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tv   Coronavirus  BBC News  April 28, 2020 1:30am-2:01am BST

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britain's prime minister boris johnson is back at work after recovering from coronavirus. he says there are "real signs" that the country is passing through the peak of the pandemic. he warned that lifting the restrictions too soon could lead to a new wave of deaths. president trump has said china could have stopped the coronavirus from spreading around the world, and that serious investigations are under way into beijing's actions. mr trump was speaking outside the white house in his first briefing since friday. he also announced plans to increase testing. seven weeks since italy announced a lockdown, the country will lift some restritions from next monday. parks, manufacturing and construction businesses will be the first to reopen. people will also be allowed to exercise outdoors. restaurants will be able to serve takeaways. dine—in services will be allowed injune.
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now on bbc news, click. this week: contact tracing. home schooling. finding love in quarantine. and, would you believe — remote weddings. welcome to click. the days are getting longer and so is the hair, but we are still here. hope you're 0k. look, lara's in the house — well, hers. hello, good to see you spencer, how are you? what have you been doing, apart from growing your hair? i have been quite busy watching a lot of tv, actually — we are big fans of doctor who here, so on social media thousands of people agree to hit play
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on the same episode at exactly the same time, like seven o'clock. and what then happens is we all watch together but the director, the scriptwriter and some of the actors are all tweeting along while we're watching, so you get this kind of live director's commentary on a second screen. i love it, it is a kind of communal feel, we are all watching these great programmes. oh, that sounds really fun! in this house we have been very busy making television. downstairs my husband's been making his tv show, it is a good job i am good with tech because he has needed some help. yes, i have seen. this sign has become a bit controversial, because when his sign arrives for his show, it is huge. so there's now a bit of competition. next week this may have to move closer to the camera. 0k, brilliant plan. you do that — if it keeps you sane during lockdown, you guys carry on with the war of the logos. of course we are still in lockdown here in the uk, but now questions are starting to turn to when and how lockdown may be eased.
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one of the key conditions seems to be whether we can accurately test for covid—i9, and trace the people who have had it, and who they have been in contact with. now as we have been hearing, governments around the world are pinning their hopes on our phones, and so—called "contact tracing" apps. they sound great — but can they work? here is chris fox. contact tracing is about keeping a record of who you have been around, so if you get ill they can be quickly warned that you may have passed on an infection. but once we're out of lockdown we can't possibly remember every person we have been close to for long enough to catch coronavirus, whether that's in a park, or on a train or at a party. and time is critical. what if one of these people later finds out they have covid—i9 and they might have given it to me? so governments around the world are proposing we use our phones
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to track who we meet, and critically, send instant cascades of alerts if somebody tests positive, so we can quickly go back into self isolation and stop the spread. several ideas about how this could work have been put forward. one way is to use gps satellite location data to keep a record of everywhere you go. then if you get ill, the system can warn people who have been nearby. but it goes without saying that asking people to keep a record of everywhere they have been and share that with a third party or government raises privacy concerns, and satellite location data doesn't work well indoors, or underground. and it can't tell you what floor of the building you're on, so no good for people who live in flats. mobile phone towers can be used to work out roughly where you have been as your phone jumps from tower to tower as you move around. but while this works on any phone without installing any apps, it is far less accurate than satellite location data so it's not hugely useful for contact tracing. although it can be used to check
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people are staying at home during a national lockdown. one idea that's gathering attention is using bluetooth on a smartphone. this is the option being explored by the uk's nhs x team amongst others. the idea is that anywhere i go, my smartphone will extend an anonymous key with other smartphones nearby using bluetooth. my phone would keep the keys it receives for 14 days and strangers will keep mine. if i then get ill i will then be able to declare my status and up and add my key to a central database. that means everybody who has picked up my key while out and about can be warned instantly that someone they have met has coronavirus. this idea has the backing of apple and google — they plan to build the tech into their mobile operating systems, ios and android, so in future it won't even use a third—party app for it to work. now using bluetooth offers more privacy, because the codes shared are anonymous, the matching can be done on your device rather than on a central database,
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and the system doesn't use any location data so it won't keep a record of where you have been. but you'll need a smartphone, and not all of them have the right kind of bluetooth for it to work. on the other hand, if you collect location data and store it centrally, then governments and health researchers can analyse the data, identify virus hotspots and track where the virus is spreading. either way, for any system like this to work, it needs a big proportion of smartphone users to take part. if too few people take part, the system is a lot less useful. that was chris. as it happens, this week we saw the first glimpses of the uk's bluetooth—based contact tracing app being trialed at a royal air force base in north yorkshire. but hundreds of privacy and security experts from around the world have written an open letter expressing concerns about the way they think that contact tracing apps need to pay attention to our privacy.
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one of those experts is online now, professor alan woodward. we have talked about three different ways of tracking people's location. do you think any of them are accurate enough? the short answer is no. none of them are, because in the real world, in a perfect world, if you are in the laboratory you might get something like the accuracy you need. but in the real world, none of them are going to be accurate enough, particular indoors, but really bluetooth is the only option you have. but that is why you can't rely solely on the distance data, and why the better apps are going to model in time as well. so for example, suppose you come within two metres of someone, passing them on a bike on a road, but actually you only get one ping from the bluetooth beacon that's sent out. it's not necessarily a risk, or it is a much lower risk than if you are cycling together for an hour. do you think there is a danger
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that we are putting too much emphasis on the technology and the contact tracing apps? you can't just rely on the technology on its own to automate everything. they will have to be a human in the loop. and there is also an element of, we know that the ultimate solution is only going to come when we have got a vaccine and proper testing for this, that is universally available, and available at scale. so there is a bit of what one of my colleagues called "do—something—itis". there is an element of "we can quickly do something with technology," and with this do—something—itis, as he calls it, it makes people feel better because they feel the government is doing something. so we must not get carried away with the fact that this is the end solution. it might be part of the solution, but is not the complete solution. hello and welcome to the week in tech. it was the week that netflix added 16 million new subscribers in the first quarter of the year. nintendo said it is increasing switch production by 10%
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and facebook released its gaming app ahead of schedule, a move they said was directly in response to the lockdown. facebook also introduced a coronavirus survey in the uk this week asking select users if they had had symptoms of covid—i9. it is a part of a joint effort with carnegie mellon university to help track the illness. the uk surveyjoins an online heat map to track where people in america are feeling ill, county by county. people can report any covid—i9 of flulike symptoms they had had in the past 2a hours. a device made from a raspberry pi minicomputer is being tested to remotely monitor vital signs in coronavirus patients. engineers at the university of toronto designed the device which attaches to a fingertip probe. it feeds patient data back to nurses via wi—fi. 60 more satellites were launched into orbit by elon musk‘s spacex starlink mission, joining 360 that are already up. spacex says it will eventually have 12,000 satellite in space
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with the aim of providing global internet coverage. and finally it was the 50th anniversary of earth day this week, with celebrations taking place mainly online. the european space agency beamed a powerful message of human unity from stephen hawking out across the planet. when we see the earth from space we see ourselves as a whole. ok, school is back and that means for parents at home, we have to start helping our children with their lessons. the bbc‘s bitesize has had a huge upgrade. sometimes you have to work it out in your head. it has hundreds of bits of interactive content, following the national curriculum for both primary and secondary students. also there is the oak national academy, which is backed by the government here in the uk, and that's designed by teachers
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and provides video lessons, worksheets and quizzes related to many subjects. the truth is, there is a lot of homeschooling content online, but it's pretty overwhelming for any parent to work out where to go for what. so here's kate russell with a round—up of what's around. you know, it's ok to admit that this shutdown is sending you a little bit doolally. like these parents who posted these brilliant memes about homeschooling. and with schools going back but the kids remaining at home, here is my tech survival kit. many of the resource hubs that teachers already use have put up special sections to guide parents through this stressful period. twinkle has daily activities for primary age. a search for live lessons brings up tons of pre—made classes with qualified teachers. and if your kids‘ teachers are emailing worksheets in a confusing array of file formats, zamzar can quickly convert stuff so you can
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open them with ease. you are not going to become a first—class teacher overnight, so try not to be too hard on yourself. and don't get out too many detentions, it'll punish you more than it will them. parentkind is full of straightforward advice for the shutdown, including what to expect from your kids‘ school and some tips to create a good learning environment for all ages. lessons aside, keeping the kids focused with all the distractions of home will be tough, so don't be afraid to use the bells and whistles of educationa apps to help keep their attention. sign up to easypeasy for a guide to playful learning, including daily game ideas and tips. you can also track progress to help see the difference you are making. phonicsplay teaches reading skills using phonics. the parents‘ section can help with understanding the teaching process. this is usually a paid site, but the makers are offering everything for free during the shutdown. carol vorderman became famous doing
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quickfire maths on a tv show, and her video classes for kids are now also being enjoyed free of charge for the duration of the shutdown. good science begins with thinking like a scientist, and that's the focus of this site full of lessons and activities. when you're feeling like it is going to spin out of control, set the kids a brainpop quiz. with fun, colourful videos, they'll forget they're learning. if you want to dig deeper there are challenges, worksheets and vocabulary tests you can set. and i wouldn't be doing myjob as a tech evangelist if i didn't suggest that now is a really good time to learn coding. it's something you can do together, and teaches logic and problem—solving skills too. raspberry pi projects and codeacademy are two old favourites that have fun, interactive projects for all stages of learning. for primary age, bee—bot is a fun app that teaches the principles of coding and develops computational thinking in a playful way.
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and if all else fails, restore peace and tranquility with some mindful meditation — cookie monster style. head over to the sesame street channel on youtube kids where they will be publishing two new monster meditation cartoons each week, to help younger kids deal with the stress of having you teaching them at home. me smell with me little nose, cookies! oh boy oh boy oh boy! that was kate, and i have to say to all the parents trying to juggle a job and be teacher now, hats off to you — it's a really tough job and i am sure you are doing an absolutely brilliant job. that includes lara, i mean, you are doing this job and trying to be teacher at the same time, it's gotta be hard. well, homeschooling is actually going quite well, but like a lot of parents i expect, i keep asking myself, is my daughter having too much screen time? because under normal circumstances we would never let our children look at a screen for this long every day.
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yeah, that's true. interactions with friends, school classes — and of course the context of it does make a difference, but my seven—year—old asked me, "mummy, am i having too much screen time?". wow, she is asking? although i suspect actually that means, "mummy, i think i have had enough schooling on the screen for today." ok, maybe, i haven't actually thought about that. let's move on, let's talk dating. rather surprisingly, through this period of isolation, the dating apps have had more interactions on than before. now i have heard this too, and i thought this was quite weird because... why would you try and start the dating process now, when you can't go ahead and immediately meet someone in the flesh? i don't get it, i mean i'm not single so maybe i'm not thinking on the right way. but i found it weird as well. that was my first thought but i suppose on the other hand, if you are looking for love,
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you might as well get on the case. in every way, this is the story ofjust another indian wedding — there's a bride and a groom., an online matchmaking service with millions of users across the world, has seized the opportunity and introduced a feature called wfh. no, it‘s not ‘work from home‘, it‘s ‘wedding from home‘, and even the lockdown couldn‘t stop some of the 200 guests from dancing at this virtual hindu ceremony in india. and across the globe, in california, one determined couple used zoom who hosted their virtual ceremony, but there were always going to be some technical issues. by the powers invested in me by the internet, i now pronounce you partners in life. we'd opened to the zoom call early to, like, kind of test things, make sure if people wanted to come
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in early and hang out if they could, and because of that we hit the 40—minute mark before we were even ready. i was speaking my vows to christie and i'm, like, watching hertear up, and then i'm tear up and i look and in the video call, in these little boxes on the screen, people are tearing up, but it's a screen — like, this is our modern world now. but it was still, like, very intimate. yeah, that's true. but how about the big players? the dating app industry is worth billions but is built on facilitating face—to—face meet ups, so many would expect that the lockdown would mean a drop in usage. however, industry leader tinder told us on the 29th of march, there were 3 billion swipes globally, which is more than on any other day in the history of the app. and rival bumble told us that they‘ve seen a significant increase
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in messaging and video calls since late march. we caught up withjustin mcleod, the ceo of hinge, another major dating app, to get an insight into the changing habits of users. so we are seeing about a 30% spike in messages, so people are matching more, they‘re having a lot more conversations and they‘re turning those conversations into video chats and phone calls. and, even more interestingly, we‘re seeing about 90% of our users who go on video calls saying they really enjoyed the experience and plan on doing it again. so it‘s definitely not as awkward as people fear that it‘s going to be. i do think the culture of dating will change the result of this. i think one of the most important things is people are getting used to video chatting and they‘re dipping their toe in and realising it‘s pretty great, and i think people will continue to do that after social distancing ends.
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i definitely think it‘s something that people will continue to do. so, the big dating apps have found that, for their users, lockdown hasn‘t proved to be that much of a barrier in looking for love, but there are some other creative solutions starting to spring up, and omar mehtab has been putting one of them to the test. with dating apps exploding in popularity over the past years, a generation learned a new way of finding love. bit with social isolation now in place, the dating game is being reinvented once again.
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also innovating are two roommates from new york, they are rance nix and thi lam. they‘ve come up with loveisquarantine, a dating format that‘s broadcast as a sort of a live reality show on instagram. after giving a few details on their google sheets, six people are then manually sorted by nix and lam into pandemic pods and paired up to go on phone dates with each other. i‘m actually going to give this a go myself, and even though it‘s a phone date, i do have to look my best, so i‘m going to get ready. as the evening goes on, i have to send a video to loveisquarantine after each date talking about how it went, so the audience on instagram watching this reality show unfold can keep up with the action. and for the purposes of this online show, i have to provide a short intro video. hey there. my name is omar mehtab, i‘m 29... during the round—robin dates, those involved don‘t know what each other looks like. in all the videos uploaded, fingers obscure faces. only if the couple hits it off are they finally revealed. the creators wanted to get right away from the normal obsession with image that you find on most dating sites to get to what they say is important.
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‘cause anything is possible! for me personally, i happen to have achondroplasia, which is the most common form of dwarfism. now, a lot of girls, not all girls, but a lot of girls are looking for the 6‘ 4", attractive, "he‘s got the beard, he‘s got the good hair, the muscles and all the things," so for me to go on a dating app like hinge or tinder, the numbers just aren‘t great because i don‘t get the opportunity... people go, "oh, nah — swipe left," but for something like loveisblind and loveisquarantine, like i said, we‘re allowing people the opportunity to get to know people, and who knows? right, it‘s 2am here, making it evening time in the us. and before the first date has even begun, excitement is building up in the comment. so, must admit, bit nervous. let‘s see how this goes. hey, olivia. how are you? and as i‘m talking away, i realise that there‘s little to worry about, largely in part
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because i‘m not focusing on anything except the conversation. ok, i‘ve just had my first date and it kind of feels like the ‘90s, where if you had a penpal via letter or via e—mail, you wouldn‘t see them until you actually met them in real life, but it‘s refreshed for a social media generation. right now i‘m about to send a video talking about the date and how it went for everyone to see. we‘re excited, so keep us posted. let's go! we believe in love! but after this lockdown is over, will there still be a place for loveisquara ntine? for others that do consistently use
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dating apps, i feel like something similar to loveisquarantine actually is a better option — it‘s just a lot more of an intentional, ifeel like, sort of approach. it's hard because i know that when i am using an app and i have all this information about somebody, i know what they like, i know that i can be more particular about it. i was may more nervous on loveisquarantine than i was in person, because i get scared of what i'm going to say, but when they're in person there is a connection and there's more back—and—forth. for better or worse, when dating apps came in, they changed our culture. in this time of isolation, we‘re still relying on technology but re—learning how to connect with people, so maybe the art conversation isn‘t dead after all. oh, what a lovely, lovely piece of tv that was. that was omar, he‘s online now and before we go any further, mate, can we just have look at omar again when he‘s dressed up all posh? right, there. can i say, posh clothes from the waist up but you‘re still wearing your shorts, what‘s going on? i decided to go smart—casual, so smart on top and casual on bottom, as per usual! brilliant!
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that's brilliant! this did seem to be as much reality tv as it was a dating app. did you feel like you were actually on real dates? i really did, more so than i would if i was on a real dating app, usually it‘s full of pictures and you‘re swiping depending on how someone looks like, but here you‘re forced into a conversation for about 30 minutes to an hour to really get to know the person, as you really would on a date. of course many people are, in all honesty, quite bothered about looks, aren't they? they are, and that‘s why this is stripping all that back and focusing it on all personality, so the person you could be dating in the future, you‘re really getting to know them and whether or not they‘re someone that‘s, you know, compatible with you. listen, omar, thanks for doing it, what a great sport and ladies, you‘d date this man, wouldn‘t you? you‘d absolutely date this man! i'm nodding, i'm not single, but yes, omar is lovely! i‘m afraid that‘s it for this week, thank you so much for and sticking with us once again. as ever, you can keep track
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on what the team are up to, albeit from home, throughout the week on youtube, instagram, facebook and twitter at @bbcclick. thanks for watching and we‘ll see you soon. bye — bye. hello. april thus far, for the most part, has been marked by dry, warm, and sunny days but the forthcoming week brings something completely different as we close out the month. significant spells of rain — it will generally speaking feel a wee bit cooler, too. but at least the pollen levels will be reduced from the sort of levels we‘ve seen of late. eventually we will be looking towards the atlantic for our weather but in the short term it is coming at us from the near continent and across the channel. certainly as we start
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the new day on tuesday, there will already be cloud and ran across the southern counties of england and wales, relatively mild her underneath clearer skies across the north—east of scotland, maybe with a touch of frost with temperatures below zero. up to dry and bright to start with across the northern half of the british isles, showers developing across scotland and northern ireland and the north of england but further south, notice how dark some of those blues are. it will be quite a wet day and the temperature suffering as a consequence, eight, nine or ten underneath all that rain. and it will be really quite wet — ten, 15, possibly 20 mm of rain which eventually will drag its way away from the eastern side of the british isles but come wednesday, we will be looking towards the atlantic to see another belt of rain after a dry enough to start, the rain eventually moving through the south west of england, wales, into northern ireland, on towards the midlands to the south—east of england. in fact, many areas seeing rain before the day is done except perhaps the central
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and northern parts of scotland, maybe a parting shower here but essentially it is much drier. come thursday another pulse of rain will be working its way in on the southern flank of that low. the position of the low itself open to a little bit of interpretation just at the moment but if it comes a little bit further north, there‘s some really quite strong winds that will push in across southern parts of both england and wales and down towards the channel islands. another fairly unsettled day for england and wales. for scotland and northern ireland, it is much drier with some sunshine until later on where we push the rain into the northern isles. by friday, that low pressure is moved away but again there is the chance of pretty hefty showers coming into northern ireland, wales, the south west of england, some rain further north in scotland and perhaps something drier through central and eastern areas with the temperatures just trying to recover. by next weekend it will stay showering and pretty cool, too.
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a very warm welcome to bbc news, with the latest headlines for viewers in the uk and around the world. my name‘s mike embley. the uk‘s prime minister boris johnson is back in downing street, after his own fight against coronavirus, to tell the country now is the moment of maximum risk. i refuse to throw away all of the effort, and the sacrifice of the british people and to risk a second major outbreak and huge loss of life and the overwhelming of the nhs. president trump used his first coronavirus news conference since friday to accuse china of failing to stop the spread of the illness. as the number of confirmed global cases passes three million, we compare how different countries are tackling the pandemic. el salvador‘s president cracks
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down on criminal gangs


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