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tv   Monday in Parliament  BBC News  May 12, 2020 2:30am-3:01am BST

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borisjohnson has defended his plans to relax the lockdown, saying the strategy applies to all of the united kingdom, notjust england. however, scotland, wales, and northern ireland, who have their own powers over the lockdown, say it's too soon to relax measures to the same extent. some european countries have cautiously begun to lift their lockdowns, with millions back in work after eight weeks of restrictions. cafes and restaurants have re—opened outdoor terraces, and gatherings up to ten people are now allowed in parts of spain that have been less affected by the coronavirus. president trump has announced more coronavirus testing for americans, but has had to deny that the safety system at the white house has broken down. an aide to vice president pence has tested positive for the virus, and that's prompted three senior health officials to quarantine themselves. most staff in and around the west wing are now wearing masks, although mr trump has not been seen in one.
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you are pretty much up—to—date on the headlines. you are pretty much up—to—date on now on bbc news — monday in parliament. hello again and welcome to monday in parliament. as the prime minister eases the lockdown in england, he warns of a difficult balance to strike. there could be no greater mistake than to jeopardise everything we've striven to achieve by proceeding too far and too fast. labour accuse him of raising more questions than answers. what the country needs at this time is clarity and reassurance. and at the moment, both are in pretty short supply. and a call to step up plans to quarantine airport arrivals. thousands will be flying into the uk in the next few days from parts of the world where infection rates are rising, healthcare and testing is limited, on packed planes with no social distancing measures.
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all that to come and more. but first, boris johnson set out his sketch of a road map for the way out of lockdown in a television address from downing street on sunday evening. besides unveiling a new slogan requiring people in england to stay alert rather than stay home, he set out some ways the lockdown was to be eased. limits to daily exercise will be lifted, with people allowed to meet someone from another household in a park as long as they keep their distance. some primary school pupils could return next month. but the slogan and some of the plan was rejected by the governments in cardiff, edinburgh and belfast. amid some confusion about what people could and couldn't do, borisjohnson made a statement to mps setting out more detail — and warning that he'd slam on the brakes again if infection rates rose. our challenge now is to find a way forward that preserves our hard—won gains while easing the burden of the lockdown.
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and i will be candid with the house. this is a supremely difficult balance to strike. there could be no greater mistake than to jeopardise everything we've striven to achieve by proceeding too far and too fast. we will be driven not by hope or economic revival as an end in itself, but by data and science and public health. he set out a change in the emphasis to get more people back to work. anyone who cannot work from home should be actively encouraged to go to work in sectors that are allowed to be open, should indeed be open but subject to social distancing. these include food production, construction, manufacturing, logistics, distribution, scientific research. and to support this, to explain this again, we're publishing guidance for businesses on how to make these workplaces safe, covid—secure. he said people should cover their faces in confined
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spaces, such as public transport and shops. if everyone stays alert and follows the rules, we can control the virus, keep the rate of infection down and keep the number of infections down, and that is how we'll be able, mr speaker, to save lives and to save livelihoods as we begin to recover from the coronavirus. and i commend this statement to the house. what the country needs at this time is clarity and reassurance. and at the moment, both are in pretty short supply. and at the heart of the problem, it seems, is that the prime minister made a statement last night before the plan was written or at least finalised, and that has caused considerable confusion. the labour leader said the prime minister's statement offered as many questions as answers. the prime minister will know that there's not consensus, either on messaging now or on policy, between the uk government and those in wales, scotland and northern ireland — not something i know he wanted to see — but now we're in that position,
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it raises serious concerns of a real danger of divergence. mrspeaker, in terms of the new slogan, last night, the prime minister said — and i quote — "i have consulted across the political spectrum across all four nations of the united kingdom." can the prime minister therefore explain why his government didn't share his new slogan with the devolved administrations, leading them to learn of the change in the sunday newspapers? further to that, will the prime minister commit not to deploy this new slogan in scotland and wales and northern ireland unless the devolved governments decide otherwise? most people actually understand where we are in fighting this disease. most people looking at the reality, the practical reality, of the advice that we are giving today can see that overall, there is far, far more that unites the uk then divides it, though i know that it is always the political temptation to accentuate the divisions. that is not going to be the approach of this government, and i don't believe it should be
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the approach that commends itself to parties across this house. mr speaker, there is now a three nations approach. wales, scotland and northern ireland all agree on policy and message. and i mean this with no malice, but for the sake of clarity, can he confirm that in almost everything he has announced today, the prime minister is acting as the prime minister of england? prime minister. no, mr speaker, i reject that completely, and i think that most people looking at what we're saying will know that it carries... it is very good advice for the entire population of the united kingdom, though i perfectly respect the inflections and variations that may be necessary both locally, regionally and nationally to reflect differences in those areas. does the prime minister recognise that the covid crisis has exposed grotesque levels of inequality within our society? and his statement yesterday has
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given a carte blanche to many employers to try and force people to come back to work without proper consideration of their health and safety, without consideration of the dangers that they're going to suffer in travelling to work. and does he not recognise that his statement, while the death rate is so high and the reinfection rate continues, will actually probably make the situation worse, not better? boris johnson rejected that analysis. but he faced more questions about the consequences of different rules for different parts of the united kingdom, where the rate at which the disease spreads — the r number — can vary. so, in england, you can drive as far as you like to take exercise. but don't cross offa's dyke or go north of hadrian's wall. i'm grateful that the prime minister is working closely with the welsh government to design a four nations approach to ending the coronavirus lockdown.
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this is so important for my constituents in brecon and radnorshire who share a border with england. but would he agree with me that while the r number continues to vary across the country, restrictions in wales remain the same and the changes he announced last night are not a green light for tourism or for people to travel to their second homes in wales? boris johnson did agree. we don't want to see people — let me repeat — we don't want to see people travelling to another home for a holiday or to a second home. that is not what this is about. this is about allowing people the pleasure and the exercise of going to places, to parks, to national parks, places of outstanding beauty and taking advantage of the open air. the prime minister. later, mps began a two—day debate on the pandemic. the man borisjohnson beat for the conservative leadership — the former health secretary, jeremy hunt — offered this criticism of the scientific advice offered to ministers on how to prepare for the pandemic. it's clear now that a major blind
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spot in the approach taken in europe and america was caused by our focus on pandemic flu rather than pandemic coronaviruses such as sars or mers. asian countries took a different path. as a result, korea had no more than nine deaths on any one day. singapore is on just 20 deaths in total. taiwan just seven. the failure to look at what these countries were doing at the outset will rank, i'm afraid, as one of the biggest failures of scientific advice to ministers in our lifetimes. jeremy hunt. the foreign secretary has announced the roll—out of a loan scheme for brits stuck abroad. he told mps there'd be a special package to help with costs such as food and accommodation. dominic raab also faced questions about why the government is only now dominic raab also faced questions about why the government is only planning to bring in quarantine measures for travellers arriving in the uk.
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ministers have confirmed that people will be asked to self—isolate for 14 days and to provide an address when they arrive at the border. those travelling from the republic of ireland or france will be exempt. but mps on both sides wondered if the move should have come in sooner. we've all been locked down, but people have still been allowed to come into our country. why has the quarantine about to be launched on airports been done now, and will it include arrivals by port and the channel tunnel? the reason that the measure is being introduced now is because the advice that we've always had is that there was little point, if any, in introducing quarantine at the border with the r level and the prevalence of the virus at a high level, particular above the ri level. now that it's come down, and is still coming down even further, it makes sense to introduce it to stop, as we reduce the level of coronavirus in the uk, reinfection coming in from people
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carrying it from abroad, particularly those who would not necessarily be showing symptoms. there will be some flexibility in the detailed arrangements set out, but it will cover, in principle, all people coming in — whether it's to ports or to airports. thousands will be flying into the uk in the next few days from parts of the world where infection rates are rising, healthcare and testing is limited, on packed planes with no social distancing measures. and as of wednesday, many of them will be asked to go straight back to work. this really is absurd, so will he personally intervene to get a grip on this situation, not in a month but now? the crucial thing with the quarantine and the self—isolation that we've announced, and the prime minister announced last night, is that there is little point — and all the scientific evidence that we received said there's little point to introducing it until we got the prevalence of the coronavirus and the level of transmission down. at that point, it does make sense
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to introduce it because the risk is of reinfection — or reseeding, as it's sometimes referred to by the scientists — in the uk. so what i can reassure her is we've followed the scientific and medical advice at every step along the way. a conservative asked about brits stuck abroad. what actually is my right honourable friend's department taking to financially support british nationals who are unable to get home and have no access to funds? in the last resort, i can tell the house that the foreign office has introduced a special package to make sure those who are stranded and can't get back can receive support, with food, accommodation and other essentials — up to £3,000 for individuals, £4,000 for a couple and £5,000 for families. it is a last resort option. but we're making sure that those that are hunkering down or stranded and can't get back have the support that they need. i think we need to acknowledge that the fco response has been patchy and pretty stretched in parts. and i've called already for an inquiry into this so that we can learn lessons for the future. i do think we need to reiterate that today, and i'd be grateful for an assurance that we will properly look at how the fco
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mishandled this, the expectations which were put upon the fco... the foreign secretary's got a grip of the question. foreign secretary. thank you, mr speaker. and the foreign office has got a grip of the problem as well, because... i take his point. we have been stretched. i think countries around the world... i talk to foreign ministers every day and every week, and we've had a shared challenge, particularly with a great travelling nation like the united kingdom. at the same time, we've returned — through the work with those countries, with the airlines — 1.3 million brits from abroad on commercial flights, we've now gone over 30,000 returned on the charter flights that we've arranged and we've got all those who are travelling on cruise ships back. and, actually, i think the consular team in the foreign office and our networks around the world deserve great praise, but we take nothing for granted. we're not complacent for a moment and we'll keep up those efforts with all the other scheduled flights and charter flights that we're looking at to return other stranded nationals. dominic raab. you're watching monday in parliament with me, david cornock. still to come, an mp is suspended
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for seven days after breaking commons rules. the head of british airways willie walsh has been challenged over why the airline is planning to make more 12,000 workers redundant when it has large reserves of cash. willie walsh said the job losses were about ensuring the survival of the company during the coronavirus crisis. and he told the transport committee it was the most significant challenge the industry had faced. for the first quarter of 2020, we reported an operating loss of 535 million euros, all of that downturn taking place in march of this year, so very severe, very significant crisis, and quite honestly, the likelihood that it will improve in the short—term is zero. the announcement yesterday of a 14 day period of... ..coming into the uk is, well, it's definitely going to make it worse. there's nothing positive in anything that i heard the prime minister say yesterday.
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i think we know over the last six years, ba have generated over £8 billion of profit for the iag group. how much cash or liquidity does the iag group does that have on hand at the moment? so, what we do is, when we report our liquidity, we report on a quarter base. so last thursday, we released figures for our liquidity at the end of april, and we at that point had 6.4 billion euros of cash and cash equivalents, and we had tojump liquidity of ten billion,
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so 3.6 billion of facilities. we have not drawn on those facilities, those facilities in effect represent debt. so, if we were to draw on them, we would just be taking on additional debt. the talks of using relative strength to drive competitors out of business is total nonsense, and i think you've got to realise the airline industry is not functioning at the moment, we are not flying. 0ur relative strength is the cash that we have, which we are burning through until we can get to a position where we can start flying again and start generating cash to shore up our liquidity. a labour committee member thought mr walsh was overplaying the financial costs. it would occur to me that almost all aircraft are grounded, 80% of your workforce is furloughed and paid for by us, the taxpayers, your costs down to zero, navigation fees actually deferred, and maintenance and cap obviously being postponed, and your payments for supplies will have been extended, most of the cash collected from customers has not actually been reimbursed, as we have investigated our previous committees. so in fact, the cash burn to ba
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at the moment would significantly decrease, so, obviously, the thousands of people who have been getting in touch with us, your staff members, will be asking that very question. you are more than capable of not laying off 12,500 staff, given the good standing of ba. most of the profits that we have earned and generated it's reinvested in the business. most of that being spent on new aircraft, notjust to renew the fleet that we have, but also to expand the fleet that we have, and that will continue to be the case. sam tarry wasn't convinced. you say that obviously, you know, most of the monies being reinvested in the company, obviously, you yourself between 2011—2019 paid over £33 million in pension, bonuses and payments. now, i think that for cabin staff that have been in touch with us who perhaps worked for your company for 20—25 years, they're going to be really wondering
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how that was possible for you, but as soon as the going gets tough for them, they are thrown on the scrap heap. without question, this has been driven solely by the downturn. i don't think i need to hide the scale of it, because it's obvious to everybody — we're not flying our aircraft to transport passengers because that demand, one, does not exist, and two, if it did exist, we're not able to because of government restrictions. i must've received over 1000 e—mails over the last week from members of ba staff concerned about this, very worried that things are bad enough for them with this virus without this uncertainty added on top. you've mentioned that this, the changes to the terms and conditions, are solely as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. on that basis, if you bounce back, say, by 50% profit next year, will you actually give the 50% additional back to the terms and conditions that are currently under consideration?
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the restructuring that i've talked about is subject to consultation with the elected representatives. i'm not going to prejudge. anyway, those consultations, we enter into those consultations in good faith. we will listen to what it is the elected representatives have to say, and we won't provide a running commentary. we have been clear about that, this is a serious issue. and he said it was an incredibly worrying time for everybody. mps have been warned that councils in england could face a surge in homelessness when a ban on evictions ends next month. the housing committee has heard concerns that rough sleepers currently staying in hostels and hotels and private tenants struggling to pay their rent will need more help to find accommodation or to remain in their current home. but the mps were also told that the action taken to get rough sleepers off the streets at the start of the coronavirus lockdown had been "phenomenal". the fact that 5,500,
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possibly even 6,000 people who are most exposed to the virus, and exposed because of underlying health conditions, exposed because of inability to access sanitation facilities, and absolutely exposed because of the inability to self—isolate. it has been an amazing and unprecedented effort to have that many people now safely in self—contained accommodation. the challenge now is not to think that rough sleeping is resolved. rough sleeping as an issue in london is not sorted. there are a number of prerequisites for that. and wider homelessness, family homelessness, for which authorities have those statutory duties, that is still, that's still to be faced. what do you think of the challenges, both in terms of rough sleepers, homelessness and indeed the wider private rented sector
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as we go forward? the restoration of local housing allowance to the 30th percentile of local markets for 12 months has made a phenomenal difference. i mean, outside of the department's jurisdiction, the example i have is in edinburgh, where we are use to there being maybe 20—30 houses for rent at any one time, which are affordable on local housing allowance, that is now in the hundreds, 300—1100 at a time, so it's a huge difference in large parts of the country. jamie carswell said his concern was that the "housing crisis could return" and be even worse. proposals around ending, you know, section 21 no—fault evictions, longer tenancies, would really, you know, bringing this forward quickly would really, i would think, make a significant change into the system. i have to say as well, the facing cliff edge when the evictions extension expires under the current emergency legislation fills my colleagues
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with dread, particularly in london. and if we are not to faces an army of those that are... that have to, you know, have served under section 21 and then end up contacting to themselves or their local authority in late june, earlyjuly, if we are not to base that, we need a way of losing that cliff edge. the housing minister said the government was still working on plans. the discussions that are being had at the moment is in the scoping phase are trying to understand what is deliverable, possible and will be effective to make sure the work we can do everything possible to encourage the early consultation between a landlord and tenant. when you look at some of the evidence of as to whether this can be effective, i think it was outlined to the committee last week, there is some evidence
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that this could be effective as a mechanism to... but he rejected the calls for the local housing allowance to be raised further. where people are in specifically difficult situations, which, of course, there will be people around the country who have that £500 million hardship fund which we are making available on a discretionary basis to support individuals. luke hall. 0pposition mps have questioned the government about the future shape of its benefits policy. at question time, ministers came under pressure to explain how universal credit was working for families caught up in the coronavirus crisis. ordinary people needed more support during this crisis. but we do acknowledge and welcome the changes that the government has made. these include increasing the core amount of universal credit by £1000 a year, but this rises is only for 12 months. if the government believes this
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level of support is necessary during lockdown, why do they believe people will need less money when the lockdown ends, under normal cost of living would apply. surely, minister, it is inconceivable that anyone still unemployed by march of next year can see their benefits being cut. mr speaker, i thank the honourable judgement for his question and welcome him to his new position. —— gentleman. as he knows, we have announced measures that can be quickly and effectively put into place that will benefit as many disadvantaged families as possible who are currently facing financial disruption. as he knows, we at the dwp, have been under a huge increased demand, and what we have done is prioritise the safety and stability of our benefits system overall. all things of this nature will be kept under review, but at the moment, as he rightly points out, the funding has been secured for a 12 month period from her majesties treasury. the two years of universal credit causing the greatest hardship by the five—week wait and the two child kept both need scrapped. taking a uc advance loan means your payments will be lower
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than the already impossible levels, so why won't they look at the idea of making the advanced loan a grant when a person has been confirmed as eligible for uc, it stops the fraud excuse that only bad air as political will. across to the minister, minister. well, mr speaker, ithank the honourable gentleman for his question, but as i've already announced, measures that are we have announced measures that can be quickly and effectively put into place that will benefit as many disadvantaged families as possible who are facing financial disruption. we are under huge increased demand, and i've had to prioritise the safety and the stability of the benefits system overall, and put that above any structural change. i will always prioritise insuring people get their money in full and on time instead and over and above the system change. will quince. finally, a conservative mp has been suspended from the house of commons for seven days after the commons standards watchdog accused him of attempting to use his position to "intimidate" a member of the public during a family dispute. conor burns resigned as a trade minister after he was found to have made "veiled threats" to use parliamentary privilege
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to "further his family's interests" in a financial dispute involving his father. the new chair of the standards committee read out the report's conclusion. we the committee are persuaded by the evidence that the right honourable member for bournemouth west used his parliamentary position in an attempt to intimidate a member of the public into doing as the right honourable member wished in a dispute relating to purely private family interests, which had no connection with the right honourable member's parliamentary duties. chris bryant, and that brings us to the end of monday in parliament. i do hope you canjoin me at the same time tomorrow for the appropriately named tuesday in parliament. until then, bye for now. hello again. we've got another few cool days
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coming our way before the weather turns milder as we head into the weekend. now, at the moment, the satellite picture shows cloud in france. that's been bringing some extreme falls of rain here. satellite pictures to the north of the uk, where our eye is coming from, shows a lot of cloud working into scotland. that cloud is bringing showers at the moment, and they'll continue over the next few hours as well, mostly across northern scotland. elsewhere, it's largely dry. quite a bit of cloud for eastern areas. it stays quite breezy as well, and that should keep the temperatures for the most part above freezing. but with lighter winds and clearer skies in wales, parts of the midlands and south—west england, these are the areas where we're most likely to see temperatures drop low enough to give us some frost to start the day on tuesday. now, high pressure's still influencing the weather on tuesday, but we've got this cold front diving southwards into scotland as the day goes by. so, for many of us, a bright start to the day. there'll be some sunshine around. it tends to turn a bit cloudier through the day, and there is a risk of a few showers working into perhaps
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north—western areas of england and wales. but, at the same time, we've got this cold front bringing rain and probably a bit of snow into parts of scotland. northern ireland, england and wales, temperatures 11—13 degrees, but through the afternoon, as that cold front works southwards, we get colder air, 5—6 celsius. the rain turning to snow for a time. wintry showers follow for shetland and 0rkney. it will be a colder day for these far northern areas than it was compared with monday. high pressure is still there on wednesday, but eventually, it's going start to bring in a more of a north—westerly flow of air. so eventually, it starts to turn a bit milder, but the cold air still filters its way southwards down the north sea. so, wednesday, these northerly winds probably bringing a slight drop in temperatures to parts of eastern england, and again, there will be some bright whether around. probably turning quite cloudy for a time during the afternoon. it's across western areas that we'll start to see the temperatures begin to lift a little bit, with highs up to 15 degrees in cardiff and plymouth, and maybe 12 or so in glasgow. as we head towards the end of the week and the weekend, high pressure keeps
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the mainly dry weather. eventually, though, that starts to decline, and we get these weather fronts just toppling in across the north of the high pressure, bringing some thicker cloud, and that will ultimately bring the threat of rain this weekend to parts of scotland. but for most of us, it will be turning milder this weekend.
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welcome to bbc news. i'm mike embley. our top stories: the british prime minister defends his plan to relax the lockdown in england at a faster rate than the rest of the uk. it is very good advice for the entire population of the united kingdom. families' joy as spain begins to ease one of europe's strictest lockdowns. in the united states, president trump announces virus testing for more americans. as lockdowns are loosened, how can countries prevent a second wave of infections? we speak to a health expert.


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