tv The Travel Show BBC News August 28, 2020 2:30am-3:01am BST
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yet speak. a vision of a cannot yet speak. a vision of a shining city upon a hill came from jesus‘s cement on the mount. america is that from jesus's cement on the mount. america is that shining city. we are the beacon of hope for the world — sermon. at this point in time, president donald trump is the amount of the courage, the vision and the ability to keep it shining brightly. that was ben carson the secretary of housing and urban development and a presidential candidate in 2015. jane is still standing by in front of the west wing. what did you think? he tackled head on the allegations from many of president trump as my critics that he is racist. carson said
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directly that nothing could be more wrong and he went on to say that the president is someone say that the president is someone who does not submit to identity politics and its forces and does not dabble in identity politics. there you have it, robust different of criticism, allegations that he has used racially insensitive language and allegations that sometimes that language veers into outright racism. coming from ben carson, obviously, i was talking a few minutes ago about the number of african—american speakers we have had at this convention. he we have another one stop a member of donald trump's candidate putting forth a very robust defence of the president. all the heavyweights are out tonight. we will get the former new york met rudy
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giuliani and we also have had mitch mcconnell. i am immensely proud of the work the american senate has done. we have fought nancy pelosi's agenda and we will not be bullied by an american media intent on destroying america's institutions. we will stand our post on behalf of the millions of americas americans whose stories are not told in american newspapers and whose struggles are just as well. we will continue to support american families as we defeat the coronavirus and return our economy to the envy of the world. mitch mcconnell and donald trump, their fates are intertwined? they certainly. the trump presidency arguably could not argue without mitch mcconnell in the senate. he is the deal broker, the person who went the senate into line and
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he has delivered the policies of donald trump's election promises. he was the one that delivered the removal of 0bamacare, he is a one that delivered the supreme court justices. he is someone who does not get on with president trump very well and the relationship started off very rockley indeed and the president trying to belittle mitch mcconnell for not acting fast enough, not understanding how the senate and congress generally works but quickly coming to the realisation that, without mr mcconnell, his presidency in congress at least was going nowhere. that is one line and then the second alliance between his former friend rudy giuliani. america's mare ended. another big law and order advocate. he rose to
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great prominence during the 9/11 attacks. he was the one who united the country but he has become more of a... we do not know what his role is that personal lawyer? attack dog? you name it, rudy giuliani has taken up the roles. it is amazing seeing the former mayor acting as the president personal lawyer. that is probably the best job description. he pops up at various times when the president is particularly under legal jeopardy president is particularly under legaljeopardy or president is particularly under legal jeopardy or someone president is particularly under legaljeopardy or someone is claiming he has acted unethically and you usually see rudy giuliani on the screen say, no, no, no, this is com pletely say, no, no, no, this is completely wrong and the president is completely right. of course, i am paraphrasing to prove a point but i expect him to be here on the stage tonight. he's one of the great
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survivors. not invited to the convention yet it seems every time there is a convention ready giuliani will turn up. he certainly does. 0ther ready giuliani will turn up. he certainly does. other people who are here of course are the trump family. this has been a bit of the trump show. there has not been a night without somewhat with the surname trump speaking. ivanka trump it's here tonight. she's here to appeal to women who may be put off... here he comes... my name is rudy giuliani, the former mayor of new york city. in 2013, the city elected a self—described progressive democrat as mayor. new york city, once described as america's crime capital, had become by the mid—19 90s, the
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safest large city in america. today, my city is in shock. murders, shootings, and violent crime are increasing percentages unheard of in the past. we are seeing the return of rioting and looting. during rights, this democrat mayor, like others, has often prevented the police from making arrests and, even when arrests are made, liberal, progressive da's release the writers. new yorkers wonder, how did we get overwhelmed by crime so quickly and declined so crime so quickly and declined so fast? don't let democrats do to america what they have done to america what they have done to new york! again, the democrat are urging you to vote for it obviously defective candidate. biden has changed his principles so often, he no
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longer has any principles. he isa longer has any principles. he is a trojan horse with bernie, ase, prilosec, black lives matter ‘s and the party and taia matter ‘s and the party and ta ia left matter ‘s and the party and taia left wing waiting to execute their pro criminal socialist politics. —— alexandria 0casio—cortez. the unforgivable leads killing of george floyd that is how it began. peaceful protests began all over the land. the condemnation of the killing was universal, from president trump to democrat leaders. it seemed, for a few brief, shining moments, democrat and republican leaders would come together with a unified proposal to reduce police misconduct. this possibility was very dangerous to the left. they had a president to beat in
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a country to destroy and although an agreement on action against police brutality would be very valuable to the country, it would also make president trump appear to be an effect if leader and they could have none of that. so black lives matter and and and antifa got to action. right in cities, almost all democratic. people beat, shot and killed, police officers routinely assaulted, badly beaten and occasionally murdered and the police handcuffed by progressive democrat mayor ‘s from doing anything but observe the crimes and observe the blows but the worst of it was the slaughter of innocent young people with their lives ahead of them. the murder of a four—year—old in
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kansas city, it shot the nation but not black lives matter or their many democrat supporters. the 17—year—old basketball star was killed in the bronxjust days after graduating high school and on his way to st john's to play basketball. he passed without only a brief mention. 0ne—year—old shot and killed in a stroller at a cookout in brooklyn and it cause no outrage. for president trump and for us republicans, all black lives matter and the lives matter. these continuous rides in democratic cities gives you a good view of the future under biden. all five of the top cities for homicides,
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like the top cities for writing and looting, are governed by progressive democrats using the progressive democrats using the progressive democrats using the progressive democrat approach to crime which is to do nothing, to reduce it. to reduce prisoners as many and as soon as reduce prisoners as many and as soon as possible and to go to war with the police, the only group with the capability to protect your citizens. it is clear that a vote for biden and democrat create the risk that you will bring this lawlessness to your city, your town, your suburb. there is no question that this awesome job of restoring safety for our people cannot be done from your basement, joe! there is also a question that president trump will fight with all his strength to preserve the american system of government and our way of life. critical
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times in our history, america has i was been blessed with the right person to handle the crisis. washington, reagan, we re crisis. washington, reagan, were perfect for the challenges were perfect for the challenges we faced and brought our nation through gloriously. president trump with his boundless love of our country and all our people, his disciplined work ethic, his exceptional ability to inspire and his deep understanding of our system of government and the strength of american values is the man we can trust to preserve and even improve our way of life. mr president, make our nation safe ain! president, make our nation safe again! studio: the former mayor of new york rudy giuliani who is also president trump's personal lawyer. jane o'brien is outside the west wing of the white house. we will be hearing
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from the senator of arkansas, a presidential analyte and potential presidential candidate. —— presidential ally. vintage rudy giuliani. talking about joe ally. vintage rudy giuliani. talking aboutjoe biden, the defect of candidate, pro criminal, saying that antifa have hijacked the protest we have hijacked the protest we have been seeing calling for racial and social justice. this was absolutely classic rudy giuliani. impassioned, loyal, all for president trump at 90 db. that really just all for president trump at 90 db. that reallyjust sums him up. ido db. that reallyjust sums him up. i do not think we will be getting that from tom cotton. tom getting that from tom cotton. to m cotto n getting that from tom cotton. tom cotton is a very serious politician, the senator of arkansas, very hawkish, very conservative and also a staunch supporter of donald trump and
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his stance on china. he has spokenin his stance on china. he has spoken in the past about the security threat from china, intellectual property theft and somebody who has been touted as a potential presidential candidate in his own right. he has paid it down. here he is. good evening. i am senator tom cotton. a lot has changed in four years. back then we gathered in a rowdy arena. tonight, you are probably at home while i stand alone. standalone — that was the motto of my old army unit, the original band of brothers, from the normandy beaches to the iraqi desert, we fought alongside each other and we we re alongside each other and we were always prepared to stand alone. and so it is with our nation. we lead the free world.
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but we will stand alone if we must, to defend america. donald trump understand this. he put america first and that is why america first and that is why america is safe in our than four years ago butjoe biden would return us to a week and dangerous past stock barack obama's own secretary of defence has said joe biden has been wrong on nearly every major national security decision over the past four decades so let's compare the records ofjoe biden and donald trump. joe biden/ defence spending again and again. president trump rebuild our military and space force. joe biden let isis terrace rampage across the middle east. president trump eliminated isis puttmac leader and destroyed his caliphate. joe biden oppose re—mission two kill some of bin laden. president trump eventually murder of hundreds
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of americans by killing everyone's terrorist mastermind. joe biden sent thousands of cash to the ayatolla h thousands of cash to the ayatollah ali khamenei. president trump wrapped up the dangerous nuclear deal. president trump moved our embassy to jerusalem and brokered peace deals in the middle east. joe biden coddled socialist dictators in cuba and venezuela. president trump fight against communism in america's backyard and around the world and onto the communist party of china, there is no comparison. joe biden aided and abetted china's rise for 50 yea rs of aided and abetted china's rise for 50 years of terrible trade deals, that close our factories and laid off our workers. president trump stands up to china's cheating and stealing and lying. joe biden allowed
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chinese fentanyl to float across a southern chinese fentanyl to float across a southern border. president trump prevented them from voicing our kids. joe biden said chinese communist aren't even our competitor, they are not bad folks. just months before they unleash this plague on the world. president trump is clear eyed around the chinese threat and he is making china pay. china is not giving up china pay. china is not giving up and in fact are rooting for joe biden. america's other enemies won't give up eva but joe biden would be as wrong and as weak over the next four yea rs as weak over the next four years as he has been for the last 50. we need a president who stands up for america, not one who takes a neat stop a strong and proud america is a safe america, say from our enemies and safe from war. no—one who has seen the face of wa rt no—one who has seen the face of wart desires to see it again. too many of our fellow americans are already honoured
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at the hallowed grounds of arlington but if we want peace, we must be strong. weakness is provocative. resident trump's strength has kept us out of war. joe biden won't stand up for america. donald trump will. so this november, that stand with the president and voted to keep america great. senator tom coton of arkansas giving that speech in support of president trump. let's go back to our trio of wires voices i guess you could call them. we have had mcconnell, carson, giuliani and now cotton, what stands out? it's the repeated praise of donald trump, this is the guy that has
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needed to save america over we have heard about violence and lawlessness from rudy giuliani orfrom tom cotton lawlessness from rudy giuliani or from tom cotton there. perhaps this is a little different because we haven't heard very much in a way of foreign policy during this convention but from america being perceived as weak around the world. tom cotton who served in the us army in iraq and afghanistan invoking his own military experience to be able to say thatjoe biden would be soft on america's enemies. he said that he would be week on china, soft on dictators in venezuela and cuba and had this one memorable line it has to be said. senator cotton is not the most inspiring or energetic speaker compare to somebody like rudy giuliani who jane said is on fire. much more subdued. he said we need a president that stands up for america and does not take a knee. a reference to the black lives matter protest
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but mostly a foreign policy speech which is a bit of an exception in this convention. that's pick up that point you're making marianne. you we re you're making marianne. you were a democratic strategist but when you look at tom cotton's speech there, there is a strong argument that the president in this administration can make about elements of their foreign policy. there is indeed, no question about it. and i think tom cotton is seen, isjane pointed out earlier, somebody very much wants to run in 2024. has been seen at trumpet rallies. the fact that he got a prime speaking spots tonight on the same night that trump is speaking speaks volumes as well. it's interesting that cotton did not address his own military service and the questions raised around the bounties put on it us american soldiers had that trump has not confronted putin on. i think that was an interesting omission and his own service on the senate intelligence committee which is a bipartisan
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committee which is a bipartisan committee and came out and said, putin definitely tried to interfere in the 2016 election yet he is saying that donald trump should get another four years rather thanjoe trump should get another four years rather than joe biden. you can see the needle he is spreading here. he was a future in politics and in republican politics and very much needs the trump face as many of the speakers have set over these la st speakers have set over these last few days. nikki haley, a host of others who you can see running in 2024 trying to keep that trump base with them for their future prospects. ron christie, fascinating that their selection doesn't appear to be about foreign policy as previous elections were. it might be more about the suburbs than afghanistan or iraq.|j think that is right but i think what the trump campaign tried to do tonight was to be very muscular in their approach will stop you heard rudy giuliani talking about being tough on crime and of course, he was america's man—mack. i think cotton's speech was very interesting in the sense that
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he did point to the fact that he did point to the fact that he did point to the fact that he did serve in afghanistan and iraq as cathy noted. and i think bringing foreign policy into this is a strong suit for them. when you look back to the 2016 election and so that democrats always talk about russia interfering with america's collection. was president 0bama and job guide on whoever the president and vice president and they did nothing to counter the russian aggression. so what we're going to see for the rest of the night, i've had a chance to look at the remainder of the speeches tonight, is a very muscular approach to not only combating terrorism, not only dealing with people who could be potential threats to the united states but a very muscular approach to the presidency. what we will see in the next hour or two hours to come. i am tempted to ask you to fax me what you have got but i don't know if it will get here in time. i could e-mail it to you but it is embargoed but
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just trust me. there is a lot more muscle coming. i will trust you. katty, connections as we have seen in the past are often about the future as well as the present, have we seen at the 2024 republican nominee in the 2024 republican nominee in the last few nights? yes, probably. you can always have somebody that comes out surprisingly but as ron mentioned, nikki haley, somebody like tom cotton, the less the party breaks totally with trump. this is the needle that these people are having to read because if donald trump loses and the party decides to reject trump and his policies and their family reject trump and his policies and theirfamily —— thread, that having stood up at this convention and raised trump could be a liability for somebody like nikki haley or tom cotton if they have political ambitions in the future. particularly somebody like nikki haley who is less of a, conservative trump type
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politician. those people have to plan carefully. also, if he loses, were he to lose and the party to totally reject trump, but it may turn to one of the more establishment figures from the republican party, the sort of establishment foreign policy people and in which case, no, we haven't seen them speak because some of those people during the course of this week upset they are going to come out and vote forjoe biden instead. we followed haven't seen instead. we followed haven't seen them if they haven't been reflecting trump also policies. what does this tell us about 2024 and the future of the republican party? i think it's interesting that none of us mentioned mike pence who spoke la st mentioned mike pence who spoke last night and clearly we would love to follow donald trump as well. ——he would like to. not wanting us mentioned it and it was clear he was trying to do that last night as well in his speech. there is no end and i
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think katty's analysis is spot on. nikki haley was walking a tightrope. tom cotton is much more aggressive about it and everybody knows that. marco rubio, there is a host of republicans who want to be the next president following donald trump at some point. but i think this selection is going to determine the future of the republican party and we have seen so many republican party and we have seen so many republicans come out against donald trump in the lincoln project and so many others. i think it is going to be fascinating whether donald trump remains in the white house for four more years not and what the republican party does to try and reconstitute grapple with all things donald trump because this doesn't seem to be the republican party. this is the trump party and you have seen it all week long with his family and others speaking at this. he owns this party. the republican party as we have all noted, the three of us all theseis all noted, the three of us all these is really gone. i want to move these is really gone. i want to m ove o nto these is really gone. i want to move onto a new point to. one thing we didn't mention is that if donald trump wins in november, then we may well see
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afamily november, then we may well see a family member of his with political ambitions for the white house. yes, what hundred %.i white house. yes, what hundred %. i guess that would be what his eldest son... donald junior. or ivanka. i have got a long winded question i'm going to try and paraphrase. i was reading that the lack of crowds made is that the speakers at both conventions are actually getting through their speeches incredibly quickly because they don't have to pause for applause, they don't have to do that thing with a point to people in the audience and pretend they have seen people. things are getting through an awful lot more quickly and i wonder how you're reacting to that. do you like faster speech is? i love the quick speeches. it means that we will be able to go to bed earlier tonight i don't want to stay up much later. on a more serious note, i want to go back to something that katty is a few moments ago because where we are right now, thisjuncture because where we are right now, this juncture reminds me because where we are right now, thisjuncture reminds me so
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much of 2004. in that year, you had an extraordinarily telegenic, remarkably articulate candidate in the name of barack 0bama who introduced senator kerry as the nominee for the democrats. i think this is an addition for 2024. and the unspoken man is vice president mike pence. i think folks have looked beyond him and are looking to see who is going to have the baton, who is going to have the baton, who is going to have the baton, who is going to catch that baton and move forward as the presumptive nominee for the next cycle ? presumptive nominee for the next cycle? and that is what so many of us are looking at tonight, who does the president put up in the very prominent spots? not his daughter but be very prominent spots to really highlight what the president has done and to place his name and nomination to accept that nomination. we will leave it there for the moment. thank you all for joining there for the moment. thank you all forjoining us, for now. tens of thousands of protesters are expected to gather in washington on friday to commemorate the historic 1963 civil rights march on washington. the protest marks the 57th anniversary of martin luther
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kinng.‘s iconic "i have a dream" speech, and was organised earlier this year in response to the police killing of george floyd in may. the bbc spoke to some of those planning to attend about why it was important to them. if there is going to be any change at all in this country, the changes going to from our capital. whereat a breaking point. when does it end? when does it? that this is my streaming device. i have my tripod which i attacked to this. these are my freedom dc t—shirts. we'll be wearing those the martin washington. we may not see justice and what that looks like another generation but still fight regardless. we have been organising in new york for the past, i'd say around three months. we have been at the forefront of new york city, organising alongside other prominent groups. i think this is the most important demonstration of the year.
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going to the nation's capital and letting them know, these are demands, this is exactly what we want. showing the president and everyone else so they can hear us. this is my personal protective equipment. i have a respirator for the serious gas and smoke grenades. i propose to protect arrivals, those are important. and this to protect the important bits. we saw this movements bark all over the world, people are marching in solidarity. documenting stuff like that is one of the most important things we can do as far as making progress in these movements. and motivating change. never have so many people participated in an event in the capital and with such a feeling of hope and friendship. my feeling of hope and friendship. my grandmother, she has experienced the martin washington to an end in 1963, she talked about what life was like before schools were integrated —— march on washington. beings part of something so historical in the present day, it does feel like those people marching and fighting for so long a passing
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the metal onto us. this is the tampa bay area. st petersburg zampa. the world has to see that we are fed up. i was in the united states air force for 20 years. i fought for this country and i refuse to see it go back to the 60s. i didn't serve 20 years for our country to fall back into those times. let's go back to our coverage of the republican national convention and to our north america correspondence jane o'brien who is standing outside the west wing of the white house. in about 2.5 minutes time according to the timings which have been extremely accurate so far, we expected the president's older daughter yvonne could trump to come out and speak. -- ivanka. she has been one of the campaign's secret weapons in the past. she
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is highly sought after as a surrogates during the 2016 campaign because he very much appeals to women. she appeals to professional women. she came across as a gentler, side of the trump empire. a very cosmopolitan, international figure. she was also very striking. she still is. she looks good on the campaign trail will stop and she was successful in her own right. and i think she again she's going to be used in that way. they still have a problem with women. the polls show that women. the polls show that women voters at the moment preferjoe biden to donald trump. we have seen a number of women appeal, make direct appeals to those wavering suburban women in particular, andi suburban women in particular, and i think this is what ivanka's travel is and what she will try to do in the next few
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