tv BBC News at One BBC News June 19, 2019 1:00pm-1:31pm BST
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accused of mass murder. four men charged over the shooting down of a malaysian airliner, in which almost 300 people died. investigators say the men were complicit in the firing of a missile at the plane as it flew over eastern ukraine four years ago. international arrest warrants have been issued for the suspects — three russians and a ukrainian. they are now on wanted lists around the world. the jit suspects igor girkin, thele suspects igor girkin, oleg pulatov and leonid kharchenko and sega dubinskiy to have played a significant role in the death of 298 innocent civilians —— mike sega dubinskiy.
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we'll be live in the netherlands and in moscow with russian reaction. also this lunchtime... after last night's tv debate, conservative mps prepare to vote again this afternoon in the latest round of the party's leadership contest. a un investigator says there's evidence the saudi crown prince was behind the murder of journalist jamal khashoggi. the duke and duchess of cambridge deeply saddened after a woman in her 80s is injured in an accident with their police escort. and it's make or break for scotland in the women's world cup. and coming up in sport later in the hour on bbc news, we will have the latest from the cricket world cup as south africa look to turn their fortunes around against new zealand in birmingham. good afternoon and welcome
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to the bbc news at one. dutch investigators have accused four men of murder for their role in the shooting down of a malaysian airlines passenger plane over eastern ukraine five years ago. flight mhi7 was on its way from amsterdam to kuala lumpur when it was hit with a missle, killing all 298 people on board. international arrest warrants have now been issued for three russians and a ukrainian. the trial is set to start in the netherlands next year. richard galpin reports. five years ago, the wreckage of the malaysia airlines plain lay strewn across these fields of eastern ukraine. also amongst them, the bodies of 298 people, of whom 80 we re bodies of 298 people, of whom 80 were children. locals here described seeing bodies falling from the sky. the passenger plane, parts of which
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we re the passenger plane, parts of which were later meticulously reconstructed, had been hit by a sophisticated anti—aircraft missile, which peppered the front of the aircraft with shrapnel. this missile launcher, believed to have been used in the attack, was spotted at the time in territory controlled by pro—russian separatists. their conflict with ukrainian government forces was at its peak. today, finally, the international team which has been investigating what happened has announced it is bringing murder charges against four key people it accuses of being responsible for the deaths of so many civilians. the first is igor girkin, who is russian and a former senior intelligence officer. he is described as being the commander on the ground in eastern ukraine on the day the malaysia airlines plain was brought down. sergey dubinskiy, who is also russian, was one of igor girkin‘s deputies and, like igor girkin, was in regular contact with
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moscow. another russian, 0leg pulatov, a former special forces soldier, was sergey dubinskiy‘s number two. the final suspect is the ukrainian leonid kharchenko. translation: together, they formed a chain, linking the so—called donetsk people republic with the russian for my —— russian federation. it was through this connection they were able to get heavy armoury equipment to the battlefield in ukraine and in this way, the brigade could be transported to the agricultural field and its missile could be fired, with terrible consequences. but in all likelihood, the killing of so many people will not lead to the suspects being sent to the trial in the netherlands, which is due to start in march next year, because russia does not allow suspects to be extradited. and that means for all those killed and for their families, justice is unlikely to be done.
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richard galpin, bbc news. in a moment, we will talk to sarah rainsford in moscow, but, first, to damian grammaticas in the netherlands, where that press conference was just held. so the suspects have been named, but will they ever stand trial? well, they may not be present at a trial and as you heard richard say, it is unlikely that they would be. three are in russia, one is believed to be in eastern ukraine but the prosecutors made absolutely clear and are making clear, the press conference are still going on, that that a trial would happen regardless and the family members, i was speaking to one a short time ago, said that they actually didn't mind. they said as long as the trial happens, as long as the information comes out and it is known what happened and that is proven in a court, that is what matters to the families, so they see that and this today as a highly significant moment, the naming of these individuals and the charges of
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murder. and the prosecutor said that those charges would be murder because, under dutch law, if you are organised in setting up a crime, whether you press the button or pull the trigger or not, you are equally liable. and what is even more significant, i think, liable. and what is even more significant, ithink, is liable. and what is even more significant, i think, is the senior russian nature of these three russians, a very direct link to the russians, a very direct link to the russian military and the russian intelligence service and even phone call is played by the investigators of them talking to senior russian officials to organise the deployment officials to organise the deployment of the missile. thank you. let's go to sarah rainsford in moscow. what reaction from the russian authorities? well, earlier today, i well, earliertoday, ispoke well, earlier today, i spoke to mr putin's spokesman at the kremlin, this is before the statements from the dutch led team and i asked whether there had been any circumstances oi’ whether there had been any circumstances or conditions under which russia would be ready to hand over any suspects or prosecute them
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themselves and he said russia have been very clear on this investigation and have a change, that rachel simply doesn't recognise its validity. as he pointed out, roger said it had expressed the desire to be involved as a partner, essentially —— russia had said. and because that had not happened and because that had not happened and because ukraine is on that commission, russia simply does not see reason to trust the conclusion, thatis see reason to trust the conclusion, that is what the spokesman said today and that is what vladimir putin, the president himself, has said before. he has said he doesn't see reasons to trust this investigation so i think looking to previous experience in other cases, the chance of russia actually investigating or indeed questioning even these suspects is extremely slim. sarah, thank you very much. sarah rainsford in moscow and damian grammaticas in the netherlands. in two hours' time, conservatives mps will start voting again in the latest round of the party's leadership contest.
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it will see one more of the five remaining candidates elimated. the result is expected shortly after six o'clock this evening. last night, the contenders took part in a fractious bbc debate. this morning, the frontrunner, borisjohnson, receieved a boost when he secured the backing of the former brexit secretary dominic raab. just a warning, there is some flash photography in this report. nick eardley reports. sometimes in politics, there is little room for rest. i was really pleased to get through yesterday and i'm looking forward to the challenge that lies ahead and making my case. tory mps will vote again this afternoon, getting rid of another candidate in the race to be our pm. sajid javid could be for the chop, so could rory stewart, who is convinced keeping the current brexit deal, somehow persuading parliament to back it, is the only show in town. all these other people somehow believe that by shouting and saying i'm going to take britain out, that
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they have some magic way to do it. it is like some man stuck on a zip wire. you can wave the unionjack all you want but you are not going anywhere. no prizes for guessing who that was a pop at. at this morning, borisjohnson one that was a pop at. at this morning, boris johnson one more that was a pop at. at this morning, borisjohnson one more support, this time from the brexiteer candidate eliminated yesterday.” time from the brexiteer candidate eliminated yesterday. i am throwing my weight behind borisjohnson. i think he's the one who is the most credible to get us out of the eu by the end of october. many of dominic rob's supporters will follow suit. but none of the candidates can say exactly how they will deliver their brexit vision. rory stewart cannot say how exactly he will persuade parliament to back a deal it has already rejected three times. the others can't say how they would persuade europe to reopen negotiations, something brussels has repeatedly said they just won't do. that was one of the key unanswered questions from last night's bbc debate. lots of pledges to get out, not so much on how. october 31 is eminently feasible. but there was
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this pledge, to hold an investigation into allegations of islamophobia in the tory party. guys, shall we have an external investigation in the conservative party on islamophobia? so they all agree? excellent, they agree. some say that promise has taken too long. my say that promise has taken too long. my colleagues who have not raised this issue, who have not stood by me or asked for this inquiry and have consistently, quite rightly, rooted out racism within the labour party, well, they really don't have the moral authority to keep doing that, having not dealt with it. action, though, is now being promised. we need to be absolutely resolute in attacking racism and prejudice of all kinds and, absolutely, there are people in the conservative party who we need to make sure appreciate the consequences of we need to make sure appreciate the consequences of their actions. there are people who need to be rooted out of the party. we have been very vociferous in calling outjeremy corbyn and anti—semitism and if we are going to do that, and i think we
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are going to do that, and i think we are right to do that, then we have to be whiter than white ourselves. for now, there are five people left in the race to be pm. by tomorrow evening, it will be two and they will have to persuade conservative members they can tackle the tories' problems and deliver our eu departure. nick eardley, bbc news, westminster. the bbc has issued a statement in response to complaints about the selection of abdullah patel as one of the questioners on last night's programme. it has since emerged that the imam had previously made critical comments about israel and women. the bbc said background checks had been carried out, including his online and social media profiles, but researchers were unaware of a twitter account which was only reactivated by him after the programme was broadcast. he has now been suspended from his position as deputy head at al—ashraf primary school in gloucester. our assistant political editor norman smith is in the central lobby of the houses of parliament.
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so the leadership contest goes on, with more voting this afternoon, norman. i suppose the question for the other candidates is, as it has been for a while, head of a stop borisjohnson? been for a while, head of a stop boris johnson? well, there is no massive pressure on them to join forces to try and thwart boris johnson because he is cantering away with it, piling up votes all over the place and is likely to get even more tonight when dominic rob's brexiteer backers throw their weight behind him —— dominic raab's. and we learn that there has been the odd tete—a —tete learn that there has been the odd tete—a—tete between rory stewart and michael gove are forming some kind of pact. the trouble is, both want the other man to pull out. so in effect, rory stewart is saying to michael gove, come and join my gang, and michael gove is saying, no, you come and join my gang, so no deal yet but the fact is no one is emerging as the real challenge. last night, jeremy hunt, michael gove,
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perfectly decent, serious performances but nothing that set the heather alight. rory stewart, meanwhile, it was definitely a below par performance. he seemed to be struggling with the bar stool the bbc had provided the contenders with, one moment sitting, the next moment standing, one leg on, one leg off, his tie on, his tie off, looking all over the place. he now faces a struggle just to remain in the contest, so huge, huge pressure over the next 2a a was for some sort of deal to put together a dream team to stop borisjohnson 2a hours. norman smith. a united nations investigator says there is credible evidence that the crown prince of saudi arabia was behind the murder of the journalist jamal khashoggi. the journalist, a critic of the journalist jamal khashoggi. thejournalist, a critic of of the journalist jamal khashoggi. the journalist, a critic of the prince, was last seen at the saudi consulate in istanbul in october where, it is believed, he was murdered and his body dismembered. james landale reports. jamal khashoggi was a columnist for the washington post and a prominent critic
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of the saudi leadership. on october the 2nd last year, he entered the saudi consulate in istanbul to get some papers he needed to get married. he was never seen again. the un special rapporteur concluded he was the victim of a deliberate, premeditated execution by the saudi state. the 100—page report, based on interviews, recordings and cctv footage, sets out in grim detail how officials at the saudi consulate planned and carried out the murder. from the initial struggle, to the sound of the body being dismembered. the report names many of the saudi individuals who flew into istanbul and are suspected of involvement. but crucially, it also says mohammed bin salman, the crown prince and de facto ruler of saudi arabia, should also be investigated,
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saying every expert they consulted agreed it was inconceivable he was not aware of the operation. the special rapporteur has determined that there is credible evidence, warranting further investigation of high—level saudi officials' individual liability, including the crown prince's. the independent investigator also said the crown prince should be subject to targeted sanctions by un member states until evidence is produced proving he has no responsibility. saudi investigators have long denied the crown prince was involved and ii suspects are facing a secret trial inside the country. but the report said the saudi investigation into the death of mr khashoggi had failed to meet international standards and the trial should be suspended. james landale is here. what is the significance of this un
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investigation? this is the first semi—official account of what happened, not a complete investigation it was not allowed to go into saudi arabia but it is the first time in cold print that we've seen an official account of what happened and it is pretty grisly as i read. the reason it is significant is it reopens the whole affair, saudi arabia and many of its allies included the united states and even the united kingdom have been hoping that this would go away and normal business could be resumed and normal relations could be resumed so they could start engaging with saudi arabia for example in its conflict with iran, the situation in yemen and arms trade. this report reopens the affair and the question about just where is the body of jamal khashoggi and above all who exactly was responsible. so it means the story is not going to get away. thank you. a woman in her eighties is in a serious condition after an accident involving a police motorbike which was part
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of a convoy escorting the duke and duchess of cambridge. prince william and kate were travelling from london to windsor when the woman was injured on monday. kensington palace said the royal couple are "deeply concerned and saddened", and have been in touch with the woman. sarah campbell is in east sheen where the accident happened. sarah, what more can you tell us? at thejunction at the junction behind at thejunction behind me at the junction behind me that is where the incident happened just before one o'clock on monday afternoon and as you say the duke and duchess of cambridge were travelling in that direction to go to the ceremony in windsor. the incident happened on this road and we understand there was traffic solid on that side of the road and motorcycle up my dose had come ahead of the convoy and they were in the process of clearing a path for the convoy when this collision happened. between a motorbike and a pedestrian who has been named as irene mary who is 83 years old for air ambulance was called at 12:52pm and two
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doctors and a paramedic treated her in situ before she was taken to hospital and is described as being ina hospital and is described as being in a serious but stable condition. we understand the duke and duchess did not see the incident and they we re did not see the incident and they were informed later, they've sent flowers to the family and they are in direct contact with them. there is now an independent office for police conduct investigation into what happened. back to you. thank you very much. our top story this lunchtime. accused of mass murder — four men are to be charged over the shooting down of a malaysian airliner, in which almost 300 people died — investigators say the men were complicit in the missile strike four years ago. and john malkovich swaps screen was staged to tackle head—on the recent hollywood abuse scandals. coming up in the sport in the next 15 minutes on bbc news. we'll have the latest from queens and birmingham where the french open champion ashleigh barty
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continues her wimbledon preparations. donald trump has officially launched his bid for re—election as president in 2020. at a rally in orlando, florida, he told his twenty thousand supporters that the american economy was the envy of the world — and repeated attacks on hilary clinton, illegal immigrants and what he calls the "fake news" media. gary o'donoghue reports from orlando. 503 days to go until america's next presidential election, but donald trump is already heading off to do what he loves best. hitting the campaign trail. i stand before you to officially launch my campaign for a second term as president of the united states. cheering. thank you. it was four years and three days ago that donald trump
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made his dramatic entry into the race for the presidency. nobody took seriously that candidacy, but thanks to some controversial messages on issues such as immigration and trade, he built a coalition to take the white house. he told his orlando audience that they had built a whole new political movement. it's a movement made up of ha rd—working patriots who love their country, love their flag, love their children. in truth, this rally was mostly a rerun of well trodden territory. attacks on hillary clinton, the fake news, and illegal immigrants. so what do his supporters want now? we're going to move the economy along some more. more jobs. he is promising to build the wall. he said he was going to do that and he's saying he's going to continue doing it, so i like that. just being in the white house gives donald trump a huge
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political advantage going into next year's election. but his appeal has always been as the outsider, as the non—politician, as the insurgent. and recreating that a second time around might not be easy. gary o'donoghue, bbc news, in florida. gambling firms are offering to significantly increase the amount of money they contribute to tackling ‘problem gambling'. in a letter to the government, the owners of the big five companies have offered to increase the levy on their profits over the next five years — meaning they'll eventually raise £100 million per year. our business editor simon jack is here. what are they offering and in cash terms how much would it amount to? there are 2 million people in the uk who have either a gambling addiction or at risk of that according to the gambling commission and the big five household names currently donate not .1% household names currently donate not .i% of gambling profits to tackle
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theissue .i% of gambling profits to tackle the issue and last year that raised £10 million. no one thinks that is enough so that the latter i have seen they offered to increase that to i% seen they offered to increase that to 1% of profits which after five yea rs could to 1% of profits which after five years could be an annual contribution of £100 million so a significant increase as you say further up there doing this because it isa further up there doing this because it is a pre—emptive strike to try to clea n it is a pre—emptive strike to try to clean up the image after reputation damaging struggles of a fixed odds betting terminals and one insider said this industry is on the precipice and we could go the same way as alcohol ten years and tobacco 30 years ago, we could be looking at touchline advert bands, a ban on football shirts etc and we need to get on the front foot. the department of culture, media and sport say they're looking at this ahead of a new gambling act expected later in the year. the government has been accused of not doing enough to protect major public venues from the threat of terrorist attacks. nick aldworth — a former national counter terrorism co—ordinator — is calling for legislation to enforce improved security checks. the campaign for better
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security was started in memory of martyn hett, who died in the manchester arena attack — asjudith moritz reports. security screening has become part of modern life. arriving at a venue, most people don't give searches a second thought. memories are still fresh from the attacks of 2017. people died on my watch. that's a burden that i will carry. former chief superintendent nick aldworth was responsible for keeping the uk secure from terrorism. now he is warning that new legislation is needed to make sure venues are safe, and says the voluntary nature of the government's current strategy is too relaxed. i don't think that they're either being fast enough or being innovative enough in what needs to be done. and anything less than new legislation is a compromise. we have the potential for places to be attacked, and for the consequence of those attacks, should they happen, to be
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far worse than they needed to be. after the spate of attacks in 2017, the government gave the police more money to increase the number of vehicle barriers like this one. but those pushing for new legislation say security shouldn'tjust be the responsibility of public bodies, but also venue operators in the private sector. martyn hett was one of 22 people killed in the explosion at manchester arena. before martyn died, i wouldn't have had a clue about any of this. it wasn't on my radar. his mother has been campaigning for a law in his name, to make it compulsory for every venue to plan for the threat of an attack. are you saying we need to become barrier britain, have a security arch in front of every venue? no, absolutely not. when i think of people like martyn, who enjoyed all these events without having to go through loads and loads of security, we are talking about common sense here.
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it could just be, you know, people being trained in recognising suspicious behaviour. it can be even as basic as that. figen already has the support of some venues, who say they don't see extra legislation as a problem. i'd actually almost flip it on its head and look at it as a business opportunity, and say, well, actually, if we can demonstrate that we're putting the appropriate measures in place to ensure the security of the visitors, the venue, the employees, then actually that's got to be a good thing. the government says it's considering further legislation and is keen to discuss the security issue with those that are campaigning for martyn's law. judith moritz, bbc news, manchester. it's a make or break day for scotland at the women's world cup. they know they have to beat argentina in tonight's match to stand any chance of progressing to the knockout stage. england play japan in today's other match, and katie gornall has been
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following them back down to nice on the french riviera. to be successful in sport takes concentration, perseverance, and patience. this is promising for england. england kept their composure against argentina and got their reward. all the angst has gone on the hour! so far, so good. as a team you need to find a way to win, no matter what. and, you know, we need to have different strategies, we need to have plan b, plan a. you need to be ready for whatever is thrown at you. momentum is super important so we want to go into that game and win it. a thigh injury forced toni duggan to watch england's first two games from the sidelines. she is now fit and hopeful of playing some part against the 2011 champions, japan. england have made a perfect start to this tournament and only need a point to finish top of the group. scotland on the other hand face a huge fightjust to stay in france. so far for shelley kerr's side it's
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been a case of too little, too late. defeats to england and japan means they have to beat argentina and hope other results go their way. even in the england and japan game when we were down 2—nil, i mean everyone saw those second halves were so much better. and, you know, we are not really sure why we end up in those positions and then finally upping our game. but hopefully it won't go that way, hopefully, you know, we know what we need to do and three points is the main focus. but argentina's players are not in any rush to go home either. few people gave them a chance in this tournament, but team spirit and some stern defence has given them a shot at the last 16. come this evening, if they win, scotland face a waiting game while england still have their eyes on the biggest catch of all. katie gornall, bbc news, nice. with more than 70 films to his name including "dangerous liasons", "the killing fields" and "con air",
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john malkovich is regarded as one america's most versatile actors. tonight, after a break of nearly 30 years, he returns to the west end for the world premiere of "bitter wheat", a new play tackling the recent abuse scandals that have rocked hollywood. tim muffett went to meet him. the story of a depraved hollywood mogul and his abuse of power. bitter wheat has a touch of real life. there is talk it is based on harvey weinstein. is it? i would say that was more of a kind of starting point. it's not harvey. but it i'm sure would recall certain aspects of harvey's. the behaviour harvey is charged with.
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once one of the most powerful figures in hollywood, harvey weinstein will stand trial in september accused of rape and sexual assault. he denies all allegations of nonconsensual sex. you've described this play as a black farce. as the subject matter suitable for a farce? well, people made forces of... hitler. who decides when something can be funny or not funny? the international dateline, i always thought that would be a great name for a dating service. yes, it would. made 70 films, where you'll wear it during your long film career this sort of behaviour is talked about in this plate was going on? no. not at all, no inkling? well, i had lets say overheard some things that may not have been ideal in terms of collegial behaviour
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or what you come to work for. i didn't really ever have discussions about it. did some people know it was going on? i'm sure they must have. what is it, something troubling? no, it's fine, it's fine. what is it, is there something troubling you? tell me. yes. the allegations against harvey weinstein field the metoo movement which saw people coming forward with allegations of abuse in the film industry and elsewhere. do you think we've heard the west or is there more to come? do i think it's the last of it? well, i doubt it. it's very tough. what's to end unless bad behaviour ends?
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