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tv   Outside Source  BBC News  July 29, 2020 9:00pm-10:00pm BST

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hello i'm ros atkins, welcome to outside source the bosses of amazon, facebook, apple and google are being grilled by congress over claims they're stifling competition. we'll bring you the latest. america's top infectious diseases expert warns the politicisation of the coronavirus is coming in the way of an effective response. there is a considerable degree of political divisiveness to a level that everyone admits, you don't need me to make that declaration. and in europe, young people could be contributing to the resurgence of coronavirus, the new warning from the world health organization.
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and a new law for turkey giving the government sweeping new powers over social media platforms — we'll look into the motives. with the help of bbc turkish, we will look at the motivation behind that. welcome. now — this hasn't happened before. four of the most powerful people in technology are giving evidence to the us congress. they are — jeff bezos of amazon, tim cook of apple, mark zuckerberg of facebook and sundar pichai of google. and the question at the heart of all this is whether these companies are simply too big. there's no dispute that they are big. together these four companies represent $5 trillion within the us economy. the new york times describes the hearing as a... the chairman of the committee doesn't see it that way. simply put, they have too much power. this power staves off new forms of competition, creativity, and innovation.
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how these tech bosses stand up to scrutiny could be a defining moment in theirfuture relationship with government. they have never all been quizzed together. let's start with their opening statements which were released ahead of the hearing. jeff bezos writes... mark zuckerberg said... tim cook wrote... sundar pichai from alphabet — google‘s parent company — told the committee... now to the hearing. it was done via video link and sundar pichai was questioned first — his company is dealing with multiple
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antitrust allegations over google‘s online search dominance. it controls about 90% of the search market and is accused of stealing content. here's one exchange between sundar pichar and the chairman. the evidence that we collected shows that google pursued a multipronged attack. first, google begin to steal other webpages‘ content. for example in 2010, google stole restaurant reviews from yelp to bootstrap its own rival local search business. mr pichar, do you know how google responded when yelp asked you to stop stealing their reviews? well, i'll tell you. our investigation shows that google‘s response was to threaten to delist yelp entirely. in other words, the choice google gave yelp was, "let us steal your content or effectively disappear from the web." mr pichar, isn't that anti—competitive? congressman, when i run the company, i'm really focused on giving users what they want, we conduct ourselves to the highest standard. happy to engage and understand the
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specifics and answer your questions. next to jeff bezos — he's the world's richest man. and he has never testified before either house before. amazon controls about 38% of the e—retail market — and is accused of anti—competitive behaviour by promoting its own products above third—party sellers. jeff bezos was asked about that. does amazon ever access and use third—party sever does amazon ever access and use third— party sever data when does amazon ever access and use third—party sever data when making business decisions and just a yes or no will suffice? i can't answer that question yes or no. what i can tell you is we have a policy using some specific data to aid our private business. —— seller specific data. but i cannot guarantee you that that policy has never been violated. and then there was this exchange. if amazon did not have monopoly power over the service, do you think they would stay in this restaurant that escaped her as by a bully,
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fear, and panic? with all respect congresswoman, i do not accept the premise of your question. that is not how we operate the business. and in fact we work very hard to provide a fantastic tool for cyrus and that is what they had been with us... thank you for that. -- four sellers. next mark zuckerberg. rivals accuse facebook of being a monopoly power in the world of social networking. here's what he's said about facebook buying instagram. i think with hindsight, it probably looks, like, obvious that instagram would have reached the scale that it has today but at the time it was far from obvious. to which this was the response from chairman jerry nadler. facebook — by mr zuckerberg's own admission and by the documents we have from the time — facebook saw instagram as a threat that could potentially siphon business away from facebook. and so rather than compete with that, facebook bought it. this is exactly the type of anti—competitive acquisition that the antitrust laws were designed to prevent. tim cook next — he's the ceo of apple. it's been accused of unfairly using its clout over its app store to block rivals
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and charge high commissions. here's what he's said. we have fierce competition at the developers side and the customer side which is essentially, it's so competitive, i would describe it as a street fight for market share in the smartphone business. this is all about power and influence — and of course — it's political. let's hear from republican jim jordan. i'lljust cut to the chase — bg tech is out to get conservatives. that's not a suspicion, that's not a hunch — that's a fact. july 20th, 2020, google removes the home pages of breitbart and the daily caller. just last night, we learned that google has censored breitbart so much, traffic has declined 99%. barbara plett usher is live in dc. you have been watching the whole thing, have we learned anything new? well, i don't know. it almost seems as if the two parties came to two
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different hearings because you have on the one hand the democrats who come armed with weapons. they have been investigating for a year, they have data, information, examples and you see them peppering these chief executives with questions about stealing content, favouring their products, acquisitions, citing exa m ples products, acquisitions, citing examples and sometimes barely giving the tech tightens the ability to respond and then on the other hand you have republicans who have been very much concerned about freedom of information and expression, they say the suppressing of hate speech is going to suppress conservative views in an election year and i think that clip you played from jim jordan was telling. he pressed google about whether it would create a platform just forjoe biden. that is their concern. and then you have the tech titans themselves who have basically been arguing that they do face competition, that smaller companies
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to benefit from platforms but they have also successfully fought off competition as they rose through the ra nks competition as they rose through the ranks and that is capitalism. a lot of political theatre here using information that was gained over the past year and arguments that were put out before hand the statements that the four chief executives put out. it must be quite difficult to drill into particular issues because while all these copies are huge they are quite different businesses, aren't they? yeah, they are different. the antitrust issues are complex and of course the point of this committee ostensibly is to get information about where they have used their power to damage consumers and to damage rivals and so on and you need detail for that and to damage rivals and so on and you need detailfor that and it is difficult if you have the four of them all at once, it does tend to be a general more broad brush stroke and prone to political theatre as i said but at the same time the
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spectacle itself does i think have some value in the minds of those who do want to toughen antitrust laws and that it could create momentum behind that movement. you have the chief executives who want to be there in a group because they would prefer not to be grilled individually but also they will make their arguments against further regulation but they will also want to be present at the table to help shape whatever comes forward. so you have all those different interests on the table there in this controversial hearing. barbara, thank you very much indeed. and as barbara was alluding to misinformation was one of the things they're asking about particularly with coronavirus. whitney update you on the situation in the us with covid—i9. —— let me update you. the number of people who have died of coronavirus in the united states has now exceeded 150,000. nearly 1300 people died on tuesday alone — the biggest daily total since may. america's top infectious diseases expert, anthony fauci, has been a centralfigure
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in fighting covid—19 in the us, and he's been speaking to the bbc‘s katty kay sot and he's been speaking to the bbc‘s katty kay. you have said before, dr fauci, that you during the course of your career have spent decades preparing for this possibility of a pandemic like covid—19. when you were preparing for something like this, did you ever imagine that the politics would make it difficult to effectively manage this kind of situation, that the politics would get so mixed up in this? no, i did not. obviously when you're dealing with things that involve politicians, there is always a bit of political manoeuvring. we have seen that in almost every outbreak but it had been minor and didn't impact what we were doing with regard to response. but i think it's no secret from looking at the situation in the united states that there is a considerable degree of political divisiveness to a level that everyone admits.
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you don't need me to make that declaration. i think anyone, even with those who have more experience and more ability to observe and make judgement on that, that this is a very unusual situation of political divisiveness in this country. president trump does not appear to see things the same way as dr fauci. as we have seen plenty of times. this is what he had to say at a white house briefing yesterday. he has got a very good approval rating and i like that, it is good because remember he is working for this administration, he is working with us, john. we could have gotten other people, we could have gotten somebody else, it didn't have to be dr fauci. he is working with our administration and for the most part we have done pretty much what he and others — dr birx, who are terrific — recommended. and he's got this high approval rating so why don't i have a high approval rating with respect — and the administration with respect — to the virus?
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we believe that for another day. write us go back to doctor fauci who has had considerable pressure from president trump but he is always been giving to put medic answers. i've been speaking to katty kay about why dr fauci gave her such diplomatic answers. he has been put in a very different —— difficult situation. i'm lucky i gotan hourand —— difficult situation. i'm lucky i got an hour and a half to talk to him. we focused on a lot of the medical issues. we focus on the masks, hydroxychloroquine, vaccines and that kind of thing but it is worth asking him about the politics because he has been put in this political situation which is making it harderfor him to do hisjob. i asked him about the president seeming to endorse just as recently as yesterday hydroxychloroquine, i asked about the president retweeting somebody that said you don't need to wear masks. dr fauci told me he thought that wasn't helpful and at the end of the interview i asked him
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how he is doing, he has been going at this for five months nonstop 15,16,17 hour days. he said it is stressful because of all these issues to do with politics. he is trying to do hisjob, the medical side of things and manage the politics — both very important because he needs to be as effective as possible. during the course of my half—hour with him, what i heard was quite a lot of frustration with people being lax about the rules but also with this political situation he is dealing with. aside from the political drama, he says on the full his administration is following dr fauci's guidance? is that fair, do you think dr fauci would categorise it in the same way? i think he would make the distinction between the white house and the individual states and what he told me is that several states have jumped the gun. that the medical experts at the white house on the white house task force came up with very clear guidelines on how america should
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reopen after lockdown and several states he said he was not going to name them that several states ignore those guidelines and opened up too early which is why we are in the position we are in. it is interesting i asked him at the beginning of the interview if we had been talking back in april and you had described to me the situation in america at the end ofjuly, would it look like this? and he said no, this is a lot worse than he thought it was going to be. president trump has continued to promote the anti—malaria drug, hydroxychloroquine. despite the world health organization and the us national institutes of health having found no evidence that the drug is useful for covid—19 patients. it can also have serious side—effects if misused. this is what president trump told reporters. many doctors think it's extremely good and some people don't, some people i think it's become very political. i happen to believe in it. i took it for a 14—day period. and i'm here, right? i'm here.
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i happen to think it works in the early stages, and front line medical people believe that too, some, many, and so we will take a look at it. president trump has also defended his retweet of a video featuring a doctor backing the use of the drug. this same doctor in the past has talked about using dna from aliens to make medicines. all of which led to an exchange for the ages. mr president, the woman you said was a great doctor in that video that you retweeted last night said that masks don't work and there's a cure for covid—19, both of which experts say is not true. she's also made videos saying that doctors make medicine using dna from aliens and that they are trying to create a vaccine to make you immune from becoming religious... maybe it's not but i can tell you this. she was on air along with many other doctors that were big fans of hydroxychloroquine, and i thought she was very impressive in the sense that — from where she came, i don't know which country she comes from.
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but she said that she's had tremendous success with hundreds of different patients, and i thought her voice was an important voice but i know nothing about her. she says masks don't work. last week... 0k, thank you very much everybody. thank you. and with that the president was gone and here was what katty asked dr fauci for his take on this. what about hydroxychloroquine? and i ask you about this because it has come back into the news because the president yesterday evening in the white house stood there and said he believes in it and that it is safe and again seemed to be touting this drug. is the president right? again, katty, it's not productive or helpful for me to be making judgements on right or wrong but what i can say is what i have said all along that the overwhelming body of data from trials that
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were well—run, randomised placebo—controlled trials, indicate that hydroxychloroquine is not effective in treating coronavirus disease or covid—19. here's katty again, on whether president trump's contributions to the covid—19 debate have made dr fauci'sjob harder. we are in the dna from aliens phase of this presidency which is pretty weird, right? she has also suggested that gynaecological problems can come from having dreams about having sex with demons. i mean, it's bizarre. clearly the president did not particularly like it because he left immediately as he was being asked about it. i pushed dr fauci on this and he is not very comfortable talking about the politics of this and the differences he has with the president. but the reason i wanted to push him on this is because dr fauci has a 65% approval rating in this country, very few people have that.
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there is so much misinformation about this disease out there on the internet. the president says one thing, some of the doctors say another thing. here you have somebody who has a high degree of trust from the american public and to some extent having his voice clarifying the issues around masks, the issues around hydroxychloroquine i think is useful when the president might be saying something else and i wanted to ask dr fauci in the sense don't you have a duty to speak out because the american public does trust you at a time when they are getting a lot of misinformation and there is not a lot of trust in other institutions? he doesn't necessarily want to talk about it but he does want to make his position clear. his position is that masks are helpful, that hydroxychloroquine for the treatment of covid—19 is not helpful and has not been proven to be helpful, and he was very categorical that he has not misled the american public on either of those issues.
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that is where we have got to in the us. stay with us on oustide source, still to come... in europe — young people could be contributing to the resurgence of coronavirus here, the new warning from the world health organisation. we will get into more detail on that. a railway bridge has collapsed after a freight train caught fire and derailed in tempe, arizona. up to ten cars from the train left the track just west of the city of phoenix. april wernecke is from cbs. ijust heard from fire officials down there, and they said there have been no major injuries, but one person has been treated for smoke inhalation. it's really pretty incredible that we haven't seen a more injuries because this is a train which caught fire going on a bridge, and then derailed, and the bridge collapsed right over a very popular park in ourarea. it is over tempe town lake
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and tempe beach park, and tempe is a suburb here of phoenix, and that is a large parking grassy area where on a morning like this, we've got a lot of people biking and walking around. we spoke with one woman this morning who said she had just finished going under that bridge on her morning walk when it collapsed immediately afterwards. she said the sound was horrifying and she described the scene out there as looking like a scene out of hell. this is outside source live from the bbc newsroom. the bosses of amazon, facebook, apple and google are being grilled by congress over claims they're stifling competition. time for a full round—up on the pandemic. we'll start in europe. the who says that young people could be "driving the resurgence" of coronavirus in europe. here's its regional director. what we see epidemiologically
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is a shift in younger age cohorts of new covid—19 infections. so, not scientifically attested yet but this can be well to do with behaviour, social interactions. so, the key issue here to take it positive is that the observed trend justifies a reflection on how to harness the youth to push back covid—19. let's not make it easy for the virus. this is a chart from the eu showing coronavirus hotspots. the dark red places are the worst affected — you'll note spain is that colour, as is luxembourg. the situation in spain of course led the uk government to reintroduce quarantine measures for travellers coming into the uk from spain. today spanish ministers have appealed again for that policy to be relaxed, especially for the balearic and canary islands, which are vital to spain's tourism industry. gavin lee is in majorca — he sent this report.
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they are correct it quickly when the pen difference but it was the first to break. they've seenjust pen difference but it was the first to break. they've seen just 2000 cases in five months and we are told that many businesses that only opened a week ago have no close again because of a quarantine rule and advice on the travel here. in the side streets of the capital, the tourism ministerfor the balearic islands and says money from british holiday—makers has provided the backbone to the economy for decades. translation: no one in the uk seems to understand quite how much economic damage these quarantine measures is causing. in terms of the health risk about someone terms of the health risk about someone coming here will be far safer than in the uk. across spain, covid cases are still rising. the majority in the northeast of the country. but the wish you were here appealfrom country. but the wish you were here appeal from politicians of these islands now appears to have been in vain. these shores are likely to be quiet for some time. gavin lee, bbc
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news, in majorca. next to brussels. here's nick beake. here in brussels, the belgian government is now warning there may have to be a second complete lockdown. but before that if cases continue to rise, the british government may put belgium in the same category as spain and that would mean anyone coming from here to the uk has to quarantine when they arrive. very different impact on people moving and travelling as the annual muslim hajj pilgrimage to mecca in saudi arabia is under way — but with drastically reduced numbers because of the pandemic. now these pictures are from earlier. pilgrims with colourful parasols are performing tawaf — this is when they circle seven times counter—clockwise around islam's holiest site, the kaaba. but contrast this with pictures from a year ago —
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two million muslims from around the world travelled to mecca. well, a maximum of 10,000 local residents are taking part in 2020, and some of the rituals will be different or won't happen at all. bbc world service router support is here with us. sophia gail smith is here. understand —— help us understand what is happening in the coming days. as you have said we are not seen the fast numbers were used to seeing attend no income it is only about 10000 and it is not simply local residents who are taking part, we know that there are about 70% of saudi arabia's foreign residents taking part as well as 30% of locals. they have been quarantined before they took part in the hajj this year. they will be quarantined afterwards as well and there were a number of temperature checks and virus tests as well before they took part. that's not
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normally what happens when they entered the holy city of mecca especially by those are just a few exa m ples of especially by those are just a few examples of the number of measures taking place and as you can see from those images that we were seeing today, people are trying to implement social distancing as much as they can. are there any additional possibilities that won't replace the experience of being in mecca but may in some way alleviate people's frustrations that they can't ago? it's interesting because this time of year anyway obviously every year not every single muslim can perform the hajj, this is the fifth pillar of islam, it's something that every muslim who is financially and physically capable will hope to do so at some point in their life. it is an obligation but generally during this time of year they will pray, they might watch it islamic lectures online for sample, those of virtual options that have a lwa ys those of virtual options that have always been available. some apps have pivoted. there are a bunch of apps that will prepare someone for
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hajj. i am going tojump in because we are up hajj. i am going tojump in because we are up against the half thank you for talking to us was that that is it, and we will see you in a couple of minutes. hello again. it was a little bit warmer out there today. but over the next two days, the heat will really build. temperatures will rise and, by friday, it could be the hottest day of the year so far. temperatures will be slower to rise in scotland and northern ireland, perhaps because we've got these weather fronts coming in from the atlantic, bringing more cloud and some outbreaks of rain. and through the night, most of the rain will be affecting northern ireland. there will still be some for a while in wales, and a few spots will head up into the northwest of england and southwestern parts of scotland. either side of that, some clearer skies developing. and generally, temperatures 10—12 celsius tonight, but probably a bit colder across northern parts of mainland scotland with maybe some early sunshine on thursday. very quickly, though, we'll see that rain turning heavier in northern ireland. it will cheer up through the day
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as the wind picks up and blows that rain away, pushing it further north into scotland. at the same time, we'll see more sunshine coming up from the south across england and wales, and it's here that temperatures will get particularly high — 27—28 celsius through the midlands and the southeast of england, warmer than today for northern ireland. now it was only yesterday that we had those cool, northwesterly winds. in order for the temperatures to rise so rapidly in the next few days, the wind direction has to change. and we're tapping into a south—easterly breeze bringing in warmth from continental europe ahead of these weather fronts, trying to push in from the atlantic. so whilst it's getting much warmer across much of the country, northern ireland may miss out on the high temperatures because we've got this showery rain coming in from the west. ahead of it, more of a breeze picking up, blowing in lots of sunshine — strong sunshine, as well — lifting temperatures in scotland into the mid—20s, widely 29—30 celsius in england and wales, and 3a in the southeast of england. this will be the peak of the heat on friday and, with that heat,
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there could be a few showers developing across the midlands and eastern england ahead of the rain that's coming in from the atlantic to western areas. all that wet weather pushes its way eastwards overnight and, as we head into the weekend, it's all change again. we return those winds to the west or southwest atlantic air, and that means it will turn cooler and fresher. those temperatures certainly will be dropping away. there'll be some sunshine and a few showers, with most of the showers in the north—west of the uk.
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hello i'm ros atkins, welcome to outside source the bosses of amazon, facebook, apple and google are being grilled by congress over claims they're stifling competition. we'll bring you the latest. america's top infectious diseases expert warns the politicisation of the coronavirus is coming in the way of an effective response. there is a considerable degree of political divisiveness to a level that everyone admits, you don't need me to make that declaration. and in europe, young people could be contributing to the resurgence of coronavirus, the new warning from the world health organisation.
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and a new law for turkey giving the government sweeping new powers over social media platforms — we'll look into the motives. we're going to continue with our coronavirus roundup. next destination is india. it has more than one—and—a—half million confirmed cases — that's the third highest total in the world — and 311,000 people have died. well, a new survey has found that over 50% of people living in slums in mumbai could have had the virus. that's compared with 16% of people elsewhere in the city. here's aruno—day mukharji. essentially it was conducted on 7000 individuals. and what it is done it is found that one in every six individuals is believed to have contracted coronavirus in the city. what is more alarming is that in the slum clusters that figure is about 57% according to this research this is extremely significant because the entire population of mumbai 65% of the population lives in the slum clusters where it is impossible
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to follow social distancing norm. because for every basic need to have to go out of your house. you stand cues for your daily water supply, even use public utilities was up so that is the biggest challenge. what scientists are seeing is perhaps this could lead to the prospect of the city going towards some sort of herd immunity. mumbai has seen a slowdown of cases. nearly 717 cases were reported yesterday in the last 25 "24 hours which is the lowest in the last three months. so scientists are encouraged however they still remain skeptical. next — to east asia, specifically, hong kong. after apparent early success at containing the virus, its leader has warned the territory is on the verge of a "large—scale" coronavirus outbreak again. she released this recorded message. fellow citizen hong kong is facing a new wave of transmissions. upsurge
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in cases many unknown sources. we are on the verge of a large skirt eight scale community outbreak. i appeal to you to follow strictly the social distancing measures and say at home as far as possible. if we stand united and work together we can suppress this epidemic again. here's stephen mcdonnell. restaurants are back to home delivery only. bars, gyms and other public spaces have been ordered to close again. masks are mandatory. you still have to wear it even if it's uncomfortable. you'll be fined if you don't word and i'm scared of getting ill. some medical specialist have called for a much tighter border restrictions. the government has been criticised for exempting certain groups from the need to do 1a days of quarantine on arrival. this includes sailors, airline crews and even executives from large corporations.
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then there is the political dimension to this. the coronavirus sense of can't be ignored. having a little over 100 cases a day is well short of the emergency is seen elsewhere. some analysts have asked is overstating the danger in that city in order to use that as an excuse to postpone elections. which are due later this year and which could turn out badly for government. then again, maybe she's just trying to shock residents into action. vietnam's another country that initially seemed to have controlled the virus. but then today, this from the prime minister. i repeat, all provinces are under high risk. all provinces should raise their alert level. chairman and general secretaries of each province should take action as far as the whole political system the public should be careful and alert
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and follow the instructions that we have conveyed to them. earlier in the week, tourists were evacuated from the city of danang — and now a strict lockdown has been imposed. danang is in central vietnam. it's confirmed seveal cases — as have vietnam's two biggest cities, hanoi and ho chi minh city. here's bbc vietnamese's bui thu. there is almost like 30 cases as outside and seven cities and provinces in vietnam. this causes a concern because still now the authorities cannot trace when i trace the source of the new strains of coronavirus beds in the country. the health ministry says that it's important from outside vietnam. they haven't been reporting any kind of coronavirus in the virus in vietnam before. they are very afraid of it. also they cannot find the patient zero. they still cannot trace
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the source of the coronavirus. it's part of the concern people in the country and it spread very very fast. a big story developing in turkey. in ankara parliament has passed a new law giving the government sweeping new powers over social media platforms. firms with more than a million users in turkey must set up local offices and must comply with requests to remove content that the government deems offensive. if they don't comply, they face fines of up to 7$00,000, which probably won't hurt too much — and have their data speeds cut by 95%, which might. president erdogan has been unequivocal on this. earlier this month he called social media firms "immoral platforms" and warned they would be "completely banned or controlled'. he argues this new law will protect citizens from cybercrime though you imagine the ability to more easily censor critics has its attractions too. amnesty international has called it "the latest, and perhaps most brazen attack on free expression in turkey".
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this turkish opposition mp had a similarwarning. she wrote "if this law passes, women's murders will not be heard, violations of rights will not be heard and different ideas will not be heard. ajay goksidev, bbc turkish, istanbul, reaction inside turkey — which firms firms. help us understand which the biggest social media platforms are in turkey. in turkey social media platforms are mostly, the primary sources of content and news that people cannot reach on mainstream media. and they are facebook mostly and instagram. because the mainstream media companies in turkey mostly owned by company close to the government. it is creating a huge reaction in turkey. especially on social media. that is going to be a threat on freedom of press in turkey. stay there please. these
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pictures which i want to show eve ryo ne pictures which i want to show everyone watching have been widely shared on social media on the past 48 hours. that women in different countries including turkey posting black—and—white photos of themselves but the caption challenge accepted. there been more than five and a half have millie oppose the general theme is women empowerment and women supporting women first up is hard to beat definitive at this campaign appears to have started in turkey to protest violence against women. some articles like this say the mass campaign is obscured perhaps its original purpose. the spark was the death of this woman, her body was found two weeks ago, local media has reported she was beaten and strangled to death by a former partner. though they remain allegations. but for many her cases highlighted turkey as homicide rate. attorney for hundred 40 71 women we re attorney for hundred 40 71 women were killed last year demonstrations of others have been growing. this rally took place in ankara on sunday. ajay, how we understand where this decision the turkish government is taking around a treaty
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with regards to women's, violence against women. how does that fit into the story? social media platforms are not only a source of news and content. also a huge place ona news and content. also a huge place on a platforms for campaigning for human rights and human stress and violation against women's rights. the government recently our and women are posting their black and white pictures using the tag keeps women alive. some can in 2011 and it isa women alive. some can in 2011 and it is a convention for combating and preventing the violence against women. the women's rights activists has been asking the government to apply the rules in the convention in practice. it's not just apply the rules in the convention in practice. it's notjust come at the government have been calling this, instead of this plight of this
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because the government has been mentioning that they are actually considering leaving that convention. after this comments from the government officials as you mentioned was two weeks ago there have been huge rallies and protests around turkey. the police intervening some of those protest was that it's a huge problem in turkey. almost 30 women were killed by their partners or ex—partners. this campaign, all these campaigns about women's rights is really effective on the authorities. on social media. so the new rule about social media. so the new rule about social media. so the new rule about social media will affect theirs. i have to mention this, last year there was a case two men killed a young woman and there was no arrest and women started this campaign on social media last year. and those two men, the killers were sentenced
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to almost 30 years. they actually said in the court that we are being on trial because of twitter. that's how social media is important in turkey. thank you very much indeed. inafew in a few minutes in the programme we re in a few minutes in the programme were going to talk about wild tigers. the number of wild tigers in some areas seems to be rising experts are describing it as a remarkable comeback. we will try and understand why it's happening. at the height of the pandemic, the bbc heard from nhs staff about what it was like working on the coronavirus frontline. one of them, dr sarah edwards did a video diary in april from the a&e department at leicester royal infirmary. she's done another — here's our health correspondent catherine burns. she recorded herfirst video diary at the peak of the pandemic.
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and at the time, dr sarah edwards said it could feel scary. the increasing numbers of patients we've been seeing, and some of them are of the same sort of age as i am in my 30s who are coming in very, very poorly. but then in her own a&e this time as a patient. she says she felt vulnerable when she found out she had coronavirus and pneumonia, and was moved into isolation. but now she's well enough to go back to work. starting with a night shift. feeling a little bit apprehensive as it's my first shift being back here for nearly four weeks since i was a patient with covid. but i'm excited about the challenge. a&e is split into two zones, red and blue, to separate suspected covid cases from other patients. on this shift, sarah is the senior doctor in the red area. if there is a risk someone could have coronavirus, they're brought here —
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but they could also have anything from heart attacks to broken bones. more people are coming back with other stuff other than covid which is great and i'm really keen to see those patients. but also there's still a lot of covid around. hours later, finally break—time and a walk to the canteen. it's been a busy evening. both sides of the department have been busy but particularly the high—risk, suspected covid area. lots of complicated and poorly patients. this is outside source live from the bbc newsroom. the bosses of amazon, facebook, apple and google are being grilled by congress over claims they're stifling competition.
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some good news to end the show. after years in decline, the number of wild tigers in some areas seems to be rising. experts are even describing it as a "remarkable comeback". the rise is mainly being seen in five countries. india, china, nepal, russia and bhutan. to give you a few examples. in 2010, there were as few as 3,200 wild tigers. in india alone, the number of wild tigers is now estimated at between 2,600 and 3,350 animals — which makes up around three—quarters of the world's population. and neighbouring nepal has seen its population of tigers is up from 121 in 2009 to 235just under a decade later. very encouraging numbers. bbc news' beth timmins is here to explain more. let's start with the problem, beth. why weren't there numbers falling so much ten years ago or so? the main issues here have been poaching and also ruining the forested areas that the tigers live in. so deforestation
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to both the tigers in the play as well. these have been the major issues affecting the tigers in these areas. 100 years ago there would have been thousands upon thousands of tigers roaming in these areas. what's change? in 2010 the 13 target range countries, the countries that still have tiger populations got together and decided to make a concerted effort. that was included at everyone from local government to big charities like wwf to drop an plan to basically try and work out wildlife corridors for these tigers to go through and better protect both their habitats and their food sources. i've noticed people are being quite cautious about the numbers. can we not be more definitive that they definitely gonna? i have spoken to quite a few of the conservation groups who have recorded these numbers. in the
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national park over the last decade they've had a rise from ten to 22. so the reality is that it such small numbers that it's not so much to be hopeful about just yet. also numbers that it's not so much to be hopeful aboutjust yet. also in southeast asia, vietnam, cambodia still have no tigers at all. they've become extinct in those countries. because of snare issues being laid out there are 12 point 3 million snares in those areas. some real threats to the population there. some threats but good news nonetheless. i get very much beth. see you tomorrow. hello i'm sarah mulkerrins at the bbc sport centre. with less than a year to go until the olympics opening ceremony — organisers say they remain committed to the games taking place. it s accepted though that there may be compromises made,
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during the hosting of both the olympics and paralympics. earlier we spoke to our sports news correspondent alex capstick who has been speaking to tokyo 2020 chief executive toshiro muto. getting athletes from japan from countries with high infection rates, thatis countries with high infection rates, that is an issue they are looking at. there might be special measures for them. they're going to have to revisit plans for accommodation if the virus has been contained. i'm not sure how you can cram 10,000 athletes into an olympic village of that was the case was on the also have to look at transport. getting athletes to and from venues with them and when those venues before them and when those venues before the fans? that is the ambition certainly. but mr moto said they are considering ways of limiting the number of spectators. although the president made clear he didn't want to empty stadiums. mr bark is not working that scenario. in other
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words he may be looking at a limited number of spectators with full consideration of social distancing. and are you learning, are you learning spots around the world while some fans are being allowed? i know in japan while some fans are being allowed? i know injapan you've got a limit of 500 football, soccer games and baseball games right now. are you looking at those examples that you could perhaps utilise at tokyo 2020? indeed. we are very interested. and we are going to inspect how they are managing the situation. and we will learn from them. you are not looking at simplifying the games around 200 ideas are being considerate. partly to save money. because there are added costs with the delay. they will be mostly behind the scenes. i don't think it will affect, don't wa nt don't think it will affect, don't want her to affect the athletes or impact on the competition. one idea is to scale back on the opening and closing ceremonies. but you made it clear that if they do have to implement all of these
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countermeasures he doesn't want tokyo to be seen or viewed negatively. doesn't want to be seen asa diminished negatively. doesn't want to be seen as a diminished experience was up rather as a model for the future. because this would be the first olympics during a pandemic. so there's still huge uncertainty over whether the games will take place next year, and there's bound to be mixed feelings among the athletes. earlier we spoke to the united states' 200 metres world champion noah lyles. i think for the sake of my metal i have to automatically just assumed that were going to have the only mix next year. —— metal. i can't be thinking because then i will go into a state of panic thinking all the things that can happen. right now they are set to happen next year in july i'm going to train like that. in terms of how they are going to organise things. that's not myjob at somebody else's job. and i'm gonna let them do theirjob. and i'm gonna let them do theirjob. now, we've been hearing from one
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of the most influential women in british sport who vows to root out people not treating athletes correctly. sally munday, the chief executive of uk sport, the funding agency responsible for olympic and paralympic sports, has been responding to the recent allegations of abuse in british gymnastics. she's been telling our sports editor dan roan there are people who are not doing the right thing. it upsets me. they are disturbing allegations. but i fundamentally believe that the vast majority of people that work in british sports at the elite and are doing the right thing and have athletes interests and welfare in their heart. i really truly believe. but there is no room for the behaviour that's been described in some of those allegations in british sport. in all of us in british sport have got to ta ke of us in british sport have got to take a role and responsibility in making sure that people who want to behave like that are not welcome. like in everyday life, there are
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people that don't behave to the standards that i come at you would wa nt to standards that i come at you would want to see. and he sports gets its share of those people that come into oui’ share of those people that come into our world. what we need to do collectively moving forward is route those people out. if you are not confident with british gymnastics and its commitment to improve athlete welfare are you prepared to cut its funding? the measures that are open to us with any sport is to put conditions in their award that they have to meet. and ultimately, if they don't meet those conditions we re m ove if they don't meet those conditions we remove their funding. how would you describe the level of diversity and sports, boa rd rooms you describe the level of diversity and sports, boardrooms currently? nowhere where it needs to be. the level of diversity across boards and export needs to be improved. there is no hiding from that. but we are committed to having a sporting system for the up and we want over the next day during that decade to
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ensure that we have a sporting system at all levels notjust boardroom. boardroom, athletes, coaches, managers all of us that reflect society. that's what we want. that's what we want. lecce have given themselves a lifeline in the italian serie a after a 2—1victory at udinese. they are still third from bottom but are nowjust one point behind genoa who were thrashed 5—0 at sassuolo. both sides have one match remaining. here are wednesday's scores. lecce were one nil down and defeat would have seen them relegated, but gianluca lapadula scored a late winner. elsewhere wins for verona, lazio and milan. three games still being played including champions juventus at cagliari. judd trump will begin the defence of his world snooker title against fellow englishman tom ford this weekend. the tournament starts on friday — and five time winner ronnie o'sullivan's been drawn against thailand's thepchaiya un—nooh in the first round. o'sullivan's been critical
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of the decision to allow fans in to watch at the crucible theatre — becoing the only indoor sport to allow fans in since the start of the pandemic. but 2005 champion shaun murphy thinks fans should be welcomed back. i think wejust i think we just have to be careful that we don't want to saying throw the baby out with the bath water? i think you know, yes, we need to take on new measures and we all need to be more aware of ourselves and the effect we are having on the people around us. but that doesn't mean we can't ever leave the house again. and i think wejust can't ever leave the house again. and i think we just have to go right if we really want to get back to where we were. but we got to go back there slowly and we've got to make sure we take all the steps and push on. the other option is to never go toa on. the other option is to never go to a live sporting event again. the other option is to never go to a live sporting event again. promoter eddie hearn's plans to host boxing events in his back garden are taking shape — matchroom's headquarters in essex
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has been transformed into a venue ahead of a series of ‘fight camps', starting with saturday's domestic bout between sam eggington and ted cheeseman. eleanor roper has been to check it out. here we are in essex at the former family home of the home and family. it's now the headquarters of metro boxing. for the next month it's being turned into a fight camp.|j just hated the fact of going into a dark studio in the middle of nowhere and doing something that actually affected the value of boxing. so for me, iwant affected the value of boxing. so for me, i want to better project that people get excited about.|j me, i want to better project that people get excited about. i think we done it. all the fighters will be keptin done it. all the fighters will be kept ina done it. all the fighters will be kept in a bubble will they be tested for coronavirus was up this isn't what fans are used to but despite the obvious challenges he says he's excited to put on a show. this is a dogfight at the moment. not with other promoters but with other sports. to get their attention and say where back don't worry we are stronger than ever. and i think when you tune in here and you see this
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kind of project you're going to believe me. we will see for fight nights here over the next few months culminating in a clash between two fighters at the end of august. and that's all the sport for now. hello again. it was a little bit warmer out there today. whilst it felt a little bit warmer on wednesday, july is temperatures have been on the whole rather disappointing. but we could end the month with the hottest day of the year so far. it's going to be a short—lived heat mind you. and not everywhere is warming up just yet and northern ireland on thursday where we've got these weather fronts bringing some cloud and some rain. and it's probably going to be a wet start to thursday in northern ireland but the weather will cheer up, it will brighten up as the wind picks up and blows that rain northwards.
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the rain pushing further into scotland. for england and wales, increasing amounts of sunshine on that developing southerly or southeasterly breezes and those temperatures responding to 27 or 28 degrees through the midlands and the south—east of england. so, a complete turnaround from where we were at the start of the week with that cool northwesterly wind. instead, we are tapping into some of this heat that we've got across continental europe. that heat is ahead of this weather front, an area of low pressure out to the west. so, not everywhere will see high temperatures on friday. friday is going to be the peak of the heat but for northern ireland, we're going to be troubled by this cloud and showery rain coming in from the west. that may come into other western areas later on in the day but otherwise more of a breeze, more sunshine ahead of that rain band and more heat as well. looking at the mid 20s in scotland, widely 29, 30 degrees for england and wales with a high of 34 around the london area. but there is the potential for a few showers to develop through the midlands and run northwards across eastern england during the latter part of the day as well as that rain coming in from the west. everything will move its way
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eastwards over night and we push away all that heat and humidity, uncomfortable heat perhaps, and change to more of an atlantic wind. so a west to south—westerly wind. there's the rain having cleared away from overnight and there will be some sunshine. but a few showers around on saturday mainly for the north and west of the uk but the biggest change over the weekend is the heat is ebbing away. so, ourtop number on saturday is 24 or 25 towards the south—east of england. and we maintain this atlantic breeze coming in during the second half of the weekend as well. some stronger winds towards the north—west of the uk and this is probably where we will see the bulk of the showers on sunday. may well stay dry again throughout the weekend again across eastern parts of england but we are into cooler, fresher air, temperatures near or maybe even just below normal for the time of year, a complete turnaround for some highs of 22 in eastern parts of england. early next week, a lot of uncertainty. mainly regarding this area of low pressure here. other computer models don't develop that low some much and it stays
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to the south of the uk. this is what we're expecting to happen at the moment. the details may change but there is more cloud in the forecast on monday. we've got some rain developing moving its way northwards and eastwards across the uk as well. so limiting temperatures to around 17—21 celsius. once the area of low pressure moves away, things start to dry off during tuesday and into wednesday. and there's this ridge of high pressure moving up from the south and the computer model we tend to use here is more bullish in bringing that area of high pressure up. and keeping areas of low pressure out in the atlantic. another is a trend to its becoming drier and a bit warmer as well. but there's the chance that it is more across the south—east of the uk that was to the best of the weather, we may start to see more rain coming back into some northern and western areas.
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tonight at 10pm, the debate over quarantine intensifies, as spain urges the uk to think again about its policy. we'll have the latest from majorca, where thousands of british tourists now face 14 days of quarantine on their return to the uk. literally looked forward to it so much, and then we've come here and it's just been taken away again. after we've waited, it's gone. and one of those returning from spain today was the transport secretary, admitting that ministers had considered excluding the spanish islands from the new rules. we did have a look at whether certain islands could be included and not others. chris whitty, the chief medical officer, was very clear with us that he was concerned about the data. so we'll be looking at the latest data right across europe


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