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tv   100 Days  BBC News  July 12, 2017 7:00pm-7:46pm BST

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hello and welcome to one hundred days plus. the president says his son is innocent and transparent — but donald trumer‘s incriminating email chain leads straight to moscow. and now even republican lawmakers normally loyal to the white house are pressing for answers on why these russia disclosures keep on coming. the president's son says he should have done things differently but he denies there's any big deal about meeting a russian operative to get dirt on hillary clinton. farfrom washington — those who voted for donald trump are riding out this latest controversy and still like what they see from the president. he's a good businessman and that's what the country needs — get people working and i think that is what he is doing. president erdogan tells the bbc that membership of the european union is not indispensable for turkey and that the bloc wastes his country's time. also...
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kazakhstan, our latest stop along the new silk road. chinese companies are pouring workers into the country — it leaves the locals wondering what the benefit is for them. plus what happens when a teenager takes over a railroad's twitter account? well here in the uk those usual complaints have given way to some crazy exchanges. hello, i am katty kay in washington, christian fraser is in london. the president insists the white house is great shape and making progress. we are focused on healthcare, tax cuts, reform and many other things. that's the public message. behind the scenes the president, his administration and now his family are dealing with dramatic developments in the russia investigation — which continues to overshadow the rest of his agenda. republicans are openly expressing dismay at the conflicting stories, the indications of collusion with moscow and the incompetence
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in the white house. the normally loyal new york post put it more bluntly, today accusing the president's son, don junior, of "stupidity." last night don jnr gave his side to the story. i probably would have done things differently. this is before the russia mania before they were building up in the press. for me this was opposition research and i wa nted this was opposition research and i wanted to hear it out. but it went nowhere and it was apparent that was not what the meeting was about. did you tell your father anything? it was such a nothing there was nothing to tell. the white house has said very little on these emails. the spokesperson says she is now referring all questions on the matter to donjunior‘s own lawyers. the president has had no public engagement for three days but he did tweet following that fox news interview. my son donald did a good job last night. he was open, transparent and innocent. this is the greatest witch hunt in political history. sad!
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i spoke with democrat congresswoman jackie speier who sits on the house intelligence committee. so, congresswoman, the president tweeted today that his son is open, transparent and innocent and that the democrats are guilty of conducting a witchhunt, as is the press, against the trump administration. is that a fair criticism? are you democrats on a witchhunt against this president to try and bring him down? first of all, it is an investigation that is being undertaken by a number of sources. we have a bipartisan investigation going on in the senate, a bipartisan investigation going on in the house, you have a special prosecutor. and now you have got the new fbi director who the president appointed, testifying before the senate today saying no, this is not a witchhunt. furthermore, the fact that his son disclosed the e—mail chain was done only because it was about to be released by the new york times. so that is not so much transparency as it is trying
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to get the upper hand. is he innocent, though, of any legal misdemeanour? there seemed to be quite a few lawyers saying there was actually nothing illegal in what donald jr did. so the fec is very clear that no candidate or operative can receive anything of value from a foreign national. value is not determined by money, it is determined by something of value, getting dirt on hillary clinton would be something of value. it is the equivalent of off research, but you're not getting it from someone in the united states, you're getting it from foreign government or foreign national. that would subject him i believe to an sec action. you sit on the intelligence committee, do you have anything else in terms of communications, that the public does not yet know about, of this nature? i would not be able to disclose that to you, but i can assure you that donald trumpjunior is going to be someone that i want to see come
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before our committee and be questioned. congresswoman, you have said that the russians are experts at compromise, i'm sure this is what is preventing the president from speaking out. you do not know that, do you, you do not know the russians have compromising material on this president? no, i do not have any official documentation. we certainly have the dossier that christopher steele provided that has been available to the public. and so far from what i have been told, there has not been anything that has been checked out about that dossier that has not proven to be true. so he does in terms of compromise talk about videos and the like, i do not know if they exist, i do not know if it is even true, but so far the dossier has proven to be accurate. are you convinced that there will emerge during the course of bob mueller‘s investigation
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or the house or the senate investigations, more evidence that reveals that the trump campaign colluded in a way that was illegal, with the russian government? some things are pretty obvious. and if breadcrumbs actually give you a pathway to a certain end, then you follow them. and there are so many breadcrumbs that have been dropped by the president himself on any number of occasions, on a number of different issues as it relates to this investigation, that i believe personally, this is me personally, not based on what i'm seeing in the intelligence community, i think that there was collaboration, coordination and conspiracy. congresswoman jackie speier, thank you so much forjoining us. it's notjust democrats who are fed up with the trump team failing to report these contacts with the russians. republican congressman trey gowdy, is a fierce critic of hillary
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clinton, but here's his advice for the white house. someone close to the president needs to get everyone connected with that campaign in a room and say, from the time you saw dr zhivago until the moment you drank vodka with a guy name boris, you list every single one of those and we're going to turn them over to the special counsel because this drip, drip, drip is undermining the credibility of this administration. just forfull just for full disclosure i just forfull disclosure i have watched doctor zhivago twice. trade dowdy is not someone, let's just talk about him, is someone who has stuck up for the white house all along and if he is saying things like that it suggests to me the republicans are concerned. just in the last couple of minutes i've heard from a couple of republicans who had said to me before that they
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did not think there was anything in the russian investigation and now they are leaning towards thinking investigation has to be conducted fully by bob will because they start to think perhaps there is something. i cannot explain otherwise why donald trump has repeatedly backed away from being tough on president putin and it is putting those things together that is leading them to think there is something that there is far behind all this smoke. they also watch the white house change the goalposts, initially at the white house said, john —— donaldjr said the idea that they had cooperated with the russians was disgusting. now they're saying there may have been some kind of cooperation but it was totally legal. we do not know what happened after the meeting because everyone in the media has reason to say nothing happened. on the problem is when you look at what was in the e—mail, he says you know, i love it. there is no pause, he does not think
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this is concerning, maybe i should report this and that is what is raising concerns with republicans. exactly that, the white house does not seem to think it was a problem meeting russians to get dirt on hillary clinton. well as was mentioned they're president trump, his nominee to be the next fbi director was grilled by senators today. christopher wray is up to replace james comey, who you'll remember was fired by mr trump in may because of the russia investigation. mr wray promised he would insulate the bureau from any outside, political interference. but he was also pushed for his thoughts on donjr‘s meeting with the russian lawyer. republican senator lindsey graham wanted to know what the president's son should have done. you're going to be the director of the fbi, so here's what i want you to tell every politician. if you get a call from somebody suggesting that a foreign government wants to help you by disparaging your opponent, tell us all to call the fbi. to the members of this committee, any threat or effort to interfere with our elections from any nation state or any non—state actor is the kind of thing
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the fbi would want to know. that is reassuring for those people on the committee. but what i want to know, you could say donald jr is a private citizen, jared kushner, who is copied on these e—mails is a special adviser to the white house, as close as you get to the president and he knew what was in the e—mail. so how come his position is not hanging bya so how come his position is not hanging by a thread? the question is does he keep his security clearance, ido does he keep his security clearance, i do not think anyone is saying he will be fired from the white house but republicans and democrats are saying he should not have security clea ra nce saying he should not have security clearance because of that meeting he had. there is the e—mail directed to him which specifically said russia, clinton, meeting. he cannot have ignored that. so — farfrom capitol hill and the feverish atmosphere of washington —
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what kind of effect is this having on the president's popularity around the country? today he has a a0 percent approval rating. down 5 points since he came to office. but of course — and we have said this many times before on this programme — that only tells part of the story. his support within his base is solid. 85 percent of republicans are still behind this president. it's a good time to hear what they are saying. we have sent nick bryant to nebraska — a state that has voted republican in every election since 1968. in the rollicking ride of the trump presidency, you often wonder how long he'll stay on the horse. every day seems to bring a new wrestle in the mud. with the media, congress, international leaders. but here in nebraska, a trump state at the election, there is still strong support for his presidency. despite the attempts of opponents to ensnare him. did you vote for him? yes, idid. are you happy with
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thejob he is doing? you bet. i think he's doing all right he has some flaws, but like any president, you know, they have their ups and downs. what are his flaws? i think he needs to lay off the keyboard. he is a good businessman and that is what the country needs. get the country back out of debt, get a lot of people working. and i think that is what doing. on the night that donald trump junior‘s bombshell e—mails were released, the pigs were more agitated than the people. no—one we spoke to at this county fair was in the least bit concerned that team trump might have been telling porkies about its contacts with russian figures. they echoed the white house line, that the controversy is a nothing burger. the media has taken it out of proportion. but there is e—mail proof now... yeah, some, i guess. i don't know, i haven't followed it for awhile now because of that. does it worry you? no. i think it isjust spun by the left because they lost. what is noticeable about coming
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to the heartland is that people are not glued to their smartphones all the time. they're not following this presidency, minute by minute, tweet by tweet. but you do get the sense that some people feel donald trump is fixated by his problems rather than theirs. that is the concern of the local republican mayor, josh moni. what i hearfrom people is less tweeting and more doing. i think there is kind of bewilderment about the compulsion to tweet about anything and everything. i think people like to see him focus more on working on some of his campaign promises. in america's fiercely patriotic heartland, it seems anomalous that voters aren't concerned about russian meddling. they seem more mistrustful of the media than moscow. another indication of the polarising effect of the trump presidency. of how the united states increasingly sounds like an oxymoron.
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nick bryant, bbc news, nebraska. it's our penultimate show on 100 days+. all our friends are back with us this week. scott shellady, managing director of the stockbrokers tjm europe is here. the cow man! he is back. you watch that video, people in nebraska asking why you keep going on about the russia thing. even if you take donaldjr out of the russia thing. even if you take donald jr out of this, let's say he isa donald jr out of this, let's say he is a political novice, there is still in the e—mail thread showing that russia wanted to interfere in the election. surely worthy of reporting. but they have tried to get involved in other elections around the world, that is what they do. it is nothing new, it is old
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news. it is just a fact that those who who did not get their candidate elected are apoplectic and cannot deliver the fact that donald trump beat their candidate. but we just heard from republicans and they're worried in congress that this is co nsta ntly worried in congress that this is constantly overshadowing the agenda, it has been shoved down the line, there's not on health care, tax reform, infrastructure. and it is russia always at the forefront. well the media are putting rush at the forefront and that is slowing down his agenda. it is an obstruction. but i would add that his own friends in congress, other republicans re—elected with him, have not behaved well either. so here's the swamp which he thought would be the liberals or democrats, is turning out to be the entire congress. they wa nt to out to be the entire congress. they want to keep it the same as it was and do not want to rock the boat. that is causing problems for him. he isa that is causing problems for him. he is a guide that may go down in history as being the first president thatis history as being the first president that is going to try to do what he said he was going to do and his own
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party might even stop him. i've heard that argument before, if it is not russia it is the press and even possibly the republican party obstructing this president but one of the things that supporters liked about him when he ran in the election was he was the guy that was going to do deals and get things donein going to do deals and get things done in washington. specifically on jobs and the economy. but infrastructure, that tax reform bill. but we have nothing big on the economy that he has done. absolutely right and that has been his biggest mistake so far, he has not been able to heard the kittens. but his own party is stabbing him in the back and grandstanding. they have had seven, eight years to put something together that would be better than what we have today and they puff out their chest and said i do not like this or that. it is bad timing and the hardest thing to turn around in an economy is sentiment and confidence. he has been able, he has
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turned that around without telling anything else around. he needs to see the economic indicators coming in in support. confidence is also slipping in the uk, you think brexit isa slipping in the uk, you think brexit is a good thing, you still think that? i do, you see so many cranes from here in the studio, still a lot of building and that is a good economic indication. i will never accept that if i want to take my ball home and leave the club i would be penalised for doing that. i do not get that. i think you're in so much trouble, christian, you have gone over time ain! christian, you have gone over time again! fascinating. i keep hearing it again and again, it is the republicans, the press, the russian investigation. some supporters have a lot of tolerance for his inability
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to get things done. let's move on. in just a few hours president trump leaves for paris where he will be meeting with emanuel macron. the purpose for his visit is to celebrate 100 years years since us troops entered the first world war on the side of france and britain — but it's hard to believe politics won't come up. perhaps one of the greatest divisions comes on the paris climate accord which mr trump recently pulled the us out of. a brief time ago i spoke with lord stern — one of the leading climate change experts who helped advise the french government on the agreement. i put it to him that president trump believes upholding the accord could riskjobs and other believes upholding the accord could risk jobs and other countries believes upholding the accord could riskjobs and other countries might not keep their side of the bargain. since paris, country after country has upped its ambition and is over performing, so other countries are moving very strongly. the united states made a reasonably modest commitment in paris to reduce by 26% to 28% measured from 2005 to 2025. it could well do that without the commitment of president trump because a dozen states, 350 cities, a whole bag full
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of big firms are all committed within the united states. so the world has passed trump test. but there is one side of america, i mean we've heard in our programme today from people in nebraska, and they don't feel as committed to climate change as they do to job creation. he's speaking to his electorate? yes, and he's obligated, in my view, to put serious economic arguments in front of them and there are big job opportunities in the new clean technologies. the united states is a great leader in innovation in these new technologies. so it's very important that the economic arguments are laid out properly and not offering people false promises and false arguments. he's not going to presumably do that because the man who is the environment secretary, scott pruitt, is actually a climate change denier. i mean, i'll read you something he said. "i think that measuring with precision human activity on the climate is something
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very challenging to do. there's tremendous disagreement. i would not agree that it's a primary contributor to the global warming we see." well, if mr pruitt has new scientific results, he should publish them forthwith. the scientists would be very interested in seeing them. you've got 200 years of climate science, clear and strong, that points in a different direction. but if you look across the administration at the secretary of state, mr tillerson, if you look at treasury, if you look at defence, you'll find quite a lot of people in the administration who are absolutely not climate deniers and recognise the importance of action. the paris accord was hailed as this landmark achievement, but how watertight is it if a country the size of the united states can just walk away without any repercussions? actually, the united states cannot withdraw for three years, that was part of the paris agreement. at the end of that three years,
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you have to give a year's notice. donald trump's going to sit down with emmanuel macron over the next couple of days and i'm sure there's going to be some arm twisting in the background about climate change. if you were sitting in front of him, for the next two—days, what would you want to say to him? i'd be very happy to sit before him and i would make the case that the route to the low—carbon economy is enormously attractive, in terms ofjobs, growth itself, cities where you can move, cities where you can breathe, cities where you can be productive, eco systems which have some chance of survival. this is a very attractive option. it's completely false to portray it as climate responsibility versus growth, that's just to get it wrong. we've seen that around the world in china now, in india, in the kind of objectives that president macron himself has. what we've done in the uk, where we've cut emissions by 40% since 1990, as we've grown by 60%. this is the growth story and it's
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a very attractive one and that's the most important point i think to get across. some interesting thoughts. a quick ta ke some interesting thoughts. a quick take from that which is keen to get across, first america was not forced into this and second—best they said they were on target. the target was not imposed on them as president trump seems to suggest and thirdly within the paris agreement they can change the targets. so why pull out of it. that was the argument of barack obama and when he pulled out they said it is crazy, we could have been negotiated the existing deal. i think donald trump did not want to be part of that big international deal, he does not like that kind of international pact. i spend a good deal of my day watching the twitter feed of president trump. and it keeps me busy. but yesterday — competing for attention — was the twitter feed of southern rail, not a twitter handle i normally follow —
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but yesterday the company left it in the hands of a 15 year old student. this is how he introduced himself. hi, eddie here! here on work experience and ready to answer your questions! dangerous. so here comes the first question. hi eddie! would you rather fight1 horse sized duck or 100 duck sized horses? now i don't know if you have tried these feeds in the past. but you don't always get a response. and certainly not to a question like that. but eddie. eddie is a different kind of guy. eddie is that guy that goes the extra mile. he says, 100 duck—sized horses. a horse—sized duck would be pretty scary! and with that the hashtag ‘ask eddie' was born. and it went on and on. and he answered every question they had. people asking for dinner suggestions. if he would rather have rollerblades
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on his feet or chopsticks for fingers. he answered every single one. i tried to get on the programme and he's not responding. he has been taken out of circulation! that is because they brought him back again at southern rail. they put up a photograph of him and he is back on that twitter feed. i photograph of him and he is back on that twitterfeed. i do not photograph of him and he is back on that twitter feed. i do not know what kind of summerjobs you had, christian, i do not know many 15—year—olds who have such excellent work experience. he is going to be inundated by job offers. just to say one thing, you are a useless twitter feed editor, you need to find something else. you missed the best of all, at one stage he was asked whether a boy can swim faster than a shark. here is what he replied. i do not think so, but you never know. there could be a girl. all the girls
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following eddie! hopefully all the boys as well and learning a thing or two. we will see if we can get him on the programme tomorrow. you're watching 100 days plus from bbc news. still to come — donald trump calls the russia investigation a witchhunt — the same term used by nixon during watergate. we'll hear from william cohen who was a republican congressman at the time. and ourjourney continues on the new silk road — with a stop in kazakhstan — where people feel squeezed by their neighbours russia and china. that's still to come on 100 days plus, from bbc news. for most of us a beautiful day
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today. lots of sunshine. take a look at this picture from yesterday. a different story. this is in london. and today sunny skies in the north and south. so a very different day today across the south of the country with that rain pushing out into the continent. we are under the influence of high—pressure bust up it started off cloudy across the south and then just some fair weather cloud is pretty much it. so for this evening we have the high—pressure over us, a light wind and it is going to turn quite cold. in the middle of city centre is not especially cold but in rural areas just take a look at the difference. four or just take a look at the difference. fouror5 just take a look at the difference. four or 5 degrees across some northern areas. thursday another fine day, the high—pressure dominating much of western europe.
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we have a weather front approaching the north—west, so perhaps thickening cloud and some spots of rain. alsojust thickening cloud and some spots of rain. also just the chance of summer showers around across the midlands and south west. but for most of us it is dry. so very hit and miss and for most of us another fine day. low 20s in the south, around the 20 degrees mark or high teens in the north. the greater chance perhaps of catching a few spots of rain across the north—west of the country. so there is fine day all in all and a good evening as well. from friday onwards we see the wind picking up a little bit and pushing in some cloud from the atlantic. so turning cloudy across some of these western areas and overall what is going to be happening through the course of friday, weather systems coming in, bringing outbreaks of rain. that
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means wimbledon is looking cloudy, and warm, actually really muggy during saturday and sunday for the finals. so this weekend, cloudy and muqqy finals. so this weekend, cloudy and muggy in the north—west in particular, and warmest across the south. welcome back to 100 days plus. i'm katty kay in washington? and i'm christian fraser in london. our top stories — donald trump defends his son over a meeting with a russian lawyer during his presidential campaign saying he's innocent and transparent. democrats disagree. his son disclose the e—mail chain was done only because it was about to be released by the new york times so to be released by the new york times so that is not so much transparency as it is trying to get the upper hand. turkey's president tells the bbc — the eu is wasting his country's time and that his country would find it "comforting" if the eu said it could not become a member.
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the kremlin today insisted it was in no way linked to the meeting between president trump's son and a russian lawyer. and on twitter mr trump again said the current news cycle is a witch hunt. it is the same term by the way that richard nixon used nearly 45 years ago. the cases are different but maybe there are some lessons from history. back then, william cohen was a young republican congressman from maine who would go on to become a senator and later the american secretary of defence under bill clinton. he's been a regular guest on this programme and joins us again today. when you look at what has happened over the last 48 hours with donald trump, the revelations of donald trump, the revelations of donald trump jr's meetings trump, the revelations of donald
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trumer‘s meetings with russia and the solicitation shown in those e—mails, how normal is that in the context of american politics because thatis context of american politics because that is what some people around the white house seem to be saying. that is what some people around the white house seem to be sayingm was not just opposition white house seem to be sayingm was notjust opposition research, when it comes to a foreign government. this is something that has the sink into the american people, that the russian government according to all of our intelligence agencies, in fact did meddle in our last election. they did interfere, they did try to impede hillary clinton in terms of her quest for the presidency. our intelligence agencies say that. the kgb and president trump are denying this. it brings into focus the statements coming from the president that none of his staff, his associates had anything to do with the russians. we are starting to see that is not quite true. we saw with general flynn, we see with the president's son—in—law. it raises the whole
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issue of truth and the search, not a witch hunt, it is they hunt for the truth. once we start it, we have to carry it out. i want you to take me back because one of the things we heard earlier in the programme from some of trump's and supporters, it is all about the press conducting this investigation and no one else's very interested. pickers but the watergate because my understanding is that for the first year of that, people around america would interested in the watergate investigation. i think that was true. the president tried to say this is simply a break—in, true. the president tried to say this is simplya break—in, i true. the president tried to say this is simply a break—in, i had nothing to do with it. the democrats are simply trying to reverse the election, which they lost. sounds familiar! but there is something else involved. i believe it is important that those who have
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business interests not be engaged in the white house. this is forfamily members and non—family members. anyone who has a security clearance and is also working in the white house, anyone doing business as sidey whiteheads, but is reducing the white house to the camilla commercialisation. this is all tied up commercialisation. this is all tied up in who we believe, why are they getting security clearances? this is the branding of the president but not of america. people have to wake up not of america. people have to wake up and say, this is serious, not simply an issue of what people said. our intelligence community believes, we have absolute evidence the russians tried interfere. the president needs to put that down to the russians saying, you can't do it again we're not going back to reset until you stop doing what you have doing with us. i know you have been
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travelling, what did you make of the way he approached the putin meeting and what was said and the readout we have had since? i want to have better relations with the russians, i think we need that. but not on the terms. let's just start over and go forward , terms. let's just start over and go forward, forget about crimea, ukraine, what we have done in terms of the elections. let's start from scratch and move forward? no. if you violated a national law, occupying a country, destabilising ukraine, interfering in our system, we don't go back to square one, we have to hold you accountable and we will and once we get reset with you on a proper basis, then let's go forward and have a proper relationship. thank you. it's one year since a faction of the turkish army said it was seizing power to protect democracy from president recep tayyip erdogan. but without public support or wider military backing, the botched coup attempt
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was soon over. today, mr erdogan remains a divisive figure in turkey but he now appears stronger and more confident than ever. he sat down, for an exclusive interview with zeinab badawi for hardtalk and she gave us this preview of their discussion. turkey is a pivotal nation and it operates in a tough neighbourhood. president erdogan says he wants to retain ties with turkey. there has been a lot of criticisms about his style of leadership, his clamp—down on press freedoms, particularly we have heard that from the european union leaders who say this is another reason why we cannot allow turkey to become a member of this democratic club, because frankly, it does not possess the right democratic credentials. i put to president erdogan that he really
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has particularly in the last years since that failed coup, really clamped down on press freedoms. turkey now imprisons more journalists than any other country in the world. translation: opposition journalists write a lot of insulting articles about me. those insulting articles are still out there. those people who are inside jail, out there. those people who are insidejail, they are not journalists, some of them corroborated with terrorist organisations, some had possession of firearms. they have a journalist badgebup this is not the official press guard. they claim to be journalists. on the european union, i asked him what he personally thought about membership for the eu and he expressed his frustration but at the same time, it was a nuanced
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response because he said nevertheless, turkey is still committed to the accession process. translation: we are loyal to our worth, if the eu bluntly says we will not be able to accept turkey in the eu, this will be comforting for us. the eu, this will be comforting for us. we will then initiate plan b and see. the european union is not indispensable for us. turkey is able to stand on its own two feet. the full hardtalk interview with turkey's president erdogan will be broadcast here on bbc news on friday. now if you have been with us through the week, you've ourjourney along china's new silk road. it includes a rail route across three continents which will cost the chinese government almost a trillion dollars to build.
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our china editor carrie gracie is travelling the 11,000 kilometre trailfrom china to the uk. and as the silk road reaches central asia, she has been looking at china's challenge to russia. for two centuries, central asia was russia's backyard. kazakhstan got its independence when the soviet union collapsed but russia remained the language of business until now. this is china's new silk road in action. the economy is slowing back home, state construction companies put work abroad. master builders delivering a cutting—edge urban railway. translation: china's advanced technologies bring convenience and more comfort and safety for travellers in kazakhstan. if this project goes well, it will serve as a model for others. china says its plans offer something for all. but mostjobs here will go
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to chinese workers and the loan was tied to a chinese design. it is notjust building across central asia, china's buying into banks and oil fields as well. some locals say they see no benefit. in one village, a kindergarten has become a hostel for chinese workers. this woman complains of pollution and jobs going to outsiders. translation: the chinese have done nothing. there is a huge oil industry here but no jobs or facilities for young people. we want to live decently so that we won't be ashamed of our village. government intimidation makes many kazakhs cautious on camera. but privately, several accused chinese companies of using bribes to cut corners.
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china says its presence abroad is a win—win, a win for china and a win for the people in its path. but that's not the experience here. they say their oil wealth is going elsewhere. and that win—win means china wins once and then china wins again. back at this cathedral, this man says the nations of central asia are like billiard balls in a game between the big players — russia and china. china, i believe will be some threat for our independence. why? because for china, kazakhstan is not an equal partner. for china, kazakhstan only is like one of the players in the big china geopolitical game. that game stretches far beyond these mountains. but already, it is changing lives,
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shaping the destiny of young nations in the shadow of the chinese giant. we are sharing the air miles from this trip. it is only fair since we have been promoting it! tomorrow is our last show. cathy wants to go on holiday, i would work through but cathy wa nts holiday, i would work through but cathy wants to go on holiday! what have we got on the show? cathy wants to go on holiday! what have we got on the show?” cathy wants to go on holiday! what have we got on the show? i think you area have we got on the show? i think you are a slave driver! just one question, one tweet, donald trump senior called donald trump jr a high—quality guy and i just want to know whether anyone has ever called you that. no but i know melania trump isa you that. no but i know melania trump is a very high quality person andi trump is a very high quality person and i think you are as well. 175 days. i am still standing! or
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sitting! iam days. i am still standing! or sitting! i am feeling 125 years old! we will be back tomorrow for the last show for 175 days, do join us for that, goodbye. this is bbc news. i'm clive myrie. the headlines — as police continue their search of grenfell tower, the bbc has learnt that residents were still being told to stay put in their flats almost two hours after the fire broke out. donald trump defends his son as "open, transparent and innocent," after the revelation that donald junior met a russian lawyer during last year's election campaign. at the supreme court, a man who's gay, has won the same pension rights for his husband, as those enjoyed
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by heterosexual couples. an update on the market numbers for you — here's how london and frankfurt ended the day. and in the united states this is how the dow and the nasdaq are getting on. let's get more on our top story, that four weeks after the fire that destroyed grenfell tower, the trauma of that appalling night obviously continues for the local community. dr ahmed kazmi is a gp at a surgery close to grenfell tower — he told me about the impact the tragedy is having on the community there. this month really has been about just trying to provide people support, so those that have survived the incident and those that are bereeaved from it. to be honest, it really has affected the entire community because most people live within sight line of the building.
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or have had friends or relatives who have been dispossessed as a result of the fire. what kind of practical help have you been offering? it has changed slightly over the month, to be honest. in the first two weeks a lot of it was practical things, getting people medication, helping them find their hospital appointment dates again. directing them to services, so signposting them where to get new passports, where to get new nhs cards, etc. but over the last two weeks it has been more i think about mental health, emotional well—being and helping people sleep, helping people provide an open space for them to talk about some of the things that they have experienced. and some of those that perhaps have not been in the surgery, sadly some of them may have died in the fire, others you simply have not been able to get hold of? correct, yes. access has been a problem throughout, both for my practice and also other gps in the area. a lot of people had not updated their contact details. it has taken, because of the process of identifying bodies, it has taken quite an unusually long amount of time for formal death notifications to come through.
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so for a lot of people we have not been able to contact them, we had not been sure if they're alive well or deceased.
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