tv Tuesday in Parliament BBC News December 6, 2017 2:30am-3:00am GMT
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jerusalem as the capital of israel later. mr trump is expected to spell out his plans to move the american embassy in israel from tel aviv. arab leaders have warned there could be dangerous repercussions. the international olympic committee has announced that it's banning russia from competing in the 2018 winter olympics. it follows an investigation into allegations of state—sponsored doping at the 2014 games hosted by russia in sochi. the bomber who attacked the manchester arena killing 22 people had been a "subject of interest" to the british security services and opportunities to stop him were missed. that's the conclusion of an official review. it says it's conceivable the attack by salman abedi could have been avoided. now on bbc news, it's tuesday in parliament. hello there and welcome to our round up of the day in parliament.
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coming up in the next half hour, after the failure to reach an interim brexit deal, labour reckons it's the dup tail wagging the government dog. what an embarrassment! the last 2a hours have given a new meaning to the phrase coalition of chaos. a review of counterterror intelligence draws an uncomfortable conclusion about the manchester arena bombing. it is conceivable that the attack might have been averted had the cards fall indifferently. and the work and pensions secretary says he will release documents on universal credit to a commons committee. but first, it was not the appearance before mps that the government had been hoping for. there'd been some optimism that after monday's talks, theresa may will be able to come to the commons and announced progress on brexit. but such hopes were torpedoed when the dup leader arlene foster made it clear to theresa may at the last minute that she would not accept a deal which appeared
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to online northern ireland's trading rules with that of the irish republic instead of the uk. the aim had been to avoid bringing back customs posts and checks on the irish border. and do so, it was the brexit secretary david davis who appeared in the comments to insert an urgent question. he faced laughter and heckles from the labour badges as he explained that talks were continuing. we held for the talks in brussels in the past few days. progress has been made. we have not yet reached a final conclusion. however, i believe we are now close to concluding the first phase of negotiations and moving on to talk about our future trade relations. the last 24 hours have given a new meaning to the phrase
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coalition of chaos. yesterday morning, number 10 was briefing that a deal would be signed. there was high expectation that the prime minister would make a triumphant statement to the house. by tea—time, we had 849 second press conference saying the deal was off. the problem, he argued, could be traced back to theresa may's conference speech. that was when she recklessly select options like a customs union and a single market off the table and rolled out any... yet maintained she could maintain a hard border in northern ireland. yesterday, the rubber hit the road. will the prime minister now think her reckless red lights and put options such as a customs union and single market back on the table? because if the price
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of the prime minister's approach is the break—up of the union and reopening of bitter divides in northern ireland, the price is too high. the suggestion that we might leave part of the united kingdom behind in the customs union, that is emphatically not something uk government is considering. when the first minister of wales complained about or the first minister of scotland test something about banging the drum of independence, i say they are making a foolish mistake. no uk government, let alone a conservative and unionist one. it's no surprise that are circling around the prime minister because the prime minister has today been interviewed for the job of scotland football manager for her fantastic ability to draw defeat from the jaws of victory. a government that refuses to give parliament any say
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in the development in the negotiating position has now let that negotiating this should be dictated by a party in the smallest of these four nations. the british people are fed up to the back teeth with all of this. they want a solution. it may be that regulatory alignment is the solution, but if it's good enough for northern ireland, it is good enough for the rest of the country. the way to solve the border issue, protect the good friday agreement and hold our united kingdom together is to stay in the customs union and single market. isn't it the case that the government only has itself to blame for choosing to rule this option out what it does not have to? putting the future of our country at risk. no surprise that the dublin
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and the irish government wishes advance its interests. the way that it has gone about it in such an aggressive and anti—union this way is disgraceful. it has setback relations and damaged the relationships within northern ireland in terms of the devolution settlement, and that is going to take a long time to repair. one of the good things that came out of yesterday is from all sides of this house, labour, conservative backbenchers, everybody, there is now an agreement that united kingdom since together and nothing will happen that will cause the break up of this great united kingdom. does my right honourable friend share my sense of gratitude to our friends in the democratic unionist party who have helped her majesty's government secure its own policy in these negotiations? and as another centre that the red lines on maintaining the united kingdom and a great story divergence when the benefits
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of leaving... the redline for me is delivering the best brexit for britain and that's what we will do. david davis called on rival parties to unite and speak with one voice in a bid to keep the uk in the single market. speaking in the scottish parliament, mike russell said there was overwhelming support for this both at holyrood and among the public. scotland did not vote to leave the eu. the best solution would be to stay. in the continued move towards brexit, there is overwhelming support in this parliament and across the country to attain scotland and the uk's place in the single market and customs union. i think they're fully decipher all of us, but here in scotland and across the uk, at this crucial time...
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reject a hard brexit. it is time for scotland to speak with one voice and i would encourage all of us who realise that single market and customer union membership is vital to say so and to work to achieve it. yesterday, the first minister hastily took to twitter to demand a separate brexit deal for scotland. can the minister explain how separate arrangements for scotland and england will be beneficial to the rest of us given that trade with britain is worth four times more to scotland and the whole of the european union? our preference is to stay in the eu. if that is not what is to happen to him and i think the evidence for doing so is stronger and stronger, the whole uk approach staying in the customs union is what will be required. call it what you will. that would be the best solution. in the circumstances in which we are in today, that is also the best solution to resolve the difficulty that has arisen in ireland and northern ireland.
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the snp's mike russell. and in the welsh assembly the first minister made it clear that a differential deal would not be a cce pta ble differential deal would not be acceptable in cardiff either. we cannot allow parts of the uk to be treated more favorably than others. we fully expect it remains the same everywhere. the uk government was clearly looking to do a deal with the eu yesterday. that he was torpedoed by the dup, which asked the question why it is that a small party in northern ireland has the ability to have a veto over what is good for the uk in terms of negotiations with the eu. we also want wales also to benefit from any distinct or special arrangements. nobody in their right minds would want to see a hard border on ireland. i know the first minister agrees with me on that, but shifting a hard border eastwards
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is not a solution that would work for wales and certainly not for my constituents. now, away from brexit, and a report that the intelligence service and mi5 and the police had opportunities to prevent the manchester bombing earlier this year the attack was carried out by salman abedi in may. reports say he had been a subject of interest in mi5 on other occasions. the revelation came as the home secretary made comments. i would like to pay tribute to him and mi5 and the police, who work tirelessly to keep us safe. they have now disrupted plots since the murder of lee rigby in 2013, 9 since the westminster
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attack in march of this year. i now turn to the reviews. i received from them 10 highly classified documents. they analysed the attacks and potential improvements to operational practices. in june, i commissioned david anderson, qc, to provide independent assurance of an external challenge to the reviews. based on the police reviews, david anderson explains that in the case of the westminster attack, khalid masood was a closed subject of interest at the time of the attack. neither mi5 nor the police had any reason to anticipate the attack. regarding the manchester arena
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attack, simon abedi was also a closed subject of interest, and so not under active investigation. in early 2017, m15 nonetheless received intelligence on him which was assessed as not being related to terrorism. in retrospect, the intelligence can be seen to be highly relevant. had investigation been reopened at the time, it cannot be known whether his plans could have been stopped. m15 assessed that it would have been unlikely. across the attacks, including manchester arena, david anderson notes that ct policing got a great deal right. however, in relation to manchester, he also commented that "it is conceivable that the attack might have been averted had the cards fall differently." she set out the actions to be taken,
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including better co—ordination and better use of data, ah chee added intelligence was imperfect. —— but she added. not every attack can be stopped. as we do not live in a surveillance state, it will always be a challenge to law enforcement to stop determined attackers getting through. despite this, we should remember that most attacks continue to be successfully disrupted. as david anderson notes, the ct policing got a great deal right. but he also says the manchester attack in particular might have been averted had the cards fallen differently. we believe, on this side, that is a telling phrase. as the home secretary noted, salman abedi was a closed subject of interest not under active investigation, but the intelligence came out for the attack which as david anderson puts it, had its true significance been properly understood, it would have called an investigation to be reopened into them.
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in closing, i would like to thank and give our respect on the side of the house on counterterrorism for their great work on these matters, but we have to repeat this does come down to resources. and resources notjust for counterterrorism as such, but resources for community policing. you're watching tuesday in parliament with me, alicia mccarthy. and don't forget, you can find previous programmes on the bbc iplayer. can then the last two elections have had one thing in common. —— the last two general elections have had
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one thing in common. they were not happy events for the pollsters. anxious to find out why the board committee on political polling have been holding an inquiry and their main witness was a face very familiar to election results programmes. given our electoral system, the thing above all you have to get right is the conservative leader, but that is probably the most difficult thing to get right, but other things in 2015, and for example the astonishing success of the snp, him which many people think this cannot happen. in the eu referendum, it is worth bearing in mind that if you take into account all of the polls that were conducted during the official campaign period, slightly more had leave v remain, and i think it is one of the mysteries of history as to what would have happened if the referendum would have been onjune 16. at which point, the vast majority of opinion polls were pointing to leave being ahead, as to whether or not the polls would have been regarded as a success which told the country something that was anticipating... there was a bit of a swing back, but what is also true about 2016 is a lot of people were assuming
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that the polls were going to be wrong, because of the evidence that in some, but in all all referendums,... that expectation was exaggerated so i think insofar as there was something of a swing back, in the polls, in the last week of the referendum, albeit still too polls had leave ahead, people said therefore it is obviously remain are going to win. any sensible person who looked at the final polls... we have also had the fax of two elections where the polling performed rather poorly in relating to its predictions, plus the zero referendum, which your own paper suggests a re pretty inaccurate. this is a problem for polling
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or a crisis for polling, or should wejust... i would suggest to you that even in 2017, the opinion polls told you an awful lot of things that it was useful to know. they told you, that actually, the public were changing their minds about the merits of the leader of the opposition and they told you that the public were changing their minds about the merits of the minister. and being in the polling business, professor curtis framed his unquestioned. our opinion pollsters are necessarily immune from the zeitgeist in which they live with but? i think certainly given that most of the changes that were made in the methodology of the eu referendum tended to push the polls and a more remain direction. was there a risk that an industry that is middle—class and london—based and whether the zeitgeist... no one will be daft enough to leave the european union. whether or not the industry was in leave, we have to ensure that this is right, because otherwise the london
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professional middle—class will be bad for people who occupy this building and they really will cruise the fires. release documents about universal credits to a committee of mps on a confidential basis. he was heeding calls and a liberal led debate to get which has been mired in criticism and controversy. five reviews were carried out by the then major project authority between 2012—2015. these, as you know, our independent reviews, which provide assurance to major projects. they contain in—depth analysis of the implementation of a project, including detailed assessment of the risk phase and the progress that has been achieved against the government's the jets this, in this case, to deliver the programme universal credit. the government refused a freedom of information request to review it. on the 30th of august, this year, the office ruled that this information must be disclosed by the department in full,
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with the exception of the names of the civil servant named in the reports. i wonder if she agrees that the project right from the start has been one of the reasons why it has gone so badly wrong. my friend hits the nail on the head. there is a reason why report commissioned by the infrastructure and projects authority and the major projects authority have not been released by governments. the public accounts committee has already recognised that there is a need to protect information that is commercially sensitive and for there to be a safe space for candid evaluation and debate. on this occasion, he will not be making an exception. in line with the motion before this house, i will provide by the time the house rises for christmas recess, the reports directly to the working pension select committee. ijust wish to point out
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to the shadow secretary of state that her motion to require us to publish these reports. the dozen require us to lay out before the house. the committee chairs that he will not be seeking advice on the committee's obligations. we are in a totally new constitutional waters if the motion, which has now been accepted, so we can all go home in a minute, bring on the next business. and he reminded mps about the backdrop to the debate, destitution and hunger. on friday, the most brilliant and unnecessary organization, recorded a meeting of a husband, wife, and young child. the child was crying with hunger. the family was bad. the father said it was a lucky week for him. he invited them to a funeral, so that they could finish off the food after the other funeral guests had been fed.
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one mp found his remarks very moving. i don't know where to start after that. i am humbled by the words from my honorable goodfriend. no government is perfect, no benefit system is perfect. but if we work together, we can make this better. do rural communities fare worse than urban ones? many peers clearly think so and at question time, ladyjones challenged the minister over what was being done to tackle poverty and countryside communities. she argued they were being left behind in comparison to cities. we know that is too low skilled and insecure and we know the board
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is making matters worse for those who work on the land and young people in rural areas don't have easy access to decent schools, to training opportunities, or post 16 education. the wind is the government going to accept their responsibility to tackle role poverty and the lack of social ability and the areas, which is holding a prosperity back? 600,000 fewer people are an absolute poverty, a record level. 200,000 fewer children in absolute poverty, and 300,000 fewer working age adults in absolute poverty. 3 million more people in work, 954,000 fewer work lists homes. that is the way in which we will ensure that we have prosperity across this country. it is white rural areas have lower unemployment, it is white we are working extremely hard on a range of issues to ensure that there is a rural prosperity and i think this government is doing all it can to ensure that. truly fast broadband in the countryside, not the phantom
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speeds abandoned by open ridge, would lead to much greaterjobs and increase in prosperity. the minister said he had been told the same thing at a meeting just that morning. if we can crack connectivity, we have cracked almost everything. i entirely agree this is a challenge in rural communities and for business, but we are on track with 95% of uk homes and businesses to have access to superfast broadband by the end of this year will stop we are seeking to increase that to 97% over the next few years. the universal service obligation i think is important as a safety net and we are looking at all sorts of innovative ways of getting to the hard—to—reach areas. house prices in rural areas, local working families are priced out of the market. the right to buy scheme has not led
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to new housing replacing those sold. there are now large numbers of essential workers unable to afford to live in rural areas. will the government agree with me that it is time that the government provided homes for essential workers, such as care workers, teachers, nurses, firefighters, and front—line police officers? the government was putting money into housing to make sure that the people who work in the countryside and made communities tick had affordable homes. finally, the former olympics minister has resumed her seat in the lords after treatment for brain cancer. she sits as a labour peer and was diagnosed in may. i do swear by almighty god that i will be faithful and bear true allegiance to her majesty, the queen elisabeth, her heirs, and successors, according to the law. there was a warm welcome
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after she signed the register and swore the oath of allegiance. formally resuming her seat. that brings us to the end of this edition of the programme, but do join me at the same time tomorrow for another round of the day at westminster. including the highlights from prime ministers questions and the next day of detailed debate on the eu withdrawal bill. but for now from me, goodbye. hello. this is the point where this week's weather begins to get considerably more dramatic. and this is the driver of the change, this curl of cloud on the satellite picture, a deep area of low pressure
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which has been named by the met office, storm caroline. nothing will happen much on wednesday morning. feeding in a lot of cloud and some mild air. temperatures as we start the day, eight, nine, ten across the south—west. expect cloud. the odd patchy rain and drizzle that the 11 degrees for plymouth. cardiff, similar. across west wales, starting to turn quite breezy by this stage. the wind picking up in northern ireland and this area of wet weather will slide in from the west. rain settling in across western scotland. persistent rain in the high ground. eastern scotland, starting the day dry. and it will be eastern areas that will have the best chance of any brightness through the day. further west, a lot of cloud and strengthening south—westerly winds. gales in exposed spots in the west in the afternoon. northern ireland and western scotland in particular, outbreaks of rain. a mild day wherever you are. that will not last. wednesday night, the wind
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is strengthening in the west. outbreaks of rain pushing in from the west as well, as storm caroline swings across the north of the british isles. notice many isobars tight together. strong winds with us for thursday. across scotland, winds of 80 miles per hour, perhaps even stronger. very strong winds elsewhere as well. rain clearing away from the south—east. then brighter skies. and then some showers, which will begin to turn wintry over high ground in the north. that's because things will be turning colder. as we move out of thursday into friday, this is a really wintry looking weather chart. the winds are whistling down from the arctic bringing cold air which will plunge right across the country. there will be some dry weather and sunshine at times.
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there will also be showers. most of the showers will be snow showers. they could crop up just about anywhere. most likely in the west, but also in the far north. and that snow will be right down to low levels. when you add on the strength of the wind, it will feel sub—zero across many parts of the country. so, wet and windy weather with storm caroline. then turning colder. and then we will see some snow showers and some ice. welcome to bbc news, broadcasting to viewers
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in north america and around the globe. i'm lewis vaughan jones. our top stories: president trump is expected to recognisejerusalem as the capital of israel later. arab leaders warn it could fuel violence. russia is banned from next year's winter olympics, in south korea, after allegations of state—sponsored doping. the terror threat in britain. an official report asks whether the manchester bombing could have been prevented. and tens of thousands of californians flee wildfires north of los angeles.
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