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tv   BBC News  BBC News  September 19, 2019 2:00am-2:31am BST

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welcome to bbc news. i'm mike embley. our top stories: canada's prime minister justin trudeau apologises after time magazine uncovers a picture of him wearing brownface make—up at at party 20 years ago. i dressed up in an aladdin costume and put make up on. they shouldn't have done that. i should have known better, but i didn't. and i'm really sorry. the us secretary of state describes the attack on saudi oil facilities as an "act of war" — and again blames iran. european union chiefs give borisjohnson two weeks to set out his brexit plans. if he doesn't, they say, "then it's over".
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the trump administration revokes california's right to set its own, stricter, vehicle emission standards — setting up a legal battle. hello to you. in the past hour, canada's prime ministerjustin trudeau has apologized for wearing brownface make—up to a costume party in 2001 after it was published by time magazine. the photo shows mr trudeau at a party which was themed arabian nights. he is wearing a turban and robes with his face, neck and hands completely darkened. according to time magazine, mr trudeau was a teacher at the private school. at a news conference, the prime minister was asked if he should resign. i'd take responsibility for my
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decision to do that. they shouldn't have done it. they should have known better. it was something that i didn't think was racist at the time, but now they recognise it was something racist to do. and i'm deeply sorry. for more we'rejoined by our correspondent david willis. david, there is no way to spin this, is there, it is not going to play well. it is not going to play well, mike. it comesjust well. it is not going to play well, mike. it comes just a week after justin trudeau lost his campaign for election. he is in a tight race against his conservative opponents and this is coming on the back of another scandal, a long—running scandal, in which justin another scandal, a long—running scandal, in whichjustin trudeau is accused of leaning on one of his junior ministers. this is going to make life very difficult. he was asked tonight if he should resign and he dodged that question. but he has, however, said that he believes
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the costume was racist. he's apologise. and he has said he thinks he should have known better. because of because it is so completely adrift from the values he has a publicly espoused. absolutely. progressives in north america and outside love justin progressives in north america and outside lovejustin trudeau for the many things that he's stood for in that regard. and this is something to think will come as a shock to people because of that. this is a man who has espoused a lot of progressive causes in the air are, of donald trump. and that has made him something of a hero. —— error of donald trump. these are the things that can derail campaigns for religion and coming just a week after he launched the campaign, the timing is, at best, it could be said, awkward, mike. and inevitably his opponents will make with it. they already are. yes, indeed. i think we will hear more from his
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conservative opponent, from this, particularly since the liberal party thatjustin trudeau leads has confirmed that it is indeed him in this picture. so no wriggle room there. and i would have thought that this is going to make life a little bit awkward forjustin trudeau. a man who's very suave when it comes to talking his way out of these sorts of things. this, however, could be very awkward for him. david, thank you very much for that. saudi arabia has produced what it says is wreckage which it claims proves iran was involved in attacks on two of its oil refineries at the weekend. the defence ministry unveiled parts from what it says are 18 drones and seven cruise missiles fired from a direction which it claims rules out yemeni rebels as the source. the us secretary of state has suggested the attacks were an act of war. the latest from our middle east correspondent quentin sommerville. here's what saudi arabia failed
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to stop — the remains of a swarm of 18 drones and seven missiles, a terrible miss that knocked out 5% of the world's global oil supply in an instant. the attack was launched from the north, and was unquestionably sponsored by iran. and, despite the pile of enemy debris before him, he praised saudi defences. well, we are pretty proud about our air defence. our air defence have intercepted, until now, almost 232 ballistic missiles. but what saudi arabia didn't say, as the united states has done, is that this was a direct attack from iran, and from iranian soil. instead, it said it was sponsored by iran. these two bitter enemies have proxies throughout the region. any direct escalation would spread like wildfire, and would be difficult to contain. arriving injeddah today, the us secretary of state, mike pompeo, called the attack an act of war. injune, the us blamed iran for these attacks
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in the gulf of oman. last year's abandoned nuclear deal and us sanctions have fuelled confrontation. good morning, prime minister. iraq's prime minister, speaking to the bbc, urged his neighbours to exercise caution. well, i hope we don't go to attack — they attack each other, really, because if we have an open war, it will not stop. this is a very dangerous war. this is not like any other wars. this was an attack with global implications. tonight, president trump and borisjohnson spoke and called for a united diplomatic response — hardly fighting talk. few want to run the risk of this crisis raging out of control. quentin sommerville, bbc news, beirut. borisjohnson has two weeks to set out his brexit plans to the eu, according to finland's prime minister.
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antti rinne says he and the french president have agreed the uk should produce proposals in writing by the end of the month — if not, he said, "then it's over". the prime minister of luxembourg has denied he tried to embarrass mrjohnson on monday, when he held a press conference with just an empty podium for the british prime minister. xavier bettel spoke to our europe editor katya adler. i'm sad about these perceptions from people to think that they want to humiliate them. they have too much respect for the uk, too much respect for the uk citizens and for boris johnson to think that i've prepared this for a treat just to have five minutes of popularity. really? there has been quite some outreach in the uk after prime minister bettel, following a meeting here in monday here in luxembourg with mrjohnson, decided to hold a press conference. mrjohnson, he holds the future...
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loudly criticising the brexit process in front of anti— brexit processes after the prime minister had left the building. you deny that this was a planned humiliation. but, prime minister, you are a very experienced politician. you must have realised how it would look to have realised how it would look to have an empty podium whether uk minister should have stood, but borisjohnson minister should have stood, but boris johnson wasn't there minister should have stood, but borisjohnson wasn't there in order to a nswer borisjohnson wasn't there in order to answer the very emotional criticisms that you had about the brexit process there. you must have realised how that was going to go down, if you like. do you regret it now, looking back on it? no, the fa ct now, looking back on it? no, the fact it was agreed to have this press statement together. so fact it was agreed to have this press statement together. 50 queen was mr bettel to convince me ——so keen, that he took me on a personal tour of his prime ministerial offices. and we have no room, no
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pressroom for 120 journalists. so pickjust pressroom for 120 journalists. so pick just five pressroom for 120 journalists. so pickjust five or ten pressroom for 120 journalists. so pick just five or ten or 15 pressroom for 120 journalists. so pickjust five or ten or 15 and to say we organised with just them i think was a problem. yesterday we even had the united states ambassador to the uk in an argument saying your treatment borisjohnson was evidence of why the uk is right to leave the eu. i am a friend of the united kingdom. so the fact that some people have been hurt makes me sad. so let's look at the deal. you did sit here with borisjohnson. he also sat with doctorjonker, the president of the european commission, presidentjuncker described it as friendly and imparts positive, was that you're feeling as well, despite the kind of anger, develop, outside, inside was in a constructive conversation with the prime minister? -- jean-claude juncker. it was perfectly constructive, the position we had inside. i'm waiting for concrete proposals. time is ticking. he told
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me that what could be plans, what could be ideas. they can't decide on ideas. i need legally binding texts. are you actually going to be able to find a deal by mid october? when i have concrete proposals, locatelli. i really would hope that we would have this deal and also the future relations directly decided and in a few weeks we are able to say they did it —— like i'd tell you. few weeks we are able to say they did it -- like i'd tell you. prime minister bettel speaking to katya adler. indonesia is stepping up its response to thousands of forest fires which are sending thick smoke across the region. schools have been closed in malaysia and thousands of people have been treated for lung infections linked to the haze. the province of central kalimantan on the island of borneo has been one of the worst—hit areas. 0ur correspondent rivan dwiastono is in palangka raya. the air quality in the city is still in hazardous level. therefore people are still advised to wear their masks every time they leave their houses. today we actually followed a team
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of firefighters and volunteers to visit some hotspots in palangka raya. we visited at least three hotspots today, and from what i saw, it's not an easyjob that they did. the fire from the burning peatland is getting closer to locals' residence, and here the fire broke outjust behind the house of a local that is made and built out of wood, and that can easily be lit by the fire itself. the firefighters are still trying to put out the blaze, but it's hard because the water sources are very dry because of the dry season that's occurring right now. it took more than an hour for them to completely extinguish fire in one hotspot. it's partly because of the nature of peatland itself. they have to make sure that they extinguish the fire not only on the surface of the peatland, but also beneath the surface. that can go down as deep as tens of metres. another reason is the fact that, in dry season, water sources are very rare, so almost every
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water source is dry. they need to actually go as far as 2km away to pick up hundreds of litres of water, back and forth to the location where they need to extinguish the fire, and that takes up their time from what could have been a more productive day. the trump administration has announced it is revoking california's ability to set its own emissions standards on cars. the president claimed in a tweet that the move would allow manufacturers to "produce far less expensive cars for the consumer, while at the same time making the cars substantially safer. this will lead to more production," he suggested. the governor of california has described the president's claim as "factually inaccurate," and the state has begun a legal challenge. we can now speak to journalist, jeremy b white from politico who covers california politics. good to talk to you. thank you. this has been quite a long time coming,
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hasn't it? aggers it is significant for the president that this waiver for the president that this waiver for california is from the 0bama period. it is from long before that, in fact. presidents democrat and republican have granted california this back to richard nixon. the fact that the trump administration is moving to revoke california's special authority is something that is, while expected, still extraordinary, sort of, in the ark of american political history. extraordinary, you say, when you think it will go? there is quite a symbolic battle, in a way. a thing california's ability to do this is usually influential. keep in mind that california is an enormous consumer market. car companies understand that having to sell that because there is a significant part
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of their business plan and people who support these stricter emissions standards, they california has, will make the point that the companies are already moving in the direction, with an eye to the global market, rolling out new models that are more fuel—efficient. so i think that way that this fight plays out will have enormous consequences. how do you think it will play out the seller that's hard to say. because they i have the legal training to say for certain. but california has battled the trump administration on dozens of issues at this point number of other quite a few of them. this is going to set up a real test of california's ability to set up its own standards. the law allows the federal government some narrow circumstances in which they can revoke these powers and we are going to see if this lives up to that requirement. just briefly, it is an indication, isn't it, what a political battleground climate change has become in the us. certainly. i think is also an indication of how the trump administration versus california's
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democratic leadership is a battleground in its own right. the governor of california cut a deal with a major car companies to, essentially, adhere to the stronger california standards rather than the rollbacks the top administration had proposed. it clearly got under the present‘s skin and he denounced it publicly several times. in multiple federal entities have threatened legal action. so i think that there certainly will be the latest chapter in an ongoing feud between the administration in washington and the nation's biggest democratically controlled straight. jeremy wyatt -- wattel politico. thank you very much. stay with us on bbc news. still to come: inside taliban territory. as the world's deadliest conflict continues in afghanistan — an exclusive report on the civilians most at risk. 30 hours after the earthquake that
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devastated mexico city, rescue teams still have no idea just how many people have died. there is people alive and there is people not alive. we just can help and give them whatever we've got. a state funeral is being held for princess grace of monaco at the church where she married prince rainier 26 years ago. it looked as though they had come to fight a war, but their mission is to bring peace to east timor, and nowhere on earth needs it more badly. the government's case is being forcefully presented by monsieur badinter, the justice minister. he's campaigned vigorously for the abolition, having once witnessed one of his clients being executed. elizabeth seton spent much of her time at this grotto, and every year, hundreds of pilgrimages are made here. now that she's become a saint, it's expected that this area will be inundated with tourists. the mayor and local businessman regard the anticipated boom as just another blessing of st elizabeth.
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this is bbc news, the latest headlines: canada's prime ministerjustin trudeau has apologised — after time magazine uncovered a picture of him wearing brownface makeup at at party 20 years ago. the us secretary of state mike pompeo says the attack on saudi arabia's oil facilities was "an act of war" — and again blamed iran. let's get more on this now. more on that now from jarrett blanc, who's with the carnegie endowment for international peace. jarrett, i know you were previously the co—ordinator for iran nuclear implementation at the state department, under president 0bama. what do you make of this? the talk of tightening sanctions, it is hard to believe there is anything left to sanction. there is not much. the mostly sanction. there is not much. the m ostly u s sanction. there is not much. the mostly us do has a ready been done.
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and everyone was behind this, isn't it likely that it was partly a response to sanctions sitting all sanctions going to diffuse the situation? i think it is probably safe to say that iran was behind it in one way or another. either indirectly through the yemeni rebels or directly. this approach of maximum conflict has led to this to get is a predictable response to the escalation of president trump. the us secretary of state describe something as active war, what follows from that? state describe something as active war, what follows from that7m state describe something as active war, what follows from that? it may be an act of war, but it is not against the united states. and neither the secretary of state nor the president of the of states have the president of the of states have the constitutional authority to offer respond to an attack on another country without going to
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congress. and so it is certainly my view that there is nothing about what has happened here that justifies a war between the us and around. that would be bad for us interests. and there is nothing to legally justify it from interests. and there is nothing to legallyjustify it from our perspective either to the so whatever the president wants to do, if he wants to take military action, it needs to go to congress and hopefully be rejected. when you think it will go next? where i hope it goes is a deescalation. we have gotten ourselves into a cycle whether us piles on more economic pressure and ara na whether us piles on more economic pressure and arana responds with increasingly risky behaviour in the region. we need to step back from the brink and if iran won't, the us certainly should. news from the white house today suggests that president trump is reluctant to go to war, that is good. whether he goes the next step and finds a way to de—escalate, i
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think that may be wishful thinking but an open question. and, briefly, if the us is yet to act, does that suggest that saudi arabia is wary about escalating this whole conflict? that is a good point. the saudis, the varieties, under president 0bama they were trying to ta ke president 0bama they were trying to take a position that would force us into a more confrontational approach vis—a—vis iran. they took a hard line in washington to achieve that. i don't think they want a us — iran war which would be dangerous for them above all else. so like a dog that caught the car, they are worried about how to manage a nonprinting bull trump administration so they get pressure against iran without actually getting a war to they want iran kept ina getting a war to they want iran kept in a security box, treated as a problem. they don't want a war. thank you very much.
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it was meant to be a turning point for afghanistan — the taliban and the us in talks about withdrawing american troops, even though the afghan government was not involved. but with the negotiations now halted by president trump, the country's future again looks bleak. 0ur correspondent auliya atrafi has travelled deep into taliban territory to speak to some of the civilians likely to suffer most. this special report from faryab province in northern afghanistan. 0verwhelmed with grief in what is left of her home she prays for her grandchildren. 0h, left of her home she prays for her grandchildren. oh, my children, she cries. i wish it could have been me. trapped in a no man's land between the taliban and the government, her village was hit by afghan forces airstrike in the middle of the night. from that moment, she lost six members of herfamily. two sons,
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a daughter—in—law and three grandchildren. the younger just 1—year—old. as she takes me into her home, she tells me this is all she has left in her life now. a few dusty possession, some plates and a supply of grain to last the winter. nothing worth living for. translation: all of my children were covered in dust. i brushed them down. they lay frozen on their backs and their eyes and mouth were full of dirtand and their eyes and mouth were full of dirt and dust. i wiped them down andi of dirt and dust. i wiped them down and i cried. wiped and cried.
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civilian casualties have risen almost every year since the beginning of war between the us and the taliban and. and now with the colla pse the taliban and. and now with the collapse of the peace talks, life is even more uncertain. in total, 12 people were killed in the airstrike. most of the village has already fled the violence. for those who have chosen to stay, seems like these have become routine. the government says they were targeting taliban militants firing from the village. but many hearsay they want justice for those lost. this man lost four daughters and a daughter—in—law in the attack. he tells me the village is often caught
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in crossfire. translation: tells me the village is often caught in crossfire. translatiosz tells me the village is often caught in crossfire. translation: if you look at our street, the government security posters only few metres away. so we felt confident. we went to sleep, we thought now that the air has arrived, nothing will happen. but then the bomb hit. without the support of her children, she no worries about her future. in remote areas like these, many people ‘s only hope is to survive through the coming winter. loads recently round up some of the other main news for you. a verdict
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is expected soon from a japanese called on whether three executives from tokyo electric power are liable for the fukushima from tokyo electric power are liable for the fu kushima nuclear disaster of 2012. this is the only criminal case to come out of the incident when the reactors were overwhelmed by massive tsunami. president trump has name that american hostage negotiator as his new national security adviser. he served under president george w bush and barack 0bama. india has announced a com plete 0bama. india has announced a complete ban on e cigarettes with immediate effect. the government says they pose a health risk to young people and are being used as a style statement. few people use them in the country but the country has 100 million smokers which makes it a huge potential market. there have been similar moves from president trump in the us as well. and the breaking story as we came on air, justin trudeau, the canadian prime minister has apologised after time
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magazine uncovered of which are of him wearing brown face make up a party 20 years ago. —— uncovered a picture of him. hello. thursday morning brings another rather chilly start but actually the emphasis over the next few days is for things to turn a little warmer and, with that, for the vast majority, it will be dry. high pressure firmly in charge at the moment, centred right on top of the british isles for thursday morning. one or two pot patches underneath this high, with light winds and one frontal system bringing some extra cloud and the odd spot of rain in the far north of scotland. and that's where we'll have the mildest weather through the first part of the morning. further south, one or two spots down around to all four degrees in the countryside. but acroos england and wales, we will see plenty of sunshine, once any early fog patches have cleared from the likes of north—west england. some early fog across parts of northern ireland but, again, some sunshine to come here.
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where we start off cloudy in scotland, that cloud should break to give some spells of sunshine. there could be some areas of cloud there and lapping into east anglia and the southeast through the afternoon, but, generally speaking, a dry day for most and a slightly warmer one as well, with highs of 17 to 22 degrees. it stays fine as we go through thursday night. the cloud continuing to peel away from scotland. the winds picking up though, across western areas. so no realfog problems, i suspect, across the western side of the uk. certainly not much fog affecting northern ireland. slightly milder in the west as well. but further east some rather chilly weather to start friday morning, and the fog risk really pushing its way into south—east scotland and north—east england. but any of that fog will lift. we'll see some areas cloud drifting northwards through the day but, generally, it is another fine day with quite a lot of sunshine and, again, it will be a little bit warmer. widely 19 to 21 degrees, but somewhere in north—east scotland, we could get all the way up to 2a degrees. and saturday looks warmer still. a feed of very warm air wafting up from the south. relatively humid air as well. and then, as we go through the weekend, we will turn our attention to the west because
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these frontal systems will be trying to make some inroads. for the majority, on saturday, we get away with a dry day, with quite a lot of sunshine. it will be quite breezy but there is just a hint there of a shower across the south—west of england. could see some of these into wales, northern ireland as well, late in the day. there could be the odd thunderstorm and some hefty downpours as well. but i think saturday, the warmest day generally. 21 degrees in glasgow. 25 or 26 towards the southeast. some uncertainty about this but on sunday it looks like we will see showers and thunderstorms becoming more widespread. but there are some doubts aboutjust how far north and east they will push. some spells of sunshine as well but it will start to turn cooler and fresher from the west.
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this is bbc news. the headlines: canada's prime ministerjustin trudeau has said he is deeply sorry. time magazine has published a picture of him wearing brownface make—up at a dinner 20 years ago. he says he dressed as aladdin for the event, which had an arabian nights theme. which he says he now recognises was a racist thing to do. he says he should have known better. saudi arabia has produced what it says is wreckage which it claims proves iran was involved in attacks on two of its oil refineries at the weekend. the defence ministry unveiled parts from what it says are drones and cruise missiles. the us secretary of state has suggested the attacks were an act of war. the trump administration says it's revoking california's right to set its own emissions standards on cars. the president claimed the move would allow manufacturers to produce cheaper and safer vehicles. the governor of california said his claim was "factually inaccurate". the state's begun a legal challenge.


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