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tv   Click  BBC News  August 25, 2017 3:30am-4:01am BST

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the headlines: thailand's supreme court is preparing to rule on whether former premier yingluck chinnawut is guilty of negligence over a costly rice subsidy policy. if convicted, she could face up to a decade behind bars, and be out of politics for life. she has always denied the allegations. swiss police say eight people are missing in a landslide in the east of the country. rescuers are intensifying their efforts as geologists warn more landslides are possible in the remote alpine valley, which is very popular with hikers and climbers. the united nations has called for a humanitarian pause in fighting for control of the syrian town of raqqa, a stronghold of extremist group, the so—called islamic state. un agencies believe up to 25,000 civilians are trapped, caught between is fighters and heavy bombing by coalition forces. now it's time for click. this week and next, a repeat of click‘s stellar trip to india, with bangla bangers...
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smoggy sunsets... ..and angry angle grinders. get ready, your indian experience starts now. as soon as you step off the plane, india hits you like a big, hot wall of noise. it is everything you've ever imagined it to be. it is life turned up to ii.
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the first thing you'll notice will be the traffic. it's always the traffic. is the tip just to kind of step out? oh, this looks like a gap. the sound is deafening! everyone‘s honking. for 70 years this country has been independent of british rule and the cities that have sprung up around the old colonial grandeur seem chaotic, but they do kinda work. kinda. and india has found a niche in the wider world. half of its 1.2 billion people are aged 35 or under. maybe that's why it's known for its it know—how, its outsourcing. and the bosses of some of the biggest tech companies in the world are indian. but it hasn't had as much luck in taking over the world of consumer technology. after all, how many indian tech brands can you name? the truth is that although there
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is a middle class of consumers here willing to buy brands, it's not actually that big or that rich. we're here to find out how india is preparing for its future and, let me tell you, it is reaching for the stars. in 2013, india became the fourth spacefaring nation to launch a probe into orbit around mars and, unlike those who came before them, they did it on their first attempt. the indian space research 0rganisation, isro, has been gaining a reputation for doing tons of successful space stuff on a shoestring budget. their mars mission came in atjust $74 million,
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that's less than it cost to make the film gravity. and, in february this year, they made history again by launching a record 104 satellites on a single rocket. it could just be that india has created the perfect combination of big brains with big space experience, but a mentality for doing things on the cheap. just the sort of place you might go if you wanted to, say, land a robot on the moon for the space equivalent of small change. how confident are you that this will work? laughs welcome to the earthbound hq of team indus, one of a handful of start—ups competing for the google lunar xprize, that's $20 million for the first commercial company to land a rover on the moon. december, 2017, blast off. the team indus space craft goes into two days of earth orbit and then, boom, 11.5 days to the moon. 12 days of spiralling down
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to the surface and then if all goes well, out comes the rover, travels half a kilometre, sends back hd video and wins the prize. what could possibly go wrong? rahul narayan is the co—founder of team indus and has been here since the very start of the project, way back in 2010. at that point you had no idea how you would acheive it? yes, i googled it and figured out what wikipedia had to say about landing on the moon. you did an internet search on how to land on the moon? absolutely. laughs did it have any useful information? yes. it said there had been 85 attempts and i think every second attempt failed to the moon. six years later, there are around 100 people working very hard here, and it certainly looks like they know their space stuff. star wars in particular.
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even the toilets are appropriately labelled. and they've built themselves all the things that a serious space company should have, like a mission control room, a model lander that makes smoke, and a simulated lunar surface complete with a rover to go in it. so what do you use to simulate moon dust? you could go to an expensive lab and try to buy lunar simulant, we just went to a stone quarry and asked them to give us the milling output. that's what this is — about 150 microns. it has electrostatic properties, which we're not able to replicate. it's supposed to be very, very electrostatic. so that means it's going to stick to the rover? that's correct. that's one part of the analysis. it's going to get into all thejoints? it will get into every perforation, the lens of the camera, everywhere. just like national space agencies, testing every component and simulating every stage of the mission is a huge part of what they're doing here.
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we're making sure we do everything right. we're just not making it fancy. we are going to make it frugal, specific to the mission, but there's absolutely no corners that we're cutting. and, to look at it from a more philosophical way, we have one shot to win this. we don't have a flight spare, so if one blows up we can go and fly the other, we have to get this right. team indus is one of five start—ups from around the world who have secured launch contracts for their rovers. while they can't say for sure, they think they'll launch before any other team, and so perhaps be the first team to land and win! that's except for the fact that to save costs they have had to sell some of their spare launch weight to a competitor rover. japan's team hakuto will be onboard too. you're both going to get to the moon at the same time. yes. how is that going to work? it's whoever touches down first and whoever has the fastest rover? it's going to be crazy! in a manner of speaking, yes.
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so what do you expect to happen? so it's a race, it's going to be a very interesting race, and once we touch down and both the rovers are deployed, let's see which one makes 500m first. i would so put a laser gun on yours. i would so... imitates laser all of that assumes of course that the rovers make it to the moon in the first place. space exploration is a risky business and when it goes wrong, it tends to go really wrong. six years, hundreds of thousands of hours of effort and millions spent, and there's certainly a lot riding on getting things right. you mitigate the big pieces and then you start mitigating the smaller risks and at the end of the day, absolutely, one small wrong piece of code that somehow made it through could kill the entire mission. there is a word here in india that i think describes team indus‘s low—cost, make do approach. jugaad. i've come to the centre
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of mumbai, to dharavi — asia's second largest slum. here, in its tiny alleyways, "jugaad" is all around, as a desperately poor population reuses as much as is physically possible. built by workers who flocked to the city over hundreds of years, some of the houses here date back to the 1840s. it is an intense experience in the middle of an intense city. you really do get a sense of the scale of the place from up here, and it's a weird scale as well, because it's actually quite small. it's only two square kilometres, but around 1 million people live here. it's phenomenally densely packed,
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and it's notjust people living here and doing nothing, either, this place has a working infrastructure and a working economy. this place really does work. 10,000 dharavi businesses generate 30 billion rupees for mumbai every year. they make things and they recycle things. like all those plastic bottles drying on the roof, which are shredded into reusable plastic pellets. the whole production line is itself a work of "jugaad". this is where they make the machines that recycle the plastic, so i guess this is a factory. brace yourself. 0nce finished, these machines will chew up the plastic, which is then washed, sorted and dried.
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the work is heavy and hard, and for a wage that affords the meagrest of existences. it's incredible to think that 55% of mumbai's population lives in slums like this one. up ahead, there is a pile of shredded denim which they use for fuel. they burn it to fuel the kilns, just like they burn a lot of stuff for fuel here. and there is smoke everywhere here. you can really tell the air quality is very poor. you just have to take a few lungfuls and it starts to burn the back of your throat, it makes your eyes sting. the smoke is a necessary evil for the people of dharavi. like most of the developing world, pollution has been the price india is paying for a booming economy. the smog that gives mumbai its spectacular sunsets has also
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made it the fifth most polluted mega city in the world. and when the sun disappears before it hits the horizon, you can well believe it. in november, 2016, the indian government declared the air pollution in delhi a national emergency, with harmful pollutants more than 16 times the safe limit. and it's notjust caused by all that traffic. so, where does it come from? i was surprised to find out a lot of it comes from diesel generators. see, the electricity in india
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isn't very reliable, but there are plenty of businesses that need guaranteed power, so they have their own individual generators that fire up whenever the electricity goes down and that means there are loads of exhaust pipes like this all over the city, which regularly belch out all kinds of unpleasant stuff. when you start looking for them, they're everywhere. even the mobile masts have backup generators. hello. here in bangalore, we've come across a small project to capture the soot and turn it into art. so what we have built is a retrofit device that attaches to the exhaust pipe of the chimneys. this device can be attached to practically any exhaust pipe, irrespective of what is the age or type of engine you are running, and it captures practically whatever particle matter comes out of it. once you capture particle matter that is substantially carbon, which is like the basis of everything that exists in the world, at present we recycle it into inks, which we believe is something used by practically everyone on the planet. the headquarters of graviky labs is a mix of art studio and mad laboratory — the perfect combination, if you ask me!
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their so—called "air ink" does have a few restrictions. it will only ever come in black, and at the moment it's not good enough quality to be used in printers. graviky is giving it to artists, who are finding their own uses for it. painting and screenprinting, for example, for use on clothes and bags. and while the ink may only have limited uses at present, nikhil insists it is still better to put the carbon to good use rather
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than just collect it and dump it. we plan to install these in multiple locations. the short term thought is to place these in business headquarters where large numbers of vehicles are centralised anyway. and while they may only be limited uses at present they insist it is better to put the to good use them to dump it. there are many technologies that have captured pollution in one way or the other, they are all so supposed to do that, but if you don't recycle it you are actually leaving it for the future generations. love is in the air in india. it's reckoned there are 10 million weddings here every year. and as in many aspects of indian life, religion often directs the dating game.
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the country's online matchmakers have traditionally put faith at the forefront as well. but now there's a new crop of dating tech and it's, well, agnostic. tinder has reported rapid growth here. it matches people based on proximity and doesn't ask about belief. it's not the only dating service where faith is slipping down the priority list either. a single mingle in one of delhi's most romantic spots. these love seekers have been handpicked based on a range of factors. they're open—minded about religion, but it's still clearly a biggie. i do not see religion as a barrier. when i talk about any kind of connection, be it friendship, be it professional connection, be it even marriage for that matter, but i'm sure that's not what everybody in india would agree to. even though we don't necessarily mind liking someone from another religion, we don't want to hassle ourselves
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and hassle our parents, because it's going to be a big thing. some dating entrepreneurs believe that tech inevitably challenges religion. we know so much about people that we're actually able to serve you profiles of people that we believe will be compatible with you, and that does not include necessarily religion or caste, but it actually includes a much more foundational human level. i think that's the beauty of technology. some areas of india have reported big rises in interfaith marriages. so how are the country's religious communities responding? catholics make up a tiny minority here and church leaders are worried, particularly about young women who convert to their husbands religion and abandon catholicism. but the church has developed a secret weapon: their own dating website. the unique selling point? well, honesty. there'll be no massaging your dating profile here because you'll have to go to church to register
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and get your picture taken. the verification times of the education qualifications is got, so we put that all together and once that's in place, the website will probably go live and you would have opportunities for young people to find an alliance online. but what about the majority religious group? one of hinduism's most high—profile branches says they have got no problem with interfaith dating, it's the technology they‘ re concerned about. they've got some blunt advice for love hungry teens, and it might not prove popular. try to avoid mobiles. everyone has to remember, you know, how he wants to lead his life. are you going to talk romantically to half a dozen people and then try to fish out which is better? that is not good, you know?
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whatever time is available for you, for your conversation and entertainment and understanding, education, you have to make the list of priorities. whatever the religion it is clear that technology is causing sizeable changes and in a country obsessed with matchmaking and tech even the young struggle to keep up. a series of plays in mumbai tackled the subject of modern dating and one writer thinks religious influence is here to stay. most of the guys in the city would live with their pa rents. the city would live with their parents. if i want to take someone home, to live with her mother or father, her tastes should match with my mother and father. it might not be the same. they would have their differences. if she cooks meat every
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day my parents wouldn't like it because they don't eat meat and they would just fight over who is in the kitchen the waldheim and that would become a headache for me. religion, technology and romance. three forces that aren't going away any time soon. question is, can they alljust learn to get along? living in the developing world means living with the possibility of developing particular health problems. but there are many diseases that can affect everyone, rich and poor. this is your hospital? i'm the head of this breast cancer awareness with our breast scanning. this is our outpatient department. wow. this is the ecg cardiography room. this is our x—ray department. breast cancer is now the most fatal
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cancer among women worldwide, and it's the same here. the problem in india is it's often not spotted early enough, with more than 60% of the women diagnosed here at stages three or four. i've come to the cama and albless women's and children's hospital in mumbai to find out why, and also to see something new. a low—cost device that could aid early breast cancer detection. mammogram devices are, of course expensive, and taking one, plus a skilled operator to remote areas is impractical. doctor katkiss hospital is one of those using ibreastexam, which works in a very different way. instead of using x—rays like mammograms do, it has 16 sensors which vibrate and collect pressure data as it's moved around the breast. any tumours, which are stiffer than normal tissue, will register
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on the accompanying app, and any areas of concern can then be referred for further examination. it's this portability that grabbed the attention of the minister for medical education, who's helped to fund the ibreast exam programme. translation: on the government level, we have installed these machines in all the medical colleges for women to come and get checked for breast cancer from various parts of the state. we also plan to send this machine to other places like civil hospitals and medical colleges. with this machine, we have been carrying out screenings in villages, townships and cities and plan to cover the whole of the state of maharashtra. the ones who are affected are to be brought to mumbai and pune, thus saving many lives. so this is the device. what surprised me is how gentle it feels. so these are tiny vibrations
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that it's giving out. that gentle vibration is all that's needed to detect lesions as small as three millimetres, and that's far better than the three centimetre lesions present in late—stage breast cancer. and achieving that level of accuracy has been the real innovation here. it's a tiny sensor that when given a little bit of power can create these micropalpations on the breast and inherently that's why it's different to mammograms, which uses x—rays. but is this better than mammography? i think we have a long way to prove that it is better than mammography. we are not there yet. it is already creating access where mammography is not able to reach, so in that sense there is no competition between the two modalities. ibreastexam helps provide prescreening and identifies women that are at risk, and mammography can provide a diagnostic affirmative answer as to whether that woman needs to be moved upwards or not. our goal is really to help provide this as a standard of care solution to all the developing countries that
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are struggling in the same way. that's it for click in india, for the moment at least. we've had an absolutely fascinating time here and you can see plenty more photos we've taken around and about the place on twitter at @bbcclick. thanks for watching and we'll see you soon. hello there. there's not much movement of our weather at the moment, so it's a familiar theme as we head to the end of the week. the best of the weather towards the south—east of the uk, where temperatures should be a bit
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higher than they were on thursday. head towards the north—west and here it's much more unsettled, showers and maybe some longer spells of rain. as a result it will be a bit cooler too. the wetter weather is in the north—west because we're closer to this area of low pressure. now, eventually that will push across scotland out into the north sea and take the wetter weather away this weekend. but for the moment we've got more rain to come both overnight and into friday across northern ireland and into western scotland. some showers further east across scotland, one or two for northern england and wales as the cloud increases, sunnier skies further south and east. so a lot of cloud to come across northern ireland, already we've had some flooding earlier on in the week, this rain isn't going to help. a lot of cloud across scotland and if we get some sunshine in the north—east of scotland that could trigger one or two heavy showers in the afternoon. by then a little more cloud coming into northern england and perhaps some showers here, one or two in wales. most of wales will be dry, we will see the cloud increasing here and in the south—west. the sunnier skies through
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the east midlands, east anglia and the south—east were temps are a bit higher, probably around about the mid—20s. it's not going to be as warm as that in headingley. it will feel quite chilly actually as the cloud increases through the day and there's just the small chance of one or two like light showers. most of the wet weather continues to be further north close to that area of low pressure, and that will push the wetter weather generally clear from northern ireland across scotland. further south, some drier conditions, one or two showers perhaps and temperatures of 1a to 16 degrees. into the start of the weekend then and we've got rain mainly in scotland but it's going to be pushing out to the north sea, it's going to take a while for things to improve across eastern scotland but a much better day in western scotland and northern ireland, generally dry with some sunshine. some sunshine for england and wales, maybe one or two more showers drifting further south and you can see the difference in temperatures, again peaking in the south—east around about the mid—twenties. a lot of those showers will have moved away as we head into the second half of the weekend. so if you do catch a shower you're going to be quite unlucky, a lot of dry weather around and some
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sunshine at times and temperatures near average for the time of year. as we head into monday, a bank holiday for many, we're back into the north—west south—east split with weather fronts driving into the north—west together with some stronger winds. so rain for scotland and northern ireland but the wind will move things on into northern ireland and wales later. to the south—east, it's going to be sunnier here and also warmer. welcome to bbc news, broadcasting to viewers in north america and around the globe. i'm mike embley. our top stories: the supreme court of thailand delays its verdict for a month about whether the former premier could be jailed. america's gulf coast prepares for the onslaught of hurricane harvey. officials say those in its path should evacuate. get out of the low lying areas now. billionaire samsung boss jay y lee's corruption trial reaches a conclusion as he awaits a court verdict. the biggest single win in american lottery history, a hospital workerfrom
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massachusetts, scoops $758 million on the powerball.
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