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tv   Review 2018  BBC News  January 1, 2019 12:30am-1:01am GMT

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three people including a police officer have been wounded in a stabbing at victoria railway station in manchester in northern england. one man has been arrested. a bbc staff member who witnessed the attacks said the suspect shouted allah and slogans criticising the actions of western governments in the middle east. the world food programme says that food aid in yemen is being stolen in areas under the control of houthi rebels and illegally sold. a separate news agency investigation had found that similar misuse of food aid is being perpetrated in regions under the sway of the saudi—led coalition. london is among the latest european capital cities to welcome the start of 2019. big ben, the great bell of the clock—tower at parliament was recommissioned to ring in the new year. in paris, the arc de triomphe was bathed in multicoloured lights. earlier, thousands of russians joined festivities in moscow's red square. now on bbc news — stephen hawking, aretha franklin, tessa jowell and ken dodd — just a few of those who left us this year, and whose lives are celebrated in review 2018: we remember. oh, it's doddy.
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hiya, doddy. # happiness, happiness. # the greatest gift that i possess. i always go up on the stage and think, "mind you, what a beautiful day." what a beautiful day for doing this. what a beautiful day for bouncing up and down in a big barrel of blancmange. how tickled i am by all this goodwill. what about you, missus? have you been tickled by goodwill? there was a showbusiness ken dodd, a thinking ken dodd, and hopefully there's an amusing ken dodd. i hope so anyway. # happiness! happiness! she sings there was television
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on and there was the group and freddie. they said, "what do you like more of spain?" and he was answering montserrat caballe. she is the best. that's why i listen to it. # barcelona! # it was the first time that we met. he was a little shy at the beginning to sing with me. # the moment that you stepped into the room you took my breath away. # barcelona! # when we meet again someday. do you drink?
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not on duty, miss. do you smoke? not on duty, miss. well, do you mind if i smoke? of course not, miss. thank you so much. in movies, the way you begin, that's how you go on. if you start off playing one kind of part, that's the kind of part you'll always be asked to do. in the end they almost don't give you a script. theyjust say be in it, you know. you practically wear the same costume. i'm blue. i'm beautiful. i'm the best. the funny thing is you can be much more round the corner with jokes with children. you can say something that's very tongue in cheek or very camp to a child and it will get the joke and a listening adult may not. the villain loses? that can't be!
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and the big bad wolf fell down the chimney? that's ridiculous. i am a villain and i always win. almost always. i have been invited to a royal garden party. ooh, a royal garden party! what's that, geoffrey? # postman pat, postman pat, postman pat and his black and white cat. who else lives in the countryside? a postman. he travels around. he meets a lot of people, a friendly character. i thought this sounds quite likely. i don't think anybody‘s done it. ok, you go back to kendal and write an outline for 13 episodes. # a really happy man. tell you what. move it towards me a little bit. right, to you. to me. out. to me. steady.
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right, right. perfect. a frame should do it. you'll wear it out. nonsense. stupid thing. you could saw a bit off the cue. yawns. here is an illustrated summary of the news. it'll be followed by the latest film of events and happenings at home and abroad. in those early days, newsreaders were never seen because it was feared that our facial expressions might not always look impartial. and worse still, that we might turn the news into a personality performance. police reinforcements have been brought to downing street tonight as the crowd outside number 10 built up to about 300. we are three friends,
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we're also bloggers, we all have one thing in common. we all have or we have had cancer. i'm basically writing down my whole life in a book for my little boy freddie, who is three. ijust really hope that through his life he will come back to that book and take comfort from it and feel like he knows the kind of person that his mother was. # another mother's breaking heart is taken over. # the violence causes silence. # we must be mistaken. # you got me wrapped around yourfinger. # do you have to let it linger? # do you have to, do you have to, do you have to let it linger? # you know i'm such a fool for you.
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# you got me wrapped around yourfinger. # do you have to let it linger? # do you have to, do you have to, do you have to let it linger? the games of the 30th 0lympiad in 2012 are awarded to the city of london. i am tessa jowell, 0lympic minister. what gives a life meaning is not only how it is lived but how it draws to a close.
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i hope that this debate will give hope to other cancer patients like me so that we can live well together with cancer, notjust dying of it. i will faithfully execute the office of president of the united states, so help me god. read my lips. no new taxes. i can report to the nation, aggression is defeated. the war is over. # bring back nelson mandela.
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# bring him back home to soweto. # i want to see him walking hand in hand with winnie mandela. wilkins scores! normally as a player you have one thing that you can do quite well and i would like people to say i could pass the ball well. whether it was sideways or forward, i'm not too sure.
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that was my philosophy of the game. keep the ball, make the opposition work, so that when they receive the ball, they're tired because they've had to work hard to get it back. don't give the ball away cheaply. ray wilkins scores for england. he's taken it well on the chest. lovely control by cyrille regis. what a great shot! what a goal. cyrille regis! armfield, a perfect interception. people look back and say remember the world cup squad. it's not the same as being in the xi that played in the final. the point was it's better that they won. i had a moment of mixed joy and anguish, and my mind took over. it raced well ahead of my body and drew me compellingly forward. i felt that the moment of a lifetime had come.
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i collapsed as i crossed the tape, but then i recovered sufficiently to hear him announcing, "in a time which, subject to ratification, will be a new world record, three..." and after that the noise of the crowd obliterated the remainder of his announcement. music: chariots of fire. one, two, three, four, hup, two, three, four. # it's a long way to tipperary # it's a long way to go # it's a long way to tipperary # to the sweetest girl i know # goodbye, piccadilly. ..#. i said, "i am the pilot". they didn't believe me and they actually went in the aeroplane and searched it to find a pilot. and they came back and said, "there's nobody there. you must be".
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i flew 400 spitfires and occasionally i would take one up and go and play with the clouds, which was so delightful and lovely. the crew of apollo 12, the second manned landing on the face of the moon. five, four, three, two, one... zero. all engines running. commit. lift off. i can see the surface. i think probably i'm the luckiest guy you've ever met because i lived my whole life just doing things that i thought would be the most fun to do. in the ready room, near launching pad 19, they get into their spacesuits, the final mission briefing behind them. the commander, john young. roger all.
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i'm sure looking forward to getting people off this planet because i think it will be very helpful to get the future done right for the kids of tomorrow, our children and grandchildren. that would be a lot of fun. music: nights in white satin by the moody blues. # i will take the stars out of the sky for you # stop the rain from falling if you ask me to # i'd do anything for you, your wish is my command # i could move a mountain when your hand is in my hand #. # you've got wonderful arms
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# you've got charm...#. i remember ringing up dave and i said, "let's go out for a pint. i've got an idea of writing songs about things that i know about and singing in my own accent". # now i don't mind having a chat # but you have to keep giving it that #. # now if you think i don't mean what i say, and i'm only bluffin' # you got another think comin', i'm tellin' you that for nothin'. # cos darlin' i'm leavin', # that's what i'm—oo—oo#. # and if i start a commotion # i run the risk of losing you and that's worse # ever fallen in love with someone ever fallen in love # in love with someone # you shouldn't have fallen in love with?#.
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# i can't be a man with all the powers i possess # cos girl, you're the key to my happiness # and oh, ooooh # i can't get next to you #. painters paint their environment and their times but they don't illustrate it. if they do, it becomes literary and sentimental. certainly, i used to take great big handfuls of paint and swoosh them, yes, and they were very physical. and to make it work, you simply wind the cube, and now, you'll see it slowly unwind, so if i put the radio on... you see, it produces that volume of sound. so i can't go in there. i can't go in there? # practical cats, dramatical cats
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# pragmatical cats, fanatical cats #. it's only by doing it flat out that you suddenly find a release happening. suddenly, something happens to your spirit. suddenly, a lead can do something it never did before. —— a leg. you don't find that by saving for the performance. ever. # allegorical cats, metaphorical cats # statistical cats and mystical cats # political cats, hypocritical cats # clerical cats, hysterical cats # cynical cats, rabbinical cats # jellicle songs forjellicle cats jellicle songs forjellicle cats # jellicle songs forjellicle cats # jellicle songs forjellicle cats #. i was never actually told that i had only two years to live but i could see the doctors didn't think my prospects were good. too often, we are told that these are stupid questions to, ask but this is said by grown—ups who don't know
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the answers, and don't want to look silly by admitting they don't know. as you can imagine, i am very excited. i have been wheelchair—bound for almost four decades. and the chance to float free in zero g will be wonderful. i just came to see if you're all right, not scared by the lightning and winds and everything. no, that's all right, thanks, alice. i'm not. then neither am i. she screams may ijust say that i thought you looked gorgeous in that frock
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that you were wearing the last time you were here? yes, right, 0k. here she is. loads of love. abyssinia! who is it? the bishop. it's one of those key moments in life when it's possible you can be really genuinely cool, and i utterly adore you. i think it was the nicest 12 weeks i've ever had. i sort of cried at the end because i'd loved it so much. i just laughed for 12 weeks. # she may be the reason i survive # the why and wherefore i'm alive. # the one i care for through the rough and ready years. # me, i'll take her laughter and her tears. # and make them all my souvenirs. # for where she goes, i've got to be. # the meaning of my life is she. # she! # 0h, she. look up there.
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what the hell's that? easy, miss. i've got you. you've got me? who's got you? he is exactly like you in every way. except one eighth your size. breathtaking. i shall call him mini—me. i'm going to play the nice guy but, you know, deep down i'm gonna be evil. music: lawrence of arabia — theme. # spider—man, spider—man.
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# does whatever a spider can. i would be writing these stories, along with the artists we would be working with, and we would all be hoping somebody would buy the comic books, so that we could keep ourjobs and pay the rent and not be thrown out in the streets. invitation, sir? i should be on that list. name? stan lee. yeah, uh, nice try, buddy. nice try. no, really. i'm stan lee. you know, i guess one person can make a difference. straighten out, straighten out.
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all right. i got it straight. oh my god! bring it around. hold it a minute. it really doesn't take a rocket scientist to be an actor. you just have to try and make it real. —— what do you do besides drive fast? have fun. is this fun? driving? driving, talking to me. well, they're both a challenge. you come into my house, my party, to tell me about the future and the future is tape, video tape, and not film, that it's amateurs and not professionals? i'm a film—maker. that's why i will never make a movie on video tape. # so wake me up when it's all over.
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# when i'm wiser and i'm older. # all this time i was finding myself. # and i didn't know i was lost. dale winton! hello! thank you, thank you so much. hi there. welcome to supermarket sweep. forget blake. you have control of the liberator now. there's no more powerful ship in the galaxy. you have 0rac. avon, don't you see what that means? at this moment, we can take history and shape it in ourown image. the daleks have secured the self—destruct chamber. the station is safe. excellent. and the daleks have taken the doctor prisoner. this, my sweet, is a letter from my solicitor telling you that your husband has filed a petition for divorce. it also tells you to get yourself a solicitor pretty damn quick. happy christmas, ange. seven years i've been waiting
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for you to make your fortune, half a fortune, to get a job even. i've had jobs. yes, 273! 0h, stop it, elsie. you shouldn't laugh at people. well, i can't help it. i would never be able to come out if i looked like him. i want you to get up out of your seat right now and say i want my sin forgiven. i'm looking forward to death because i want to go into that glorious new world where i believe everybody that knows christ is going to go.
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and i'm going to have all the answers that now i would like to have answers to. i love you, but i'm the man and you are the woman, and i'll make the decisions concerning my life. you better think about what you're saying. you better think about the consequences of your actions. 0h, shut up, woman. # you better think. think! # think about what you're trying to do to me. think. think, think. # let your mind go, let yourself be free. # let's go back, let's go back. # let's go way on back when. # i didn't even know you. # you couldn't have been too much more than ten. # when combing my hair now. # wondering which dress i'm going to wear now. # i say a little prayerfor you.
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# oh, yes, i do. # you make me feel. # a natural woman. # a woman. # oh, yeah! . many, newsday will bring some find an increasingly sunny weather. still initially quite windy across the
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northern isles with a scattering of showers. the odd spot of rain but that cloud will slowly thin and break and elsewhere are lots of sunshine developing through the day. the win starting to ease, particularly across northern scotla nd particularly across northern scotland and still risk breeze blowing down eastern coast and despite some sunshine, hiserjust six or seven celsius, tempered by the breeze. still holding onto something milderfurther the breeze. still holding onto something milder further south and west but not for long. in the newsday, things to turn very cold particularly across the western side of the uk. temperatures here hovering above freezing further west, temperatures widely at or below zero. there will be a widespread frost to start thursday and that is the theme for the first week of 2019, cold, frosty but from the overnight, try the most. happy new year. —— dry for most. this is bbc news, i'm duncan golestani. our top stories: happy new year.
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london begins 2019 in a blaze of fireworks. from red square to the middle east and beyond, crowds join in the new year celebrations. in other news: a man is arrested after stabbing three people in manchester. counter—terrorism police are leading the investigation. the world food programme says houthi rebels in yemen are stealing food aid from the hungry and selling it for a profit. 2019 is being rung in around the world.
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