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tv   BBC News  BBC News  August 25, 2018 4:00pm-4:31pm BST

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to run that risk. to run that you to run that risk. to run that risk because marriage is a risk too, but it is worthwhile taking that risk for one‘s old life because that is what love is. we know that love is god's dream for us we know that love is god's dream for us and the whole human family. please, never forget that. us and the whole human family. please, neverforget that. god has a dream for us anti—assad is to make it our own, so do not be afraid of that dream. —— for us and he asks us to. cherish it, and dream it every single day. in this way, you will be able to support each other with hope, strength and forgiveness. at those moments, when the path becomes difficult, when it becomes hard to
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see the road ahead. in the bible, god commits himself to remaining faithful to his covenant, even when we grieve him or when we grow weak in our love. what is god saying to people in the bible? he tells us, i will never feel you, nor forsake you, and you are as husband and wife, anoint one another with those words of promise, everyday for the rest your lives. —— will never fail you. and never stop dreaming. rest your lives. —— will never fail you. and neverstop dreaming. in your heart, always say those words, repeat those words, i will never feel you are forsake you. —— will neverfail feel you are forsake you. —— will never fail you. feel you are forsake you. —— will
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neverfail you. stephen feel you are forsake you. —— will never fail you. stephen and jordan are never fail you. stephen and jordan a re newlyweds never fail you. stephen and jordan are newlyweds and be as comedian very important question of how pa rents very important question of how pa re nts ca n very important question of how parents can pass the faith onto their children. i know the church in ireland has carefully and accurately prepared catechism programmes for teaching the faith in schools and parishes. this is, of course, essential, yet the first and the most important place for passing on the faces the home. —— on the faith is. that is where you learn how to believe, at home. through the quiet ba ilet believe, at home. through the quiet bailet example of parents who love the lord and trust in his words. we
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can call it the domestic church, our home. it is there that children learn the meaning of fidelity, honesty, integrity and sacrifice. they see how their mother and father interact with each other, how they ca re interact with each other, how they care for each other. and for others. how do you love god and how they love the church. —— how they. in this way, children can breed the gospel this way, children can breed the gospel, and learn to act in a way thatis gospel, and learn to act in a way that is worthy of the faith that they have inherited. the faith, my brothers and sisters, is passed on around the family table, at home. in ordinary conversation, in the language that persevering love alone
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knows how to speak. do not ever forget that, brothers and sisters. the faith is transmitted in dialect, the dialect spoken at home, the dialect of the family life. think about the seven brothers of the maccabees, and how the mother would speak to them in dialect as she would speak to them in the language that they had learned as little children. it is more difficult. it can be done, but it is more difficult to receive the faith u nless more difficult to receive the faith unless it has been received in that mother tongue, as it were, at home, in dialect. i am tempted to speak to
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you about an of mine, one that i had when i was a child. is it is useful, ican when i was a child. is it is useful, i can share. i remember one time, i must have been five years old, i went home and in the dining room, my dad was coming in from work. and he got in right before me, and i saw my mother and my father kissing. i will never forget that. it was beautiful. he was so tired, coming in from work, but he had the strength to
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express the love that he had for his wife. may your children see you in that way, may they see you kiss and embrace. it is beautiful, because that way they will learn. they will learn the dialect of love. and faith. they will learn about faith through that dialect of love. so, it is important to pray together as a family. speak of good and holy things, like our mother mary enter into yourfamily life. things, like our mother mary enter into your family life. celebrate the christian people. may your children know what a family celebration is all about. live aid in deep solidarity with those who suffer and
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are at the margins of society, and may your children learn. this is another story i would like to share with you. i once met a lady who had three children aged seven, five and three, more or less. and she had a good marriage. they were a good couple. they had a lot of faith, the pa rents. couple. they had a lot of faith, the parents. and they would teach their children to help the poor. because thatis children to help the poor. because that is what they did, they help to the pereira a lot. and once they we re the pereira a lot. and once they were having lunch, the mother and three children, the father was away working and someone knocked at the door. —— the poor. the eldest got up to open the door and he said, mum, there is a paramount. they were
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eating steak. cutlets, they were really tasty. —— there is a poor man at the door. what shall we do? he said, give them, there were some that were left over. the mother took a knife and she started cutting the cutlets in half. she said, do not give our cutlets, give the leftovers. she said, you do not give leftovers, you give them food from your plates. that woman of faith taught her children to give what they had to deeper. —— to the poor. all of these things can be done at home when you speak the language and the dialect of faith. so your
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children will learn from you, how to live as christians. you will be their first teachers in the faith. you will be transmitting your faith to them. the virtues and the truth that the lord teaches us are not a lwa ys that the lord teaches us are not always popular in today's world, and sometimes the lawjust asks us to do things that are not popular. today's world has little use for the week, the vulnerable, and all those that it deems unproductive. —— the weak. the world tells us to be strong and independent, with little care for those who are law on our side, rejected or sick, not yet born or dying. ina
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rejected or sick, not yet born or dying. in a moment, iwill go, privately, to meet some families that are facing real challenges and hardship, but they have been shown great love and support by the fathers. our world needs a of love. you see, we are living in the midst ofa you see, we are living in the midst of a storm. we are living in an atmosphere characterised by personal interest and selfishness. but the world needs a revolution of love. may that revolution begin with you and your families. a may that revolution begin with you and yourfamilies. a few may that revolution begin with you and your families. a few months ago, someone and your families. a few months ago, someone told me that we are losing oui’ someone told me that we are losing our ability to love. slowly but surely, we are forgetting the direct language of the caress and the
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strength of tenderness. it is as if the word tenderness had been deleted from all dictionaries. there will be no revolution of love without a revolution of tenderness. and through your example, may your children be guided to become a kinder, more loving, more faith filled generation for the renewal of the church and all of irish society. in this way, your love, which is god's gift, will sink ever deeper roots. no family can grow if it forgets its roots. children will not
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grow in love if they do not learn how to communicate with their grandparents. so let your love sink deep roots. let's neverforget grandparents. so let your love sink deep roots. let's never forget that all the flowers on the tree come from what is buried beneath. that is a poem written by an argentine poet. iam doing a poem written by an argentine poet. i am doing a bit of advertising for my own country. together with the pope, may the families of the whole church represented this afternoon here by couples old and young, give thanks to god for the gift of faith, and the grace of christian marriage. in turn, let us promise the lard
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that we will serve the coming of his kingdom of holiness, justice and peace, by fidelity to the voters that we have made and by our stea dfastness that we have made and by our steadfastness in that we have made and by our stea dfastness in love. that we have made and by our steadfastness in love. —— by the vows steadfastness in love. —— by the vows that we have. thank you. thank you for this. so, a lengthy speech from pope francis at st mary's cathedral in dublin. going off script, much longer than the speech that was released to us in advance. the crowd enjoying a couple ofjokes. there
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was a mother—in—lawjoke in there. he was saying that they are wise as well. and seeing that couples can throw dishes at each other, but makepeace by the end of the day. he spokein makepeace by the end of the day. he spoke in that speech about deep solidarity with people on the edges of society. there was no specific context of who he was talking about. let's listen briefly to this prayer. protect ourfamilies. god bless you off. —— god bless you all. so pope francis talking about the
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family for this portion of his visit to ireland. very much talking about the traditionalfamily to ireland. very much talking about the traditional family model. with me to reflect on the visit so far i have the director of in this dms —— amnesty international here in ireland. as well as a survivor of abuse by a priest. are you still waiting for justice? abuse by a priest. are you still waiting forjustice? thankfully i've been able to find a bit ofjustice ina require been able to find a bit ofjustice in a require rehear. i successfully sued the church here in ireland. i also exceed one of pope francis's predecessors. we knew that he had been made aware of the abuse. and
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that the church had known about this priest being in abuser before they ordained him. he received diplomatic immunity. since i've been calling on hopes to tell the truth of what they knew of how their institution worked willfully, deliberately to cover up the crimes of clergy. this was a cover up the crimes of clergy. this was a cover up that was underpinned by the laws of the church. it was not an accident. it was not because they did not have knowledge or information, it was intentional and deliberate. to this day, no pope including pope francis, has acknowledged that. it was said today that pope francis did take the opportunity to acknowledge the shame of clergy sex abuse. i would agree
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with the assessment, but frankly i am bored and irritated by popes and cardinals talking in terms of shame and pain. talking about their feelings. you have heard it all before? this is not about their feelings. this is aboutjustice, this is about truth and love and asking the pope to care enough about those principles to tell the truth and so far they have not done that. i think the comments that pope francis made here were quite extraordinary. there were some elements that i would say were repugnant. at one point he spoke about how the failure of a ecclesiastic authorities and he referenced priest, clergy —ish herbs and others, he did not say who they were. and to deal properly with these crimes were pain and shame across the community. he is
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implicating normal catholics that they should somehow be ashamed about they should somehow be ashamed about the crimes and cover—up of the church. and then he said i also feel the same feelings. it is not about his feelings. it is about the conduct of the institution. the need for them to tell the truth and be properly accountable. that is not a big ask. you do not so confident that your grade to hear anything more concrete. so that your grade to hear anything more concrete. so far we that your grade to hear anything more concrete. so far we have had reports that the letter the pope said was exhaustive. again he did not reset except ability —— except responsibility. if the pope is saying that is exhaustive, he is either a fool or a liar. and he is not a fool. so at some point, we
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need to start calling out that frances is now getting very close to lying by willful omission. his predecessors lied. he is getting very close to lying by willful omission. i want to talk about what you have planned for tomorrow, but before we do that it might be worth drawing attention to the appointment ofa drawing attention to the appointment of a mexican cardinal to arch bishop. yes he was appointed by june ——injune bishop. yes he was appointed by june —— injune this year. let's look at his appointments. rivera this week said that people like me who challenge the church should be ashamed. we should be very careful because we have skeletons in our cupboards and we should be careful oi’ cupboards and we should be careful or we will stop on our long tails. he is calling us devils. there is another cardinal in the us who has not been sanctioned for this. he
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said that the majority of abuse were homosexual acts committed with adolescent boys. we have a cardinal saying this week that if i was raped at 14 saying this week that if i was raped at 1a by saying this week that if i was raped atili bya saying this week that if i was raped at 1a by a priest, that was not rape. that was homosexual activity with a priest. we heard that frances is on the side of victims. please show me how. because right now, his bishops and others are fighting tooth and nail efforts to change the law to allow those victims's access to justice. if he was on the side of victims, he would not be here right now. he would be in pennsylvania, he would have fired those bishops and instructed the lawyers not to fight the access, but to worked to secure access for those victims. we have lots of words, most of which do not meana lots of words, most of which do not mean a lot, no responsibility and no action. tell me what you are planning for tomorrow. , tamara what
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we're doing not have a protest, but we're doing not have a protest, but we asked for something from the pope. we want to come together and stand in the truth of what we know. there is not a family in this country that has not been touched by the abuse perpetrated by members of the abuse perpetrated by members of the church and facilitated by the institutional church. the fact that the cover—up is known. we are inviting people to come and meet with us to stand in the truth of this. it is a rally forjustice and love. this is a changed country. this is a country now were no pope, bishops can enforce their dogma on the people in this state. we will stand in truth and solidarity. you are expecting big numbers? yes, we now have incredible artists and performers who are going to come and invoke the kind of energy we want in this base. we are expecting very
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significant numbers. i'm sure we will be covering that tomorrow here on the bbc news channel. thank you very much for your time. we appreciate you talking to us. meanwhile, the pope is back in the popemobile travelling through central dublin. going to his next engagement where he will be meeting privately with homeless families. he is travelling south away from the cathedral. he will cross over at some point before this next engagement. he is choosing again to stand rather than sit in the popemobile. the a2 one—year—old pontiff. —— the 18 one—year—old pontiff. —— the 18 one—year—old pontiff. we are seeing bigger crowds
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here then we did on the route he travelled earlier. where the crowds we re travelled earlier. where the crowds were fairly sparse, more significant numbers here. the irish police are estimated to an estimating there are around 100,000 people here out on the streets. this is a much smaller reception than what was seen for the visit ofjohn paul ii in 1979 when there was adulation, massive traffic jams, millions of people coming to see him either travelling around in the popemobile or the venues where he spoke. significant numbers, but nothing of that order. and that really reflects the changing relationship between the
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irish people, the irish catholic people and the church hierarchy. it isa people and the church hierarchy. it is a much more complex relationship asa is a much more complex relationship as a result of the scandals that have emerged in the years since 1979. it is a much less deferential relationship, but about three quarters of the population still identify as catholic. it is a reduction in the numbers who would have said they were catholic back in 1979. we're talking about 91, 90 2% back then. according to the last census, it was around 70% as i try to remember the exact figure. that is certainly reflected in the reception we are seeing for pope francis. we will see big crowds in
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the two big events that are happening in the evening. tonight and one part and tomorrow in another part. now he is on his way to meet with homeless families and we will continue to bring you coverage of pope francis in ireland's. hello, away from scotland it is a bank holiday weekend. we have gotten off toa bank holiday weekend. we have gotten off to a good start. equally we've had of views showers. here is tomorrow's weather. this is an earlier satellite picture. this cloud is going to bring something wetter and windier. through the afternoon into the evening, most of the showers will start to fade. a good part of the night will be
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dried, some clear spells before clouds start to build across wales northern ireland. it will be a cool night, not as chilly as last night. lows between seven and 11 celsius. tomorrow will be on sentinels —— u nsettled. tomorrow will be on sentinels —— unsettled. this weather front will be coming towards the east. it will bring some rain for many. it might bea dry bring some rain for many. it might be a dry and bright star in some eastern count dean's —— counties. some of the rain is likely to be heavy particularly over high ground. it will turn drive for northern ireland, the western isles of scotland, parts of wales, it will be a windy day. here the average speeds. the gusts will be higher, 30 01’ speeds. the gusts will be higher, 30 or a0 mph. it speeds. the gusts will be higher, 30 ora0 mph. it will speeds. the gusts will be higher, 30 or a0 mph. it will be a damp blustery day. temperatures getting up blustery day. temperatures getting up to 13 and 19 celsius. it is going to feel fairly cool because of the
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strength of the wind and rain which will still be us or a time. there might bea will still be us or a time. there might be a little bit of showery rainfor might be a little bit of showery rain for scotland over the night. as we head into the bank holiday, it looks like it will be a similar day to today. sunny spells, scattering of showers, the wind slowly easing. in the sunshine it will be feeling warm. highs between 17 and 22 celsius. for most on tuesday, it should be a mainly dry day. some sunshine, but there will be some rains affecting western parts of scotland. that is all for me. goodbye. hello, this is bbc news. iam i am rebecca jones. the headlines: pope francis is in ireland for the first papal visit in almost a0 years. in a speech, he spoke of his shame at the failure of the catholic church to address the abuse of children by priests. translation: the failure
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of ecclesiastical authorities, bishops, religious superiors, priests and others adequately to address these repellent crimes remains a source of pain and shame for the catholic community. i myself share these sentiments. the government has announced plans for women in england to be allowed to take the second of an early abortion pill at home. currently they have to take both at a clinic.
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