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tv   Outside Source  BBC News  January 14, 2019 9:00pm-10:01pm GMT

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hello, i'm ros atkins, this is outside source — at the start of a momentous week for the uk. tomorrow, parliament seems certain to reject theresa may's brexit deal. but the prime minister is urging mps to back hers. china has sentenced a canadian to death, it's widely seen as the latest move in a deepening diplomatic row. did president trump ever work for russia? well, here's his answer. not only did i never work for russia, i think it is a disgrace that you even ask that question because it is a whole, big fat hoax. and poland is grieving for the mayor of gdansk, the prominent opposition leader was murdered at a charity event. tomorrow, the uk's parliament vote on theresa may's eu withdrawal deal.
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today, she's been making her case. over the next next 24 hours, give this deal a second look, no, it is not perfect, yes, it is a compromise, when the history books are written, laughter shouting people ? shouting people ? shouting people will look ? people look will look at the decision of this house tomorrow and ask, did we deliver on the country's vote to leave the european union? did we safeguard our economy, oui’ european union? did we safeguard our economy, our security and our union? or, did we let the british people down? gina miller is the businesswoman who went to court to ensure that parliament had a meaningful vote on leaving the eu. she describes this
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on twitter as "the most important debate for generations." certainly everyone is turning out. labour mp tulip saddiq has reveleaed she's delayed the birth of her child by caesarian section so she can vote tomorrow! iain watson, westminster. we often say this is a really important moment, how do we gauge this week against all the other big moments in this brexit story? the most important vote so far, clearly, i say so far, if theresa may loses, she has to come back again, by next monday, with a potential plan b. this will be significant for a number of reasons, first, the first deal, first vote on the deal, first vote of su bsta nce deal, first vote on the deal, first vote of substance that will decide whether that deal goes down or not. it will decide the margin of defeat, which is what people are talking
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about in westminster and people will think that will determine how much, if at all brussels will move to try to get this deal over the line, or whether it will subsequently unlock alternative proposals from mps, members of parliament, including people on their own side who are sceptical. huge moment for her reputation as well because it is something she has negotiated, she delayed this in september. going back again today. tonight she spoke to her own members of parliament behind closed doors, notjust in the house of commons, trying to persuade them again, saying this is the only viable outcome if they have to deliver on "brexit", on time, by march 29, the date in legislation, and said if they do not do so, the threat is that this will bring the opposition much closer to power. despite that, and the conversations we have had tonight, looks like she is on course for a defeat tomorrow, that itself will be a significant thing, but also significant whether it opens concessions or whether
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there is a whole new plan b, a different plan being put forward by some of her critics. don't go anywhere, a couple more things to talk about. the day started with an exchange of letters between the prime minister and the eu. this was primarily designed to address concerned about map the irish border backstop. this a is an agreement that says if there's no new trade deal between the uk and the eu by the end of next year, the uk will remain in the eu's customs union until there is a deal. the eu says "it can confirm that, just like the united kingdom, the european union does not wish to see the backstop enter into force." it goes on to describe "the eu's determination to replace the backstop solution by a subsequent agreement that would ensure the absence of a hard border on a permanent footing." here's damian grammaticus in brussels. what it does do, it lays out as much
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asi what it does do, it lays out as much as i think the eu feels it can, extra reassu ra nce as i think the eu feels it can, extra reassurance is to try to help theresa may get her deal through parliament. she said today that she thinks there is new things in this, that the eu will immediately sit down to start talking about future trade deals, even before the uk would formally quit the eu, that it would formally quit the eu, that it would work hard to do that, that there are safeguards for northern ireland, no new laws. and it because of the irish question at the heart of the irish question at the heart of the irish question at the heart of the problems she has. the letter also says very clearly, the eu is not changing the text and not putting in any major demands which will be a sort of time—limit to those provisions for ireland. we saw this letter from the eu but also another letter from the uk attorney general and in this one, he argues
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that the assurances from the eu offer legal. the uk but they do not alter the fundamental meanings in the withdrawal agreement. namely the possibility of being indefinitely in the backstop — and that the uk can't unilaterally withdraw from that arrangement. that's why some brexiteers say they won't vote for theresa may's deal. nonetheless, ian, the release of these letters were supposed to give mps pose for a second thought, any evidence that has happened? not really there has been a trickle of support towards the prime minister from a number of people who said they were previously opposed to the deal, over the past few days, but may have had the opposite effect on a really crucial contingent in parliament, northern ireland's democratic unionist party, a party propping up the minority government. they have consistently opposed the deal, the withdrawal agreement, and rather than being reassured by this, they effectively said that the
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exchange of letters confirmed their fears, that it would be impossible to get out of the backstop, out of these arrangements, to get a hard border, without the eu say so. looks as though theresa may does not have them on board, that she really is in a position of being defeated, the question is whether she can limit the scale of the defeat, what we will see tomorrow are a range of amendments to the deal, things that go beyond and indeed outside the scope of the withdrawal agreement, but there will be attempts, and again, parliamentary procedure will decide whether or not these are fully debated, if they are, there will be attempts on her own side to agree to the deal but only if the backstop is time—limited, comes to an end by the end of 2021, or if britain can at some point pull out of it unilaterally. if those were successful and if that made the deal successful and if that made the deal successful tomorrow, the assumption is that she will go back to brussels and get the extra concessions and
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then we can get this over the line. at the moment, speaking with people tonight, they don't think that even those changes would be enough to get sufficient support that she needs to win tomorrow in parliament, and enough have her own mps will still be so sceptical that they will vote down every single option. stay with us, let's remind ourselves that within the deal we have the backstop, we have discussed that. that is the most controversial part. that's by no means all of it. the deal also includes a £39 billion divorce bill. and it sets out what will happen to eu citizens in the uk and vice versa. the debate on this deal continues as we speak. as you can see the chamber has thinned out a little. this is day 4 of the debate, day 5 will be the final chance for mps to make their point, before the vote in the evening. remember, the vote was delayed in december
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when it was clear the prime minister would lose. despite her best efforts, that still seems the most likely outcome. the press association is predicting a defeat by over 100 votes. this would need a significant number of conservatives to abandon theresa may and vote with the opposition. speaking of which, here is the opposition leader, jeremy corbyn. given the lack of support for the prime minister's deal, you might have thought she would reach out to mps, instead, the prime minister is claiming that by failing to support her botched deal, members are threatening to undermine the faith of the british people in our democracy. mr speaker, the only people who are undermining faith in oui’ people who are undermining faith in our democracy is the government itself! i can think of no greater
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example of democracy in action than for this house to reject a deal which is clearly bad for this country! back to ian once more in westminster, the thing that gets confusing for me, the opposition labour party and the brexiteers say, if we were in charge, we would do a betterjob than if we were in charge, we would do a better job than theresa if we were in charge, we would do a betterjob than theresa may has done; even if that were true, where is the time to cut a new deal with the eu especially since it says it does not want to cut one? the labour party, the main opposition party, its position is this: they would in effect say that the best way to get a deal is general election, change the negotiating team, put them in place, if they did that, time would be running out, they would need an extension of article 50, a delay to britain leaving the european union. they are not prepared to call for that under all circumstances, only if there was a general election which would effectively put them in
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charge, then they would negotiate another deal, a deal that would effectively see britain remaining in a customs union with the european union, which leads us to the intriguing prospect of whether, if that was available before march 29, max —— brexit day, whether the labour leadership would then get behind theresa may's deal. she says she will have nothing to do with the customs union, keeps us tied to eu rules long—term. there may be changes to legislation between now and march which makes that an option. quite a lot of movement further down the line. what labour are saying at the moment is they will not be held to ransom, theresa may's deal just because will not be held to ransom, theresa may's dealjust because of prospect of leaving without a deal, if she loses tomorrow, then soon, not saying exactly when, they will put down a motion of no confidence, in other words, calling for the general election. as things stack up, look
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at the numbers, they probably do not have the numbers, the necessary support, to get that through. focus would then be on the leadership of the main opposition party, what do they do if you cannot get the election they desire. thank you for guiding us through it, as ever, appreciate it. as complicated as it is important. coming back to brexit in 20 minutes. first, this man. this is robert lloyd schellenberg. he's a former canadian oil field worker and he's been sentenced to death in china for drug trafficking in 2014. he's always denied the charges but last year he was sentenced to 15 years. after an appeal, a retrial was ordered that has resulted in a death sentence. here's the reaction of the canadian prime ministerjustin trudeau. it is of extreme concern to us as a government, as it should be to all international friends and allies
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that china has chosen to begin to arbitrarily apply death penalty in cases facing, as in this case, facing a canadian. you can't assess this story without considering that last month, canada arrested a senior official from the chinese telecom giant byway, she is accused by the un of helping to avoid sanctions on iran up until 2014. —— huawei. mung wan—joe is accused by the us of helping to evade sanctions on iran up til 2014. respected american china analyst bill bishop said "i was told more than a week before the news schellenberg was to be retried that the authorities were planning to sentence a canadian drug trafficker to death, this whole thing was fixed to interfere in canada's internal judicial process and threaten canada to get meng back." i asked bbc chinese's washington correspondent jow-yin fung just how common retrials are. a retrial is quite unusual but not
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unheard of, in 2017, retrial happened in around 2% of chinese criminal appeals, according to a professor teaching chinese criminal law, in george washington university, teaching chinese law. the canadian case is a little special, he was initially sentenced to 15 years in prison, and he appealed, and chinese criminal law do not allow an increase of sentence in appeals, however, a retrial is a game change. if the case is sent back to the original court to have a retrial, the original sentence can be increased. a harsher sentence is possible. that is what happened in his case. he was given the death penalty, he has ten days to appeal. i understand journalists were
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invited to follow some of the proceedings, which is quite unusual. indeed, highly unusual, usually, foreign reporters who want to cover chinese hearing, would need to apply to the foreign ministry and gain approvalfrom the to the foreign ministry and gain approval from the court, going through a lot of procedures. in this case, they were invited, into the court, so, occasionally, for reporters to get in fights like this, on a media open day, but those are unusual. in this case, you can see the attempt of the chinese government to gain more international attention of this case, likely an attempt from them to apply more pressure on canada, and other western countries, to show that countries can face similar repercussions, if they take actions like the arrest of the huawei ceo by
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canada. ceo ——. like the arrest of the huawei ceo by canada. ceo --. -- ceo. china has also arrested two other canadians in what's been seen by many as retaliation for mung's arrest. michael spavor who is a businessman and michael kovrig, who is a former diplomat, were arrested on suspicion of endangering national security. today, beijing said mr kovrig is not entitled to diplomatic immunity. i asked jao—yin if people were saying the cases were linked. too many unusual circumstances, the timing of the trial, he was arrested in 2016, and did not face trial until november 2018, he received a first sentence before this case, but after he appealed, he quickly got rescheduled for retrial, which is quite unusual, then he got a harsher sentence. a lot of people i talked
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to, in their opinion, this is connected to the canadian case and the arrest of the other two men. to update you on the case of mung wan—joe, she was granted bail and is now living in vancouver under 24—hour supervision, while she waits for a date for her us extradition hearing. still to come, we will look at the latest twists and turns in the relationship between donald trump and turkey, he is threatening to devastate the turkish economy if they attack kurdish fighters in the north of syria, it is complicated and we will get an analysis. malala yousafzai was 15 years old when she was shot and nearly killed by the taliban in
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pakistan. six and a half years later, she's a nobel peace prize winner, and has now written a book called — we are displaced — in which she tells her own story and shares the journeys of other young female refugees who have been forced from their homes. here she is talking to our arts correspondent rebecca jones. i have met many refugee girls in my trips around the world. we hear about refugees and immigrants but we never hear from them, especially from young women and girls. you know, sometimes you would be quiet, sometimes you would just pick up a book and pretend that you are reading, but you just are finding it difficult to have a conversation. and now it's completely different. now i've made lots of friends, and i'm, you know, proudly brummie as well, but in the beginning it was surely very difficult. this is outside source live from the bbc newsroom. our lead story:
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brexit tomorrow, mps will finally get their vote on theresa may's withdrawal deal. some of the other stories from the world service. a former militant communist, seen here in the brown jacket, has arrived in rome after almost four decades on the run. cesare battisti was captured in bolivia and is wanted in connection with a number of murders in the late 19705. he's expected to serve a life sentence. that's from bbc mundo. a cargo plane has crashed near tehran killing 15 people. the boeing 707 came off the runway and hit a residential area while trying to land in bad weather. authorities say a flight engineer is the only survivor. that's from bbc persian. and this picture of an egg has become the most—liked picture there's ever been on instagam. the caption read simply "let's set a world record together" and asked people to beat the record
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held by kyliejenner. thirty one million likes yesterday, and the job was done. well, we're at the stage where the president of the united states has to deny that he's working for russia...! here you go. i never worked for russia, and you know that answer better than anybody, i never work for russia; not only did i never work for russia, i think it is a disgrace that you even ask that question, because it is a big fat hoax, it is just a hoax. the question came because of this article in the washington post. it claims the president concealed a translation of a meeting with vladimir putin. also, over the weekend the new york times reported that last year the fbi launched an inquiry into whether the president was working for russia. and as anthony zurcher noted: "while you're reading this, remember that last year trump had a two—hour private meeting with vladimir putin with no record
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kept of what they discussed." i asked tara mckelvey, bbc‘s white house reporter, if this is normal. is it normal practice to ask for translations to be removed? no, it is not normal, what is normal is that the president goes into a meeting with a world leader and there is a note taker, who takes notes, well versed in the subject, but in this trump white house, things are done differently, and from talking to senior officials i know that sometimes, before meetings, they have had to scramble to get a note—taker and it has not necessarily been somebody who knows all that much about the subject, and in this case, it seems not only was there no note—ta ker, in this case, it seems not only was there no note—taker, but the interpreters notes have also been confiscated by the president, according to the newspaper account. that is one thing i wanted to ask you about, the second is, the shutdown, the us government partial
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shutdown, the us government partial shutdown, day 24 ? that is the longest there has ever been ? if you wa nted longest there has ever been ? if you wanted to know how it is affecting folks, my brother's paste up as an air traffic controller, be better america, this is what a lady has said, he has been paid a single cent and no more, we saw this on facebook. air traffic controllers thanking the air traffic controllers of canada who have sent their us cou nterpa rts of canada who have sent their us counterparts lots of pizza to keep them going. this feels politically untenable, it has been going on so long, more and more of the stories of the suffering being caused our coming out, what is being done to resolve this, are there more meetings today? well, we know that president trump, we know what he is not going to do, he will not have a federal emergency declared that would allow them to circumvent congress, buildable, and things would have gone on. but at this point in time, there are millions
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going on, on capitol hill —— meetings. trump has been blaming the democrats for this impasse, there doesn't seem to be an end in sight. this morning, today is a snow day in washington, and furloughed workers, i was on pennsylvania avenue and it looked like a ghost town. the detroit motor show is getting underway and there are pressures on the car industry. rising us interest rates, china's slowing economy and the us—china trade war are three obvious ones. michelle fleury is there. iam in i am in detroit, arguably the home of the american car industry, the big three car—makers are here: general motors, ford and chrysler. i am not at one of their stands, i am at the chinese car stand, gac motors, this vehicle i am standing
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next to, the company wants to bring it to america, chinese vehicle, to be sold to the american market, already very popular in the home market. talking about sales in china beginning to slow down, what i'm hearing from the executive so far in detroit is a sense of optimism, that yes, sales a re detroit is a sense of optimism, that yes, sales are slowing, but the big picture for those who plan in many yea rs, picture for those who plan in many years, not monthly increments, is that sales will continue to grow in the market even if hitting pause right now. are there are more fundamental decisions about what transportation is going to be like for all of this? the simple idea of us for all of this? the simple idea of us all having cars increasingly feels a little untenable ? ? us all having cars increasingly feels a little untenable ?? well, you know, among the buzzwords, autonomous cars, electric vehicles, you hear all of these buzzwords, the other one that the car industry loves to use is mobility, that is there a word for all of this ? that
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is shaping thinking, car manufacturers are struggling to come up manufacturers are struggling to come up with the money to fund these ideas in the future, what these cars will look like and if you see behind me, that is a concept car, one that will never go to production but the idea behind it is that it is glass panels instead of a metal door, a roomy interior, that is what happens when you start rethinking what i car looks like, when you don't have a combustion engine you have more room in the interior. that is the game that car—makers in america and around the world are involved in, but it comes at a high cost and that is why we are hearing about restructuring and cost savings. very interesting. a few of us watching, thinking, it might be quite exciting if they put that car into production! we will be back, talking about brexit in a few minutes' time. the weather here at home is set to
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turn a little colder over the next few days but for the time being, we are not expecting any significant si'iow. are not expecting any significant snow. that has not been the case in other parts of the well, this lump of cloud has brought a lot of snow across some eastern parts of the usa, snow has been falling over the weekend, and some places have seen quite a lot, this was washington, dc, we recorded over 25 centimetres of snow in some parts of the city, it caused a little bit of disruption, but i think ice is going to bea disruption, but i think ice is going to be a bigger problem over the next couple of days because the area of low pressure responsible is sliding away. high pressure building on, largely dry but pretty chilly underneath these highs, slippery conditions are likely, fog patches as well, if you are looking for the weather action in north america over the next few days, look west, we will see a lot of rain piling into the coast of california, well over
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100 millimetres, perhaps even in the space ofjust 24 hours, and significant snow as these frontal systems move inland. for the ski resorts of the sierra nevada and the us rockies, another top up of snow on the way. it could cause disruption. across central parts of canada, things are set to turn extremely cold, those are the top temperatures in winnipeg as we head through the week. down below, —20 celsius. europe, these pictures come from the south—east of austria, one village was cut off by snow for eight days ? access has now been restored, you can see, huge amounts of snow have fallen. looking at some of snow have fallen. looking at some of the ski resorts to see what they are reporting, in austria, two and a half metres of snow on the upper slopes of the mountains, and a similar story across the south of germany, this is how it looks. one
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or two resorts in the alps are reporting as much as five metres of lying snow, that is exceptional for this early in the ski season. northerly wind has been driving this snow relentlessly in, however, wind direction starts to shift as we go through the next couple of days, picking up more of a westerly wind, pushing the snow east, so, something drier for the alps over the coming days. at the same time, stormy to the south—east, if you are off to turkey or cyprus, some rain, but also some snow. and some chilly air tucking in behind the weather system, just 11 degrees in athens. quite a lot going on, it is going to turn a little bit colder, there could be some wintry showers at times in the north, more details on that coming up in half an hour. hello, i'm ros atkins, this is outside source. this is the start of
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a momentous week for the uk. tomorrow, parliament seems certain to reject theresa may's brexit deal. but the prime minister is urging mps to back hers. whatever you may previously have concluded, over these next 24 hours, i say to you, give this deal a second look. yes, it is not perfect, and yes, it is a compromise. china has sentenced a canadian to death — it's widely seen as the latest move in a deepening diplomatic row. turkey dismisses a threat by donald trump — after the president said he would "devastate" turkey's economy if they attack america's kurdish allies in syria. and a british—iranian woman detained in tehran goes on hunger strike in protest to get the care she says she needs. tomorrow we have the hugely
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important vote in the commons over theresa may's brexit deal and the outlook will have —— the outcome will have fundamental consequences for the uk. let's look at how brexit could impact on the uk's economy. leaving the eu customs union risks having to check all goods entering the uk from the eu — depending on what long—term trade deal is secured. sarah corker has been to hull to look at the haulage industry. at the moment we have frictionless free—flowing trade with europe, complex supply chains perfected over
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many decades and some businesses now see delays and disruptions at our ports especially in the south of england as inevitable. if we have a so—called harsh brexit and we come out of the customs union that will give us some severe indigestion over a period of months, possibly longer. what do you make of how the government is handling all of this? i think we've been badly let down by this generation of politicians. leaving the eu will also end freedom of movement between the uk and the eu. a new immigration policy will be in place. jeremy stern from bbc south today went to a fruit farm headquartered in berkshire, to look at the issue of eu workers. should migrants be allowed to come to the uk to work? if so, how many, and where from? should they have to be highly skilled, what should count
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as highly skilled? these questions continue to divide opinion. we were also looking for a house... and who wa nts to also looking for a house... and who wants to work here? fewer eastern europeans are applying forjobs here. at this strawberry farm of this woman is wondering if she should go home. after brexit, i wondered if i should go home. we came here to work, not to take the jobs of english people. we are here because england has the need of us. manyjobs filled by migrant labour are ones that don't have a very high appeal to people in the local area. gemma woodman has been to a crab processing company in dorset, which is struggling to attract employees living in the uk. there's concern about whether the new immigration system may be disincentive for workers to travel. when
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ran 150 people work at this clap processing plant in devon but getting enough people is a struggle. —— crab. getting enough people is a struggle. -- crab. we have put notices up in local shops but it is tough getting local shops but it is tough getting local people through the door. 60% of local people through the door. 6096 of the staff have come from eu countries and the government is proposing after brexit low skilled workers will only be able to come to the uk for 12 months at a time, and that worries bosses here. we want to add value to that person and hopefully they will add value to our business and it worries me as well, the thought that people cannot bring theirfamily the thought that people cannot bring their family because surely you want yourfamily their family because surely you want your family around you to be their family because surely you want yourfamily around you to be happy and hopefully stay in the uk and keep the money in this country. the new proposed immigration policy involves making 12 month visas available to unskilled workers. but the sytem could stop them being promoted into more skilled
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jobs, as it would require a different visa. david whitely has been to a poultry farm in norfolk, that is already struggling to properly staff the business. under the latest government proposal, if someone now comes into a low skilled job, they may struggle to move into management. the government proposals make a strict distinction between high skilled work and low skilled work and someone who comes in initially into a low skilled job would not be able to switch into the high skilled route. it would affect anyone trying to move upwards. i'm not unduly fast where my workforce comes from but i need enough people to man the lines and look after my birds on the farms and look after my birds on the farms and to run this business efficiently and to run this business efficiently and successfully —— i'm not unduly bothered where my workforce comes from. there will be extensive coverage
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tomorrow on bbc news, with full coverage of the vote which we are expecting to happen early evening. there's been yet another twist in the american withdrawal from syria. this is how the story's gone. first, donald trump surprises everyone, including his own administration, by announcing the withdrawal in a tweet. next, he says the troops will come home right away. that was in december. last week mr trump's national security advisorjohn bolton said actually the withdrawal will only happen if turkey protects kurdish fighters in syria who've been fighting alongside the americans. that was flatly rejected by turkey — no surprise given that turkey considers these fighters terrorists. president trump has tweeted... he went on to say that he doesn't want
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the kurds to provoke turkey either. you won't be surprised to know that that's not been enough to reduce turkey's anger. translation: we are not the enemies of the kurds and throughout history we have been the country and nation that most offended the kurds —— defended the kurds in this region. allies do not communicate on twitter and other social media platforms, we need to continue to discuss these issues. as for president trump's threatening language, you cannot have a result from threatening turkey economically. we need to solve this together. there are economic difficulties on one side and tearon economic difficulties on one side and tear on the other people ask which one can be chosen by the turkish people —— and terror on the
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other. we must do everything against terror. as in history and in the war of independence, our country did not surrender. as a nation and state we will be faced with terror and we will be faced with terror and we will do our best to overcome it. for all the defiance, turkey knows that us sanctions can hurt. last august during a row over a us pastor called andrew bru nson who was being detained by turkey. the trump administration imposed trade tariffs — and the value of the turkish lira plummeted. pastor brunson was released in october. turkish state broadcaster trt has tweeted that trump and erdogan have spoken by phone since this last row. and us secretary
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of state mike pompeo is trying to cool things... that feels a way off at the moment. irem kokerfrom bbc turkish has more on the situation in northern syria. the main problem, the main issue is how these countries define who is aligned with a terrorist group, and for turkey the kurdish armed groups with syria, and with their political arms, they are an extension of the pkk which has been fighting for independence inside turkey for the last three decades. but for the united states, even though it knows the pkk is a terrorist group, the kurdish arms groups in syria are different from the pkk and that is the difference. who defines the terrorist organisation and who is a
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terrorist organisation and who is a terrorist group for which country? when it comes to priorities and fighting against the kurdish groups, thatis fighting against the kurdish groups, that is more important for turkey than fighting against islamic state because of the situation in syria. the kurdish groups share controls with the few on the syrian —— share controls on the syrian side of the border, so the priorities and the definitions for the allies are different and when they talk about the anti—terrorism campaign in syria they are talking about different things. while pompeo is dealing with the turkey row, the us secretary of state's middle east tour continues. he's in muscat in oman now but spent most of the day in riyadh. he met king salman and crown prince mohammed bin salman. we're told they talked about accountability
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forjamal khashoggi's murder and yemen peace talks. the bbc‘s barabara plett usher was in riyadh, too. he raided several regional issues including yemen but the interesting thing was how he deals with the crisis of the saudi journalist that was murdered in the savvy consulate and there are people who are in the inner circle of the crown prince who have been implicated in the murder —— the saudi consulate. americans say want accountability. us intelligence believes the crown prince was responsible ultimately. mike pompeo and president trump have not said that but the secretary of state has said he will continue to push for everyone who was implicated to be punished and to be held accountable. he did not have any new news on that and he said the saudis continue to say they will do their work and they were still in the
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fact—finding phase and they were committed to prosecute and make sure that justice was committed to prosecute and make sure thatjustice was brought ultimately. but he did not have anything new to say about what they were doing and what promises they had made or what had happened to certain people that the americans have sanctioned but the americans have sanctioned but the saudis have obviously not punished. stay with us on outside source — still to come... nazanin zaghari—ratcliffe — the british iranian woman detained in tehran — goes on hunger strike in protest over a lack of medical treatment. wood burning stoves, open fires and the use of chemicals on farms all face new restrictions under government plans to tackle air pollution in the united kingdowm. the clean air strategy for england is a new plan that aims to reduce pollution caused by particulates across much of the country by 2030. but green groups have criticised the scheme for being too vague and lacking clear action.
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our science editor david shukman has this story, and as a warning his report contains some flashing images. blow! squeeze, squeeze, squeeze. research into the effects of air pollution. in a major study 3,000 children in london and luton are having their lungs tested. it's known that the growth of children's lungs can be stunted by dirty air. what do you know about air pollution? it is really bad for your lungs. children are especially vulnerable because they are growing very rapidly and it seems clear that pollution particularly affects the development of organs, whether it is the brain or the lungs for example. and another little bear... ella kissi—debrah suffered from asthma. her family say air pollution contributed to her death six years ago and they've won permission to apply for a new inquest.
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hardest of all is cutting pollution from traffic. the government has told councils to come up with plans. but some of them say they are not getting enough money. it is very frustrating for us despite the fact all the work that we have done is based on our best assessment of what we need to support it, the government aren't coming forward with the funding we think is needed. let's check that this one fits you properly. back at the school's project, the children are fitted with monitors to track the air they're exposed to. the state of their lungs will show how well or badly the government is fighting pollution. david shukman, bbc news. this is outside source live from the bbc newsroom. our lead story is... it's just one day before mps vote on theresa may's brexit deal. the prime minister has been trying
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to persuade them that it is the right decision to back it. nazanin zaghari—ratcliffe is the british—iranian woman who's imprisoned in iran because it think she's a spy. she's always denied that — but she's been held in tehran for close to three years — and now she's gone on hunger strike because she says she's not getting the medical attention she need. most urgently — lumps in her breasts need assessing. her husband richard ratcliffe spoke in london earlier. today marks a new phase in her story. a hunger strike is not a game and myjob story. a hunger strike is not a game and my job is story. a hunger strike is not a game and myjob is not to be a cheerleader for it but if it gives her the right to say the only way that she can that enough is enough, myjob is to make sure her message is heard and that both governments ta ke is heard and that both governments take responsibility for solving the situation. there are grave risks that comes with a hunger strike —
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and her health is already fragile. this is nazanin zaghari—ratcliffe's employer. since she was arrested she has suffered from severe depression, from moments where she was suicidal, and it comes back and back. serious matters with her arms and leg, her back, and all this has not been treated properly. nazanin zaghari—ratcliffe was an aid worker. and in 2016 she was arrested at tehran airport after visiting her family on holiday. she was jailed for five years for spying, but has always maintained her visit was to introduce her young daughter to her iranian family. since then there's been years of campaigning — today her husband met the uk's foreign secretary. the foreign secretary has said this on twitter... jeremy hunt also met
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with the iranian ambassador to the uk. he may have raised this further accusation by richard ratcliffe that military officials have interrogated his wife — and want her to become a spy for them. they are trying to pressure her to bea they are trying to pressure her to be a spy for iran against the uk, to spy be a spy for iran against the uk, to spy on differed in particular. —— differed. she was told it would be safer for differed. she was told it would be saferfor her and differed. she was told it would be safer for her and her family differed. she was told it would be saferfor her and herfamily if differed. she was told it would be safer for her and her family if she agreed to do this and she was told to think about it. she has been terrified ever since. here's rana rahimpour from bbc persian on what the iranians are saying. it seems they agree that they need medical care because there are two women on hunger strikes and they are in very poor medical conditions.
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they said they would provide it but they are refusing to give written confirmation of this and we have the report that they are agreeing to their demand. does have anyone i have access to these women to see how they are? —— does anyone have access. yes, they are in the women's ward where they have access to telephones and they can call their relatives and they have a weekly meeting with their family. bearing in mind that outside source —— bearing in mind that ten one is going on a hunger strike, is she going on a hunger strike, is she going to get even more help? —— bearing in mind that nazanin zaghari—ratcliffe. bearing in mind that nazanin zaghari-ratcliffe. the iranians have said any meddling in their internal matters is not acceptable. but whether they will change their tactic in practice, sometimes they
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do, sometimes they don't, and u nfortu nately do, sometimes they don't, and unfortunately this case has become so politicised it is difficult to predict what the iranian government might do next. we also have the claim from her husband that she has been interrogated by the military and that they would like her to become a spy for the iranians, any wave “— become a spy for the iranians, any wave —— way of establishing if that has happened ? wave —— way of establishing if that has happened? it has happened many times, prisoners have been asked to cooperate in return for better treatment, so it is not impossible. in terms of the iranians communicating with journalists, are there any other sources of information aside from the ambassador in england? the judiciary has a spokesperson and they so far have not reacted to the story of the hunger strike but they have weekly meetings with members of the media
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in iran stop not the bbc and media they don't agree with, but they do have a process, they have a news website through which they publish their statements. there are ways to access them. a shocking murder in poland. last night, pawel adamowicz, the mayor of gdansk was stabbed in front of hundreds of people at a charity event. he died hours later. he was on stage. this shows him seconds before the attack, enjoying the celebrations, when a man runs up to him. we won't show the moment he attacked. the man then shouted to the crowd before being tackled to the ground. we know he's 27 and was recently released from prison. he was heard shouting that he'd been wrongfully jailed. pawel adamowicz had been mayor for 20 years,
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he'd been elected five times. one local politican shared this photo showing crowds of people queuing to donate blood at the hospital when they found out he was in surgery. this is gdansk tonight — people have gathered in the city centre to pay their tributes. adam easton has more from warsaw. what we know at this stage, the man had a press credential which allowed him to get onto the stage and as that very shocking footage show, he rushed across the stage and he stabbed the 53—year—old polish mayor, and then he raised his arms almost like a boxer standing over his opponent, with his knife held in his opponent, with his knife held in his hand, and then he grabbed a
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microphone and introduced himself and said he had been wrongfully sent to prison by the political party that pawel adamowicz belonged to in the past and that is why he said he had to die. this seems like a sense ofa had to die. this seems like a sense of a miscarriage ofjustice that has driven this but you have introduced the idea that this is also a political act? prosecutors have said that he will undergo, the 27—year—old resident who has been charged with pawel adamowicz‘s murder, he will undergo a psychiatric assessment so there is indication that he might not be fit to actually stand trial for the murder. certainly, from what he said, this is a man who held a personal grudge against the civic platform party which governed poland
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for seven years, until 2015. this man was a man who was sentenced to five years in prisonjust man was a man who was sentenced to five years in prison just before that in 2014 for attempted armed robbery. i want to show you pictures of these record—breaking snowstorms in europe. this is the bavarian alps where german authorities are triggering controlled avalanches to protect residential areas. it was too late at the ski resort of balderschwang. more than a hundred people were evacuated after an avalanche smashed the hotel. austria has also been suffering with a metre of snow in three days. this is bethany in austria. the snow
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keeps on falling. these circumstances are really exceptional. in some parts of the austrian alps the risks of avalanches is at its very highest level and the authorities are struggling to keep the roads clear. some villages and mountain resorts have been completely snowed in, others have had to be evacuated. these extreme weather conditions have taken their toll. over the weekend three skiers from germany we re weekend three skiers from germany were found buried in a pile of snow after an avalanche, and a fourth person is still missing. rescue workers had to break off their search because it was simply too dangerous for them. more snow is on the way. people are bracing themselves here. that is it for today, see you soon. it is fairto it is fair to say it has been pretty
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mild winter, not much snow, but the weather is changing this week, turning colder, nothing unusual about that, we are due colder air but the cold air could linger for some time. we are actually getting milder as the air comes in from the atlantic, south of those weather fronts, mild air on strengthening southwest winds which means a lot of clout. some rain on the weather front draped in the north of scotla nd front draped in the north of scotland but otherwise dry, but little sunshine. a milder day than it was on monday, temperatures 9-11d. we it was on monday, temperatures 9—11d. we are keeping the envelope of mild air overnight. it starts to get a bit colder towards the northern isles and we have this band of rain pushing further into scotla nd of rain pushing further into scotland into northern ireland with patchy rain into wales and the south—west, but those temperatures still on the mild side. there is the cold air. coming behind the
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secondary weather front into northernmost parts of scotland and the first weather front is bringing that band of rain here. that pushes its way further into england and wales, they stay dry for most of the day for the east midlands and east anglia and we have the wetter weather moving down on the next weather moving down on the next weather system, into scotland, increasingly turning to sleet and snow, especially over the hills, but maybe even to lower levels in the far north of scotland through the day. the air gets colder. not much on it overnight but the northerly winds drags it down and for the northern half of the uk we start with a frost on thursday but there will be a strong wind for northern and eastern scotland down the north sea coast and this is where we are likely to find wintry showers, but away from here, it is likely to be dry, the winds will not be a strong but it will be a cold and crisp winters day. we start with a frost
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in most places on friday, the sunshine in scotland turning hazy with increasing cloud, and more of a southerly breeze here, so that will give the temperatures a boost, but elsewhere light winds and sunshine after the frosty start. the colder airunderthe area of after the frosty start. the colder air under the area of high pressure, blocking off these weakening weather front for moving into the uk and so on saturday it looks like it should really be a dry day. another frost to start with, more sunshine. the cloud in the far south—west threatening rain but this is the next weather system to arrive in from the atlantic. we need to keep a close eye on that one but otherwise it isa close eye on that one but otherwise it is a cold day on saturday again. the first weather front won't amount to very much, moving into high and that won't return behind it, but only briefly —— that will. pressure continues to fall next week and we have more active weather systems moving into colder air, and this is
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a time when we need to watch. the jet stream is pushing the areas of low pressure further towards the uk ona low pressure further towards the uk on a more southerly track and we are on a more southerly track and we are on the colder side of the jet stream and those blue arrows are the cold north westerly winds, so we are staying cold and the outlook. stronger winds and the increased risk of snow in the north and west but nothing unusual about that for this time of year. tonight at ten, on the eve of the big brexit vote we are live at westminster where theresa may has been trying to boost support for her controversial deal. earlier today, she had taken her message to workers in stoke, warning of a high price to be paid if there is a stalemate in parliament. it's now myjudgment that the more likely outcome is a paralysis in parliament that risks there being no brexit. at westminster, lest an 24 hours away from the biggest parliamentary
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vote of recent times. there seems little prospect of a victory for mrs may. it's clear, if the prime minister's deal is rejected tomorrow, it's time for a general election. it's time for a new government! we will be in york, a city which voted remain, asking residents for their perspective
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