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tv   metoo The French Resistance  BBC News  March 31, 2019 10:30am-11:00am BST

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"mad cow", "crazy", how can a country fully progress something that she is also been the movement may not have this is bbc news, i'm ben brown. "stupid", "uterus on legs", had a structural effect "who is going to look towards gender equality hearing in focus groups. on french society yet, the headlines at 11am: but hearing this, it seems police in england and wales after the kids?" when its own leaders are being given greater that is la gauloiserie for you. it is impacting women behave this way? stop and search powers dozens of countries, thousands of cities. this is mumbai's main segolene royal — mp, i'm wondering if the new generation at an individual level. to tackle rising knife crime. re—elected four times, of politicians will be different. it's a very important tool. railway terminus. regional president, minister three i've travelled to bordeaux in the south—west of france to meet it's a vital tool in or here in moscow. times and candidate fighting serious violence. three young women from a feminist the kremlin, for an hour at least, i want police officers to feel more for the presidential elections association at a prestigious comfortable to use it so political science school. becoming a place of shadows. in 2007 knows it well. they can protect all communities. she never publicly spoke out what next to break in greece, the acropolis, about what she was going this campaign is called which long predated electric light, the brexit deadlock? an island of darkness through during her career, women of history. tomorrow, mps vote again but last october she did. we named all the rooms. on alternative options and if a plan for a softer brexit in the centre of athens. in her book, what i can finally tell gets a majority, you, she reveals the tactics used and in paris, the eiffel tower it's about women who have been one cabinet minister says celebrating its 130th birthday deleted from history by her male colleagues was briefly extinguished although they were really important. to undermine her as a woman theresa may must consider it. like a candle. we have scientists, during her campaign. politicians, artists. the first national meeting so many places, one special hour. did you have a good feedback? of the #noustoutes organisation. i don't think it is sustainable to well, some of them said but as the swedish teenage activist it was a really good idea, say, well, we will ignore on 24th november 2018, greta thunberg tweeted, but some of them said it was too parliament's position and therefore much, too much women, 60,000 women gathered all over earth hour is every leave without a deal. i don't think too many rooms, too long. france to demonstrate against gender thatis leave without a deal. i don't think that is a sustainable position for the government to take. also some people said violence — one of the largest hour of every day. that our communication on it was not really good, there's been a sharp rise it was not feminist enough, women's march is in french history. in the number of adults calling but it was men who said that, now it's time for a look at the weather with matt taylor. so it was kind of funny. with a more inclusive name, in school in 2019, is it the movement intends to provide both
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hard to be a feminist? men and women with the necessary tools and knowledge for those of you in scotland and when we began, we didn't think it would be that hard, to tackle gender violence. people would be that angry northern ireland, sunny and less after speaking with so many breezy day, for england and wales, at feminists, but actually women across the country, they are all the time more cloud, more breeze and cooler. about anything, so yeah, it's kind of a fight every day. the cloud could threaten one or two the debate on #metoo showers in the afternoon, in france was about, "0h, we are not going to be able temperatures could hit 15 degrees to seduce each other any more", but that will be tempered by the but that's not the question. there's a difference wind. the breeze coming from an between seduction and violence. and stop saying to women easterly direction will push cloud that they have to do that in order not to be raped, to do that and this and stuff. northwards into central scotland, a few showers here, elsewhere away but trying to and beginning to tell men not to rape girls, maybe. from that, it will be cold night a law has been passed on street with a widespread frost. a bright harassment and i personally don't start for tomorrow for the vast think it is a good way of doing it i'm left with mixed feelings. majority, showers in northern because, i mean, it'sjust some ireland and western scotland becoming heavier during the day, part of the iceberg, but perhaps, because i am there is such a big part an optimist, this is some heavy with hail and thunder. of harassment that we don't what i would like to remember. see on the streets. showers into the isle of man and the ears started to listen better. cumbria later but much of england it's not going to be efficient. and wales dry, sunny in the south the true thing to do for me is education, and wales dry, sunny in the south and east, may be tempered is a bit. not punishing people. many rapes on campus, dropping drastically for tuesday and the only answer was, like, stay in a group when you go back
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wednesday and a story of april for sure, men need to be part of it, home and don't put yourself in a dangerous situation. showers for all. some of these things and so many are walking happened in full day time, hello, this is bbc so you might as well be in a group along side already. news with ben brown. the headlines. or not drunk or rowing a boat, i think that there is it is still going to happen. a before and after #metoo. police in england and wales speaking to these girls gave me the very fact that i have made this are being given greater stop and search powers to tackle hope, but only two days later, documentary is the proof of it. rising knife crime. theresa may considers her next move women around the world are i heard their exhibition had to break the brexit deadlock following the latest defeat been vandalised twice. on the move and a change is coming. of her withdrawal plan. so has the #metoo movement really failed in france or has maybe the french will do it there's been a sharp rise in the number of adults calling it changed anything? a national helpline for the children differently to the brits, of alcoholic parents, across town, i meetjohanna daghorn, according to figures a sociologist whose work focuses brazilians, indians or nigerians, seen by the bbc. on women's behaviour in urban areas. but a sense of empowerment has been the founder of facebook, unleashed and it will be mark zuckerberg, calls for governments to play a more active role in regulating very hard to stop it. the internet. she has been conducting some research to find out whether #metoo had an impact on street harassment. now on bbc news, the metoo movement spread around the world in 2016 but in france it proved very controversial. helene daoupha rs reports on the resistance french women still face when they speak up about sexual harassment.
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you may find some of the topics shown disturbing. good morning. it's not a bad france, the country of love, romance and la vie en rose. mother's day out there, we're going where relations between men and women are sweet, like in the movies. to see over the next few days and sorry to disappoint you, but i will have to kill the myth. france is where street harassment is fierce. some people already experiencing it, a change to something a bit colder. it has always been about domination yesterday temperatures up to 20 because if you say no, degrees across parts of the south, 68 fahrenheit. by the time we get to you can get punched. tuesday, it will be eight or nine, being a feminist is controversial. there will be a change in the month when we began, we did not think it and the april showers will be would be that hard and people gathering. at the moment cloud across southern counties of england would be that antifeminist, and wales, a few showers in the but actually, they are. north—east of england as well. blue being sexually harassed is common. women politicians struggle with sexism. skies overhead for most. they can cloud drifting towards the south coast through the day, fairweather cloud elsewhere but predominantly sunny skies. not particularly warm but the strengthening son could the government focuses negate the chill further north. i on other issues. like wind than yesterday. further on this journey back home, i question my own culture, south it —— lighter wind than my own people and myself. yesterday. south feeling a little
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i want to understand what has influenced our response bit more chilly. the cloud coming to the #metoo movement and how some are resisting change. into northern ireland, a few showers here. clear skies across most of scotland, england and wales so away why am i doing this documentary? from the city centres it will be a chilly night, temperatures at or i'm french and i have been living in london for a while now. below freezing. a frosty start to i guess sometimes it is only monday morning commute, high when you leave that you can pressure still with us for most of see things differently. but what if i told you that the day but it will equate allowing everything you think you know about france isn't quite true? weather fronts to close in. showers across northern ireland to the would you believe me? beginning of the day, drifting i'm not here to betray my country, but i'm a woman and, towards west scotland, showers like many others, i have been becoming more prolific through the day, some with hail and thunder. harassed and i have witnessed the #metoo movement unfold in france and beyond. eastern scotland staying dry, hazy sunshine. cumbria and the isle of man will get a little bit wetter and, unlike many, i am lucky to have the voice and to tell later on. temperatures lifting a stories for a living, so let me tell you take you on this journey where i try to find out the roots of sexism in france. across the south, but only for a and even if you are not french, period. more cold air coming in into
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some of it might sound familiar. tuesday. sharon rain coming and in 2018, marie laguerre was was cat—called by a man going, pushing its way eastwards. who passed her on the street. sunshine in northern and western areas but not long before april showers get going. it will be a chop because she answered back, he turned around and started and change get day from sunshine to rain, hail, sleetand hailsnow. and to verbally abuse her. but she wouldn't back off and this is what happened next. it will feel chilly. eight or 9 degrees. that chilly feel continues i decided to put it online to much of the week. because it was solid proof of what happened to me and of what happens to every woman. it was also solid proof that what us women have been saying, that we are sick of the guy who harasses us in the street and some people say, "oh, we can't hit on women any more". this is proof that it has never been about hitting on someone, flirting. it has always been about domination because if you say no, you can get punched. marie laguerre‘s video got millions of views on youtube and soon she got all the media attention.
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despite the video, many people didn't believe her. i started getting hate messages. "he should have killed you". "if i see you, i will break your jaw". "i will rape you". i cannot count how many messages i received off people questioning my whole story. typical women stereotypes — everything we do, we do it for attention, we have nothing to say. some criticised marie for how she was dressed, implying she was too provocative. not so surprising, either. we french women pay attention to what we wear, but not necessarily because we are fashion victims, but because we know we will be judged for how we look and, potentially, become targets for harassment. the main place women worry about this is the street and public transport. a study for the high council for women's equality in 2015 revealed that 100% of women using public transport in paris have
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at least once in their lives been victims of sexual harassment or sexist comments. young women are particularly affected. in more than 50% of the cases, aggressions happen before they are 18. another woman who knows about insults is sandra muller, a french journalist based in new york. she was one of the first to invite women to denounce sexual harassment by sharing their stories on twitter in french. the hastag #balancetonporc got a lot of traction in france and became known as the french
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version of #metoo. however, speaking out had consequences. sandra had named her harasser in her tweet. sandra was then attacked personally, with a deluge of hate messages. actress catherine deneuve is one of 100 well—known french women who have signed an open letter defending the right of men to make sexual advances. in this open letter, which was published in the french magazine le monde, miss deneuve
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and the other writers have warned of a new puritanism... and when that happened, the movement that seemed to bring together women around the world, took a different tone and became debateable in france. anne—elisabeth moutet, a french journalist, signed the open letter. what we do condone is the way people find themselves subjected to a kind of one minute hate multiplied ad infinitum on social media. they lose their jobs, they lose their livelihoods. there is no due process or legal process in any way and the sentences are harsher than anything that a court would think up. the open letter shocked the world and fragmented the debate in france. a few days later, brigitte lahaie, and ex—porn star turned radio presenter, said in a tv debate that it is possible to physically enjoy rape. after that, signatories of the open letter turned against her. catherine deneuve has apologised to victims of sexual assault
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who were offended by a letter that she co—signed. .. while the movement was impacting french society with many women and men supporting the liberation of women's voice... ..french media took hold of the debate and instead focused its attention on the condemning aspect of the hashtag. some men also got involved in this conversation and felt threatened about what they saw as a witchhunt. so how did it go so wrong? what is it lost in translation? was the tone wrong? but what about simone de beauvoir? back in the 1940s, her bestselling book, the second sex became a reference book forfeminists around the world.
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it seemed hard to believe that in the country of simone de beauvoir, the french philosopher who shocked the world with her revolutionary gender theories, things had got so bad. i'm looking at the roots of sexism in france. i admit, so far, i'm confused and i need some help, so i'm going to meet experts on the matter. first stop, michelle perrot, the french voice of authority when it comes to women's history.
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