tv Click BBC News December 25, 2018 10:30am-11:00am GMT
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hello this is bbc news. the headlines: rescuers in indonesia say they're worried about disease spreading following the tsunami on saturday, which has killed more than 420 people. 150 remain missing. actor kevin spacey is charged with sexual assault in america and releases a video addressing allegations made against him. after three days of disruption at gatwick airport, the government says drone detection systems can now be deployed throughout the uk. religious ceremonies get under way around the world to celebrate christmas day. hundreds sturn out to see the royal family attend their traditional church service in sandringham this morning. now it's time for the latest in technology and gadgets with a festive flavour. it's our ‘clickmas‘ special. this week, it's a festive feast of fun with music, magic and. . . meditation.
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yes, it's clickmas! it's the 2018 clickmas special. the gang is all here. hello! welcome, welcome. spence, i've got your first christmas present and what a corker it is. this is the world's first flexible phone. look at that! you can have it on this way or around here and itjust flips, it knows which way you are holding it and it's built on android. this is a brand—new operating system on top of it called water and it's
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built by a small chinese firm called royale, you might not have heard of it. it is the first phone they're released. there you go. the idea is you have a tablet you can use or you can fold it into a phone. you can work as on a tablet or fold it back to a phone. when can we get this? it's a good question. if you're in china, in the shops from 2019 to start off. 0nline, obviously. just order from a chinese shop and you can get one delivered to your door, but as far as europe and america and other parts of the world, probably 2020 when they get some of the regulations in place for those markets. wow, give it a bend again. look at that, beat that. very nice, but i was a bit worried that it wouldn't fit in your pocket cos your pockets don't look that big so i've got you the world's smallest smartphone.
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oh, my goodness — it's so diddy. this is made by palm, better known back in the 19905, but have a play with it, it's cute. it will go into my pocket. my goodness, it's so cute. you think that's a small phone, spenc, merry christmas. oh, my word. what, no. it's a tiny, tiny telephone. this is the zanco tiny t1, a 2g phone, the world's smallest phone, no internet, you can do some text messaging and calls. want some stats? yes, please. 50 text messages you can store on there, 300 contacts. my goodness, it's like the ‘90s but really, really tiny. hello? it's the police for you, dan. apparently you've gotten yourself into some hot water. ted!
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what's going on? dan, you are enjoying my hot tub? nice feature. i don't think that's standard, that one. i think it's been hacked. what do you mean? this hot tub is on the internet like thousands of others in the country. let me introduce you to the guys hacking it. here is andy in glasgow. hi, andy. hi! it looks cold up there. very windy. so andy, to prove you can take remote control, turn the pumps off. look, no hands. that's the blower. now the pumps. and they're off. and we didn't touch a thing. andy, thanks very much for the fountains, i think
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you owe me a glass of champagne. merry christmas! so ken, can we hack somebody else‘s hot tub? we can hack thousands of these tubs anywhere in the world. who are they? they live here. so let's go look at kerry's hot tub in south wales, he tipped us off about this. hello, kerry. how are you? boys, hack it. oh, yes. nice work, guys, nice work. so how does it work? well, there's not enough security on the mobile application that you control the hot tub with. because these are online. that's right. and there isn't even a username or password to the tub so it doesn't check that you are you.
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the fact that it's online and there is no authentication means we don't know who is trying to control whose hot tub. but how do they work out which one to attack? so, the only address you need is that of the wireless card inside the tub and, believe it or not, you can find those addresses on online war—driving databases like wiggle, which is a free source of information. that's public? yep, anyone can call in there. they can work out your hot tub, where it is and if you are in it or not, because the pumps will be on. in a statement to click, balboa water group, whose app connects to hot tubs, said... wow, hacking hot tubs. no—one wants their hot tub hacked. least of all the company. they didn't see that one coming. no, they did not.
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we did that as a bit of fun for christmas. but there is a serious point to it which is that, this year, we are going to get stuff that connects to the internet more than ever and if you don't take security seriously, then the companies that are providing these products, it seems to us that they might not be taking security seriously either. so what do we do when we unwrap our internet of things things? just once, read the manual change the password, don't leave it to the default setting because you will be more secure, and it is important because once you get through to one of these products, you could get through to one or another or another. then it could be your computer that they get in. do it, or turn your bubbles off. a little christmas music there. i'm loving what you're playing on the what on earth is that? this is from roli, it's the seaboard block which is a modular music system which allows pretty much anyone to make noise which sounds like music. a great description.
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it consists of different blocks which are modular. so you can... rainbow drums. it's a rainbow drums but it's also very tactile. this is an led block which allows you to play different bits. i like that, musical thing. it's a technical term. it is a technical term. it's a pressure—sensitive keyboard which allows you to do different things. and slide. we're in space! it has loops, so it clicks together pleasingly. i love the magnetic nature of this. it works via bluetooth and you can actually make tunes with it as well. there you go. you've got the loop. marvellous. thank you, lj. pleasure. there is more music in the air now of a very different kind. this is a boeing 7117 flight simulator. it has the latest computer—generated visuals and it's been painted
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to look like heavy metal band iron maiden‘s jumbo jet ed force one. why? because it's owned by iron maiden‘s lead singer bruce dickinson who is himself a trained commercial pilot. the question is, can i learn to fly one of these in under an hour? that might depend on the quality of teaching. and it looks like my instructor has turned up. yes, it's iron maiden‘s bruce dickinson, an absolute aviation nut who liked being a pilot so much, he bought the company. cardiff aviation maintains aircraft and trains pilots. walkie, walkie, walkie
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across the magic drawbridge into...another world. he has 6,500 hours of commercialflying experience. he is taking us up... away we go. ..and i'm bringing us down. what is it about flying that you really love? 0k, look out the window. look out of the window. 0k. it appealed notjust to the closet engineer in me but it also appealed to the kind of romantic artist in me as well because you get some odd things when you're flying across the sunset, and the darkness is curling over the top of the plane like a tunnel, and it's just this incredible metaphysical moment. it's symbolic, that you are above light in the dark. it is getting closer to the mind of god. you know, i have a feeling that
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i've just been sung to. time to me to learn where everything is and what everything does. turn the knob left, until it comes to 270. we are banking left somewhat. you are commanding the aeroplane to bank left. no way! i had no idea this is how you fly a jumbo jet, by twiddling these knobs. select flaps five. flaps five, captain. jolly good. ditto, you're getting the hang of this. iam. do what you say immediately. you have to be a certain disposition to be a captain because, when they come over the intercom, they sound calm and professional — that's part of the training, isn't it? i have no idea! i secretly think they're (bleep) themselves. theyjust don't let on!
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flaps ten, please. flaps ten. thank you very much. finally, night falls, with the press of a button in the simulator, and it's time for me to try and land the beast. so you're flying it. so that's telling you to go left a little bit. left a little bit. just follow the magenta line. the clue is, don't fixate on looking out the window. you will cock it up. excellent, you are absolutely spot on on the left—right.. just down a bit, there you go, excellent. oh, my goodness. excellent. you are really close to the runway, you are really in tight so these directions are going to be timely and precise. simulator: 100. just a couple of things but that the line... 100, 40, 30, 10. there you go. lower the nose gently to the runway. 0h, ladies and gentlemen! welcome to heathrow.
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terminal 666. landing ajumbo in, how good was that? i have to say that was one of the more bizarre experiences of the year. kate, mark, pack it in, you two. sorry. we are gamers, we're very competitive. so we raise you two biplanes and a sick bag. before we do that, we've got to ditch the festive clobber for a pair of flight suits. an airfield just outside london on a crisp winter's morning. an ideal location to test a real—world experience against its computerised counterpart. vr hasn't quite taken off in the way that lots of tech companies thought it might. but, as the headsets have got cheaper and developers have had a chance to tinker with the experiences, can they really match the visceral nature of the real thing? we are about to find out.
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cue the montage. 0k, our bargain basement take on top gun is now out of the way. long—running videogame franchise ace combat is more of an arcade shoot—‘em—up than a super accurate flight sim. its latest version ace combat 7 boasts a new vr mode. it allows players to put on a headset and experience a more immersive version of the game. voiceover: all that is left you is piles of rubble. kate and i are taking to the skies in these pitts special acrobatic biplanes. awesome! while not as fast as a jet, the pitts airframe is designed for maximum manoeuvrability, allowing for acrobatics that are making us both question the wisdom of agreeing to do this. 0k! they are going to run through a series of manoeuvres that
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demonstrate the principles of aerial dogfighting. whoa! we fly in formation, then break loose with one aeroplane chasing the other, as they would in a dogfight. we have been warned that some of these manoeuvres might pull up to 5g, which would make our bodies feel five times heavier, as well as inducing nausea. sick bags have been supplied. how are you feeling, kate? don't talk to me for a moment. laughter. time to give the game a go now we're safe on terra firma. first up a quick spin on the console without vr. someone shooting at me. oi! got ya! so we have flown for real. now we're indoors. we're comfortable, sat
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in front of the console. so now we'll see what ace combat 7 is like in virtual reality. because you're seated, you look around and you see your body, it does give you that sense that you're in the cockpit of an aircraft. the vr is quite a bit more difficult than playing this normally on the tv. kate, how are you feeling? i feel sick. really?! yes. vr can make some people feel a little bit queasy. i've been in lots of vr games, but this, in the same way that the real experience made me feel sick, this made feel sick. as the sun sets, kate and 1's sorties are completed. out of all the things we have done today, kate, which was your favourite experience? um, without a shadow of a doubt, the real experience. i don't think, unless.. potentially if you have the full vr motion cabinet going on... the vr does a pretty good job of making you think
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that you are flying, but it isn't anywhere close to the real thing. all that remains for us to do now is to wander off into the sunset... and then have a lie down? yeah, possibly. even though it looked like it, we didn't actually use our sick bags. really? it was close though. 0k. well done. right, i've been in a simulator, these guys have been in a plane, nick has been to new zealand without leaving the grounds. so i can see different flocks of birds flying over north and south island of new zealand. i know what you are thinking, nick's drunk. and if i crouch down under the table — there's fish. either that or i am heavily hallucinating with a massive pair of sunglasses on. again. laughter. oh yes. golden eggs are coming. i'm touching. oh, no, i'm not.
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oh god, that's weird. well, i'm neither. kia ora, everyone, and welcome to the most incredible country in the world. i'm actually getting a whistle—stop tour of new zealand from a talking kiwi bird. kiwi bird. and so are these randomers. we're at vfx company framestore‘s hq in central london, trying out magic leap‘s new multiplayer boa rdgame. new zealand's most popular wedding venues. i'm gonna say that's a fact. the magic leap one is a mixed reality headset where you see characters interact with the real environment around you. meaning you can see your competitors across the table. inbuilt speakers means you can hear them too, as well as the game's spatial audio. often people when they think of new zealand, they think of the amazing scenery, lord of the rings, the hobbit. but there's so much more to the destination. so enabling us to bring to life the stories and add those elements in through our mixed reality experience really showcases
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the destination in a new light. it's a new technology. it is new software and it's new hardware. and we worked for quite a long time building up an understanding of how some of these experiences might work. the headset‘s sensors and six cameras track where you and your hands are, strengthening the illusion and allowing you to interact with the digital items. 0h, here comes my golden egg. thank you very much. each viewer sees the same object, but from their best point of view. so pete the talking kiwi bird addresses each person simultaneously as if he were talking to just them. are we ready? then let's go. from the elusive company that was recently valued at $6 billion, they have certainly got plenty of cash to play with. oh, oh! air new zealand hopes the technology will one day be used on board aircraft, where they'll certainly
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have a captive audience. and down the line they want to bring the game to your living rooms and improve interactivity between players. right now, i am pleased as punch with my holographic flying trophy. the golden egg cup goes to me. thank you! um... ah... paul. paul! back in the room. sorry. welcome back. ah, what're you doing and what're you wearing? this is the muse brain sensing headband. has it sensed a brain? apparently there is one in here somewhere. 0k. what's going on? it's to help me meditate. 0k. what it does is it links to this app on your phone and it plays, supposedly, relaxing sounds. in this case rainfall. slightly counter—intuitive. what is does is these sensors on the front and on the side measure the electrical brain activity
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and when it detects some it affects the volume and intensity of the rainfall that plays on the app. so it is slightly counter—intuitive, because when it rains heavily, that's telling you you're thinking too much, it wants you to clear your thoughts and be calmer. so when you're thinking too much it plays you a really loud noise to tell you to stop thinking about things? exactly. it tries to calm you down by playing lots of loud noises at you, yeah. good. excellent. makes perfect sense. i guess this is useful for people who just need to clear their minds and be a bit more effective about what they're going to do next. maybe if you're working from home or something... yeah, i guess so. it's £200 though. you'd have to be pretty stressed out. it looks relaxing, but if you need more help concentrating at home then this might do the job. if you've ever worked from home there is properly something you have struggled with, not noisy neighbours or running out of coffee, but something much, much worse. i am talking about procrastination. home alone, the only person who is going to know if you are slacking off is yourself.
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but what if someone were watching you, holding you to account for how you are spending your time? that's the idea with focus mate. why go to the office when someone can watch you from your own home? i'm watching you. all right, i'm working, yeah. the idea is to connect you to another person who's also struggling to get stuff done. you agree a day and time on the focusmate and you meet up for some virtual co—working. ok, so far so good. this is when things get a little bit weird. when the introduction is over you spend 50 minutes working in total silence. the web cams are still on though — you can spy on them and they can spy on you. hope is that if you know someone is watching you you will both be more productive. that is the idea. but what is it actually like to use? i have got my first session booked in with focusmate‘s founder. hello. you're at home right now. this is your living room, is it? it is the casa, yes. this is focusmate h0. what's wrong with good old—fashioned willpower when it comes to working? laughter.
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it doesn't work. even if your willpower is just amazing and you're like way out there, off the charts, you're still contending with more distractions than, really, you're built to handle. taylor says that focusmate is founded in real science. by activating behavioural triggers around commitment, accountability, and social pressure, the thinking is that you're more likely to get into the flow. each call is meant to begin with you both stating with what you want to get done any time and then end with you revealing what you actually achieved. it's tweaks like this that taylor claims make all the difference. what we have done is that we have baked in this structure that says, hey, if you adhere to this format, great, if you don't, there's a potential penalty of no longer being in the good graces of the community and that's a huge driver of behaviour. the focusmate community is still quite small. you'll see familiar faces cropping up all over the calendar, but while there's not many of them
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it's clear that something keeps the users coming back. ben lives in london and has been using focusmate for several months. there has been a lawyer from germany who has been studying for her exams. i met a guy from romania who's trying to learn a language. and then i met a guy from california who spent about 25 minutes stretching in front of the camera. the number of people working remotely is growing every year. and so will focusmate probably isn't for everyone, in the future tools like this could be a lot more important. i have to say, though, someone watching you through a camera while you're doing yourjob, it sounds a bit creepy to me. anyway, that's it for this year's clickmas special. thank you so much for watching. thank you, guys, for being brilliant to work with for another year. we have one more present for you. if you weren't in the audience of our recent click live show, next week you can see it on tv. from us to you. and from all of us, merry clickmas! merry clickmas!
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cheers! merry christmas! it's been a cloudy start to the day. as we go through the afternoon it's also going to remain fairly cloudy for most of us. we've had some fog this morning, some of it is still clinging on and some of it will last all day. if that happens for you, it will hold the temperature down. but the high—pressure is still firmly in charge. bit of a weather front moving from the west to east across scotland introducing sunlight and patchy rain. but not much of a breeze today at all. fair bit of cloud this afternoon, some brighter breaks when we lose the rain across north east scotland. we will see some sunshine and parts of north—east england also
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seeing some sunshine. the same too through parts of east anglia and the south—east, the midlands and north east wales. but for the rest of us, it will remain cloudy but milder than it was yesterday with temperatures between about six and 12 degrees. now, through this evening and overnight it's going to remain fairly cloudy but where the cloud breaks across north east scotland, it could well be cold enough for you for a touch of frost. the other thing happening is, there'll be some patchy mist and fog forming. most of the fog will be in the hills and a weather front it will be introducing some rain across the northern and western isles and also in north—west scotland. so that's how we stop boxing day, with this cloud and rain. but once again, for most of the uk, it it's going to be a fairly cloudy picture. second half of the day starts to see some of that cloud break—up, particularly across southern counties and we'll see some sunshine developed. but here, temperatures about ten to 12 and in the north, ten to 12 so milder day than christmas day. as we head into thursday, we still have wednesday's front moving round the north of scotland.
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moving into the west at times, introducing sunlight, patchy rain. hardly an isobar in the charts, that means it's not going to be windy. so thursday we start off once again with a fair bit of cloud around. we have a weather front producing some patchy rain across northern and western scotland but you can see more breaks developing on thursday, meaning we will see more sunshine. but not quite as mild, temperatures in the south nine to about 11, tens and 11s as we push further north. into friday and the weekend, still a lot of settled weather to be had. now, overnight friday into saturday, we'll have some rain which will clear, leaving us with a mostly dry day on saturday and mild. you are watching bbc news and we are
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going to take you to the sandringham estate in norfolk. the royalfamily arejust estate in norfolk. the royalfamily are just arriving for their traditional christmas day service. she and other members of the royal family attending. she hasjust arrived in a cart that brought her from sandringham a moment ago. other members of the royal family have already arrived in a separate vehicle and we will be able to show you their arrivals in a few moments. the queen has gone in. you get a hint of the numbers of people who have gathered by the church entrance to see her. well—wishers, some who have been there since around az30am, was about the time of the earliest arrivals but the good few more have
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arrived since then, no doubt staying to see the royal family leaving in about an hour. those are the scenes at sandringham in norfolkjust now. this is bbc news. the headlines at 11.00am. rescuers in indonesia say they're worried about disease spreading following the tsunami on saturday which has killed more than 420 people. 150 remain missing. actor kevin spacey is charged with sexual assault in america and releases a video addressing allegations made against him. after three days of disruption at gatwick airport, the government says drone detection systems can now be deployed throughout the uk. religious ceremonies get under way around the world to celebrate christmas day. hundreds turn out to see the royal family as they arrive at sandringham for church this morning. there were hundreds and hundreds of
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