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tv   Outside Source  BBC News  September 27, 2018 9:00pm-10:01pm BST

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prep. went ninth—grade. georgetown prep. went by pj then. he and i live close to one another. played football together, he was defensive tackle, i was quarterback, wide receiver. we carpooled to school, along with davis every year, every year the three of us for two years. i did not have a car, so one of the two of them would drive everyday. they would pick me up... what is your relationship with him like now? he the area, i see him once in a while, i have not seen him this thing. do you know leland kaiser?” i have not seen him this thing. do you know leland kaiser? i know of her, and it is possible i met her in high school at some point. i know of her, andi high school at some point. i know of her, and i do not want to rule out
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having crossed paths with her in high school. similar to your state m e nts high school. similar to your statements about knowing dr ford? correct. senator feinstein. judge kavanaugh, it is my understanding that you have denied the allegations by dr ford, mr ayres and denied the allegations by dr ford, mrayres and —— denied the allegations by dr ford, mr ayres and —— mr mears... denied the allegations by dr ford, mr ayres and -- mr mears. .. yes. all three of these women have asked the fbi to investigate their claims. i listened carefully to what you said, your concern is evident and clear, and if you're very confident of your position, and you appeared to be, why are you not also asking the fbi to investigate these claims? senator, i will do whatever the committee wants. i wanted a hearing today after the allegation came up. i wanted to be here that day.
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instead, ten days past where all this nonsense is coming out, i'm in gains, i'm in votes in rhode island, i'm in colorado, i decided all over the place. these things are printed and run breathlessly by cable news. i wanted a hearing next day. my family has been destroyed by this, senator, destroyed. and whatever the committee decides, i'm all in. i'm all in immediately. and the terrible and hard part of this is, when we get in allegation, we are not in a position to prove it or disprove it. therefore, we have to depend on some outside authority for it. and it would seem to me that when these allegations came forward, that you would want the fbi to investigate
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those claims and clear it up once and for all. senator, the committee investigates... it's not for me to say how to do it but just so you know, the fbi does not reach a conclusion. they would give you a couple of three attitudes that would say what was said. i am here. i wanted to be here the next day. it's an outrage that i was not allowed to come immediately to defend my name and say "i did not do this," and give you all this evidence. i'm not even in dc on the weekends in the summer even in dc on the weekends in the summerof even in dc on the weekends in the summer of 1982. this happened on a weekday? i matt tobin's house working out. not a movie with suzanne. i wanted to be here right away. well, the difficult thing is, these hearings are set by the
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majority but i'm talking about getting the evidence and having the evidence with that, and i don't understand, you know... we hearfrom the witnesses but the fbi isn't interviewing them and isn't giving us interviewing them and isn't giving us any fax, so all we have... you're interviewing me. you're interviewing me. you're doing it, senator. i'm sorry to interrupt, but you're doing it. there's no conclusions reached. and what you're saying, if i understand it, is that the allegations by dr ford, mr meares —— miss ramirez, are wrong. that is emphatically what i'm saying. emphatically. that is a farce. would
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you like to say more about it? no. that's it. thank you, mr chairman. dr ford has described you as being intoxicated at a party. did you consume alcohol during her high school years? yes, we consume alcohol during her high schoolyears? yes, we drink beer. my friends and i, boys and girls. yes, we drink beer, liked beer in still liked beer. we drink beer. the seniors were legal. senior year in high school, people were legal to drink. yeah, we drink beerand i said, sometimes, probably had too many beers and other times, other people had too many beers. we drink beer. we liked beer. what do you consider to be too many beers?|j don't know. you know, whatever the
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chart says. on blood—alcohol chart. when you talked to fox news the other night, you said that there we re other night, you said that there were times in high school when people might have had too many beers on occasion. does that include you? sure. have you ever pass out from drinking stop loop past i would be no...| drinking stop loop past i would be no... igotto drinking stop loop past i would be no... i got to sleep but i've never blacked out. that's the allegation. that's wrong. so let's talk about your time that's wrong. so let's talk about yourtime in high that's wrong. so let's talk about your time in high school. in high school come after drinking, did you ever wa ke school come after drinking, did you ever wake up school come after drinking, did you everwake up in school come after drinking, did you ever wake up in a different location than you remember passing out or going to sleep? no. no. did you ever wa ke going to sleep? no. no. did you ever wake up with your close in a different condition or fewer close on that you remember when he went asleep or passed out? no. no. did
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you ever tell... did anyone ever tell you about something that happened in your presence that you do not remember during a time that you had been drinking? no. we drink beer. so did i think the vast majority of people our age at the time, but event, we drank beer and still do. during the time in high school when you would be drinking, did anyone ever tell you about something that you did not remember? no. dr ford described a small gathering of people at a suburban maryland home in the summer of 1982. she said that markjudge, p smith and leland and an unknown present
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stoney millwork —— an unknown male we re stoney millwork —— an unknown male were at that location. have you ever. . . were at that location. have you ever... no, as i said in my opening statement. dr ford described an incident where she was alone in a room with you and markjudge. have you ever been alone in a room with markjudge and dr ford? no. dr ford described as a were you are grinding her gentle touch your genitals on her. have you ever... no. dr ford said she covered —— you covered her mouth with your hand. dr ford described in said were you tried to remove her close? have you ever tried to remove her clothes? no. referring back to the definition of sexual behaviour that i have given you, have you ever at any time
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engaged in sexual behaviour with dr ford? no. have you ever engaged in sexual behaviour with dr ford even if it was consensual? no. i want to talk about your calendars. you submitted to the committee copies of the handwritten calendars that you talked about for the month of may, june and july and august of 1982. you have them in front of you? june and july and august of 1982. you have them in front of you ?|j june and july and august of 1982. you have them in front of you? i do. did you create these calendars, any sense of all the handwriting that's on them? yes. isis sense of all the handwriting that's on them? yes. is is exclusively your handwriting? yes. when you make these entries? in 1982. has anything been changed from those since1982. no. do these calendars represent your plans for each day or two date documents, in other words,
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prospectively? order to document what actually occurred more like a diary? they are both forward-looking and backward looking, as you can tell by looking at them, because i crossed out certain doctors appointment did not happen or one night where i was supposed to lift weights, i crossed that out because i honestly did not make it that night. you can see things that i did not do. crossed out in retrospect. and also when i list the specific people i was with, that is likely backward looking. you explain that you kept these calendars because your father started keeping them you kept these calendars because yourfather started keeping them in 1978, i believe you said. that's why you kept them. in other words, you wrote on the but why do you keep them up until this time? wrote on the but why do you keep them up untilthis time? is kept them up untilthis time? is kept them too in the since 1978. he is a good role model. miss mitchell...
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judge kavanaugh has asked for a break so we will take a 15 minute break. so the senate judicial committee take a break after an absolutely extraordinary almost hour of testimony from brett kavanaugh, the man that donald trump is nominated to take the vacancy on the american supreme court. he said a huge number of things of note and he was angry and upset in equal measure throughout. he called the whole process a circus. he said this is a national disgrace. he said he feared for the future of america and reiterated "i will not be intimidated." he also repeatedly alleged that the whole series of allegations of sexual assaults, and remember, here are three of these area remember, here are three of these are a well—funded effort to drive me up. he called it a calculated political hits, although he offered
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no evidence to back up the claim that politics was in any way funding the three people who are making those accusations? lemina you little bit of what he said earlier.|j categorically and unequivocally deny against me by dr ford. i never had any sexual or physical encounter of any sexual or physical encounter of any kind with dr ford. i never intended to —— attended a gathering like dr ford describes in her allegation. i've never sexually assaulted dr ford or anyone. again, i am never sexually assaulted dr ford or anyone. again, lam not questioning that dr ford may have been sexually assaulted by some person in some place at some time. but i have never done that to her or to anyone. mr kavanaugh said he never had sex in high school many years afterwards. he said he did that after —— out of
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faith and caution. each lane one comment in a yearbook. he denies explain that she did not explain... he was asked several times by one of the democratic senators would you like an fbi investigation? he said thatis like an fbi investigation? he said that is for the committee to decide that is for the committee to decide that he said he welcomed any opportunity to clear his name. and all of this was in response to particularly one set of allegations made by doctor christine blasey ford we spoke to the judicial committee before mr cavanagh. we spoke to the judicial committee before mr cava nagh. let's we spoke to the judicial committee before mr cavanagh. let's hear some of what she said. when i got to the top of the stairs, i was pushed from behind into a bedroom across from the bathroom. i could not see pushed me. bret and mark came into the bedroom and locked the door behind them. there was music playing in the bedroom. it
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was music playing in the bedroom. it was turned up louder but either brett or mark once we were in the room. i was pushed onto the bed and brett got on top of me, he began running his hands over my body and grinding into me. i yelled running his hands over my body and grinding into me. iyelled hoping that someone downstairs might hear me. itry that someone downstairs might hear me. i try to get away from him but his weight was happy. brett gripped me and try to take my close. he had a hard time because he was very inebriated and because i was wearing a one—piece bathing suit underneath my clothing. i believe she was going to rape me. —— i believe he was going to. i tried to call for help. when i did, brett put his hand over mouth to try to stop me from yelling. this is what terrified the most and what has had the most lasting impact on my life. it was ha rd
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lasting impact on my life. it was hard for me to breathe and i thought fred was accidentally going to kill me. both brett and mark were drunkenly laughing during the attack. they seemed to be having a very good time. katty kay. she's been covering the hearing monday. this feels like a profound day for american society. let's talk about brett kava naugh day for american society. let's talk about brett kavanaugh first. we know donald trump approves of men and women who stand up to the critics and he has done it in a particular way. he came in fighting. having given interviews and hearings where he was fairly moderate, brett kavanaugh he was fairly moderate, brett kava naugh has he was fairly moderate, brett kavanaugh has been a display of angen kavanaugh has been a display of anger. he's been yelling at certain points. at certain points, he has tea red points. at certain points, he has teared up several times during the course of this testimony. it's been extreme emotional. his wife is sitting behind him. she looks devastated by this whole proceeding and time and again during the course of his 45 odd minutes so far of testimony, he has said categorically
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this did not happen, i never did this did not happen, i never did this come i never went to this party, i never had sex with her. he was asked very specific question about his drinking and what happened in the course of that room and he has denied he has raced to excess and denied he had any sort of sexual conduct ever with dr ford. we're left with "he said and she said," and the question coming out of this afternoon whether wavering republican senators you more comfortable believing brett kavanaugh or more comfortable believing brett kava naugh or whether they feel they believe christine ford's testimony. that will affect how they vote. even if the republicans do take brett kavanaugh's side of the story, and does his demeanour have any bearing on the decision? a lot of people have been watching this and thinking, this man is not confident this man is not reflective as you might expect a judge to be and he
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certainly is not nonpartisan. in 1991, clarence thomas was accused of sexual harassment fight i need to afford. she gave her testimony and was deemed to be very credible. he then came back after her testimony fighting and very defiant. he called ita fighting and very defiant. he called it a high—tech lynching. he was absolutely furious and angry and he was then confirmed to the supreme court. he still sits on the supreme court's 27 years later. it's quite possible. there's a precedent here for a judge to come out and be angry like this from a to be emotional like this from a to be emotional like this from a to be emotional like this and still be confirmed to the supreme court. we've heard it happen before. the partisan site is interesting because clarence thomas did not take on democrats and the left in the way that brett kavanaugh has done during the course of this hearing. i don't think that that will mean that you will have republicans suddenly saying he's too partisan, and we can't go to confirm him. i've put the picture appear from the hearing that the new yorker tweeted out showing the view that
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christine blasey ford was facing, a raft of white older men, and you and lots of other women around the world watching her testimony commented on how the whole experience was profoundly uncomfortable regardless of whether you believe her story or brett kavanaugh. i think it would have been a lot of women who listened to the account she gave and i think that's the fifth time i've heard it and it is hard to listen to, frankly, every single time. i think there will have been within —— women who have been the victims of sexual abuse feeling a sort of ptsd. this may never have happened or not, and we may never know what happened in this room, her account was very compelling, very emotional. i had read the testimony beforehand but it was a punch good to hear her deliver it stop you will have a big impact
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on women. thanks very much indeed. thanks to katty and christians throughout the past three hours. this is the democratic senator richard blumenthal who i should note is one of donald trump's fiercest critics. here he is a one year to date. is up to the president of the united states and his failure to ask for sba should —— ask for an fbi investigation in my view is taken into a cover—up. brett kavanaugh denies all these allegations. let's hear now from the republican lindsey graham. his assessment after he heard christine blasey ford's testimony. all i can say is 40—something date away from the election, and their goal is to lay this on the midterms so goal is to lay this on the midterms so they can win the senate and never allow president trump to win this
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seat. i don't know who paid for polygraph but somebody did and here is what i am more convinced of. the friends on the other side set it up to be just the way it is. i feel ambushed as the majority. we're going to hear from mr kavanaugh, judge kavanaugh, and i've been a judge kavanaugh, and i've been a judge and prosecutor and a defence attorney. here's what i will tell you. when it comes to where it happens, i still don't know. i don't know when it happens she said she's 100% certain it did happen and i bet you judge kavanaugh sets on 100% sure i did not do it. the people they name say they don't know what miss port is talking about. she cannot tell us how she got home and how she got there. that's the facts i'm left with. a nice lady who has come forward to tell a hard story thatis come forward to tell a hard story that is uncorroborated and this is enough, god help anybody else who gets nominated. let us bring in gary o'donoghue on capitol hill.
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there are lots of people around the world watching... what is it like next to their where it is happening? it is frenetic, really. captivating, horrifying and astonishing all the same time. i've never seen anything like this in front of a senate or a house committee, anything like this in congress and the quite frankly. it's something of a circus, there's no question about that. you've got two people really baring their souls in front of a nation. you had tears on both sides, you had defiant on both sides, you had brought a motion on display for everyone to see. —— you've had brought a motion. i do not know if this would you be due process a ny not know if this would you be due process any good in the long run from either side of the aisle but it's been quite a spectacle, i have to tell you, and watching brett kavanaughjust to tell you, and watching brett kavanaugh just now, to tell you, and watching brett kava naugh just now, clearly to tell you, and watching brett kavanaugh just now, clearly feeling he had to come out and be defiant,
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feeling yet to hit back and away he had not been previously, particularly earlier in the week that fox interview, but also not be able to hold it together, really, practically sobbing at times, practically sobbing at times, practically sobbing at times, practically sobbing in front of the senate committee, a nominee for the supreme court, it was not edifying in any way. i don't think for anyone concerned. can you help me and my viewers with one thing? ra'shede blasey ford says there were two people in the room when the assault happened. it kavanaugh and a man called markjudge. —— christine blasey ford. why is markjudge not being asked to give his story? he's given a written statement to the committee under penalty of felony. he declined to give evidence and ngidi republicans have not asked him to come do that. that is one of the big criticisms of the democrats, they have said this is the one
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person... softening these cases were sexual assault takes place, there are only two people involved and it's one person's word against another. they've argued all along he should be there and asked to give evidence but the republicans have resisted that and mrjudged as i wa nt to resisted that and mrjudged as i want to do that in any case. this has not happened. he goes to the heart of the democratic criticism about this whole process. the republicans not won a whole inquiry. because they wanted to drill this down, bring it back to one person's word against another, and trust that they could effectively get this through to the senate. while there is public opinion in this case and that will all matter to some extent and at the end of the day, you got the electorate of 100 people who will decide —— who will decide whether or brett kava naugh will decide —— who will decide whether or brett kavanaugh decides a separate justice —— becomes whether or brett kavanaugh decides a separatejustice —— becomes a supreme courtjustice. separatejustice —— becomes a supreme court justice. really separatejustice —— becomes a supreme courtjustice. really you've got four orfive
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supreme courtjustice. really you've got four or five senators who will decide the outcome. the are the audience here today. before i let you go, just explain to me and our viewers what happens from here, please, today. the evidence will continue. it kavanaugh will be questioned by either side, including this attorney, this will you're the republicans have hired. as things stand, there's due to be a vote committee tomorrow. we don't know whether that will go ahead. it is scheduled at the moment is he if he is voted out of committee. 21 members in that committee, 11 republicans, ten democrats. crucial is senatorjeff republicans, ten democrats. crucial is senator jeff flake, republicans, ten democrats. crucial is senatorjeff flake, senator from arizona. even if he is now voted out of committee, he could be voted on the floor of the senate. lots of hits and bites but this process is coming to some sort of conclusion in the next few days. thank you very much. that gary on capitol hill. this section on the story goes back tojuly. that's when president trump
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nominated brett kavanaugh to fill the vacancy on the supreme court. on paper, he seemed a safe bet. he had a long legal background. he's worked on some of the most high profile cases while serving on the us court of appeals. a former white house lawyer, adviser to george w bush. but the nomination was controversial. mr kavanaugh is a staunch catholic. critics were worried about his religious views and his stance on abortion. mr kavanaugh has said presidents should be shielded from criminal investigations. and some critics of president trump said that is not welcome. and we know he supports the second amendment. but now he faces these three separate accusations of sexual misconduct. we spent the last few minutes talking about doctor christine blasey ford. she's been giving
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evidence to as you know. a second woman called deborah ramirez accused mr kavanaugh of exposing himself at a dorm party. and a third woman, julie swetnick, says she was the victim of a gang rape in 1982 at a party that brett kava naugh attended. in response to that last accusation, mr kavanaugh said... he has the illini delight —— he has vehemently denied the other accusations as well. if you delete your can get accusations as well. if you delete yourcan getan accusations as well. if you delete your can get an update through the bbc news app. it's worth us reminding us why this is also significant. this is all to do with the supreme court. in washington, dc, the highest court in america. it has a huge impact on us politics. and american life. it deals with cases to do with the constitution and federal us laws, and it often has the final say on highly contentious laws.
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initially the live feed coming in from thejudicial initially the live feed coming in from the judicial committee. this initially the live feed coming in from thejudicial committee. this is from thejudicial committee. this is from thejudicial committee. this is from the us senate. the senators have taken their seats and judge brett kava naugh has have taken their seats and judge brett kavanaugh has taken his seat too. while we wait for proceedings to get under way, it's worth reminding you that the different senators i given different periods of allotted time from different periods of five minutes. during christine blasey ford's evidence, the republicans had asked a prosecutor to ask questions in their place. that was felt to be
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more appropriate, although towards the end of that, the prosecutor seems to question the whole format. anyway, let's listen in... dr ford, as you know, said that he was in the room when she was attacked. she also says you were. the fbi has never interviewed him. we've not had his attendance here. the chairman refuses to call him. if she sang markjudge within the room then, he should be in room here today. would you want him called as a witness? senator, this allegation... i'm just asking the question, would you want him to be here as a witness? is already provided sworn testimony. this allegation has been hidden by
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the committee. by members of the committee... it has not been investigated by the fbi. the committee has refused to... it was dropped on was sprung. it was not investigated by the fbi and has not been... could've been handled in the due course, senator. iwould disagree with that. i've been on this committee 44 years. but her publicans this committee 44 years. but her publica ns and democrats, this committee 44 years. but her publicans and democrats, i've never seen publicans and democrats, i've never seen somebody that critical and not allowed to be here, called to be testified or... he's provided sworn testimony. and senator, let me finish. the allegation came in weeks ago and nothing was done with it by the ranking member. and it was sprung the ranking member. and it was sprung on me. the ranking member. and it was sprung on me. judge kavanaugh, i've heard your line you stated over and over again, heard your line you stated over and overagain, andi heard your line you stated over and overagain, and i have heard your line you stated over and over again, and i have that ball in mind but let me ask you this. he authored a book titled wasted... he
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references somebody named kavanaugh passing out in a car during each week. is that you? senator, mark judge... to your knowledge, is that you you're talking about?|j judge... to your knowledge, is that you you're talking about? i will explain if you let me. proceed, please. markjudge was a friend of ours in high school. we developed a very serious —— he developed a very serious trekking problem that lasted decades and was very difficult for him to escape from. —— serious drinking problem. he nearly died. and then he had leukaemia as well on top of it. as part of his therapy, or part of his coming to grips with sobriety, he wrote a book. that is a fictionalized book and an account. i think he picked out names of friends of ours to throw them in as kind of
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close to, for characters in the book. you don't know whether that you were not? we can sit here and make fun of some value as an addiction... i'm trying to get a straight answer from you under oath. are you the brett kavanaugh he is referring to? you have to ask him. i agree with you there, that is why i wish the chairman had here. now you have talked about your yearbook. in your yearbook, you talked about drinking and sexual exploits, did you not? senator, let me take a step back and explain high school. i was numberone in the back and explain high school. i was number one in the class... no, no, no! i'm going to talk about my high
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school. i'm going to talk about my high school record here, if you're going to see here and mock me.ij think we were all fair to dr ford. should we not be the same ted judge kavanaugh? i always tried to do the best i could. i was first in the class freshman and junior year. i played sports, i was captain of the varsity basketball team. i was wide receiver and defensive back on a foot ball receiver and defensive back on a football team. i ran track in the spring of 1982 to get faster. i did my service projects with the school, which involved going to the soup kitchen downtown. let me finish. and going to tutor intellectually disabled children at the rockville library. with the church, and yes, we got together with our friends.
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does this reflect what you are? does zorzi reflect your focus on academics and your respect for women? it's easy, you don't have to filibuster the answer. does it reflect your focus? already said in my opening statement, the yearbook... wait a minute, he is asked a question, i will give you time to answer it. as i said my opening statement, the yearbook was something where the and editors made a decision to treat some of it as farce and exaggeration, some of the celebrating things that don't reflect the things that were really the central part of our school. yes we went to parties, and the yearbook page describes that and makes fun of it. if we want to sit here and talk about whether a supreme court nomination should be based on a yearbook page, i think that is taking this to a new level of
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absurdity. we got a filibuster but not a single answer. miss mitchell? judge, do you still have your calendars there? i do. iwould like you to look at the july calendars there? i do. iwould like you to look at thejuly one entry. yes. the entry says, and i quote" goes to meet with skis, judge, tom, bernie, and squeak". to what refer, and whom? versus as tobin's house, work—out, that is one of the foot ball work—out, that is one of the football workouts workouts that we would have that the doctor would run for guys on the football team during the summer. usually 6— apm or so,
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until near dark. then it looks like we went to timmy's, would you like to know their last names? i'm happy to know their last names? i'm happy to do it. if you could identify, is judge markjudge? in his pj, pj smith? they are. tim got it, mark judge, tom kane, pj smith? they are. tim got it, mark judge, tom kane, p] smith, and chris garrett. did you in your calendar routinely document social gatherings like house parties, or gatherings of friends in your calendar? yes, it certainly appears that way, that is what i was doing in the summer of 1982, and you can see that reflected on several of the entries. if a gathering like dr ford has described had occurred, would you have documented that? yes, because i
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documented that? yes, because i documented everything, those kinds of events, even small get—togethers, august seven is a good example where i documented a small get—together that summer, so yes. august seven. did you read that? "go to becky's. matt, denise... lori, jenny... " have you reviewed every entry in these calendars from may — august of 1982? is there anything that could even remotely fit what we are talking about in terms of dr ford's allegations? no. as a lawyer and a
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judge. we have talked about the fbi, are you aware that this type of offence would actually be investigated by local police? yes, i mentioned my country county police earlier. —— montgomery county police. are you aware that in maryland, there is no statute of limitations that would prohibit you being charged, even if this happened in1982? being charged, even if this happened in 1982? that is my understanding. have you at any time been contacted by any members of local police agencies regarding this matter? no man. prior to your nomination to spread core, you've talked about the female clerks you have had, the women you have worked with, i'm not just talking about them, i am talking about globally. have you ever been accused, either formally or informally, of unwanted sexual
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behaviour? no. when i say informally, i mean just behaviour? no. when i say informally, i meanjust a behaviour? no. when i say informally, i mean just a female complaint, it does not have to be to anyone else but you. no. since dr ford's allegation has been made public, how many times have you been interviewed by the committee? has been 3—4, i'm trying to remember now. it has been several times. each of these new things, absurd as they are, we would get on the phone and go through them. so have you submitted to interviews specifically about dr ford's allegations? yes. what about deborah ramirez‘s allegation that you wave your venus in front of her? yes. what about her allegation that he repeatedly engaged in drugging and gang raping, or allowing women to be gang raped?
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yes. yes, i have been interviewed about that. were your answers to my questions today consistent with the a nswe rs you questions today consistent with the answers you gave to the committee in these various interviews? yes man. 0k. these various interviews? yes man. ok. thank you, mr chairman. judge kavanaugh, earlier today, dr ok. thank you, mr chairman. judge kavanaugh, earliertoday, dr ford sat in that same chair. under oath, she said clearly and unequivocably. that she was a victim of sexual assault at your hands. she answered our questions directly, and she did not flinch at the prospect of submitting herself to an fbi investigation of these charges. i'm sure she has been advised by her attorneys, we know that a person lying to the fbi can face criminal prosecutions. you have clearly and unequivocably denied that you assaulted dr ford. with that statement, you must believe that there is no credible evidence or any credible witness that could prove otherwise? you start off with an
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impassioned statement at the beginning, and! impassioned statement at the beginning, and i can imagine —— try to imagine what you and your family have been through, i would not come close to it. no, you wouldn't. i'm sure i wouldn't. in the course of it, you said that you welcome any kind of investigation, that's a quote from you. "i welcome any investigation". i have a suggestion for you. right now, turned your left in front row, to don mcgann, counsel to president donald trump. ask them to president donald trump. ask them to suspend this hearing and nomination process until the fbi com pletes nomination process until the fbi completes its investigation of the charges made by dr ford and others, and goes to bring the witnesses forward and provides that information to this hearing. i'm sure the impairment democrat chairman at that point will understand that that is a reasonable request to prove these charges if they are not false. you spent two
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yea rs they are not false. you spent two years in the warehouse office approvejudicial years in the warehouse office approve judicial nominees. you years in the warehouse office approvejudicial nominees. you turn to the fbi over and over again for their work. let's bring them in here and now. turn to don mcgann and tell him it is time to get this done, the fbi investigation is the only way to a nswer fbi investigation is the only way to answer some of these questions. stop the clock. this committee is running this hearing, not the white house, not don mcgann, not even you as a nominee. we are here today because dr ford asked for an opportunity here. i know you did, as well. in fa ct, here. i know you did, as well. in fact, maybe before even she did. we are here because people wanted to be heard from charges that they all thought were unfair, or activities like sexual assault that were unfair. sol like sexual assault that were unfair. so i want to assure senator durbin, regardless of what you say
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to senator don mcgann, we are not suspending this hearing! proceed to answer the questions... i willjust say this. if you, judge kavanaugh, turned to don mcgann and this committee and say for the sake of your reputation, your family name and to get to the bottom of the truth of this, you will not let this be an obstacle to the fbi investigation, i would be an obstacle to the fbi investigation, iwould hope be an obstacle to the fbi investigation, i would hope that all members of the committee would join members of the committee would join me in saying that we will abide by your wishes and we will have a investigation. i welcome whatever the committee wants to do, because i'm telling the truth. i want to know what you are doing that you wa nt know what you are doing that you want to do. i'm innocent of this charge! and you're prepared for fbi investigation? they don't, you do reach conclusions! you cannot have it both ways, you cannot say here at the beginning and say that you welcome any kind of investigation. this thing was sprung at the last
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minute after being held by staff... and i called for a hearing immediately. if there is no truth to her charges, the fbi investigation will show that. are you afraid that they might not? , will show that. are you afraid that they might not?, on... the fbi does not reach conclusions, you know that isa not reach conclusions, you know that is a funny question. the fbi does not reach conclusions, theyjust provide the 302, so i can explain to people who don't know what that is, theyjust go and do what you are doing, ask questions and type up a report, they don't reach the bottom line. this morning is dr ford about this incident where she ran into my job —— mark judge. this incident where she ran into my job —— markjudge. someone in the washington post took a look at mark judge's book and has been able to read what he wrote about his addiction and alcoholism. and they have narrowed down with the think was a period of time, 6—8 weeks after the event, and he would have
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been working at the safeway at that point. so the point i'm getting to is we at least can connect some dots and get some information. why would you resist that? there are no dots. wray why would you resist that investigation? sir, iwanted wray why would you resist that investigation? sir, i wanted the investigation? sir, i wanted the investigation last week. the committee figures out, ask questions, i've been on the phone multiple times... would you support an fbi investigation right now?” will do whatever the committee wants... personally, do you think thatis wants... personally, do you think that is the best thing? you won't answer? look, senator. i said i wanted a hearing and said i was welcome anything. this thing was held when it could've been presented in an ordinary way, it could've been
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held and handled confidentially at first, which is what dr ford's wishes were, as i understand it. it would not have destroyed my family like it has. i think in us -- fbi investigation would help all of us on both sides of the issue. senator graham asks for the floor. before does, it seems to me... if you want to know something, you have the witness right here to ask. secondly, if you want an fbi report, you can ask for yourself. i've asked for fbi reports in the past in the 38 years i've been in the senate. senator graham. are you aware that at 923 pm on the night ofjuly nine, the day you were nominated to the supreme court by president trump, senator schumer said, 23 minutes after your
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nomination, "i will oppose his nomination, "i will oppose his nomination with everything i have. i hope a bipartisan majority will do the same. the stakes are simply too high for anything less". if you were not aware of it then, you do now. did you meet with senator feinstein august 20 as mac did you know her staff had already recommended a lawyer to dr ford? i did not know that. did you know that her into her staff had these allegations for over 20 days? i did not know that at the time. if you wanted an fbi investigation, you could've come to us! what you want to do is to destroy this guy's life, hold the seat open, and hope you win it in 2020. you have said that, not me! you have nothing to apologise for! when you see stoudemire and kagan, tell them lindsay... i voted for them, i would tell them lindsay... i voted for them, iwould never do tell them lindsay... i voted for them, i would never do to them what you have done to this guy. this is
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the most unethical sham since i've beenin the most unethical sham since i've been in politics. and if you really wa nted been in politics. and if you really wanted to know the truth, you sure as hell would not have done what you did with this guy. are you a gain great this? no. i cannot imagine what you and your family have gone through. you want power, and i hope you never get it. i hope the american people can see through this sham, that you knew about and you held it. you no intention of protecting dr ford, not! she is as much of the victim as you are. god i hate to say it, because these have been my friends. but let me tell you when it comes to this... you're looking for a fair process? you came to the wrong town at the wrong time, my friend. do you consider this a job interview? the advice... do you
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consider you have been through a job interview? i have been through a process under the constitution. would you say you have been through hell? i have been through hell and then some. this is not a job interview. this is hell. this is going to destroy the ability of good people to come forward because of this clap. your high school yearbook. you have interacted with professional women all your life, not one accusation. you are supposed to be bill cosby when you're a junior and senior in high school. and all of a sudden you've got over it. it has been my understanding that if you drug women and rape them for two years in high school, you probably don't stop. here is my understanding. if you lived a good life, people would recognise it,
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like the american bar association has, the gold standard. his integrity is absolutely unquestioned, he is the circumstance in his personal conduct, holds no vices or prejudices, is a really distant person, he is warm, friendly, unassuming. he is the nicest person. and one thing i can tell you, you should be proud of ashley? you should be proud of this. that you raise a daughter who had good character to pray for dr ford. to my republican colleagues, if you vote no, you are legitimising the most despicable thing i have seen in my time in politics. you want this seat? i hope you never get it i hope you are on the supreme court, that is exactly where you should be, and i hope that the american people will see through this charade. and i wish
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you well, and i intend to vote for you, and! you well, and i intend to vote for you, and i hope everybody who is fair—minded will. let us let things settle a bit after that. we can take a 62nd break? no, i'm good. one of the reasons, mr kavanaugh, that we are looking at the yearbook, is that it is relatively consistent in time with the events at issue here, and because it appears to be your words. it is in fact your words on the yearbook page? we submitted things to the editors, and i believe they took them, i don't know if they changed things or not. you are unaware of any changes? not one way
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or another, but i will not sit here and contest that. have at it if you wa nt and contest that. have at it if you want to go through my yearbook. i'm interested. lawyers should be working off of common terms and understand the words that we are using, i think that is a pretty basic principle among lawyers, would you not agree? it is, if you are worried about my yearbook, have added, senator. wray let us look at beach week ralph club, biggest contributor. what does ralph mean? i have a weak stomach, the last time i was here, you asked me to having catch up on spaghetti. i have always had a weak stomach. i don't know if is about catch up on spaghetti... someone did. it's well known, a lot of people behind me have known me my whole life, they know that i have a weak stomach, whether it is with
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beer or spicy food, or anything. so the vomiting that you reference in the vomiting that you reference in the ralph club reference is related to the consumption of alcohol? sir, i was the top of my class academically, busted my but in school, captain of the varsity basketball team, got into yell college. when i got into yale college, i got into yell law school, worked my tail off. —— yale law school. and did the word that you used... i already answered the question. did it relate to alcohol was blue i like beer, i don't know if you like beer, senator? senator, what do you like to drink? judge, i don't know if you have buffed, or booth, how do you pronounce that? don't know if you have buffed, or booth, how do you pronounce that7fi refers to flatulence, we were 16. so
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when your friend mark judge refers to flatulence, we were 16. so when your friend markjudge put the same thing in your yearbook page back to you, it had the same meaning, flatulence?” back to you, it had the same meaning, flatulence? i don't know what he did, but that is what was my recollection. if it means talking about flatulence on a 16—year—old's your web page, about flatulence on a 16—year—old's yourweb page, i'm game. about flatulence on a 16—year—old's your web page, i'm game.” about flatulence on a 16—year—old's your web page, i'm game. i don't know how you pronounce this, but thatis know how you pronounce this, but that is a proper name of an individual you know? renata is spelled with an e at the end. after thatis spelled with an e at the end. after that is the word alumni us. what does alumni us mean in that context? i explained in my opening statement. she was a great friend of ours. a bunch of us went to dances with her, we hung out as a group. the media circus that has been generated by this thought and reported that it referred to sex, it did not, it never had any sexual interaction, she said so herself. i'm sorry how
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that has been misinterpreted, and sorry about that as i explained in my opening statement. because she is a good person, and have her name dragged to hearing is a joke, and really an embarrassment. devil's triangle? drinking game. how is it played? three classes in a triangle. —— glasses. you ever played quarters? no. 0k, it is a quarters game. and doherty's? she had a party onjuly four on a game. and doherty's? she had a party on july four on a beach in game. and doherty's? she had a party onjuly four on a beach in delaware. and there are seven f's in front of the 4th ofjuly, but does that signify if anything? one of our friends, when he said the f word, starting at a young age, he had a wind—up to the f word, like a... and
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in the word would come out. and when we we re in the word would come out. and when we were 15, we thought that was funny, and it became an inside joke for how he would say... i will not repeat it here, the f word. referring to georgetown versus louisville... you want anything more on the f's? no. who won that game anyway, should we were draw any conclusion that a loss recollection with alcohol was involved in you not going to the games you attended? know, first of all georgetown... that is not inconsistent with great democrat drinking. i'm aware. the point was that we were having a party and did not pay attention to the game, even though the game was we the game, even though the game was we “— the game, even though the game was we —— the excuse we have for getting together. i don't know if you've been toa
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together. i don't know if you've been to a super bowl party and not paid attention to the game, just hang out with your friends. that is what we were referring to, on those two occasions. judge, i cannot think ofa two occasions. judge, i cannot think of a more embarrassing... scandal for the united states senate since the mccarthy hearings. when the comment was about the cruelty of the process towards the people involved from and the question was asked, have you no sense of decency? and i'm afraid we've lost that, at least for the time being. do understand you have been accused crimes? i'm painfully aware, for my family and me, to read about this. breathless reporting. the sexual assault that dr ford claims that you denied, the claims of mr ramirez, not even the
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new york times will report because they cannot corroborate it. and then stormy daniels's lawyer released bombshell accusing you of gang rape. all of those are crimes, are they not? they are, and i will never get my reputation back. my life is totally and permanently altered. judge, don't give up. i'm not giving up. the american people are listening to this, and they will make their decision, and i think you will come out on the right side of that. i will always be a good person and try to be a good judge, whatever happens. this is not a job interview. you have been accused of a crime. if you have lied to the committee and the investigators, thatis committee and the investigators, that is a crime in another itself, are you correct? that is correct. so in order to vote against her nomination, we would have to conclude that you are a serial liar.
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and you have exposed yourself to legal jeopardy and you have exposed yourself to legaljeopardy in your interaction with this committee and the investigator. isn't that correct? that is my understanding. you talked in your interview with martha mccallu m in your interview with martha mccallum the other night about a fair process. some of my colleagues across the aisle say that the burden is not on the accuser because this is not on the accuser because this isa is not on the accuser because this is a job interview, bird the is —— burden is on you. you said you were not there and it did not happen. it is impossible for you to prove a negative. 50 i would just suggest that you have been accused of a crime, and that a fair process under the united states constitution, under a notion of fair play, means that the people who make an accusation against you have to come forward with some evidence. is that not part of a fair process? yes sir, senator. part of that means there
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needs to be corroboration, other democrat meaning you're not guilty because someone makes... we do not give the government that power, we insist that those charges be proven by competent evidence, and i know we are not in a court. i have told my colleagues, if we were in court, half of them would be in contempt of court. but you have been accused of a crime, and i believe fundamental notions of fair play and justice in our constitutional system means if someone makes that accusation against you, they need to come forward with some corroboration, not just allegations. and you are right to be angry about the delays and your ability to come here and protect your good name. because in the interim, itjust keeps getting worse. it is not dr ford, it is a story not even the new york times would report. the allocation of miss
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ramirez. and then, stormy daniels's lawyer comes up with this incredible story accusing you of the most sordid salacious... story accusing you of the most sordid salacious. .. supreme story accusing you of the most sordid salacious... supreme court nominee brett kavanaugh has been testifying about charges made earlier today by christine blase ford that he sexualized democrats actually assaulted her in high school. he had vehement —— vehemently denied the accusation and we will come back to the hearing and prosper as progress. the burden under our system when you accuse someone of a criminal conduct, it is on the person making the accusation. i understand this is not a trial. but i just want to make sure we are understood. it is hard to reconstruct what happened 36 years ago, and! reconstruct what happened 36 years ago, and i appreciate what you said about dr ford, that perhaps she has had an incident at some point in her life, and you are sympathetic


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