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tv   Newsnight  BBC News  June 13, 2017 11:15pm-12:00am BST

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they will not be seen to be impartial if they are locked into a parliamentary deal at westminster with one of the northern ireland parties. oh, and not to mention the europeans. we'd better brace ourselves for non—stop negotiation, but with a government on a wafer thin majority, and, to make matters worse, a brexit department in some disarray. we'll ask if, out of the mess, a red, white and blue brexit consensus can be found. meanwhile, this former conservative minister says its time for his party to change its ways and its name. also tonight, we might have taken out eyes off the troubles of president trump, but his attorney general was testifying today. raise your right hand if you would, please. do you solemnly swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you god? i do. please be seated.
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we'll find out if the president should be worried. and this... #and| # will always love you #. stephen smith on a new movie about whitney houston. hello. so theresa may is here to stay, for the time being. which means she now has to wallow in the complexities of a precarious politics. sorting out a deal with the dup for stability at home, and sorting out a position with the eu on brexit. as she said yesterday, she got her party into this mess, she'll get them out of it. the dup deal is almost done, but not signed yet. the brexit one is a great deal more complicated, and with days to go until the formal start, the department for exiting the eu, dexeu to its friends, is being reshuffled —
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it's lost two ministers in 2a hours. is it too strong to use the word disarray? well, theresa may sat down for dinner and a bit of football this evening, with president macron of france. we'll take stock shortly, but first david grossman looks at the prime minister's day. a tourist snapping landmarks today might conclude our democratic institutions are in imminent danger of collapse. the government is certainly in urgent need of propping up. from who? well, this happy band, it appears. they may be few but their smiles tell you how important they know they are right now. agreement was not sealed today but we are clearly heading that way. the dup will support the government in return for what? i'm not going to negotiate over the airwaves but there has been a lot of commentary around the issues we are talking about and it won't surprise anybody we are talking about matters
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that pertain to the nation generally, bringing stability to the uk government in and around issues around brexit, obviously around counterterrorism and then doing what is right for northern ireland in respect of economic matters. today, one of the architects of the peace process warned theresa may against a dup deal. i understand what she wishes to shore up her parliament position, that is understandable and i sympathise. but, but, my main concern certainly is the peace process. a fundamental part of that peace process is that the uk government needs to be impartial between all the competing interests in northern ireland. colonel bob stewart did seven tours of duty in northern ireland as an infantry officer and is now a conservative mp and insists there is nothing to fear from a deal with the dup. what is motivating them
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is the thought that if the conservatives are not in power on the mainland, jeremy corbyn, who actually gave succour to the provisional ira, succour, when i was on the ground in northern ireland watching my soldiers fighting and losing their lives, they don't want that under any circumstances whatsoever. the prime minister did face the commons today which was mostly engaged in re—electing the speaker unopposed. cue a rather self—conscious joke from mrs may. mr speaker elect, on behalf of the whole house, may i congratulate you on your re—election. at least somebody got a landslide! mr speaker, it is customary on these occasions to congratulate the returning prime minister and i absolutely do so and i congratulate her on returning and i'm sure she will agree with me that democracy is a wondrous thing and can throw up some very unexpected results. what is no laughing matter of course
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are the brexit negotiations which will start, the government insists, on schedule next monday. however, the government department, charged with running them, is currently undergoing major renovations. the secretary of state, david davis, still sits atop the department for exiting the eu, but below him it is all change. the reshuffle has seen the departure of both lord bridges and david jones from ministerial office. they've been replaced by steve baker and baroness joyce whojoined junior minister mr robin walker. with brexit negotiations due to start in less than a week you have to say it makes the departure of these ministers very difficult. even more difficult and the new ministers will need to come in and get up
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to speed quickly. they will need to build volition chips and companies across the department and government. mrs may's day didn't get much better with a visit to paris to meet the new french president. two leaders whom fortune has treated so differently. one with a landslide at his feet and the wind at his back and the other... after the election there are those in mrs may's party who hope that brexit might now be averted. and the french president gave them some very carefully worded encouragement. translation: of course the door remains always open brexit negotiations come to an end, but that said, a sovereign decision was taken by the british people and that is to come out of the european union and i very much respect the decision taken by the people, be it by the french people ought the british people. by tomorrow mrs may should get a formal offer of support she needs to prop up her government,
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but that is really only the beginning of her problems. nick watt is our political editor and helen thomas is our business editor. we have got things to discuss. nick, starting with the dup, because this has been going on a few days, we thought we would get it signed today, what is happening? theresa may and arlene foster are inching towards what will be known as a supply and confidence deal with the dup supplying and confidence means supporting the tories on boats and crucially —— votes and crucially on the queen's speech. once that's passed it'll will allow the government to pursue its legislative agenda, but crucially it triggers the terms of the fixed in parliament act and that means the parliament is then locked for five years and let you go through the very contradicted procedure of unlocking that and that means the dup and the tories have what they want. the tories fear another election
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underjeremy corbyn and the dup don't want the idea of a jeremy corbyn premiership. but what this means is it now looks very unlikely even if there is a deal tomorrow that the original date of the queen's speech will be agreed for next monday. it's all down to the ink drying on the goat skin parchment paper! a lot of talk we might go to the next slot which is tuesday the 27th ofjune, but we will get clarification on the date when we get the deal. but one clarification we do have is that the dup and the pm agree that brexit talks start next week. there's not a problem that's been holding it up for tomorrow?” there's not a problem that's been holding it up for tomorrow? i think the dup might be enjoying their moment in the sun. let's talk about brexit side because we have these extraordinary goings—on at the brexit department with more change than you might ideally want a week before negotiations start. yes, the department's lost 50% of its ministers...which is only two.
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intriguingly, as you saw, one of the appointment is steve baker. he has been the convener of the main brexit group which is the european research group and he runs the whatsapp group that basically instructs the brexit supporting mps what to do and say but we have an intervention by david cameron tonight who has told a conference in poland that the results of the general election will lead to pressure for a soft the brexit and the ft cites him as a new player on the stage. the 12 new scottish mps and is also called on theresa may to insult other political parties on brexit. these sort of interventions are being heard in the eu. macron said today there is still time for the uk to have a rethink and you could come back in until article 50 is triggered and that has also been said by the german finance minister. i wonder if they would let us keep the budget rebate! maybe we would end up paying £350 million a week.
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if you did it before article 50 ends, maybe, but it is within a treaty and that has to be agreed by everyone. let's talk about some other aspects. helen, everybody is watching the dynamics on if they will be nice or not to us, but today there was a decision by the commission which gave a sense that cool heads are prevailing on the issue of euro clearing. so clearing is a pretty unsexy but very important part of the plumbing of derivatives markets. clearers manage risk but importantly if someone goes bust they make sure everybody gets paid. london handles about three quarters of euro clearing and that has been a long—standing issue for some of the more protectionist parts of europe. now, the big fear was that the european commission would say — game's over and you have the relocate to the continent. they didn't. they said the biggest clearing houses would need more regulation and they'd effectively have to be
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supervised by the eu. london is ok with that, that is what the americans do effectively because they also do dollar business. so they will be regular to institutions in london from brussels. they would have some oversight of the clearers in london. there is a sting in the tail. the commission wants the power to relocate claiming further down the line if regulation is not working. it seems like regulators, not politicians, would make that call. but the fear is you put this in place and eventually somebody will figure out a way to use it. thank you. well, hilary benn is the former chair of the brexit select committee and is seeking re—election to that position. we can talk to him about the whole gamut of issues come up —— coming up in the brexit debate. you would rather have a shadow cabinet position than be chair of the select committee if a shadow cabinet position was offered? shadow cabinet positions
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are a matter forjeremy but i will, assuming labour if given the opportunity once again to chair the select committee, will put myself forward by—election by the house of commons. i believe there is an importantjob that needs to be done particularly in the circumstances and the shambles we are in. you use the word shambles — do you think it is odd there has been a ministerial changing of the guard at the brexit department a week before negotiations? i think it is absolutely astonishing. those ministers have been working very hard, talking to lots of people and getting their head around the issues, the more you look, the more you realise there is to negotiate and less than a week before negotiations begin half the team disappears and two new people arrived and they have to read up at high speed. i should think of the european negotiators will wonder what we're doing. this is bad for britain. what the election result has shown clearly is the idea of leaving the eu with no deal is now dead and buried. that it is definitely parliament
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that will decide the shape of the brexit we will have. we had a white paper which set out the objectives. are you saying that is dead or if that still alive? i think it is very important because only a couple of days ago david davis was still talking about being prepared to leave with no deal and that would be catastrophic, as we showed when he appeared before the select committee any had to explain to us what the consequences would be. but in order to get effective scrutiny the government has had and i would like to see the select committee have a stronger role in its work, being able to receive regular reports from ministers, to call debates in parliament to make it explicit that the committee is overseeing the negotiations on behalf of parliament and notjust the work of the brexit department. that sounds modest because a lot
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of people, including david cameron, are saying it would be a good idea to bring more parties and more people into this and build a parliamentary consensus around what kind of brexit we should have. william hague this morning. would that be your committee or a bigger thing? there's a range of things could be done. you could bring in business, unions and others. to consult on the process. but you can't have that... if it is too many people you cannot expect them to be involved in the nitty—gritty. the point i'm making is i think there are a number of different options but in the end parliament has a committee whose job it is going to be to oversee that but also it will need to lead to changes in policy. the negotiations are taking place with the dup and the dup are clear as are all parties that they do not want a return to a hard border and customs.
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the government is taking a risk saying we want to be out of the customs union but sort of in. that isn't going to work. one step they could take is to revisit that decision and say if you want a guarantee for british business in northern ireland, then to stay in the customs union. forego the right to sign new trade deals independently? the us is already our largest single trading market and trading goods with china has quadrupled in the past decade. staying in the customs union, one we have all these people saying we want a softer brexit, vaguely expressed, is that what it comes down to, when we hear people say soft brexit is the debate inside the customs union or not? i think that is the first and clearly sensible step to take. the second issue will be what kind of access we have to the single market. but also cooperation on things like foreign policy, the fight against terrorism.
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that continued cooperation is essential to our security as we leave the eu. i need to talk to you butjeremy corbyn, he had a much better electorally but also did not think he was very good and ijust wonder whether you still do not think he's very good. you will have had review your position on when he can get the button. but have you changed your mind about him? i thought he fought a brilliant campaign which influenced a lot of people with a message of hope rather than a message of fear like the tories.
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there was a cheerful meeting of the parliamentary labour party this evening in contrast to the last time before the election to do that. and that is a great achievement. m further our support. but his qualities as leader i suppose have not changed his appeal has changed or you have changed your view of it. what about leadership qualities? while the qualities he demonstrated during the campaign in the face of the attacks from the conservatives, had a pretty hard time at the hands of the press and jeremy corbyn did not rise to that, he inspired people and brought young people and others who had not voted before out. we had many additional labour mps and it is a fantastic foundation to build on for the next election, ”ash-l. fag-la 95—5». .,,.,.,,_.,5,;:?,a,,,.j... . when thank you. in the labour party, of which there were many. now, it's the tories' turn. the arguments over brexit are one
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thing, but there are other things that divide the factions too. daily mail tories versus financial times ones. blue collar versus toffs, fiscal conservatives versus tax cutters at all cost. the great debate about what direction should the party from a government post by theresa may. but first, we went out today to sample some views of conservative voters. i'm andrew brian. glenn murray. i'm a conservative district council. traditional conservative supporter. i voted for the conservative party by postal vote. it does not seem like a strong basis for the future but i think she must do that for a period of time until we get through this current she's a good advocate for the country, with a strong
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personality and very strong views. 5.3: 55. ;5:55 5.5 5:5. .5:.. g and showed her face on tv ad fought a corner. but she is a winner and will come through at the end of the day iam sure. most of the obvious issues around equality and things like that are just not relevant. most of those are divorced. at all these things which are quite important to be young voters. so that is not terribly appealing. but i guess if that is what is going to help the conservatives stay 7:— it is only a temporary measure
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because once she gets her party back in full swing that will be the end to this conversation. you are optimistic customer very. i believe in theresa may. i think theresa may has big ideas on all these brexit deals already whereas jeremy corbyn hasn't seemed to come forward with anything, he has no plans for brexit. people tend to forget this is a great and prosperous country. in any walk of life people need to do business with us. i am a remainer but fundamentally the uk voted to leave the eu and i believe we should follow that democratic mandate given by the people. i was never in favour of brexit in the first place. for me the softer the better and i think clearly it is going to be a softer version of brexit
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than whatever the previous one was. but we did not really understand anyway. the views of some tory supporters there. robert halfon was skills minister until yesterday... he's written about the need for the conservative party to reform. what do you think went wrong with the campaign? i think we have a problem in terms of our message, our values and expressing most of the public. i think we have a problem in lack of membership. and also a problem in terms of our infrastructure. we are the party of aspiration and opportunity. we give people the chance to climb the ladder to get the security and prosperity we need. but none of that was put across and we frightened pensioners and frighten people about school meals. so we just did not get the core conservative message across. you want the party to be clearer about being a party
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for working people. is the problem that it did not get the message across or does the actual offer a need to be refined? i think it is both, fundamentally we need a rebranding and that is why i suggest we change our name to the workers party but it cannot just be a slogan, the foreign minister said we were the workers party at the party conference but we need to make it mean something. i think we have to actually build our policies based on five pillars, we should be a modern trade union movement for the british people, five pillars of workers' rights, jobs, skills, wages, welfare and services. have you thought ofjoining the labour party because they aspire to all those things! they actually have labour in the title as opposed to workers but more or less the same. the labour party want to do everything from the top down but i believe that the conservative
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party and our symbol should be the ladder i believe, not the tree, without the party the ladder. if you are poor will bring you to that ladder and we hold the ladder to get you out of poverty into work. if you aruyoungpesml- my question aboutjoining labour was in serious because someone would call you perhaps a red tory, and some in labour would be called blue labour was quite a conservative view of the world. you could do a deal with those people, maurice glassman, the kind of blue thinker in the party. you could come up with a common platform. of course in politics there are overlapping views and some people in the labour party i have huge respect for, frank field and so on. but that is not the whole of the labour party especially under jeremy corbyn. they believe in everything from the top—down, unfunded spending
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commitments and i think we need to be a party for the workers but building on those five pillars as i described. in renaming conservative party the workers party or conservative workers party, you would have as much chance of doing that is converting the labour party. the prime minister said at the conference that we were the workers party, we introduced the national living wage, we cut taxes for lower earners, we have 100,000 apprenticeships offering potentially 3 million for millions across the country. potentially there is something out there that we could be the true workers party of the country. but we must recognise public sector workers are as important as private sector for exam. sector for example. whatever is your party if you do not do that? i'm not saying i have the only answer but i thought about this for a long time.
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i have written about it months ago and gone run the country talking about it. but i believe the face parental calamity as a party because people see is just in terms of austerity and we failed to get our message across about being the party of the ladder of opportunity. and failed to get across the message that we are the party for the poor. when the labour party nor corridor everyone knows they're —— knock on a door. there the underdog, their message is clear. but our message is not. but theresa may started out with much of this back when she became prime minister ii months ago and it has not happened. i doubt they're not listening to you or she is not capable i was incredibly excited when the prime minister made that speech, the first speech she ever gave as prime minister. i thought potentially something really big was happening. but some has got lost.. . .
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and i think the election has given us a clear lesson in this and that is why we have to reboot. rebrand. but there has to be a base, basing all policies around what i call a workers charter. do you think that a rather weak and theresa may can do that. to be honest whether it was alexander the great or archangel gabriel, as leader, unless we undertake these fundamental reforms and rebranding of the party, it does not matter about the media, it is about policies and values. and narrative. to reach out to the british people. thank you very much. president trump's embattled attorney—general, jeff sessions, has been taking questions — on oath — in front of the senate intelligence committee, who are interested in the links between the trump campaign
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and the russian government. it's awkward for mr sessions — he failed to declare his own meetings with the russian ambassador, and was involved in sacking the head of the fbi who was in charge of the investigation. did he survive unscathed and did the president? mark urban was watching the proceedings. the senate intelligence committee is the tip of the spear as far as these investigations go and weekly their deliberations are growing broader and more complex. today attorney generaljeff sessions was called. and he faced questions on the trump campaign's links with russia. under intense scrutiny, his temper flared when asked about his possible ties with the russians. what are they?
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why don't you tell me? there are none, senator, there are none, i can tell you that for absolute certainty. this is the secret innuendo being leaked out there about me and i don't appreciate it. mr sessions insisted that short meetings with the russian ambassador had been inconsequential and entirely proper. i have never met with or had any conversation with any russians or any foreign officials concerning any type of interference with any campaign or election in the united states. added to the tension, the fact that president trump's confidence in his attorney general is, reportedly, failing. the president has not really spoken that much about that question, letting it hang out in the air, as have his aides. the attorney general himself behind the scenes has been much more open about the fact that he knows
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that he has gotten into the president's crosshairs a little bit. as the senate committee's inquiry has gone on, it has expanded to include allegations of cover—up by the white house and that led last week to evidence from former fbi directorjames comey who painted a picture of how he felt the president may have tried to intimidate him. the president may have tried to intimidate him. talk for a moment about his request that you pledge loyalty. our relationship did not get off to a great start, given the conversation i had to have onjanuary the 6th. this was not, this did not improve the relationship because it was very very awkward. he was asking for something and i was refusing to give it. but again, i don't know him well enough to know how he reacted to that exactly. but of course the president fired mr comey which means the, committee he has added comey‘s sacking to the other matters under investigation, prompting many questions today thatjeff sessions
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quickly started to parry. did you ever discuss director comey's fbi handling of the russia investigations with the president or anyone else? senator, that would call for communication between the attorney general and the president and i'm not able to comment on that. you're not able to answer the question here whether you ever that with him? that's correct. and with this process ongoing and expanding, reports today that the president might even sack the special counsel, former fbi boss robert mueller, who he himself appointed. they have left that out there either for the reasons that it may be true that the president is considering it or left it out there for reasons that it may be something with political advantage for them
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to muddy the waters about robert mueller. it all comes back to this man, of course. his attorney general defended himself successfully today on the russian ties issue, but ultimately the questions for president trump just keep piling up. well, professor ryan goodman is from the new york university school of law and he was general counsel at the defense department from 2015 to 2016. good evening. we don't have long. what is the point do you think on which you thinkjeff sessions and president trump are now most vulnerable? i suppose that would be the firing of james comey. that's not something thatjeff sessions dealt with very well today. first he refused to answer any questions, like the one you heard, as to whether or not the president
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ever referred to the russia investigation as one of the reasons why he wanted to fire comey. sessions refused to answer and he gave the reasons he thought to recommend firing comey, which did not seem very plausible in a certain sense. he referred to the fact that it was comey's performance but under pressure he was asked if he was if you spoken to about his performance and he said no. he said the reason he wrote down an evaluation of the performance and was recommending the firing was because the handling of the clinton e—mails. but under pressure from senator reid he was asked, during the campaign you actually praised comey for how he handled hillary clinton's e—mails so it was a difficult moment for him and that is probably the most vulnerable spot right now for the president because it raises
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the spectre of obstruction ofjustice if the reason he fired the fbi director was to change the course of the russia investigation. politically, and i know that is not your beat, but is it getting too intricate for most people to follow, of who said what, and do you think people are beginning to glaze over as they hear the enquiries? i think that's an excellent point. in some way to you now have comey's test over several hours and jeff sessions' and people start thinking, he said, he said, how do they sort that out? and many of the commentators are getting into the weeds of exactly who said what and how they differentiate from one another. but i think what will emerge is that the special council is working, plodding away on the russia investigation, and that will still continue. so i do think that will resurface after these two weeks of a comey week and sessions week. you say he will continue, is that correct? is there any way they can get rid
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of him or trump can fire him or tell somebody to get rid of this turbulent priest or anything like that? probably not. the person who gets to determine whether or not the special counsel should stay in his position is the deputy attorney general rosenstein who currently has jurisdiction over the special counsel. he also testified today and said he would never dismiss the special counsel, except for a good cause, and that he can't imagine that would come up. there are other scenarios. this is a dynamic situation. for example, what if attorney general sessions did step down and was replaced by somebody who had not recused? well, then that new person would have jurisdiction over the special counsel, so you have to consider those kinds of issues. thank you very much. british film director nick broomfield, who can often be seen in his own documentaries wearing earphones and carrying a boom mic, has pursued subjects as diverse as sarah palin,
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death row prisoners and the late rock star kurt cobain. and he has a new film out this week concerning another rock and roll casualty: the prodigiously gifted singer whitney houston, who died of a drugs overdose five years ago aged just 48. the film — whitney: can i be me? — has been called uncompromising, and in making it broomfield has spoken to the star's entourage, from hairdressers to promoters. and he has now been talking to our culture editor, stephen smith. # just remember it was you, you, you. # who said goodbye. # who said goodbye—e—e—e—e. the matchless larynx of pop superstar whitney houston. this is how her many fans remember her. she won emmys, grammys, and sold millions of records before her tragic early death following a drugs overdose. whitney houston obviously was a very iconic figure. who many people loved.
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who touched many people's lives. and i think made a lot of people very happy. and was very severely criticised towards the end of her life. judged, i would say, quite harshly. i thought it was a good time to have another look at her life and look at her achievements and who she was, who she is. # i will always love you... ironically, the singer emerges from broomfield's film as the least diva—ish figure in her circle. that included herformidable mother and her self—styled bad boy husband, bobby brown. do you think you discovered
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who killed whitney, or what killed whitney? what would you say about that? i'd say probably we all killed whitney. as the bodyguard in the film says, there is no one not to blame for the tragedy that happened to this wonderful, beautiful woman. frank farmer, rachel marron. older viewers will recall whitney houston's turn opposite kevin costner in the bodyguard. you don't look like a bodyguard. what did you expect? well, i don't know, maybe a tough guy. this is my disguise. well, his timing is good. in a striking case of life imitating art, broomfield tracked down the singer's real bodyguard, a man called david roberts. you know the bodyguard sent in, he talks extensively in the film,
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a very detailed report about what was going on and suggesting that certain people should be removed from her entourage. and instead of that happening, he was removed. everybody was on drugs. it's a case of degrees. to what degree the individuals concerned were on drugs. that's all. i put it down on paper, i got the telephone call ina meeting. thank you very much, miss houston has decided she doesn't need anyone of your calibre and experience again because she's not touring internationally in the future. one of the problems we were having was getting enough time in the building because of health and safety regulations... nick broomfield hasn't been averse to putting himself on screen. so is there a problem over here? in a convincing cameo as a director. whether he's looking at dilapidated buildings for the bbc... here he is talking to dana,
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who co—owned the music... or on the trail of the late rappers tupac and biggie smalls in the states. hello. just doing some filming. 0k, well, don't put that in my face. well, you were asking me questions. have you heard of sarah palin? i certainly have. all right. we're very interested in her. well, good. or pursuing sarah palin... we're going to see some wild animals. we are, we're going to see musk ox and reindeer and a dog sled. and they're alive, sarah hasn't got to them yet! that's right. all right. in an homage to his highly influential kind of meta— film—making, we thought we'd take you behind the scenes of our interview. they've extended the parking... this is for newsnight. as hopefully somebody‘s told you. good. well, that's why broomfield has a handprint on hollywood boulevard and i'm onjust before the very late weather.
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if newsnight could afford you, and equipped you with the earphones and boom mic, what would you be running around scooping up for us now? where would you think the story is here? well, i think it's very hard to cover galloping news. you know, documentaries are a reflective way of looking at things. you don't fancy the mad, adrenaline rush of 5am breakfasts... of stalking theresa may? for example. perhaps she wouldn't be interesting to you? if you could get the first 100 days of either her or donald trump, i think it would be quite unbelievable because that discrepancy of, is this true, is this not true, is something that really keeps one absolutely riveted to the story. and i think they both share that. so i think they would be fascinating characters. stephen smith talking to nick broomfield. that's all we've got time for this evening.
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before we go, the bfi havejust released 600 new films from the archive. here is a taste. good night. # ease your feet off in the sea my darling. # it's the place to be # take your shoes off curl your toes # i will frame this moment in time # troubles come and troubles go # the trouble that we used to know # will stay with us till we get old # will stay with us till somebody decides to go # decides to go... # soberly, without regret, i make another sandwich # and i fill my face # i know that things have got to you # but what can i do? # suddenly, without a warning # on a pale blue morning
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# you decide your time is wearing thin # a conscious choice to let yourself go dangling.# a very good evening. the middle parts of the week will ring as something of a heat in their temperatures. tomorrow will be a pretty warm feeling gay. i suspect you might call it what in some parts of the country. some sunny spells. it will be a slightly different story further north and west. this extra cloud is piling in across northern ireland and northwest scotland, bringing rain. it won't be as warm. south and east it is muggy. temperatures in some spots won't fall below 16— 17. it will be a very warm and sunny day for much of england and wales tomorrow. we have
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the extra cloud for northern ireland and western scotland. by tomorrow afternoon, sunny skies in the channel islands and the south of england. near the coast in plymouth may be just 18 degrees. inland, england. near the coast in plymouth may bejust 18 degrees. inland, up to 28 degrees. the small chance we could have a shower across north wales and northern england. the vast majority will be dry. for northern ireland by no means a washout. a lot of dry weather. maybe showery rain at times. eastern scotland will have some sunshine and to an extent some warmth as well. through tomorrow night it will be another mighty one in central and eastern areas, but out west at change. the rain working from northern ireland, western scotland, wales and eventually the far south—west. this rain is associated with a cold front. it will bring colder and fresher air from the west. as the weather front continues to move eastwards through thursday we will
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have fresher conditions spreading across the country. the front itself is just across the country. the front itself isjust a across the country. the front itself is just a band across the country. the front itself isjust a band of across the country. the front itself is just a band of cloud and some showery rain. some warmth clinging on in the south—east, but generally on in the south—east, but generally on thursday afternoon temperatures down to about 16— 19. sunshine and some hefty showers into the north—west. some showers around the northern ireland and western scotland. the best of the brightness further south and east. 23 degrees in london. generally 17— 19. in southern areas especially into the weekend it looks like the heat and humidity will return. by sunday some spots could get up to 30 degrees. further north there will always be more cloud and maybe some outbreaks of rain at times. that's all from me for now. good night. this is a news day on the bbc. out
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of stories: detestable lies— the attorney general denies he colluded with russians. i have never had conversation with any russian or any foreign official concerning any election campaign. 50 years for stealing a propaganda banner. also ahead: more than 100 people have been
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