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tv   Click  BBC News  February 3, 2018 1:30am-2:02am GMT

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in north america on pbs and around the globe. i'm duncan golestani. abused its surveillance powers shows the agency is biased against him. on president trump's election campaign. mr trump says the document tells a disgraceful story. after being left for dead the investigation into russian interference in the by smugglers. election. the sentencing hearing. who's been found guilty of sexually abusing girls in his to stay alive on the care. shrinking arctic ice. hello. apologised the judge said she would not punish him.
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about britain's future eu trade relationship. with the eu and striking deals with the rest of the world. welcome to the programme. brexit negotiations will resume with alleging political bias in the us justice brussels on monday. department and fbi. who say it misrepresents highly sensitive information. nick bryant reports from washington. that's it from me. duncan will be here at 2am. now on bbc news, click. this week, robo cops, accessible togs and surgery goggles.
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kingdom where there is no such thing as too much cash to buy. as too much cash to buy. a name for itself for the outrageous buildings it's created. buildings it's created. seems it wants to be known for technology too. technology too. will contribute to its new tech power image. power image. but groans aren't the only thing is taking to the skies. only thing is taking to the skies. police officers to the scene of a crime. copper chopper anyone?
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bikes across the city to provide a service and a fast response. service and a fast response. these weren't the only high—tech additions to the force. additions to the force. were made of the hard stuff, and kate russell went to meet them. prediction and surveillance technology to watch over the people. technology to watch over the people. we have our cameras, our drones, oui’... we have our cameras, our drones, our... our... we are going into a science—fiction movie. science—fiction movie. stations are just a few of their futuristic initiatives. futuristic initiatives. i am a humanoid service robot...
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humanoid service robot... stations which will be completely u nstaffed. stations which will be completely unstaffed. unstaffed. safe driving lesson, a quick coffee or even to report crimes. or even to report crimes. they can meet dubai's own robocop. meet dubai's own robocop. but unlike the movies... hello... he will kill you with kindness. you with kindness. you have really pretty eyes. pretty eyes. i think i'm getting hit on by a robot! do you think i'm beautiful? yes. i love talking with you. thank you. you are absolutely astoundingly gorgeous. astoundingly gorgeous. it's the most interesting thing about you. interesting thing about you. sensors detect the paparazzi among us. sensors detect the paparazzi among us. guess who it is? it's him.
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police seize the future with al and robotics very much at its heart. robotics very much at its heart. live feeding to the command and control system. control system. smart system where it has facial recognition. recognition. kinds of activities, especially the ones of people. ones of people. needs a human on conference call when it comes to reporting a crime. when it comes to reporting
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a crime. i would like report a crime. is a robot here and he's stolen my heart. he's stolen your heart? my heart. your heart? ! focus to preventing crimes before they even happen. they even happen. where and when the next crime will happen in the future. happen in the future. register if you have a history of cardiovascular problems. cardiovascular problems. on the map there represented by hearts. hearts.
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to reduce the number of fatalities by more than 50%. by more than 50%. reminding anyone else of a certain sci—fi film? reminding anyone else of a certain sci-fi film? sci-fi film? make the data issues and ethical issues raised in the future? issues raised in the future? crime, we predict where it will happen and how it will happen. happen and how it will happen. artificial intelligence are, well, predictable. drone team here in dubai would like to see it taken even further. to see it taken even further.
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a potential criminal by analysing a person's vital signs. foot in ambitious reality and the other in well—intentioned fantasy. other in well—intentioned fantasy. on, though, and you can be very sure they'll be keeping an eye on us.
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pollution their cars and surely produce. produce. diesel fumes to try to improve their vehicles' rink and ensures. vehicles' rink and ensures. also deliberately exposed to toxic exhausts. —— green credentials. information, co—ordinated by the automotive industry. automotive industry. purposes of the car industry and we're not going to accept this.
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study, we all have to live with the diesel cars already on our roads. diesel cars already on our roads. suntech that might help us to produce less of the killer fumes. i'm driving around central london with lincoln drop. with lincoln drop. and carbon dioxide our car is spitting out in the real—time. spitting out in the real—time. it's called air. called air. com and lincoln is part of the team behind it. of the team behind it.
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people to reduce the amount of knocks they produce as they drive. knocks they produce as they drive. the app works by plugging in a small diagnostics device into the car. diagnostics device into the car. been designed by scientists at imperial college london. imperial college london. looking at here is essentially an engine you would find in a car? engine you would find in a car? that's right. on in detail, so we have lots of sensors dotted around the engine. sensors dotted around the engine. a car, and that's to modify the turbo boost pressure. turbo boost pressure.
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to calculate what the nox emissions would be. would be. quarter of global energy—related carbon emissions, are the target. carbon emissions, are the target. now have to pay twice the amount to drive in central london. drive in central london. that's on top of the £1150 already in place. in place. this piece of tech could be a fairer system for drivers. in place. ” always think... always think...
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the centre of london and we had to drive. drive. there was no alternative solution that we could have taken. solution that we could have taken. should have the opportunity for paying less. they think this is the future. future. given financial incentives for doing so. given financial incentives for doing so. so. not driving in sensitive areas, such as near hospitals or schools. as near hospitals or schools. imperial to come up with an estimate of how a charging system could work. of how a charging system could work. what happened now is he has a charge of around £5. of around £5. it said a lot less than the £10 would be. than the £10 would be.
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still £5 when he leaves the congestion zone today. he leaves the congestion zone today. streets, it will be at slight air. air. capitalise on the decisions being made. hello and welcome to the week in tech. tech. announced its banning all ads for crypto currency. crypto currency. has been added to the oxford english dictionary. dictionary. a wristband that could keep track of workers' movements. workers' movements. wearer when they're reaching for the wrong inventory bin. wrong inventory bin. fitness tracker map strava has caused alerts. caused alerts. military bases in countries such as syria and afghanistan. syria and afghanistan.
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wii u was considered a commercial failure and discontinued. failure and discontinued. autonomous robot that mimics a bat in—flight. in—flight. more energy—efficient than other flying robots. flying robots. musk‘s boring company unveiled a flamethrower. flamethrower. at $500 is the perfect weapon for a zombie apocalypse. weapon for a zombie apocalypse. great idea or will it go up in flames? now, fashion week season is upon us. calendar of the fashionista, as i well know.
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well know. people who do not see themselves reflected, people with disabilities. reflected, people with disabilities. models opened the show for one of the designers. the designers. fashion by designing bespoke clothes for people with disabilities. for people with disabilities. paul carter visited them. carter visited them. something most people take the granted. granted. you like it, you try tony, you buy it. you buy it. is a much more limited because of an impairment or disability. impairment or disability. york were using tech to make fashion more accessible. more accessible. disabled people which was both functional and fashionable. functional and fashionable.
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combined with many to solve these problems. problems. accessible for people with many abilities. abilities. disability, injury or facing ageing. facing ageing. by 2025, through design and technology. design and technology. was looking for a code i could put on without the use of my arms. on without the use of my arms. years ago, my arms became paralysed and i needed a new york winter coat. and i needed a new york winter coat. fell and of the permit and became a board member this year. board member this year. in the design process and the clothing they create. clothing they create. some of the people end of this fashion innovation. fashion innovation.
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of your arm, a bit of the collarbone. collarbone. exactly like a backpack and that doesn't destroy my shoulder. doesn't destroy my shoulder. da silver has multiple sclerosis and difficulties with speech. difficulties with speech. with integrated microphone and loudspeaker to amplify his voice. loudspeaker to amplify his voice. so i can talk louder than i would normally. normally. it's a speaker system for people to use. it's pretty savvy, actually. integrating it into... into my wheelchair. to be a headset or somebodyjust to speak with me. speak with me. he has an armrest with space on it. with space on it. he has the crown surrounding his head. surrounding his head. it might be that is where it is placed.
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that is where it is placed. looking at options for wearables extending from the body. extending from the body. utilised by open style lab is conductive fabric. conductive fabric. to create working circuits and garments. garments. operate inbuilt items like lights, heaters and electric motors. heaters and electric motors.
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how the circuit moves inside a garment. garment. hypersensitive to stitching because of autism. of autism. be done when technology and lateral thinking me to social need. thinking me to social need. will all be designed with this much style. style. houses has evolved over the past couple of years. couple of years. artificial at —— intelligence to the mix. mix.
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built in to differentiating them from everyone else. from everyone else. mostly they will be carrying out similar activities. be carrying out similar activities. the ordinary, that is when the alert will start. will start. issue of when someone trips over the dog. dog. cherry home aims to track people and pets movements. people and pets movements. on what anyone is doing at any given time. sound creepy? taylor the notifications as you see fit. fit. who is going to receive the alerts through the app. through the app.
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you only want to receive an alert when something has happened. when something has happened. but is this really what people want? this really what people want? information but it ended when we lost one of our test customers. lost one of our test customers. hard way that it is a bad idea to get into the couple ‘s relations. get into the couple ‘s relations. about who they normally care, like kids, pets and parents. kids, pets and parents. prove useful for controlling the smart home. smart home. but not spying on your partner seems to be a reasonable place to start. to be
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a reasonable place to start. couple of interesting ideas on medical visualisation is. medical visualisation is. information on the gas content of your digestive system. excuse me. students are invited to observe the operation in action. operation in action. places you would rarely get to experience. experience. in, you are not touching the patients. patients. patient and seeing what the surgeon is doing. is doing.
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charge shafi ahmed has moved on to the new lens. the new lens. allowing them to consult on the operation. operation. to visualise some of the hard to perform operations. perform operations. visualisation is of bones and blood vessels and muscles. vessels and muscles. overlaid on the patients in the theatre. theatre. the first time i used this, it blew me a rave. it blew me a rave. world around you and interacting with it. with it. we were acutely aware of wearing a headset. wearing a headset. the feedback, maybe it'sjust selected components of the surgery. selected components of the surgery. not all the time. that one moment where you need that level of precision.
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level of precision. is still being trialled in research hospitals. hospitals. visualisation tech will improve overall position and recovery time. overall position and recovery time. centres but we can roll out to other hospitals. hospitals. website on facebook page for more short films on a new tack. short films on a new tack. that's it from us by now. from us by now. live on throughout the week on facebook and on twitter @bbcclick. facebook and on twitter @bbcclick. thanks for watching and we will see you soon. good
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morning. in touch with trading standards. what's coming on saturday is far from delight. this is the cloud pushing in. into saturday morning. to eastern parts of england and eastern scotland. elsewhere, temperatures won't rise much through the day. to begin with. outbreaks of rain quite widely. to lower levels further north. at lunchtime, not a huge amount changes.
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some brightness, staying dry through the day. much of england and wales. with temperatures at lunchtime only about 2—3 degrees. the greater chance of snow mixed in and that'll be over the hills. sleet and snow, gradually fizzles out. if you're going to and from cardiff for the start of the six nations. maybe a little bit damp here. a bit drier in paris, but here it will be similarly cold. the weather front starts to lose a bit of oomph into sunday. into sunday morning. this is the temperature profile across europe on sunday. the blue colours are the coldest conditions, towards the east.
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into next week. pushing the weather front back westwards. that means brighter skies across much of england on sunday. and northern ireland, where the winds will be lightest. showers coming in on the raw wind. there could be some snow inland. nothing too significant at this stage. to begin the day.
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