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tv   Wales in Lockdown  BBC News  May 24, 2020 1:30pm-2:01pm BST

1:30 pm
anybody want a cup of tea or coffee? double malibu with lime and ice? we're not serving that this early in the morning, i'm afraid. amy and her family are all vulnerable due to existing health conditions. and being shut away from the outside world is throwing up new challenges. i am quite used to talking to friends on facetime and via the phone and via message and so on. this is lucy. so i am used to the base of friendship being online. we checked on the phone if he has an appointment with specsavers, because we really need one. i think my mum and dad struggle more with that being, like, a main form of communication. it's a new system, mam, we're learning together. bamps! you've paused the video. unpause it and then i can see you.
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i really feel for the old people who are really technologically challenged. we are really excited because bampy, guess what? he's learned to video call, which is lovely because it's really, really nice to, erm... sorry, i'm getting upset again because both my grandparents are unwell, especially my grandmother, and i really miss them. really, really miss them. bampy‘s on facetime. you are a legend, dad. i can't hear you. bampy was funny today, so we were literally in tears laughing. and more reason to smile... help me, you need to send custard. after amy's earlier appeal for supplies, some good news. i need to tell you all something, very, very important. it's going to be ok. we will survive. because we have custard. so we are all having some custard.
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for many who are pregnant in the uk right now, it's not what they were expecting it to be. some hospitals have said women can't bring their partners to regular scans. hi, i'mjenny, i'm 30 years of age, actually today is my birthday and i'm 19 weeks pregnant and i'm going into my second week of isolation. jenny and her husband adam, are preparing for their 20 week scan where they find out the gender of their first baby. from going out and about and being on the road and doing things, working full—time and going shopping and doing everything else that everybody else does,
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i have found it a little bit... not hard, it's a massive change. it's the weekend and it's sunday, so i'm doing a sunday lunch. the meat is in the oven. been for a walk this morning, just trying to keep myself busy. we've been blessed with incredible weather again, really lucky. same route, different day. got my scan on thursday. i'm a little bit anxious, i'm not too sure why. whether or not it's because i'm having to go in on my own and adam can't come in, or the fact that it's just my 20 week scan and we're finding out the gender.
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it's got a nappy on it because, adam... i've got a niece and nephew so i've changed nappies a million times, adam never has. so he's practising on the bear. the kitchen is a bit of a mess at the minute, doing a few bits in the nursery as soon as we can get paint. doing some online antenatal classes, getting ready, bit of nesting. yeah, we've been buying a few little outfits. they are very tiny. we also got some little hand me down doctor martens from my sister. we've got a lot of names kicking about. a lot which we don't agree on. because of covid—i9, jenny's scan has been moved from her local hospital to one further away and adam isn't allowed to go in with her. so we are just in the car on the way to my 20 week appointment. just had my 20 week scan, all my bloods and everything was absolutely fine.
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found out the gender, the baby wouldn't move their legs for ages, so i was doing starjumps and jumping up and down and god knows what else. i'm going to go and tell adam now. what do you think it is? i don't know, just tell me. it's a girl. oh, my god, that's amazing. you were right as well, all along. i know, so it's a girl. yay. i think one thing this pandemic has taught me, you can't buy your health and family is so important. it's definitely made me re—evaluate so many things. the doctor leading wales' response to the coronavirus pandemic says around 40% of nhs workers who were tested for covid—19 are getting a positive result. hello, my name is pete.
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i'm sarah. we are both nurses in the nhs. in the time of the lockdown we've moved in together. we have indeed. sarah has moved out of her dad's house and we've got a house together, which is pretty cool. the virus is a constant threat they have to face when they go to work at morriston hospital in swansea. it feels like the hospital is on a war footing at the moment. very unnerving, weird times. and it's quite scary because nobody has ever faced this before. pete, makes the most of his time away from the wards. and he's still got his sense of national pride. looking down on us now is good old winston churchill. so i think we could all use a bit of the old winston churchill morale, kind of, boosting speeches at the moment. of course, i am wearing my welsh
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jersey as well, so come on, wales. let's beat this thing together. i worked on thursday and came back and on my doorstep, bearing in mind we've only been our streetjust over a week, it felt really nice to see lots of people out cheering, whooping, clapping and it made me feel really proud to do what i do. really, really proud. so i've just finished five night shifts. a lot of the cases we've seen, you kind of think, they won't be positive, no chance. and then the swabs come back on them and they are positive and it'sjust like, you know what, this covid—i9 seems to kind of have many, many masks. we have to gown up with masks, aprons and all the ppe, it feels weird. i want it back to normal, i've had enough of this. despite the ppe, sarah has become
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unwell and both need to be tested. how are you feeling, sarah? still coughing a bit, but nowhere near as much as i have been over the last couple of days. so, fingers crossed it's hay fever. pretty scary times having developed this cough and a low—grade temperature in the day, 37.7. coughing. the couple have to quarantine themselves for seven days. hi, guys, sow we're day five of quarantine. here is the barbecue king himself. this is my in case of emergencies barbecue. i think we've just got to get used to this self isolation while we await our swap results. hairdressers shut, only one option. wish me luck, guys. see you on the other side.
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so, i'm on my way home from school, second to last day ever and none of the teachers seem to know that we were going to perhaps have predicted grades. they just seemed as shocked as we were. why did you spell it like that? it's in welsh. i am 18 years old. and i'm 15. we're sisters and we were both supposed to be doing our exams. the closure of schools indefinitely has left thousands of pupils are in limbo. which universities are you being accepted into? so, i've got offers from st andrew's, glasgow, ucl and exeter as well. this summer is like the big year 11 summer, you get a long time. i'd booked tickets for festivals
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and just to have that time after all the exam stress tojust do nothing, kind of, but to be able to have that choice to do nothing. my plan were, you know, revise, sit my exams and then i was planning to go on holiday with my friend. now i've got a job at tesco for the time being. are you bored? yes. i was wanting to shave my head but i was going to wait until after prom, probably. but since that's not happening. i willjust do it now. if i don't like it no one is going to see me for six months anyway. so... it is 2.20 in the morning right now. i have been painting this duck. my sleep schedule is
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just completely messed up by quarantine. it is 4am now and i've just finished the painting. i'm going to give it to my grandma when we go and see her tomorrow. it's my nan's birthday today so we are going to walk up to her house. but we are not actually going to go into the house, we will stand at the end of the garden. knock on the door, but then come back. the davies family regularly pay and welfare visit and today is a special day. happy birthday. 81 young. mam, stay back, mam. understand. you are tired? # happy birthday to you.
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thank you. thanks. how old are you, mam, 81. the prescription. get back behind the line, there. ok, no problem. thank you. all right, thank very much. community pharmacist, ross, has the daily challenge of working in his ppe gear. we are just really thankful that we are not on the front line like many of these itu nurses because they must be absolutely sweltering. you all right, jess? yeah? we are making some chicken curry. i don't really want to send
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ross out shopping all the time. leanne and ross' son mason has diabetes and is at risk from the virus. we are definitely trying to use what we've got at the moment and it seems to be working. to protect him, ross has been living away from the family home. it is ten o'clock and i'm crying. because i'm really... i'm worried about everything that's going on. and i'm just scared, that's all. phoebe has found it hard at times, but ross is always close by. i've just come up into the attic room now to show you the terrace houses, that is actually where ross is staying right now. it's not too far away. just thinking about the things i have been missing
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since living here on my own. top of the list is obviously leanne. she brings the best out in all the kids and she brings the best out in me as well. i also miss her cooking, because she is an awesome cook. i am sure she will say then she doesn't mind me doing the dishes. i miss the kids as well. i miss mason talking my ears off, miss phoebe as well, messing about in the house. i'm in a beautiful house here and you know, it's meaningless when you haven't got people to share it with. i did rainbow colours, look. take one of each colour. the davies family have more reason than most to be thankful to key workers. i didn't realise how many people i know and love our front line staff. 0bviously, all my carers,
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nurses and doctors but i have so many friends that are nurses, doctors and carers. what do you think? very good. for me, personally, i would not be alive today without carers. 0riginally we werejust going to say thank you to the bin men, but we've gone all out. so mum and dad drew this one and me and auntie emma did this, right by the bins. dad has done a little rainbow here. and this one, my mam's done. thank you, mam. and then right here, thank you post person. this is thursday, clap for carers day, as it is becoming known by many of us.
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applause. thomas llewellyn is still expressing his thanks through his graffiti. i wanted to get a message out to people, just to say, stay home, save lives. from what i've seen, people having barbecues on beaches and picnics in parks, i feel like doing this type of message will hopefully sink in with people, the more social distance that we do the quicker this virus is going to go away. hopefully this painting gets to a lot of people and they take that advice on board and hopefully we can get back to normal sometime soon. applause. cheering and applause.
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thumbs up, buddy. thumbs up. 0bviously both my parents work in the nhs and i looked outside and saw it all. i don't know why i got so teary. the international olympic committee has agreed to postpone this summer's games for one year, following a request from the host nation, japan. alice thomas is an elite swimmer based in swansea and she'd been due to take part in the olympic trials last month. obviously it's pretty much impossible to try and replicate our training at the moment without a pool, because we are pretty much dependent,
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as swimmers, on water. but we are trying to make the most of the situation. those bikes, i do not enjoy. and it is 9.115 and it is all done. things i'm really missing, obviously just the feel of the water and being the water. but there's not much i can do about that, i cannot go to a pool and the sea is too cold. i am not getting in the sea right now. i found myself washing my hands for even longer, standing for a longer time in the showerjust to be in the waterfor a bit longer. two years ago today i won my gold medal on the gold coast commonwealth games, 200 fly. so this beautiful thing is two years old today. probably my proudest achievement today. one thing i am aware of is the length of this lockdown is fair to say, it's going to be quite a long time. alice keeps in regular touch with fellow
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squad members and her coach online and on the phone. i think over the weekend it probably felt a little bit down, had a bit of a wobbly patch. but when this is all through, sport will be something that will bring a lot of people back together again. so i think sport is unique in that way. you know, hopefully on the flip side, i am looking forward to that day when we are told we can all go back. coronavirus continues to have an impact on this farm. another important part of my business is the free range eggs we supply tesco's. this afternoon i've come to muck the hens out.
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one of the things we need to wear are masks, but unfortunately due to coronavirus, we can't get hold of them. so we are now using some that we would have normally thrown away. with lots of people home baking, demand for eggs has been unusually high but supply problems are also impacting his production of oil, pressed from rapeseed grown on the farm. so there is the seed there. it then gets pressed here where the oil comes out. it's then filtered in this machine here, sent away to be bottled and then sent to the supermarkets. the issues we are having is the five litre containers are nearly impossible to get hold of. the family have managed to get hold of some hair clippers and he finally gets his long awaited haircut, courtesy of his wife, emma.
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i think she's done a good job, i think this is her first ever haircut. yeah? i will definitely come back here, perfect. right, let's get back out to the lambing. he has been doing his best to keep up hygiene standards on the farm. his biggest fear has been catching the virus. so it's handy having these hand sanitisers on me all the time because i'm touching the door now, touching the cash. it would have been a disaster for the business if i'd have caught it, especially at lambing time, even though we have people helping us, they are all working flat out and especially with coronavirus it's not something you could ask somebody to help you, because everybody is busy at this time of year with lambing and everybody is self isolating. so it would have been impossible to get anybody to help you. help on the farm has been hard to come by. so has help with the children. ready, steady, go.
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it's not ideal having children on the farm, that has been a nightmare. go, go, go. i'm seriously looking forward for my mother to come back and emma's mum to come and help with childcare and when they go back to nursery or back to school. that has seriously slowed us down. but it's great to spend a lot of time with them as well. where? that. now. thankfully, they are not worrying about it, they are enjoying life, which is great. he is not the only one who has had a haircut. well, you know what? all in all, good work, sarah. top notchjob.
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pete's actually gone a little bit loopy during quarantine, he's actually helping me clean. in sketty, pete is keeping spirits up. the results of his and sarah's coronavirus tests have come back. unfortunately i have tested positive for covid—19. apparently i'm positive too, although i think i've been quite lucky really, compared to sarah. you know, i haven't really got any symptoms to be honest. a little bit tired, but apart from that, i'm good. behold... my quarantine attire for the next seven days... at least. so, feeling 0k and i'm going to quarantine, i'm going to quarantine in style. v for victory. and their new neighbours are looking after them. just had a little delivery
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off our neighbour next door. there's beers for pete and chocolate and some paracetamol for us as well. yeah, really, really kind of her. at the beginning of lockdown, amy's and he made a promise. i'm currently writing down the lyrics of house of pain, just for the hell of it, just for a laugh. so i'm going to learn to rap. now, she's hoping to deliver. hang on, hang on, hang on. got to read the lyrics. pack it up, pack it in, let me begin... hang on, we've got to play the song. right, are we ready? jump around, jump around. jump, jump, jump.
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hello there. it's an improving story this bank holiday weekend in terms of the weather. yesterday, parts of the north west of scotland through the highlands saw nearly 3.5 inches of rain. despite cloudy skies this morning, it's certainly an improving picture and it will slowly brighten up as the afternoon continues. you can start to see the cloud breaking up quite nicely in this weather watcher picture from dorset. the reason being, high pressure is starting to build now from the south—west and that will dominate over the next few days. this weak where the front into the north is still breezy at the moment, but the winds
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will slowly die down as we go through the day and any cloud and drizzle will tend to ease. it has been a cloudy start but generally we're seeing that cloud breaking up over the rest of the afternoon and there will be a little more sunshine coming through. lighter winds than yesterday and with more sunshine and lighter winds, as a consequence it will feel a little warmer. so temperatures through the afternoon perhaps peaking from ten to 22 degrees, that's 72 fahrenheit. as we move through the evening and overnight the winds will fall lighter still and the high pressure continues to dominate. there will be some clearer skies, little bit of patchy mist and fog and favoured spots for that are are close to the coast of south—west wales and south—west england. we'll need to keep an eye on that first thing on bank holiday morning. elsewhere we're looking at temperature sitting at around seven to 11 degrees. as we move into bank holiday monday, dry, settled and sunny for many, certainly the best of the three days through the weekend. yes, there are some whether fronts pushing into the far north—west and by the end of the day
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could bring cloud and outbreaks of rain into northern ireland and western scotland. shouldn't spoil the day too much, ahead of it those temperatures will peak at highs of 25 degrees, 77 fahrenheit across the south—east, may be high teens for scotland and northern ireland. those weak weather fronts continue to put across the top of the high but it's fairly powerful so it'll be a weak affair, it's not really going to produce that much in the way of rain, may be more in the way of noticeable cloud as we go through tuesday and into wednesday. you can see a little more cloud around, it stays dry, sunny and warm, particularly into the south. that is it, whatever you're doing, take care.
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this is bbc news with the latest headlines for viewers in the uk and around the world. the uk prime minister's top aide — dominic cummings — is at number 10 downing street. senior members of the conservative party are calling for his resignation after further allegations he breached lockdown rules. he insists he acted ‘reasonably and legally‘ by driving from london to county durham in march while his wife had coronavirus. but new reports suggest he was seen in the north east of england on two further occasions. the country cannot afford this nonsense, this pantomime, now. dominic should go and we should move on and deal with the things that matter in people's lives. police in hong kong arrest dozens of people participating in the first pro—democracy protests since beijing announced plans


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