tv My World BBC News June 20, 2020 2:30pm-3:01pm BST
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also be doing and when. that also includes ordering beer which could ta ke includes ordering beer which could take several weeks to produce in a brewery. thank you very much for joining us. lots of questions still need answering at pubs such as like this all over the country. just let know that we have had the latest figures on the number of infections confirmed cases and sadly across the uk there are 128 new deaths today bringing the total up to 42,589. so 128 new deaths announced, confirmed today on coronavirus. so that again ta kes today on coronavirus. so that again takes the total up to 42,589. now it's time for a look at the weather with helen. hello again. we've had fewer showers today, lengthy spells of dry and quite
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warm, hazy sunshine, but it is all about to change. through this evening at least. the cloud has been rolling in across northern ireland and the first splashes of rain come in through this evening. but for many, where we do have a lot of dry and fine weather, that will continue. the showers will tend to ease away through the latter part of this evening, by which stage our rain is pushing its way steadily west. western britain, northern ireland probably seeing about 20 millimetres of rain, but it's not going to reach the far north—east of mainland scotland or the far south—east before the end of the night. it will feel quite mild as a lot of moisture around up there as well, so misty low cloud and helpful. but it clears fairly quickly by around midday from east anglia and the south—east. a little longer it lingers across the far north—east of scotland. and there will be a rash of showers, strong and gusty winds that follows, close to gales in the north—west, so that's the difference. i think it will feel a little bit brighter tomorrow despite some sunshine between the showers.
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hello, this is bbc news. the headlines... the outcome of a review of the two—metre social distancing rule in england will be announced in the coming week, according to the chancellor rishi sunak. particularly for the hospitality industry they are keen to see some changes. that is why we are reviewing the rule and the outcome will be announced later this week. passengers arriving at uk airports may soon be able to pay for a coronavirus test and avoid 14 days in quarantine. the white house tries to fire the prosecutor investigating donald trump's associates — but he's refusing to step down. beijing announces the first details of a new draft security law for hong kong that will drastically change the city's way of life. now on bbc news... next up is my world. no
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the death of george floyd hasn't just horrified people in america... people in america... black lives matter! but the effects of what's happened on a street corner in minneapolis on the 25th of may are being felt around the globe. nojustice! no peace! as hundreds of thousands of people take to the streets to protest, to demand racial equality and an end to police brutality. in this my world special, i'll bejoined by bbc reporter chi chi izundu, who helped break down more of the historical context of the protests that we've been seeing. plus we'll find out what young people around the world think. protest, speak out and take action and tell their story, because this movement is to give people a platform. however you want to express your likeness, that's on you. you are still black. you still go through the same struggles. this shouldn'tjust be a moment, but truly a movement. hi, i'm radzi.
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now, even though many parts of the world are still on lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic, we come to talk about george floyd. now, his death in america has resulted in a wave of antiracism protests throughout the world. and unlike previous protests, many people are saying that these could have lasting change in the fight for equality. here is how the story started. the same scenes. decades apart. protests, fury, anger, hurt spelling out across america and around the world. the cause — racism, police brutality, inequality. george floyd was a 46—year—old father, who was stopped by police in minneapolis on the 25th of may.
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suspected of using fake money to pay for cigarettes. a white police officer was seen kneeling on mr floyd's neck as he was pinned to the ground. he repeatedly cried, "i can't breathe!" he was held down for eight minutes and 46 seconds. after six minutes he stopped moving. i can't breathe! george floyd's death has echoes of many others. trayvon martin was shot and killed by a man in sanford, florida, george zimmerman was eventually charged but found not guilty. the acquittal led to public outrage and the beginning of the black lives matter movement. 18—year—old michael brown was
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fatally shot by police in ferguson. eric garner was choked by a police officer. his dying words were, "i can't breathe. " and there are more. america has a long, painful history of racism and segregation. until the ‘60s, african—americans were made to live separately from white people and didn't have the right to vote. nowadays, policing in america varies from state to state. in north carolina it takesjust 16 weeks to become a police officer, half the time it takes to become a licensed barber in the state. don't shoot! racism and inadequate
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training in a country awash with guns are a toxic mix. but in america now, the fight for justice, liberty and equality has spread across the world and has become everyone's. so, those are just some of the events that have culminated in the protests that we've been seeing notjust in america but around the world. hi, i'm chi chi izundu, and i'm a reporter here at the bbc who's been covering the antiracism protests around the uk. and i want a bit more context. i need to understand why people are taking to the streets. so i've asked my colleague clive myrie, who done a lot of reporting over the years at a number of protests, for five minutes of his time. hi, clive myrie. hi there, chi chi, how are you doing? thank you so much for doing this for us.
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so, can i ask you, first of all, the global protests that we are seeing around the death of george floyd, do you think it's a turning point when it comes to racism and prejudice? i think there could be a turning point. i think many people are hoping they are a turning point, because for so long, we have had this scourge of racism in all societies around the world. and i think what's different about the protests that we are seeing at the moment over the death of george floyd are the fact that there are so many young white people who are involved. we had trayvon martin, young black man, shot in 2012. black lives matter came out of that appalling tragedy. and most of the demonstrations in ferguson and around the united states involved black people. what we are seeing now are white people getting involved as well, and i think that is critical to the framing of this debate, that everyone understands that you cannot have one section
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of society being treated badly and the other section of society not being affected by that. fairness is good for everyone, and i think it's very, very important that a lot of young white people are on the streets now. this is something that you did not see in the civil rights marches of the 1950s and ‘60s, that simply did not happen. and that could be why this might be a turning point. so, clive, can you give us a brief look back at how we've got to this point. what happened with george floyd? racism doesn't come out of nowhere. it is the product of centuries of a sense of the part of the predominantly white population in the united states that they are superior to black people. and that is what underpinned the whole concept of slavery. there was a master who was white and a superior, and the slave was the black person. now, that mentality, even though slavery ended after the civil war in 1865,
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and i don't want this to be too much of a history lesson, but that mentality remained in people's minds, in the minds of some white people, that they were superior. that meant that they felt they were justified in lynching black people, summarily executing them for any minor infringement. it meant that they believed that they could have segregated schools, so black people in one school and white people in another, white children in another school, even though the black schools were very substandard and poor, white people argued that they were similar but they were not. it underpinned, for instance, the relief that the government gave during the great depression in the 1930s. relief was given to white people, it was not given to black people. at the end of the second world war, you had what was called the gi bill. all those returning servicemen back from the war were given a house and given money to help them
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in their new lives at the end of the second world war. african—americans did not get that. that meant that they had no money to hand down from the generations to their sons and their grandsons and so on, which is why you see poverty in lots of inner city areas. and then of course you had the voting rights act of the 1960s and attempts by local authorities around america to deny black people the vote. they would put up restrictions stopping them getting to polling booths and so on and so forth. so that history of racism develops from that original idea that white people are superior. and that is part of why this police officer felt he had the right to treat george floyd the way he did. well, clive, thank you so much for coming on and having a chat to us about your history, as in your career, and the things you have covered, but also giving us a better look at what is going on with the protests. my pleasure. thank you.
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now it's time to speak to three fantastic young people. i'm so excited about this. we have maxwell, who's 14 from london, we have zee from nashville, tennessee, she's 15 years old, and at that age arranged a demonstration against police brutality, and 17—year—old maya is from new york city and she goes to the black school. maya, zee and max, i'm genuinely very excited to talk to you, especially being young people and being people who are very passionate about black lives matter, and with that in mind, maya, for a start, with yourself, what do you make of us going on in america in terms of the reaction to george floyd's death? so, in america it's really intense right now. honestly, if we didn't even have covid—19, we should be celebrating, the class of 2020, another milestone that we just reached, graduating high school, but once again we are having to shout the names of the people that we lost, through police brutality. and i think it takes a pandemic
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for people to sit down and even just try and understand that racism isn't only caught when it's on camera. and i think it's great that we are seeing allies from other countries supporting the black lives matter movement, and they are speaking out themselves, saying they are not innocent and that they have their own breanna taylor or eric garner or george floyd, so ijust think it's great, the support we are seeing. absolutely right. and the thing to bear in mind is america is obviously a massive country, you come from new york city, maya. zee, you are from nashville, tennessee. what do you make of the reaction to george floyd's death? black people in america have always been mistreated ever since the beginning. it's been a long time coming. this should have happened a long time ago. max, you are based in the uk. how does what zee and maya's spoken about, how does that compare to your experience? it's very sad and obviously kind of depressing, but it is also inspirational, because here in the uk, a couple of my friends and i agreed
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to go to a protest and we believe that we should educate others who are not educated on the matter to participate in it as well. and zee, just going back to yourself for a second, you've actually set up a demonstration yourself. how was that? it was wild. people recorded over 20,000 people. i think the most i heard was 60,000 and it's the biggest protest in nashville history, so that was kind of cool. and what made you want to do it? where does your passion come from? nobody else is going to do it. nobody else is going to get in that position to make sure that people's voices were heard, so we decided that we were going to do it ourselves. i have a question for zee. did you have any anxiety about may starting this protest? because i know obviously a lot can get out of hand and turn into a riot or people can start looting, so did you feel any anxiety or pressure to make sure it was a peaceful protest, so you wouldn't have anything falling down on you because you did create the protest?
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oh, god, it was a lot of anxiety. i still feel anxiety now, because something could happen. we set up an organisation, the organisation could easily fall through. but it was really anxious. i couldn't sleep the day before. but it was very peaceful. i'm really lucky that people didn't, you know, cause a riot. i mean, i think it's great that everyone is coming together. i actually went to one protest so far, it was onjune the 2nd in new york, and it was honestly beautiful. i mean, it was said, but it was beautiful, just to see people from all different races come together. and it really didn't matter who you were, because we all stood for one cause and that was the black lives matter movement, still is. and i think the important thing that people, a lot of people are talking about, including me, is that this shouldn'tjust be a moment but truly a movement, because with all these people coming together we can continue to seek fight for black lives matter and not just a trend like blackout tuesday, it needs to be continuous.
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i would have liked to have seen more people educated on the matter. i wanted to see more people be proactive, protest, speak out and take action and tell their story, because this movement is to give people a platform so everybody's voices are heard. maya, have you ever been told because you are vocal that you are not black enough because of the colour of your skin? definitely. i was asked before, where am ifrom? and i'm always like, i am not sure, because i just don't have a lot of history. and there are some times, i mean, i definitely know about colourism, i know that because i am lighter i definitely have some more opportunities than people who are darker than me, and i stand for that, too, so i know where my place is and i also advocate for people of different skin tones. i think it'sjust a bit ludicrous
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that people discard other people solely because they are mixed—race or lights skinned, but then again, it does play into colourism, which i understand, yeah, because i am light—skinned, i do get given more opportunities, but i don't try to take away any attention, ijust bring it into we are all in this together. there is no, black people come in all different types and skin colours, there is no one way of being black, and however you want to express your blackness, that's on you, you are still black, you still go through the same struggles that people darker than you or lighter than you go through. so those are some of the voices that we got in touch with, but what do others think from around the world? here's their reaction. justice for george floyd. the day
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after his death 115—year—old girl in 0regon started a petition calling forjust that. it is now the most signed petition in change dot org's history. in his own words don't make we have tried to reach the attention of the mayor and da to have the officers involved in this disgusting situation fired and for charges to be filed immediately. please help us get justice be filed immediately. please help us getjustice for george be filed immediately. please help us get justice for george and be filed immediately. please help us getjustice for george and his family. these teenagers were some of the 17 million people and counting who added their names to the petition. here is whatjustice means to them. justice for george floyd means making sheer no black person ever dies at the hands of a cop, someone ever dies at the hands of a cop, someone who should be protecting them. just because of that racist belief... hope that maybe country is
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whipping up, change, a kinderand safer world. seeing the murder of george boyd definitely changed, seeing an african—american male for his life as he was killed. these type of situations happen every single day in america but they are just now starting to be televised. having to fight the basic rights is proof we live in a broken system where racism is very much prevalent and to teach that not only do we need to inform ourselves but we also need to inform ourselves but we also need to inform ourselves but we also need to listen to black voices and fight for them. our skin is seen as a threat. i would like to see racial equality and justice for african—americans. equality and justice for african-americans. there has been an outcry against racism around the world. from argentina to england, australia to syria, and protests have united all 50 states of america. most of these have been peaceful. but in some us cities they have turned violent and curfews were
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imposed. 0ne president trump threatened to send the us military to restore order, he was criticised by twitter itself, who said he was glorifying violence. the reaction to george floyd's that has been the most talked about story on social media, even during the coronavirus pandemic. while his name and black lives matter trended, fans of k—pop flooded social media with videos of their favourite singers to drown out posts that are posed or criticised the protests. then there were the 28 million posts under the hashtag blackout tuesday. two women in the music industry called for a day to disconnect from work and reconnect with our community to provoke accountability and change. a lot of record labels and music stars stop working and millions of people posted black tiles on instagram to support the campaign. but it posed
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the question, now you have posted on your social media, what next? so let's head to nigeria, which is in the west of africa. as a place that i worked not that long ago, about two months ago, and it is a place a lot of african—americans trace their heritage to stop we have got a reported there and she is in lagos. —— reporter. much like young people everywhere they are pretty upset. there has been a lot of outrage regarding what has happened and is happening in the us when it comes to black people across the continent and that feeling seems to be resonating, a significant amount
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of social media engagement with young people calling for change and solidarity when it comes to fighting injustice. we have also seen that they seem to have recognised that it is not just a they seem to have recognised that it is notjust a us problem, it is a global problem that everyone needs to lend their voice to. the way the police engage with the black community in america is difficult for anyone to witness regardless of what race you are from. but i think it definitely sets a little differently when you are seeing things happen to people who looked just like you and how you could also be easily mistaken for. it definitely impacts the way you think about life and yourself when you're away from your home base for your natural home environment. for example, if you are a black african who lives on the continent and you try to travel outside of your immediate home environment, one
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thing you definitely have to research and consider before you go is what racism looks like in the place you're going to. it is definitely having an impact. nigerians make up one of the largest immigrant groups to the us and a lot of young people go there to study and they stay to work on almost every field. but there is definitely renewed concern regarding safety. i have been speaking to some young people and their parents and some families who have just said that they are not willing to risk it to carry at this time and in the very near future. carry at this time and in the very nearfuture. families carry at this time and in the very near future. families have carry at this time and in the very nearfuture. families have said carry at this time and in the very near future. families have said they don't want to comment either way because they are not sure what they're going to do yet and they don't want an interview or social media post to jeopardise their chances of academic placement in the future. as clive said and as we have
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heard already, many people are saying these protests could lead to real change. some of which has already happened. protests against racial inequality sparked by the killing of george floyd are taking place all over the world. these are just some of the tangible changes introduced since the protests began. the original charge against the white police officer, derek chauvin, who was filmed kneeling on george floyd's neck was third—degree murder and second—degree manslaughter. after because to raise the degree, he is facing the serious charge of second—degree murder which requires proof he to kill. and if he is found guilty could result in up to 15 yea rs guilty could result in up to 15 years longer injail.
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guilty could result in up to 15 years longer in jail. three other police officers who were present but did not intervene were originally on charged, they now face charges of aiding and abetting the crime. across multiple states, forces say they will introduce a duty to intervene, which means police will be required to step in when they see a fellow officer using inappropriate force. the use of neck restraints and chuckles in his custody has been controversial for years. that choke holds. following the deaths of other african—americans... holds. following the deaths of other african—americans. .. now in minneapolis the city where mr floyd was killed, the use of these bright police has been banned. 0ther was killed, the use of these bright police has been banned. other us cities and even france's government are introducing similar bans on neck restraints. meanwhile, louisville
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have banned no knock warrants where offices are able to enter a property without giving anyone inside a warning. this follows the death of rihanna taylor, who was killed during a raid at home earlier this year. —— breonna taylor. defund the police has been a rallying cry for protesters. new york city's mayor has said he would divert money from the police department to social services. while the minneapolis city council signed a pledge to begin the process of ending the minneapolis police department. but with leaders opposing the move to defund the police, this debate is set to continue. around the world, newman's of slave traders had been removed. some toppled by protesters. 0thers taken down by officials. —— monuments of slave traders. tech giants are responding by stepping away from facial recognition services. this software has been
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accused by racial bias because most algorithms are more likely to wrongly identify the faces of people who aren't white. ibm, microsoft and amazon are limiting the police use of facial recognition software until us lawmakers regulate how the technology is used. perhaps one of the biggest ships come from the reflections of conversations being had around the world. —— shifts. it can be quantified in the millions of dollars that have been donated to the black lives matter movement. in washington, dc, the street in front of the white house has been renamed black lives matter plaza. while this may just be black lives matter plaza. while this mayjust be symbolic, it's clear that the movement is becoming harder to ignore. that's it for now. thank you very much for watching. and to
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finish, here are some more pictures of the huge protests from around the world. black lives matter! we want change! enough is enough! hello again. we've had fewer showers today, lengthy spells of dry and quite warm, hazy sunshine, but it is all about to change. through this evening at least. the cloud has been rolling in across northern ireland and the first splashes of rain come in through this evening. but for many, where we do have a lot
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of dry and fine weather, that will continue. the showers will tend to ease away through the latter part of this evening, by which stage our rain is pushing its way steadily west. western britain, northern ireland probably seeing about 20 millimetres of rain, but it's not going to reach the far north—east of mainland scotland or the far south—east before the end of the night. it will feel quite mild as a lot of moisture around up there as well, so misty low cloud and helpful. but it clears fairly quickly by around midday from east anglia and the south—east. a little longer it lingers across the far north—east of scotland. and there will be a rash of showers, strong and gusty winds that follows, close to gales in the north—west, so that's the difference. i think it will feel a little bit brighter tomorrow despite some sunshine between the showers.
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this is bbc news with the latest headlines for viewers in the uk and around the world. i'm geeta guru—murphy. a review into the two metre social distancing rule in england is due to conclude next week. the chancellor says he wants businesses to be able to trade again. particularly for the hospitality industry they are keen to see some changes. that is why we are reviewing the rule and the outcome will be announced later this week. beijing announces the first details of a new draft security law for hong kong that will drastically change the city's way of life. the white house tries to fire the prosecutor investigating donald trump's associates, but he's refusing to step down. climate campaigner greta thunberg says the coronavirus crisis and anti—racism protests show how governments can
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