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tv   Newsnight  BBC News  September 21, 2017 11:15pm-12:01am BST

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that will still be hotly contested between the trump and hillary clinton supporters. i looked at the front pages which we we re i looked at the front pages which we were not able to bring you i looked at the front pages which we were notable to bring you earlier— the ft looks ahead to the prime minister's speech in florence tomorrow. the maehl says theresa may will propose a two—year transitional deal and make sure there is no hole left. eu leaders had a duty to agree for the best dealfor left. eu leaders had a duty to agree for the best deal for everyone. left. eu leaders had a duty to agree for the best dealfor everyone. and the metro looks at a fifth on the trains. and the guardian says immigration checks will be carried out on 70 million bank accounts. and a fall out on 70 million bank accounts. and afall in out on 70 million bank accounts. and a fall in government borrowing has given it the chancellor more than £10 million to support public saving. the new state is coming up. now it is with fort newsnight. ——
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for newsnight. if you've been to florence, chances are it was to sample the art, the food, or the wine. but tomorrow, theresa may goes there to make the speech of her life. after a torrid week, the prime minister today briefed her cabinet on her speech on her bespoke brexit plan. with just one year left to finish the negotiations, is she going to put enough money on the eu table to start talking about our long term trading relations? theresa may will tomorrow set out a series of proposals to try to break the deadlock in the brexit negotiations. the prime minister will have a stern warning. history willjudge both sides harshly if they fail. we may still be many years and several thousands of hours away from the captain's seat, but you're part of the team. those years are long gone. ryanair‘s pilots now even have to buy their own water in flight. but with thousands of passengers stuck on the ground,
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is the ball now back in the pilots‘ court? now they have got some leverage with the airline, they are going to use it. take three palestinian women. the palestinian feature film in between, is being garlanded with praise and awards. but the director faces a fatwa for her portrayal of flatmates who want to be free. i'll be talking to her. good evening. theresa may gave her cabinet half an hour this morning to digest the speech she will make in florence tomorrow before she joined them at the lock in. after that they deliberated for a mammoth two hours when phillip hammond and boris johnson emerged practically glued together. it was as if the foreign secretary was a model team player. for the first time, tomorrow, we'll know what theresa may thinks
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"brexit means brexit" — well — means! but we had a few steers today. sources have told the bbc that she is likely to propose a sum of potentially 20 billion euros for two years after brexit to be paid into the eu budget, which would cover planned projects, conditional on continued access to the single market and potentially some form of customs union which doesn't preclude the uk from striking its own trade deals. 0ur political editor nick watt is in florence. nick, we are getting bits and pieces about the speech. what are you learning tonight? i spoke to a member of the cabinet, who said i would not describe the speech as a game changer. they know it is really important. theresa may will say tomorrow, the eyes of the world are on us for that by as she means the uk and the eu. she will say there is a profound sense of responsibility and that history willjudge both sides badly if they failed what we look for? two big messages. the optics. the prime minister is coming to the birthplace of the renaissance saying britain wants to pay homage to european culture, britain is
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leaving the eu but it is not leaving europe. it is still european power. there are two points, it she will talk about how the uk will like a time—limited implementation period. that is how she described it, for no longer than two years and the uk will make a gesture to ensure there is no black hole in the eu budget up to the end of 2020. what are the only noise is in response from brussels? the eu chief negotiator who has been in it he will release a statement responding to the speech tomorrow. essentially what they are saying in brussels is, we will look really carefully at this. lovely to hear you love the renaissance in the uk custom good news about what we want is substance that will unlock the negotiations. the part of the speech that will occur really
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interested, is the transition phase. the prime minister calls it the transition period. the uk has floated the idea before beer has never formally requested it. if theresa may does that, that the brussels is a big moment and that will need to be referred to and discussed with the 27 member states. the big message they are saying, if you want to have a transition period, you have to be bound by the rules of the eu but you do not have a ny votes. well, theresa may has two audiences tomorrow. first, the brexiteers here at home. and, second, the 27 other eu heads of state. in a moment, i'll be talking to the conservative mep, dan hannan — one of the chief architects of the brexit campaign. and in rome, to roberto galtieri, who is on the european parliament's brexit steering committee. but first, our policy editor, chris cook has been looking at some of the most intractable issues.
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ahead of the prime minister's speech in tuscany tomorrow, michel barnier spoke in rome. and he was totally cordial about the uk. the brexit talks are a little stuck right now. the key test for the prime minister, to unblock the talks, will be can she make progress on the budget, on citizens‘ rights and on the island of ireland? that is the stuff we need to nail down to move onto trade talks. where are we then? the big news tomorrow may be that we propose a two year transition period after we formally leave the eu. that means we would remain members of the single market for that period, be inside the customs union with the eu during that time, and keep paying in much like we were members. the thing is, even though that might mean we gave them quite a lot of money it won't solve the budget issue. 0ur paying in for a few
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years would cover some, but not all, of what brussels think we owe. the eu claims that britain owes around 60 billion for obligations and commitments which it has already made as an eu member. paying an extra 10 billion a year in 2019 and 20 will make a bit of a dent in that. it is not going to solve the entire budget issue. ireland is a pretty intractable issue. how do you maintain a porous border between north and south and allow both the eu and the uk to have different customs policies and rules? it was suggested yesterday that britain should solve this by using a customs union with the eu. in short solve the problem by not letting britain's policy diverged from the eu. if the united kingdom does not want to stay in the customs union, perhaps there can be an eu/ uk customs union instead. after all the european union has a customs union with turkey. what about citizens rights? the eu 27 want someone to guard
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the rights to their citizens in the uk. 0ur government does not want the european court ofjustice to do it. the deal looks easier here than in ireland. the deal to be done on citizens rights is very clear. essentially the uk and the eu signed with george treaty that lists citizens rights in a lot of detail. and then there is a new bilateral caught between the uk and be you which citizens can go to if they think that the uk has and then there is a new bilateral court between the uk and the eu which citizens can go to if they think that the uk has discriminated against them. these issues are the key tests. if the speech does not convince the 27 on them, the talks will remain exactly where they are. that was chris cook reporting. we are nowjoined in the studio by daniel hannan. he was one of the architects of the campaign to leave the european union. and from rome the mep roberto gualtieri. he is a senior mep who chairs
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the economic and monetary affairs committee in the european parliament. he is also on the group that is scrutinising the brexit deal. good evening to both of you. good evening. daniel, theresa may blinked. i would not say that at all. she has been cleared she wants us to be the eu's that and best friend. she's putting flesh and what she said that the beginning that we want a deep and special partnership. i do not see how she was going to interpret a 52/48 result. any have a referendum that close, it is not a mandate to walk away, it is a mandate for a phased in a gradual recovery of power. what she will be offering at some point is the 20 billion euros figure two years after brexit to take care of all the different eu commitments. the eu wanted 60 billion. britain has an interest in the security of its european allies. wealthy neighbours make good customers. all of these issues, the budgetary issues and tra nsitionary issues, should be seen in the context of us want a win — win outcome.
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it is not out of kindness, out of altruism, out of self—interest we want the eu to succeed and we should enter talks in that spirit. what is the possible figure of 20 billion euros for two years sounding like for you? is it enough? we first need to agree on a method. it will allow us to discuss figures. so far we have been in the position of refusing. we really look forward tomorrow to the speech of prime minister theresa may to break the deadlock and start discussing seriously on the financial settlement. the serious discussion on the financial settlement is each party will have to move. that does not take into account things like commitments on eu pensions & steels and so forth. it would be safe to say that figure of 20 billion would move upwards? we are not yet in the face of discussing figures.
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we have heard a very different position. borisjohnson has denied any commitment. we referred to the legal commitment and moral commitment. we need a clear position of the uk government, which would allow us to start negotiating. we have not done that yet so far in the financial settlement area. it makes it really problematic so far the course of negotiations. we really look forward in a constructive mood tomorrow to the speech tomorrow in order to pave the way for serious negotiations to give clarity to business, to citizens, and to minimise the disruption of brexit. what we have heard, you are part of the brexit scrutiny committee, the man who runs the committee has rejected apparently, according to he and sinn fein,
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the 12 position papers that britain put in over the summer. he has rejected those papers. not at all. we are discussing first in a paper relating to a withdrawal agreement. as everybody knows, the future will be discussed in the second stage will do we have to make sufficient progress on the main details of the agreement. for citizens rights, we have differences with the uk position but we are discussing and we want to arrive at an outcome which will safeguard the rights of european citizens living in the uk, or having lived and uk citizens living in the union. i think the two sides are very close. eu citizens will want recourse to be cj goes that you are quite clear that sovereignty is an absolute red line.
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0n the substance of not challenging not only the right of residence but the right to health care and to work, that was clear to rout the referendum and has been confirmed by the government. if you want to write it into a treaty, fine. no one thought we were going to start deporting people who have made their lives here. we are talking about the european court ofjustice, it is clear you have rejected them. the problem with the eu setup is it is the only land where you have superior legal system that strikes down your national laws. it is difficult to see how any future can retain that. having taken back control does not mean we will not be able as a good neighbour and can replicate some of these things. the problem is, we have started on the trickiest subject. when we get onto trade, it will be the first trade talks ever when you are beginning from the addition of zero tariffs. the argument was always
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going to be about the money. it is likely full kit we have got the sequencing of such way that instead of making progress in other areas we have started with the most intractable one. that was the way it was decided to be sequenced. now we are talking about whichever model you might actually pursue in the uk, what it would be closest to. daniel is backing the swiss model, that we access the partial market and make bilateral deals, summer which take a long time to put together, and that every british citizen pays £33 into the eu, because that is what happens in switzerland. with that model look good to you? first, i would like to say that fortunately the uk position on another paper is that it recognises there are agreements. the role of interpretation and union law by the ec] is essential.
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another thing is the enforcement. we can discuss some bilateral bodies. relating to the single market, there are two models. the one is the no way model where you are within the single market. another is a free trade agreement like the one with canada. the free trade agreement can be negotiated in different ways. then there is whether the uk will stay in or outside the customs union. we are open discuss all these issues but we cannot mix it. the single market is a holistic concept. they are either in or out for that we would welcome a decision. the single market is not a single entity. the single market is a conglomeration of lots of different responsibilities,
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some of which are controversial. there is a rule saying you cannot discriminate against goods or products from another country on grounds of nationality. i don't think there's a single country in europe except belarus which faces tariffs. every non—eu country, there are 19 members outside of europe and none of them face tariffs. that is a non—issue. the swiss are they in a single market? it depends how you define it. through domestic law they replicate quite a lot of the content. they are doing pretty well, the swiss. 80% of them do not want tojoin the eu. without crossing your fingers and toes do really think the cabinet is united on this? yes. the broad principle of being a common market not a common government and we want the closest relationship with the eu which goes beyond trade and encompasses
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military and security and defence links, that is common ground for the cabinet and the majority of the country. ryanair‘s chief executive michael 0'leary was on typically buccaneering form at his agm in dublin today, where he received the overwhelming backing of his shareholders. some of them were perhaps too dazed by his bravado, after he admitted the airline had made a "major boo boo," to complain that the share price has dropped 10% since the cancellations. he gave no quarter to his pilots whose letter yesterday demanded improved employment terms rather than accepting the offer of up to £12,000 to stay in the cockpit during their scheduled leave. he accused them of being "full of their own self importance", which might sound a bit rich to some of them. he offered the pilots what he called "goodies" but threatened, if they misbehave, that will be "the end of the goodies." and he suggested that top gun they were not, saying, "i would challenge any pilot to explain how this is a difficult job, or how they are overworked." so, has the status of pilots been downgraded since the glamorous days of concorde? here's our business
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editor, helen thomas. archive: it's not so much where you go that matters, but the satisfaction of getting there. being one of the crew, doing one of the bestjobs in the world. we used to get the pots of caviar on the flight deck from time to time. that was if the passengers didn't want it. travelling the world gives you expensive taste, and we always stayed in the best hotel in town, and it would be in the centre of town, it wouldn't be at the airport, because we had agreements that took us away from the airport to get us away from the job. not so luxurious anymore. ryanair boss michael 0'leary once dubbed pilots glorified taxi drivers. but a shortage of cabbies has plunged his airline into chaos, and mr 0 leary‘s attitude
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to his staff seems to risk causing long—term problems. michael 0'leary is a great brinksmanship all respects, it is the way he does business. it is one of the reasons why he got a dam good airline until this moment in time, and he will have again in future. but he has pushed it, i think, just a little bit too hard this time. he has pushed his luck too far. you can't fight a growing international pilot shortage. at today's‘s shareholder meeting, the boss was unrepentant. he said he had goodies for pilots, but only if they behaved, and that might mean being forced to give up a chunk of planned holiday. 0ne ryanair pilot told us it was another example of the airline staff being belittled by management. this isn't necessarily about money,
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the pilots i have spoken to are angry about a structure that effectively forces most of them to work as self—employed contractors. they talk about no sick pay or difficulty at tilly booking their time off. then there is the pressure of packed schedules, and the fact that more and more costs of becoming and working as a pilot seemed to fall to them. archive: the jet pilot shortage may be here quite soon... in days gone by, the military provided a stream of ready—made flyers to airlines. ryanair wants to bes must cough up for their own training, at least 30,000 euros, and their own uniforms. but they get high—quality instruction and a lot of flying hours, a foundation of a pilot's career. still, some see an opportunity to fundamentally change their terms of employment.
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now they've got some level ridge with the airline, they are going to use it. michael 0'leary is trying to pay them off by offering them bonuses are doing stuff. he would do that, wouldn't he, because he wants to keep them as being a load of individuals, not as a group. what is going to be fascinating to watch is to see whether the pilots are prepared to take the money and run, and lose the leveraged. ryanair has helped make air travel much cheaper and more accessible. but for some, itjust ain't like the old days. the cheapening of it, the mass travel, it has made it less attractive to do as a living. we used to take three weeks on the initialjumbos we flew to get to australia and back. that was a three—week trip, 21 days.
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that was fantastic. we used to have days off here, there and everywhere, it was like a holiday. holiday? ryanair pilots may not be seeing much of that for a while. "an inexcusable lack of leadership." that is the verdict on the football association by the chairman of the culture media and sport committee, over its handing of the mark sampson controversy. sampson was finally sacked today as manager of the england women's national side's for " inappropriate and unacceptable behaviour at bristol academy before he was given the job with the england squad, rather than for the allegations of racism bullying while he was manager of england. he was cleared of those by two separate investigations. so what's happened ? i'm joined by the bbc sports correspondent richard conway. richard, there is so much more that we don't know, so take us to the beginning. mark sampson was appointed as the head coach in december of 2013.
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the fa say that in 2014, early in that year, they received allegations of his conduct from bristol academy, where he was previously head coach. a safeguarding investigation was launched, which took a year to report back. a decision was made in march, 2015, the fa ruled he was not a safeguarding threat. it wasn't until october, 2015, mark lane, the current chief executive, learned of the existence of a safeguarding investigation. give me the date again. october, 2015. two years ago. martin glenn said he went back and looked at the report in detail for the first time, he was prompted to, he said, by two anonymous people that can give in. he said he took at face value that the report was confidential and couldn't look at it. having found out he could, he looked at it and said
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that the behaviour was unacceptable, inappropriate, and that boundaries between a coach and players had been crossed, and it was not standard becoming of an fa employee. that is why mark sampson's contract was terminated. let's be clear. the fa says he has done nothing illegal. correct. we don't know the nature of the allegations, and he can't work as england's coach, but can code another women's side work as england's coach, but can coach another women's side at town of all. at town level. the fa have been clear, as far as they are concerned, mark sampson does not pose a safeguarding threat in terms of being an fa employee, they have not outlined the nature of what he is said to have done at bristol academy. what light does this through on the way that the fa operates? tracey crouch described the situation as a mess, and it is difficult to disagree with that view, given the level of what we know about what has gone on. many questioning martin glenn's actions and not having more dubious
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—— curiosity of the about a senior level official, and not wanting to know more about the nature of the allegations that were made against mark sampson two years ago. well, earlier, ispoke to janie frampton, ambassador at the women in football pressure group. she is no friend to the fa, having ta ken legal action against them in the past. but today, her pressure group alleged that complaints had been made against mark sampson's conduct shortly after his appointment at the end of 2013. i got through to her by skype at her home in deepest dorset, so sorry about the quality of the line. and i asked her if she really thought that mark sampson should have been sacked, given that the fa has said that nothing illegal had taken place. my only answer to that question is, why did it take so long? there was no illegality. that is what the fa said it so, doesn't that sound strange to you? it sounds very strange. let's look back at the timeline. late november, mark sampson was appointed in 2013.
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before the appointment was announced, somebody had already said to the fa, "i think you need to be aware of his conduct off the field." nothing was done about that in 2013, in november, and he was appointed. sorry, we don't know what was alleged. nobody has come forward to substantiate any allegations anyway. absolutely. i know what is alleged, and i know how it has been substantiated, but that doesn't really matter. i think the point is, surely that should flag up to the fa that there is something amiss. this is not rocket science, mark had a reputation. but having a reputation and doing something wrong are two different things. i wonder what efforts you have made to ask the person who you think has allegations to make to come forward and clarify exactly what went on. i think you'll find now that the allegations were made
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in the official report in march, 2014. and then, concluded in 2015, when they then said that mark was happy to attend a workshop on working relationships. the fa were aware of that substantiation from march, 2014. but clearly, that wasn't enough to have him disciplined again, or removed, and the most recent allegations have been investigated twice, and nothing has been found, nothing has been substantiated. so on what basis do you remove someone as head of the england squad? actually, when you think about it, that report in march, 2014, was concluded in 2015. nothing in that report changed until martin glenn read it last week. and at which point, he knew that mark's job was untenable.
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so it was substantiated enough of a chief executive, last week, to say, you had to go. nothing had changed, so it had been there all the time. that's the worrying part. so in that case, do you think that the fa should have an investigation into the way they handled the controversy over mark sampson? yes, absolutely. there's a process in place, and it's very, very clear that process has not been followed. how can the chief executive demand that he loses his job when he read a report last week, when that report was exactly the same, and is the conclusion from 2015? but when things are so unclear what confidence will it give a young woman that they should come forward and take part in the game? kirsty, that's the problem.
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that is a big problem that women in football have. women's football has been on a high. a lot of that is because of mark's coaching ability on the field. we know that. he has done a good job on the field. but how we go to retain more women if they feel that they are not come to be listened to and treated fairly under the judiciary system. finally, let's be clear about this, the fa has said mark sampson should not be head of the england squad, but it doesn't say that he should not be involved at a club level. what do you think about that? yeah, i think that is for other people to make the decision on. janie frampton, thank you very much indeed. you're welcome. the row about the catalan pa rliament‘s proposed independence referendum took a fresh twist today, with spain's constitutional court imposing daily fines of up to 10,000 euros on officials in barcelona for every day they continue to organise the vote. 0ne senior treasury civil servant
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is being held on sedition charges. thousands of separatist supporters have been protesting at what they see as spanish interference in their right to self determination. 0ur correspondent, tom burridge, joins us now from barcelona. good evening, tom. is there quite a clamp—down or are people demonstrating? i think the spanish state is pausing. what it does not want to do is to over egg this. there is clearly political tension here. there is no sign of this quieting down. tomorrow we are expecting more catalan officials. six of the 14 arrested yesterday appeared at the court, where there was a huge demonstration earlier today again. you have the catalan people pressing for this referendum. they really are determined. they have been working towards this moment for years, pressuring and prodding the government for years to try to let them hold a vote. then you have the spanish police, hundreds if not thousands of spanish police, in ships parked in the port of barcelona. when does the spanish state bring those into the process? what will happen on the boat today,
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on october the 1st, with the catalan government insisting the elections will go ahead? will the spanish police stopped the election is going ahead? we are talking about two massive cruise ships with riot police on board. that is explosive, isn't it? the catalan independence movement has prided itself on being a pacifist movement. at a demonstration outside the local economy ministry, when spanish police inside seizing docu ments a nd leaflets linked to the referendum, outside there was a huge demonstration. after hours, when the civil guard officers were holed up inside with protesters facing blocking from exiting, when they came out with the help of catalan
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police there was very little violence. in one sense i'm not predicting this is going to go bang in a violent way, but politically speaking, it is difficult to see how this will progress. the catalan president coming out mike and saying we have contingency plans after the action for the state. they are doing all they can with its powers up to a certain point. it does not want to over egg it or antagonise catalan nationalists and give them more reason to poor people out onto the street and give the devolved government a clearer, more legitimate reason to push ahead with this boat. thank you very much. good evening, tom. is there quite a clamp—down or are people demonstrating? a palestinian film director who has been garlanded for her first feature film, which opens in the uk
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tonight, has also the distinction of being the first palestinian put under a fatwa since 1948. the movie ‘bar bahar‘, "in between", won the best young talent award at cannes this year and last night took two awards, one for best actress, and the other for best supporting actress, at the israeli film awards, israel's 0scars, but the story, of three young palestinian women sharing an apartment in tel aviv, trying to live free in a restricted society, has outraged people who have never experienced anything like it from palestinian cinema. the film is set within the palestinian underground scene in which music is a way of forging a new cultural identity and where men and women mix freely. it follows the fortunes of layla, a successful lawyer and a secular muslim, he loves to smoke, drink and take drugs and who is hoping for a liberal party now. salman, a palestinian christian, who dreams of being a dj. she rejects all the suitors her
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conservative parents present to her and we discover that she is gay. the third is a devout muslim, a studious, computer science undergraduate heading for a respectable marriage. shejoins the other two in tel aviv, from her home in northern israel. according to the director, it was a mayor who first declared her film forbidden. each woman faces her own particular trauma, one extremely shocking.
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each is borne out the restrictions of traditional palestinian society. act hands, the actress called all three characters act cannes, the actress called all three characters heroines of our time. today, the israeli film critics circle judged this to be the film of the year. well, maysaloun hamoud, the director of ‘in between', joins me now. it is a very strong film. it is in yourface in many ways. you have said that you wanted it to be a political film. did you know when you made it would cause such upset? first of all it is totally political. to change who is in charge with the power rules. it is political. i really did not expect the whole mess around this. indeed, each of these three young women transgressors in one way or another. the background and family life. it has resonated in particularly conservative areas among palestinian families and the
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broader middle east. i wonder if you had any idea you would attract such personal measures like having a fatwa against you. i did not imagine that, of course. i was not surprised when it was the reaction when people get criticism in their face and they could not see the ugly face of them in the mirror that the movie put in front of them. people were very uncomfortable with them being betrayed at such a repressive regime. male and female repression. female continues with the patriarch in practising that for the next generation also. it is not the men to practice. when we think of a fatwa
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in the united kingdom, we'll often think of salman rushdie. you do not interpret it in the same way, at least to hope not. it was a kind of stamp for the whole movement that started for viewers. is it where your character came from? exactly. it mentioned in the movie a specific line. they took it personally. they thought it was a commentary, in some way. what happened to you? were you scared? what did your family thing? at first it was really scary.
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it is in a high level of a hate speech. after a while, very quickly, i thought that if somebody wants to do something he will do it if i am scared or not. more than this, the opposite voices like that, very light power voices, let me say. they raised up their voice very loud and and all the women organisations and homosexual organisations and community felt so empowered from the movie. i think it is a historical event actually. there has never been a film like it in palestinian culture. just in palestine. not at all. you presumably want to bring change. what did they say? have you given them
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permission to behave differently? i can say the most thing that really touched me when women come and say you are inspiring for us. i cannot ask for more than this. if i affected one woman, or notjust a woman, of course. we need the men beside us to change the reality. thank you very much indeed. that opens at cinemas around the country tomorrow. the daily telegraph. theresa may has a duty to agree to the brexit deal. in the daily telegraph, a bold bid to end the stalemate.
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theresa may sets out a plan for a cash deal to secure an eu goodbye. that is all we have time for this evening. there was a new exhibition opened today. basquiat ranked alongside andy warhol and could be one of his muses. we thought we would show you a few of his pictures. good night. a warm weather front is clearing away from the uk. another one is on the way for tomorrow. we will look at what happened in the past few hours with the exiting weather front. the odd shower for northern ireland and the western isles. the next weather system will bring outbreaks of rain back across
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northern ireland at the end of the night. elsewhere, a clearing story and a chilly story, especially in rural spots. starting the day tomorrow close to freezing. and frost for some. a chilly but bright start tomorrow for many of us. here is the next weather front. we have seen is the next weather front. we have seen it in northern ireland in the morning. breezy. edging into western scotla nd morning. breezy. edging into western scotland at eight o'clock in the morning. 0ne scotland at eight o'clock in the morning. one or two mist and fog patches around. parts of east anglia, perhaps south—east england, most likely to see that. it should not last long in the morning. sunshine after that. some of us died with sunshine but it will be rainy on the way home. pushing away from northern ireland. brightening up on the way. 0utbreaks northern ireland. brightening up on the way. outbreaks of rain push across scotland in the north—west england. south—west england staying
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dry and the later on. east anglia in south—east england, dry. sunshine around. most temperatures, 19. quite cool out of the cloud and rained and breeze. the weather system stalls and weakens in england and wales going into saturday morning. a mild start on saturday. a bit of cloud and patchy rain for england and wales first thing. that pushes into scotland. the north of scotland holding on to sunny spells. northern ireland, cloud. brightening up for wales in southern england. warm in the sunshine. windy in western areas during saturday. gales developing. hurricane maria is still a major
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hurricane. strong winds and a storm surge across that area. wherever you are going across the uk this weekend, you can find the forecast. all you have to do is go on line and check it out. this is news state on the bbc. —— newsday. president trump turns of the screws on north korea with the new sanctions. the north korean leader responded, mocking donald trump is mentally deranged and says he will make the us paid dearly for threatening his country. grim views from mexico — no children remain alive in the school which collapsed during the earthquake. the search for survivors in other parts of the country continues. also on the programme — a spectacular protest
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against violence in the philippines.
12:00 am


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