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tv   The Travel Show  BBC News  September 5, 2020 10:30am-11:02am BST

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hello, this is bbc news. the headlines. government departments in england are told to get civil servants back into offices as quickly as possible following the coronavirus lockdown — but unions describe the government's attitude as outdated. several more areas of england — including leeds and middlesbrough — have been added to the government's watchlist of places with high rates of coronavirus — they'll be closely monitored, and restrictions may be re—imposed. president trump declines to condemn russia over the poisoning of the opposition leader alexei navalny — who's in a coma in a german hospital. experts there say they have evidence he was attacked with a soviet—era nerve agent. it is interesting that everybody is a lwa ys it is interesting that everybody is always mentioning russia. i think probably china at this point as a nation that you should be talking about more than russia. india confirms more than four million cases of coronavirus —
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making it the third country in the world to surpass that mark, following the united states and brazil. argentina's lionel messi agrees to stay at barcelona football club — ten days after insisting he wanted to leave — admitting it's impossible for any club to meet his 700 euro million buyout clause. now on bbc news. the travel show‘s in scotland amid concerns that the travel slump might mean trouble for some of its historic buildings. this week on the travel show, castles in lockdown. he is walking like a man who's walked a very long time. one of new york's messiest sandwiches. you can expect flavour, you can expect the food will be made with love, and you can expect a little sass, because that's me. social distancing lessons
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from medieval italy. and the ups and downs of scotland's wild camping surge. this week, i'm in scotland, a country famous for its hundreds of incredible castles. it's only the second time i've been here, but it's a place that is close to my heart. i'm canadian, and my name is mike corey, but my middle name is mcleod, and that's a scottish name, and that's what's brought us here today. i'm beginning my journey in skye, scotland's second—largest island.
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this is dunvegan castle, the oldest inhabited castle in the country and, for the past 800 years, the ancestral home of the mcleod clan. hugh. nice to meet you, mike. excited to be here. welcome to dunvegan castle. we are closed due to covid, so no problem with the mask, keep your distance. would you like to come inside? fantastic. my middle name is mc—leod, not mac—leod. they cut the a at some point. there's are many different spellings of macleod but, basically, welcome home, because but this is where it all started. we've been holding fast. that's the bull, which is the hat the family motto. we've been going through clan battles, famine, and hopefully we are going to manage to kind of survive the covid—19 pandemic as well. i think you will. even by historical standards, dunvegan has faced a difficult year. it has remained closed to visitors since the coronavirus
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lockdown began in march. we've managed now to open just the gardens and the gift shop in the car park, but it's very much a partial reopening, so the castle is still closed. we might trial opening for guided tours of no more than 25 people, but the mechanics of putting that in place is quite difficult, and actually the economics, it's not that viable, really, from a business point of view. the loss of revenue has impacted ongoing restoration work. so, mike, welcome to the fairy tower, which is slightly less plush interior than the ones you've just visited downstairs. and still under repair? yes, we've only managed to restore half the castle so far in the last 10 or 11 years, that's the areas open to the public. this is the kind of reality behind the scenes. in the uk, privately owned heritage has a
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1.4 billion backlog of repairs, 58 million of that is in scotland, and in the dunvegan context in the estate, i think we've got 2.5 million of outstanding repairs, some of which are urgent, some of which aren't, but, unfortunately, the pandemic is going to torpedo our restoration budgets. and if you can't get that money, what consequences does it have for dunvegan? well, in an exposed, unforgiving climate like skye‘s, obviously there is going to be more repairs in a place like this, but some of the more importantjobs, if we don't have the money, we don't have the money — sadly, they can't proceed. and dunvegan is far from the only place yet to fully reopen. the national trust of scotland manages 80 visited properties, almost 90% of which are now open again in some shape or form. but you won't be able to see inside some of their most famous historic
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buildings until 2021 including culzean castle in ayrshire. each one is unique, so they have a very different layout, so burns cottage in alloway is a simple li—room cottage with one way in and one way out, so that's much easier to manage, so things like that have been really important to think about how visitors access and enjoy these spaces. despite a fundraising drive over the summer, the trust faces a £30 million shortfall. they've recently announced 200 job losses, a grim set of circumstances that's spurred one trust worker to mount his own charity event. i'm here on the grounds of haddo house in aberdeenshire where there is an excited group of people, even though the building is still closed. we're here to greet edoardo bedin, a local historian and archaeologist who works here.
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edoardo‘s been walking for, give or take, 500 miles across the entirety of the country and, in a few minutes, he will be rounding this corner behind us. this is edoardo and this is the goodbye team party. this is crathes castle, day one of our adventure. we will see in 26 days where we're going to be. eduardo stopped off at nearly two dozen historical properties on his route. his goal was to raise money for the trust's save our scotland campaign, and highlight the uncertain situation of heritage workers like himself. and there he is with a smile on his face. eduardo, he's walking like a man who's walked a very long time. and people are applauding. bagpipes skirl scotland the brave
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plays intense? it is. i was crying, but you couldn't see it. and i love scotland, and i love uk so much, and i was dreaming to have a bagpiper to welcome me back at haddo, and when he was playing scotland the brave, i just felt back home, and i was proud to be part of this country and part of this organisation. coronavirus has had a major impact on scotland's heritage properties, affecting their upkeep and the people who look after them, but edoardo is optimistic. these are centres of these communities. these buildings were here before the national trust existed, and they will be here after the national trust may be gone one day and wejust keep hoping for better days to come, and they will come back, good days, it's just
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a matter of time. everyone here is still congratulating edoardo and aberdeenshire, but us, we're off to tuscany in italy where the coronavirus lockdown has caused a revival of an odd mediaeval practice, one that had social distancing nailed centuries before we even coined the term. ‘babae‘ is from ancient latin and it means, like, ‘wow‘, ‘magnificent‘, a very beautiful restaurant so we like the word babae. we decided to start this restaurant in 2018, injune, and we are two friends, and this was a new experience for
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us. we found it inside the restaurant, so we decide not to open the restaurant butjust the buchette del vino. we start with selling wine and then cocktail. not only wine, but food as well.
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so we decided to do pizza, because we are very good with the schiacciata, focaccia and pizza. when we started with the with first order in the pizza, we arrive here and we saw the buchetta is too little for pizza, so we could not use the buchetta. so that was fine.
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it explodes in, like, in one month, and people come and they call us and say, "the buchetta is open, when can we come, "we can eat, we can drink, what we can do?" maybe the lockdown and the post—lockdown is important for the local people to know about the story, the history of florence, the buchette, and give some happiness to the local people. those were the wine windows of tuscany. but don't go anywhere, we've got some great stuff coming up. how black lives matter is changing the fortunes of some new york restaurants. if i don't get you with the first bite, i might as well pack this whole thing up. and how to camp in the wild without annoying the locals. so this spot here is not near any roads,
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not near any buildings, it's not on farmland — it's just me, my tent and this, and that's how i like it. so don't go away. next, it's been a summer of unrest in the united states. the black lives matter protests which started in wisconsin have spread across the nation, and also spread across the entire world. it's meant issues like social injustice and economic inequality have been at the forefront of our minds, and for some black—run restaurants in america, it's meant an unexpected surge in business. new york, one of the most diverse cities in the world, and one place where the black lives matter movement has really left its mark. so the huge yellow letters that are right behind me, they're one of seven murals that are painted throughout the city, and it's trulyjust a symbol of how strongly people feel about the movement. those protests were sparked in may following the death of george floyd in police custody
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in minneapolis. anti—racism demonstrators took to the street in cities across the united states, and then in several other countries around the world. but aside from just the protests, consumers are also showing their support with their wallets, with black—run restaurants having an uptick in demand. in fact, the national black chamber of commerce says three—quarters of the businesses it spoke to noticed a boost in sales following the protests. businesses like sylvia's restaurant, famous for its soul food. we're talking short ribs, greens and potato salad. it was founded nearly 60 years ago by this woman, sylvia woods, and is now run by her children and grandchildren. one thing i can say about our staff family, they have been very affected by what's going on, and we're sensitive to that, because we're affected as a family and a business. business has been moving ever since the protests, but it really peaked
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onjuneteenth, the holiday that celebrates the official end of slavery in the us. juneteenth was one of our biggest sales day. that weekend, um, was incredible. we were busy, busy, busy. and that sentiment has been echoed by other black—owned businesses in the community. this is my first time back in a few months and it is just completely different. you know, like, places i would go and eat after work or grab brunch on the weekend — it isjust... the economy has crumbled. and when you are talking about black—owned businesses, especially, they've always faced uphill battles. i see a lot of people uniting, a lot more people wanting to support black—owned businesses and not just african—americans. sylvia's is not the only black—owned restaurant
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that's seen an uptick in demand since this summer's protests, and that is partly because of an app that was developed right here, in brooklyn. anthony and his wife, janique, met in 2016. as a new couple, new to brooklyn, anthony said he found it hard to find a restaurant that was black—owned. there was a need for it so that was really like our real inspiration and we wanted to support people of colour, especially in brooklyn, in gentrified areas. so it is really hard to find these businesses and we are just another tool that helps fulfil that need. eat0kra has seen record number of downloads in recent months. but other lists and directories of black—owned restaurants have also been making waves in cities across the us, as well as in foodie destinations, like london and paris. people have started paying attention to what was really happening in the black community. so i think it is time to check this app out for myself and, with a little help from anthony, iam heading back to harlem where i'm hoping to try some of new york's famous street food.
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enjoy! 0k, thank you so much. isn't this crisp? i am all about this deep fried shrimp, oh, boy. the aioli makes it a little messy, but it is well—worth the indignity. you can expect flavour. you can expect that the food will be made with the love. and you can expect a little sass because that's me. and i often tell people that, if i do not get you with the first bite, i might as well pack this all thing up, and just take my ass home. tami has been running herfood truck for over four years and is well—known by her community. they call her the seafood lady — for obvious reasons. black lives matter has always been an issue for me. i've been protesting my whole life. ain't nothin‘ new. the only thing new is that we have a lot of young people and non—black people whom are supporting this movement. the harlem community and throughout the boroughs, they support harlem seafood soul. they know that i'm bringing
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love through that window, and they show me love whether i'm in brooklyn, whether i'm in the bronx, queens — it doesn't matter. and especially here in harlem, you know, this is my community. we just want this community that i love to know that i care, i see you, i'm in this with you. and to end this week, we return to the isle of skye, home to some of scotland's most spectacular scenery, and where i am setting up camp for the night. i really think this is what camping should be. we walked about 30 minutes from the road, hopped over some rocks, and here we are, by ourselves, right now. the laws around camping in scotland are much more relaxed than the rest of the uk. you can pitch your tent in most parts of the countryside with a few key rules and exceptions. this summer, as the country emerged from lockdown,
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residents reported a big increase in the number of people coming here to camp. but that has caused problems. so this is torrin pools. it is where the water runs down from the red cuillin, and lots of people come here to camp. there's a distinction to be made between the responsible wild campers and what have now been termed the "dirty campers". i spoke to the crofters the day before yesterday, who have their animals in this area, and they said that they are seeing their working dogs rolling in human faeces. litter, fires that have been lit and then the ground is left scorched. just terrible that people feel that they can behave in that manner in a public place. and it is an issue affecting communities all over the country, with beauty spots blighted by abandoned tents, burnt—out barbecues, and waste. even the queen has been affected.
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rangers at her balmoral estate posted these pictures on twitter. some people are obviously desperate. they have come out of lockdown, they have been confined for months and they feel the need just to let go, and come and enjoy perhaps a wild area, but they do not know how to treat it. other people just feel entitled. over the summer, the charity, keep scotland beautiful, have run a campaign aimed at reducing lockdown litter. let me play devil's advocate for a second. i have a little candy wrap in my pocket. i throw it over my shoulder. it is a small piece of trash. is it really that a big of a deal? yeah, sure and no—one is looking, mike, as well. why do we all make such a big fuss about it? well, it's just really interesting, i was driving here today, i actually saw a cow who was eating a plastic bag. now, we do not need to be animal experts to know that animals eating plastic is not a good idea. the other really important thing to remember, particularly if you're inland, is that fundamentally those little bits of plastic will always
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make their way into the water course and that water course always ends up in the sea. so then how do you be a wild camper and not a dirty camper? there is fantastic information out there. at, who fundamentally look after the scottish outdoor access code — amazing amount of information. it is such an important part of when you go wild camping, how to behave in the outdoors. tonight, i am going to follow three golden rules laid out in the outdoor access code. number one, camp in an appropriate area. i picked this spot specifically for the view, obviously, but also because this spot here is not near any roads, not near any buildings, it's not on farmland. it is just me, my tent and this — and that is how i like it. another risk campers face out here is starting a wildfire, something i definitely do not want to do. so i have my camping stove here — much safer than an open fire, and i've got a hopefully delicious meal. as the light dims and the temperature dips, the crew leave me alone for the night.
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and there goes the rest of the team. i've got to say, i'm a little bit nervous but i'm also excited. this is why i travel and this is why i love camping, these intimate moments with mother earth. if you can hear the rain, it has been going on and off all night long. i thought i heard something earlier. i am not sure but there was a scuffle in the bushes that was suspicious but, whatever it was, if there was anything, it is now long gone. good morning. i slept so well last night.
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i could spend all day here but we've got to keep going. next is the most important part of this whole experience which is coffee — no. it's making sure we do not leave a trace. so i'm going to find my tent pegs that have been lost in the bog as well as make sure i pick up all my pieces of trash. before we do all that, i've got an important business meeting to attend to over in the bushes, if you know what i mean, so excuse me. well, that is all for this week but coming up next week... we'll be taking a look at some of our favourite adventures in turkey, including the time i went there to visit an underwater dive site with a difference. laughter. it is definitely beautiful out here but do you know what else is quite beautiful, a hot shower. so before we get going, make sure to follow us on social media. we're at bbctravel
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basically everywhere. and from me, mike corey, and the rest of the travel show team, here in the beautiful scottish islands, it is goodbye. i cooler and fresher feel to the weather compared to what we have seen recently. high pressure at the moment pushing in from the south—west. low pressure from the north—east. the bulk of these showers are being pushed across scotla nd showers are being pushed across scotland and northern ireland,
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north—west england into north wales. blustery winds, 55 mph across the north of scotland. further south, longer spells of sunshine through the day. temperatures 14—19 c. winds easing through the weekend. persistent rain for a time this evening. 0vernight cloud drifts eastwards and patch eat light rain moves eastwards and patch eat light rain m oves a cross eastwards and patch eat light rain moves across much of the uk. clear spells in south—east england. throughout the day tomorrow we have this feature that will pick up those showers moving south—east across england and wales. that this will be will have the bulk of the showers tomorrow. scotland and northern ireland see a drier day. not a bad day. cloud breaking up to allow some sunshine. temperatures 14—20 c.
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a touch warmer tomorrow than today. into mandate, a deep area of low pressure. trailing weather fronts likely to bring wet and windy weather into scotland and northern ireland. as those fronts drift across england and wales, there will be patchy showers. england and east anglia staying dry. temperatures 15-20 c anglia staying dry. temperatures 15—20 c on monday. further into the new working week, south—westerly winds, warmerair new working week, south—westerly winds, warmer air will come in for a time, particularly holding on in the south until midweek. temperatures into that low to mid 20s in the south, and then turning more autumnal by the end of the week.
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this is bbc news with the latest headlines for viewers in the uk and around the world. government departments in england are told to get civil servants back into offices as quickly as possible following the coronavirus lockdown — but unions describe the government's attitude as "outdated". several more areas of england,
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including leeds and middlesbrough, have been added to the government's watchlist of places with high rates of coronavirus — they'll be closely monitored, and restrictions may be re—imposed. president trump declines to condemn russia over the poisoning of the opposition leader alexei navalny, who's in a coma in a german hospital. experts there say they have evidence he was attacked with a soviet—era nerve agent. it is interesting that everybody is a lwa ys it is interesting that everybody is always mentioning russia and i don't mind you mentioning russia but i think china at this point is the nation that you should be talking about much more so than russia. india confirms more than four million cases of coronavirus, making it the third country in the world to surpass that mark, following the united states and brazil. argentina's lionel messi agrees to stay at barcelona football club ten days after insisting he wanted to leave, admitting it's impossible for any club to meet his 700 million euro buyout clause.


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