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tv   BBC News  BBC News  June 2, 2017 11:00pm-11:16pm BST

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this is bbc news, the headlines at 11pm. theresa may and jeremy corbyn have been grilled by voters in a question time debate in york —— with 6 days to polling day. —— five days. conservative candidate craig mackinlay, has been charged over expenses claimed during the 2015 campaign. police investigating the manchester attack evacuate part of the city for several hours after finding a car that detectives say could prove to be significant. and on newsnight will be asking borisjohnson and on newsnight will be asking boris johnson have and on newsnight will be asking borisjohnson have a pm fared on the debate and steve smith is on the road in his own bus. good evening and welcome to bbc news. theresa may and jeremy corbyn spent 45 minutes this evening being grilled by an audience of members of the public. the question time leaders special,
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chaired by david dimbleby — covered questions on social care, on nurses‘ pay, on racism, on brexit —— and on the use of nuclear weapons. our political editor laura kuenssberg was following tonight's exchanges. his crowd was waiting. theresa may had much more to lose. a brave face after a bumpy few days. both facing the hardest audiences of all, this studio and you. a smile but a hard start for the prime minister. pressing bruises she has taken on in this campaign. you have backtracked on the social care policy. your plans have holes in it. everyone can see that. it would have been easy to say i'm
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prime minister, why don't ijust stay and hang on in the job that i didn't, i have called an election because of brexit. i think this is a really important moment for our country. you have called a general election for the good of the conservative party and it will backfire on you. then to what her team thinks is her biggest advantage, brexit. but why not give people a second vote 7 people who voted out, perhaps they should be given a second chance. you should have the confidence to say, shall we have another vote? collectively, people here in the uk said, that is not the way to behave. if the people have given their choice, let's deliver on it. then question after question about social care and her change of heart. you can spend your whole life working to build up a nest egg. if it will all be taken away from you again if care is needed, why should you even bother in the first place? it is today we see people sometimes having to sell the houses in order to pay bills.
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we want to introduce a system, a sustainable a given the ageing population. if we do nothing, our social care system will collapse. if you can tell us what the floor is now, why can you not tell us the cap? on the floor it is important we give people protection on their savings which is greater than today. that is why that figure is 100,000. on the cap, as to where you set the figure, the absolute figure that people pay, i think it is right we have the consultation. then pressure on the nhs and this nurse's wage packet. my wages from 2009 are flecked what i my wages from 2009 reflect what i am earning today. how can be fair? we have had to take some hard choices the public sector about public sector pay restraint. we did that to bring public spending under control, because it was not under
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control under the last labour government. i am being honest with you in terms of say we will put more money in the nhs but there is not a magic money tree we can shape. a magic money tree we can shake. i have been waiting a year and a half of this. i have suffered so much because of the work capability assessment. i will not make excuses for the experience you have had. that is why it is so important we do deal with mental health. this is something where we do look at improving how that assessment has taken place. then, to her rival, jeremy corbyn... the first challenge to whether he would play brexit hardball. if the eu understands your position that no deal is a bad deal then you have no chance. we are not approaching the negotiations by threatening europe by setting up a low tax haven for
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big corporations in this country. we are saying we want to continue the trading relationship outside the european union. he was pressed on whether he would work with the snp and whether the country can afford his plans. is labour's manifesto a realistic wish list or just a letter to santa claus? iurge i urge you to read it. i think it is a serious and realistic document that addresses the issues that many people in this country face. i'm thinking of the last time that the labour party was in government but they left a note saying, we have no money left. the very richest in our society have got richer. there have been more tax giveaways at the top end and more charges at the other end. it is time to rebalance it. then his long held resistance to nuclear weapons came
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under pressure. if britain were at threat from nuclear weapons, how would you react? the idea of anyone ever using a nuclear weapon anywhere in the world is appalling and terrible. it would result in the destruction of their lives and communities and environment for millions of people. are you saying there are no circumstances under which you would use it? any circumstances where anyone is preparing to use a nuclear weapon is disastrous for the whole planet. that is why there has to be a policy of disarmament globally but through multilateral policy and not unilateral policy. would you allow north korea and some idiot in iran to bomb us and then say, we had better start talking? of course not. of course i would not allow them to do that. how would you stop them? that is why i made the point
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a short time ago about the need for president 0bama's agreement with iran to be upheld, it's important. also to promote disarmament in korea. that is difficult, i appreciate. i don't understand why everyone in the room seem so keen on killing millions of people. difficult moments for him as well on the ira. the tough night for both arrivals. a brief but big and counter. moments that could make the difference. there are still minds to change. earlier today the crown prosecution service announced that the conservative candidate for south thanet in kent —— craig mackinlay —— had been charged in connection with expenses claimed —— during the last election —— two years ago. the party said it believed the allegations were ‘unfounded'. our home affairs correspondent daniel sandford reports. in the 2015 general election, the voters of south thanet
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were deluged by big—name conservative campaigners, desperate to keep the seat away from nigel farage. their candidate posed with every member of the front bench he could find. craig mackinlay. the tories won... just. today, following an investigation started by channel 4 news, craig mackinlay was charged with filing false expenses for the campaign. so was his agent, nathan grey, and senior campaigner marian little, obe, has been charged with aiding and abetting them. this, the moment this morning when nigel farage heard the news. you'rejoking? my good lord! right. that's big news. 0k. thank you. craig mackinlay has just been charged. once again, it is bad judgment from theresa may. why on earth would you allow someone to go ahead as a general election candidate when this cloud was clearly hanging over him? at the heart of this case
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is the thousands of pounds the conservatives spent on rooms for activists at hotels like the royal harbour in ramsgate. the national party picked up the bills. but a police investigation into whether, in fact, they should have appeared on craig mackinlay‘s individual election costs has now resulted in these criminal charges. the allegation is that expenses that should have been on his official return were not. and, of course, if they had been, he might have breached the strict limit each candidate has on how much they're allowed to spend. the conservative party continues to believe these allegations are unfounded. craig mackinlay is innocent until proven guilty and he remains our candidate. in a statement, craig mackinlay said... i'm very disappointed with the way this has been handled. why leave this until a few days before the election? he will continue to campaign to be re—elected though. just being charged with filing false election expenses does not disqualify you from becoming an mp. his first court appearance,
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the 4th ofjuly, will be less than four weeks after polling day. police investigating the manchester bombing have seized a car that they say could be a significant development following the attack at manchester arena. a bomb disposal unit was sent into a street near manchester university after the vehicle was found — and the area was evacuated for several hours. now it's time for newsnight. theresa may faces questions from public sector workers. my question to you is, why do you care less about the children than the labour government? applause. i don't care less about the children. we'll talk to foreign secretary borisjohnson. jeremy corbyn faces questions on nuclear weapons. would you allow north korea or some idiot in iran to bomb us and then say, oh, we'd better start talking?! you'd be too late!
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you'd have to do it first, mate. no, of course not, of course i would not do that. we'll ask our panel if they think mr corbyn can win. also tonight... the conservative candidate in thanet faces criminal charges over his 2015 election expenses. how will this affect the race there? i wouldn't have thought it'd make any difference. why not? because i think they're all ukip down this way. and, stephen smith drives his bus where most politicians fear to tread. are you excited about the election? no. they're all the same. how many of these battle buses have you seen so far? this is the first one. good evening. if you've sat through an hour and a half of the leaders' debate and you'rejoining us now,
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first, a warm welcome — yourstamina is admirable. if you've missed the whole thing up until this moment, fear not — we're live in york in the spin room, and will be talking to borisjohnson and team corbyn injust a moment. you will get a full taste of it here. this was the last major set tv piece of the election, and it fell to the public to ask the questions. theresa may faced questions about public services, brexit, and her recent tendency to backtrack. jeremy corbyn was pressed by the public once again on trident, his commitment to the red button and his attitude towards the ira. it's hard to talk about winners and losers when the two never actually met on stage. but let's go live to nick watt, who was watching the debate from the spin room in york. he can tell us what happened. what was your sense, nick? well, in these debates you are looking for a zinger moment, the moment of the us presidential election when ronald reagan turned tojimmy carter and said,
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there you go again. this was not a head—to—head, and you didn't have a big moment like that. but what you did have was awkward moments for both leaders. forjeremy corbyn, his difficult moment came when he was asked about the trident nuclear deterrent. he made clear he has changed his position from 2015 when he said that he would never use it. he said he would not authorise a first strike. but he could not bring himself to say that he would actually authorise it in those circumstances. a member of the audience said, surely it is better to have it there and not use it than to not have it. jeremy corbyn would not answer that question. for the prime minister there was a difficult moment when she appeared not to know that they had been recent reports that the uk has given aid money to north korea. a more versatile prime minister would have said, we give money to people in need, we don't give it to regimes. nick, who was your sense, i know you have clarified that they didn't actually meet, but was there in winnerfrom tonight? well, theresa may entered
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this performance having struggled in this campaign. jeremy corbyn came to york tonight having had a very good few weeks. i would say, against that background, the prime minister performed considerably above expectations. there was a difficult moment forjeremy corbyn when he was asked, would he specifically condemn ira terrorism? he couldn't do that and he said that he condemned all acts of terrorism. but there was one interesting unifying theme. both leaders came under questions in their core areas and absolutely stuck to their positions. for theresa may, there was a difficult emotional moment when a nurse said to her, why is it right i have only had a 1% pay rise, which is basically a pay cut? the prime minister said, there is no magic money tree, we have difficult public finances. jeremy corbyn faced difficult questions from a micro businessman who employs just five people. why should i face an increase in corporation tax. jeremy corbyn said, i'm sure you'll
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understand we need money for public services. the mood in the two camps, the corbyn camp very happy saying the labour leader got across his core message, the big message he got across with that theresa may would not debate with him. but i have seen some glum cabinet ministers this week. but this evening i'm seeing some happy cabinet ministers. one said to me, that was a slam dunk win for theresa may. this was the last debate and it will define the last few days. our policy editor chris cook has been taking a look at this debate. here is his report. tonight is the final event in this debate series... may versus corbyn. well, not really.


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