tv Our World BBC News February 3, 2019 9:30pm-10:00pm GMT
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hello. this is bbc news. i am ben bland with the headlines. some breaking news: wreckage from the plane which disappeared with cardiff city footballer emiliano sala and pilot david ibbotson on board has been found in the english channel, search director david mearns said. pope francis has arrived in abu dhabi. during his visit he will meet some of the more than 1 million catholics living and working there. it is the first visit made by the head of the catholic church to the arabian peninsula. donald trump said sending us troops into venezuela remains an option. he also said president maduro had requested a meeting with him several months ago, but president trump turned him down because he said the process was very far along. theresa may has said she remains determined to deliver brexit on time as she prepares to reopen negotiations with the eu. at ten o'clock, rebecca jones will be here with the day's news. first the
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special report from finland, which has completed a two—year trial of a so—called basic income for the unemployed. this programme has followed people throughout the experiment to see the impact on their lives. injanuary 2017, finland began a bold social experiment. the government started paying 2,000 unemployed finns a basic income. each was promised $650 a month, every month for the next two years, with no strings attached. for two years, we followed four people chosen to receive basic income. it's a social security, in a way, without the stigma. it's not embarrassing any more to get benefits. basic income has changed my life. without it, i couldn't have taken a job with a little lower salary.
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i got my humanity back. i started to do what i want to do. with basic income, it's kind of easier, maybe, to get this kind of work—life balance. the finnish experiment has attracted worldwide attention from some high—profile figures, including mark zuckerberg, elon musk and bernie sanders. but does the safety net of a basic income really encourage people to find jobs or start businesses? my name is tanja. i'm 30 years old. i live in 0ulu, in the north of finland, and i have only worked four or five months in a factory. now that i graduated from business school,
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they are offering me jobs like cafeteria worker. i don't remember the last time that i went to the store and bought food. i get food from my mum. that's so embarrassing. i want to work, and i want to be able to go to the store and buy my own food, and buy whatever i want. i want that cheese, and i want to be able to buy the good cheese, you know? five hours' drive south of 0ulu, in a very remote part of the country, we met another person, randomly selected from around 200,000 unemployed people in finland to receive a basic income. even in finland's capital city, helsinki, work can be hard to find. my name is tuomas muraja.
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i'm a freelance journalist and author, but i have been without work since 2013. i was a foreign news editor in the third daily newspaper in finland, but then they decided to put down all the sections of the foreign affairs, so basically i lost myjob. it's not easy to find a job as a journalist in the capital of finland. for tuomas, being chosen for the basic income pilot was a great morale booster. it helps me as a freelancer, and it's a social security, in a way, without the stigma. for me, it's not embarrassing any more to get benefits. work has changed, and social politics has to follow
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that trend now. i think this basic income will encourage people to get back to the society, and not be at home. and he thinks finland can afford a system like this. the northern countries are more prepared for this kind of basic income system, because the same money is there already. we pay taxes. now, we spend it in a smart way. in another part of helsinki, sini is using her inclusion in the experiment to make big changes in her life. i'm sini marttinen, 35 years old. i live in helsinki, capital of finland. i worked for a danish company, and through that company i worked all around the world. after about six years of travelling around,
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i moved back to finland. and the employer told me that i had to move again, which i didn't want to do, and thus i had to give up thejob. so i became unemployed. sini has now started working as a freelance consultant, but very flexibly. at one time i was working for a foundation, and one week i might work two days, five days, three days, so it's all a little bit insecure. so i have work, but my income level changes all the time. a very common comment that i get from people — you know, you are educated and open and ready to do different kinds of work. how can you be unemployed? and i think that will be — it's not discussed openly, but that is the situation for a lot of educated people. you are unemployed sometimes. if the scenario of robotics, and all this kind of thing, then the whole concept of work will change. more and more educated,
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skilled people will be unemployed. almost a year after the start of finland's basic income experiment, how are things going? has the early optimism survived? i took this job offer. she speaks finnish. it's telemarketing. i actually enjoy myjob a lot. i love my co—workers, i love the office, i love the hours. and ijust love to be being independent, earning my own money, and standing on my own two feet. she speaks finnish. basic income has changed my life. without it, i couldn't have taken a job with a little lower salary.
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i'm going to learn to be the best telemarketing person in finland and find an advertising agency that would give me a job, my dream job. at first, i was quite sceptical about basic income. but then i realised, it is actually a genius idea. if you just paid for those people who have been at home for so long, and been unemployed for so long, that's a huge drive for them to get a job. we are human beings, we need human contact, we need to be proud of something, and that's a huge problem when you are unemployed. i think i have turned my life around. and things have moved
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fast in juha's life. ten months after the start of the pilot, he has already started one business, and he is planning to start a second. we're going to be calling people that know how to draw and paint, and doing something in painting, and putting it here, so that next week, you can start filming. in helsinki, unemployed journalist tuomas has recently got married to a former mp, now a green party activist. as they attend a political event together, what else is new? i'm still without a job. i can't say that the basic income has changed a lot in my life.
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0k, psychologically, yes, but financially, not so much. i would be happy if i had a job, even a part—timejob, for the routine. i have still over one year to go, so anything can happen, so i'm quite optimistic. let's see. during summertime next year, i'll have a job. across town, how is sini managing? the insecurity of not having a permanent job, and actually working as self—employed, allows also to have more freedom in the way how you spend your time. my dad has alzheimer's, and me and my sister, who lives also in finland, we try to help them out a lot.
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so basic income helps me to make myself available to help my parents. it is kind of easier to get this work—life balance. a few weeks before this experiment ends in finland, what effect has it had on people's lives? last time i told you my goal was to become the best salesperson in finland. i kind of achieved that goal. i can tell you, i have been the best salesperson in this company for two months now.
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i can't believe it, i am ecstatic. but will it still make financial sense for tanja to stay in her low—paid job if the basic income payments stop? oh, my god, basic income is coming to an end. what do i do? i will not be able to pay my loans. i am so worried that my finances will collapse completely. tanja, who has a lot of loans, has requested for a promotion to help make up for the loss of the basic income. if they don't give me the pay rise that i have asked, i will go to the internet and take the firstjob that i get. i will make tens and tens
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of applications so that i won't have to be unemployed for even one day. tanja is a different person from two years ago. having a job and being good at it has boosted her confidence. but she believes the basic income experiment was actually a publicity stunt by politicians. i never thought they would continue that but, you know, i think it was for publicity. the whole world is so interested about this basic income experiment, it makes finland look so great but no, they are not going to continue. we don't live in a happy bubble there, so there are people who are not doing so well. butjuha, in remote western finland,
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remains optimistic. today, juha is out in the forest to film a training exercise for moose—hunting dogs. it is 600m from here. when we last met unemployed journalist tuomas, he said by the end of the trial, he will have a job. so has he managed to get one? it's very hard to say why i don't manage to get the permanentjob because i have applied over 80 times
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and only once i have been to an interview. sometimes they suggest, or they let me know that i'm perhaps too old, i'm perhaps too experienced. maybe i have too many language skills so they had to pay me more than to others but don't think that's the only explanation. tuomas may not have a job but the pilot had a positive impact on his well—being. it has been a nice two years, period. great stuff has happened. i have been able to write my new book. basic income helps me psychologically because i'm free to do what i want to do
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so i'm free to write, to work. two years ago, it was like winning a lottery. the end of bureaucracy. i was free to concentrate myself to my work. now i feel a little bit sad. and i got this letter telling me that it's going to end. quite sad, but i'm not lost my hope. and how about sini? her life has taken an unexpected turn. last time we met, we met in one of my favourite restaurants and now a week
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ago we started our own restaurant. i got together with two of my friends and we started a business and it's been really busy. starting the restaurant, i wouldn't have started it without the basic income that enabled me to take the risk. we wanted to offer fresh food, local produce and seasonal food and we found a brilliant cook. service. as the experience is coming to an end, i feel like i'm losing the sense of security because the amount of money i received every month provided just enough to pay for the bills. i was aware that it's going to end so i had limited amount of time to try to make something out of that opportunity i got and this is what happened. sini's life has changed, but she believes basic income is also changing society. it has opened the door for a conversation that we might be in a situation in the future where there is not
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enough work or there is work but what kind of work, for everyone in the future. it actually pushes and pulls people to come together and find better solutions for the future which i think is really good and i think very significant. the finnish government decided not to extend the pilot. the man who planned it feels let down. when the government decided there would be no continuation, i was disappointed because i thought that we had some preliminary promises from political decision—making, that there would be new experiments, but politics is always politics. the government has never really had much passion for this experiment. you really have to have passion to experiment with basic income, which is really quite a controversial idea, even though the idea has been rolling around for quite a long time. but some finnish politicians continue to support the idea. i think finland needs basic income
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in order to diminish poverty because i think that labour markets are not getting better. i see basic income as the most realistic solution in the future. but trade unions in finland were never excited about basic income. they believe it's too expensive. i wasn't surprised the government wasn't extending the experiment. we've been testing a utopia and it is possible when you test it on a small scale, but it's not possible to upscale to the whole nation. i certainly hope these experiments with social policy will continue in finland and elsewhere. an unaffordable utopia or a solution to unemployment? the jury is still out but perhaps finland's experiment will help the world get closer
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to answering the question. an-32 an—32 we have more on that breaking story that wreckage from the plane that disappeared with the cardiff city footballer emiliano sala and the pilot david ibbotson has been found in the english channel. david mearns, a marine scientist who has been directing the search said that wreckage of the plane was located early this morning by the survey
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ship fpv morven. mr mearns said that they moved the geo 0cean three over they moved the geo 0cean three over the rotation they have provided them to locate the plane. he said... just to remind you, the plane carrying the two men disappeared over the english channel onjanuary 21, after leaving nantes in france, fourcade, and two vessels, including one commissioned by the air accident investigation branch using sonar had been taking in a fresh search
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covering an area of around four square nautical miles. butjust to remind you that wreckage from the plane which had disappeared on january 21, with the cardiff city footballer emiliano sala and the pilot david ibbotson on board has been found in the english channel. it was found earlier this morning, but that news only confirmed this evening, and it's also been confirmed that a statement on the the discovery will be made on monday morning. the air accident investigation branch retreading that tonight their thoughts are with the family and friends of emiliano sala and david ibbotson. last wednesday you may remember the first remains
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of the plane were discovered, two seat cushions that had washed up we re seat cushions that had washed up were likely to belong to the aircraft, and the air accident investigation branch had been advised by its french counterparts on monday that part of the collision was found on a beach in france. let's cross over to guernsey and get the latest from our reporter, john fernandez. what more can you tell us? tonight, the boat morven, the private search vessel coordinated on behalf of the family of emiliano sala told us that earlier today some sign of the wreckage of the missing plane believed to be carrying emiliano sala and david ibbotson was found. the boat, the geo 0cean three
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on behalf of the air accident investigation branch has been there for around seven hours looking in the area and working out some kind of salvage operation. we have heard that no bodies have been recovered at the moment, but we have been told that some wreckage has been found. can you tell us a little bit more about the search? as far as the search went this was four square nautical miles so they knew that they were going down to a very small area, because of the tidal currents that they had worked out from where the two cushions had been found by the two cushions had been found by the french authorities in normandy. this meant that they could hone down the search area much more finally because last week the visual search covered 1700 square miles, so it showed exactly what they were going for, and it seemed that around 9:30am today, they found some sign of this boat, the private search
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vessel, the morven, found something at around vessel, the morven, found something ataround 9:30am, vessel, the morven, found something at around 9:30am, so it was only out searching for about two hours, before some sign of wreckage was found. john fernandez in guernsey, thank you. let's catch up with the weather. nick miller has the forecast. schumacher was most of us will get rain there is a bit more snow to come in northern scotland and hear about 150 metres or so, a further 5—10 centimetres could be yours before it eases during monday. it is quite windy with the white weather but it is nowhere near as cold. temperatures will be edging upwards as the night goes on. for many, the rain will have cleared by tomorrow morning but it will hang around east anglia and the south—east for a while, clearing kent into the afternoon. the cloud remains as elsewhere we get to see some sunny remains as elsewhere we get to see some sunny spells. sleet and snow in
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northern scotland fizzling out, and you may catch the jara hereunder, most of us will not, it will be very gusty for a time in scotland but here, the winds will ease later in the day. and temperatures continuing an upward trend, closer to average for the time of year, even a little above in places, and that's where they are going to stay this week. this is bbc news. i'm rebecca jones. the headlines: wreckage from the plane carrying the missing cardiff city footballer emiliano sala and pilot david ibbotson has been found. the plane carrying the two men disappeared en route from nantes in france to cardiff and today's discovery follows a privately—funded search operation. nissan confirms that plans to build the x—trail suv in the uk have been scrapped in favour of japan. the government says it's disappointed. i've worked hard,
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