tv BBC News BBC News November 1, 2017 2:00am-2:31am GMT
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welcome to bbc news, my name is mike embley. our top stories: at least 8 people are killed in new york by a man who drove a truck into pedestrians and cyclists in lower manhattan. he's been shot and is in custody. police say the suspect moved to the us from uzbekistan in 2010. the mayor of new york says the attack is being treated as deliberate but says there's no evidence so far of a wider plot. let me be clear, based on the information we have, at this moment, this was an act of terror and a particularly cowardly act of terror. president trump describes the attacker as "sick and deranged" tweeting that the us must not allow the islamic state group to return or enter the country after being defeated in the middle east. hello.
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at least eight people have been killed in new york — 11 people hurt — by a man who drove a pick—up truck into pedestrians and cyclists before crashing into a school bus. he then came out of the vehicle carrying two imitation guns. he was shot by police and arrested. police sources have named him as sayfullo saipov, aged 29 — reports say he's from uzbekistan and arrived in the united states in 2010. our correspondent, michelle fleury is at the scene. bring us up to date. i am standing a few blocks away from what we now know a terror incident took place. sayfullo saipov drove a vehicle onto a busy bicycle lane before eventually getting out of the vehicle, pulling an imitation
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firearm before police shot him and took him into custody. at the moment, this is an active crime scene and put information to gather. this report from sarah corker. 0h, my god. oh, my god. frantic scenes in new york city. a school bus partly crushed, the children still trapped inside. witnesses said it was rammed by a truck travelling at speed. moments earlier, on this bike path in lower manhattan, cyclists and pedestrians were mowed down. bodies strewn along the street. the city again the target of terror was not a vehicle used as a weapon to kill. dramatic footage filmed from a
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classroom shows what happened next. the driver emerged carrying two fake guns, shot by police and arrested.” saw a couple of bodies laying on the bike path and when i was looking, seeing if there was anybody else, i heard gunshots. two cops. a lot of police running towards where i was. they were confused. he was screaming in the street. he looked frustrated and confused. the attack happened close to the school and yards from the 9/11 memorial and, on the police scanner, the 9/11 memorial and, on the police scanner, the panic of the moment. radio: central, people on the ground, all the way from houston. people on the ground, central. the suspect has been named as sayfullo
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saipov, who came from central asia to the us. authorities believe it was a loan wolf attack. it is a very painful day in our city. a horrible tragedy on the west side. let me be clear, based on the information we have, this was an act of terror and particularly cowardly act of terror aimed at innocent civilians, aimed at people going about their lives with no idea about what was going to hit them. on twitter president trump wrote... at the moment, authorities say there is no evidence of a wider terror plot but why here and why now? in the shadow of the new world trade center and when children were coming
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out to celebrate halloween. extra police have been deployed on the streets and at airports. this is a city that is no stranger to terror attacks. a few blocks away is the world trade centre but, of course, new yorkers are known as a resilient bunch and this evening many of them are going ahead, celebrating halloween, ensuring that life continues as normal. behind me many law enforcement officials will be spending the night poring over the scene, piecing together what happened here. the fbi has asked people with any footage to send it in. so they can piece together a timeline and figure out what happened over that period, what motivated him. we understand that there was a message found in the vehicle, pledging allegiance to
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isis. no doubt we will learn a lot more in the days and weeks to come. most urgently trying to find out if this was part of a wider plan and people helping him and planning something similar was make they will wa nt to something similar was make they will want to know who are his friends, associates, family. did they have any idea this was coming. the police commissioner came out and said they did not think it was. but there will be more of a police presence. in terms of the federal government, you are getting indications. donnell can't raise the spectre that he might keep more people out. directing the department of hopeless security to step up the extreme vetting programme and adding being particularly correct is fine but not
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that is. president trump will be talking more about this travel ban, by referencing several mainly wool slump countries but that would not have stopped someone coming from tampa, florida all uzbekistan. uzbekistan is not on the travel ban on lease. but president trump will not stop talking about this. his response about not allowing isis to enter our country, if you look at past responses, he has taken a strong line and we will have to wait and see what he continues to say about this going forward but one can imagine what that might look like. the wider picture, again so many people thinking how best to remain a reasonably open and democratic society but keep people safe as possible from terror attacks. we
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have seen a number of these attacks taking place by lone wolf taking place without seemingly much support from other groups. we have seen it in london, france, spain and now we are seeing it once again in new york city. one passerby put it this way, he said it is becoming really familiar. for the moment, thank you very much indeed. jack thomas tomarchio is a former deputy assistant secretary for homeland security. he told us this looks similar to other recent attacks around the world. the thing that's interesting about this is both al-qaeda and isis — al-qaeda in yemen, the al-qaeda affiliate in yemrn — and isis have both put out directives or communiques to followers that, if you're not able to come to the middle east to engage inajihad, then you should work
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in your own countries, and both have pointed out that one way to commit terrorist acts in a home country would be to use a vehicle is a deadly weapon and we have now seen about 11 or 12 of these types of attacks around the world, in very disparate places — canada, north carolina, barcelona, london, east france, ohio and now, of course, new york city. so i think this should be treated as a terrorist attack. obviously it is being treated but, again, we see the use of this type of modality by either a terrorist, a terrorist sympathiser, unfortunately, and, as the commissioner said, very, very difficult to defend against these one—off type of events. some eyewitnesses described what they saw. it's 3:00pm in the afternoon and i hear the noise. and i go back and look, and i see a truck a few blocks down, going down the bike path.
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and for some reason i went that way, and when i went that way, i saw a couple of bodies laying right there on the bike path. when i was looking to see if there was anyone else, i heard gunshots. around nine or ten gunshots were going off. i see cops ducking out, a lot of police came running towards where i was. they didn't know what was going on. they were confused as much as everybody else was. two gentlemen running over by the pickup truck. a females screaming. it was... we saw the car, surrounded by rubble. and we saw the guy, he was wearing dark colours and he had a beard. but he was holding two guns, so it was a little scary. we were just wondering, who is that guy? we were told to run in. we were getting freaked out.
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it was scary. we were all anticipating a gunshot at any minute, or i was. i was worried that one of us would get shot, like, any of us. the mayor of new york, bill de blasio, described as a cowardly act of terror aimed at innocent civilians. it isa it is a very painful day in our city. horrible tragedy on the west side. let me be clear, based on the information we have at the moment, this was an act of terror and a particularly cowardly act of terror, aimed at innocent civilians, aimed at people going about their lives with no idea about what was about to hit them. we, at this moment, based on the information we have, we know ofa
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on the information we have, we know of a innocent people who have lost their lives and over a dozen more injured. —— eight. we know that this action was intended to break our spirit but we also know new yorkers are strong, new yorkers are resilient and our spirit will never be moved by an act of violence and an act meant to intimidate us. we have been tested before as a city, very near the site of today's tragedy, and it new yorkers do not give in in the face of these kinds of actions. we will respond as we a lwa ys of actions. we will respond as we always do, we will be undeterred and i want to thank everyone at the nypd, all ourfirst i want to thank everyone at the nypd, all our first responders for their extraordinary efforts in this tragedy, starting with the officer who stopped this tragedy from
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continuing. all the first responders to came to the aid of those who were injured. an investigation is underway to get all the facts and what we tell you today of course will be luminaries but we know we will be luminaries but we know we will get down to the bottom of what happened. —— preliminarily. iwant to ask all americans, or new yorkers to ask all americans, or new yorkers to keep the families of those lost in their thoughts and their press andi in their thoughts and their press and i want to ask all new yorkers to be vigilant. we will have more on events in new york and you can check out our website with all coverage of all the news including reaction to this event. indira gandhi, ruler of the world's largest democracy, died today.
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only yesterday she'd spoken of dying in the service of her country and said, "i would be proud of it, every drop of my blood will contribute to the growth of this nation." after 46 years of unhappiness, these two countries have concluded a chapter of history. no more suspicion, no more fear, no more uncertainty of what each day might bring. booster ignition and liftoff of discovery, with a crew of six astronaut heroes and one american legend. well, enjoying the show is right — this is beautiful. a milestone in human history. born today, this girl in india is the 7 billionth person on the planet. this is bbc news.
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the latest headlines: at least 8 people have been killed in new york by a man who drove a truck into pedestrians and cyclists in lower manhattan. he's been shot and is in custody. police sources have named the suspect as twenty—nine year—old sayfullo saipov — who's thought to originally be from uzbekistan — he moved to america in 2010 and was living in florida. as we've mentioned — president trump posted a message about the incident on twitter. it reads: let's get more analysis from our north america editor, jon sopel. he was talking to babita sharma. it says, "our thoughts and prayers are with the victims of today's terrorist attack in new york city, and their family.
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my administration will provide its full support to the new york city police department, including through a joint investigation with the federal bureau of investigation. we offer our thanks to the first responders, who stopped the suspect and rendered immediate aid to the victims of this cowardly attack. these brave men and women embody the true american spirit of resilience and courage. i will continue to follow developments closely." and you can be sure the president is being briefed by his law enforcement officials and national security chiefs on just what they know about this person. we heard michelle talking about it being a lone wolf attacker. there are those in the white house who believe there is no such thing as a lone wolf attacker, that the person must have been radicalised somewhere and they will be doing their utmost to trace any threads that could lead to other people who may be planning something similar.
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as we said earlier, jon, donald trump mentioned islamic state in his tweet — we should just remind our viewers that as yet, nobody has claimed responsibility for this attack — but judging by that statement, as we would expect, joint—investigations kicking in straightaway with the fbi. give us an idea, if you can, of what might be happening right now behind the scenes, with your experience. i know you have covered 9/11 and all the many other attacks in the us. what would be the precedure now? just stay on the tweets for a minute. i think there is something very interesting. he talked about "we mustn't allow isis back into the country" but donald trump has steered cleared on some of the rhetoric he has used in previous tweets, after previous terroridty attacks. whether under barack obama, in san bernardino and in orlando, florida, where he talked about radical islamic terror. and he has not used at at all in his tweets that he's issued tonight. in terms of the security, you can be sure that the fbi, in cooperation with friendly nations, will be doing their upmost
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to try to find out the maximum they can about this person. what his last movements were. who he has last been in contact with. and maybe — i you remember, the enormous lengths the fbi went to to get hold of the phone of the person involved in the san bernardino attack, to see what they could get from a locked apple iphone. and the kind of enornous legal battles that went on. there will be absolute determination that they find out everything. and i'm sure and fbi field office, a special investigation team is already up and running and state department people will be looking at when he came from uzbekistan, who he knew in uzbekistan, who his family knew in uzbekistan. what he may have done in tampa. this will be a multi—agency investigation and it will be involving hundreds of people, you can be absolutely sure. and indeed a global one, jon. a short time ago we spoke to a counter terrorism expert involved in the uk counter—terrorism
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department here, talking about finsbury park and westminster and the attack in london bridge and also the berlin christmas market attacks. saying the lone wolf attackers have now become the modus operandi of terrorist organizations, if you like, but, as you were just saying, the link and the web spreads much further than that? exactly and they will be doing everything they can and also examining the security implications of how you remain in a liberal, democratic, open society yet keep your people safe. if you could go for 100% security but does that mean it you would have to have airport style checks on anyone going into the new york subway? i mean, that is inconceivable that a city could continue to function like that. there are also gonig to be what additional security measures on a practical level can be taken and you will be sure to hear donald trump talking about the measures he has wanted to introduced, but has been thwarted by the courts, namely the travel ban from a number of mainly muslim countries.
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i am sure he will say if i am the president and it is myjob to keep the us people safe then we need to do this. his opponents will say this guy was from tampa and tamps is not on the ban list — how would that have helped? will we see president trump make a statement? it is unlikely. it takes time to set up a presidential visit. the expectation is donald trump will continue to monitor events from here in washington tomorrow that he's very determined about this and if he decides he wants to go it will be up to the secret service to make sure everything is ready. my expectation is it will not be until later in the week. it was interesting that the white house was cautious about how
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it should refer to the attack. the president, not using the phrase radical islamic terror that he has in previous occasions, when barack obama was president or in response to european attacks. the first tweet... let's take a look at some of the other stories making the news. the spanish government has told the ousted catalan leader, carles puigdemont, that he must return to spain to answer charges of rebellion and sedition. he's now in brussels and says he will only go back if the spanish authorities drop the threat of a long prison sentence. google, facebook and twitter, have been defending themselves to us senators investigating whether russia used social media to try to influence the 2016 presidential election. their representatives told the senate intelligence committee that they were confident that changes they were making would help to prevent a repetition. an american nurse who was handcuffed and dragged to a police car — after refusing to let officers take a blood sample from a patient — has accepted a financial settlement of $500,000. the arrest of alex wubbels provoked widespread outrage when footage of it was released by her lawyer in august. the policeman was later sacked. the brazilian senate has approved a new law regulating ride—hailing apps like uber.
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the legislation requires them to obtain special permits from local authorities and face stricter oversight. but the senate dropped plans to force drivers to own their own cars. the bill will now return to the lower house of congress forfinal approval. the olympic flame has arrived in south korea marking 100 days to the opening ceremony for the 2018 winter olympic games. the flame is set to begin a relay through the country covering more than 2000 kilometres to the host city pyeongchang. but the run up to the games has been somewhat over shadowed by the escalating crisis triggered by north korea's recent nuclear tests. we can live now to the bbc‘s mark lowen in seoul. (n0 audio)
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...the the ninth part of the winter olympics here in south korea. as we go over here, you can see the mascots of the games. the white tiger and the grey bear, figures from korean folk tales that are mascots of the game. if we go back in this direction, they are setting up in this direction, they are setting upfora in this direction, they are setting up for a huge concert in seoul this evening to mark the start of the torch relay here in south korea. the olympic flame has now arrived, going from greece, where it was lit in olympia in south—western greece, to athens, the site of the first modern olympics then to geneva at the un and then to hear, 2018 kilometre long relay. the same number as the year of the winter olympics. carried by 7500 torchbearers until the ninth of february until the winter olympics begins. a bit of a gig
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going on at the airport welcoming the blame. almost slightly overshadowed by the crisis surrounding north korea. of course, literally biggs will take place against a backdrop of heightened tension with north korea on the korean peninsula. north korea having fired its two intercontinental ballistic missiles. a sixth nuclear test in september and there has been that hugely bombastic exchange of rhetoric between north korea and the us so south korea hoping that does not overshadow the games and they can sell tickets and attract international audience members. opening north korea might be a will to ta ke opening north korea might be a will to take part. a north korean figure skating duo have qualified. thank you very much indeed for that. a
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reminder of the main story. a man has deliberately driven a pick—up truck into cyclists and pedestrians in new york, killing at least eight people and injuring 12 others. we understand 11 people are seriously hurt. officials are describing it as a terrorist act. police have named a suspect as sayfullo saipov, 29, formerly was pakistan who lives in florida. witnesses say he was shouting, carrying two imitation guns and is now in hospital under guard. us media is reporting note was found in his vehicle referring to the islamic state group but there is no claim of responsibility as such. on its website, is has been giving details of how to carry out vehicle attacks. much more on the website. hello there.
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mixed fortunes in our weather during the day ahead. southern areas should see more in the way of sunshine than they did during tuesday. a feed of drier air from the near continent, around this area of high pressure. but, up to the north, it is all about this weather front, a weather front which will bring a slow—moving band of rain, heavy rain for a time, across southern and south—western scotland, particularly during the first part of the morning. to the north of the frontal system, there'll be a mixture of sunny spells and heavy showers. but it's this rain, around the glasgow area, for instance, stretching towards edinburgh, that could actually cause some spot issues and persistent heavy rain during the morning rush hour. into the midlands and east anglia and the south—east, there'll be the odd fog patch through the first part of the morning. fog tending to clear, though, and it'll be a fairly bright day, with increasing amounts of sunshine. the south—west of england starting off on a bright note. again, there could be
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the odd fog patch. similar story across parts of wales. temperatures nine degrees in cardiff at 8:00am in the morning. more cloud in northern ireland, and here is our weatherfront again, just beginning to fringe in towards the north coast at this stage. as we go on through the day, our frontal system will only move very slowly southwards, although the rain along it will tend to ease. to the north, it's a mixture of sunshine and heavy showers. to the south, certainly for much of england and wales, we're looking at a dry day and an increasingly bright one. there should be some spells of sunshine into the afternoon. 16 in london. now, during wednesday night, our frontal system finally gets a move on and pushes its way southwards. at this stage, reallyjust a band of cloud and some spots of drizzle. underneath the cloud it will be fairly mild, but to the north and south, will be fairly chilly, and across southern areas
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of england, could be some fog around on thursday morning. thursday, this area of cloud from our old weather front, with spots of patchy rain and drizzle, will drift slowly southwards. further north, sunny skies, but generally a dip in temperatures. 8 in aberdeen, 12 in cardiff. friday dry and bright enough for many of us. but a change up here to the north—west, another weather front sinking in, initially a fairly weak affair. but through friday night, that frontal system is likely to bump in some warm air pushing in temporarily from the continent. that will bring some heavy rain across england and wales, and once all of that clears away, some really cold air for the weekend, the air coming all the way from the arctic. so yes, there will be some sunny spells, but also some showers too, perhaps wintry over the high ground in the north, and for all of us, a chilly wind. this is bbc news. the headlines: at least eight people have been killed and 12 injured in new york, after a man drove a truck at pedestrians and cyclists in lower manhattan. he was shot by police as he left his vehicle, carrying two imitation guns, and is now in hospital under guard. officials have described it as a terrorist act.
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police sources have named the suspect as 29—year—old sayfullo saipov, from uzbekistan, who moved to america in 2010. us media reports say a note was found in his vehicle referring to the islamic state group. president trump says he has ordered the us department of homeland security to step up its already strict vetting programme for foreigners travelling to the united states, following the attack in new york. in a tweet, he described the attacker as sick and deranged. now on bbc news, tuesday in parliament.
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