the weather forecast. once that weather front is through, the thunder and rain gone, we'll have a mixture of bright spells, quite a bit of cloud around, but also plenty of heavy showers to end the week. this is bbc news, the headlines: the washington post has claimed president trump revealed highly classified information to russia's foreign minister and ambassador, and may have compromised a source of intelligence on the so—called islamic state group. the us secretary of state has said they did not discuss "sources, methods or military operations." the us state department has accused syria of building a crematorium in a military prison near damascus, to cover up the mass killing of detainees.
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it's released satellite pictures. un officials say thousands of inmates have been hanged there. two major internet security firms are looking at clues that may connect the global cyber attacks with north korea. they say some of the code used in the disruption has similarities to programs previously linked to pyongyang. no response so farfrom north korea and experts caution there's no hard evidence. now on bbc news, time for hardtalk.
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