tv BBC News BBC News June 13, 2017 3:00am-3:31am BST
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welcome to bbc news, broadcasting to viewers in north america and around the globe. my name is mike embley. our top stories: "i got us into this mess and i'm going to get us out." britian‘s prime minister apologises for losing her party's majority in a disastrous general election. in russia, hundreds of anti—putin protesters and the country's main opposition leader are arrested as tensions run high. heading for a new era in french politics. we take a closer look at president macron‘s centrist party as it looks set to claim a landslide in the parliamentary elections. finding the voice to help heal a community. the orlando gay chorus povides comfort one year since the pulse nightclub attack. and the perfect marriage of bride... and bollywood. how a viral video means indian weddings may never be the same again. britain's prime minister has spent
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the day trying to make amends with her own party for the disastrous conservative result in last week's election. she lost her majority in parliament, trieigering vast political uncertainty just as the brexit talks to leave the european union are about to begin. theresa may seems to steadied the ship, largely because her party is unwilling to risk another leadership contest or general election, right now. she told her members of parliament, "i got us into this mess and i'm going to get us out". laura kuennsberg reports. band plays the band plays on, in theresa may's backyard. strangely, business as usual at the back gates. at the front tonight,
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even after her personal disaster of the election, the prime minister seemed relieved enough to chat to the cat. after she had fessed up her mistakes to mps. theresa may said that she got us into this situation and she's the lady who's going to get us out of it. humble in recognising the difficulties but forthright in tackling the problems the country faces. hello, chief whip, how's things going? can the prime minister stay on, do you think? does she have the confidence of her party? of course she has. but theresa may knows power has shifted from her to the cabinet and her party. do you have confidence in theresa may's leadership... excuse me, laura, thank you. do you have confidence in the prime minister? do you think she can survive this? do you have confidence in the prime minister after the election? arriving for the first meeting, they weren't all quite ready to give full—throated support. do you have confidence in the prime minister, though? absolutely. having lost the tories‘ majority, theresa may needs to convince her cabinet colleagues she is still right for the job. they look like they need
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to convince themselves. we have had some very productive discussions with the dup... the tories‘ hopes of getting anything done lie in a deal with northern irish mps. it's not even clear yet if the queen's speech, the official start of the government and its business, will go ahead as planned next week. i think that the details of the queen's speech, the substance of the queen's speech is what matters. it's been known for some days that we are seeking an agreement with the democratic unionist party. that will provide the stability and parliamentary votes that will allow us to do the many important things we need to do. some loyal supporters were trying to cheer theresa may up. but the fact that scores of newly elected labour mps are arriving here and old tory mps departing means theresa may is going to have to change, whether she likes it or not. she is a weakened prime minister, with no majority in this place and that means any of the more controversial ideas in her manifesto will bite the dust.
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it's probably goodbye to more grammar schools, probably an end to the idea of tightening up pensioner benefits. the simple truth — theresa may can't guarantee she'll get her way. i think it would be great if she now gets the government in place, which she's started to do yesterday and starts these negotiations and then she can then herself make any decisions about the future. there are demands too, to shift on her approach to the biggest policy of all, how we leave the eu? cabinet ministers have told me there has to be a change of tone and there are open calls for a change of priority. there's a lot to discuss, a lot to dissect but we do have to make sure that we invite other people in now. this isn'tjust going to be a tory brexit, this is going to have to involve the whole country. she was putting forward one vision. you and others are now telling her it has to change? a majority conservative government was putting forward a vision.
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we are no longer a majority conservative government. we are going to have to work with others, that means we are going to have to invite people in and try and take more people with us. i think that can be a positive step. the immediate sense of danger to theresa may seems to be slowing but she's vulnerable, having to answer to colleagues in parliament, having failed to persuade the country. gentle turmoil, while the routines and rhythms of this place stay the same. laura kuennsberg, bbc news, westminster. the jury in the trial of bill cosby on charges of sexual assault will continue their deliberations in the morning. his defence lawyers rested their case afterjust six minutes, andrea constand claims bill cosby attacked her after drugging her at his home 13 years ago. the us air force has grounded a fleet of f—35 fighterjets indefinitely because of problems with cockpit oxygen supplies. last month pilots reported symptoms resembling hypoxia or oxygen deprivation at an arizona air base. f—35s are still in use at other bases.
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it's reported the retired nba star dennis rodman is going back to north korea. he last visited in 2014 with a group of former nba players for an exhibition basketball game intended as a birthday gift for kim jong—un. rodman describes the north korean leader as a friend. with anti—corru ption demonstrations breaking out across the country, the russian opposition politician alexei navalny has beenjailed for 30 days. hundreds of protesters were arrested. the demonstrations were called by mr navalny, a strong critic of russia's president, vladimir putin. our moscow correspondent steve rosenberg witnessed what happened in the capital. one mile from the kremlin, a public holiday turned into a public battle. russia day is supposed to be a national celebration. but riot police were sent in to clear anti—government protesters from
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moscow's main street. thousands had come to accuse is the russian leadership of corruption. "putin is a thief", they shouted. and "one, two, three, putin, it's time to leave." families accidentally caught up in the violence fled. police detained hundreds of protesters. the police have been telling the crowd that people don't have the right to protest here. that they don't have permission. the protesters have been saying they don't need permission, that it's russia day, it's their day too. there were anti—corru ption demonstrations in more than 100 russian towns. as for the man who had organised this nationwide protest, the opposition leader alexei navalny, he was detained as he left home. vladimir putin said nothing today about the protests. instead, he played tour guide at the kremlin
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to a group of children. this is how president putin would rather be seen. not as a corrupt leader but as father of the nation. and certainly not everyone today was in the mood to criticise the government. in moscow, this patriotic festival on the same street as the protest was celebrating russian military might. protests don't make life better, he says, not one revolution has ever brought anything good. up the road, this was no russian revolution but it was a display of defiance from those people, many of them young russians, who believe their country needs change. steve rosenberg, bbc news, moscow. the pressure on president trump over alleged links between his campaign and russia just isn't going away. on tuesday, it's the turn of his attorney general jeff sessions to face lawmakers live on television.
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he's denied acting improperly. the white house press secretary, sean spicer, says the presidentjust wants to get the issue done with. the president has been clear, last week in the rose garden, that he believes the sooner we can get this addressed and done with, that there's been no collusion, he wants this to get investigated as soon as possible and to be done with so he can be getting on with the business of the american people. in france, president macron‘s new centrist party looks to be heading for a landslide in the upcoming, final parliamentary elections. after this weekend's first round of voting, en marche is on course to win more than two thirds of the seats in the national assembly. our paris correspondent lucy williamson has been looking at who the new candidates are politics, says cedric villani, is a matter of probability with a bit of game theory thrown in, which goes some way to explaining why a mathematician, specialising in non—linear landau damping, is topping a race for parliament.
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it's still his boss‘ poster that gets the kisses. unlike many of the new faces running for the president's party, cedric is already well known as a maths genius with a string of awards and a passion for spiders. i've always been an idealistic in my professional lives, as a researcher, as a teacher, as a director. i will continue as a member of parliament, trying not to be naive, but always ideal. among the hundreds of new party candidates, there's a former bull fighter, a survivor of the rwandan genocide, a fighter pilot, entrepreneurs and a judge. mr macron‘s bid to bridge the old political left and right has been popular enough to win him the presidency and probably the parliament too. but such a broad church could be vulnerable. there will be quite a few older political figures and they are like wolves in the forest encircling the village and waiting to hear if they can enter, and see if they can already
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pick up a few lambs, which are getting away from the herd. if predictions for next sunday are correct, emmanuel macron will have remade french politics in the space of six weeks. but behind all the talk of a new era, is the fact that for three quarters of voters here, he was not the first choice for president, and in the first round of the parliamentary polls, half the electorate stayed away. emmanuel macron has built his movement on a renewal of democracy, grass—roots, representative, open to all. but a sweeping majority in parliament could leave little room for opposition, and without a real debate among politicians, he could end up facing grass—roots democracy in a more familiar, more obstructive role. lucy williamson, bbc news, paris. today it is one year since the pulse
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nightclub attack in orlando, florida. 49 people were killed when a gunman opened fire in the nightclub —— dozens more were wounded. our north america correspondent rajini vaidyanathan has been to see how the community is moving on. they are named as ambassadors of hope and love in orlando. this is what we are here for. we sing songs of hope and love to the world. and at that moment it was the call. these are all of the victims. josh lost his friend shane in the pulse attack. as he was dealing with his loss, he was called upon to sing with the choir at a memorial for the victims.
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i did not know it was going to turn out to be the biggest event that the chorus had ever sung at that time. and at that moment was when, for me, i started to heal. joel strack, one of the founding members of the chorus, was singing that night. i was thinking i would give up my own life to bring back any of those kids. i'm 57 years old. i have lived a rich and vibrant life and have done things in this world that those kids would never have the opportunity to do. it was that concert that the group took on an unlikely role, to sing as people mourned. the chorus recognised we had an important role to play
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in the community, both representing the gay community, as well as using our music to heal and bring hope. the timing kind of had us reeling, a year on from gay marriage being legalised. it was a slap in the face. and it was a huge wake—up call that we have a lot of work to do. she left home after her family refused to accept her sexual identity. one place she did feel welcome was pulse. a gay club is not just a gay club. it's not a club. it's a haven. i'm really glad ijoined the chous when i did, i'm glad when pulse happened i had this group of people who felt
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exactly like i did. they are my brothers and sisters in song. they fill me with love so i can go out and fill the world with love. rajini vaidyanathan, bbc news, orlando. stay with us on bbc news, still to come: a ritualfor global peace, how the shamans of peru are trying to ease tensions between the us and north korea. the day the british liberated the falklands and by tonight british troops had begun the task of disarming the enemy. in the heart of the west german capital, this was gorbymania
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at its height. the crowd packed to see the man who, for them, had raised great hopes for the end of the division of europe. michaeljackson was not guilty on all charges. the screams of the crowd testament to his popularity and their faith in his innocence. as long as they'll pay to go see me, i'll get out there and kick 'em down the hill. what does it feel like to be the first man to go across the channel by your own power? it's pretty neat. feels marvellous, really. this is bbc news. good to have you with us. the latest headlines: the british prime minister, theresa may, has apologised to her mps for losing her government's majority in last week's election. us defence secretary, james mattis, has said he is "shocked" by the poor state of the military as a result of funding caps.
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he is trying to garner support for a cash injection in next year's budget. giving testimony to a congressional committee, the pentagon chief said the $639 billion request is to ensure the safety of troops and allow the country to respond to foreign threats. he chided congress for not doing more, as he put it, to ensure the military was working to its full potential. we need bipartisan support for this budget request. congress has met this problem. we must meet reality in the eye. russia and china are seeking veto power over economic and diplomatic and security missions on their pro— free. —— outside. iran is the longest long—term challenge to stability in the middle east. at the
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same time, terrorist groups threaten peace in many regions and target us. film—maker, oliver stone, likes to push boundaries. in films like platoon and jfk and in his snowden documentary, he challenges conventional wisdom. his latest work is a series of interviews with vladimir putin, for the channel, showtime. when the two men last met in february, they talked about the allegations of russia hacking the us election. oliver stone's been telling my colleague, laura trevelyan, about his close encounters with russia's president. oliver stone, you have had unparalleled access to vladimir putin for a western filmmaker. what do you hope all that access is revealing about him?|j do you hope all that access is revealing about him? i hope it leads toa revealing about him? i hope it leads to a serious and interesting discussion about world affairs, especially the us and russia. he lays out a world we don't know. we know about the latest crisis and all that in the western media, but let's go beyond those pictures and caricatures. you spend a lot of time
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with him, going to his holiday house, playing ice hockey with him. what was your impression? he is an extremely disciplined man and a nswered extremely disciplined man and answered every question and there was no editing. there was no demand for questions in advance. he is not pretentious. the image of him is built up to be macho and a sportsmen, dominating, it is not true. isn't your impression from these powers of interviews that he wa nted these powers of interviews that he wanted better relationship with the west? —— hours. wanted better relationship with the west? -- hours. absolutely. if you watch the four hours, there is no doubt that the he calls the us "our partner." i never heard a bad word. he isa partner." i never heard a bad word. he is a former kgb operatives and understands media. is it possible he is using you to send a message that
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is using you to send a message that is not true? perhaps he is. then it is not true? perhaps he is. then it is an elaborate ruse. he knows i will not change american policy. what i would like to do is contribute to a consciousness of what he is saying. you ask him directly did they hack the us election and he said it is all lies. do you accept that? he did not put it that way and said it was proposed as. did you believe him? -- was impossible. it is all smoke and no fire. is there one moment so revealing you want everyone to see it? one that stands out for you?m you are open—minded, it is all revealing from the get. it is just what he talks about, how the talks, his view of the world is something we need to hear. oliver stone speaking if you are worried about the state
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of the world then this next story may give you a little solace, or perhaps not. a group of shamans have performed a ritualfor global peace in peru. they sang and danced on a beach in lima, aiming to bring about a rapprochement between the united states and north korea. tim allman reports. there seems little doubt we live in tumultuous times. but these four men are doing what they can to address that. shamans, or medicine men, who have rather an ambitious agenda. translation: we have come to carry out a special ritual for peace between the united states and north korea. we are asking for peace so that there is no conflict, war, destruction, or massacres. stop, we ask. we implore that their conscience is in understanding in peace. that the whole world intervenes and says no to war, but yes to peace. but how you bring peace about? it seems to involve a bonfire, a spot of percussion, and the sprinkling of coca leaves on pictures of donald trump and kim jong—un. there is no doubt the geopolitical situation is fairly serious. president trump has made no secret
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of his desire to end the north korean leader's nuclear ambitions. pyongyang's ongoing tests of new ballistic missile is also raising the stakes. so a noble intent from these peruvian shamans. well, there might be some doubt it will make much difference. tim allman, bbc news. it has to be worth a try. making wedding videos in india can be a time—consuming business. the ceremonies go on for hours, if not days. and a new trend inspired by bollywood is fast becoming popular. so, how difficult is it to make a mega—video? vikas pandey has been finding out. yes, it is tough to practise.
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there is a lot of pressure. you have a lot of wedding pressures, new family, life life, new partner, a lot of people, unknown faces... so in the middle of all of that practising something and dancing, there is a lot of pressure. it is really tough. indian brides are no more just stereotype brides. they want to break away, not from traditions, but from the old school of thought of how brides are supposed to be. they really want to enjoy themselves and be themselves on their wedding day. nearly five months after
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president trump took office, his wife, melania, and son, barron, have moved into the white house. they had stayed behind in new york so that 11 year—old barron could finish the school year. the top story from this side of the pond. the british prime minister has apologised to her party for losing the majority of the government in last week's general election. she saidi last week's general election. she said i got us into this mess, i am going to get us out of it. and you can get in touch with me and most of the team on twitter, i'm @bbcmikeembley.
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thank you very much for watching. yesterday was a bit of a breezy day for most parts of the uk, with a fair bit of cloud and a little bit of sunshine. in the north—west of the uk, we got temperatures up to 12 degrees. but we got to 20 celsius in the south—eastern corner. we're going to go a little bit warmer than that in the next few days, particularly so for england and wales. a lot of dry weather and the forecast and the winds are quite, light as well. some decent conditions getting out and about. 12 or 13 degrees today and yes, some rain to be had,
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mainly in the north and west. a wet start in western scotland. the eastern side will be that the drier, perhaps brighter as well. a fair bit of cloud in northern ireland through the morning. some outbreaks of rain as you will find in northern england. about here, not so large, but rain nonetheless. then the cloud breaks up there. sunshine possible during the morning across much of our southern counties. light winds as well, so a reasonable start to a pretty pleasant day. we will see some good spells of sunshine across the southernmost counties. patchy cloud developing. but with light winds, sunshine, it will become pleasant out there. temperatures will get into the low 20s. to the west of rain time in scotland, that it becomes lighter and more patchy with time. showers in northern ireland. one or two in northern england, but few and far between by this stage. 19 degrees for aberdeen and belfast, 23 in the south—eastern corner. and then as we go onto tuesday night, heading into wednesday, this low pressure system is trying to push in from the west. it is running into this high, and that results
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in the south—westerly wind being pushed north. that will bring warm air our way. wednesday will be the peak of our temperatures this week across england and wales in particular. we start on a fairly warm note, and there will be a good deal of sunshine, light winds, too, with temperatures rising quickly through the morning. through the north, more of a breeze. more cloud and some rain at times. but not so across england and wales. lots of sunshine, light winds, and those temperatures get up to 25, 27 degrees in the south—eastern corner. quite humid as well. the low 20s quite widely elsewhere. maybe the upper teens if you head further north. going into wednesday night, to the west and a weather front is coming. potential thunderstorms. this weather front is going to be bringing some fresher air in from the atlantic. the rain on this weather front fizzles out as it works its way from west to east. still quite warm, though, actually, in the london area, on thursday — 23 or 24. further north and west, some showers around, and temperatures coming down by a notch or two. this is bbc news, the headlines:
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theresa may — britain's prime minister —— has apologised to her party's mps for the conservatives' performance in the general election. the political uncertainty looks likely to delay the queen's speech, when the government's policies are formally presented, from its scheduled date on monday. the russian opposition politician alexei navalny has beenjailed for 30 days following demonstrations across the country. earlier hundreds of people were detained during a day of anti—corru ption protests. the rallies were called by mr navalny, a strong critic of president vladimir putin. in france, president macron‘s new centrist party seems likely to win by a landslide in the upcoming, final parliamentary elections. after this weekend's first round of voting, en marche is on course to win more than two thirds of the seats in the national assembly. let's have a quick look at some of the front pages. we start with the metro
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