tv BBC News at Ten BBC News February 24, 2020 10:00pm-10:30pm GMT
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tonight at ten: harvey weinstein, for decades one of hollywood's most powerful men, is injail, convicted of sexual assault and rape. he faces up to 25 years in prison and the lawyer representing some of his victims said their courage had been acknowledged. it is no longer business as usual in the united states. this is the age of empowerment of women and you cannot intimidate them any more. the accusations were at the centre of the #metoo movement that inspired women to go public with allegations against powerful men. the record will now show the history books will read that harvey weinstein isa books will read that harvey weinstein is a convicted rapist. vindication at last for his female
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victims. we'll have the latest from nick in new york and we'll be looking ahead to the next case against weinstein in los angeles. also tonight: the latest on coronavirus — as people queue for masks in south korea, the world health organization warns that other countries, including italy, needed to take tougher measures. well this is the exclusion zone now on the road codogno, to the centre of the outbreak and you can can see they're stopping all the cars trying to enter here and all those trying to leave. president trump makes his first official visit to india, where he greets a vast crowd in gujarat. but no sign of the sought—after trade deal between the us and india. and why children of primary school age will no longer be allowed to head a football in training. and coming up on sportsday on bbc news: liverpool take on west ham in the premier league, looking for a victory that would move them just four wins away from guaranteeing the title.
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good evening. harvey weinstein, one of the most powerful figures in hollywood over several decades, has been convicted of rape and sexual assault by a court in new york. but he was cleared of the most serious count of predatory sexual assault. he faces up to 25 years in prison. weinstein still faces charges in los angeles of assaulting two women in 2013. dozens of women have come forward in the past few years to accuse weinstein of sexual misconduct, giving women around the world the resolve to speak out about sexual harrassment in what became the metoo campaign. let's join our correspondent nick bryant in new york. harvey weinstein is preparing ing to spend his first night in prison. and
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this one time mogul will now be known as a convicted rapist. this is such a landmark verdict, this was such a landmark verdict, this was such a landmark verdict, this was such a test case for the #metoo movement, it does feel like a before and after moment, because the trial ended with two guilty verdicts. my report contains some flashing images. harvey weinstein entered court to face his legal reckoning. guilty already in the court of global opinion and about to be found guilty under the us law. he has cut a feeble figure during the trial, shuffling into court to listen to the tearful and traumatic testimony of his female victims. the one time aspiring act rest, jessica mann, described how he raped her in a hotel in 2013 and mimi haleyi
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recalled her assault. harvey weinstein was convicted of sexual assault and rape, although he was cleared of predatory sexual assault. it is not the top counts in the indictment, but in no way am i disappointed with the jury's statement that harvey weinstein is guilty of sexual assault and rape. harvey weinstein showed little emotion as the verdicts were read out. but kept muttering, i'm innocent, to his lawyers and then appeared dumbfound as he was placed in handcuffs. some of the women who feel vindicated. courage in handcuffs. some of the women who feelvindicated. courage is contagious and i hope the courage in my clients resonates around the world. so women know that change is possible. change has come today. are
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you thinking about testifying? he didn't have to. harvey weinstein chose not to testify in the trial, but his defence team claimed the sex was consensual. the cards were stacked so much against him, before we even walked into the court. since october 2017 when the magazine articles came out. it is ridiculous that there has been such a cross hairs on his back. this is a dramatic fall for the one—time king of hollywood. but above all it is a milestone moment for the #metoo movement, which has found an ally in the us courts. he said one thing, but it was what she said that mattered. the people versus harvey weinstein — history as her story.
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as we mentioned, weinstein still faces charges in los angeles of assaulting two women in 2013. our correspondent sophie long is there. well, yes, ithink well, yes, i think it is hard to overstate how important this verdict is for any woman in this town and there are many who stood up and said me too. i have been speaking so some of the silence breakers who spoke out about harvey weinstein and said this is a verdict they welcomed, but it didn't go far enough. you've to remember how powerful harvey weinstein was. he ruled the film industry here, but women said he left a legacy of broken careers and broken lives and a history for which he should be held accountable. for them, this isjust the beginning. after harvey weinstein has been sentenced in new york, theirfight
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will come here to a court in los angeles. thank you. the day's other main story, fears are growing that it won't be possible to stop the global spread of coronavirus. health experts have warned that the chances of containing itare diminishing, as cases appear in more countries. most infections are still in china, but there are a number of significant clusters elsewhere. around 77,000 people have been infected in china, where the virus emerged last year. there have been nearly 2,600 deaths. south korea, which has the largest number of confirmed cases outside china, has more than 830 cases. eight people have died. iran says it has 61 cases of the virus, and that 12 of those infected have died. and in europe, italy is the worst affected. more than 220 people have tested positive for coronavirus, and there are six reported deaths. 11 towns have been put into quarantine to try to contain the virus. in a moment, we'll
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bring you the latest from our correspondents in china and south korea, but first mark lowen reports from italy, from the town of codogno, south—east of milan. they try to halt a virus they cannot see, scrambling to contain the invisible. behind the barriers more than 50,000 people are quarantined, as cases rise and so do the deaths. italy has europe's worst coronavirus outbreak, the third highest in the world after china and south korea. we are following our instructions, he says, blocking roads and asking people inside not to leave their homes unless absolutely necessary. well, this is the exclusion zone now on the road to codogno, the centre of the outbreak, and you can see, there, stopping all the cars trying to enter here and all those trying to leave. it depends whether they've got the authorisation as to whether they can pass through.
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and the carabinieri and military are deciding whether or not to widen this exclusion zone, in an attempt to control the coronavirus spread. for some, old—worldly methods of sending supplies to a cut—off town. tino, delivering facemasks to his sister stuck inside. she is grateful. they have run out, there. we were sent pictures from a pharmacy in codogno, serving anxious queues. buongiorno andrea. buongiorno marco, come stai? and the man who filmed them told us of the growing sense of fear. translation: we feel a bit abandoned. the news we get comes through whatsapp or facebook. there is a lot of false rumours around. are people panicked? yes, people are panicking. some convinced themselves it will blow over. others are worried and can't sleep. in nearby milan, the cathedral,
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which has withstood 500 years, is closed. schools and universities are shut off and, in supermarkets, panic is spreading quicker than the virus. and it, too, is hard to stem. mark lowen, bbc news, northern italy. fear has driven thousands in daegu into a panic—buying frenzy. they queued for hours, even sprinting to the back of the line in the hope of getting a face mask. but some had to leave empty—handed. this is the first time we've been out of the house in three days, and we couldn't buy more masks. elsewhere, it's eerily quiet. only a few stallholders have decided to open. translation: i've been working in this market for 40 years, but i've never seen anything like this. residents have decided to stay
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indoors as officials race to find those who have been infected. as our team travel around some of the worst affected areas local government sends alerts of virus hot spots. another one! are we getting another one coming? each text has details of confirmed cases nearby. meanwhile, medics in the front line battle on. doctors sent us these images to show us the kind of precautions they are taking while treating hundreds of patients. in north korea they claim to have no cases of coronavirus after they sealed off their border in january. all 380 foreigners in the country have been quarantined. experts fear an outbreak in this secretive state, where millions are malnourished, could be catastrophic.
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back in the south, there is a sense of urgency. officials say the next few days will be crucial if they are to prevent this outbreak becoming an epidemic. laura bicker, bbc news, daegu. china is going all—out to contain the virus. this is an infection control squad in training. but there are still questions over its early response, and the silencing of medics who tried to raise the alarm. the public anger hasn't gone away. here, a man films as doctors attend to his mother. but they can't save her. later, he films as a funeral car arrives. "the government thinks we're foolish, they say it's a natural disaster," he tells me. "but it's actually caused by humans. " "if they'd warned us in time, would so many people die?"
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the world health organization, though, was full of praise for the actions china has taken. china has rolled out probably the most ambitious, and i would say agile, and aggressive disease containment effort in history. to what extent do you think cover—up and censorship played a role in allowing this virus to accelerate at the rate it did? i don't know. frankly, i didn't look at that. i'm just being completely honest. but what worries me most is, has the rest of the world learned the lesson of speed? once china had woken up to the danger, that speed, the rapid quarantining of cities and the shutting down of the economy, appears to have worked and is now being held up as a model for the world. as the virus was allowed to spiral out of control in the province of hubei, it spread in smaller, but significant pockets to every province in china. this is the picture of a disaster.
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and it forced the government to act. and here's what happened. the official figures show that in hubei, although the numbers are still high, they are stabilising. and for the rest of china, even better news. the numbers kept low by those containment measures, and if we have a closer look, for more than a week now they have been falling. china's been so effective the world health organization says it's now safe to get the economy going again. welcome news on this farm. "with the roads all blocked, of course it's brought sales down", wei tells me. if china's control of information helped start the crisis, its control over its people might help solve it. but how many other countries might really be able to replicate this? john sudworth, bbc news, beijing.
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in the uk, although more than 6,500 people have been tested for the virus, so farjust 13 have tested positive including the four cases who were aboard the diamond princess cruise ship injapan, who've now returned home. our medical correspondent fergus walsh explains how people can best protect themselves from coronavirus. the new coronavirus spreads through droplets in the air when infected people cough. so if you're just a few feet from them, you could breathe in the virus. if you touch an infected surface and then rub your eyes or mouth, that can also pass it on. it's why regular hand—washing is important. none of us has any immunity to this virus, so if there is a major outbreak any of us could catch it. but it's worth stressing that it causes only a mild respiratory illness in four out of five people, who'll get better
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without any medical treatment. the symptoms begin with a fever and a dry cough. the older you are, the greater the risk of complications such as shortness of breath and pneumonia. especially for those with underlying health problems such as heart and lung disease and diabetes. the biggest viral threat at present is seasonal flu, which causes thousands of deaths in the uk every year. if we get small, limited outbreaks here we could see the same sort of quarantine restrictions that are being tried in other countries. school closures are possible, as are the postponing of sporting fixtures and other public events. anything where large groups of people congregate. but if we get cases popping up all over the country, then locking down communities won't be possible.
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instead, the focus will be on getting people to self—isolate. the longer we can keep this virus at bay the better because with the warmer weather, there's a chance that cases might start to dwindle. it's been a dramatic day on the global financial markets, which fell today as concerns grew over the impact of coronavirus. our economics editor faisal islam is with me. so, what have the markets been doing? sharp falls across the world. in the us, the dowjones industrial averagejust in the us, the dowjones industrial average just closed down over 1000 points. just over 3%. that followed the close in the european markets are between 3% and 4% down. in the uk, the sharpest one—day slump for four and uk, the sharpest one—day slump for fourand a uk, the sharpest one—day slump for four and a half years, with airlines such as easyjet and ryanair losing large fractions of their value. also
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travel companies such as tui and carnival, which run cruisers, and mining companies with big exposure to china. tens of millions lost off the uk stock markets. over the past couple of weeks, markets took reassurance from one of those charts the reporter just reassurance from one of those charts the reporterjust showed, that it seems to be contained in china. what we have seen from the other reporters is that clusters, fairly extensive clusters in italy and south korea have got fears stoked up again. it is a health story primarily, but if the health story remains out of control, then you have a real economic impact. faisal islam, thank you very much. two severe flood warnings, meaning there's a danger to life are in place along the river severn in shropshire. in shrewsbury, there are fears that flooding could reach its highest ever level. while in ironbridge, people have been asked to leave their homes, because of warnings the river may go over flood barriers. our correspondent sian lloyd has the latest.
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the flood defences at ironbridge, protecting this historic town from the rising waters of the river severn. but there are fears they may be breached. people living nearby have been warned to leave their homes. ian donnelly is one of those who's heeded the advice and has checked into a local hotel. for safety reasons, we've come here. fingers crossed, touch wood, we're not flooded. but we'll find out when we get back to our house in the next couple of days. river levels reached a 20—year high in nearby shrewsbury earlier today. business owners like anda teller, determined to keep going. it was like a horror film. the water just started to pour through the walls. her guest house has suffered £30,000 worth of damage. it's devastating. we haven't got any insurance. we met with the insurance company ten days ago, who said they couldn't get us cover any more. that it was a nationwide problem with commercial properties, that they weren't offering it.
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where there were flood defences, they held. but those who took a chance parking their cars here were caught out. i've come down here today to move my girlfriend's car, because i told her it would be safe to park it in the car park. it's the red one over there. are you going to be in trouble? yeah, i'm not moving it! tonight, protecting ironbridge is the priority. and people living along this river bank have been warned to leave as a precaution. water levels will continue to rise here over the next 24 continue to rise here over the next 2a hours. so, the situation is being closely monitored. sian lloyd with the latest in ironbridge. a jury has been shown cctv footage of the manchester arena bomber in the days leading to the attack. salman abedi was filmed looking around the venue days before he killed 22 people and injured hundreds more in 2017. he was also shown unloading a heavy suitcase containing bomb—making materials.
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his brother, hashem abedi, is on trial at the old bailey, accused of helping to plan the attack. he denies all the charges. president trump has started his first official visit to india, addressing tens of thousands of people at a rally in gujarat, the home state of the indian prime minister narendra modi. the countries agreed a defence deal worth $3 billion — but there is no sign of the long sought—after trade deal, between the two nations. our correspondent rajini vaidynathan sent this report. for the billionaire president, a humble introduction to india — spinning cotton where mahatma ghandi once sat. this wheel became a symbol of gandhi's movement to make more goods in india. a message echoed by today's protectionist president, and indian prime
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minister narendra modi. despite months of negotiations, the pair are unlikely to sign a trade deal, for now. for now, the visitors book will have to do. but one thing mr trump will take home is goodwill. here in india, he's popular. hi. namaste, trump! namaste, namaste! he's a nice man, he's a friend of india. their bond is strong. these are the images prime minister modi wants the world to see. india—us relations are no longer just another fantasy. america loves india, america respects india and america will always be faithful and loyal friends. with his family watching on, the president praised india's cultural heritage. except it didn't all go to plan. as the great religious teacher swami vive—kumun—nund once said... for the property developer turned president, who once built
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a taj mahal casino in atlantic city, a visit to the real taj mahal with the first lady. but away from the beauty, ugly scenes in delhi. deadly clashes and demonstrations over the government's citizenship law, which critics say marginalises muslims. as the violence continued, president trump arrived in delhi. tomorrow, he will meet prime minister modi for talks. the issue of religious freedom, now expected to be on the agenda. rajini vaidyanathan, bbc news, india. the food watchdog the food standards agency has told bbc news that facebook must take responsibility for people who are using the platform to sell meals from their own homes. the fsa is warning that sellers who haven't registered with or been inspected by their local councils could be putting customers at risk. facebook says sellers must follow all local laws and regulations. our correspondent angus crawford
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found out how easy it was to buy from unregistered sellers. hungry? fancy a roast? some cake, party cones, or a curry? maybe some venison? this is facebook marketplace. if you can eat it, someone's selling it. anyone for a whole pig? has it been bought from a butcher or has it come off the back of a lorry somewhere? we just don't know. and that's got food safety experts worried. there is no information about what they contain. we don't have a list of ingredients. how's it been stored, how's it been prepped? the worst case, it could kill you. but do these facebook traders in the midlands know the regulations they should be following? thank you very much. you are welcome. i hope you like it. do you just set up on facebook and do it? yeah. you don't have to tell, you know, the council or anything, do you? no. well, actually, she's wrong. selling food regularly, you have to register. it could be inspected, and may need a food hygiene rating.
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not that any of the traders we met had done that. so no council? no, no. no council? no. 0k. i've got chicken and rice and some kind of curry, i don't know what's in it. but i've also got salad and cake, so it's time for a dinner party! my guests arrive. heather hancock, who chairs the food standards agency. emma rose, from the campaign group unchecked. tanya ednan—laperouse — her daughter natasha died of an allergic reaction. and paula wilkinson, from online business mums bake cakes. what do they think of the menu, courtesy of facebook marketplace? it doesn't make me feel hungry, i have to say! no! facebook itself should be driving an expectation that they are complying with the regulations. ultimately anyone can start producing food from their kitchen using whatever ingredients
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they like, whatever hygiene practices they like. and at the moment, local authorities for the most part don't have a clue who these people are, where they are based, what they are doing. and what do our sellers know about allergens? ingredients that can trigger serious allergic reactions. as long as you're just using, you know, like the normal ingredients rather than what the factories use and stuff. are there any nuts in any of these? what? are there any nuts in any of these? i don't understand. people just don't have a clue, do they? they don't understand what an allergen is, or they don't understand the question, which is also very dangerous. if you're asking something serious then they might just say yes, because they don't know what you're saying. that's appalling. very easily they could trade, you know, i'm sat here going, let me talk to her. you know, i could help her. we'd like to see facebook take some responsibility. there is an unavoidable moral obligation to help keep people safe.
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facebook, which makes no money from food sales, said in a statement, sellers must comply with all applicable laws, and the safety of our community is our foremost priority. so what about the food for my dinner party? we don't know what's in it, or how it was made. if we can't eat it, we've got no choice but to bin it. angus crawford, bbc news. children of primary school age will no longer be allowed to head a football, after coaches were advised not to include heading in training. the football associations of england, scotland and northern ireland will all introduce new rules to protect children from potential degenerative brain disease. players will still be allowed to head the ball in matches. our sports correspondent andy swiss reports. commentator: it's an equaliser! it is a skill that has given football some of its most famous moments. mcqueen! but could heading be
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a cause of dementia? well, the question has prompted action. at primary schools like this one in manchester, headers are now banned during training. they're still allowed during matches, because the authorities say they are so rare. but those affected have mixed feelings. i don't really like to do it because it hurts my head sometimes. i love heading the ball while training. if a cross is coming in and it's going over your head, you can't really do anything else other than heading the ball, which makes it more useful. for budding young players like these, learning to head the ball has traditionally been a key skill. but the sport is facing growing questions over heading's long—term impact. research shows former players have increased chances of developing dementia. the former west brom striker‘s jeff astle's death was found to have been partly caused by heading. and his family welcome today's ban. children will still want
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to go and play football. they will still want to play in the teams, they will still get a lot of enjoyment out of it and want to play with their friends. but what it hopefully will do is reduce the risk of the brain trauma. steve walsh used to play for leicester. he now runs a youth academy, and says things had to change. it was all headers that i kind of scored all my goals and attacked the ball. you just think back, "god, all them days of heading, what could it do?" children between 12 and 16 will be gradually introduced to heading in training, amid continuing concern over whether one of football's key skills comes at a risk. andy swiss, bbc news. that's it. now on bbc one, time for the news where you are. have a very good night.
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hello and welcome to sportsday — i'm hugh ferris. the headlines tonight. behind for a fleeting moment... but fabianski's fumble helps record—equalling liverpool move four wins from the title. tyson top of the world... but will it bejoshua next for the new wbc champion... we hearfrom the two men trying to make it happen. and new questions over mo farah‘s relationship with his banned former coach have been raised in a bbc panorama programme. hello again. the scoreline says something very familiar...
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