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tv   Sportsday  BBC News  July 29, 2020 6:30pm-6:46pm BST

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abou‘it the time... we are talking about people's liberties here. mrjurgen leu made a unanimous consent request... those are the rules. our first witness is jeff bezos, request... those are the rules. our first witness isjeff bezos, the chief executive of he founded amazon in 19 00 excuse me, i'm going to remind members of this committee, was required to wear a mask according to the senior physician attending. it is my pleasure to introduce today's witnesses. the first witness is jeff bezos, the chief executive officer of he founded amazon in 1984 as an online book store. since then amazon is going to be the largest online retailer on the internet. jeff bezos has overseen the company expansion into areas including cloud computing, and artificial intelligence. he received his bachelors of science from
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princeton university. secondly, the chief executive of alphabet and. he joined google in 2004 and has managed a number of successful products including chrome, gmail and the android operating system, and oversaw the popular search products and practice time at google, he worked in management consulting at mckinsey. and a masters degree from sta nford mckinsey. and a masters degree from stanford university, and an mba from the university of pennsylvania. and we have tim cook the ceo of apple. in 2011 mr cook was named ceo. apple he has overseen their expansion into new markets to the larger developments of products like apple pay. larger developments of products like apple pay, apple watch, icloud. prior to joining apple pay, apple watch, icloud. prior tojoining apple, he apple pay, apple watch, icloud. prior to joining apple, he served as
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the director of north american fulfilment for ibm. he received a bachelor of science from university and mua from a school of business. last witness is mark zuckerberg, founder, chairman and ceo of facebook. he initially launched facebook. he initially launched facebook to help connect college stu d e nts facebook to help connect college students at his school more easily. since then it has grown into the largest social media platform with 1.7 billion daily active users. he attended harvard university before leaving to focus full—time on facebook. we welcome all our distinguished witnesses and thank them for participating. i will begin by swearing you in. if i do that i wa nt to by swearing you in. if i do that i want to remind you that you are the only ones from your respective companies invited to testify today. in accordance with normal house practice under section g of regulations, you are sworn testimony must be our own. please let me know if you want to mute yourself so you
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can confer with your counsel. whether you please unmute your microphones and raise your right hands. do you swear or affirm under penalty of perjury that what you say is true and correct to the best of your knowledge, information, so help your knowledge, information, so help you god? yes. b show the witnesses and sit in the affirmative. please note your written statements will be entered into the records in their entirety. to help you stay within the five minute limit there is a limit. when the light switches to yellow you have one minute to end your testimony. mr bayzoss, you may begin. thank you. i was born into great wealth, not monetary wealth, but the wealth of a loving family,
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that fasted my curiosity and encouraged me to dream big. my mum jackie had me when she was a 17—year—old high school student in albuquerque, being pregnant in high school was not popular comedy school tried to kick her out that she was allowed to finish after my grandfather negotiated terms with the principal. she could not have a locker, no extracurriculars and could not walk across the stage to get diploma. she graduated and was determined to continue her education so determined to continue her education so she enrolled in night school bringing me to class with her throughout the stop my dad's name is magill, he adopted me when i was for he was 16 when he came to the us from cuba by himself shortly after castro took over. my dad did not speak english and he did not have an easy path. what he did have was grit and determination. he received a
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scholarship to college where he met my mum. together with my grandparents they made me who i am. i walked away from a steadyjob on wall street into a garage to form and is an understanding that it may not work. it feels like is like just yesterday i was driving the passages to the post office myself dreaming one day we may file a forklift. customer obsession has driven our success. customer obsession has driven our success. and i take it as an article of faith that customers notice when you do the right thing. you entrust slowly, over time, by you do the right thing. you entrust slowly, overtime, by doing hard things well, delivering on time, offering everyday low prices, making promises and keeping them. and making principled decisions, even when they are unpopular. and our approach is working, 80% of americans have a favourable impression of amazon over all, who do americans trust more than amazon
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to do the right thing? only their doctors and the military. the retail market we participate in is extraordinarily large and competitive. amazon accounts for less tha n competitive. amazon accounts for less than 1% of the $25 trillion retail market and less than 5% of us retail. there is room for retail and multiple winners. we compete against many large companies, while matt twice is amazon's size. we made the decision to invite other sellers to sell in our start to share the same valuable real estate. we believe that combining the strengths of amazon's shop with the vast selection of products by third parties would be a better experience for customers and the growing power of revenue and profits would be big enough for all. we were betting it would would not be a zero—sum game.
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fortu nately we would would not be a zero—sum game. fortunately we were right and they are now1.7 fortunately we were right and they are now 1.7 million medium and small sized businesses selling on amazon. the trust customers put in us everyday has allowed amazon to create more jobs everyday has allowed amazon to create morejobs in the united states over the past decade than any other company. hundreds of thousands ofjobs other company. hundreds of thousands of jobs across 42 states. other company. hundreds of thousands ofjobs across 42 states. amazon employees make a minimum of $15 an hour, more than double the federal minimum wage and we offer the best benefits, benefits that include conference of health insurance, retirement and parental leave that includes 20 weeks of paid maternity leave. more than any place in earth, entrepreneurial companies start, grow and thrive in the us. we nurture entrepreneurs and start—ups sta ble nurture entrepreneurs and start—ups stable rule of law, the finest university system in the world, the freedom of democracy and a deeply accepted culture of risk—taking. of course this great nation of ours is
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forfrom course this great nation of ours is for from perfect. even course this great nation of ours is forfrom perfect. even as course this great nation of ours is for from perfect. even as we course this great nation of ours is forfrom perfect. even as we honour the legacy ofjohn lewis we, we are in the middle of a reckoning for so we are so in the middle of a reckoning for so we are so tasty challenge of income inequality and we are struggling through a pandemic. still with all of ourfaults through a pandemic. still with all of our faults and problems, the through a pandemic. still with all of ourfaults and problems, the rest of ourfaults and problems, the rest of the world with love even the tiniest sip of the elixir we have here in the us. immigrants like my dad see what a treasure this country is, they have perspective and often can see it even a more clearly than those of us who are lucky enough to be born here. it is still day one for this country and even in the face of today's humbling challenges, i have never been more optimistic about our future. i appreciate the opportunity to appear before you today and i am happy to take your questions. thank you. mr pichai, you are now recognised for five minutes. thank you, mr chairman. before i
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start, i know this hearing was delayed because of the ceremonies to honour the life of your colleague john lewis. because of his courage as well does a better place. he will be deeply missed. at its heart, this discussion of petition is about opportunity. it has never been more important as the global pandemic forces jewel challenges to our health and economy. expanding access to...i health and economy. expanding access to... idid health and economy. expanding access to... i did not have much access to a computer growing up in india, so you can imagine my amazement when i arrived in the us for graduate school and that an entire lab of computers to use. accessing the internet for the first time set me ona internet for the first time set me on a path to bring technology to as many people as possible. inspired me to build a google‘s first browser
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chrome. i am to build a google‘s first browser chrome. iam proud to build a google‘s first browser chrome. i am proud 11 years later that so many people experience chrome forfree. google that so many people experience chrome for free. google takes pride in the number of people who choose oui’ in the number of people who choose our products. we are even prouder of what they do with them. from the 140 million students and teachers using g street for education to stay connected. to the 5 million americans gaining digital skills through our services to other people who have turned to google for help, from finding the fastest route home to learning how to cook a new dish on youtube. google‘s way could not be possible without the long tradition of american innovation and we are proud to contribute to the future. we employ more and 75,000 people in the us across 26 states, the progressive policy institute estimated in 2018 we enlisted more than $20 million in the us are citing us as the largest capital
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investor that here and in the top five for the last three years. one way we contribute is by building helpful products. researcher found that free services like search, gmailand maps that free services like search, gmail and maps provide thousands of dollars every year in value to the average american and many smaller businesses using our digital products to grow. stone dimensions, afamily products to grow. stone dimensions, a family owned company uses google my business to draft more customers. an appliance shop in bristol rhode island uses google to reach customers online during the pandemic. nearly one third of small business owners say without digital tools, they would have had to close all or part of their business during covid—19. another way we contribute is being among the world's biggest research developers.
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we have invested over $90 billion the last five years. our engineers are helping america remain a global leader in emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, cell driving cars and quantum computers. just with the technology leadership in america is not inevitable, we are not guaranteed. new competitors emerge every day and today users have more access to information than ever before. competition drives us to innovate and lead to better products. more choice for everyone. for example, competition helps lower costs. but savings are passed down to consumers. open platforms like android also is a part of the innovation of others. using android, thousands of mobile operators build their own cell devices without
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paying licensee fees to us for stuff that has allowed cutting smartphones for less than $50. whether building tools for small businesses or platforms like android, google succeeds when others succeed. competition also set higher standards for privacy and security. i have always believed privacy is a universal right and google is committed to keeping information safe, treating it responsibly, putting you in control and we have long supported the creation of comprehensive privacy loss. i have never forgotten how access to technology and innovation changed the course of my life. google aims to build products that increase opportunity for everyone never matter where you live, what you believe all how much money you earn. we are committed to doing this responsibly in partnership with lawmakers to ensure every american has access to the incredible
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opportunity technology creates. thank you. thank you mr for chive. mr cook is now recognised for five minutes. members of a subcommittee, thank you for the opportunity to offer testimony. before i begin, i wa nt to offer testimony. before i begin, i want to recognise the life and legacy ofjohn lewis. ijoin you in the morning not only a hero, but someone the morning not only a hero, but someone i knew personally who inspires and guides me still. every american owes john lewis inspires and guides me still. every american owesjohn lewis a debt and i feel fortunate to to have benefited so profoundly from his leadership. my name is tim cook, i have been the ceo of apple since 2011 and a proud employee of this uniquely american company since 1998. at apple, we make ourselves a
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promise and our customers a promise that we will only build things that make us proud. as steve put it, we only make things we recommend to our family and friends. you can try to define this difference in a lot of ways. you can call it the seamless integration of hardware and software, you can call it simplicity of design or a great ecosystem. all of design or a great ecosystem. all of those things are true, but if you wa nt to of those things are true, but if you want to put it simply, is products like iphonejust work. when customers consistently give iphone a 99% satisfaction rating, that is the message they are sending about the user experience. but we also know that customers have a lot of choices and the products face fierce competition for step competition from samsung, huawei have different approaches. we are ok with that. our goal is the best, not the most. in fa ct, goal is the best, not the most. in fact, we don't have a dominant share
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in any market or any


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