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tv   BBC News  BBC News  August 29, 2020 4:00am-4:31am BST

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this is bbc news. welcome if you're watching here in the uk, on pbs in america or around the globe. i'm aaron safir. our top stories: the actor, chadwick boseman, who starred in the black panther superhero film has died of cancer at the age of a2. tens of thousands march on washington calling for racialjustice and an end to police brutality, and a message from the son of martin luther king jr. so if you're looking for a saviour, get up and find a mirror. we must become the heroes of the history we are making. british scientists are given nearly $9 million to try to find out how long immunity from coronavirus lasts.
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how a team of film makers in newjersey have opened up a drive—in theatre with an important message. hello and welcome. we start with breaking news from chadwick boseman, the african—american actor famous for playing black panther in the marvel superheroes movies, has died after a long battle with colon cancer. he was a3. mr boseman, who was diagnosed with the disease four years ago. despite his illness, chadwick boseman made several films during treatment, including black panther, set in the fictional african nation of wakanda. the film, which had a largely black cast made more than a billion dollars worldwide and won many awards including three oscars.
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we will have more on that story, later on in the programme. we will move on for now, though and bring you this story. thousands of people have taken part in a huge civil rights rally in washington, to demand racial justice and an end to police brutality. it was held in the same place and exactly 57 years after the reverend martin luther king junior made his famous ‘i have a dream' speech. it was planned as a response to the death of george floyd and comes after another police shooting of an african—american man, jacob blake. our correspondent barbara plett—usher sent this report. chanting: george floyd! in the year of 2020, this is what a march on washington looks like — drawing on the anger and the energy of months of unrest around the country, now bringing their demands to the doorstep of power, aiming to forge a national movement out of their protests. archive: the lively, heralded and, in some quarters, feared march on washington...
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they're deliberately connecting their modern—day struggle to the historic civil rights movement, the unprecedented march of 1963 that brought 250,000 people to washington with a thunderous roar, demanding jobs and freedom. nearly 60 years later, it's clear that not enough has changed. i'm 33 and this was in my parents‘ time, so it'sjust like, "ok, here we go again," so we're trying to make sure that we don't have to keep reliving this whole thing all over again. i was not born when the first march happened, but i will be part of every movement, if i need to, until i go to my grave, until we get the justice and the equality that we deserve. nojustice, no peace! the summer of discontent was fuelled by the police killing of a black man, george floyd — one name in a long list — an explosion of anger that has been building for years. 0rganisers believe this is the historical moment to push for concrete change. what is this about?
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this is about equal treatment for black americans, for them to be treated the same as white people — by the police and in other areas. that's what black lives matter is about. and who would have thought, nearly 60 years after one of the most famous civil rights rallies in us history, they'd be back here again demanding basic rights? i'm marching for george, for breonna, for ahmaud, forjacob. .. not in the same numbers — the pandemic has thinned the crowds — but everyone here can recite the grim roll call of names of those killed and injured by police violence. their family members were the headline speakers, calling this generation to action. how will the history books remember you? what will be your legacy? will your future generations remember you for your complacency, your inaction? or will they remember you for your empathy, your leadership, your passion?
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as in 1963, the march is pushing for national legislation to reform how america is policed, and to protect their voting rights — building on hard—won victories of the past. we are going to be the generation that dismantles systemic racism once and for all, now and forever! we are going to be the generation that calls a halt to police brutality and gun violence once and for all, now and forever! that this is happening in an election year added urgency to the agenda. again and again, speakers called on protesters to get out and vote. there is hope. the proof of that will come later, maybe much later — whether this is a decisive inflection point in a long struggle, or whether they'll be marching on washington with the same demands in 50 years' time. barbara plett—usher, bbc news, washington.
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well, while the march on washington is a momentous day in itself, its historical significance also comes from the mark it made on the next generation of young activists and protesters. just a few years after the march, the black panthers party was formed to protect residents from acts of police brutality and end racial injustices. i spoke with the party's co—founder bobby seale, and asked him about the first time he heard martin luther king speak. i heard that doctor martin luther king was coming to oakland, california, to speak. i went to that place, where they had 6,000 people plus in the auditorium. and doctor martin luther king spoke there. he spoke about the fact that we needed to getjobs going, connected with our civil rights movement. and was saying that said langendorf bread company and kilpatrick‘s bread company in the san francisco bay area did not hire any people of colour. he went on to say, "wonder bread company did not hire any people of colour," and he went to say, "we are going to have to boycott them so
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consistently and so profoundly that we want to make wonder bread wonder where the money went." and it excited the whole 6,000 audience, with me as one individual, no organisation or what have you, standing and being very impressed with doctor martin luther king. i want to talk about your role in the political process. because you then went into coalition with doctor king, didn't you, to pursue the same goals? that was in 1968, at the beginning. in 1968, we did a big rally at 0akland auditorium again. following that rally, doctor reverend ralph abernathy, with doctor king, called me and asked me would the black panther party be willing to work with them? they had 110 organisations scattered out across america and mainly concentrated in areas of the black communities across america. and they wanted to know.
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isaid, "yes, yes, our organisation would definitely work with you." i only have 400 members running up and down the coast of california, and at that time i did coalition with them. and of course than a month or so later they killed doctor king and i went out and even stopped the riots in richmond, california, near this area, because i don't believe in riots. i believed in organised people, organising politically, etc, to take over a more political seats so we could get fair share as equality. back then it was called the civil rights movement. now we talk about black lives matter. and we've seen today and over the last few months, protests over the deaths of so many african—americans at the hands of the authorities. when you started out back then, did you think you would still be seeing these kind of things now? did you think it would be 60 years almost, and still these kind of deaths happening? here we are, i am 80—something years of age,
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i'm very active, alive and agile. my point is, i'm happy to see the black lives movement. i love it. the passing of george, of floyd, he was murdered, etc, they are organised. it was the biggest protest movement in the history of the united states of america. numerically speaking, over 10 million people, black, white, blue, green, yellow, polka dot. but the black lives matter movement put that together to protest for 2—3 weeks, and that in itself is the basis of my concept of all power to the people who are black people who went at the forefront, profoundly since the days of slavery, after slavery, etc, struggling for constitutional and democratic, civil and human rights. and to me, i wasjust flabbergasted and loved it.
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you know... a really interesting interview there earlier on. let's get some of the day's other news. russia has dismissed the outspoken head of its national anti—doping agency, after the russian 0lympic committee accused him of presiding over financial violations. yuri ganus denies the allegations. he's previously said russian sport needed to radically clean up its act. authorities in france say the country is seeing an exponential rise in coronavirus cases, with over 7,000 new daily infections reported on friday. that's the highest number confirmed in a single day since a lockdown was lifted. in paris, masks are now compulsory in public spaces outdoors. the german hospital treating the russian opposition leader, alexei navalny, says he's showing signs of improvement. but he remains in a medically induced coma, in a serious condition. his doctors in berlin and his supporters believe that mr navalny, who collapsed last week on a flight
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in siberia, was poisoned. understanding how our immune system response to the coronavirus could be one of the key factors in understanding how we can get our lives back to normal. scientists have nearly been given $7 million to a nswer nearly been given $7 million to answer the outstanding questions about the immune response. rebecca morrell has more. 0ur bodies have become a battle ground, fighting a virus we've never seen before. and to stop covid—19‘s spread, scientists need to know, how does the immune system work? 0ur immune system has a host of weapons to attack the coronavirus. crucial neutralising antibodies block it from entering our cells. if any virus does sneak in, killer t—cells will hunt down and destroy the virus—infected cells.
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this targeted response takes about a week to start and, if it works, you get better. after that, though, the specialist cells start to disappear. but our immune system remembers the virus, so, if it comes back, it will spring into action much more quickly. the question is, though, how long this immune memory lasts. so, can you get coronavirus twice? this week, hong kong reported the world's first documented case of reinfection. the second bout of covid happened four months after the first, but it was symptom—free. when people talk about immunity, it doesn't always mean that you can't get reinfected, it means that, even if you get reinfected, you're going to control it better. i think it's scary for people to hear, "0h, immunity is lost," and that's not what that study says to me. 0ther infections may also leave behind some immune memory. t—cells from the common cold could be important when people get covid—19.
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if you've encountered a similar virus in the recent past, for example, the common cold coronaviruses, you might have some immune memory that is able to then cross—recognise covid—19. so as soon as you come in contact with the covid—19 virus, your immune memory springs straight into action, because it's had that recent education, that recent lesson from a similar virus. why is the immune response important for vaccines? because a vaccine must produce the same, or an even better immune response than an actual infection. early results are encouraging. the vaccines do appear to be protective against severe disease in all of the animal models that have been looked at for all the vaccines that are currently now moving into phase three, or phase two trials. so there is nothing surprising so far about how these
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vaccines are working. they are inducing exactly the kind of responses we would expect. there are still many mysteries about immunity. but research is moving rapidly and scientists hope to have more answers soon. rebecca morelle, bbc news. stay with us on bbc news. still to come: we'll be at a drive—in theatre in newjersey that's bringing people together amid the national unrest over police violence. he's the first african—american to win the presidential nomination of a major party, and he accepts exactly 45 years ago to the day that martin luther king declared, "i have a dream". as darkness falls tonight, an unfamiliar light will appear in the south—eastern sky — an orange glowing disc that's brighter than anything save the moon — our neighbouring planet mars. horn toots there is no doubt
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that this election is an important milestone in the birth of east timor as the world's newest nation. cheering it will take months and billions of dollars to repair what katrina achieved injust hours. three weeks is the longest the great clock has been off duty in 117 years. so it was with great satisfaction that clockmakerjohn vernon swung the pendulum to set the clock going again. big ben bongs this is bbc world news. the latest headlines: the actor chadwick boseman, who starred in the black panther marvel film, has died of cancer at the age of a2. thousands of protesters have gathered in washington dc to protest for justice and racial equality. the demonstration was called on the anniversary of the civil rights march on washington in 1963.
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let's get more on the death of chadwick boseman. joining us live from los angeles is entertainment reporter kj matthews. thank you forjoining us. let's talk about this terribly sad news. a young man and it seems, even though he had been fighting cancer for a number of yea rs, fighting cancer for a number of years, he was working around it? he really was. you know, so many people are just in shock right now and they did not know that chadwick boseman had colon cancer. he was diagnosed with that in 2016 and so four years later he died, he advanced relatively quickly, at what people don't understand is that during those years, he made about five movies, including black panther, and really we thought we would see him reprise his role in black panther the sequel of course is being developed right now so many, being developed right now so any being developed right now so many, many people are shocked. even, ijust think
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many, many people are shocked. even, i just think earlier this month he was tweeting his support for vice president kamala harris and warning hollywood they needed to take black lives matter more seriously and really increase diversity in hollywood so he was still very much an activist. even up until the day that he passed away, probably knowing that his days on this earth were numbered. you mentioned black panther and of course that is perhaps the work he is going to be best remembered for. it was a hugely successful movie at the box office, brought in millions and millions of dollars, a number of awards. but culturally it was just a massive of awards. but culturally it wasjust a massive moment, wasn't it? it was a massive moment but you have to remember before he took that role, remember he had already played thurgood marshall, a bio pic about the first african—american male on the us supreme court here in the united states. he also played another bio pic called 42 about the life and death of jackie
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robinson, jackie robinson as you probably already know was the first black man to join the major league baseball association so we were not so —— surprised to see him take on such a challenging role and to it so well in black panther, it was leading up to that. we always, always tries his roles very carefully. and i can remember the last time i saw him 2013 when i went for cnn. i was on the red carpet covering 42 and he was serious then, one of few actors in his 30s that really gave a lot of thought into the roles that he would play and i didn't see a lot of that in hollywood so i took notice. and a huge amount of reaction now from other styles in hollywood, reacting to his death. yeah, so many people, you knowjosh death. yeah, so many people, you know josh dad death. yeah, so many people, you knowjosh dad went on instagram live and just wanted to send his condolences to his family and of course so many people like spike lee, everybody pouring in that it worked with him ——josh gadd. he went with so many acclaimed
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people, even on saturday night live a few years ago after his huge success with black panther so he touched so many lives in hollywood and i am sure overnight you will see more and more celebrities pouring in with their times that they met chadwick and talking about how strong he was and remember, he never discussed that he had colon cancer and we really did not know it, he did not champion for people who are suffering from colon cancer and he didn't talk about it and he was filming television and moving —— movies in between chemotherapies he is such a brave soul and he will be sorely missed. we talked a bit about his movie career but before that, he did a lot of television work as well, didn't he? yeah, you know people think that he had not done a lot but he actually had done a lot, he did television even before he came to the big screen, he did cold case and cs1 came to the big screen, he did cold case and csi new york, third watch, had a lot of guest starring roles in smaller roles
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in television before he was able to leap over into the big screen so yes, able to leap over into the big screen so yes, he has an illustrious career. kj matthews, thank you so much for your insight on this and for joining us here on bbc news. thank you so much. hurricane laura has killed at least six people in louisiana. the governor said the storm had caused tremendous damage but that it was not as bad as originally feared. in neighbouring texas, the governor said the state had dodged a bullet. it is clean time after laura. this is mike's third hurry came and he will need a new roof and floor where the tree has hit but his house was spared the worst of the damage. having three in 15
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yea rs the damage. having three in 15 years to me is kind of depressing, not a global warming kind of guy but it kind of makes you think, kind of makes you think. the streets are littered with debris and shattered glass. entire roofs caved in and many standing structures have damage. this cafe is emblematic of what nick feels like long after hurricane laura is gone, frozen in time. the mayor has said the city right now looks like something out of a bad science fiction film. rebuilding will take time. neighbourhood after neighbourhood is like this. rob is leading a team of volunteers. maybe they are missing shingles like this home and we can come in and clear the trees out of the way and clear the roads of the debris, we're actually working with the national guard to do that. we join him on a drive as he helps residents of his home town piece their lives back together. hey, guys, what can i do for you? i have some guys
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that have run out of gas. they are stranded here. we have been sleeping in the car. we haven't eaten today. charles is a great town and there is damage like this just throughout the entire city. the storm is long gone and people are free to come back to the city but there is not much to return to. it is resilient and they will reconstruct until the next hurricane. now, a trip to the movies is a summer rite of passage for many people in america and this season, it feels more important than ever. amid the national unrest over police violence, a team of film makers in newjersey opened up a drive—in theatre, showing mostly movies by black film—makers. tom brook reports. the newark moonlight pop—up drive—in opened in july, operated by film—maker ayanna stafford—morris and her husband, siree morris. business is booming. it's being described as the happening weekend
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spot in newark. the response has been phenomenal. it's been an overwhelming success. everybody who comes here, we know whether or not they like it if they honk at the end. at the end of the film, when they leave, they give us a large honk, then we know we did well. i asked you nice! now, i need y'all to get off my property! 0n the night we visited the drive—in, it was showing the critically acclaimed horror film us from black film—maker jordan peele. typically, drive—ins enjoying a renaissance in america right now as a result of the pandemic, showing films featuring white protagonists. the newark moonlight cinema is offering audiences something distinctly different — movies highlighting the works of african—american film—makers. you know, during the pandemic, we've seen racial tension really bubble in this country and it was kind of depressing to see the constant news cycle of people being hurt — black people being hurt by police officers — so i wanted to be able to create an opportunity for black people to see themselves in a positive light
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and have a more positive imagery of themselves. among the movie—goers at the drive—in was malikjones. we need something to just culturally focus on us, so the time is now. in a time when, you know, we're having the black lives matter thing going on, where we need to see us in a good light versus us being victimized and anything, so i think we should start seeing the entertainment side. you know, like, "hey, y'all. come on out. enjoy some black films by black people, for us, by us, from us." you understand what i'm saying? what's happening at the newark moonlight cinema here —— among the white americans who came with kirsten, she values black films at this time in america. i think that for so long the dominant culture has been white culture that honestly, i think it is good that there are other voices getting the chance to be, you know, potentially the dominant culture or have you know a myriad of cultures rather than just one monoculture. what is
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happening at the moonlight cinema here in newjersey is pa rt cinema here in newjersey is part of a growing trend in the us of african—americans gaining control of the narrative. making sure their stories get told and seen on their terms, and it's definitely catering to a growing thirst for black content. absolutely. black content is american content. and, based on our numbers and the diverse crowd we have seen, we have seen that there is a big support for that. seeing the death of george floyd, that gave us more inspiration to try and create something that everybody can have a good time and enjoy themselves with. and that is perhaps what is most powerful with this pop—up drive—in — the sheer, unadulterated joy it is bringing to the city of newark in the midst of one of the most miserable summers in american history. tom brook, bbc news, newark, newjersey. don't forget, there's lots more on all the stories we're covering on our website.
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including the breaking news of the death of chadwick boseman. that's, or you can download the bbc news app for your tablet or smartphone. thank you for watching. hello there. you could see the rain coming on friday, but it was very difficult to get out of the way. this weekend, though, the weather is set to change. for a start, it's going to be a much drier weekend. however, it's not going to be very warm at all. some particularly cold nights and we're going to start with some strong winds as well. a northerly wind as our area of low pressure takes most of the rain away towards the south—east and gets pushed away slowly by that high pressure coming in from the west. by the time we get to the morning, there still could be a few showers down the eastern side of england, and there's the threat of cloud coming back in off the north sea to bring some rain in during the afternoon. elsewhere, some spells of sunshine. there will be a few showers, notably across northern parts of scotland. there will be a northerly wind as well.
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it's always going to be stronger where we're more likely to have that rain. could be gusting 50 mph or so. it will make it feel cold, of course. temperatures typically 13 to 17 degrees, a touch warmer than that, maybe, towards the south of wales and the south—west of england. many places will turn dry during the evening. that wetter weather gets pushed into the east midlands towards the south—east of england and east anglia. that'll keep the temperatures up here but elsewhere, with clear skies, lighter winds, we could see temperatures even as low as two or three degrees in some rural areas, so a chilly start to sunday. by this stage, the winds won't be as strong. there'll be some cloud across east anglia and the south—east. any early showers should move away, keep the odd shower coming into the north—west of scotland, even one or two for northern ireland. 0therwise, some sunshine at times, more cloud around during the afternoon. those temperatures not changing much but it won't feel as cold as it's not going to be as windy. that's because that area of high pressure is pushing across the country. eventually, it'll be followed by this weather front to bring some rain into northern ireland.
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that's a very slow process. for the late summer bank holiday last year, it was the hottest ever — temperatures reached 33 degrees in the sunshine. this time around, it could be the coldest bank holiday monday ever, with 18 the expected high in london. again, the winds will be light. they're starting to turn to more of a southerly direction. sunny start, cold start, but more cloud filling in through the day. probably dryjust about everywhere. some rain into northern ireland later on in the day but those temperatures again struggling, typically only 16 or 17.
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this is bbc news, the headlines: the actor chadwick boseman, who starred in the black panther superhero film, has died of colon cancer at the age of a2. a statement on his twitter account called him a true fighter. he died at home with his family by his side. thousands of protesters have gathered in washington dc to protest for justice and racial equality. the demonstration was called on the anniversary of the civil rights march on washington in 1963, when martin luther king delivered his famous "i have a dream" speech. british scientists have been given nearly $9 million to try to find out how long immunity from coronavirus lasts. they believe that understanding how our immune systems respond to the coronavirus could be one of the key factors in getting life back to normal.
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0rganisers of illegal raves and music events can be fined


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