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tv   Click  BBC News  February 3, 2018 3:30pm-4:01pm GMT

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crossed continue through sunday, crossed east anglia in south east in and, with rain, sleet, hail on a cold easterly wind. as well, it is drier and sunnier. still areas of allowed in scotland through the central belt. as these spots of rain and seven sleet and snow on higher ground. temperatures, will feel colder in the wind. east anglia,, quite a bit, raw day here. sleet and snow showers for south—east england. more snow is riding south on 951fi£§nnfi is'riéing:«of::gih'€-fi"" ' ' " ' eéifiiénflfi is'riéing:«of::gih'€-fi"" ' ' " ' 9:55r155nnfi15'ri5in5:«of::gih'€-fi"" ' ' " ' 955fi55n5fi i§'fi§ifi§':
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after getting caught in a scuffle with protesters last night, jacob rees—mogg has stepped up his attack on the treasury accusing civil servants of "fiddling the figures" on brexit. six migrants have been injured after a gunman opened fire from a car in the central italian city of macerata. the gunman has been arrested. now on bbc news — click. this week: robo cops... accessible togs. .. and surgery goggles. welcome to dubai, the desert kingdom where there's no
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such thing as too much. this city has spent more than a decade making a name for itself for the outrageous buildings that it's created. well, now it seems it wants to be known for technology too. a while ago, i paid it a visit during its drones for good challenge and met some of the local innovators who dubai hopes will contribute to its new tech power image. but drones are not the only thing is taking to the skies. this hover bike designed for the police force may one day be whizzing police officers to the scene of a crime. copper chopper anyone? the officers can be using the hover bikes across the city to provide the service in the right spot and even a fast response. and these weren't the only high—tech additions to the force. back in may, the dubai police got some new recruits and these
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weren't your ordinary newcomers, these guys were made of the hard stuff, and kate russell went to meet them. like so much of dubai's over—the—top ambition, the police force wants to be seen to be using the latest crime prediction and surveillance technology to watch over the people. we have our cameras, our drones, our robots. we are going to live in a science—fiction movie. artificial intelligence—based predictive crime systems, autonomous patrol vehicles and unmanned police stations are just a few of their futuristic initiatives. robot: i am a humanoid service robot... planned to be built in all of dubai's neighbourhoods are the world's first smart police stations, which will be com pletely u nstaffed. citizens can pop in for a safe driving lesson, a quick coffee
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or even to report crimes. they can also meet dubai's own robocop. i am the latest incorporation into dubai's police department. but unlike the movies... hello... ..he‘ll kill you with kindness. you have really pretty eyes. i think i'm getting hit on by a robot! do you think i'm beautiful? yes. i love talking with you. thank you. you are absolutely astoundingly gorgeous, and it's the least interesting thing about you. my sensors detect the paparazzi among us. guess who it is? it's him. flirting aside, the head of artificial intelligence for dubai police sees the future with al and robotics very much at its heart. behind it is the artificial intelligence, so it can see you, it has a facial recognition so it can identify the person
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in front of them and send all the live feed to the command and control system. we have a project what we call the dubai eye where we have integrated all the cctv cameras across the city, and on top of that we're going to build smart system where it has a facial recognition. it's so difficult to monitor more than 10,000 cameras in the city, so we have an intelligence system that can analyse live feeds from those cameras and it can also predict also and identify all kinds of activities, especially the wanted people. although this unmanned facility currently still needs a human on conference call when it comes to reporting a crime. so i would like report a crime. there is a robot here and he's stolen my heart. he's stolen your card? my heart. your heart! we've recently seen chicago pd‘s
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crime—predicting algorithms and now dubai's police are turning their focus to preventing crimes before they even happen. this application analyses past crime and tries to predict where and when the next crime in that zone could happen in the future. another one of the smart services offered to citizens in dubai is the ability to register if you have a history of cardiovascular problems. you can see on the map there represented by hearts. now, this means that when an ambulance is called it will instantly know that it could be attending a heart attack victim, and they say that this has allowed them to reduce the number of fatalities by more than 50%. that's an impressive statistic, but is this widespread surveillance reminding anyone else
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of a certain sci—fi film? people are going to equate this to minority report — what kind of protocols do you have in place to make sure the data is used in ethical ways in the future? we don't predict who will commit the crime, we predict where it could happen and when it could happen, so we can prevent it and reduce the rate for the crimes. with one in three crimes being successfully predicted this time last year, the benefits of using artificial intelligence are, well, predictable. what's more surprising is that the drone team here in dubai would like to see it taken even further. they believe they can use drones to spot a potential criminal by analysing a person's vital signs. it can select a target and the
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camera will automatically lock on that target. like so many of dubai's big plans, all this stuff seems to have one foot in ambitious reality and the other in well—intentioned fantasy. it's a place worth keeping an eye on, though, and you can be very sure they'll be keeping an eye on us. now, we've all been hearing about the dangerous effects of n0x, the nitrogen oxide that's spewed out by diesel cars, and we do now know that some big car manufacturers have been lying to us for years about how much pollution their cars actually produce. it's a subject that was back
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in the limelight last week when a new netflix documentary reminded us all about the lengths to which vw went to cover up its rigging of emissions tests, that included commissioning a study that subjected monkeys to diesel fumes to try to prove their vehicles‘ green credentials. it has since been revealed that humans were also deliberately exposed to toxic exhausts. translation: i condemn the emissions tests on animals and people, which were, according to the available information, initiated by the automotive industry. i don't have any sympathies for this, these tests were apparently solely aimed for pr purposes of the car industry. we are not going to accept this. as the german government and the manufacturers involved all try to distance themselves from the toxic study,
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we all have to live with the diesel cars already on our roads. but kat hawkins has been looking at some tech which might help us to produce less of the killer fumes. i'm driving around central london with lincoanopp. but instead of sitting back and enjoying being credible city skylines, i can't quite rest easy because the app we're using for navigation is also telling us how much carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide our car is spitting out in real—time. it's called and lincoln is part of the team behind it. n0x is a silent killer. it's far worse than c02 and everything that we can do in order to reduce the amount of nox that people emit into the air is good for the nation's health, good for the environment and we think we can help people to reduce the amount of nox they produce as they drive. the app works by plugging in a small
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diagnostics device into the car. this takes data points from the engine and runs algorithms that have been designed by scientists at imperial college london. what we're looking at here is essentially an engine that you would find in a car? that's right. so, it's a relatively old diesel engine by today's standards, but it's been updated with a lot of technology to measure what's going on in detail, so we have lots of sensors dotted around the engine. and it's got this external unit here, which you would never find on a car, and that's to modify the turbo boost pressure. what we're doing in the calculation algorithms is taking a whole load of engine data and using machine learning techniques to understand and be able to calculate what the nox emissions would be. this comes at an important time for the streets of london, with decisions being made at city hall to try and combat how much pollution the once—named
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big smoke produces, and cars, said to be responsible for a quarter of global energy—related carbon emissions, are the target. last october, the mayor of london sadiq khan brought in a new charge meaning that more—polluting vehicles now have to pay twice the amount to drive in central london. this means that cars registered before 2006 or that fall below the minimum carbon emissions star gets now have to pay £10 to drive into that congestion zone, and that's on top of the £11.50 already in place. what tantalum say is that this piece of tech could be a fairer system for drivers. i always think... my daughter, when she was growing up, had to go to great 0rmond street hospital on a number of occasions, it was a number of repeat visits, and it was right in the centre of london and we had to drive. there was no alternative solution that we could have taken. i think people who behave like that should have the opportunity for paying less.
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tantalum thinks that this is the future. drivers being encouraged to drive more efficiently by being given financial incentives for doing so. this could be done by changing gears at the right time or actively not driving in sensitive areas, such as near hospitals or schools. and at the moment they're using the data collected from the tests done at imperial to come up with an estimate of how a charging system could work. lincoln's shown us today that he's a very considerate driver, who actually thinks about the nitrous oxide his car's producing, but he did rev the engine a couple of times just to show us how the technology works, and so what's happened now is that he's got a charge of around £5. it's a lot less than the £10 would be. but still £5 when he leaves the congestion zone today. as governments grapple
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with lowering emissions and creating cleaner streets, it will be apps like that will be hoping to capitalise on the decisions being made. hello and welcome to the week in tech. it was the week that facebook announced it's banning all ads for crypto currency. the word ransomware has been added to the oxford english dictionary. and amazon has patented a wristband that could keep track of workers' movements. it'll also provide ha ptic feedback to alert the wearer when they're reaching for the wrong inventory bin. meanwhile, fitness tracker app strava's heat maps have caused some major security alerts. it turns out military personnel around the world have been sharing their exercise routines on them, inadvertently highlighting foreign military bases in countries such as syria and afghanistan. and ten months after its release, the nintendo switch has already outsold its predecessor the wii u, a sigh of relief for nintendo i'm sure as the wii u was considered a commercial failure and discontinued.
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engineers at caltech have built a fully autonomous robot that mimics a bat in—flight. bat bot (b2) has a new flexible wing design that apparently makes it more energy—efficient than other flying robots. and finally, elon musk‘s boring company unveiled a flamethrower, insisting that at $500, it's the perfect weapon for a zombie apocalypse. great idea — or will it go up in flames? now, fashion week season is upon us. new york next week will kickstart the most important month in a fashionista's calendar, as i well know. but there is a group of people who don't often see themselves reflected on the catwalk — people with disabilities. london fashion week last year made some progress when two disabled models opened the show for one of the designers.
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now a new york fashion school is hoping to continue that, combining tech and fashion to design bespoke clothes for people with disabilities. paul carter visited them. buying clothes is something most people take the granted. people take for granted. you see something, like the look of it, you try it on, you buy it. but what if your choices are much more limited because of an impairment or disability? i've come to a fashion lab here in new york who are using tech to make fashion more accessible. 0pen style lab is a nonprofit in new york, was established to make clothing for disabled people which is both functional and fashionable. operating in partnership with parsons school of design in manhattan, they pair student designers, engineers and occupational therapists with disabled people to tackle real—world clothing conundrums. our goal pretty much and our vision is to make style accessible to people of all abilities, whether it's disability or those who have injury, or those who are facing ageing,
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by 2025 through design and technology. a year ago i was looking for a coat i could put on without the use of my arms. seven years ago, my arms became paralysed and i needed a coat for the brutal new york city winters. a friend referred me to open style lab and i was actually one of the participants for a semester. i fell in love with open style lab and became a board member this year. the team has access to a wide range of tech, such as 3d printers and arduinos, to assist in the design process and the clothing they create. i went to meet some of the people on the receiving end of this fashion innovation. i'm an adult survivor of paediatric cancer and it used to be called a quartermain amputation, i think — they take part of your arm, they take your shoulder, a bit of the collarbone. they're designing a bag, i guess, that doesn't carry exactly
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like a backpack and that doesn't destroy my shoulder. jason da silva has multiple sclerosis and has difficulties with speech. his design team were creating a shirt with an integrated microphone and loudspeaker to amplify his voice. they're creating a sensor system so i can talk louder than i would normally. it's a speaker system for other people to use. they're trying to integrate that into my wheelchair and there will be a headset. he has an armrest and he has his ci’owi‘i he has an armrest and he has his crown surrounding his head journal it might be that is where it is placed, we're looking at the options. an emerging area in fashion design
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being utilised by open style lab is conductive fabric. this is material that can be stitched into clothing to create working circuits within garments. this allows for switches to be contained inside clothing, which can in turn be used to operate inbuilt items such as lights, heaters and even electric motors. this one, i haven't looped it on but what it's doing is using a microcontroller chip and i've pretty much asked it to do the same switch, because it's got conductive fabric inside, so when you touch one of the pockets it will send a signal and i did it for the microcontroller to send a signal if it's left or right, and these are some of the prototypes that were made for a woman with breast cancer to see her range of motion. so this was one of my first iterations of putting on the chip and using conductive thread to figure out, how does the circuit live inside a garment? completed projects created
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by open style lab in the past include a waterproofjacket shaped to fit a wheelchair user and a seamless top for a young girl whose autism made her hypersensitive to stitching. the work being done by open style lab shows what can be done when technology and lateral thinking meet a social need. the trend for home monitoring devices to help us feel safe as houses has evolved over the past couple of years. we've seen them upping their game, adding facial recognition and customised alerts, but i've met a company adding artificial intelligence to the mix. each house member will be represented by one of these stick people, more hi—tech than your usual stick person! their body proportions and skin colour, the way they walk, all of those factors built in to differentiating
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them from everyone else. mostly they will be carrying out similar activities. they will become the normal things for them to do so anything out of the ordinary, that's when the alert will start. like when an elderly relative falls or that well—known issue of when someone trips over the dog. cherry home aims to track people and pets' movements. also employing artificial intelligence to interpret that data into information on what anyone is doing at any given time. sound creepy? with alerts like this, some might think so, but you can tailor the notifications as you see fit. from there, the homeowner can select who is going to receive the alerts through the app. there is a choice as to whether you want to be able to see video of the movement all the time, or see it in some rooms are not others or whether you only want to receive an alert when something has happened.
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but is this really what people want? we initially provided a lot of information but it ended when we lost one of our test customers. they didn't want to continue after we told the husband something about the wife or vice—versa so we learned the hard way that it is a bad idea to get into the couple's relations. so instead of helping husbands care about wives or wives care about husbands, we help both of them care about whom they normally care, like kids, pets and parents. so, if this software can identify people and what they're doing, then it could prove useful for controlling the smart home. to start with, though, checking all is well in your house but not spying on your partner seems to be a reasonable place to start. recently we have seen a couple of interesting ideas recently we've seen a couple of interesting ideas
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on medical visualisations. one was a pill—sized sensor which can be swallowed and gives real—time information on the gas content of your digestive system. excuse me. two years ago i watched the world's first vr surgery where medical students are invited to observe the operation in action remotely. the main selling point of this immersive virtual reality is that it puts you into places you would rarely get to experience. unless you are scrubbed in, you are not touching the patients. you're at the far end of the room, looking over the surgeon's shoulder but with this, you are looking on top of the patient and seeing what the surgeon is doing. since then, surgeon—in—charge shafi ahmed has moved on to using microsoft's hololens. the other surgeons appear as these
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are blue avatars. . the data from the patient‘s scans is also overlaid, allowing them to consult on the operation. research is at imperial college london are looking at the vr, to enhance the surgeon's ability to visualise some of the ha rder—to—perform operations. the team used medical scan results to create visualisations of bones, blood vessels and muscles. surgeons wearing headsets can then see the schedules overlaid on the patients in the theatre. the first time i used this device, it blew me away. it's an extraordinary new way of seeing the world around you and interacting with the world. we were acutely aware of wearing a headset. it's quite a heavy device for a long period so some of the feedback, maybe it's just selected components of the surgery. not all the time. there might be that one moment where you need that level of precision. at the moment, the technology is still being trialled in research hospitals. the hope is that this sort of visualisation tech will improve
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overall surgeon precision and patient recovery time. there is always a lot of initial excitement about this technology but what we need to show is that it saves time, it gives better outcomes for the patient, and ultimately, is something we can notjust do in specialist centres but we can roll out to other hospitals. and you can check out our website and facebook page for more short films on new tech. that's it from us for now. don't forget, we live on throughout the week on facebook and on twitter at @bbcclick. thanks for watching and we'll see you soon. a cold and rainy and even in some
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spots snowy saturday. in northern england, especially in the higher parts, and in scotland, that is where we have seen most of the sleet and snow so far. but what we have will slowly peter out into tonight. some holes in the cloud allowing a touch of frost here and there and a few icy patches, more towards eastern areas of england going into the morning. wintry showers will continue, particularly across parts of east anglia and south—east england tomorrow, whereas elsewhere it isa england tomorrow, whereas elsewhere it is a drier and brighter picture. into the central belt and the grampians, a bit of light rain and sleet and snow is possible. sunnier in northern england and across a large swathe of england and wales. a scattering of showers on this keen
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north—easterly wind, a lot of them as rain and perhaps as sleet or hail. moving through the day it is going to feel colder, because we have the wind and the showers coming in. elsewhere the wind is not too noticeable and many of us will be dry. we will get to see a bit of sunshine from time to time and it will be fairly pleasant, out of any breeze. but the wind will make it feel closer to freezing across east anglia and southern england into south wales. through sunday evening and night, the showers can sing you to feed into south—east england, and they're more likely to turn into snow overnight into monday morning. may be a risk of disruption in parts of south—east england on monday morning. elsewhere on monday there will be a widespread frost and another fine winter's day. into tuesday, this atlantic system will be coming south and it will be
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bringing some sleet and snow as well, increasingly so as it moved southwards during the day. but it will be weakening. but it is another weather system to watch this week. in summary, we're expecting another cold weekend with frosty nights and some snow. this is bbc news. i'm rebecca jones. the headlines at 4.00pm. the head of the fbi has defended its work, after a classified memo was released accusing it of bias against president trump — and abuse of power. i think it's terrible — you want to know the truth, i think it's a disgrace what's going on in this country. i think it's a disgrace. its figures on brexit. six migrants have been injured after a gunman opened fire
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from a car in the central italian city of macerata. the gunman has been arrested. northamptonshire council has imposed emergency spending controls because of what it describes as severe financial challenges. bad news for fans and papa—papa—razzi as illness forces
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