tv Newsnight BBC News April 26, 2018 11:15pm-12:01am BST
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in a few hours' time, kimjong—un meets the south korean leadership. will he offer anything more than a photo opportuntiy? and this. we're in hungary, where the prime minister got re—elected by playing the anti—migrant card as hard as he could. how does that work when you're a member of the european union? if hungary had had this system when it was applying to join the european union, would it have qualified? no — no, clearly not. good evening. whatever your week has been like, thank your stars you haven'tjust had to abandon a bunch of immigration targets you didn't appear to realise existed 2a hours earlier whilst sitting on a wafer—thin majority of 346 as britain's home secretary. and that's not to mention her customs union snafu at a lunch for journalists. amber rudd has had better weeks. the question is, will she live to see it through? asked if she had aspirations to lead the conservatives,
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she told the press gallery today she was just "thinking of staying in the game". her position is, of course, complicated by the fact she can't blame her predecessor for past mistakes over the windrush saga and its fallout — that's the prime minister, theresa may. nor, indeed, can she actually go without leaving the pm herself exposed and vulnerable. our political editor, nick watt, has this report. if you are a member of the praetorian guard, then it is your duty to shield the chief. for amber rudd, the burden of the windrush scandal is falling squarely on her shoulders, as she stands in the line of fire to protect her prime minister. the home secretary is falling foul of alastair campbell's mantra — if a political crisis enters a second week, the minister in question is in trouble. over the last day, amber rudd has adopted three positions on whether there are targets for the voluntary removal of illegal migrants.
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first, there were none. then there were some. and finally, there will be none. clarity, after this. targets for removals, when where they set? we don't have targets for removals. but you did? i don't know, what are you referring to? you've just heard from previous evidence that the home office and individual, there are regional targets for net removals. i didn't hear the testimony, i'm not sure what shape that might be in. if you are asking me are the numbers of people we expect to be removed, that's not how we operate. amber rudd has been the tory left‘s great hope as a future leader. those hopes are dimming as the legacy of recent immigration policy, notably under theresa may, moves from numbers to people. critics regard this as an overly
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benign explanation. either amber rudd has driven a hostile environment within the home office, following on from her predecessor, who passed the immigration act of 2014. or she has lost control of her department, as she has admitted on numerous occasions throughout the last week, that she didn't know vital decisions were being made. the home office is known as the graveyard of political careers. in 2004, beverley hughes resigned in a row over visas. why didn't you? you were the minister in charge. followed two years later by charles clarke, in a scandal overforeign prisoners. ready to go? senior tories say amber rudd should not suffer the same fate. i think amber retains the absolute support of the party, the absolute support and the prime minister has made that quite plain. but to suggest that in some way this is a resigning matter isjust rubbish, it's not.
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no, i think what matters is that amber rudd is allowed to get on and fix this, get on and do what she knows to be right for the windrush generation, and to very much get on with bringing confidence back to the immigration system, and i'm absolutely confident that she is the right person to do that. so amber rudd fights on, but one friend of the prime minister expressed astonishment that no alarm bells appeared to ring in the home office during the five months that the guardian reported on the treatment of the windrush generation. in her time, theresa may famously ran the home office with an iron grip, this tory told me. but when there was a bushfire, her team would get out the fire extinguishers. for now, amber rudd appears safe and is protecting theresa may — unless any more damaging information emerges. joining me is andrew mitchell, the former international development secretary.
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nice to see you, andrew mitchell. clear this up, amber rudd said she didn't know of any targets existing, and now those nonexistent targets have been axed, how does that make sense? well, it's not a very satisfactory situation. what i would say is that the home office is by far the most difficult department of state in government, almost everything lands on the home secretary's lap in one way or another, and i think we're going to see the of amber rudd in how she deals with this. nicholas soames, i thought, but it extremely well, she has got to be given the space to put this right. the windrush scandal is awful beyond measure, principally because we are just not like this as a country, our values are not like this, so it has got to be put right, and the skill with which she does that will determine our future. i don't think there's any question of her having to resign. it does seem to be getting harder, not easier. when we don't know whether this
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is not knowing or misleading have lost control, the windrush saga, we know she knew about it two years ago, this was made absolutely clear, that the government as a whole knew about it two years ago, so why would you say it only came to light four months ago? well, you know, i don't know the reason for that, but what i do know is that these very difficult things happen to governments and ministers, and in the home office it is particularly severe. my point is we have to sort this out, because of the terrible nature of the windrush situation, and amber rudd is the person who is going to sort it out. i think that these calls
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for her resignation are ridiculous. what we've got to do is support, and she's got to sort this out on behalf of the country and get it right. ridiculous because, as diane abbott pointed out, she is essentially a human shield for the prime minister, her predecessor — isn't that what is behind this? well, i think this crisis does show you what an effective home secretary theresa may was. she was six years at the wicket, dealing with a whole series of difficulties. and you know, as i say, these crises come quite often in the home office, and i think it is a measure of what a successful home secretary she was that none of them caused her serious trouble. but isn't that the point? you call her an effective home secretary, but this was all going on while theresa may, now the pm, was the home secretary. i mean, this whole windrush saga goes to the heart of what she called the perception of nasty party, doesn't it? most people agree with theresa may when she says that we should bear down, in a firm but fair way, on illegal immigration. the problem with this is that windrush was nothing to do with that, and it has got caught up in that, and it undermines values
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which britain has stood for all around the world, which we are respected for. and it is that that windrush has done such terrible damage to. if you listen to someone like david lammy, who i thought in the house of commons, notwithstanding what he said about tory ministers, but what he said about the scandal of windrush and its effect on britain, i thought he was absolutely right. she also seems to inadvertently make life a debate that the pm herself assumed was closed, when she started talking about the position on british membership of the customs union. i mean, she has invited speculation that it might now change, hasn't she? i think she has cleared that up, it was her misfortune that she was doing a press gallery lunch today of all days, but, you know, rather
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than undermine her, we should all support. i don't think there is any question whatsoever of her resigning. on this point, though, doesn't it alert you to the fact that, clearly, someone very close to the pm was not entirely sure of her mindset now on this question of customs union membership? i imagine that amber rudd was very focused on the home office issues, and she was likely blindsided by that question, but before she had left the lunch, she corrected it on twitter. andrew mitchell, thank you. one more story before we leave domestic politics alone — downing street has confirmed tonight they will be hosting us president donald trump for a working visit injuly. the news comes fresh after the state visit of french president emmanuel macron — who was welcomed with open arms — and tender gestures that possibly spooked the special relationship. nick watt is here. talk us through this change, it was originally going to be
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a state visit, now i do not know who call this a downgrade or shift to a working visit. yes, no state banquet, no horse—drawn carriage for donald trump, but he will get to meet the queen. but crucially, because it is a working visit, he won't be meeting, as i understand it, jeremy corbyn, because normally during a state visit the visiting head of state meet the leader of the opposition, and that means you're going to avoid a rather awkward diplomatic encounter, becausejeremy corbyn had said that he was happy to meet donald trump, i will take to the finsbury park mosque in my constituency. what kind of reaction from the government tonight? i am hearing from a ministry was particularly critical of a state visit, and this visit, the minister is saying, great, lots to talk about, iran, syria, korea, trade, and this minister told me, actually, it is working out well. nothing to do with emmanuel macron, or did that push it over the edge? i had that donald trump was talking about this visit quite openly at the st patrick's day celebrations
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in the middle of march in the white house, so not a great surprise. thank you very much indeed. in just a few hours, 9.30am tomorrow local time, kim jong—un will become the first north korean leader to cross the border into the south since the end of the korean war. in fact, a newswire hasjust dropped reporting that kim has left pyongyang to head on his way. it'll be the first meeting between leaders from the two countries in more than a decade. the talks begin an hour later in the village of panmunjom. this summit comes ahead of much anticipated bilateral talks between kim and president trump, in may. the talks focus on nothing less than denuclearisation, but some warn it is unlikely the north korean leader will ever be serious about giving up his weapons. john sweeney has reported before from inside north korea. here's his take on kim's game. half a century ago, kim jong—un's grandad had played host in pyongyang to china.
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say what you like about north korea family tyranny, they kill people, but they do know how to throw a welcome party. two generations down the track and the adulation for the living god remains strong. kim jong—un's disciples still think he walks on water. kim iii is the most totalitarian ruler on earth. but do not underestimate the cunning of kimjong—un. or the fact he is heir to a family tyranny that puts regime non—change above all. no north korean in the country dare say what they think about kim jong—un. ju—young park is a defector, so she can. but at stake is the denuclearisation of the korean peninsulas.
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it is worth trading with the devil for that, surely? i think the prospects are not good and they have escalated, inflated levels of expectation and will only contribute to disappointment if and when it collapses. but it is a good one, considering where we were at the back end of next year. we still need to be realistic about where we're going and the risk of conflict and war is still there but this is an opportunity to start taking a different course. the question remains, how reliable is the word of the government of north korea? usually pretty reliable, i think but you have to read it carefully. if they have promised to do a particular thing, they will do exactly that thing and no more. you have to look at the bounds with which it applies. if you look at the missile and nuclear test moratorium they have announced.
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it is valid for so long as until they try and reverse it when circumstances change. equally their commitment not to use nuclear weapons is contingent on not having a nuclear threat from the us. they think the threat exists all the time as long as us nuclear weapons exist, so you have to read them pretty carefully. his one reason why all the dove like talk from pyongyang might not be all it is cracked up to be. after colonel gaddafi was butchered by his own people, north korea's agency commented that libya suffered regime change because it handed over its weapons of mass destruction. not so long ago, north korea was boasting of its h—bomb ofjustice. superficial gestures towards peace aside, the kim's dynasty long—term goal of regime survival hasn't changed.
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that means that donald trump may be being played for a sucker. joining me now to discuss is former clinton cabinet secretary and former us ambassador to the united nations bill richardson. he has also served as a us emissary to north korea and visited the country multiple times. president trump will meet them both in may — do you believe donald trump is being played do you have optimism about that? over the years i have been pessimistic about any prospects of peace. at this summit and who is running the show, i am encouraged and optimistic. i think you will see tomorrow a lot of symbolism, pageantry and i am hearing kimjong—un is going to cross
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the dmz and shake the hand of the south korean. symbolically, i think it will be more important pageantry than substance, but nonetheless, i don't think president trump is going to be played. i worry we are not going to be prepared. i have negotiated with the north koreans, they are very skilful, relentless. they are very focused and they have an agenda. i worry we are creating too many expectations that they will denuclearisation they will not do that, certainly not up the first meeting. what do you think the agenda of theirs is then? their agenda is, kimjong—un want security, he doesn't want to get knocked off or topple. he wants sanctions lifted. they have been biting the north korean economy. he wants to deal as the big guy with the united states, not china, not south korea, notjapan, but north korea and kim jong—un. and last, i think he has got something up his sleeve in terms of the nuclear rising,
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but just settling on freezing on a moratorium. not necessarily do nuclear rising. if he does, he will want a big, big economic package from the worst that will make the marshall plan after world war ii seem very minute. what do you think donald trump and his administration will settle for at this stage? that is what i am unsure of. we barely got a secretary of state confirm today and we don't have an ambassador to south korea. i worry about the president's tweets shooting from the hip. i want us to have a plan, an agenda but simply by the two meeting, it is positive. you couldn't get any worse in the last year with north korea missile tests, tensions in south korea, nuclear test, artillery pointing at south korea and japan. the european union very concerned. i think there is great optimism
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in terms of achieving something. what i want achieved is a process of negotiation with a timeline, maybe 2020, 2023 were both sides agree a process to notjust lessen tensions but possibly do nuclear is but i think that will be very remote. when you have 60 nuclear weapons or 20 that kimjong—un has, key is going to be and verification. can you see donald trump, in his own way, has got further than any other previous us administration has with north korea? i give credit to the administration for working with china on increasing sanctions. i give credit to the president in agreeing to the summit with kim jong—un. what i don't like is the tweeting, the insults, what i think is a lack
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of preparation saying he will denuclearisation up you don't want to do that, you don't want to box the other side in, you don't want to insult the other side. i think traditional diplomacy, like you british are so good that, the european union is what is needed, not real estate negotiations. although, i am giving the president credit on this issue. but i disagree with a lot of his other foreign policy initiatives. thank you. the washington post has called it one of the most thundering falls from grace in american cultural history. bill cosby is tonight facing jail. nobody had heard of andrea costand before she accused the much loved tv sitcom celebrity and multimillionaire of sexual assault. and perhaps that is the point. today cosby was found guilty of three counts of aggravated indecent assault —
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his word against the woman who stood before him and accused him of drugging and assaulting her more than a decade ago. a number of other women who accuse bill cosby of assault, and one of the accused gave her reaction outside the courthouse. i feel like my faith in humanity is restored. this is a big dream, not just for the commonwealth of pennsylvannia, not just for the victim in the case, andrea constand, notjust for the 62 of us publically known survivors of bill cosby‘s drug facilitated sexual crimes against women, but it's also a victory for all sexual assault survivors, female and male. it is a victory for womanhood. the district attorney for montgomery county in philadelphia, kevin steele, told a news conference that cosby had used his celebrity, wealth and power over decades to abuse women. he used his celebrity, he used his wealth, he used his network of supporters to help him conceal his crimes. and now we really know today who was behind that act,
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who the real bill cosby was. the bbc‘s nay—da tawfik is outside the court in pennsylvania for us. how big a moment is this? how big a moment does it feel? andrea costand didn't speak but her lawyer dead and she said justice was delayed but it wasn't denied. for several bill cosby‘s about users who have been here every day, they are overjoyed. they still have smiles on their faces and they say, it feels like women are finally being bullied, they are finally getting the attention they deserve in terms of having their stories be believed against rich and powerful men and so a very emotional moment. i think what is interesting in all of this, we have seen, even someone as cherished and loved as bill cosby was in american culture, he kind of epitomised this moralfigure, america's favourite dad. even someone like that with the rise of the #metoo movement and society changing how they view victims, from doubting their stories to believing them, women are finally
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seeing there can be justice and it is worthwhile to come and speak out. so this trial has been seen as a victory. thank you very much. bill cosby‘s lawyer has said he will fight that verdict. american singer—songwriter amanda palmer joins us from new york. your reaction to these verdicts? i am overwhelmed with oceans, just listening to the clip you played. i feel immense amount of happiness and solidarity and joy for all of the women who have been waiting for this decision and to finally just feel the flood of relief and justice. i posted to my twitter and one of my followers said, as a female who were sexually
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abused in childhood, i cry each time a heinous perpetrator is found accountable and my soul takes over and i feel relief for everybody who was a victim. i feel gratitude for the fighters and i feel the same way, as someone who has also experienced sexual assault. thank god, it is time. is it important that he is such a major, cultural celebrity figure. the washington post calling it the biggest fall from grace in american cultural history. is it relevant to this? it is relevant because of the media attention, but it is so important to constantly remember this is happening at every single level of society. the media is always crazy and american media in some corners has been doing a pretty good job
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in the last six months or so, articles in the guardian and the new york times, constantly reminding us we're watching celebrities talk about this, but this is happening to all women everywhere, notjust up there, notjust over here, notjust white women, notjust brown women, notjust actresses, it is this insidious cultural sickness that we are hopefully starting to meet out. do you sense this has been prompted by the #metoo movement? would it have happened anyway? do you think #metoo has changed the way, if you like, the law is dealing outjustice? i think like any giant movement like the civil rights movement, all sorts of movements, everything is coming to light. the internet has been a gigantic factor in this. what i have watched happening gradually over the last 20 years,
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when women can actually communicate with one another and compare notes, you are just seeing this constant recognition of wait a second, i thought it was just me, i thought i was crazy. this happened to you? we are all not crazy. culture has made it impolite, impossible... just, you know, the connections haven't been happening, the truth hasn't been getting bridged. all of these women have been sitting in silence. you see it happening all over when a flood gate opens, millions of women are putting up their hands and going, i am glad i wasn't crazy amat hopefully will continue to happen. thank you very much. the strong man of europe, hungary's victor orban, and his party fidesz have won
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a resounding third term victory in this month's hungarian parliamentary elections. the one time anti—communist and pro—europe activist who embraced democracy and europe in 1989 has changed his appeal. he now wants to create an "illiberal democracy" in hungary, threatening the very pillars of a democracy — freedom of the press, independence of courts, and harassing the civil groups who challenge his new agenda. his election campaign focused on a single message — the need to stop migration and defend hungary from outsiders. allan little, the bbc‘s special correspondent who reported on the changes in 1989, has returned to hungary to look at the inherent dangers both hungary and the european project face. music plays. what happened to the democratic promise of 1989, that exhilarating new dawn?
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that moment when the great civilisations of central europe escaped the cold embrace of soviet communism and came home to the west? on the banks of the danube, under the bewitching imperial rooftops of budapest, a new kind of european statehood is being built. it is democratic — but not as we know it. not remotely as western europe had hoped for and expected. there has been, for many years now, an ongoing campaign against independent civil society organisations in hungary. a populist leader is someone who says, "i represent the people," and then you use that mandate to go after the people's enemies, and the people's enemies may be a free press, the people's enemies may be a university, may be the courts. if hungary had had this system that it has now when it was applying tojoin the european union, would it have qualified? no.
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no, clearly no. hungary's ruling party have rejected the liberal democratic model that has shaped much of europe since the second world war. they see themselves as defending hungary from being bullied by the big powers of europe and by brussels into complying with liberal policies that they see as hostile to hungarian values. they talk of hungary as though it's facing a real existential threat and the need to defend the christian heritage upon which hungarian identity is based. they want democracy in hungary, for sure — just not liberal democracy. instead, they want what the prime minister himself calls "illiberal democracy". that has divided hungarian society along lines familiar to brexit britain. in the cities, the young, the educated, the professional middle classes accuse the government of a lurch to the authoritarian right, of taming thejudiciary,
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bringing the media under government control, of clamping down on any form of organised dissent. they see it as a betrayal of the democratic promise hungary embraced in 1989. in the summer of that year, months before the fall of the berlin wall, hungarians organised what they called a pan—european picnic on the border with austria. then, suddenly, unexpectedly, they did something unthinkable for four decades. they tore down their section of the iron curtain, the first nation to open the gates. the ao—year—old division of europe was breached — hungary was open to the west, the emotional impact was huge. you know, it was, for us, the fence of ourjail.
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laszlo nagy was one of the activists behind the picnic. he joined viktor orban in the fight against communism back then and has remained loyal ever since. you must have known that you were risking a jail sentence by doing this. yes, you know, because when i heard this, i was standing there with my car, and i received information, and i was thinking, and i knew that there was a law, that for being helpful in illegal border crossing you could get two to five years' jail. what did that moment mean? was it about embracing western—style democracy, or was it something more visceral, an act of national awakening? western europe, through the high life standards, became a post—modern system. nation is not so important, identity is not so important, the private freedom is much bigger value than traditions.
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in our territory, and this is not a hungarian issue, this is an eastern central europe issue, for us, identity is very important. national identity. national identity and our culture is very important, orban's main appeal is not to democracy, but to the idea of the nation. the campaign was dominated by anti—immigrant sentiment, the fear that hungary is at risk of being overrun. orban asked for and won an overwhelming mandate to preserve hungary, its heritage and culture for the hungarians. in europe, if we speak about christianity, we speak not only about the church, we speak about the cultural heritage
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of europe, and we would like to represent these values and remain to this cultural heritage. the campaign turned this man, george soros, hungarian—born billionaire and philanthropist, into a national hate figure. for 25 years, soros has funded organisations that champion liberal democracy. that made him an open critic of orban's government. the anti—soros rhetoric was fierce and unrelenting, the implication was unmistakable — attack orban and you are attacking hungary itself. the fidesz government has promised a series of new measures to crack down on the activity soros funds, including the central european university, or ceu, which soros funded in budapest in 1991. the simple reason the authorities don't like ceu is not that we are an ngo, it's not that we are the opposition, it's not that we are trying
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to resist the government. it's simply that we are a free institution that doesn't take orders from the government. and we are one of the very few free institutions in the country. this is a government that has substantial control over the media, substantial control over the courts, substantial control over public opinion, substantial control over the economy. and we are not the last person standing, but one of them, and because we are a free institution, we are a problem. everywhere now there is a growing fear that speaking out against the fidesz government carries a cost. the hungarian helsinki committee is a human rights organisation that, among other things, helps refugees. it's also foreign—funded. it has been publicly denounced by the governing party as hostile to hungary. it knows it too will be targeted by the government's "stop soros" plans.
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we are described as an agent of george soros. we are said to be complicit in global conspiracy, where the european institutions in brussels, soros and civil society activists and groups are wanting to drive millions of migrants, muslim migrants, to europe and hungary with the aim of destroying our culture, cultural and religious legacy and identity. the migrant issue should be one of the most important issues in the next decades — in europe and all around the world. and therefore we have to have a policy about migration, and we can expect other opinion from other countries, because it belongs to the national level in the european union.
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but we expect that the other countries have to respect also our democratic decision. it is striking that the most intense anti—migrant sentiment in europe is in the country that, after the crisis of 2015, has so successfully locked migrants out. hungary's borders are now so tightly guarded that it's all but impossible to enter the country illegally. hungary has very few immigrants — it is one of the most ethnically uniform nations in europe, so how exactly are foreign—funded ngos helping illegal migration? in hungary, there are 60,000 ngos, which are operating, existing. we are speaking about less than 1% of the ngos, and only ten or 20 who support not only the migration, but also the illegal migration, and we would like to stop this activity, but we speak only about the illegal migration. but what are ngos doing to support
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that illegal migration? there are lots... i wouldn't like to say the name of the ngos, because i wouldn't like to choose one or other ngos, but you can find a lot of articles in hungary which describe this situation. but ngos are still supporting, in your view, illegal migration? yeah, i think so. a few days after this month's election, the fiercely pro—government newspaper figyelo published a list of names of people said to be working against hungary for the foreign agents george soros. marta pardavi of the helsinki committee found her name among them. the hungarian government is going after people who have been standing up for democracy, for their views, for the rights to freedom of expression, but also can target anybody else they choose to.
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and i think it sends a very clear message to a lot of people not to speak up, to become intimidated. you find the same concerns among hungary's judges. many are now convinced that the ruling party has created a judiciary that is no longer independent of the government. we spoke to severaljudges — all expressed concern but declined to speak publicly. one agreed. translation: there is a general climate of fear that they can do anything to us judges. in certain types of cases, maybe one involving a foreign currency loan, or refugees, or referring to a politician from any of the parties, the judge may think he or she is expected to rule in a certain way because of the general climate, which suggests he should rule in a certain way. this pressure definitely exists. tunde hando became head of the nationaljudiciary office in 2012. her husband is a founding member of fidesz and leads the party in the european parliament.
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her appointment is widely perceived to have politicised the previously independent judiciary. so you're saying that the judiciary in hungary is now largely controlled by a fidesz party loyalist? yes, clearly. and it's very dangerous, because all development issues of the administration of the judiciary, for example appointment ofjudges, selecting the leaders of thejudiciary, the remuneration ofjudges, are decided by the head of the office. viktor orban's electoral success creates a new reality — hungary is pulling away from the founding ideals of the european project, turning its back on traditional liberal democracy and offering europe something else, his own avowedly illiberal model. my issue with viktor orban, and ceu's issue with viktor orban is not whether he has a mandate, but what democracy is.
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the question will have to be asked, if you have a european member state that doesn't subscribe to core european values, what do you do? nobody knows whether europe will cross that bridge, but if it doesn't, said by somebody who loves europe, europe may not survive. i agree 100% with viktor orban that the european union could work much better if strong nations would be the members. if the reform is not coming, i am telling you that the european union will fall apart, and that would be a very bad thing, because as i said, the european union, the idea, was the best political idea in the history of europe. but we are not carrying out this project well. viktor orban has won a third consecutive term.
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his retreat from the open society values on which the european union has been built is, for his critics, a retreat from democracy itself. that that retreat has been endorsed by the people at the ballot box is the paradox at the heart of european populism. that's all from us, kirsty‘s here tomorrow. till then, goodnight. good evening. it has been another day of sunshine and scattered showers around and temperature certainly much cooler than they were a week 01’ so ago. this picture comes from one of our weather watchers in lossiemouth in moray. it shows some blue skies and also some shower clouds. we will continue to see some of those showers, here's the recent radar picture, particularly across the north of scotland, that's where
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the heaviest of the showers are. elsewhere, showers easing away but from the south—west, you will notice this area of rain moving in so for the early hours of friday, some bursts of heavy rain across south wales and the south—west of england too. further north under the clearer skies, quite a chilly night ahead, particularly across parts of scotland, with some possible grass frost. friday dominated an area of low pressure heading in from the south—west, bringing some wet and windy weather. patchy rain slowly pushing further eastwards across much of england and wales. if we take a look at friday morning, in more detail, that rain could be producing some fairly heavy bursts across parts of cornwall, devon, south wales too. patchy rain also through the midlands right up towards parts of yorkshire too. patchy rain will be pushing its way from west to east across england and wales but there will be a few interludes, particularly towards the south—east. further north across the country, a better day for the far north of england, scotland and northern ireland. a mix of sunny spells and one or two scattered showers. temperatures not great
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for the time of year. some of us under that cloud, around 8 or 9 degrees. through the course of the weekend, that unsettled theme continues. sunshine and showers, quite a cool breeze. more rain arriving in the south—east as we end the weekend. we'll look at that in a moment. here's saturday, a cloudy day for much of england and wales. remnants of some rain likely in the far south—east early on, then it dries up for a time, more sunshine towards the north and west, sunny spells and a few scattered showers for northern ireland, northern england and scotland. temperatures between around 9—13 degrees and during sunday, a similar day across england and wales, again quite cloudy and fewer showers for scotland and northern ireland but you could catch one or two and again, those temperatures pretty cool really for the time of year. around 9—12 degrees on sunday. then it looks like more persistent rain works in from south—east all down this area of low pressure, pushing from france. could lead to some fairly heavy rain. do keep tuned in for your latest forecast. goodbye. i'm mariko oi in south korea.
11:58 pm
the headlines: we are just moments away from an historic summit between the two koreas — the first time a north korean leader has crossed the border since the korean war. so can the south convince kimjong—un to give up his nuclear weapons? i'm ben bland in london. also in the programme: bill cosby is found guilty of sexual assault, in a retrial of charges brought against him. but his lawyer says the fight isn't over. and president trump's first trip to the uk is confirmed, but without the pomp and circumstance of a state visit.
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