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tv   The Travel Show  BBC News  January 13, 2019 1:30am-2:01am GMT

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has arrived in toronto where she's been offered asylum. rahaf al-qunun, who's 18, barricaded herself in a hotel room in bangkok and used social media to highlight her case. theresa may has warned of a "catastrophic and unforgivable breach of trust" in democracy if mps reject her brexit deal and the uk remains in the european union. the prime minister has pleaded with parliamentarians to "do what is right for our country" and back her controversial exit plan. the trade union that represents probation officers has welcomed government proposals to abolish most prison sentences of six months or less in england and wales, but said they won't work unless they're given more resources. the number of families in england sharing their rented home with adult children or professionals has trebled in the last 27 years, according to research by the resolution foundation. it says not enough homes are being built to accommodate a growing population.
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here'sjoe miller. with a seven—year—old child to look after, charity worker sian was just about managing to pay the rent on her 1—bedroom flat. when her tenancy came to an end, she found herself at home with her dad. i am a 33—year—old, i've got a good job, a securejob 33—year—old, i've got a good job, a secure job but 33—year—old, i've got a good job, a securejob but i 33—year—old, i've got a good job, a secure job but i was faced with unaffordable rent, over two thirds of the main income would go on the cost of housing and not to mention other costs. i was forced to move backin other costs. i was forced to move back in with my parents. i had nowhere else to go. she is by no means unusual. researchers have found that the number of families in england sharing their rented homes with adult children or young professionals has more than trebled since the 1990s to 1.7 million, and
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it is becoming increasingly common around large and expensive cities like london or burning. —— burning ham. some economists disagree. they say a reduction in social housing and lower incomes stop younger people in the wake of the financial crisis are the real reason so many of us had to share our homes. the government says the overwhelming majority of them lives who rent live in single occupant homes and says the resolution foundation is a misleading. —— the resolution foundation. none of which is much comfort. she is saving as much as she can and would have to take drastic cost —— cut in the cost of living to go back to her own home. now on bbc news, the travel show. my name is tony giles.
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i'm from england. i'm totally blind and severely deaf in both ears. and i'm travelling around the world trying to visit every country. we're in the old city! israel is country 124. i see a place with my senses — i see a place by the sounds, by the smells, by the textures. the hustle and bustle of people shouting, buy this, buy this,
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come and look at this! i feel the atmosphere, ifeel the energy, the buzz. shouting. i was born with my eye condition, so i don't have any vision apart from sunlight sensitivity. and i've gradually gone deaf as i've got older and now i'm 80% or severely deaf in both ears, but i use digital hearing aids. oops! i travel alone, because it's the biggest challenge i can get. and travelling by myself... excuse me! ..i get to interact with more people. if i travel with someone, particularly someone sighted, they'd be doing all the work, they'd be doing all the guiding, and i wouldn't get to touch as many things and find as many things
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as i do by myself. today, i'm going to catch a bus into the old city to go to the western wall. western wall? western wall, yeah. ok, let's go. i will help you. 0k. let me hold your arm like that. where are you from? i'm from england. huh? england! i was lucky that the bus driver was nearby waiting, so it was really easy to find the bus. yeah, i've got it. let go, let go. new orleans was the first place i went to by myself — a foreign city by myself. didn't know where i was going, i was blind, and ijust froze. and then i took a couple of deep breaths and said to myself, "tony, this is what you want. "if you don't want it, go home." a couple more deep breaths, turn left, walk down the street, and the rest is history.
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excuse me, are you hear me...? this is your stop station. my stop? yes. 0k. you can get off. 0k, thank you. you want any help? i'm good. just trying to get my bearings, trying to work out which way the traffic‘s going, and if i can use the sunlight, but i can't sense any sun at all. i have to be careful going down the steps, because they're all marble and very slippery and worn so i have to go slowly and take care. no, no, it's ok. yeah, yeah, yeah. yeah. all right, thank you. two people came to try and help me, but they were a bit aggressive, theyjust grabbed me, which is not the correct way to help,
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‘cause it's a bit frightening. if people want to help, and many people do, ideally you would want them to speak to you and say, "hello, can i help?" but obviously not everyone speaks english. so if they don't speak, then touch you gently on the hand, on the arm, but not pull and not grab, ideally. you have to be patient, you get lost all the time. it's very difficult if you're looking for something specific when you can't see. because obviously you can't pinpoint it. excuse me? you might get ten people walk past and then someone will stop, "are you lost? do you need help?" and then you can interact with them — that's how it works. excuse me, is this damascus gate? yeah. this way, yeah? straight in front of me, no? 0k. want to help? yeah. i like this!
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i like the atmosphere and the smells. and it's all close and compact. it feels authentic. i'm going to the western wall, and on the way, i'm going to hopefully explore some of the via dolorosa, which is stages of the cross thatjesus walked. good morning. how are you? good, good. how are you? you want to see my shop souvenir? i could have a brief look. why not? yes? come on. what do you sell? very good!
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laughs. beautiful! yeah. this is coffee. coffee, yeah? ok, i get this. about $3. that's a five? yep. that's 2—5, yeah? yes, 2—5. thank you. i probably write a blog once a week, so i document myjourneys and my travels, and i want to share it with the world, really, and try and inspire people to believe in themselves, and they can overcome whatever their challenges are. and i also add pictures i've taken. originally i did it because i thought it would just be funny, someone seeing a blind person take photos. it's an extra way of sharing, obviously, i can show my family
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and friends and stuff, that's the idea, to try and share with everyone. oops. thank you. excuse me! take the hand! people... don't leave him! over here... ok, thank you. there's a motorbike coming through, that's not very clever. hello. looking for the station of the cross... this way, this way... this is the station of the cross? come back, back, back. 0k... then to the left... this is where he put his hand, here. this is where christ... he put his hand — up, up, up, up... yes, up to the right... yes, exactly. 0h, 0k!
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thank you! welcome. apparently i'm at one of the stages of the cross, wherejesus put his hand on the wall and leant against a wall. it's quite a defined handprint, very smooth, also quite rigid, quite bumpy. it's a lovely texture. right, this is some barrier, i presume. hmm. is this the way in? hello? sorry, machine? womans. woman? yeah, it's not man. approaching the wall? yeah.
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the wall is sort of separated, male and female, a guy took me into the male section and took me up to the wall. 0k. there's all these notes in it. massive blocks, very smooth. the texture, the shapes of the wall, the bricks, this is a historical and a spiritual point of view, it's worth visiting. tony at the western wall. so, i'm heading to bethlehem, which is in palestinian territory. it's separated by a dividing wall and a checkpoint. so, i'm going to have to get off the bus, get through the checkpoint and somehow meet my host.
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i emailed him using my laptop with speech software, and he sent me his phone number, and i memorised it, and i'm trying to call him with my phone now. i can use the phone because the buttons are tactile. i couldn't travel probably without my memory — my memory is my biggest asset. i'm using my memory constantly, i'm exercising it all the time — i have to remember phone numbers, i have to remember directions. it allows me to find things. my memory gives me my independence, along with my cane. i'm now at the checkpoint betweenjerusalem and bethlehem. i've got to walk across the checkpoint and go past the dividing wall. railings... getting through the checkpoint
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is a little bit complicated. slightly more complicated than i thought, slightly more confusing. and then we'd just have to sort of try and follow other people, and people sort of pushing me from one way to the other. have to get past this... looks like we're on the palestinian side, the palestinian territories. it's quite exhilarating. as you come out of the tunnel into the taxi area, and where the wall is, you can hear all the people talking and smell the food and coffee and stuff. that's quite lively, that's quite interesting. can you show me to a taxi?
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taxi cab. i'm looking for a taxi. where? church of the nativity. 0k. maybe you want, i'll take you for photo at the wall, we stop and take photo. ok, cool. 0k. you happy? yeah, always! how big is the wall? it's big, big, big, maybe... 20 metres? yes. it's far. tony... yeah? welcome to bethlehem. you're going to church? yeah, the church of the nativity. all this way... yes, wall, wall. behind the wall, you have hotel banksy behind the wall,
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you have hotel. i'm feeling excited to be in bethlehem, it's a new city, new town, new experiences. driving through bethlehem, along the wall, has sort of given me a brief sense of how long the wall could be. it certainly feels quite long travelling along it. in my mind, it would seem quite impressive. and i guess quite scary to a lot of people. here the church, tony. yes, this the church. ijust called my host to let him know i'm still coming. adam, we're at the church. hello?!
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hello... ? adam? give me, i call him... hello? speaks arabic. i call him, he's coming, one minute he coming here. thanks, mohammed. thank you. hi, tony. how are you? hi, adam. good to meet you. looking forward to seeing your place. how many country you visit before? i've visited 124 countries. oh, my god, yes, nice! yeah. yeah! i'm very lucky. you're like ali baba. yeah, i love to travel! have you done much travelling? not... just here, it's not easy to go move, or to travelling another country. so you get travellers
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to come to you? yeah. you have steps here... this is actually couch surfing, so in theory, you stay for free. ok, you have steps, five... oh, you live in a castle! yeah. it's a website and you can find people on it, they have profiles, and they want to travel or they want to meet travellers, and that's how it works. now, come here, the lift. oh, this is home! nice. we've landed, thank you! shukran. i have had a wide range of couch experiences. i've slept on floors,
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i've slept on mattresses like this, i've slept on couches, and also i have couch surfed in africa where the toilet‘s outside, and it's a hole in the ground. i think it probably helps not seeing, i don't see the dirt or the danger or the holes, ijust get on with it. the main thing is you're meeting the people, the local hosts and they're sharing their food and their culture and their knowledge and whatever they can offer you. and hopefully you make friends at the end of it. goodnight and good dreams. shukran, and to you. people think, oh, being blind must be terrible, poor you, they don't understand, they don't know what they're talking about. i'm so lucky and i'm leading a fantastic life, to be able to go country to country when i want, where i want... this is the way to travel!
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with very few restrictions on what i want to photograph or do, and you come here and you see people, yeah, they can see and they can walk but they can't go places, it's just sad. you know for directions to go trains? ok, so can you give me directions? just a straight, not left, not right. so, just straight? yeah. and i wish you be happy and lucky in your life. 0k. shukran. bye—bye, good to meet you, adam. bye — bye. bye— bye. is this the entrance to the church? you can go in straight now. ok, thank you. i can roughly hear a voice, but it's a bit disconcerting. the echo splits the sound,
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so it takes away the direction. we'll get there, it can't be far. there is a big metal thing with studs which could be... yes, that's a gate! oh, yes! yes, oil, candles... it's got a waxy smell... hmm, yes, polish. finding the entrance is like reaching my goal, it's like reaching my target, and everything else after this is a bonus. once they've started singing, isuppose, louder, and i thought
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i've got to get closer to this, because there's going to be a lot of energy involved, and then i've got to try and get closer and closer, eventually using my cane and picking out the steps, then a guy helped me down. singing. realising that i was the only person to get close to hear that, feel that, makes me feel very privileged, very warm inside. i'm absolutely buzzing after that. energy is incredible! that was cool, just to be here for that if nothing else. it was quite crowded going down those steps, and they're quite
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slippery, very deep. oh, my goodness! from the fire into the furnace. very hot in here, and i guess it's from candles and more people coming in. this is my hand, yeah? this is the place where jesus was born, here is the star where he was born. kneel down on your knees. kneel down... more, more, more, more, more, more, more... you can touch the place wherejesus was born. this is the star, it has 1a... it's a flower, or? no, it's a star. the star of david, yeah. marble? no, it's silver. oh, it's silver?
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this is marble. yeah, this is marble. the ground wherejesus was born is down here, you feel it, he was born here. so this is the grotto. yes, he was born here. 0k. about there? yeah, it's not ok like this, let me help you a little bit, it's like this, you can take a photo now... definitely an experience, a very humbling experience, to sort of be in a place where one might argue history occurred 2,000 years or so ago. visiting the church, the smells, the sounds, that's what makes travelling, for me, special. singing in arabic.
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i travel by myself because it's my challenge, it's like climbing a mountain, you feel, oh, this is difficult, it's a struggle, and then you get to the top, and you're like, ahh, yeah, i've made it, this is magical. that's what it's all about. broadens my horizons. and makes me become, hopefully, a better person. hello there. temperatures on saturday reached 12 degrees in strathallan. six celsius higher than the january average in this part of scotland. it was a mild day with rain for western scotland and that rain continues to edge southwards. if you are heading outside over the next few hours it is worth taking wet weather gear with you across scotland, northern ireland and the far north of england. temperatures between eight and 10 celsius to start day on sunday. on sunday itself we have two
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weather fronts to look at. the first front will move southwards across england and wales and a more significant occluded front here across northern scotland will bring heavy rain to the north of scotland with colder air following that. for sunday, a cloudy day for england and wales with a few patches of rain working southwards. brighter weather in the afternoon with showers working into northern western areas and more persistent rain hedging into the north of scotland. wherever you are it will be a blustery day weatherwise and temperaturewise there will be big contrast from south to north across the country. much of england and wales will see temperatures similar to that on saturday, 11, 12 degrees. notice it gets cooler further north and cold in shetland where temperatures reached just two degrees. indeed a fair few wintry showers with a little bit of sleet fronts of snow mixed in with showers during the latter part of the afternoon. the week starts mild, rain in the north and west, often quite windy and it is set to turn that much, much colder
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as we head towards the end of the week. now, monday we will have a sharp frost to start the day across scotland and parts of north—east england as well. sunshine initially but then it turned cloudy with showers working into western areas of scotland. the mildest air tends to be across western and southern parts of the country but quite cold air across the north and east. temperature in berwick just around one celsius. tuesday and wednesday we have a slow—moving weather front that will bring heavy persistent outbreaks of rain to western scotland, particularly into the highlands and western isle looking wet. temperatures are rising again, 10 degrees widely and temperature is reaching around seven degrees here. it will get milder for all of us as we reach wednesday and thursday we will start to see a more significant push of arctic wind moving down and replacing these milder westerly winds. so for all of us as we head through thursday, the temperature will drop, even a little below normal for the time of year
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but at the same time, with the cold air of arriving it should be a little bit more in the way of sunshine. that's your latest weather. hello, and welcome to bbc news. i'm reged ahmad. a saudi teenager who fled from her family, fearing they would kill her for renouncing islam, has arrived in canada, where she's been offered asylum. rahaf al-qunun, who's 18, barricaded herself in a hotel room in bangkok and used social media to highlight her case. nada tawfik reports from toronto. rahaf al-ounun arrived with a smile as she took the first steps
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into her new life. rahaf, how does it feel to be in canada? she was escorted out by canada's foreign minister, chrystia freeland, who was on hand to welcome her and to pass on flowers from one of ra haf‘s supporters.
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