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tv   Newsnight  BBC News  August 14, 2017 11:15pm-12:01am BST

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its might is on display every evening at the border with india, with troops strutting and goose—stepping in a full—blooded show of nationalism. over a third of pakistan's 70 years have been under military rule. what would jinnah have made of that? i think he would have been aghast. the military were supposed to be a subordinate organisation to politics. i think he never, never could have imagined that the military would have played such an important role and would have dominated politics, as it does today. he would be turning in his grave if he came to know that. the military was in ceremonial mode today with an airshow to mark the anniversary of pakistan's creation. it is a public holiday and people were out in force in a mass show of patriotism and celebration. jinnah‘s resting place is this magnificent mausoleum in karachi, a fitting tribute to the first leader. he bequeathed to his people self—government and a democracy, but pakistan still struggles with what its true identity might be. reeta chakrabarti, bbc news, lahore.
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that's a summary of the news, newsday is coming up at midnight. now on bbc news it's time for newsnight. theresa may's been in switzerland. most of westminster‘s on holiday. but tonight the government's brexit position, finally, starts to take shape. in something that looks a lot like the customs union, but with britain able to negotiate free trade agreements with the rest of the world. we ask whether the proposed transitional arrangement is possible — or even desirable. and finally, two days after the event... racism is evil. and those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs. including the kkk, neo—nazis, white supremacists and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as americans. trump this evening disavowed the racists
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but will this be enough to stem the tide of criticism of how he handled events in charlottesville? also tonight, after one of the most exciting opening weekends in its 25—year history, we ask one of the premier league's architects whether it has changed british football for the better. and, this: good evening. the prime minister returns this week from her walking holiday in europe and her government is keen to show it's stealing the march on brexit. until now the predominant features of this summer have been cabinet in—fighting and criticism over the speed at which they're getting on with the job. but tonight a picture is starting to emerge of what britain's negotiators will be pushing for in brussels. tomorrow a "future partnership paper" will lay out the government's
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aspirations for one particularly thorny issue — the customs union, how we trade with our european neighbours. this isn't a formal negotiating position, that is still to come, but the plans suggest that the uk wants to put in place a temporary customs union during a transitional period after we leave the eu in march 2019. this is after the chancellor and international trade secretaries wrote a joint article in the sunday telegraph making explicit that they want us out of the customs union the moment we leave the eu. we will get full details of the government's proposals tomorrow. we'll assess all of this in a moment, but our business editor helen thomas has been looking at the government's proposals. it is one of the big questions of brexit, will the uk stay part of the customs union, which allows goods to flow freely tariff—free between the countries. today, the first glimpse
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of a real answer from the government. the government wants an interim period where we keep a close association with the customs union. good news for those fearing a hard cliff edge brexit. and it's meant to provide certainty to businesses. the government has also proposed two possible models for what happens in the future after that. the first is a streamlined customs system that uses technology and other agreements to remove as many barriers to trade as possible. the second is a new customs partnership, a bespoke arrangement that enables trade to carry on very much as it does at the moment. let's back up. a customs union is where a group of countries band together. in the case of the eu, it agrees no customs duties and borders between states so goods can be traded between those countries free of charge. but if are goods coming
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from other countries, they are charged. each in the same way, whether it's going into france, greece, italy and any other country in the region. and crucially, members are bound by the eu's common commercial policy. which means they are not able to strike their own trade deals with other countries. philip hammond and liam fox this weekend called for a time limited interim period for transition, but stressed they were agreed that during this period the uk will be outside the single market and outside the customs union. well, on the latest proposals there will indeed be a period of transition. and it will be time limited. but what the government seems to be saying is that we would leave the customs union, only to move to separate arrangement as similar to it as humanly possible. the big difference would be that the uk wants the right to start
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negotiating its own trade deals, even if it does not sign them — that could be contentious. we would be leaving the customs union only to stay as close to it as possible. firstly there is a legal problem. as long as you are part of or close to the eu customs union the rules don't let strike your own trade agreements. secondly a practical point, other countries like canada and new zealand that might do deals with the uk don't want to negotiate unless they know what the uk's future relationship with the eu will look like, and they will have to wait some time before they know the answer. so what about longer—term options? if it is option one, border checks at least governments and businesses will have had time to prepare. but option two,
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a new type of customs partnership, could mean no disruptions at the borders at all. it all comes down to negotiation. is the free flow of german cars and italian press dzeko important enough for michel barnier wrote to let the uk strike its own trade deals on the side? and will the uk be prepared to toe enough rules to make that happen? helen thomas there. full details on this proposal will be released tomorrow, what we've had isjust a preview, but there's enough meat in it to discuss. joining me now is leading brexiteer and conservative mpjohn redwood. also with me is the labour mp chris leslie who is a spokesperson for the campaign group open britain which is campaigning against a so—called hard brexit. good evening to you. john, if i could start with you. it is slightly odd, is not that liam fox and the chancellor got together this weekend, wrote this article in the sunday telegraph and say they want us to be out of the customs union by march 2019, and then we will have this transitional period where we are in the customs union for we don't know how long. it is a mess.
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i don't think the second part is true. it is good news that the chancellor and the trade secretary both agree with the government's policy, which has been a stated policy for some time, but we are leaving the single market and leaving the customs union. that isn't just the government's wish. it is the expressed view of parliament because we had the important vote on this in the recent parliament and we agreed we would leave the single market and the customs union. this shows the fudging it, because you will be in the position where you want the uk and the customs union, all but in name. it is a fudge. the document has a couple of options on technical issues about how customs will work once we have left the customs union. of course we would like something smooth and similar to what we have at the moment, it's easier to replicate things you've already got. but we won't be in the customs union, will be making our own trade agreements.
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and we have 19 months before we are likely to leave the european union. so instead of concentrating on a transitional arrangement afterwards, surely we should maximise our use of the 19 months. one good thing about this paper is that it is getting the media and we hope, the eu, to understand that we need to talk about trade now. you've brought up the eu, it is all very well to say, we are off but we would like all the same perks until we've sorted out our next deals. these are not perks. some people would say they are. let me ask you, why on earth would brussels consent to this? because they have much more value and volume of trade than we do in terms of trade and volume of trade and particularly value of trade that can attract more rules. if we go out with no deal, which is feasible for britain and would be fine, there will be big
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tariffs on agricultural products. i don't think everyone agrees it would be fine, including chris. the government's line is that no deal is better than a bad deal. let me explain. agricultural products, things that can attract high tariffs, they can bring in a massive surplus and we don't want that. you are right that it would be a mess, we are going back to this land of wanting to have your cake and eat it. maybe the penny is beginning to drop somewhere in whitehall that this idea of leaving the customs union, we can wait for the single market, we'd like to stay in that as well, wouldn't be that good for our economy, society, and prosperity large. the problem is that trying to extricate britain from what, 57 different trade deals that the eu have made over the last 40 years, leaves britain out in the cold because of brexit with all of that,
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to piece back all those jigsaw pieces, how are you going to put those pieces back together, how are you going to... do you see it, chris leslie, as a softening of the position? we thought we were heading for a so—called hard brexit and we were leaving the customs union and going for a deal that is almost exactly the same in all but name. do you now hope this is a softer brexit? i would hope so and philip hammond seems to be trying to pull the government in that direction. my worry is that there are so many obstacles that have to be thought through properly. for instance, how is the uk going to get a fresh free trade agreement with the eu through all of those national parliaments across the eu? for instance, all of those existing trade deals that we in the uk enjoy, how do we get those grandfathered,
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basically, readopted the uk. we are facing a problem. the vote leave guys promised, in the referendum, john and vote leave promised that straight after the referendum, from day one, we'd be able to negotiate all these trade deals. but has not happened. tomorrow's papers are writing this up as a victory for those who support softer brexit in the challenge, a victory for the chancellor. as an ardent brexiteer do you feel in any way you've been sold down the river? i don't agree with that analysis at all. government policy is clear that we leave the single market and the customs union. all 50 trade agreements we have with the eu and the rest of the world will translate to us as well if ourselves in the party wanted, it is nothing to do with the eu, it's about us. that is 57 bilateral deals of all the countries in the world. when will that happen? it won't be march 2019... give us date. i see no reason why the trade should not happen at all.
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john redwood, would you prefer jacob rhys mogg to do this deal instead of theresa may? i'm happy with theresa may, she is the leader, and mr rhys mogg has made it clear he isn't running the leader. we are going to lead in march 2019. we will leave the single market... weirdly, john redwood is happy and chris leslie, you are also happy. it's a reversal of the whole of the brexit process and i think we could still go in that direction. thank you very much. brexit back on the agenda. elsewhere, president trump this evening condemned the neo—nazis, kkk members and activists from other hate groups who sparked the violence this weekend in charlottesville, virginia — one of america's largest recent public gatherings of white supremacists. the trouble led to the death of anti—fascist campaigner heather heyer and left 19 others injured. today's remarks were, you might think, a standard presidential statement under the circumstances, yet it took mr trump two
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days to reach a position where he was prepared to speak out against the far—right elements whose support some believe helped him into the white house. were his words too little, too late? how significant is the extreme right in america — and has trump created the conditions in which the movement might grow? gabriel gatehouse has been examining the aftermath of a shocking weekend. this report contains some strong language. they came to charlottesville prepared for confrontation. blood and soil! it wasn't long before they got it. the unite the right protesters included neo—nazis and members of the ku klux klan. they brought shields and helmets, clubs and guns. by mid—afternoon, one woman was dead, killed by a speeding car,
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allegedly driven by a man described as having an interest in nazi germany. white supremacists were condemned by nearly everybody — but not the president. we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence, on many sides. a neo—nazi website interpreted this statement as a tacit declaration of support. what might have been a tragic but isolated incident of political violence has become an existential question about where america is headed. the far right that we're talking about here believes that white people in the united states are being "dispossessed". so when they heard trump talk about building a wall, when they heard him talk about mexicans being criminals and rapists, when he retweeted somebody whose account, their twitter handle was called "white genocide", these were all things that thrilled them, that energised them, that made them believe that donald trump was one of them
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or that he at least spoke for them. this has been declared unlawful assembly. the authorities in charlottesville were taken aback by how fast the violence spread. the governor of virginia said the right—wing protesters were better armed than the police. the counterdemonstrators seemed less well armed, but no less angry and, say witnesses on the right, no less prepared to use violence. look out there yourself for footage of these rallies and these marches and see who strikes first. that doesn't excuse any behaviour, on either side, that's not what i'm saying. but i'm saying that if we want to have a full and frank conversation about this, we have to realise that these are both extremist factions. america is not newly divided. the protest in charlottesville was sensibly called in defence of a statue to a confederate general. their torchlit procession was reminiscent of the klan
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gatherings of a previous era. america has changed since then, but not, perhaps, as much as eight years of an 0bama presidency might suggest. black quarterbacks on the team of white supremacy hasn't helped us. 0n the eve of donald trump's inauguration i met silky slim, a community activist in baton rouge, louisiana. the kkk, he told me then, had never really gone away. even so, today he's taken aback by the vehemence with which it's raised its head. when we talked to you back then, when you came here, one of the things we really didn't understand, the language where people were asking us, when they came from england, france and other places, do you think this is going to be a race war, we were like no, we're fighting against injustice. but now, we definitely see a race war on the horizon here in america. they aren't even hiding behind their hoods any more. with trump in office, they think this is something that they can bring to the forefront and america has to accept it.
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it's a very crazy time right here in america now. under pressure, donald trump today condemned white supremacy more directly than ever before. racism is evil. and those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including the kkk, neo—nazis, white supremacists and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as americans. this is what you represent! but in cha rlottesville and elsewhere, there are those who fear his presidency has unleashed forces many thought consigned to history, and opened wounds that the passage of time has not yet healed. joining me now from new york are the conservative commentator ann coulter and ellis cose, a fellow of the american civil liberties union and author of multiple books exploring race in america. thank you forjoining us. donald trump called
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a press c0 nfe re nce today in which he explicitly condemned members of the kkk, neo—nazis, he knew that he had done something wrong in not explicitly condemning the groups before, didn't he? no, i don't think so. i think that there were different factions that were so heavily... the republican party in washington hates trump and were pushing him to do it, i don't think he should have. to give your view a more accurate description of what happened, the new york times report, one of the most liberal reporters here, said that the violence was coming from both sides. in fact it was new york militia members doing a betterjob than the police, who were told to stand down by democrats. this country has been ruled by left—wing violence for more than a year now. if i can just interrupt, it is a false equivalence to say left—wing violence was the same as fascist white supremacists coming
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together, walking injack boots, holding guns, saying that you will not defeat us, dues will not replace us, shouting all sorts of hateful slogans, they started the rally and created the rally and it is the largest group of white supremacist with their faces shown. it isn't the same as antifascist protesters coming together. absolutely wrong, the "antifascist", the labels you put on them, those protesters burned down berkeley twice to prevent me and others from speaking, they shut down a rose parade in portland that has gone on for years because the local republicans were going to march. no conservative can speak at a college campus because the "anti—fascists" smashed windows and beat people up. the one actual legal difference as opposed to a label that you're
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going to put on them is that these alleged nazis, some work, someone not, there were a few nazis, i'm not one of them, they had a permit to speak and they were not allowed to speak. the anti—fascists disrupted a legal gathering. donald trump has clearly condemned the kkk today, perhaps late, you would say, but has he done enough? has he done enough? he's done all i think. i think it's right to say they had a permit and one reason for that is because the aclu stood up for them to get a permit. we have to separate the question of freedom of speech from what the speech entailed and what they encouraged and what they created. the problem is that we had a group
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of white racists who wanted a race riot, basically. there's no way around that. and the fact that the president took two days to speak to it is ridiculous. it's a movement like witness or anyone who season something, instead of making an immediate statement, speaking two days after being beaten up and finally saying 0k, i'll do it... even when he spoke out he mixed up his message by saying he was thinking of pardoning a sheriff in arizona who was convicted of racial profiling and slamming the black ceo who resigned, dating to his lack of fortitude in speaking about this before. clearly donald trump has a problem when it comes to associating himself from virulent racism in america,
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and no president should have that problem that they are such a big part of his face that he must accommodate them —— a big part of his base. a former kkk leader who was at the march said that "we are going to fulfil the promises of donald trump. " why are they doing it in donald trump's name and is that the reason he refused to risk this elite condemned them in the immediate aftermath of the wyatt? —— he refused to explicitly condemned them in the aftermath of the riot. if we're talking about how long it takes for a condemnation, the black lives matter activists are responsible for killing ten cops last year. five in louisiana. how many black people lost their lives in america last year...? why wasn't president 0bama asked to denounce that. that is a smear, black lives matter did not kill ten cops, that is an incorrect slur, it is a lie.
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neither did the clan. the man who drove a car did not... you don't even know if this was... it is a flat out live. it isn't. these are people who are part of donald trump's base so he has a lot of trouble associating himself. hillary had black lives matter speakers at her convention. donald trump is not going to have david duke at his convention. in a freedom of speech and expression you are both speaking at the same time. thank you forjoining us. saudi arabia — a key ally of the uk and america — has been ruled as an absolute monarchy since its foundation. any opposition in the country is often brutally oppressed — even it seems when the dissent comes from within the reigning al saud royalfamily, which has more than 10,000 members. bbc arabic has been investigating allegations that the saudi monarchy
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has operated a system of illegal abduction and capture of dissident princes who have criticised the government, including evidence of princes kidnapped in europe and forced back to saudi arabia, where they've not been heard from since. redda el marhwy has this. this is prince sultan bin turki. he's one of the grandsons of king abdulaziz ibn saud, the founder of saudi arabia. he is also a fierce critic of the ruling elite in the kingdom. injanuary 2016 he was preparing to travel to cairo on a private jet offered to him by the saudi consulate in paris. two of his staff told us what happened on that flight. their identities are hidden to protect them. it wasn't untiljust before we landed that we realised we were in saudi arabia. as soon as the prince realised where we were he got up without his walker and was trying to get towards the door.
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they were about to land in riyadh. we looked out the window and we just saw a bunch of people get out with their rifles slung over their chests and surround the plane. the soldiers and cabin crew dragged sultan from the plane. he was screaming at his team to call the us embassy. it was an astonishing situation. a saudi prince and his team of european and american nationals were kidnapped and taken to saudi arabia. the foreigners were allowed to leave three days later. sultan has not been heard from since. 0ther dissident princes have also gone missing since 2015. our investigation gathered evidence of the kidnapping and illegal rendition of family members who'd criticised the saudi rulers. i'm meeting prince khalid bin farhan al—saud. his branch of the family fell out of favour long ago,
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and more recently he began to question the saudi regime as a whole. eventually he fled to germany and claimed asylum. according to prince khalid, the fate of the dissident princes is decided at the very top of the saudi government. this is prince turki bin bandar al—saud. according to prince khalid, the fate of the dissident princes is decided at the very top of the saudi government. this is prince turki
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bin bandar al—saud. he was once a major in the saudi police force, with access to highly sensitive information. a bitter inheritance dispute with the family landed turki in prison. on his release he fled to paris where he lived in this apartment. injune 2012 he began posting videos on youtube in which he calls for reform in saudi arabia. i've spent months tracking down people in paris who knew turki. most are reluctant to speak, saying they fear retribution from the saudi government. but i've finally had a break. wael al khalif is a blogger and activist who was a friend of
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turki's. i searched the international media for news of turki. i found this article in a moroccan newspaper. it says turki was about to leave morocco for france when he was arrested and jailed. then, following a request from the saudi authorities, he was deported, with the approval of a moroccan court. if the article is accurate, it looks as if the moroccan authorities may have colluded with the saudis in turki's deportation.
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we put these allegations to the government of morocco. but they declined to comment. i'd heard about yet another saudi prince who had disappeared. saud bin saif al—nasr was a relatively minor royal. a playboy with a liking for europe's casinos and expensive hotels. but in 2014 he began tweeting attacks on the saudi monarchy. to those who say i'm criticising people from my family, i say it's obligatory to state the truth. in september 2015, an anonymous suadi prince wrote asking for a coup. the letters went online and were read by millions. this was an astonishing display of opposition. prince saud was the only royal to endorse the letters. this was tantamount to treason and may have sealed his fate.
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a few days later, his twitter account fell silent. this tweet on september 10th 2015 was his last. i call for the nation to turn the content of the letters into popular pressure. although there is no definitive proof, prince khalid and two other sources believe he may have fallen into an elaborate trap. for one of the princess, sultan, 2016 was not the first time he'd been kidnapped. he said he was first abducted in 2003 and placed under house arrest in saudi. he was allowed to leave saudi arabia
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after receiving medical treatment. he has said that he hoped something might be done about the first issue. he had 15 years to complete the prosecution, it is a lengthy process. effectively, isuspending the prosecution, it is really defeating the ability to do it in a timely manner, to pursue the prosecution. according to swiss law, the statute against kidnappers will expire in 2000 eating. we tried to contact the three princes without success. contact the three princes without success. their whereabouts is unknown. —— 2018. the government of
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saudi arabia declined to comment on the allegations. this prince fears he may face the same fate. some have called it the best opening weekend in the 25 years of the premier league. 31 goals have already been scored since the season kicked off on friday. when the league launched in 1992, it was described as the big bang moment that would transform the game. since then, tv fees, player salaries and ticket prices have soared. many believe the standard of the football has skyrocketed too, but at what cost? 25 years on, has the premier league done what it set out to do,
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or stolen football from its fans? we'll discuss all that in just a moment, but first here are some vital match statistics. music: alive and kicking by simple minds well, it was a different time. fashion and hairstyles aren't the only things to have moved on in the 25 years since english football's first division broke away to become the premier league. only 13 foreign players appeared in the premier league's opening weekend, orjust 5% of the total. uefa's latest report on european football said the premier league now had the highest proportion of foreign players of the 75 leagues analysed, at 69%. it also topped the league for foreign coaches, at 75%. match day attendances are up, but tv has been where the real financial action has taken place. sky paid £191 million to air live matches for five years, from 1992 until 1997.
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at the last auction, sky and bt paid a combined £5.1 billion for just three seasons of match rights. that money has then flowed to the clubs. despite that, tickets have got pricier, with fans taking the hit. 0ne estimate puts the 1992 average ticket price at about £7.50. adjusted for inflation, that would be £14.25 last year. last season's average ticket price, according to the premier league, was £31. so, are spectators getting more bang for their extra buck? well, on average there were just 0.15 more goals per game last year than in the league's first season. all that money, it seems, doesn't necessarily make for a more exciting game. well, one of the people who negotiated the deal that created the premier league was its first chief executive, rick parry. hejoins me now from merseyside.
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also with us is henry winter, the chief football writer at the times. he's in leicester. rick parry, good evening, let me come to your first. as one of the architects of the premier league has it worked out? unquestionably. it is arguably the most popular professional sporting contest on the planet, watched in more than 200 countries. popular in many respects, it has certainly done what it set out to do. i think there are challenges. nothing is perfect and i think in particular at the moment it is disappointing that our teams are not doing well in europe. in the five years up to 2009, we were on the top of the pile, the number one ranked nation, now we are number three. there is a chasm between the premier league and the football league. wider than ever before, that is an issue. and, perennially, the national team still is not doing what we all hope
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it would do and steps can be taken there. we'll come onto some of those points in a moment. henry winter, you speak to a lot of fans and write on behalf of them, many feel priced out? i think one year ago you saw liverpool fans holding up that banner which said enough is enough, echoing the views of fans all over the country, not simply in the premier league, some of the prices being asked of fans, it was unconscionable for many in the difficult economic climate. certainly the more intelligent clubs like stoke city are addressing the price issue. it's not simply that the cost for home fans, it's away fans as well who get the atmosphere going on many occasions, finally i think now clubs have finally realised that ticket prices have been too much, the football supporters federation who have led this campaign together with their counterparts at liverpool, they want £20
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for the away tickets, this 20 is plenty campaign. as rick said the huge amounts of money flowing into the games and clubs through sponsorship and revenue, they have to start bringing down their prices even more. sharing the wealth, should more money go from the premier league to investments in the grassroots of football, it's only 100 million that has been pledged, when you think of the figures involved. £100 million in terms of the premier league is a significant sum, in terms of grassroots, of course more can always be done... that's two players in manchester city, compared to the amount raised by the tv rights in 2015. 0r less than half a player in the case of psg. the premier league for its
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greatness has not let the cash flow around in the right way and has denied its fans access. unquestionably there are some issues that needs to be addressed, it's been a success on many, ma ny levels but i think there are some challenges ahead, and neglecting fans, that is huge mistake because at the end of the day, it is atmosphere that is of paramount importance. fans are absolutely part of the event, and without traditional fans, the spectacle is not what it should be. many fans are now of an older profile, due to who can afford the tickets in the first place. henry, only 13 foreign players in the premier league started, your entire career has been about covering the premier league.
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the now majority of foreign players, how much of an issue has this been for england's national team? my career has almost been learning new languages with the welter of foreign players coming in! it's a huge issue for the team, your statistic of 67% of foreign players impinges on the opportunities, the pathway of these good kids but we've got being developed at the academies, they are not able to force their way into first team squads because coaches, many of whom are foreign and don't necessarily have any affiliation to the england national team, because of the pressure on them to win trophies, they are not going to risk it with young kids. there are exceptions, mauricio pochettino at spurs does give kids a chance as we saw at the weekend. there are some managers who are enlightened on this. but too few. it's huge for the national team, because we saw this summer the england age group teams are doing well, the under 19 groups, the under 20s, what has happened to the senior teams, they are struggling to get of the group stage of tournaments because too few of these players are getting opportunities.
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a big challenge. in 25 years, maybe we will be talking about 50 years of the premier league. rick parry, henry winter, thank you. that's all we've got time for tonight. thank you forjoining us. good evening. the weather wasn't so great this evening across many parts of the uk. a very grey pig in wales. this was a long, rainy grey sky. the weather is looking better tomorrow. here is the summery for the rest of the week. sunshine on the way, generally cool. tomorrow should be a fairly decent day. showers quite blustery as we head towards the weekend. this is what we have been seeing in the last few hours. clad and rain crossing the country still
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and rain crossing the country still a chance of some rumbles of under in one 01’ a chance of some rumbles of under in one or two places. two separate areas of rain, one possibly towards the end of the night in the south—east. looking at these temperatures, not a cold night. 13— 14 degrees in some northern areas. this is what it looks like on tuesday morning for the rush—hour. 17 degrees, some sunshine. maybe a couple of showers in manchester. 0ne 01’ couple of showers in manchester. 0ne or two showers around in northern ireland and western scotland. the overnight rain would have in clearing away off the edge of the screen there. good riddance. a fine day on the way, i think. some showers around during the course of tuesday afternoon. not completely dry, the majority of us fine. the chance of catching those showers. there might be a downpour in the extreme south—east. a couple of
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showers across northern england and the midlands, across scotland. tuesday and wednesday, the weather changing across western areas of the uk. weather systems pushing of the atlantic. wednesday morning, thickening cloud in the west. rain reaching belfast in glasgow. looking at england, this is a slow move. clouds moving off to the north—west. it means that many areas here will see a decent day. wednesday night into thursday, rain splashing through. getting to thursday, it is a fairly pleasant day. you can see some blobs of blue, showers there. 21 degrees in newcastle. 0n some blobs of blue, showers there. 21 degrees in newcastle. on friday and saturday, blustery weather on the way. you may even get gale force winds. i didn't think that was going to happen. anyway, have a good night. i'm rico hizon in singapore.
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the headlines: china halts key imports from north korea as un sanctions kick in over pyongyang's nuclear weapons programme. devastation in sierra leone. at least 300 people are feared dead after flooding and a massive mudslide. i'm babita sharma in london. also in the programme: oh my god! people are badly hurt. two days after the racist violence in virginia, president trump finally condemns far—right extremists. racism is evil and those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including the kkk, neo—nazis, white supremacists.
12:00 am


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