tv Dateline London BBC News September 2, 2018 11:30am-12:01pm BST
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will reach an agreement to tackle concerns over anti—semitism hundreds of prison staff caught smuggling drugs, weapons and mobile phones into prisons more protests in the german city of kemnitz following the death of a german man alleged to have been killed by two migrants. those are your headlines. now it's time for dateline london. hello, and a warm welcome to dateline london, i'mjane hill. today we discuss whether there is positive news to report about the brexit negotiations, after some striking comments from michel barnier. we ask what is happening
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inside britain's labour party and, as autumn campaigning begins in earnest for the us midterms, look at the state of american politics. with me are: the columnist for the independent yasmin alibhai—brown. long—time correspondent for the new york timesjohn fisher burns, from france's le point, marc roche, who also spent many years at le monde and the guardian columnist nisreen malik. is there a glimmer of a brexit deal on the horizon? the eu's chief negotiator michel barnier suggested this week he was prepared to offer britain a partnership such as there had never been with any third country. the markets got very excited at the prospect. then britain s newish secretary of state for exiting the eu, dominic raab, after talks with michel barnier, said he s stubbornly optimistic that a deal is within reach. marc, your reading of the summers brexit—related activity...
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that there will be in agreement and that britain will become a fairly big dangerfor the eu. the new britain coming out of brexit will be. on michel barnier, rejoice. michel barnier is under pressure from all the governments in the year that are pro—eu. holland and belgium and france are lobbying to have the deal because they do not want chaos. there are the exporters like the german manufacturers who are very interested in the uk murky to keep it. michel barnier himself hopes
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to replace presidentjuncker because he wants to come out of history as the man who sold brexit. so rejoice, rejoice rejoice. i don't think so. also, i do not work for the independent. i work for the i newspaper. i have been reading some of the commentaries since all of this drama in the markets and there are quite a lot of serious voices saying he did not mean in the sense that it was taken that it will all be exactly what we want. the irish question
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remains very strong. i think one of the french ministers said britain is not going to be able to be able to pick the best choice bets and no immigration but yes to free trade. it is not what was made out. you saw the cold water coming down very quickly. you are all doom and gloom, let's be optimistic. the agreement is in the interests of both parties to reach it. there will be people tweeting this programme already saying we have been saying that for more than a year while you sit to discuss it. john, your take on it. i think the most significant thing around this table is that marc has changed his position and is now accommodating of our brexit deal. it is welcome and i think there will be a deal and i felt for very long time will be a deal
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because has to be be deal. the costs of failure on both sides, as much on the side of the european union is on the side of the uk are too high to contemplate. i think events across europe such as the rise of the rights and issues of immigration have changed the landscape in which merkel and macron our dealing and they are not going to lead the irish border which all involves ten or 12 million of the 500 million people in the european union. they will come up with some sort of fudge which may be amended in time. we have ten weeks to go. who was it who said nothing concentrates the mind is a much of the prospect of being hanged in the morning? terrible, we agreed
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for the first time. what is going to happen potentially is that i do not think there will be this amazing deal ever was very happy with zero of other bi deal which the british or the eu will be unhappy with. i think what is likely is that particularly on the irish border because it will be too awkward if not resolved in time there will be a phase because that is this period after brexit, and auditorium where things can be retroactively edgier, they do not work. even although there is this very hard deadline of about november on things like the irish border because that is for a five months before the deadline of march 2019 they can come up with the transitional fudge and what appeared to be unworkable solutions.
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i do not think they are eminently solvable. there are a lot of practical problems around. statements were made around the good friday agreement before do was signed in saying it was too difficult. it included a lot of fudge which is mostly bought for 20 years swiping to do the solvable problem. you're not talking about the extremists within the tory party. there is an extremist wing in the tory party and we know are. they do not want to deal. they want a no deal exit. we were referencing michel barnier. what about the argument that the eu does not want to encourage other countries to leave? that is still a psychological problem. you do not want to make it too easy.
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that has been the argument. even the italians, the fascist italy now have a reluctance to even mention quitting the eu. i think the message is to have a deal. we can't have in britain a second referendum. iam becoming british. we can't have a second referendum because no parties left or right wanted and the public does not want it. the latest polls show that the public wants it. let's not go down that route. it is three hours of a separate programme. the argument that the eu countries don't want to encourage further separations could be turned on its head and said that they want to avoid that in the face of the rise of the right
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across europe, especially on the issue of immigration, they're going to have to make this less of a straitjacket and make concessions that will encourage people to stay as well as to punish them for leaving. one very quick point. there is this topic of the eu wanting to punish button so it is harder for other european countries. the risks of brexit the risk of leaving the eu are very clear within the eternal divisions in the uk. the eu does need to do very little to show it is a bad idea. it has been divisive and racially hurtful. it has been divisive and economically it has been really damaging so the way it is played out organically within the uk over the past couple of years practically shows it is valid.
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where is the evidence for that? the figures i see do not support that. there was an investment report 48 hours ago that showed that the uk continues even these uncertain times to attract far more foreign direct investment than the rest of the world. we are seven weeks away from the eu summit in october which is when both sides have said they want agreement. we will return to this in subsequent problems. we will be watching. to no avail. he and others don t want britain to feel disenchanted and therefore in britain, what is happening inside her majesty s opposition? the row about anti—semitism within labour isn t abating. this week frank field — who s been a labour mp since 1979 and a party memberfor 60 years — resigned from it, citing anti—semitism and a culture of bullying.
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the deputy leader warned the resignation was a sign of the party s drift, and reflected its deep divisions. yasmin, his resignation is about more than just anti—semitism, but is tom watson right that this is a wake up call? i don't think frank field is a wake—up call. his presence has been problematic. i do think the labour party is mishandled the situation. it has let it drift politically for so long. it has become noxious with the result was no way out of it. i do not know who is advising jeremy corbyn. he is not an anti—semite. the noxious fumes are engulfing the party and in that sense, watson was right. going back to frank field, to see him supposedly martyring himself on this. he has been good on some aspects
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of business etc but he has been vehemently anti—immigration. in 2008 a bishop in england said he was an enoch powell of our times. he is a nativist. because of the way it has been mishandled the situation will create further flames. do people around the table echo the point that the labour party has allowed the row about anti—semitism to carry on for too long? we have all been talking about this for a good few months now. it is a distraction, isn't it? the frank field of who you speak is not the frank field line although i do not
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know him personally. it is not the frank field deeply respected by the many people who are there in parliament. for eight years he sent e—mails.... he is against immigrants. a broader point about the state of the party. someone who came to his understanding about what underlies the founding of the state of israel in the television series which is about 14 or 15 hours and akin to a deep understanding. and the poor understanding. i understand there is such sensitivity. they need to make sure they are not closing off debate including debate that does include the right of israel. it is a strong state and it can defend itself so i think that
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will have to be a compromise. we would like to see the labour party being in opposition and have an economic policy. i would like them to develop that. what is a position of the labour party and brexit? i think as soon as this issue is solved and labour becoming the opposition to a weak and divisive government. i do not think we should fixate on frank field's personal history on race or nativism or immigration. there is a serious bullying issue with the labour party. i have got the brunt of it completely randomly. there is a sense that things are out of control.
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there is an atmosphere of witchhunts and people are looking for traitors and saboteurs. at the moment if you talk to a certain type of labour activist about anti—semitism of the bullying the first response is do you not care about beating the tory party? the point is we should be about being against tory party and stick together and anybody who descends from that line is our traitor and instrumental icing bullying which leads us back to the same position again which is no one taking it seriously enough because they see it all as a way to undermine left and to undermine carbon and to strengthen
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the tory government and we're frank field is important, is that he is seen as a traitor because he propped up the conservative party on a vote where he was one of three labour rebels. i think it's wrong to see that these criticisms are personal. i think he is a nativist. his politics are nativist. any functional and healthy democracy needs a strong opposition, irrespective of political colour, that's the point, isn't it? with the exception of scotland, there are basically two parties dominating the political landscape. they got 83% of the vote and we need opposition.
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at the moment the government is getting away with murder. we will leave that for now. it ties in with brexit. therefore it will rear its head again. let's turn to the united states, and opinion poll suggests half of americans believe donald trump should be impeached. the poll was carried out in the week went to former staffers would be facing prison sentences forfinancial crimes. michael cohen, the former lawyer, implicated the president in election campaign fraud. as we enter september, that means the midterms are just two months away, they will determine whether the democrats retake control of congress. john, the opinion poll, the washington post and abc, we don't want to get bogged down, but it's striking because of the period when it was conducted. what is your reading of the mood?
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obviously, this is bad news for donald trump and his supporters, especially with the mid—term elections imminent. but i am old enough to remember the closest thing we have for a template in this, the last two years of richard nixon's presidency, when he was re—elected by a landslide and was done within 18 months, as i recall. as the prosecutorial and judicial processes moved against him and he decided to fly to san clemente rather than face a trial in the senate. i can see how the business of cohen, the obstruction ofjustice case that appears to be building, this could put intolerable pressure on trump. i wouldn't be surprised if he climbed on a helicopter. you think he could... one thing you can't doubt is that he has a pretty large ego. he won't admit criticism, this would be the most serious criticism he would face.
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wouldn't that make him a martyr? it right if he was uncertain of surviving an impeachment process in the senate that he would be better to leave and build a martyr‘s legend. it reminds me of a quote around the time when margaret thatcher was being challenged before she was deposed, the quote from one of her party members who said you can't hand margaret thatcher a gun, she will shoot you with it. she was supposed to go away quietly, and all she did was turn against her own, and donald trump will do that. if you hand him a gun, he will shoot his own people. if he sees the potential for impeachment, there's no way he won't run straight into it and turn it into a divisive process. he would use the american people to say, look, we came here, you voted for me, and the deep state, the american institutions that are against the common man
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are working against you. i think that is one of the reasons why the party are so low is to discuss impeachment. they are being very cowardly on trump. they know that if donald trump transmits its signal to its base, the apparatus of this machine that you voted against, that is no good for anyone. more than 63 million americans who voted for him, are they deserting him? evidently not. those polls have stayed steady. the people who voted for him for the breast but said they would do so again. yes, can he do what he promised in the election? there is another argument, that the economy is doing well. inheritance from obama.
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and the danger is that the democrats, not having a lead coming out of the woods at the moment, that we might be stuck at the end of the mandate with an economy doing well and a president, although contested, with a good economy, could be re—elected. that is why the democrats, i think, don't want the impeachment. so many of his supporters have guns. he has already started muttering that they will be a civil war. he has already said it. what we've read in the last week aboutjohn mccain, and his passing, and the enormous outpouring across republican and democratic parties across america, it struck me that it was very much, althouthohn mccain was a great man, in my view, as american politicians i came to know at all well, he would be
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high on the list of people i admire. it seems to me that behind that outpouring of affection, and admiration, lay a yearning to get back to a government that observes basic moral standards of the republic. i'm not sure i agree. i think there are two americas. there is the misty eyed america, the new york times columnists who think they will prevail, the shining city on the hill, and there's this glorification of cia and fbi, ex—vietnam vets. and then there is the other america which sees donald trump as a figure in a culture war. this is a man who is a lightning rod for resentment, be that racial or economic, or social, or personal. that's something you cannot defuse via politics. that is a straight psychological line. a pact between him and the base.
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it's not about politics, right or left, it's about all of these grievances that trump validates for people. that's the difficulty. and what they are for, if that is the case, what should be, what will be the democrat's tactics? the democrats need an analog to donald trump. they need a culture warrior. they need a clinton, a sort of man who can, relate to the working class white, or black working class. was seen, at the moment, completely lost and feasting this issue of automation, robot is asian, loss ofjobs, what sort ofjobs? america has a long history of cometh the hour, cometh the man. richard nixon got on that helicopter in 1974, few people had heard of, much less cared about bill clinton.
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he was some years away. i suspect that bill clinton who became one of the most popular americas in modern times, i suspect there is somebody, somebody will emerge who will offer the prospect of the returning america to its moorings. the returning thing is what i find difficult. i think this idea that we can just go back to how things were before donald trump and it will be ok, i think something has been broken. the democrats need to start reaching out. they need to double down on their politics, basically. they have always been accused, but never at she did it properly. they need to reach out to blacks, hispanics, women, immigrants, and stop trying to win back this mythical white coalminer that won the election for donald trump. he's not mythical.
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what swung it for donald trump wasn't white coalminer is, it was those who are earning more than $100 a year, lawyers and university professors. this idea of the kind of heartlands that the democrats left behind, its erroneous. people are fixated on the idea of returning to pre—trumps politics, and the democratic party we forging as a nation and a working class, that's a dead end. let's hope they do find some salvation, because all of a sudden around this table rely so heavily on american economics. i completely agree. we can expect 50 years of chaos. that's optimistic! i was going to say we were trying to find a bit of optimism. more passionate debate next week on dateline, there is going to be plenty to discuss this autumn with midterms and the brexit deal.
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join us next week, if you can, thank you for watching and goodbye. hello. a big contrast in weather conditions this morning across the country. glorious across much of the east, parts of the north—east of scotland. not a cloud in the sky in norfolk. a different story in the north and west, hardly any blue
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spots in argyll and bute. this figure cloud comes in. you can see the contrast here. some sunny skies in wales, increasing into western england. sunny spells for the north—east of scotland. we have this weather front pushing into north—east of scotland. we have this weatherfront pushing into parts north—east of scotland. we have this weather front pushing into parts of northern ireland throughout the day. meanwhile, england and wales, increasing amounts of sunshine further west. still some patchy cloud, particularly in western wales where we see a future was at times. —— afew where we see a future was at times. —— a few showers. the pennines are warm, 25, maybe 26 degrees. same two for scotland, we could make 2a or 25 degrees. cooler across the west, breezy and a windy morning. the winds ease as we go into the evening, bad weatherfront winds ease as we go into the evening, bad weather front sinks into the west of the country bringing rain. a bit of cloud. most
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parts should stay in double figures, the north west of scotland and northern ireland, cooler and fresher. as we had into monday, quite a mixed note, in fact, brighter skies, much of north west scotla nd brighter skies, much of north west scotland leading towards northern ireland. cooler here. bad weather front brings cloud and outbreaks of rain. another warm day with sun spells. things are set to cool down as we head into tuesday. cooler is toppled and across the country, this front continues to weaken, no more than a band of rain. it introduces this cooler air, to the south of the country the warm air is pushed off into the continent. a messy picture to start on tuesday, that is the weather front bringing in a fair amount of cloud. perhaps the odd spot of rain. some sunny spells, a cooler field to things, generally. then we dropped back to 20 or 21 degrees across the south—east. a
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cooling trend into tuesday, the rest of the week, wednesday, thursday, friday, thanks to high pressure largely dried, on the cool side. around the seasonal average with variable cloud and a bit of sunshine. this is bbc news. i'm ben brown. the headlines at midday: theresa may insists she won't make compromises on her brexit chequers plan that aren't in the national interest. the shadow chancellor says the labour party will reach an agreement to tackle concerns over anti—semitism. we will protectjewish members of our party from any form of abuse and anti—semitism and we will take action as well, and that's what's happening. hundreds of prison staff caught smuggling drugs, weapons and mobile phones into prisons. music plays. so sorry. bono loses his voice onstage and u2 are forced to abandon
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