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tv   Click  BBC News  September 15, 2018 3:30am-3:46am BST

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in ten minutes, newswatch, but now on bbc news click. we are almost six months away from the uk starting its transition period to leave the eu. the details of which, in case you haven't heard, are still a bit sketchy. as the eu themselves have said, nothing is agreed until everything is agreed... but while the politicians battle out the finer points and we consider the what ifs, ports across the country are bracing themselves for change. dover here exclusively handles eu imports, so when brexit does come, it's one of the ports that's going to need to adjust the most, but no matter how final arrangements do play out, making sure that our ports and borders run smoothly is clearly going to be a key priority.
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almost 500 million tons of freight go through the uk borders every year. offloading and processing everything coming in and out is a complex task. technology is already fundamental in that process and some politicians hope will be the saviour with the day comes for the uk to stand alone. this week we're looking at some technology that hopes to do exactly that. we start with estonia, which is said to be the well‘s most —— we start with estonia, which is said to be the world's most digitally governed country. so we sentjen to see how it manages its movement of goods. after brexit, the uk may need to find quicker ways to monitor the freight coming in and out of the country from france by rail. new x—ray technology deployed on estonia's borders might
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an interesting model. the country separated from the soviet union in 1991. in its easternmost city of narva, the population is still overwhelmingly russian. of course, before independence there was no border in narva between estonia and russia. but now there are well—established entry and exit points. building hard borders took a lot of cooperation between the two countries. on the estonian side, radiation detectors and even a driverless x—ray vehicle scan buses and trucks for suspicious of freight. contraband smuggled includes cigarettes, as taxes are much lower in russia. so, in russia and different third countries, the price of one pack is about 60, 70 euro cents. but, for example, in the uk, it can be for £9, yeah. so profit is absolutely big. but there are many other unusual items, too. this is some kind of potion from china?
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it's full of snakes and starfish. and you would think people would drink that to get some kind of health benefit? probably. what is this? this looks... inside part of a bear. 0h! yeah. they kill animalsjust to take some profit. nikolai also showed me some of the low—tech methods people use to smuggle goods. do i look suspicious? kind of. a bit. show me what you have there? it looks like nothing, but, sorry... cigarettes. you have some cigarettes here. estonia has invested millions of pounds in five new x—ray scanners from chinese company nuctech. they automatically check the trains without stopping them. how does the scanner recognise that this is a freight train rather than a passenger train? for this we have special sensors installed at the rails. it is the first type of sensors. the second type of sensor is located on the bridge,
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it looks like a camera. yes. both sensors have to give a signal that this wagon is freight and not a passenger. does russia have something similar on its side? no. is it relying on you guys? it's a way of cooperation. for the outbound traffic, if we see something suspicious we will forward the information to the russian side. the scanner has made inspection of trains 10—50 times faster. the x—ray images are shared in a central area. all estonian and latvian trains and x—rays are connected to one network. so we can learn from other borders‘ images and compare. we sent pictures. that gives us a bigger database. estonia is already looking at ways computers can speed up the process, further reducing checking times.
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it's nice to have very modern railway x—rays but analysis of the images which must develop to the next level, not made by human. i believe ourfuture is machine learning and artificial intelligence regarding checking these pictures. is this something you can see being used in the eurotunnel between france and england? why not? an automatic, safe system to be used everywhere. today i'm off to bermuda. i've checked in using my passport. i've breezed through security using my passport. and now, i'm boarding my flight — not using my passport. jetblue has temporarily booked me on to its 11:00 flight
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from logan boston airport, so what you are seeing is the current passenger experience playing out. here they're using facial verification in place of passports. passengers, should they wish, can simply walk up to this tablet on a stick, present their face, and get the green light to step on board. good morning, sir. no passport needed, no boarding pass needed. there is no physical barrier either. perfect if you have misplaced your documents in your second oversized carry—on. not so good if you're camera shy. i am surprised by how quickly people are boarding. another thing that is impressive is it seems to recognise people's faces regardless of how tall they are, even children. so to be boarding pretty well. the facepod has an extremely wide camera lens to help it capture people of all heights.
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it takes 55 snaps per second so it doesn't miss you. we boarded close to a full flight of 150 customers in under 20 minutes. it's close to a ten minute improvement from a typical boarding time, where we usually allot 30 minutes for boarding. we are using a new self—boarding process which takes a quick photo capture. the system also provides a digital record of exit checks, but of course passengers are giving more biometric data to the government in return for speedy boarding. but is using just your face secure enough? it has passed our security checks so far. at the headquarters level we have a rigourous process and of course we're never going to enter into something that will weaken our position. in many countries, an officer must see your physical id before you may depart. and of course at the other end, you will still need your papers, because different countries will have different border regulations. but in an increasingly digital world, this facial boarding is taking us a step closer to leaving our papers behind.
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there are games about alien invasions. there are games about raiding tombs while solving head—scratching puzzles. there are even games about experiencing the thrill of simulating life as a goat. but a game about brexit? now, that's unusual. forget hard brexit. this is black mirror meets a 16—bit yes, minister. not tonight imagines a dystopian future where the very worst kind of brexit has occurred. anybody in the uk of european heritage has been relocated to ghettos and can only find low—paid employment. the player must earn a certain amount of cash in order to remain
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in the uk. this is the product of an indie development team, and they have tasked the player with working as a bouncer. the early stages of the game are spent being employed by pubs and clubs. by the end of the game, a very severely right—wing government has been put into place and by that point you are making horrible decisions about, say, the landlords will ask you, don't let any of this kind of person in tonight, and you have to try to decide whether you're going to follow their rules or not. by the very end you're doing silly things like working border patrol on the dover border and on the london wall. it is very satirical. what inspired you to make a game about brexit? let's put it this way. there is a lot of inspiration for a dystopia at the moment. and not tonight was just a great opportunity to represent a kind of british dystopia,
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which i think is quite unique. i grew up in somerset and i remember being slightly underage, trying to get into various night spots around somerset. that always had a big impact on me because my friends were a year older. and then, working simulator gameplay came along, games like papers please, and they were a big inspiration. and then, on top of that, brexit happened. and the juxtaposition of trying to get into a nightclub venue or party or house party, compared to letting someone into the country, it really hit a note with me. do you think games should tackle more weighty subject matters? absolutely, yeah, 100%. we have seen some elements of it in larger games, for example wolfenstein. .. wolfenstein character: you still got some nazi—killing skills in you? ..with their re—imagination of america. but as an independent developer, we really have an opportunity to publish something different and something political,
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and i think that's a good thing, there should be more politics in games. to be honest, i would love to see some big negative responses to it, because we want to get both sides talking, right? if it is just people who voted remain sharing this thing around, that seems quite pointless. that is it for the short version of click‘s tech special. but to keep up with us at click, we are on facebook and twitter. and of course we will be back here next week. hello and welcome to news watch, with me, samira ahmed. did you see this interview on the andrew maher show? no, it is fiction. as more than a dozen bbc news presenters and reporters appear in the bodyguard series, we discuss weather bbc news should be in the business of drama. first, bbc news has been devoting airtime all week anticipating the
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threat posed by hurricane florence as it approached the east coast of the united states. here is our report on monday night. a monster storm that could bring catastrophic levels of rain and flooding. hurtling towards the us‘s east coast with growing windspeed, the authorities fear hurricane florence could have a deadly impact on several states with virginia and the caroline is the hardest hit. a major and serious event no doubt, but some viewers were struck by the contrast between the coverage given for most of the week to hurricane florence and the super typhoon which at the same time was being forecast to make la ndfall same time was being forecast to make landfall in the philippines on saturday. trevor e—mailed on thursday from hong kong. neverfar
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never far from neverfarfrom a news
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