tv BBC News at Five BBC News September 6, 2018 5:00pm-6:01pm BST
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develop a european union to develop a sanctions regime against individuals involved in the proliferation and use of chemical weapons. you can count on the full and wholehearted commitment and engagement on france. i think the representative from france, andl i think the representative from france, and i now give the floor to the representative from poland. thank you, madame president, thank you for convening this meeting, i would also like to thank the ambassador, for the detailed update oi'i ambassador, for the detailed update on the investigation into the attempted murder of sergei and yulia skripal in salisbury, which involved a nerve agent. we greatly appreciate the transparency of the united kingdom in this process. we continue to express our falls on a dirty with the british people and the british government, as well as our readiness to support our close ally and european partner. in taking actions to respond to a pose threat as shaw
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threat posed by chemical weapons. since the beginning we have condemned this unprecedented attack, the first of its kind in europe. we call on russia to extend full cooperation with the british government, and the opcw, british investigation concluded that available evidence is sufficient to state that individuals related to the russian state are responsible for the attack in salisbury. poland has full confidence in the professionalism of the british police in investigating authorities, we believe that the actions taken by the united kingdom constitute a significant step towards ensuring the use of chemical weapons will not be left unanswered. madame president, let me also it a rate that poland continuously commended
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the opcw and the expert attending in the opcw and the expert attending in the establishing the facts, in a professional and impartial manner. thank you, madame president. ithank the representative from poland, i give the floor to the representative from the weight. translation: , thank you, madame president. we have listened carefully to the important and detailed briefing by the representative of the united kingdom, regarding the result of the investigations into the salisbury incident of march four, 2018. and, which has recently identified the people behind this incident. i would like to commend the comprehensive and professional investigations to
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identify the perpetrators of this heinous crime, i reiterate our confidence in the measures adopted by the united kingdom as part of the investigations into this incident. in line with our principled position, we condemn the use of chemical weapons by any party at any time and wherever it may take place. asa time and wherever it may take place. as a grave violation of international law. we stress the need to hold accountable those responsible for such abuse, whether individuals, entities, groups or governments. we condemn the production, acquisition, possession, stockpiling and direct and indirect tra nsfer of stockpiling and direct and indirect transfer of such elements, in line with article one of the sea wc. which wejoined in 1997. we express
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oui’ which wejoined in 1997. we express our confidence in the professionalism, independence and transparency of the 0pcw, and stress the need to build the capacity of the need to build the capacity of the 0pcw to carry out its mandate in order to strengthen the nonproliferation regime. especially when investigating the use of these weapons and when identifying the violators of the nonproliferation regime. in closing, we stress the need to uphold international law and norms. and to maintain international peace and security according to the charter, we all urge —— urge all parties concerned to cooperate with all investigations concerned into this incident. i thank the representative of kuwait, i'd give the floor to the representative of the floor to the representative of
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the netherlands. thank you, the kingdom of the netherlands welcomes the update provided by the permanent recognition to give of the united kingdom on the investigation into the chemical weapons attack that took place in salisbury and the subsequent poisoning last month. i will make three points. the kingdom of the netherlands condemns the use of the netherlands condemns the use of chemical weapons and stands in solidarity with the united kingdom. second, the issuing of criminal charges is a significant new development that supports and strengthens our earlier conclusions. third, the russian federation should cooperate to establish the full truth and ensure accountability. madame president, first of all i would like to repeat clearly and unequivocally, the kingdom of the netherlands condemns the use of chemical weapons any time, anywhere, and underany chemical weapons any time, anywhere, and under any circumstances. let me
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reiterate, full support to the 0pcw and important work they do. as the united kingdom is faced with the reckless use of chemical weapons on its soil, the netherlands stands in firm solidarity with our neighbour, ally and friend. this brings me to my second point, during previous meetings, the kingdom of the netherlands expressed shock about the reckless attack with a military grade nerve agent on british soil. exposing innocent civilians to great risks. since then, we learned the attack resulted in even more victims, one of whom, dawn sturgess, did not survive, and we express sincere condolences to her loved ones, tissue and criminal charges is an important step that brings us towards establishing the full truth so towards establishing the full truth so thatjustice towards establishing the full truth so that justice can towards establishing the full truth so thatjustice can be served, and the kingdom of the netherlands has full confidence in the investigation
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carried out by the british authorities and the impartiality and fairness of the british justice system. my third point, now that the perpetrators of this horrendous act have been identified, they must also be brought to justice. have been identified, they must also be brought tojustice. therefore, we call on all states to cooperate to ensure that the two suspects have their day ensure that the two suspects have theirday in court, ensure that the two suspects have their day in court, in the united kingdom, and to bring the full truth to like about how this attack was carried out. those who bear responsibility must be held to account. i would like to recall that oi'i account. i would like to recall that on march 22, the european council condemned in the strongest possible terms, the attack in salisbury. european leaders agreed unanimously with the assessment of the british government about the responsibility of the russian federation full. this assessment has now been confirmed by the criminal investigation. which has led to criminal charges with regard to two russian individuals. during our last meeting, on april
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18, the kingdom of the netherlands urged the russian federation to change its course from denial to cooperation. we reiterate our call for the russian authorities to provide the uk with all information to unanswered questions and cooperate with efforts to bring those responsible tojustice. thank you, madame president.|j those responsible tojustice. thank you, madame president. ithink those responsible tojustice. thank you, madame president. i think the representative from the netherlands and give the floor to the representative of cod of while —— cte representative of cod of while —— c te d ivoire. translation: and following the attempted poisoning of uley and sergei
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skripal. we reiterate our strong condemnation at any attempt of poisoning using a nerve agent. we also condemn the use of chemical weapons. whether it is in time of peace 01’ weapons. whether it is in time of peace or war. the investigation seems to point to two suspect, members of the russian military intelligence agency. this affair shows clearly the need to ensure the scrupulous in the mensuration of the releva nt scrupulous in the mensuration of the relevant provisions of the international nonproliferation architecture, no doubt that strict compliance with international rules to fight against the proliferation of chemical weapons will make it possible to prevent such acts, and my country called on all parties
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involved to exercise strength to work with the 0pcw in line with those interested during a special session held on the 26 and 27th of july, and to do so to identify and bring to justice before competent international judicial bring to justice before competent internationaljudicial bodies, those responsible for using chemical weapons. cod of what is fundamentally attached to the values of dialogue, peace and friendship among peoples, we call member states to preserve unity in this council. ——cte to preserve unity in this council. —— c te d ivoire. without which, the mission to preserve peace and international security, which has been entrusted to us, would just be a vain hope. thank you.|j been entrusted to us, would just be a vain hope. thank you. i thank the representative from c te d ivoire. studio: we are staying here with this session, considerable support for the uk position regarding the novichok poisoning and the
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involvement of russia, the attempted murder of sergei and yulia skripal in salisbury, this is the representative from sweden. we will stay with this. fully cooperate with the ongoing investigation and prosecution and fully disclose any nerve agent programmes to the 0pcw. this latest information provides further evidence of the highlighted that of russia's responsibility for the attack. we regret that since the council last discussed these developments, a british national in amesbury as tragically died following contact with a subject matter about substance which the 0pcw has confirmed to be the same novichok nerve agent which poisons sergei and yulia skripal. we reiterate strong condemnation of the use of the nerve agent on uk soil and express. the garrity with united kingdom. 0ur close friend and eu partner. 0nce kingdom. 0ur close friend and eu partner. once again, in this chamber, we condemn in the strongest
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terms all use of chemical weapons, strictly prohibited under international law. it is a common responsibility to ensure that the chemical weapons ban is respected, and it can be argued that permanent members have special responsibilities when it comes to curving the weapons of mass destruction. the rules —based international system protects us all and we must ensure its integrity in all its parts, in this regard, we iterate full support, to the 0pcw, the independent international organisation who oversees the chemical weapons ban. organisation who oversees the chemicalweapons ban. in our organisation who oversees the chemical weapons ban. in our give the floor to the representative of china. translation: madame president, china categorically opposes the use of chemical weapons by any state and organisation or any individual under whatever circumstances and for whatever purposes. china supports
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comprehensive objective and a fair investigation of the alleged incident of the use of chemical weapons which based on solid evidence should lead to conclusions that stand the test of facts and history. it has been our clear and consistent position, we have followed the salisbury incident of last march in the uk and its insulin developments. we believe that the releva nt developments. we believe that the relevant issue should be handled in accordance with the roles and procedures of the chemical weapons convention, and within the 0pcw framework, we have noted the letter from the uk, to the president of the security council on september five and noted that relevant parties have not reached a widely accepted conclusion on who should be responsible for the incident. in this context, the relevant party
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should work on a basis of mutual respect and equal consultation, and resolve the issue through dialogue. when the international community faces many challenges, party should work with instead of against each other, it is important to maintain focus on the merits and avoid criticise a shin and any move that could fuel tensions. particularly the security members, security council members should remain united ina common council members should remain united in a common effort to fulfil their duty to maintain international peace and security. thank you, madame president. i thank the representative from china and now give the floor to the representative of kazakh stand. having heard the update on the current situation around investigations of this well— known incident, we around investigations of this well—known incident, we would around investigations of this well— known incident, we would also like to share our observations on this item. we appreciate the uk's
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diligent work on this case and sharing information with us. however, any review of a matter of this seriousness requires more time, in particular to study the results of the british investigation. secondly, it is difficult to arrive at an objective assessment, especially with regards to the conclusions made based on the uk letter. we would appreciate to receive... 5th of september... we would appreciate to receive more concrete data, before coming to any conclusion. thirdly, while actions always need to be taken, decisions should not arrive in haste. as we can see, we will receive more and more specific information with regard to the incident which will eventually allow us to make a fair and objective assessment and conclusion. as a country affected by the consequences of using wmd, we
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express solidarity with those who have suffered, and are today suffering from such weapons and we remain firmly committed to the fight against the use of chemical weapons, and are willing to take a constructive part in preventing such incidents. we count on the continuation of the transparent investigation, and call on the parties not to take reactions without providing full, irrefutable evidence of the involvement of one side or another. we think the council as the main body for ensuring international peace and security should remain consistent in acting on solid facts and evidence is to take an objective and transparent decision. representative of kazakhstan. i now give the floor to the representative from ethiopian. we thank the uk delegation for the briefing and outcome of the investigation on the salisbury incident. we also take note of the statement by the prime
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minister, of the united kingdom, to the parliament, which was circulated to the council yesterday. furthermore, we have seen summary of the report on activities carried out by the 0pcw in support of a request for technical assistance by the united kingdom released two days ago. our position on the use of chemical weapons is well—known. and we strongly condemn any use of chemical weapons by any state, or non—state actor. use of chemical weapons is unacceptable and it constitutes a serious violation under international law. that said, we understand that there is still a number of issues that require further clarification, and u nfortu nately we further clarification, and unfortunately we do not have all the necessary information before us, one thing is very clear, the cooperation between the united kingdom and the russian federation is absolutely vital in getting to the bottom of
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this issue. this should be done so in good faith and in a fair manner by undertaking the necessary consultation and exchange of information, this is what will help address the issue once and for all ina way address the issue once and for all in a way that would allay the concerns of the uk and ultimately bring those responsible to justice. bank you. i thank the representative of the the 0br and give the floor to the representative of bolivia. translation: madame president, we have taken note of the briefing presented to us today. -- thank you. i thank the representative of ethiopian. such use is unjustifiable and criminaland it ethiopian. such use is unjustifiable and criminal and it is a serious crime against international law and international peace and security, their use by whomever, regardless of their use by whomever, regardless of
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the circumstances, is to be condemned and is in eden and is act which is a serious attack against the regime, and they should be brought before justice. this the regime, and they should be brought beforejustice. this is the regime, and they should be brought before justice. this is also a problematic precedent because it is an attack against a nonproliferation regime. —— ignominious. contrary to the provisions of the chemical weapons convention, we reiterate the need for independent transparent objectives, and impartial and a investigation in line with prevailing international rules. —— and impartialand prevailing international rules. —— and impartial and apolitical investigation. with respect to the march events, it is essential for the parties involved to use the corresponding diplomatic channels to fulfil the principles of mutual respect and balance, that enable dialogue leading to a resolution of
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this problem, if we sling charges and accusations without the requisite dialogue and transparent exchange of information, we cannot move forward objectively. we hope that there will be dialogue and mutual respect as this situation evolves thank you. i thank the representative of bolivia and in our give the floor to the representative of equatorial guinea. equatorial guinea has followed with concern the one fall dean of events involved in the incidents involved in the use of a chemical agent in salisbury, on the 4th of march, and we have been keenly following investigation geared towards shedding light on the incident and we hope that they will be exhaustive, fair and independent, in keeping with the relevant
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international rules. equatorial guinea is opposed to the manufacture, stockpiling and use of chemical weapons, because this is in contravention of the chemical weapons convention, and the principles and purposes of the united nations charter, and we want to see their full and complete prohibition and discussion. we hope those responsible for using them, regardless of where they are, will be brought to internationaljustice. we strongly condemn the attack in salisbury, against the lives of sergei and yulia skripal, and we stand in solidarity with the people of... studio: the time is 521, we are keeping an eye on this continuing session at the european barack 0bama continuing session at the european ba rack 0bama security continuing session at the european barack 0bama security council in new york. —— 5.21pm. barack 0bama security council in new york. —— 5.21 pm. while we wait to hear the response from the russian delegation, crucially. —— at the european security council —— at the
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united nations security council in new york. listening to that, we are keen to talk while we can to the conservative mp, tom tugendhat, he is the chair of the foreign affairs select committee, so while we stay with that session in new york, thank you for your time. time and again, we have been hearing support in new york for the british position. 0n we have been hearing support in new york for the british position. on a practical level, however, what sort of difference does all this international support make? it makes a very clear statement that the united... i apologise immediately, apparently, the russian delegation has just started speaking. translation: british colleagues promised to provide new information on the investigation of the so—called skripal affair, we carefully examined the statement of
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their prime minister in british parliament on this topic. to be frank, we very much hoped today we would hear something convincing that sheds light on this mysterious incident but unfortunately, expectations were not met once again. in today's statement we heard the same repeated lies. 0n the so—called double agents, as a reason, as a legitimate murdered by russian special services, intelligence services. about training of russian special services in the handling of toxic chemicals. about the development of military grade chemical agents in russia, about cyber attacks, about attempts to engineer an overthrow in
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macedonia, and a lot of other information. i am macedonia, and a lot of other information. iam not macedonia, and a lot of other information. i am not going to go through the list of this whole unfounded and mendacious cocktail of facts... similar insinuations were heard from the british prime minister yesterday. just yesterday, we found out that the courageous british investigators published photographs of two individuals suspected in poisoning sergei and yulia skripal, precisely, this is provided by the british authorities asa provided by the british authorities as a sensation, as a turning point in the investigation. these individuals supposedly have russian last names and citizenship full of with a well—known degree of certainty, highly likely, it is stated that they work for the russian intelligence services, at
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the same time, it is assumed immediately that the names provided are aliases. furthermore, unlike the previous unsubstantiated provocation ofa similartype, previous unsubstantiated provocation of a similar type, with alexander litvinenko, the british side does say that attempt to obtain extradition of these individuals, it is much intend to do so from russia, nor do they intend to cooperate with the russian authorities. and why should they even try? that does not enter the plans of london's game. several delegations today in their statement called on the russian side to cooperate with the united kingdom. well, everything is exactly the opposite, we have been calling london to cooperate, rather than london to cooperate, rather than london calling us to cooperate, and london calling us to cooperate, and london has been refusing us this cooperation. london needs this story
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forjust one cooperation. london needs this story for just one purpose: cooperation. london needs this story forjust one purpose: to unleash a disgusting antti ruuskanen hysteria, and to involve other countries in this hysteria. the number of inconsistencies and unresolved issues in connection with the new british so—called quote unquote evidence is off the charts. —— to unleash a disgusting antti ruuskanen —— anti—russian his stereo. the time on the cctv corresponds down to the second. —— anti—russian his terrier hysteria ——. the suspects were at the home at noon, but in earlier police report, it was stated the
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skripals left their house in the morning and never return, so how did they interact with this contaminated door handle? it is difficult to consider convincing that the suspects used a regular container, pay—per—view model, to transport the mythical novichok, as follows from the public reports of 0pcw experts, particularly in the amesbury incident, this substance is so toxic and dangerous that to transport it it would be necessary to use specially protected containers, otherwise the person transporting the substance would definitely suffer themselves. —— that the suspects used a regular container, a perfume bottle. elusivejoe, elusive
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not because nobody can catch him but because nobody needs him, nobody is ever interested in looking for him, it isa ever interested in looking for him, it is a popular idiom in russia. i have a strong feeling that we have been provided with two such elusive joes supposedly acting on orders from moscow. perhaps some of you are convinced by this spectacle, but i believe that this new episode of this is just as believe that this new episode of this isjust as invented believe that this new episode of this is just as invented and just as produced out of thin air as the previous episode. 0ur british collea g u es previous episode. 0ur british colleagues have taken a very co mforta ble colleagues have taken a very comfortable position, they have issued a verdict, the guilty party, russia, has been declared, the real names of the suspects are unknown. supposedly it is known that they are that they work for the gre gru,
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though how it is possible to check their names i do not know. london has from day 1 their names i do not know. london has from day1 refused to cooperate, the british ambassador was called into the ministry of foreign affairs in russia, where, in response to a request, to request the ambassador refused to provide russia the british authorities... the ambassador said the british authorities have refused to provide russia information that the suspects we re russia information that the suspects were supposed to provide to the embassy when they apply for their visa, including fingerprints, using which it would be much easier to identify them, rather than a photo from the internet, there is nothing surprising about this. in this post—truth world created by western
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colleagues, there is nothing surprising about this, this world of delirium and fake news is quite enoughin delirium and fake news is quite enough in order to issue a verdict and start punishment. london does not intend to take this case to its conclusion, it is not interested, since we are here once again to hear information from london, let us make in broad strokes recall what happened since the moment of the attack in salisbury, there are two russian citizens exposed to a mysterious nerve agent. they are being held somewhere, and in breach of all international legal and humanitarian norms, they have not been given access to russian consulate services or even close relatives, this is a fact. that raised me questions that yulia skripal is the subject of moral and psychological pressure. there is a
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letter in the form of an ultimatum demanding it acknowledge that it is guilty of the attack and there are several letters from russia to britain with proposals to take part in the investigation and with a very convincing list of concrete questions which have remained unanswered. and the lastly there are the conclusions of 0pcw experts that in march in salisbury a nerve agent was used and the origin from which country it came was not possible to determine. it was not possible, because it is not possible to determine this. probably that is the end of the actual facts of case. everything else is just conjecture, created by the very rich investigation and russia phobia of the authorities. given the contradictions in the investigation
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which has been fuelled by leaks to the media, our british colleagues disregard these, spawning now and more absurd versions. i'm not going to list them all. i want to say that half a year later and it is still not clear why russia would want to poison the skripals or do this in such a strange, sophisticated and illogical way. we were told that a gel was applied to the door handle. now theresa may said that supposedly the suspects brought with them a perfume bottle. there are lots of such inconsistencies. however, a lot of unsubstantiated conclusions that a p pa re ntly of unsubstantiated conclusions that apparently moscow is responsible and this led to concrete sanctions. now this led to concrete sanctions. now this theatre of the absurd, the only one who has won, who has gained from this is the company which has
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received a lot of free advertising. the fact that the british authorities still have no evidence that russia's responsible for salisbury or any kind of clear version of what happened, i think, eve ryo ne version of what happened, i think, everyone is already convinced of that. we have lost all hope of actually finding the truth of those who are guilty. for us the only issueis who are guilty. for us the only issue is what kind of ploys london will invent to avoid serious rather than a politically motivated investigation of the case. the sense, the sensational disclosures that were provided today are part of crude strategy pursued by london and by the way we have no problems with rank and file british citizens, who we have great deal of sympathy for and we like very much, as you saw
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during the world cup. the problem is with the government that is trying to mislead the world community and their own citizens. now, i would like to shift to more official language and state, the russian federation categorically rejects all unfounded accusations regarding its involvement in poisoning with toxic chemicals in april in salisbury of sergei skripal and yulia skripal, that were repeated by theresa may. we call on the british side to moderation. we confirm our readiness to conduct consultations in co—ordination from the second december 1965 and the european convention on criminal cases from 1959. we demand conlieu sar access
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to the illegally detained russian citizens. with full responsibility we state that the statements by official london that only russia supposedly has or had technical means, practical experience and motives to carry out such an act with the use of chemical substances as completely unfounded and only aimed to mislead the international community. the russian federation has never developed, never produced and never stock peopled toxic chemicals which in the west have been named novichok. the very word novichok and the information about the chemical compound started appearing in western scientific
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literature with information provided by soviet defectors who had only very indirect connection to the soviet chemical problems. and they we re soviet chemical problems. and they were conducted in other countries and the laboratory the ministry of the united kingdom in porton down was involved in this research and development. there are volumes of specialised literature in the west about this work. the last circumstance is important to understand what happened regarding the skripal case that has been produced by london against russia and the following incident, the russian federation would appeal to all states with all responsibility and to support the appeal to the government of the united kingdom to
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begin consultations with the russian federation in the framework on the prevention of chemical weapons. in conclusion, madam president from, the statement of london, what is clear is that already back in may it had all the information that was presented yesterday, without determining the list of suspects and determining the list of suspects and determining the list of suspects and determining the fact that they were in salisbury, there would have been no reason to search the hotel where they stayed. 0bviously. if all this so—called evidence were as important as it is claimed to be, they would have been published four months ago, even before the tragic events in amesbury. we can make only one conclusion, downing street is governed not by the interests of
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justice, but by other reasons and motives which we already mentioned. the incidents in march came a very useful pretext to unleash anti—russian hysteria and undermine us anti—russian hysteria and undermine us in the 0pcw on the eve of the staging of chemical weapons in syria. we're witnessing a similar picture. the statement by theresa may on fifth september to place sort of object eve of the new political season and regarding the situation in idlib and the provocation that has been prepared there by the fighters there, together with the white helmets. which we have warned about more than once. we will circulate to your member states the releva nt circulate to your member states the relevant materials on the topic of
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today's meeting. thank you very much, madam president. studio: so a lengthy rebuttal from russian's ambassador to the united nations. that was a robust defence of russian's position regarding the novichok poisoning in salisbury. he referred to the same repeated lies. i think we can listen now. we stand firm with the british people. it is easy to express outrage of course. we do it every day in this chamber. what is difficult is finding solutions. and today our british friend and colleagues are providing us friend and colleagues are providing us with a master class on how to stop the spread of chemical weapons. they're create
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stop the spread of chemical weapons. they‘ re create accountability stop the spread of chemical weapons. they're create accountability for those who use chemical agents and providing support for the international norm against the use of these deadly illegal weapons. the british government is pursuing accountability for this attack in the only way accountability can truly be accomplished — in accordance with the rule of law. british investigators have conducted a full and british investigators have conducted afulland fair british investigators have conducted a full and fair investigation of what has been determined to be the attempted killing of the skripals and detective nick bailey. the investigators have linked the crimes with the kem wall agent that poisoned charl rowley and killed dawn sturjess. the prime minister went into great detail about the investigation. hundreds of detectives have analysed thousands of hours of cctv footage and thousands of documents. some things we knew already. british
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investigators had already concluded russia was responsible for the exposure of hundred of people to deadly agent on the streets of salisbury. now, thanks to the careful methodical work of british authorities, no one should have any doubt. it is actually amazing to see the clarity and the undeniability of results. the british government has identified two russian nationals as responsible for the use of the novichok on british soil and the attempted murder of a british citizen and his daughter. the british concluded the two men are officers of the russian military intelligence service. this was not as prime minister may said a quote rogue operation. this was a highly planned, purposely driven attack. the british had the suspects on cctv
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from their arrival at gatwick airport to their travel to the vicinity of the skripal‘s house on the day of the attack and finally their departure from heathrow back to moscow. every one of us in this room and listening around the world should be chilled to the bone with the findings of investigation. as for the subsequent poisoning of charlie rowley and the death of dawn sturjess, the prime minister said we re sturjess, the prime minister said were these two within our jurisdiction there would be a clear basis in law for their arrest for murder. this is how it's done. this is how individuals who commit murder and their heinous crimes are exposed, how nations that defy the international norms are held to account and how the memories of those injured and killed and the
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service of the first respondsers are honoured. it falls on to do our part. raer this the russian government has offered only denials and counter accusations. anything to deflect attention and distract from its guilt. the russian denials have followed a film script from crimea to mh17 to the killing of alexander litvinenko. the list goes on and on. and the song is always the same. russia is somehow never behind these incidents. but no one's buying it. the most recent british action ensures that russia doesn't get away with this attack. in direct response to russia's use of chemical weapons in the salisbury incident, the united states has announced additional sanctions against russia and with our allies, 153 russian
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officials were expelled in response to the ait he skripals. who is to say this could not have happened in paris or amsterdam... studio: we are going to leave the u. n.i studio: we are going to leave the u. n. iwant studio: we are going to leave the u. n. i want to get some reaction from the chair of foreign affairs select committee. to remind viewers, that the russian ambassador saying the claims as laid out by the british government were unfounded and mendacious and your government is engaging in disgusting anti—russian hysteria. what is your response. the
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joke was an ambassador is an honourable man sent to lie for his country. the russians are preparing sadly, he made clear they're preparing to use chemical weapons in syria again. russian chemical weapons use hasn't just syria again. russian chemical weapons use hasn'tjust been in the united kingdom. this is a deeply saddening occasion, because we're seeing russia again challenging the international community when the evidence is clear and nobody who has any evidence is clear and nobody who has a ny eyes evidence is clear and nobody who has any eyes to see is doubting it. we know what's happened and we have video evidence of the two individuals who have conducted themselves through the uk streets in order to carry out this attack and there is no doubt that this is a gru
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attack under the authority of president and one can only assume vladimir putin himself signed the order to attempt the assassination of skripals. what is also clear is that russia is an incompetent mafia state. sorry we can't talk longer. we have to let you go. we're going to return to the chamber, karen pearce is addressing the security council. there are multiple corridors through which people can go. this is what happened to the two russians are. we are confident in our evidence and i'm happy to talk to any colleague or any member of the assembly who has doubt about the evidence is welcome to have a
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briefing at the british mission. i was asked about co—operation with the russian authorities. i would like to recall for council collea g u es like to recall for council colleagues that when this episode first happened in march, my government went to the russian authorities and asked for their co—operation. we were given a reply that the request for co—operation was null and void. we would have been happy to collaborate with the russian authorities at that time. we have indicated our willingness to do so since that point, but in fact what we have seen is a diversion into avenues that are not relevant to this case. i think that is a great pity. the russians have also asked us if they could join the investigation once it was under way. i've said before in this chamber, but i repeat, you don't recruit an
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arsonist to put out a fire. you especially don't do that when the fire is one they caused. i was asked about gru operatives using fake names, the names may be fake but the crimes are real. it is now time for truth and accountability. we have not assumed that the russians are guilty, we have done an investigation. the assumption of guilt over innocence may happen in the russianjudicial guilt over innocence may happen in the russian judicial system, it guilt over innocence may happen in the russianjudicial system, it does not happen in the united kingdom's. but i do think there is an interesting question for the russian authorities as to whether the gru operatives were incompetent in what they did to leave traces or whether they did to leave traces or whether they were rogue and that is an important angle to think about. we we re important angle to think about. we were accused of not granting consular were accused of not granting co nsu la r a ccess were accused of not granting consular access to the skripals, in
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fa ct we consular access to the skripals, in fact we did, as atold the council, we did pass on the details from the russian 5 to yulia scree mall. skripal. — e — skripal. we have had no thoughts than her welfare and her wishes. we are now up to some 37 accou nts wishes. we are now up to some 37 accounts from russia as to why and how salisbury took place. i think none hold water. we believe that the evidence we have presented speaks for itself, but i repeat i'm very happy to give any member of the united nation a briefing on that. i think we need to recall that a woman has died, two people have narrowly escaped death. a whole city was
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placed at risk and the global none proliferation has been put at risk. i hope the russians would engage on the fact and accept the compelling evidence of russian complicity in this crime. as regards the allegations of british, allegations against russia over duma, i think this shows that for many russian authorities they work in a parallel universe, where facts and international norms are inverted. we abhor the use of chemical weapons and we take our responsibilities under the he chemical weapons convention seriously. we call on the syrian authorities and the russian authorities who work with them not to use chemical weapons against their own people. not to repeat eastern guta and duma, but as you
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and our french colleagues and the united kingdom have made clear, we will uphold our international responsibilities and we will uphold the international commitments and obligations the international community has laid down. if i may conclude, the world is poorer that russia, a p5 member, will notjoin us russia, a p5 member, will notjoin us in doing that to uphold the international order. i thank the representative of the... international order. i thank the representative of the. .. karen pearce, a remarkable degree of support at the security council for the british position, following the novichok poisoning. let'sjust the british position, following the novichok poisoning. let's just hear more from the russia's ambassador. the same list of unfounded accusations that we heard at previous meetings. just a couple of factual issues. regarding consular
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access to yulia and sergei skripal, asi access to yulia and sergei skripal, as i have said, we have not had access, but what is indicative is something else that the sister of yulia, who lives in russia and wa nted yulia, who lives in russia and wanted to visit her sister, the british government twice refused to issue a british visa to her. does that tell you anything? as for the request that the british side allegedly sent to russia right after the incident, well, we have had the pleasure, more than once to comment the character of that request, it wasn't a request at all. it was a message by boris johnson, wasn't a request at all. it was a message by borisjohnson, the then
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foreign minister to the russian ambassador in london, with a demand to acknowledge that russia committed this crime and to explain how it was done, whether it was done with the knowledge of the russian authorities or without their knowledge. that was the whole request regarding co—operation with russia. please don't mislead the international community, there was no request to co—operate with the russian side in investigating this side. no request from the british side. quite to to contrary, there were many requests from the russian side. but in the framework of the 0pcw and through other channels. there were requests through the british side to conduct a joint investigation and russia confirmed its readiness to be involved. 0f confirmed its readiness to be involved. of course i understand that our british colleague said that we live in parallel universes. well,
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maybe some people would like us to live in a different planet, but u nfortu nately live in a different planet, but unfortunately there are no settled planets beside this one, so we will have to live together on this one and we will have to co—operate and regarding the questions that we asked you and they're over 40, most of them were still haven't received any answers. nor, there are not many russian versions of what happened, unlike what you have been told. being in fact presenting versions by journalists as official versions of the russian authorities. we would be happy to tell those delegations on how we see what happened and what is happening right now with the so—called investigation by the united kingdom. thank you.|j so—called investigation by the united kingdom. thank you. i thank the representative from the russian federation. for his sfament. there are no more names on the list of
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speakers. t meeting is adjourned. so a lengthy meeting of the un security council. russia again firmly rebutting all the evidence that britain has put forward following the salisbury attempted murder. the same repeated lies what is russia has been saying, but as we have been reporting here, a number of countries, france, german, america among them, issuing a joint statement supporting the uk position. more on this story at six. "knowing that he could have been saved is hard to bear" — the words of the family of 20 month old kayden urmston—bancroft — who'd just heard at an inquest into his death about the ‘missed opportunities' to save his life. an inquest has found hospital neglect contributed to his death.
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kayden had been waiting for an operation at royal manchester children's hospital to repair a hernia — when he suffered a cardiac arrest. he died two days later. a coroner said there had been a ‘gross failure' of care. from the inquest, here's our health correspondent, dominic hughes: (tx next) kayden urmston—bancroft was just 20 months old when he was injured in a fall in 2016. when it became clear he needed surgery for a hernia, he was transferred to the royal manchester children's hospital. was transferred to the royal manchester child ren's hospital. but despite being placed on a list requiring emergency surgery, his operation never went ahead and three days late r he suffered a devastating cardiac arrest. the
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inquest was told that caden's mother was upset at the continued delays, but she was reassured by doctors that her son remained well. speaking today, caden's grandmother's said listening to the evidence had been tough, given his operation should have been simple. i kept saying to them, what is going on? where are they? why isn't he going to surgery? it wasn't until the friday his nurse, he took a turn for the worst and, nursing were ringing down every day, on that friday, his nurse ran down and said, you need to do something, this ba by‘s down and said, you need to do something, this baby's too poorly for me to look after. the court heard nurses raised concerns over his condition with surgeons, but confusion and poor communication
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meant the operation was continually delayed. the hospital has accepted serious mistakes were made and said steps have been take on the make improvements. we offer our sincere condolences to his family and the apology for the lapses. the trust accepts the findings and the conclusions of coroner. poor communication, confusion and missed opportunities with devastating results for one family. there is more about that story and of course everything that has been going on at the un coming up in a moment on the six o'clock news. now the weather. it has been a mix of weather types today. we have had some sunshine, also some heavy showers. and some more persistent rain. this is the
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scene in pembrokeshire earlier on today. as we head through this evening we have a band of cloud and rain pushing to the south and east, clearing east anglia later this evening. we will see more rain across the east of scotland and north—east england with low pressure developing there in the north sea a chilly night with some temperatures well down into single figures. so a fresh start to friday morning. most places having a better day than today. still some rain in the nortd east. —— north—east. but that uld sho ease. in the north it will be a touch warmer. temperatures around 17 degrees with highs of 20 further south. it is looking unsettled on saturday. brighter on sunday. russia hits back at the salisbury poisoing investigation,
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telling the united nations that the allegations are unfounded and mendacious. britain's ambassador to the un says two russian military intelligence officers carried out the nerve agent attack. russia says its all been invented. they tried to murder the skripal‘s, they played dice with the lives of the people of salisbury. they work in a parallel universe where the normal rules of international affairs are inverted. translation: london needs this story forjust one purpose, to unleash a disgusting anti—russian hysteria. and to involve other countries in this hysteria. today the us, france, germany and canada said they have full confidence in britain's assessement that russia was behind the attack. also tonight.
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