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tv   100 Women  BBC News  December 9, 2018 10:30am-11:00am GMT

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treasures like these taken from ethiopia by the british could be returned to africa under a long—term loan. we are willing to doc about restitution, within certain conditions, once we establish the ownership, who owns it, clearly the moral ownership is with a country but does that mean that everything that was acquired in the colonial period is legal or not? that must be discussed further. whatever happens after five years out of the public view it is hoped that these a rtefa cts will view it is hoped that these artefacts will gain a wider audience. a uk made instrument has captured the sound of the wind on mars. rumble full is the despite not being designed to pick up sound — the seismometer, carried on nasa's insight lander, detected vibrations from the martian air as it rushed over the probe's solar panels. nasa's insight spacecraft is the latest robotic resident on the red planet, sent there to study mars's geology. now we can study the weather here on
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earth. matt taylor has the latest weather forecast. hello. earth. matt taylor has the latest weatherforecast. hello. you are showers around this afternoon compared to this morning so some sunshine around. some showers in northern ireland and into the west. some wintry showers in northern scotland. the winds will be lighter and with more sunshine around it will feel easily pleasant out of the breeze. the breeze will be noticeable enough and it is quite chilly, with temperatures were most in single figures. when‘s macro coming from a more northerly direction by the end of the day. showers overnight in northern ireland and putting into the north of england. coldest in parts of scotla nd of england. coldest in parts of scotland and eastern england with some widespread frost into the commute on monday. widespread frost out to the west. tomorrow there will
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be showers in north west england and into the midlands and later on as the sunshine turns hazy, a few spots of rain in south—west england, wales and northern ireland. most will get through monday dry but still chilly in eastern areas. see you soon. hello. this is bbc news with ben brown. the latest headlines: police in new zealand investigating the murder of british backpacker grace millane say they have found a body. this brings the search for grace to an end. it is an unbearable time for the millane family and our hearts go out to them.
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the prime minister warns britain will be in uncharted waters if the commons rejects her brexit deal as downing street insists there will be no delay to the vote. but one former cabinet minister says theresa may must renegotiate the withdrawal agreement. the eu doesn't want no deal and we don't want no deal say between us of course we can get a better deal for the uk. backstop goes. the 39 billion is for ourfuture the uk. backstop goes. the 39 billion is for our future agreement. more than 1700 arrests in france after another weekend of violent protests. police use tear gas and rubber bullets on the streets of paris and the french prime minister calls for unity. and now in our 100 women series we are going to meet the surrogates who agree to give birth to a stranger's
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child and receive only expenses in exchange. i'm creating not just a child these gentlemen, but i'm also creating a legacy. his dads, it was their faces. it was very, very raw emotion. if you're in this, you have to be in it for the love of giving. i use my body to help people build decks and sheds and i don't feel it is any different. women are not paid to be surrogates. it's a 10 yearjail term or $500,000 fine if you purchase your surrogate a gift. they sent police. before i could stand up, i had a gun to my head. hope you like to see this. i will make as many babies as i possibly can, until it gives out on me. it's not your genetics. it's somebody else's. it's an extreme version of baby—sitting. tell me someone found my suitcase.
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yay! so today we are anticipating between 50 and 60 surrogates. we run these retreats every couple of months across canada. it's an opportunity for women to come and connect. this space is our sacred space. surrogacy can be very difficult. women can struggle with miscarriage or loss. the honouring of these women is what's the priority. they will come in. and this moment is a moment of self—reflection. everyone thinks we're in there.
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we're over there. people are bringing their stuff up to the place. i don't know how to make it more clear. hey, guys. hey, hot mama. we help pregnant people with their bags. in canada, surrogacy is alturistic. women are not paid to be surrogates. it is a reimbursement of expenses given to the woman carrying by the intended parents who will eventually, hopefully, if all goes well, have a baby. there is no employer and there is no employee. it means that it's a connection and a commitment that two parties make in order to build a family. so, ladies, as you come in... let'sjust get settled.
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for those of you who are new to our retreats, at the beginning of each retreat we start with a meditation. i don't have a whole lot of time for meditation, and i imagine many of you don't. the ones that do, i applaud you for creating this time for yourself. you know, we will stay up until ten o'clock at night making cupcakes for the class party, but we can't find three seconds to take three deep breaths to centre ourselves, and that'sjust mom rules. angie is going to lead us in the meditation. now, please, place your hand on your abdomen. where your womb is or has been. feel the power there. honour the depth, the life, and the connection to our mothers. the cycles, the rhythm. i am currently pregnant. we just transferred last week. we found out yesterday that the baby stuck. my ips, intended parents, are from montreal. they are two guys. they're absolutely fantastic men. they will make amazing fathers.
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we have been there and we remember that feeling ofjudgement. 0h, does that mean she has a different dad? yes. do all of your kids have different dads? well, most of them. i love pregnancy. after my five kids, i knew i didn't want any more of my own so i got my tubes tied but i still can be a surrogate, and i can still produce and make these babies for people, and as long my body will allow it, i will continue to be a surrogate. i will make as many babies as i possibly can until it gives out on me. i am pregnant with a little girl. for me, i see a lot of american surrogates, they get paid 60,000 to 120,000 just to get pregnant,
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where in canada we don't do that. we're not a baby machine, rent—a—womb, or whatever they call it. so to me that made it that much more special. i live in a small town so i received a lot of negative feedback. you know, how could you give up that baby? you know, what are you going to do to your children? you know, you're giving up yourfamily life. and it's nine months. i don't have to worry about my period. yay! it's your body, it's your choice. there shouldn't be anyone that dictates what you do to your body, even if it is your spouse, because i received a lot of negative comments from my spouse just because he is frustrated. he just doesn't understand why i am doing this, because only i would understand the full extent of this. one of my biggest supporters was my mom, and shejust passed away on wednesday. she has been the one that
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told me to keep going, and even though i have had negative criticism, she just... she was right there for that for me. she definitely made sure other people did not talk badly about it, and she informed them all the time that i am my own person, and i know i have always lived outside of the box. i've lived a different life than most. so this is my first journey as a surrogate. i'm trying to be more disconnected in a way so i don't get attached to the baby. in a way that i am just worried about afterwards, about my emotions, so i am protecting myself a little bit. i chose a single father. that was something important to me because men have no way of having children.
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the intended father is french, and i am french, and he is a teacher. as a teacher myself, i connected to that kind of world and their understanding of children. i'm 23 weeks with a french carribean baby. i'm glad to be here because i have had a really easy pregnancy like everyone, but not an easy relationship with my if so i'm glad to be with people that are not him. they laugh. he knows that he is anxious, and i am not at all, and i struggle with being with people, not being, helping people who are anxious. i would not do it if i knew i was getting paid for it. that would feel like a job to me, and i want to give somebody that gift. i use my body to help people build decks and sheds, and i don't feel it is any different although it is inside my body. i feel, as a female, that it is empowering to me that i can make that decision for myself. i'm going to come around
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with more colours. don't worry, ladies. all: one, two, three! they cheer. it has sparkles! you boys, come clean this table. clean it now and then clean it up. don't walk on the table! 0k, mommy will read you the riddles, see if you guys can get them. 0k, what do you do with a green monster? you wait till he ripens. 0h! right? so it goes spencer, thenjacob, zachary, chloe, and riley.
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so i have four surrogacyjourneys already planned out. 0ne done, one in the middle, and two to go. at least. maybe i will find more ips after that. this is where i keep my receipts. you get reimbursed for any pregnancy— related expenses, so groceries, lost wages, and any meds. anything that is directly related to the surrogacy, to the journey, is reimbursable. but if you don't have receipts, you don't get reimbursed for it. my contract this time, it's 2,450 a month. sometimes i reached it barely, and other times i reached it and so much over. so here is my meds collection. i've got my prenatals. my daughter does not like this. you have your morning and yourevening. being a surrogate, you do have
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to take a lot more medication. you need to take progesterone shots once a day until 12 weeks of pregnancy. it's just so full because you need to do it so often. that's my progesterone i got to take. what i take from being a surrogate is the pleasure of being able to give somebody what they've wanted for who knows how long. it's a very thick oil. so it does take some time to get it in. i'm proud. i'm very proud that i am able to carry this child for somebody. you tell yourself, "it's not my baby, you don't need to get attached." and it actually worked. i know she's not mine,
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and i was completely ok with that. i have five kids of my own. i don't need any more in my house. yeah, my daughter plays violin, and this is aidan's tiny viola. he plays that. i know it is little. that's my son's cello over there, but that's a pretty big one, the one on a stand. that's my husband. hello. we are making a train upstairs. i love it. how are you making this? what are you going to do with them? i am finally in the third trimester, and i'm starting to feel that i am pregnant. i'm starting to feel tired, and the baby is moving a tonne. i'm principal of two orchestras.
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i am principal cellist. any of my babies, or any of the babies i have carried, have reacted differently to me playing the cello. sometimes i can feel the belly go inwards because they don't want to feel the vibrations of the cello, and another would push out so they could be right against my cello. this baby seems to fall asleep whenever i'm actually playing. my main concern is to protect my children and to protect my family, like our feelings, and i want things to stay the same for the kids. hi, gabby. hi. we're just talking about the baby. 0k. are we keeping the baby afterwards? no. what do you think about it? good because we don't want four children. why don't we? four children is a lot
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and because it's hard to handle a lot of people. it is hard to handle a lot of people. especially when you get a baby. do you ever have doubts or reservations? my reservations with it were this kind of thing isn't available to everybody in the world. i knew going in that we're going to help a well—off person get what they wanted, because they were able to afford it, they had the means, and i think i got past it for the most part. i mean, there have been a couple of incidents with the intended father that i don't like, acting entitled, the attitude was basically "i am paying for this, i deserve these things". no, because we have a human here that is entitled to her own health details. even in the ultrasound, i didn't
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want to send the full results, like cervical length. that is my cervix, i really don't feel comfortable with people knowing about that. i think the intended father is used to having a lot of control in his life. what i've come to realise is that he is really excited. he is a first—time parent, he gets to have a baby. i just cannot be as excited as he is. i have three children already. i don't know if i would pick somebody else, but i would make sure that i would talk about my expectations for communication before even going through the whole thing. there are other surrogates that have different relationships, and knowing that i am not being mean or selfish by not wanting to talk to him all the time. it's ok to need that space. so if we canjust let san diego know the intended parents
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are going ahead with the sono. no committment on transfer. if you can organise the sono which will be in the next week. i started cfc 11 years ago. it was myself and one team member which has now turned into over 30 staff in three offices. in ourfirst year, we had ten surrogates. right now, we havejust over 500 active surrogates in our programme. it is illegal for intended parents to pay our agency or any other consultancy in canada to find a surrogate. so the matching is done in our programme for free. if the intended parentes and surrogates decide to work with us on the coordination side of things, we will manage that for them. six years ago, the day started as any other day. there was a bang at the door, and they said police, and before i could stand up, i had a gun to my head.
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fast—forward, went to court, pled guilty to two regulatory defences. it was paying surrogates and egg donors without receipts. we now know very clearly that we require a receipt. where we as an industry struggle is with what constitutes a payment. is a necklace or small gift at the birth considered a payment? you've got to push.
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i don't want to. this leg is dead. i'm sorry. there we go. baby cries. it sucks getting stuff all over you.
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it's so beautiful. thank you very much. she's out in the world now. i just created a family. that's crazy. it's not my own, it's someone else's family. that's crazy. good. i thought i was going to get more tears out of you. or are they still coming?
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she is very gorgeous. so today i'm going to go down and see the guys and i'm going to bring some them colustrum. this is just overnight, my colustrum is still coming. i'm going to take that down to them, and then give herformula. it's better if ijust pump, because the baby will have to get
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confused, and none of the breast but the bottle and for me the connection helps them with my emotional mental health. hello. so cute. i don't know how to work that one. he knows how to work it. you can probably smell my milk as well. i'm sorry, no. i know at the retreat i had spoke about my fiance not being very supportive. he's really struggled with this process.
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my kids on the other hand love it. they realise it's not our baby, but they are going to be a part of our life for a very long time. my mum, she's now passed, she really encouraged me to keep going, so not having her during the birth was really hard. my dad, having him there, and he was holding a picture of her the whole time. itjust made me feel like she was there. she would be very proud of me because she has been very proud of me this whole process, so completing it successfully without totally losing my
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mind, i think that's what really got me through, knowing my mom was proud. hello. a perfect morning for a walk along the beach in scarborough today but you might want to look again in somerset. looking pretty wild out there at the moment with strong winds from the night starting to ease. the good news is more of you will see skies like scarborough than what we have in somerset. the clouds across the south have been pushing away west to east but now there is a drift from north to south, with a change in wind direction bringing colder conditions, chasing away the showers in wales and the midlands and southern england. more wintry showers and northern parts of scotla nd showers and northern parts of scotland and in between, big gaps in the cloud and long sunny spells for
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many, with a few showers drifting through northern ireland, parts of wales and into the south west midlands, and some wintry flurries in the far north west of scotland with sunshine in between. temperatures four degrees for many with temperatures seven to nine in scotland. you are sheltered from the breeze under sunny skies. in northern england, some showers. some in wales and northern england. winds will ease compared to the gusty winds we saw throughout the night. temperatures at best in the south around 11. into tonight, showers in eastern ireland, dumfries and galloway and north east england, the blue colouring on the chart indicates a widespread frost with temperatures near freezing in central scotland. a frost in northern and eastern england and a patchy fog to the south and west. in the north, some showers in the morning rush hour but many of them will fade and many of you will spend the day dry. then chanted hazy from the day dry. then chanted hazy from the west and the cloud could thicken up. devon and cornwall and northern
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ireland and the west of scotland, some showers. close to 12 degrees in the west, and it is the start of a battle this week between colder trying to hold on in the uk and warmer pushing in from the atlantic. did you say, the cold air is dominant. a frosty start for many. the cloud may sit with you for a good part of the day if you start with it on tuesday but elsewhere sunny spells. quite chilly, with rain held in the west. it will try and charge in through the week but it will be more of a poodle. a long process and by the end of the week the mild air might make it towards us the mild air might make it towards us possibly with some snow. we will keep you updated. this is bbc news.
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the headlines at 11am. police in new zealand investigating the murder of british backpacker grace millane say they have found a body. this brings the search for grace to an end. it is an unbearable time for the millane family and our hearts go out to them. the prime minister warns the uk will be in ‘uncharted waters' if the commons rejects her brexit deal as downing street insists there will be no delay to the vote. the brexit secretary tells the bbc the deal delivers on what brexiteers campaigned for. the vote is going ahead and that's because it is a good deal, it's the only deal, and it's important we don't let the perfect become the enemy of the good. more than 1,700 arrests in france after another weekend of violent protests police use tear gas and rubber bullets on the streets of paris, and the french prime minister
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