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tv   Click  BBC News  August 25, 2019 12:30pm-1:01pm BST

12:30 pm
something other than what is supposed to be happening. fires in the amazon rainforest are nothing new during summer, but their scale and the speed with which they are spreading has alarmed brazil and the rest of the world. as you've been hearing, the brazilian military has begun a major operation to tackle the fires in the amazon rainforest. our correspondent, will grant, was on board a greenpeace plane which flew over the area. from this vantage point you get a sense of the scale of the disaster facing this region of the amazon. hectare after hectare of pristine forestjust going up in smoke. there must be thousands of hectares already, and it is a huge task for the troops who are supposedly reaching this region, and who are going to try to tackle the problem, sent by president bolsonaro.
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this is the reason for the protests taking place in the large cities of brazil, in sao paulo, brasilia, and rio. this has also caused the international outcry. this is a global crisis, because these are considered the lungs of the world. and just on a human level, and an emotional level almost, it is extremely upsetting, extremely disturbing, to see this kind of devastation unfolding in front of you. now it's time for a look at the weather with nick miller. plenty of hazy sunshine to be had. a lot of sunshine compared to yesterday. cloud for the channel islands, west wales and may be edging towards the coast of north—west england to the afternoon. it is going to feel a bit hotter
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than yesterday. where you have cloud temperatures may be a couple of degrees lower but for many of us adding a few degrees to these temperatures. more of us creeping to 30 or even 32 in parts of south—east england. into tonight and some areas of cloud across western parts and fog patches so there could be some areas of poor visibility developing into the bank holiday monday morning and overnight temperatures mid—teens. on the bank holiday. some cloud and sunny spells in scotland, xiao was moving towards connell and devin. rain edging into the western isles and is this weather system which will eventually turn things cooler. hello this is bbc news. the headlines. now on bbc news it's time for dateline london.
12:33 pm
hello, and welcome to the programme that hosts debate between leading uk columnists and the foreign correspondents who file their stories to the folks back home with the dateline "london". this week: borisjohnson‘s brexit diplomacy appears to pay off in berlin. no bromance for bojo in paris, though. we'll be discussing which matters more. plus: with the amazon on fire, brazil accuses the g7 nations of colonial meddling. but is the g7 fiddling whilst the global economy burns? around the table with me are thomas kielinger, a biographer, and for many years london correspondent for germany's die welt. the canadian broadcaster jeffrey kofman suzanne lynch, who writes from washington for the irish times, and catherine pepinster, a commentator on religious affairs, and former editor of the tablet. "the amazon, the lung of our planet, is burning". so tweeted emmanuel macron, the president of france, late thursday.
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he's the host of the g7 summit, in biarritz this weekend, and proposed putting it on the agenda. which, to jair bolsonaro, brazil's president, is just so much hot air. after all, burning forest to clear land for cattle and the growing of soya is to meet a global demand, not least from western nations. brazil exports more soya than any other country. still, on friday, he bowed to the pressure and sent in the military to tackle the fires. brazil isn't one of the self—described "advanced economies" that make up the g7. china isn't either, but it lobbed an economic hand grenade on the eve of the summit, announcing fresh tariffs on american goods. it's all very well for these countries to be gathering for the g7 summit, but in truth, is this a significant event in terms of the economic prospects?
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it significant because it will clearly define the division within the western economies. traditionally, the g7 or g8 as it was, represented a post—cold war alliance of western economies based on globalisation, free trade, etc. what we've seen in the last couple of years is this division of the eu and its self—styled vision of progressiveness, and now trump in the us, and caught in the middle, the uk, which weighed does it turn? on the backdrop to all this is a slowing global economy. china seeing its economy slowdown. manufacturing in the us growing at levels lower than it has in the last ten years. the german economy contracting. so there are all sorts of dramas going on. add to that the latest trade war of tariffs and the tit—for—tat that exploded yesterday between trump and china, and there is a lot of reason to wonderjust how bad the economy could get.
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just before donald trump left washington late friday night washington time, he lobbed one of his own. it reminds me of an uncle of mine, no longer with us, who could not show his affection, so instead he would twist your nose or twist your ear. and trump, twisting macron‘s knows, they are supposed to be great mates, by threatening to tax french wine. not a serious intervention, is it? he has said it before, this is not the first time. donald trump deals with threats. this happened dramatically on twitter, even by his standards, he hit out at china, hit out at his own chairman of the federal reserve, accusing them of disloyalty, and at the last moment threatened to tax french wine. that will threaten the eu. they have managed to stave off action from the us since last year. focus on washington has been on the trade situation, relationships with china, canada and mexico. that's not what they want to hear.
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whatjeffrey was saying is right, donald trump does not look at threats to the economy and the collective. he sees the world working as individual nations protecting themselves, in all manners of speech, he is protectionist, essentially, when it comes to trade. the other thing he said was, the american economy are strong. he said this on friday. and the other economies are not doing well. he says, if i am doing well, another country is not doing so well. but as we know, the complexities of global trade and globalisation means that the best way to tackle this is to work together. there doesn't seem to be any sign from donald trump that he will embark on this set of meetings with that kind of collective, multilateral approach. catherine, there is something to be said for the trump — johnson thing, boosterism, you talk up your prospects. you play an impressive game in terms of pr about how good your country is,
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how it is going to be leading on this or that. borisjohnson pulls my current obsession is technology and life sciences in particular. he talks big on that. the danger is, if you are one of these international civil servants, dare i say it, who tend to be quite conservative, the signals you send can start to affect the real economy. it is typical of all politicians to talk up their country. emmanuel macron might believe in multilateralism, but he is also, for him, france first. but one of the things it shows is how personality, and character, is so important in politics. there was an era, particular when the late tony benn was around, when he used to talk about how politics should be about issues. he was to get rather irritated by the media focusing on personality.
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absolutely. but politics nowadays is all about personality, isn't it? it is about the way trump behaves, the way he tweets. borisjohnson is a big personality as well. and this is affecting the way politics is carried out. the world issues seems to be pushed aside full stop. trump a's freelance, shoot from the hip approach, it appeals to his base, has huge dangers. already the cost to the american consumer is estimated to be about $800 per household because of this rising a tariff war in the us. the estimate is that if the new set of tariffs on another $300 billion go through, they will raise that cost to $1500. if you understand the fragility of the american household, there are huge numbers of people, as in the uk and europe, living on the margins, barely staying afloat. the idea of $1500 extra on their household bills is really crippling.
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that is where boosterism comes to the end of its usefulness. it will hit the facts of life on the ground. and if america too is going to go into recession, trump will see has come up and with those facts that speak against it. it is all very well, they are popularfigures, and i'm sure there is a boris bump in britain, and people warm to his way of protecting the country. but of course nothing can get away from the facts on the ground. and if the economy of the us is going to shrink, trump has it coming. you are right, a strong economy with a low unemployment rate has been a huge trump card, pardon the pun, for this president. 50 there are concerns within in republican circles that if things change and there are headwinds, this could affect him. however, at this moment
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in american history, voters are less motivated to vote on economic issues. an opinion poll show this. it is no longer come up stupid"? i think trump is such a divisive figure on both sides that people are motivated, i vote for him or against him, on this personality basis. the other issue is that so far it is early on in the democratic race to pick a candidate to take on trump next year. you lose track of the numbers. you do. two big debates, i covered them in miami and detroit loss of their hours of debate between these candidates, but very little on the economy foster there were very few ideas from democrats about the economy. it will be interesting to watch in the next few months, how will democrats latch onto it if the economy struggles? what do you think we should take from this spat over the amazon between jair bolsonaro, the sum would say trumpian politician, he is certainly populist, certainly sceptical of climate change, and emanuel macron? i noticed people are saying this
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will be the moment at the start of boris johnson's premiership where he will ally himself with trump. but when it comes to issues to do with the environment or climate change, johnson and trump do not appear to be on the same page. this is wherejohnson allies himself much more with the rest of europe. it will be interesting to see how that develops. i'm sure they will spend a lot of time talking about the amazon, because it is such an important issue. as macron has said, the amazon is the lungs of the world. 20% of the oxygen we breathe is affected by the amazon and the role it plays in generating and protecting... absolutely. and bolsonaro has been quick to say that the interventions of people like macron and a layer of a radical of ireland is all about colonialism. this is the threat of a trade treaty. yes. he may think that, but at the same
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time, brazil has been ready to take aid from other nations, and also from ngos who have intervened over in brazil. so it seems to be a bit of doublethink to me. this is a subject where the church in latin america has played quite a political role. absolutely. politics with a small p, of course. the catholic church in latin america is characterised by activism. you've perhaps heard of liberation theology. that has been very influential they are. and priests and others in the church have spoken up a lot about what has been happening in the amazon. in fact, pope francis has called the synod of bishops from the amazon for october, they will gather in rome. ecology is one of the key things they will be talking about. this has been going on for years.
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there was an american nun who was a big activist in the amazon. she spoke out about logging and about people setting fire to parts of the forest, and was effectively assassinated. the catholic church is now seeking to have her made a saint. she will be the first, i think, environmental marketer. that will raise the profile of this issue. in terms of the g7 is an institution, it's not very institution, its just a gathering of leaders, but nonetheless it is regarded as symbolic. is that symbolism out of date? when you think about economies as large as brazil or obviously china, not being around the table. i'm afraid it is getting out of date. there is the environmental concern which is transcendental and goes across national boundaries. on top of it you have major players like china and brazil and india not being part of it. and what makes it worse,
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there is even a lack of unity amongst those seven member countries. i was interested to hear what you said about the catholic church. they are articulating religious fervour for the concern that we all share to keep our environment safe, which goes against the fervour of trump, the popular rhythm, as it were, that emerges. and you have a disjointed world, as it were. you have personalities vying for absolute victory over everything else, and you have common concerns like the environment, which again has nothing to do with what is to trump thinks or does not think, attacking, and you are dis— jointing subject you are looking at. there is also that dilemma that everybody is concerned about global recession, but in some ways, a recession might actually be good for the planet. because it will be almost breathing space if there is a major downturn.
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you want your many political leaders make that point! to go back to your point about the g7, they have said they will be no joint communique, which is the first time since, 1975, it was the g5, this is the first time there will be no consensus, and it is easy to see when you have trump and johnson joining the other leaders from japan and europe and canada. there is nothing in common. these people have nothing to share. and so it really does speak of the anachronism it has become. institutions need to evolve to reflect the world, that's not necessarily a bad thing. what is worrisome is the eu under attack, with nato under attack, all these institutions were born out of the ashes of world war ii, and the notion was, wouldn't it be better if we talk around the table, and knew each other personally? and i think there is a clear virtue in that. and if the g7 is going to disintegrate or implode, what follows, and what actually is affected? and trump of course call this
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week for russia to be readmitted to what was the gs. already borisjohnson, already macron have said, that is not going to happen. it will be interesting in terms ofjohnson's relationship with trump, will that be a point of contention? and this lack of unity in the club, what is it day for people on the ground and their respect for politicians as people who are entitled and called for to govern wisely and with solutions? i think catherine's point, one of the sobering realities, is that we see it, we are in this values —based era where values almost seem to trump... and economics. and one of the ways that may be jolted is with true hardship. it is not something i'm advocating, at all, but i think that if economies are hurt, and people actually suffer, that may force them to reassess. but let's look at history carefully, and remember that when that happened in germany after world war i, they did not actually go
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through a period of enlightenment, they went through a period of extremism. and so we want to be careful of what we wish for. indeed, a sobering thought to end on. we will stay with history. such was the reputation for calculation and cunning of the 19th french diplomat tallyerand that when he dropped dead, the austrian chancellor metternich wondered aloud: "what did he mean by that?" it felt a bit like that in berlin on wednesday. borisjohnson was on his first trip abroad, lobbying angela merkel for support in his campaign to re—negotiate the uk's brexit agreement with the eu. mrjohnson wants rid of the irish backstop — don't worry, the "new viewers start here" section of the programme follows shortly — but until now has received not a word of encouragement. then, in the middle of theirjoint news conference, mrs merkel said: "maybe we can find that solution in the next 30 days". thomas, what did she mean by that? if you ask me to divine what is in the mind of angela merkel, it is the toughest challenge for any commentator.
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i think she is driven by what was once famously said, how wonderfully it concentrates the mind when the day of execution is near. an october 31 is the day of execution for both the eu and the uk. and you have to have shown a willingness not to have let this happen by default. you've got to think of something that might impinge on it, and turn it into something more hopeful. and the 30 day period she suggested this for britain to resolve. johnson so far has not come up with an alternative solution to how to regulate ireland after the no deal exit. did the irish government know she was going to say this, put the cat among the pigeons? i think they've been trying, and a lot of the coverage from berlin has been trying to clarify exactly what she said, it wasn't going to become a solution in 30 days. as you are saying, thomas, she is so shrewd, she is putting the ball back in britain's court, saying don't blame others. the rhetoric was, we want to engage... we are ready to talk,
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they just want to us. yes, she is saying, we are ready to talk to, it was engaging, convivial, be convivial is strong, but it was better in terms of the dynamics. but the substance of what she said wasn't very different. they have 30 days to come up with an alternative backstop arrangement. but they have had three years to come up with an alternative. i'm sure you spend endless time expelling to be blood cocktail parties what the irish backstop is forced to explain it to us. the backstop is an insurance policy that is supposed to never be used, and this is to try to prevent a border being erected between the republic of ireland and northern ireland, which is part of britain. but the problem is, this has become the intractable problem of the issue. because now britain will have a land border with the european union, but both the british and irish governments have said they don't want to erect a hard border. the backstop was seen as a way of preventing this, and brexiteers would fear it
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would keep too much regulatory alignment between the uk and the eu if it was kept. and therefore the uk wouldn't have left. right. and dublin has said it is open to an alternative. the problem is that people are very sceptical about whether there will be any alternative presented in the next few weeks. it is notjust about regulation, is it? it is also about sense of identity. one of the things the good friday peace agreement established was this kind of flexible approach, you could be irish, british, you could be irish, northern irish, it didn't matter in the way it had done for so many years. yes, and there has been a flow of people back and forth over that border. there are people who commute, there are people who head to dublin are to belfast for shopping, depended on which currency is beneficial. there has been this change of culture, and i think people are very anxious that that will change again, and will revert to what it has been.
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and i am hearing from people i know in northern ireland about reports of violence again, which we are not hearing about, particularly, in the uk. but it is they are under the surface. and the fact that we haven't had a proper government in stormont for so long must add to these problems. exactly. that is the other aspect of explaining to people. as well as brexit, there is an internal issue, that is that the assembly in northern ireland has not been functioning for more than three years at this stage. there is a political vacuum in northern ireland, ironically at the very time when northern ireland's future is so in the balance with brexit, for both communities. there has been a real failure of politicians on both sides. so when parliament returns to westminster in september, that will be one of the big issues on their agenda. there is talk about direct rule, where london would roll directly in belfast. but just this week, a few days ago,
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there was a bomb attack in fermanagh just near the border. people described feeling their houses shaking. the security services in northern ireland have warned about the threat from dissident groups in the north. i think this also may help to focus minds on the next few weeks and months. let me add one thing about the backstop. the 30 day period could have meant to refer to the document which we will also have to negotiate about the future economic relationship. and if goodwill can be seen to work, that will be an area where you really could propose a speeding up of the process. and when you have a functioning deal between the two blocks, then the backstop will disappear. but the problem is, britain wanted to keep the backstop until a future relationship, but ireland wanted to get it in writing before they got to this phase. you are right. there is a lot more opportunity to...
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and britain doesn't have the patience to continue to be a member of the eu while they are negotiating. there is a problem here, because even if britain leaves without a deal on the 31st of october, and the prime ministers said we will even the 31st, deal or no deal, although we prefer a deal, a lot of the questions that will not have been resolved will simply be asked again by the eu when it comes to sitting down and trying trade talks. the notion there will be a hard brexit on the 31st, it is impossible to say whether there will be chaos, how much... or whether we will barely notice. that's right for someone of the issues, free movement of people, is one of the eu's principles, that will not end on november one. there is no mechanism to stop that. companies, businesses here have no idea what to do. i think that borisjohnson, to go back to where we began, at the g7, he sits facing europe on one side and america on the other, and instead of the unified block we really have two blocks, and it is
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a question of where he wants to allow this country. on that point it will be interesting to see how far he progresses with donald trump on the us— eu trade deal. there was talk of a road map to a trade deal, which is not the same as a trade deal. the person he really wants to be talking to is nancy pelosi, the speaker of the house of representatives. congress has huge power of the trade deals. and the irish lobby is important. i've interviewed nancy pelosi and spoken to senior member of congress, they have said they will not sign off on a trade deal if the good friday agreement is jeopardised. and nancy pelosi in 2008 blocked a trade deal between the us and colombia. she blocked it. she had the power to do that, and it took many years for that to be agreed. that is a real challenge for britain in the next few months. and i don't think british politicians have never fully understood that relationship. in the reagan republican days, there were politicians here baffled by republicans being sympathetic to the republican cause. yes, i do think it is naive to think thatjohnson and trump considers equals to negotiate some sort of trade deal. the economies are so out of...
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johnson was warned, if you become too close to the us, you become an american vassal. vassal, that was a favourite word of some of the uk brexiteers. a final point, put to a northern ireland journalist on friday who had been speaking to dup politicians, and they said, we think germany are so frightened of the prospect of a recession in the eurozone that we need to get our argument in front of german politicians, they are the ones who could open this up. do you think they are right? economists have some clout to influence the government, and you are right in describing their fear. after all, german car experts to begin with are bigger to the uk and the are even to america. but that doesn't mean to say that politicians will want to sacrifice
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ireland on the altar of european unity, because they are far too worried, as you said, about terrorism. i have to say, there is a lot of solidarity between ireland and the eu at the moment. but germany and france, ireland and future may come under pressure on corporate tax, for example. there are issues, it is not this seamless relationship, but at the moment ireland will hope that both macron and merkel stick to this backstop, it seems like they will at the moment. thank you all very much. that's it for dateline london for this week. we're back next week at the same time. goodbye.
12:58 pm
another lovely day out there. plenty of hazy sunshine to be had. more sunshine today compared to yesterday. a bit more cloud for the channel islands in parts of south—west england, west wales, may be edging towards the coast of north—west england through the afternoon. if anything, north—west england through the afternoon. ifanything, it north—west england through the afternoon. if anything, it will feel afternoon. if anything, it will feel a bit hotter than it did compared with yesterday. where you have cloud temperatures may be lower but for many of us adding a few degrees to these temperatures. many creeping to 30 or 32 these temperatures. many creeping to 30 or32 in these temperatures. many creeping to 30 or 32 in parts of south—east england. into tonight and some areas of cloud across western parts and fog patches to sell some areas of poor visibility developing going into the bank holiday monday morning and overnight temperatures mid—teens. into scotland it is looking like a fine day. some cloud, some sunny looking like a fine day. some cloud, some sunny spells. chance of showers moving towards cornwall, perhaps devon, some rain edging towards the
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western isles. it is this weather system which will eventually turn things cooler.
1:00 pm
good afternoon. borisjohnson has told the bbc that it's now "touch and go" whether the uk will leave the eu with a deal on october the 31st. speaking at the g7 summit in biarritz, the prime minister said he had to be prepared to leave without a deal in order to convince brussels that scrapping the current withdrawal agreement, and seeking new arrangements, is a necessity. the prime minister also admitted it would take more than a year to negotiate any future trade with the united states. he was speaking to our chief political correspondent vicki young


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