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tv   HAR Dtalk  BBC News  December 2, 2019 4:30am-5:02am GMT

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this is bbc news, the headlines: britain's prime minister, borisjohnson, has been accused of trying to exploit friday's london bridge terror attack for political gain.
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he blamed the previous government for a law that allowed the perpetrator to leave prison early. the labour party said the conservatives had been responsible for his release. malta's prime minister, joseph muscat, has bowed to intense public pressure and agreed to step down over the huge scandal surrounding the assassination of the investigative journalist, daphne ca ruana galizia. he said he would hand over power next month after his governing labour party chooses a new leader. the un secretary general has told the bbc that governments need to stop subsidising fossil fuel industries if the world is to avoid the worst consequences of global warming. antonio guterres said taxpayers‘ money is paying for the melting of glaciers. he was speaking ahead of the un climate summit. now on bbc news, hardtalk.
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(drumming) patients are dying, people are dying, the healthcare system in zimbabwe is collapsed. zimbabwe was for so many years defined by robert mugabe and a struggle for independence. now he's gone. but this country has yet to emerge from his shadow. do you trust president mnangagwa to make things better? crowd: no! there's nojobs, there's no money, there's no food stamps. millions of zimbabweans go to bed hungry, dependent on handouts for survival.
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this country is on the brink of catastrophe. who or what will save it? more than half a million people living mba re, a sprawling slum on the outskirts of harare. this is where zimbabweans come to escape crushing rural poverty. many find themselves in a different sort of trap. in the last month it has been difficult to obtain cash. 27—year—old richard fanne is desperate to find a way out. is it almost impossible to find a full—time, properjob? it's next to never, finding anything. next to never?
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next to never. nojobs and soaring inflation — it's a recipe for wholesale desperation. aid agencies reckon half of all zimbabweans rely on assistance for survival. do you trust president mnangagwa to make things better? crowd: no! worse and worse. so why do you say he is making things worse every day? i don't know if it's him or it's what because things are getting worse and worse every day. prices for transport, schools everything is closed, everything is down. we are struggling. and do you have children? yeah, and they are not going to school. i can't afford to pay school fees for them. you — they're not even going to school? yeah, they are at home. when mnangagwa replaced mugabe, people hoped that maybe things would get better. we're better before. really? yeah. you seriously think things were better under president mugabe? yes! for me, yeah. mugabe is better.
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zimba bwe‘s infrastructure is crumbling. 2 million people in harare have been without piped water for months. the fear is isolated cases of cholera and typhoid could become an epidemic. and the country is in the grip of a power crisis, drought has cut hydroelectricity supplies. this coal—fired power station on the road to mbare is run out of spare parts. at sunset, the mood shifts quickly in mbare‘s streets, the entire neighbourhood is plunged into darkness — pierced only by fires, oil lamps and the lucky few with generators. richard is now taking me to a friend's house, it's about 7pm in the evening.
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i can tell you walking through mbare in the dark, well, it's a pretty weird experience. richard guides me down dark alleys and into a block originally built for single, male labourers. but now teeming with families, crammed into tiny spaces. thank you for letting us come into your home. yvonne mugombe and nine members of her family spanning three generations live on this one room. yvonne, in the dark at night, when there's no power, there's no lights, do you and the kids feel safe here? no, we don't feel safe. some of the people are being robbed at night. there are thieves all over this community. so we don't feel safe if there's no electricity. when zimbabwe's military post robert mugabe out of power two years
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ago, there was hope of an end to the era of misrule and corruption incoming president emmerson mnangagwa promised for a rise to middle income status by 2030. by early this year, hope had morphed into anger and despair. when the government lifted fuel subsidies, protesters took to the streets — a dozen people were killed in a brutal crackdown. it was as if mugabe had never gone away. arguably, things are now worse. amid a currency crisis, fuel imports have been cut. those who need petrol face a weary ordeal. just tell me how long you waited to get to the head of the queue today? well, i got into the queue at half seven this morning and i'm here now.
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that's three hours. that is a lot of your work day, taken up by sitting in the car and doing nothing. well, that's my morning run. it makes business very difficult. it makes the whole your life very difficult. but it is a way of life here. the later mugabe years saw the zimbabwean currency collapse and hyperinflation set in. us dollar became the de facto currency. now there's an effort to reintroduce the zimbabwean dollar, but only in limited amounts to thwart the black marketeers. just taking a walk through central harare, i've spotted a large crowd of people outside what i think is a bank. so, let's go find out what's happening. show me the new zimbabwe dollars. so this is a new $2 bill? yes. and they've just printed these for the first time? yes. and how many dollars where you allowed to take out today? $100 a month. it will last for how many days, $100? $100, we can use $100 for one day. one day? yes. then it's finished?
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yes. are you confident the government and president mnangagwa are stabilising the economy? because it has been a mess for a very long time. yes, i am confident. you are? yes. many people here are not. why are you? me, i'm very, very confident. why? because enough is enough. you've suffered enough? yes, but i'm confident things are going to stabilise. it seems like zimbabweans have the ability to survive even in the most difficult situations. we are strong people, that's why we are called zimbabweans, we are very strong people. there is a veneer of normality in harare, but scratch the surface and desperation is exposed. this should be one of harare‘s busiest hospitals, but the chronically sick of being sent home. almost all the doctors are refusing to work. they don't call it a strike, they say they've been
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"incapacitated" by salaries that have been dramatically devalued. masimba ndoro is 25, a proud and newly qualified doctor. so is tapiwa mungofa. after all the hard work and training they have both been through, they have been fired for refusing to work. you are a trained doctor. you should be in the hospital, but you're not. you're not at work. why? we as doctors are incapacitated report for duty. that is to say we cannot afford to report for duty each and every day, we can't afford transport. why? because the money that we're getting from the government is not enough for us to come to work every day. to be brutal about it, is this all about money? you want more money than the government is prepared to offer you? absolutely. this is about money. so there is a gap in the salary that we're getting from the government, they are completely detached from the reality and the situation
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on the ground. in real terms, that is in us dollar terms, your last salary was basically about $4 a day. yes, basically if you add it, it's basically around $4—5 a day. and is that possible for you and your family to live on? i think you are to deduce to use it for transport, food, accommodation, the paltry salary, you can't even have a decent living. many zimbabweans might say to you, "look, guys, life is tough for everybody in zimbabwe, but you have special skills, you are a doctor. you are — your whole career is about caring for people. how can you, because of money, walk out of your hospital?" 0k. if i may appeal to your conscience and the conscience of the people of zimbabwe
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who would think like that, i have some special skills that i am willing to use. i am actually willing to be at work, but the situation is that i cannot afford to be at work. how hard is it for you as a doctor to know that there are very sick patients in that building behind you, but you feel you cannot go in and treat them? how hard is that for you? it's very hard and very heartbreaking. as doctors, we actually have our patients at heart. and this is what we're doing, we are actually advocating for the patients. what is happening to all the sick people? what is happening to the sick people in zimbabwe that patients are dying. people are dying. and, i mean, avoidable deaths because of the current situation. the healthcare system in zimbabwe has collapsed. there is no healthcare system to talk about. but the government would say that is on your conscience because you are the doctors who are refusing to work. yes, but it is not on
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our conscience because we cannot afford to come to work and i cannot use my conscience to pay for my bills, i cannot use my conscience to pay for my transport. i am an ordinary employee like anyone else and i need to be capacitated for me to do myjob. do you feel the same? how do you cope, for yourself, with your own conscience, given there are so many sick people who are suffering as a result of this? i don't draw any pleasure from this, but i believe this is a silent genocide which is going on. people are dying because they can't get the healthcare services that they deserve to get. you've just said a silent genocide. a silent genocide. that is a very, very strong phrase. yes. a strong idea. yes. do you really mean that? do you mean the government is deliberatelyjeopardising the health of the people? let me explain. now, it is the government's responsibility to make sure
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affordable, quality healthca re is provided to its citizens. i mustn't be thinking of rent, house, food, accommodation, basic, basic, basic needs. if i'm not attending to a person i should be a well focused, motivated worker when i'm tending to a patient. would you love to be attended to by a demotivated doctor? who is thinking of other things while attending to your health needs? my guess is no. since independence, zimbabwe's parliament has been dominated by zanu—pf, mugabe's party, mnangagwa's party, a ruthless political machine. the party blames continued international sanctions for the country's parlous state. misrule and mismanagement are never acknowledged. and, as the president attended parliament for the annual budget presentation, a crowd of loyalists was rounded up to put on a show.
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so the president has just arrived at the zimbabwean parliament. and zanu—pf have put out a lot of supporters to make some noise, but in truth, it's a very lacklustre affair. after mugabe, the promise was change. instead, zimbabweans are getting more of the same. minister mangaliso ndhlovu, welcome to hardtalk. thank you. thank you for having me and welcome to zimbabwe. thank you very much. let me begin this interview by quoting some words from president mnangagwa at the time of his inauguration. he said "we are going to grow, modernise, and mechanise our economy. we will transform our people into middle income citizens." the reality is very, very different. what's gone wrong?
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thank you for that. there are always silent features incident statements. in that he never said it would be easy. he did not at any point underestimate the magnitude of the work that lies ahead. so we are quite confident that we generally have travelled so far, and we will still travel. it's quite promising. most young people simply don't have work. they don't have income. i went to mbare yesterday, a vast sprawling suburb on the edge of this city, harare. i spoke to dozens of young people, none of them had a job. employment remains a challenge. and i'm glad to say we have put very specific incentives to create targeting at employment creation for young people in the coming years. but you've had two years already. what's happened in those two years? well, there has to be reforms in place which we have done,
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which we have put in place. i wanted to just get back to the direction we have taken. we sought in our transitional stabilisation programme to stabilise the macroeconomic environment and particularly targeting the budget deficit and the current account deficit. these two, in my view, have done very well. it's still a work in process and once these have been addressed, we believe that we will have the necessary impetus to then grow the economy and create the jobs that we saw... stability, you say. stability. well, let's perhaps look at the most obvious sign of instability. currency crisis, your finance minister has just introduced new zimbabwean dollar bills, $2 and $5. i've seen the vast queues outside banks because people are only allowed to withdraw $100 a week in most banks. there is still a raging black market in currency exchange, there are speculators just a few yards from this hotel still exploiting people because your currency crisis is not
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resolved. i will agree with you that we still have a challenge in the currency situation, particularly on the speculative side. what has happened is that over the years zimbabwe has had almost the largest penetration in terms of digital currency. and this involved, inclusion of quite a number of people. i think we're to 85% financial inclusion due to our mobile money transfer system. but because of the fragility of our currency, people have tended now to want to use more of the hard currency, hence the pressure which we are seeing in the banks. and this is creating loopholes and opportunities for arbitrage for people. but with respect, your government isn't closing those loopholes, those opportunities. in fact, many zimbabweans believe that people in power are actually collaborating with the money
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changers and the speculators. many people in this city and across your country are disillusioned with president mnangagwa and his record. and as we speak, your inflation rate, you won't even publish the figures anymore, but your inflation rate is believed to be somewhere over 300%. you've lost control. 0k. inflation, why we decided that publishing is misleading in a way is because is we have transitioned. last year, this time around, we had a parity in terms of the exchange rate. and when we liberalised our exchange rate, it gives a false impression. when you look at our prices last year in us dollar terms and you compare the prices this time around in us dollar terms, you might find that the prices — in us dollar terms — have actually gone down. but because of the disparities in exchange rate, then we have these numerous distortions. minister, are you aware
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that there are many people in your city that are now so impoverished, who see the price rises, cannot afford food, they are reduced, them and their families, to living on one meal a day? are you aware of that? i will admit that this has created pressure, particularly on the purchasing power. wages have not aligned to the exchange rate movement and that has been the major challenge, which we are gradually addressing. and no doubt... i am asking you as a human being, a zimbabwean, do you go to places like mbare and talk to people? i come from the communities, stephen. are you aware that their children are going hungry as we speak? well, there tends to be also issues of exaggerating certain issues. you think that's an exaggeration? no, no, i admit there is a challenge when it comes to food security, which is why we have even put a fresh appeal to the united nations and all cooperating partners.
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when we talk of people going hungry, we are literally talking about food on the table. and food on the table there is a direct impact coming from the drought we have experienced. and this has strained, if i may say, government's social protection expenditure because we have had to import close to 70% of our grain just to make sure that there's adequate grain in the country. we have yet to focus more on addressing food security issues. i spoke to a young doctors yesterday, newly trained, very proud of their qualification as a zimbabwean doctor. they say they cannot, they will not, go to work in the hospitals because they can't afford to. they have, to put it their way, been "incapacitated" by the fact that the real value of their wages as doctors represents little more than three us dollars a day. some of them are selling their possessions simply to survive. you and your government again must bear responsibility for the collapse
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of your healthcare system. but what i can say is from the first day we've opened our doors for negotiations. we still engage our doctors. this is a process we don't believe we can resolve in a short space of time. stephen, i just want to give you a different perspective. over the last year we undertook reforms through our austerity measures on our own. i'll give you examples of countries that have gone through reforms and the kind of assistance that they got. we did that on our own. and obviously we do appreciate that our people have had to pay the price. look at countries like greece. they got more than $160 billion support, egypt, from the spring rise, they got more than $12 billion support, recently we had from the... so zimbabwe had to do this on their own. i understand what you're saying. but one of the reasons why zimbabwe is not getting international support
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is because there is no faith in the competence and the honesty of your government. just to take a few examples, power plants lying idle right now, partly because parts which were ordered from south africa years ago and paid for, have never been delivered and no—one knows where that money has gone. look at your national airline, you used to be commerce and trade minister. surely you are concerned that the national airline isn't allowed to fly because iata — the international organisation — says that it is not satisfied your airline has the maintenance safety record which would allow it to mandate it to fly. and these are competence issues. you will realise this is a government that has really struggled over the past two decades. and over time, what you are talking about our real expenditure issues. corruption issues, i'll put that aside. this is a real challenge, and we are
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putting efforts to make sure that it is addressed. what you are talking about is something that was unveiled in our internal auditing systems and drastic measures have been taken on that. but physical expenditure issues, we have had too concerned with the effects of isolation, with the effects of sanctions. you rather tactfully put in there a reference to sanctions, as though some of this could be blamed upon the international community for the very limited, targeted sanctions which the us and eu have put on zimbabwe, going back many years. the truth, surely, is that again, scapegoating sanctions will not work because in the words of the us ambassador to this country, just the other day he said "it is unacceptable to talk about sanctions as a scapegoat when zimbabwe's real problem is the fundamental betrayal of public trust. there are many getting risk, many in the political elite as the the economy continues to deteriorate around them. and it is the zimbabwean people who are suffering." that's from the us ambassador.
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i wouldn't expect him to say anything different, would you? i mean, it's them imposing the sanctions. if they're so ineffective, what justifies their existence? because they are targeting individuals who are deemed to be thoroughly corrupt. i am former minister of industry and commerce. the biggest company we ever had in this country was ziscosteel. it's still under sanctions today. one of the biggest companies that we formed to spearhead, industrialisation, ict, was under sanctions. how targeted are these sanctions? when we look at banks that have been penalised, just for facilitating transactions, business transactions, you think these are targeted? this is smart because it's targeted at collapsing the economy. the generation that lived through the mugabe era saw their hopes crushed long ago. zimbabwe's tragedy is
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that a new generation is being robbed of a decent future. hello there. more frosty weather around at the moment. although we still have this cold area of high pressure just drifting a little bit further south, allowing milder atla ntica re to further south, allowing milder atlanticare to topple around the north of that, feeling its way into scotla nd north of that, feeling its way into scotland and northern ireland. for scotland, nowhere near as cold as it was last night, with clear skies for england and wales. a widespread frost to start the day today. plenty of sunshine at least to begin with, more cloud coming in on those south—western breezes. patchy rain for scotland, mainly highlands and
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islands. this cloud may well work its way down through the irish sea. temperatures again six or seven degrees, milder in the far north of scotla nd degrees, milder in the far north of scotland where we have that rain. but when the front will push away during the evening. we still have high pressure dominating but it is centred more towards southern parts of england and wales, and here, they mightjust be of england and wales, and here, they might just be enough of england and wales, and here, they mightjust be enough moisture and light winds to give us some mist and fog returning overnight and into tuesday. particularly across parts of east wales and the south—east of england, where it might lingerfor a while. should be a dry day across tuesday. some sunshine here and across northern ireland and sunny spells for england and wales outside of that mist and fog. temperatures again 6—8. as we move into the middle part of the week, this waterfront arrives in the north—west from the atlantic. the centre of the
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high drift further into continental europe, still sufficient moisture, light winds and clear skies overnight to bring a frost for england and wales. probably more of this mist and fog and low cloud. could be a dull day for some. not a great deal of rain on that when a front as it pushes across scotland towards cumbria which i was following behind. quite mild here but cold where it stays grey across central parts of england. by the time we get into thursday the winds should be pushing away, but missed nissan rain and fog, instead an active weather fronts should bring heavy rain into the hills of western scotland. some patchy rain elsewhere in scotland, dribs and drabs for northern ireland and the far north of england, still dry and bright further south with some sunshine. windy weather together with that rain in the north—west. keeping the temperatures up and loving milder air across the whole of the country, could make double figures even across south wales and south—west england. gradually turning milder from the north over the weekend. ahead of that, more patchy frost and fog before it turns wetter and windier later on.
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this is the briefing, i'm sally bundock. our top story: malta's prime minister says he'll resign following revelations over the murder of campaigning journalist daphne ca ruana galizia. as global representatives gather for the climate change summit, the head of the un warns that the global response so far has been "utterly inadequate." in our business briefing we'll be looking at fossil fuels as the planet experiences deadly heatwaves, wildfires and flooding, and they are having a catastrophic impact on climate change. and, after friday's london bridge terror attack political parties trade accusations over why the killer was released early from prison.


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