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tv   [untitled]    May 4, 2019 4:31am-5:01am BST

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a targeting of a religious community, whatever that religion is, have either declined or is deplorable. and especially, as we have seen recently, region have either declined or disappeared and in malaysia they most recently in sri lanka, still survive. it was while communities are praying — never given whether it is sri lanka that the monarchy would or christchurch or any other place — become the praying, worshipping communities cannot become a target, central, in partnership with just to become a political pawn. the report's findings come the after 250 people were killed army, with support from the united and more than 500 wounded states and the cold war, elevated the monarchy to in attacks become an important at churches and hotels in source of stability but some would sri lanka say a very important anchor for on easter sunday. but the report adds conservatism. that more than that made the number of christians succession of replacement after king are killed had built the modern country the centre of for their faith every month, on average, around the world. thailand's transformation david campanale, from impoverished backwater to the prosperous country did today, house bbc news. skin going to do? the questions over this king ‘s character made here in the uk, new the succession and unnerving moment for researchers found taking anti—hiv drug thais and foreigners stops gay who want men passing on the virus to thailand to be stable. two and a sexual partners. the lancet study looked at half years of him taking over the throne, he has been pretty effective 1000 gay mail couples and found so throne, he has been pretty effective so farand throne, he has been pretty effective so far and defining his role but we no cases of hiv transmission over a still don't know what kind of monarch is going to make. everyone period of ten knows he cannot be the same kind of years.
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king at his father but in a way, 26—year—old matt stokes is hiv positive. the diagnosis was a huge shock ceremonial as this is, the and a worry he would infect others. extent of which this coronation and because the monarchy and embeds it as a but this latest study that taking permanent feature of antiretroviral drugs prevents any thai life, does chance of transmitting the virus is for him and his partner, matter to those who want to see a game thailand continue very much in the changer. same way as it in recent decades. we for me, knowing with are continuing to hear the canon complete certainty that i can't pass hiv on to anyone noise, thank you for bearing through with the undetectable level that. we have in my blood, is hugely reassuring. seen several times a huge confidence boost and the also a huge confidence boost to king, we saw some more to on him as partners. well. that ceremony continues. you it's really difficult to overstate mentioned the very long period of the importance of this finding. mourning between the death the study involved of the almost 1000 gay male previous king in this coronation. i couples living in europe who are not spent so using condoms and in which one long? with partner has been diagnosed with hiv and is taking antiretroviral drugs. kings, a over a period of eight years, the study found that hiv was not year—long period of mourning is passed normal. when the previous king died, on it was a profound moment, he had been built up as a father of amongst the country, the man who literally held any the country together. nobody here, of
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open covering this country for a long time, really knew how this the country would cope. the couples. military government managed both the because the drugs suppress the virus to undetectable levels. death of essentially what we've the king at the funeral very shown has provided smoothly, they clearly had a plan conclusive evidence once and for all, that if you are hiv but they wouldn't talk about it positive and you're on effective treatment, before. a year was you are sexually non—infectious. your risk of transmitting the virus a minimum, on to somebody else is zero. basically and as you remember, the and i think that's hugely liberating for people living king refused to take their own initially and that really threw with hiv that if they are on effective treatment, them there is essentially no risk because he officially became king in terms of passing on the virus. when his father died, he said people all this is raising needed to mourn. the funeral hopes that hiv could ultimately be of the late king was in october 2017 eradicated. and have gradually seen the prevalent new cases have already been dropping images of the king significantly in recent years. for matt and his partner, that were as for many others, the results everywhere, people won't like that of the study bring year, gradually fade away and certainty and reassurance. but he's hoping it very will also help and gradually the images of the this king you didn't see much before stigma becoming more and more predominant. it of is been carried out very gradually being because it has been such a rupture. hiv—positive. such a different kind of a king with such a different public opinion. you our breaking news that's been have to remember, this king cuts happening over the last few hours here on bbc news.
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a remote figure for most thais. he north korea has spent a lot of time fired a number abroad and has of missiles from got himself involved in the projects that got the late king its eastern coast, its first since the out to meet test of an intercontinental people and really imprinted him in the lives of people. this gradual weapon in 2017. these projectiles, these period of transition and it new ones, thought to be has short—range and flew up to 200 kilometres before taken period of transition and it has ta ke n two period of transition and it has taken two and a half years since the landing in the sea. death of the late king has enabled the missiles people to get used to the idea of a we re landing in the sea. the missiles new monarch. that has been were launched in the east of north korea. it does come successful. you don't see many amid a images of the late king, people diplomatic breakdown between north korea and the don't feel they are mourning him anymore even though they miss him us. after they and they gotten used to the new king failed who has been decisive at times but to reach a deal in hanoi in also very subtle in february. the white house has his exercises of responded and has said it's authority. that bodes well for monitoring the situation. meanwhile, the success of the monarchy north korea has cut public food about which rations to 300 g people did have quite a lot of doubt when he north korea has cut public food rations to 300g per north korea has cut public food rations to 300 g per day after last yea r‘s harvest was first succeeded rations to 300 g per day after last year's harvest was the rations to 300 g per day after last yea r‘s harvest was the worst rations to 300 g per day after last year's harvest was the worst in a decade according to the his father. un. 1300 jonathan, thank you so much for taking us through the ceremony that calories when the average minimum of the world food programme is we are seeing and all 1800. it of the is estimated that over background. let's just stay with 10 million
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this picture is now so north koreans suffer from severe we can watch food insecurity and that some the king in this could soon run out of elaborate ritual, one of the main food supplies altogether. rituals for his when one thinks of north korea, official coronation. north korea is such a weird amalgamation of mediaeval mores, what you buffoonish bellicosity, one tends to mock, one tends to patronise north korea saw and one assumes that the food situation, earlier was the pervasive hunger and malnutrition must be due what span to incompetence, a combination of bad weather, bad fortune and perhaps described as even us— and un—led sanctions. simply the pouring of holy not water over the true. head of the north korea is an industrialised economy, north korea is an urbanised, king. the holy literate society and, for the first time ever in human history, water is an industrialised, urbanised, very special for thais literate country underwent, and it comes from several suffered a famine as north korea did in the mid—90s. it's an entirely different sources, from manmade famine five main rivers and over the past in india and 20 years or more, also from thailand, that's according to the official guide to the north koreans have been among the top in terms of food insecurity. ceremonies. we see him pouring some
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10 million people means water there. 10 million north koreans hungry, means over 40% of north koreans are undernourished. the water according to the un fao, food and agriculture organisation, the latest figures show is also over 43% of north collected from five important overs. koreans, this ceremony will continue on 43% of the overall population, are suffering from undernourishment. for so this some time that it moves on to the world a re some time that it moves on to the is all world are not meant in the crowning. we will keep due to across events in the perverse thailand at the palace for you here on bbc choices made news. many by of us the like to regime. in the uk, results from local record a favourite shows but for elections across england are not marion stokes this became a 30 year an obsession, up until her island show the main death in part is 2012, she was busy catching conservative and labour have broadcast 2a hours a day. her story suffered significant losses in what seems to be a backlash for the has been brexit process. smaller turned into parties such a documentary. asa brexit process. smaller parties such as a liberal democrats and the in matt wolf's new documentary, greens, the independents have made some large gains are the results are the camera captures the tens of thousands of video cassette still being counted. recordings made by marion stokes.
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her mission began in earnest a political in 1979, with the advent correspondence of the iranian hostage crisis. robertson daniel has more. as ha rd correspondence robertson has more. as hard not to see this as is the continuing crisis in uk politics. but surely profound crisis caused by accident. there are three quick like god human ta keaways, accident. there are three quick takeaways, the anecdotal evidence interest stories. it said to be one in 700 suggests that people are just hugely underwhelmed at the leadership million. this is the greatest thing this town has of ever had. both theresa may and the conservatives, jeremy corbyn japan's newest for labour, they think that both parties have been incompetent in the exports. handling of brexit. the yesterday afternoon, real problem the shooting. is this very, very divided country that we have in the uk and really, marion stokes's son, michael, neither party lacks brexit remembersjust how marion stokes's son, michael, remembers just how obsessed his mother was. the enough for people who want operation took over bricks — make her spacious philadelphia apartment. gradually and people that there were probably between low brexit. nothing like 5—6, up to eight video the wildlife of madagascar anywhere on earth. side cassette recorders. to say it's on the verge of being she and her assistant would scurry lost forever. while leaders gather in paris to come up with a deal to
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between the protect the planet ‘s rooms. marion biodiversity. a group of farmers are madagascar stokes was are taken the fate of the country ‘s an unusual woman. she had been a ra i nfo rest are taken the fate of the country ‘s ra i nforest into are taken the fate of the country ‘s rainforest into radical communist and became very wealthy. she had a keen their own intellect, as was evidenced from a local hands. a philadelphia tv tropical sanctuary. home to show. often live —— wildlife that lives no—one with stridency. else on earth. all how can you expect black people to have faith this biodiversity, in the democratic process! if you want us to have life faith in the democratic that thrives in the forests of madagascar, is under process, make it work. whatever drove marion threat. they stokes, filmmaker matt wolf believes her work is particularly relevant now. must depend on she was doing this tape project almost as a form of activism primary roast like to protect the truth. this. across madagascar, 80% of this and the truth is harder and more complex than it has ever been, habitat has been cut particularly with down, the big regards to the media. marion recognised the possibility driver of that is agriculture. slash of that and part of the purpose and burn. burning forest to of her archive was to create definitive records so people produce fertile soil. but could check the truth, so they could assess how the news was being shaped by here, there is the predilections of those producing it. a comparing and contrasting fun revolution going on. with the coverage of certain stories across different networks, help of a charity, teenagers here looking at the evolution of a story are learning to grow food in of a multiple days. a new different groups rallied over sustainable way.
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the weekend in pickens county, alabama... these are at the tribeca film festival, this new documentary lessons on marion stokes contains just a few and weeding, pruning, maintaining brief minutes of material the soil. as in compost and from her vast archive. the full video collection crop is now in the possession rotation to keep the of the internet archive same plot in san francisco, where it is being productive. it's really digitised and made freely available to the public. the american networks have difficult with the traditional farming disposed of many of their tv archives, increasing the value technique because humour from of marion stokes' collection. with the traditional farming technique because humourfrom one field to another and cut and burn the vastness of what she accomplished trees. but with a new method, you truly staggers. archivists say it is monumental. during her life she managed stay in one place to amass what is probably the or stop its much easier. if the biggest forest continues to personal be destroyed, there will be less water to drink and there will be a lot of habitat —— loss of habitat. archive limits die out. of television today, the community are celebrating the newest group of recruits who news will sign up to use these new in skills. this will soon be brought history. other villages in the region because as well as protecting the forest, a review commissioned by the british despair farming as well as protecting the forest, despairfarming is producing higher yields, critical and a foreign office shows that community that relies entirely on what people christians are the most persecuted group. can grow. the future foreign office shows that christians are the most persecuted groupm suggests christianity could be wiped
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out in parts of the middle east. the of the forest depends on these people, the forest british foreign secretary said is lost, many things will be lost. political correctness had prevented such as the proper discussion soil, fertility, water of the subject. for people to drink what happens in china, where freedom to worship and the air will is guaranteed in the constitution. churches that refuse to comply become not clean with the state can be knocked down flat. for the population. according to the generations have review, chinese communist found here. ideology but has led to the suppression of with so little of the forest the christian church. remaining —— farm. the country is the report's findings, compiled by a british bishop, now on an state that unregistered churches come under great pressure to close environmental trespass. and experience surveillance, intimidation, fines, and their leaders are while they are building the future regularly detained. the problem, though, is global, and one of the world ‘s poorest with evidence that acts of violence countries, this generation holds the and other intimidation survival of madagascar ‘s unique against christians are becoming both more widespread and increasing in severity. biodiversity in their in parts of the middle east, the report says hands. christianity faces being wiped out, with the main impact of genocidal acts against christians being exodus. in iraq, where christians have been for millennia, it says they have fallen from she p7 paid 1.5 million barely 15 years ago 00:09:52,756 --> 858993220:46:36,091 to 858993220:46:36,091 --> 1717986441:23:19,426 less 1717986441:23:19,426 --> 2576979662:00:02,762 than 2576979662:00:02,762 --> 3435972882:36:46,098 120,000 3435972882:36:46,098 --> 4294966103:13:29,434 today. to the actor who played chewbacca and star wars. he appeared in the original trilogy and in more
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recent films. he played with a range of human emotions that endeared him defence was not people showed everything from frustration to despair, to even a hint of menace. ina way despair, to even a hint of menace. in a way that audiences effortlessly new how he was feeling. when the director was costing the original star wars director was costing the original starwars in1976, he director was costing the original star wars in 1976, he thought former hospital porter was perfect for the role. for his part, mayhew threw himself into the part, rehearsing enthusiastically... then we'll bounce into a supermarket, and then we'll... that old man is mad! even learning the script so he could speak what chewbacca
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was trying to portray. today, his star wars co—stars paid tribute to him. what was so remarkable about him was his spirit and his kindness and his gentleness, it was so close to what type wookiee is. they are fierce animals, but they are like your family dog. there is no one more loving, and the unconditional love, than the family pet. he returned to the role in the first of the latest trilogy, the force awakens, and he'll be fondly remembered for the warm relationship he shared with the other cast, particularly harrison ford's han solo. laugh it up, fuzzball. and to millions, he simply played one of cinema's greatest heroes. he is also officially star wars day
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as well. may the fourth. german police have seized more than 100 sports cars that were taking part in a suspected illegal road race across including porsches, lamborghinis and audis were stopped on a motorway east of wismar, in north—east germany, on a stretch of the road without speed restrictions. concerned drivers had notified the police after some of the cars were witnessed travelling at estimated speeds of up to 250 km/h. most of the cars carried norwegian licence plates and bore windshield stickers with the name of the event, eurorally, a four—stage event from oslo to prague. the eurorally website terms and conditions state that eurorally is "not a competition" but merely a "holiday planner for car enthusiasts." back to the live scene in bangkok, we've been monitoring a series of elaborate rituals that have been taking place forming part of the
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coronation of the king. you can see the live scene here, many of the ceremonies taking place are inside the palace in bangkok. we believe that this ceremony that they are preparing is the royal anointment ceremony, so it is the next step, in some of the very important samurais that have been taking place and one of the main elements of the ceremony is where the king, we understand, will set underneath the seven tiered umbrella. you might be able to see it there and it also involves some of the anointment water. that comes from the royal purification ceremony that we saw earlier levy saw the king for some very special sacred
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water on himself. that is the seven tiered umbrella that you can see there that will be involved in the next so many but earlier, there was a very sacred so many involving water pouring. it was brought in from rivers in india and thailand, five important rivers and from four sacred ponds so that'll be involved in the next so many. and then the next ceremony will be the crowning, a very important part of the ongoing coronation rituals happening in thailand for the coronation of king —— term two or stop —— king maha vajiralongkorn. hello there. it feels like our weather has gone a bit weird, what with the 21 celsius we had in february, and now snow in may. yeah, that's what we've seen over the last 2a hours.
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some wintry showers in scotland, snow settling on some of the northern hills. you see those wintry showers feeding in behind this line of rain, which is a cold front heading south across england and wales. don't be surprised over the next few hours if we see some of that rain get a bit heavier and perhaps turn to snow over the hills of wales, even. wintry showers continue to feed in further north in scotland, with further snow to be spotted here. it is the brisk winds which will prevent a frost from falling for most of us, but where those winds fall off in the countryside, the odd patch of frost is possible. and for the weekend, big, dramatic skies like these. sunshine and cumulonimbus clouds. when the clouds come across the sky, combined with the cold and windy air, that will make the weather feel really quite chilly. out of the winds, in the may sunshine, where the winds are lighter, perhaps more to the south—west, feeling fresh more than anything else. not too bad. mixed fortunes, really. saturday, the lion's share of the showers coming across northern and eastern scotland, driven by the strong and cold northerly winds.
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those winds putting the showers onto the north sea coasts as well. we will get a number of heavy downpours, a bit of thunder mixed in with some of these. inland, fewer showers. lighter winds and may sunshine, perhaps not feeling too bad, really, with temperatures up to 1a degrees and those strong winds around the north sea coast, you'll be doing well to see temperatures reach double figures. disappointing for may. heading through saturday night and into sunday, still showers around, especially across northern areas, and another chilly night. we could see a few patches of frost. five degrees in london, three in cardiff and two in edinburgh. sunday's forecast, the wind coming from more of a north—north—westerly direction, more from iceland, really. that will change who sees the showers. for example, showers continue for northern scotland. at the same time we could have an odd shower
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sneaking in through the north channel to affect north wales and perhaps north—west england as well. after a sunny start it tends to cloud over and it will be a coolish day, 10—13. bank holiday monday, a greater chance of seeing showers across inland areas as a trough makes its way south, bringing those showers inland. if anything, the temperatures will be dipping down again. highs of eight degrees in aberdeen. that's your weather.
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welcome to bbc news. i'm reged ahmad. our top stories: coronation at bangkok's grand palace. thailand watches as its next king takes part in three days of special sacred ceremonies. north korea launches several
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"short—range missiles" into the east sea, according to south korea'sjoint chief of staff. cyclone fani hits india with 200km/h winds. it's heading towards kolkata and bangladesh after leaving widespread damage and disruption across the east of the country. as deaths from ebola reach 1,000, aid workers in the democratic republic of congo say their efforts are being hindered by threats to medical staff. caster semenya says she won't take medication to comply
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