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tv   Witness  BBC News  July 29, 2017 2:30am-3:01am BST

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this is bbc news. the headlines: the white house chief of staff reince priebus is leaving hisjob after white house chief of staff reince priebus is leaving his job after he was criticised by another senior administration official. reince priebus said he do —— said he resigned after speaking to the president on thursday. the current director of homeland security, generaljohn kelly, will be the new chief of staff. south korea says it will prepare independent measures to curb the nuclear threat posed by north korea. the united states and south korea have staged a joint missile exercise, in response to the latest test firing by north korea of an intercontinental ballistic missile hours earlier. charlie gard, the terminally ill baby at the centre of a long legal battle in britain between his parents and hospital authorities has died. charlie had been moved from a hospital in london to a hospice where his life support equipment was withdrawn. here, council workers in birmingham are stepping up industrial action in
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are stepping up industrial action in a dispute that has left rubbish piling up on the streets. members of the unite union have been refusing to do overtime and have been carrying out two hour stoppages every day, which rose to three hours a day. it looks bad and smells even worse. piles and piles of rubbish strewn gci’oss piles and piles of rubbish strewn across birmingham streets. on this road, it has been weak since the rubbish was collected. we saw a rat over there yesterday. absolutely disgraceful. for four weeks, over there yesterday. absolutely disgraceful. forfourweeks, it has been terrible. so we pay all that money in council taxes, and don't get anything. give the binmen what they want. it is disgusting. we come out of our house and it smells of rotte n out of our house and it smells of rotten food. it is horrible. dirty nappies. obviously, there is no other way to dispose of them. try
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and get as much who often as possible. when you open the bin, all you get is a whiff. flies flying outcome of big green ones. the stitch in this part of rubbish really is unbearable. i'm not sure if you can see it, but there are flies everywhere. with this strike due to continue to september, for people living on the street, the smell is going to get a lot worse. since early this month, then workers have been striking for two hours every day over conditions and pay cuts. from today, they will be striking for three hours a day. jackie is fed up with howard is looking around where she lives. and then you have these banks filing up. —— bags. how to make —— how it is looking. i have lived here for over 30 years, and i have never known it
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to be this bad. it is worrying to residents, especially those with children. the local council says budget constraints mean they need to adopt a new way of working, and that will not involve, they say, work or pay cuts. the two sides say they are now willing to sit down and talk. but if there is no resolution, the straits will go on. sima kotecha, bbc news, birmingham. now on bbc news it's time for witness. hello. i'm lucy hockings. welcome to witness here at the british library in london. this month, we have another five people have witnessed
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extraordinary moment so sad. we will be talking about the legalisation of homosexuality in britain, 50 years ago. they breakthrough for when in the men's world of racing, and in a moment, the russian ballet star, rudolf nureyev, who defected to the west. but first we go back to a turning point for china. china was wrapped in a civil war between communists and their opposers. i never even thought about joining communists and their opposers. i never even thought aboutjoining the commenters. translation: i am 99 years old, and they still have not changed my mind about that. —— joining the communists will stop the country was wea k communists will stop the country was weak and divided. for most people, life was wretched. someone had to rescue china from these miserable conditions. there were two men willing to try. one was the leader of the nationalist troops. the other was mao zedong, who wanted to turn china into a communist state. the
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two men were to become bitter rivals. translation: we worshipped him back then. we were probably influenced by germany's worshipping of hitler. we worshipped him to. i was ahead of a battalion in nationalist army, and fought against the comments in the civil war. chinese people fight each other, it was a complex situation. it was all about which path china should take to the future. we thought they were chinese traders. during the civil war, both sides made mistakes. i was involved in one of the last big battles. when we
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suffered 200,000 artillery shells. but i survived all of that. the nationalists had the military advantage, but our soldiers were to spread out. —— too. mao zedong one and chiang kai—shek loss. but mao zedong did not win completely, and chiang kai—shek did not lose completely. by the autumn of 1949, the communists had driven the nationalists out of all the major cities. they fled to the island of taiwan. translation: you could say leading mainland china was the lowest moment in his life. but he never accepted defeat. i worked with chiang kai—shek very closely for five yea rs. kai—shek very closely for five years. i kai—shek very closely for five yea rs. i really kai—shek very closely for five years. i really respected him. he was very strict. but he was always very good to me. chiang kai—shek‘s
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life was very ordinary. he would get up life was very ordinary. he would get up every day at 6am. he didn't smoke oi’ up every day at 6am. he didn't smoke or drink. he was very disciplined. he issued a lot of orders. to be honest, so many that it was hard to keep track of them. some people say chiang kai—shek was a dictator. but this is unfair, and it is slender. but because we were still against the communists in mainland china, he did impose martial law. this, that is antidemocratic, but it was to protect taiwan. —— slander. his goal was not just protect taiwan. —— slander. his goal was notjust to make taiwan independent. he wanted to achieve freedom and democracy for the whole of china. he never gave up. he told
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us, don't ever think we have lost the mainland. marxism will eventually fail. history proved him right. chiang kai-shek died in taiwan in 1975. the djere went on to become the head of the army and eventually became the country's premier. in 1961, rudolf nureyev defected to the west. —— the general went on. i remember him as a great dancer, a great personality in many ways. he had enormous technical prowess,
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enormous charisma. this kind of style of dosing is unique movements and stage presence, sending we have not seen before and very rarely since. —— silent dancing. —— style of dancing. issues you the geography two —— in cheesy the choreography and genius. —— it shows you. i went to leningrad to see performances at the kiev theatre where he was performance in. he was recognised in russia, the ussr, and by all the great dancers. then we went to london and i started to negotiate with the russians, and they agreed to send this company to england for a season. to send this company to england for a season. this is an original poster
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for the first appearance of the kirov ballet. amongst the you concede rudolf nureyev. but he never turned up this on. he went to paris, and ron paris, they were coming through to london, and we didn't expect anything else at the airport. on the 16th ofjune,1961, rudolf nu reyev on the 16th ofjune,1961, rudolf nureyev seller for the airport to fly to london with the rest of the kirov ballet com pa ny fly to london with the rest of the kirov ballet company on their tour. he did not know that soviet authorities had decided he was a security risk, and were planning to send him back to russia, instead. at the last minute, rather than bought the last minute, rather than bought the plane to russia, rudolf nureyev broke away from his mind and asked authorities for asylum in france. he jumped over the barrier and decided to defect. the rudolf nureyev defection caused a worldwide sensation. he became known as the man who had pierced the iron
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curtain. i think the simple question of being by nature, by temperament, not wanting to go back to moscow in russia. he was totally disinterested in politics. he was interested in art. the idea of communism is... he was not a defector for these reasons. at the tender age of 23, rudolf nureyev phantoms of the centre of the media spotlight, which would not them for years to come. what sort of parts do you want to da ntz first of what sort of parts do you want to dantz first of all? -- ganz. -- dance. i'm a romantic ganz, and i would like to try every different way. it was a great dancer, of course. but he was able to madam
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mariah is the world of baz i —— he was able to mesmerise the world of ballet. he transformed the whole aspect, the whole scene of ballet. it is impossible to overestimate the influence. it was unique, certainly, to this very day. rudolf nureyev died of convocations from aids. on july 1990, indigenous canadian spent months in a stand—off with the country's security forces over plans to build a golf course over a burial ground. to see the text coming and, we even had the fighterjets flying over us. the mood was very tense. ——
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ta nks over us. the mood was very tense. —— tanks coming in. this is all for a golf course. this was all for some group of rich people, the elite and their playground. like many other indigent people is, we call the earth our mother. it is a place where our ancestors rest. it is extremely important. they wanted to extend their nine hole golf course into an18 extend their nine hole golf course into an 18 hole of course. but at the same time, they also wanted to dig up our burial ground to extend their parking lot. we set up a blockade on a secondary to grow them act —— blockade on a secondary dirt road. our lineage goes round mothers, and it is our duty to protect the land. it is the men's responds purely to protect the people. we said we would go to the front and the men said they would
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watch us and protectors of anything happen. on the morning ofjuly11, we we re happen. on the morning ofjuly11, we were interrupted at 5:15am by a swat tea m we were interrupted at 5:15am by a swat team and so we went to wards the front of the barricade and towards the highway with our hands on the edge make sure that they saw we had no weapons. but they still matters with a lot of aggression, and a lot of force. what is said to them was that this is our land, and we have every right to be here. they we re we have every right to be here. they were not too happy with that. that is why they wanted to talk to a man. it is against the women were being very unreasonable, to them. originally, people said they would be no weapons, but there were individuals who carried their weapons and we could not do anything about it. we said it was a peaceful barricade. around 830, deeply started firing tear gas and concussion grenades at us. concussion grenades, for those who do not know, sound like gunshots. they are quite a loud noise. i had
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to tell some of the people i was weird to run, you know, let's run for cover. it was scary because we did not know if anyone was killed, on both sides. the police force continued to block the roads of people coming in or out. they prevented food, medicine, and they we re prevented food, medicine, and they were quite aggressive and always provoking. it was a siege after 78 days. a siege. when we did decide to ended we said we had enough and went back to our homes. december 30 sixth was supposedly when it finished. a big melee happened. some of the soldiers had their bayonets on because they we re had their bayonets on because they were totally afraid of the people who were coming out. there were a lot of arrests on that day. they we re lot of arrests on that day. they were still not surrendering because
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the land is viewed as still not settled. i mean, the golf course sparked a discussion about the real issues that indigenous people have been fighting for four centuries, which is possession, protection of our languages and culture, of our life. so it work up people. i would say it was up people. they are still campaigning for indigenous rights. you can watch witness every month on the bbc channel, or catch up on 1000 radio programmes online. next, back tojuly 1957, radio programmes online. next, back tojuly1957, when the british parliament passed a bill to decriminalise to the sexuality. for that being gay in this country was not just illegal but that being gay in this country was notjust illegal but widely that being gay in this country was not just illegal but widely seen that being gay in this country was notjust illegal but widely seen as a disease. witness went back to meet the radio presenter pete price who
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was sent for a version therapy to try to cure him of his homosexuality. it was very difficult growing up in the 60s as a gay man because to touch another man, to hold, to feel, to have emotions, you could go to prison. for many of us this is revolting, then dancing with ham. homosexuals in this country today rake the law. —— men dancing with men. the queer bashers were out and people committed suicide, it was and people committed suicide, it was a very sad time. i was 18, going on i9, a very sad time. i was 18, going on 19, when my motherfound out that a very sad time. i was 18, going on 19, when my mother found out that i was homosexual and she took it badly, then went to the doctors. the doctors told us, there is a queue. i have now since found out it was called a version therapy. didn't know anything about it, so mum said, will you do with? i said, yeah, for
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you i'll do it. they put me in a mental institute. in those days they we re mental institute. in those days they were called a loony bin, or psychiatric ward. there were bars on the window and i was very, very frightened. i went into see the psychiatrist and he had an old—fashioned psychiatrist and he had an old —fashioned tape recorder, psychiatrist and he had an old—fashioned tape recorder, the real to reel, and he described all of the sexual acts that gay people did, using very graphic language, to make you feel disgusting. then they put me in a room. i still didn't know what would happen to me, i really didn't know, except they asked me what i drank and in those days i drank stout, guinness. there was a male nurse, no windows, and they have a stack of what they called "dirty books". there were many in swimming costumes. there was nothing erotic about it. i was supposed to look up the books, listen to the tape, which the notice
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was operating, with his vile conversation and he was giving the guinness. halfway through the hour he injected me, which made me violently ill. so i asked, could i use the bathroom? he said, no, just use the bathroom? he said, no, just use the bathroom? he said, no, just use the bed. i was violently sick and defecated on the bed and i am lying in my urine faeces and vomit and feeling incredibly ill. i was frightened young man, 18, going on i9. i frightened young man, 18, going on 19. i was very, very scared. i wasn't thinking of a cure, ijust thought i was going to die because this was torture. at the end of 72 hours i had nothing left. ijust wa nted hours i had nothing left. ijust wanted out and i decided i'd had enough. i am volunteering to leave. i rang enough. i am volunteering to leave. irang a enough. i am volunteering to leave. i rang a powell of mind to get me out and i thank. —— i rang a powell of mind to get me outand i thank. —— pal of mine. i stamp of filth. i had a bath and i must have been in there for eight
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hours, trying to scrub the filth off me. after the treatment i decided enough was enough and daewoo corp one day and said, i am what i am, have got to be who i am and accept who i am. i channelled the way i was through my entertainment. all the big stars i've worked with. they learn to be who i was and i became outrageous and that was the way i got accept the. -- acceptance. you're lovely. got a brother? i think i've been happy with myself as a homosexual, but i actually don't leave i belong anywhere. i can neverforget what they did to me, ever. pete price still presents a popular evening show in liverpool. finally, in 1977
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racing car driverjanet show in liverpool. finally, in 1977 racing car driver janet became show in liverpool. finally, in 1977 racing car driverjanet became the first woman to compete in the prestigious indianapolis 500 motor race. she speak to witness about competing in a male dominated sport. race drivers are special breed of american folk hero. they have always been men, untiljanet guthrie. american folk hero. they have always been men, untiljanet guthrielj american folk hero. they have always been men, untiljanet guthrie. i had no house, no husband, nojewellery, no house, no husband, nojewellery, no insurance. i had one used up race car. i was playing in a millionaire's sport from the very beginning and not having been born with a trust fund i learned how to build my own engines and be my own —— do my own bodywork. i thought there was a reasonably good chance that i would be successful at it, because i wanted it a lot. i loved the sport. it was the passion of my life, really. part of the fun is to acce pt life, really. part of the fun is to accept the risk and deal with it gracefully and well. you have to
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have an interest in what it's like out there at the limits of human capability. i was saying to myself, you know, you really must come to your senses and make some provision for your old age. that was the point at which the phone rang and a voice completely unknown to me said, how would you like to take a shot at the indianapolis 500? it was sometimes said that the indianapolis 500 wasn't the most important race, it wasn't the most important race, it was the only race. that's how most of the united states feels about it. over 400,000 people showed up. you can't imagine how many people that is until you see them in person. when i got my big chance at the top levels of the sport, it made a huge
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commotion. they simply haven't had the experience of running against a woman and they were sure i was going to kill them all. all i had to do at the beginning was open up a newspaper and there was some other driver saying that his blood was going to be on the official's cans. seriously, when i say commotion, it was big. —— hands. iwas seriously, when i say commotion, it was big. —— hands. i was so happy. i was big. —— hands. i was so happy. i was happy that i had put a car in the field for the indianapolis 500. i think the field for the indianapolis 500. ithinka the field for the indianapolis 500. i think a lot of drivers would tell you the first time you make the field at indianapolis is the moment you will never forget. of course any figure out what you really want to do is win the thing. you're thinking, who's behind you, what are their driving habits, who is ahead of you, what mistakes are they likely to make on the first —— and on the first lap you really want to
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keep yourself out of any trouble. in that race i had a mechanical failure. when we finally decided the car was not going to be fixable, i left the pits and headed back to the garage. there was a lot of enthusiasm in the stands at that point. janet is not a new, the car racing. my best shot at indianapolis was ninth, with a team i formed and managed myself. i best finish in indycar racing was fifth at milwaukee. i wasn't racing to prove anything about women. because the fa ct anything about women. because the fact that i was a woman in my opinion had nothing to do with it. a racing driver was what i was, right through to my bone marrow. in 2006 janet guthrie was in the ready to the international motor sports wall of fame. that's all from us this month. when the next week at the
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british library. we will have five extraordinary counts of history through the eyes of the people who we re through the eyes of the people who were there. for now, goodbye. hello there. good morning. generally speaking, the weather's been unsettled in recent days. that was certainly the case yesterday with showers in scotland and northern ireland. this was taken by one of our weather watchers. this is clearing through the east in the early hours of his morning. a few showers in scotland and northern ireland. in between the two, dry weather.
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temperatures down to 15—16 degrees further south. the morning, showers around in scotland. mainly in the west of scotland. the north of northern ireland. the further south you are, largely dry. one or two showers into the morning in northern england. some good spells of sunshine. a lovely start to the day for much of wales. one or two showers here. for the south—west of england, thicker cloud and outbreaks of rain. through the english channel, a lot of cloud and rain will never be too far away. this weather front may drift back in. so after a decent start to the day at the oval, you may well see the odd afternoon shower. some rain is more likely at the end of the day as the weather front goes back into the south. ahead of that, the north of wales, much of northern england, the midlands, a decent afternoon. showers continuing in scotland and northern ireland. there's the rain pushing into the london area
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and beyond into the afternoon. it might get into the low 20s in the south—eastern corner. maybe 20 degrees in newcastle and aberdeen. in glasgow, the upper teens at best. the rain moves eastwards. getting out into the north sea by early sunday. that is this weather front moving away from the uk. low pressure is still in charge on sunday, keeping things unsettled, particularly in the north and west. that's where showers will be early on. rumbles of thunder to go with that. after a bright start in eastern areas, increasing cloud. showers few and far between in the south—eastern corner. but some heavy showers elsewhere. good news for the ridelondon long leg down to surrey and back. don't rule out the odd shower. a breeze from the south and west. low pressure still in charge on monday. it's centred to the north—west of the uk. that's where we will see most
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of the showers on monday. a bit of rain at times. the further south and east you go, the showers are fewer and further in between. hello and welcome. i'm reged ahmad. another purge in the white house. the latest person to be leaving is the chief of staff, reince priebus. the announcement comes a day after the new white house communications director, anthony scaramucci, accused him of leaking information to the media. reince priebus' replacement is the current director of homeland security, retired generaljohn kelly, who mr trump described as a great american and a true star of his administration. after president trump tweeted the news of priebus' departure, he had this to say upon returning to washington. reince is a good man.
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